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Section A

This question paper consists of 20 questions. Answer all questions. Every question is followed by four
options A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer.

1. What scientific process uses all our five senses?

A Classifying
B Observing
C Reasoning
D Communicating

2. What scientific process use to grouping objects or events in order based on one common criteria?
A Classifying
B Observing
C Reasoning
D Communicating

3. Why do human need to breathe?

A to eat
B to play
C to stay alive
D to be active

4. The air human breathe in contain more ?

A Nitrogen
B Carbon Monoxide
C Halogen
D Oxygen

5.What called breathe in

A breathing
B breath
C inhale
D exhale

6. What called breathe out

A breathing
B breathe
C inhale
D exhale

7.Diagram 1 shows the human breathing organ

Diagram 1
What is P?

A Nose
B Trachea
C Lungs
D Gills

8. The air human breathe out contain more ?

A Nitrogen
B Carbon Monoxide
C Carbon dioxide
D Oxygen

9. The number of chest movement is called?

A Breathing
B Excretion
C Rate of breathing
D Exercise

10. During inhale what will happen to the chest ?

A moves outwards
B moves upwards
C moves downwards
D moves outwards and upwards

11. Which activity make our chest movement faster ?

A Sleeping
B Resting
C Walking
D Running

12. Which activity make our chest movement faster ?

A Sleeping
B Resting
C Walking
D Running

13. What is the passage of inhale processes

A nose trachea Lungs
B Trachea lungs nose
C Lungs nose trachea
D Lungs Trachea nose

14. What is the passage of exhale processes

A nose trachea Lungs

B Trachea lungs nose
C Lungs nose trachea
D Lungs Trachea nose

15. Diagram 2 shows a part of the human body.

Diagram 2
What is the waste product excreted through P?

I Urea

II Water vapour

III Mineral salt

IV Carbon dioxide

A I and II C II and IV

B II and III D III and IV

16.What is the meaning of excretion?

A The removal of urine from the body.

B The removal of faeces from the body.

C The removal of carbon dioxide from the body.

DThe removal of waste products from the body.

17.What is the meaning of defecation?

A The removal of urine from the body.

B The removal of faeces from the body.

C The removal of carbon dioxide from the body.

DThe removal of waste products from the body.

18.Why do human excrete and defecate ?

A To maintain healthy body

B To stay happy

C To stay active

D To stay breathing

19. What is humans excretory organs?

I heart

II Skin

III lung

IV kidney





20. What excretory materials from kidney?

A urine

B Carbon dioxide and water vapour

C urea

D Mineral salt
21. What excretory materials from kidney?

A urine

B faeces

C sweat

D carbon dioxide

22. What do human respond to stimuli?

A To stay alive

B To live happily

C To protect them from danger

D To breathe

23. How many sensory organ do human has?

A Three

B Four

C Five

D Six

24. Which sensory organ respond to sound?

A Nose

B Ears

C Tongue

D Eye

25. Which sensory organ respond to heat?

A Nose

B Ears

C Skin

D Eye
26. Which stimuli respond to eye?

A Smell

B Noise

C Light

D Noise

27. Which stimuli respond to Tongue?

A Smell

B Noise

C Taste

D Noise

28. Which sensory organ involve to respond to heat ,cold, dry and wet?

A Eye

B Nose

C Skin

D Ears

29. Diagram 3 shows a boy pulling his hand away quickly when he accidentally touches the hot kettle.

Diagram 3
This action shows that

A humans can breathe.

B humans can reproduce.

C humans can move freely.

D humans respond to stimuli.

30. Why do offspring inherit?

A To look bigger

B To look like their parents

C To look happier

D To look healthy

31. Give one example of features inherit by human ?

A Excrete

B stay healthy

C To protect from danger

D Skin colour

32. How do human inherit their parents features?

A By breathing

B By drawing

C By excrete

D By giving birth to offspring and genetics

33. What can bad habits do to humans?

A Make them stay happy

B Causes irritation

C Harmful life process

D Give energy

34. Which of following is a bad habit of humans?

A Drinking a lot of water

B Taking a variety of food

C Taking drugs

D Exercising regularly

35. Which of following is a bad habit of humans?

A Drinking a lot of water

B Taking a variety of food

C Taking drugs

D Exercising regularly

36.Diagram 3 shows some actions done by humans.

Diagram 3
Which of the actions are bad habits?

A P and Q C P and S
B Q and S D R and S

37. Taking drugs and alcohol can make a person?

A Make aa person active

B Make a person lazy

C Delayed a person reaction to stimuli

D Reduce a person energy

38. What bad habits can causes lung cancer?

A Taking drugs

B Drinking soft drink

C Smoking

D Hiding in house

39. What substance does cigarette contains?

A Nicotine
B Tar

C oxygen

D Tar and nicotine

40. Drugs and alcohol can upset the stability of a driver ,what it causes?

A Accident

B Asthma

C Heart attact

D stomach upset

Nama: __________________ Tahun:__________________














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4. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 9 mukasurat bercetak.

1. State your observation on the rose flower below picture..

a) What is the colour of rose flower?


b) What can you find on the stems ?


c) What will happen to the rose plant if not watered for one week?


( 3 marks)

2. Look at the diagram 1 below and answer the questions below

a) Which glass will feel hot when touch ?

1. Hot : _______________

2. Cold :_________________

b) What sensory organ we use to do the observation above?

(3 marks )

3. Diagram 2 below shows a human life process.

Picture A Picture B

a) What the person doing in picture A ?


b) What the person doing in picture B?


c) During the inhaling process, the air contains …


d) During the exhalation process the air contains…


( 4 marks)

4. Diagram 1 shows a human breathing organ.

Diagram 1
(a) Name the parts labelled
P : _____________________________________
Q : _____________________________________
R : _____________________________________
[3 marks]
(b) Briefly describe what will happen to chest during the process ;

(i) inhalation : __________________________

(ii) exhalation : __________________________

[2 marks]
c) state the organ involve during inhalation

_____________ ________________ _________________

d) state the organ involve during exhalation

_____________ ________________ _________________

[2 marks]

5. Diagram 3 below shows humans excretory organs.

a) Label the above diagram correctly.

b) State the waste products excreted by the organ labelled ;

i) P : ________________________________________

ii) Q: _________________________________________

iii) R:_________________________________________

iv) What will happen if human do not excrete or defecate?

6.Identify the sensory organ for each situation

a) Respond to light : __________________________

b) Respond to smell : __________________________

c) Respond to noise : __________________________

d) Respond to sound : __________________________

e) Respond to heat and cold : ______________________

f) Why do human need to respond to stimuli ?


[6 marks]

7. The following are some bad habits of human

Diagram 2
a) Name the bad habit

P : _____________________________________
Q : _____________________________________
R: _____________________________________
[3 marks]
b) State the bad effect of the t the bad habits in:
P : __________________________

R __________________________
[2 marks]

8) The table below shows Sharmilah’s chest movement during some activities.
Activity Resting Walking Running
Number of
Chest movement 25 34 40

a) What is the aim of the investigation?

b) Give a reason for sharmilah’s chest movement during running.

c) State:
i) What is change : ____________________________________
ii) What is observe : ___________________________________
iii) What is kept the same : _______________________________
d) What is the chest movement ?
e) Which activity need more energy?

f) What can you observe about chest movement before and after the activities ?
[ 8 marks]

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__________________________ _______________________
(Pn.Mageswari) (En.Mohd Amran Bin Mohd Said)
Guru Matapelajaran Ketua Panitia Sains

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4. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 6 mukasurat bercetak.


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