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Other Books by James R. Sherman

How to Overcome a Bad Back


Get Set . . . GO!

Middle Age Is Not A Disease

Escape to the Gunflint

In the DO IT! Series

Patience Pays Off!

No More Mistakes
Plan For Success

Farewell to Fear

Be A Winner


Second Edition, February, 1988
Copyright © 1988 James R. Sherman

First Edition, January, 1981

Copyright © 1981 James R. Sherman
All Rights Reserved

Library of Congress Catalog Number


International Standard Book Number


Second Edition, Fourth Printing

First Edition, Twelve Printings

Pathway Books
700 Parkview Terrace
Golden Valley, Minnesota 55416
(612) 377-1521
To: Roger and Phyllis



A Definition 2
The Nature of the Beast 3

The Consequences 3

A Method 4
What's Ahead 5


Confusion 9
Analytical Ability 9
Priorities 10
Forgetfulness 10
Responsibility 1

Risk 1

Escape 12
Anxiety 13
Depression 13
Obsessive/Compulsive Behavior 14
Dependence on Others 15
Manipulation of Others 15
External Pressures 16
Monotony 16
Boredom 17
Fatigue 17
Physical Disabilities 18
Coming Up 18


Be Happy 23
Know Yourself 24
Conquer Your Fears 25
Exercise Your Mind 26
Stimulate Your Senses 26
Boost Your Ego 27
Reward Yourself 28
Change Your Habits 28
Analyze 29
Study Your Tasks 31
Subdivide 31
Organize and Plan 32
Set Priorities 33
Be Decisive 34
Make a Commitment 35
Launch a Leading Task 35
Visualize Completion 36
Appreciate Time 37
Delegate 38
Be Impartial 39
Regulate Your Environment 39
Seek Diversions 40


Here and Now 41

Long Term 42



Here's a book I've wanted to write for a long time. But I just never

got around to it.

I've probably procrastinated as much as anybody. And like many

other people, I've let a lot of living go by unattended.
But there were times when I really hustled to get things done. Then
I learned how to avoid postponements and delays. remembered And I

what I'd learned. So each time I faced another important task I knew what
I had to do to get it done.
My first try for a college degree ended in failure. I went back later

with a wife and three sons and kept going until I had my bachelor's,

master's, and Ph.D. To get my doctorate, I did all my course work, con-
ducted research, wrote my dissertation, served several internships, com-
pleted all my exams, and commuted over 40,000 miles -all in six con-

secutive quarters.
Then my wife and I each had three disabling back operations during
a five-year period. I hurt all the time and could hardly do anything. But
I didn't want to stay that way. So I lost weight, started exercising, and got
rid of all my pain and muscle-relaxing pills. Now I play racquetball and
golf and am completely free of pain.
In 1979, 1 quit a well-paying job as consultant to colleges and univer-
sities and started a self-publishing firm. Since then, I have written and
published nine books. This is an updated and improved edition of my sec-
ond book, which is now a national bestseller.
Through all this I discovered how to stop procrastinating. And I found
that it's pretty easy to do. There's nothing new involved. You just apply


what's already known. The secret is to understand what you're doing, de-
cide you want to do something better, and get on with it.

I've combined my experiences with some extensive research, and I've

come up with a simple, straightforward method for overcoming procrasti-
nation. It has worked for me. I know itwill work for you. Just read this

book, do what it says, refer to it as needed, and you'll stop procrastinating.

Then tell me about your success. I'd enjoy hearing from you.

James R. Sherman, Ph.D.



Congratulations! When you picked up this book, you took your first

step toward breaking the procrastination habit. Keep going. You could
end up making some significant changes in your life.
You're off to a good start, but you have to keep your momentum going
by discovering some background information about yourself and this

good-for-nothing habit you're trying to get rid of.

You're probably one of several million well-intentioned people who
tends to postpone or delay some of the important things you know you
should be doing. That doesn't mean you'll lose all your hair or develop a
terminal case of toejam. But it does mean that you've been shortchanging
yourself out of some of the better things in life.
Like most procrastinators, you know who and what you are, but you
want something better. You probably are — or are striving to become —
successful executive, a topnotch college student, a first-class homemaker,
or the very best of whatever you want to be. But you're frustrated, because
you're unable to do everything you want to do. You postpone things you
should be doing and that bothers you.
You already know procrastination is a lousy habit that can affect you
mentally and physically by causing stress, tension, anxiety, and fatigue.
You also know it can keep you from reaching the goals and objectives
you've set for yourself. It can stifle your personal growth and keep you
from getting rewards that should be yours. And worst of all, it can keep
you from living a happy, healthy, and prosperous life.

Procrastination is not a difficult habit to understand although it can in-

volve some pretty complex behavior. You shouldn't have any problems


with it at all because you're already motivated to learn more about it and
to figure out how to stop doing it.

Procrastination is the intentional and habitual postponement of some-
thing that should be done.
First of all, it involves an important task that you know you should
be taking care of. It can be going on a diet, writing a letter, proposing mar-
riage, studying for an examination, or starting a new career. It can be al-

most anything in your life that has a beginning, an ending, and a definite
You can tell how important your task is by figuring out what would
happen if you didn't do it.

Your task should have an obvious conclusion, and everyone involved

with it should know what it is. A specific body weight will be reached,

a document will be produced, a behavioral change will be completed, or

some other clearly-defined goal will be accomplished.
You should have a pretty good idea of the specific day, month, hour,
or year when your task will be completed. And you should know what's
early and what's late. "Any old time" is much too vague.
You have to deliberately avoid your task in order to procrastinate.
You can do this by playing dead or by substituting other behavior like
sleeping, eating, drinking, playing tennis, or doing busywork.
And finally, you have to feel guilty about not doing what you know
in your heart you're supposed to do. A little anxiety about goofing off can
develop into painful depression if you're really into bigtime procrastina-
tion. But generally you'll just sweat a little when you postpone a visit to
the dentist or try to avoid a confrontation with your boss.
If you don't feel guilty, then you probably aren't procrastinating.

You're just being selective about the things you choose to do. You're not
procrastinating about mowing your yard
more important if you think it's

to put on storm windows, even if other people think mowing should come

So adding it all up, you're a procrastinator if you postpone things you

should be doing and feel guilty about it.


"Procrastination," said the American author Donald Marquis, "is the

art of keeping up with yesterday."

The basic law of the universe is growth, and growth requires change.
But change involves and procrastinators are by nature apprehensive

about risks. They would prefer to have others assume the risks so they
don't get blamed when things go wrong. And since they can't be judged
by their actions, they can keep playing the role of someone they're not.
Like everybody else, procrastinators wish they could change their en-
vironment, improve their mental and physical states, and enhance their

relationships with other people. But that's all they do. They're wishers in-
stead of doers. They rely on chance instead of hard work to take them
where they want to go. They send in sweepstakes entry s and then waste
time fantasizing about how they're going to spend their fortunes. They put
their faith in the fickle finger of fate rather than in the steady hand of
Procrastination slams the brakes on the wheels of progress. It chews
up goals and aspirations and spits out frustration, anger, You
and despair.
can see its damaging effects in people who stay too long in the wrong job
or wrong relationship. You can see it in people who refuse to deal with
their abuse of diets, drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. And you can see it in peo-
ple who hold off" acting on arduous tasks and unpleasant confrontations un-
til the time is ripe.

Procrastinators tend to blame other people for their anger, frustra-

tion, and lack of success. Failing students blame their instructors. Com-
pulsive drinkers blame society. Frustrated spouses blame their mates.

And employees who get locked into lousy jobs blame the system.
Procrastinators sometimes seem
to be emotionally paralyzed, una-
ware of what they're supposed be doing. They appear to have dived into

some cozy corner of their minds where they've abandoned the need to suc-
ceed. They have no feelings of guilt, and no sense of future or past, only
an ephemeral sense of the present.

People like you who have high aspirations for success also have a
strong desire to achieve a desired goal. The stronger the desire, the greater

the frustration and anger in not meeting it, especially when procrastination
stands in the way. And when anger is allowed to continue unabated, it

leads to stress, tension, high blood pressure, and lousy interpersonal rela-
A friend of mine made a promise to herself that she would lose 30
pounds in the year preceding her twenty-fifth class reunion. But instead
of dieting, she procrastinated. The longer she delayed, the more anxious
she became about not losing weight.Her anxiety eventually led to compul-
sive eating. So instead of By the time the
losing, she gained 10 pounds.
reunion rolled around, she was so ashamed of what she had done that she
refused to go. She later became severly depressed and had to be
I know two young men who started college together as close friends

but who had to drop out because of poor grades. They both knew they
could go back and make up their failing grades, but only one did so. The
other kept putting it off. Eventually, the one who went back got his degree
and landed a well-paying job. The one who procrastinated felt bad about
not living up to his potential. Without a degree, he felt locked into a miser-
able job that held no promise for advancement. He directed his frustration
and anger against his friend for doing what he couldn't bring himself to
do. His procrastination not only cost him his future, but a good friend as
You've probably seen similar cases where people put the kabosh on
their dreams of success by delaying the things that could have moved them
ahead. They wanted to be successful, but they just didn't know how to
break this no-good habit.
If you're experiencing some of these same problems, then here's an
answer; a simple, straightforward procedure that will help you break the
procrastination habit and get you moving in the right direction.

Carry out these four fundamental steps and you'll stop procrastinating
for good. Just be careful with the first step. For many people, it's the
hardest one of all because it requires a personal commitment. If you get
past that one, you'll have smooth sailing with the other three.


1 Admit that you procrastinate and make up your mind to stop doing

2. Learn as much as you can about procrastination; what it is, what

causes it, and what can be done to stop it.

3. Decide on a definite plan of action. Make a list of specific things

you're going to do right away to stop procrastinating.

4. Carry out your plan.

Now stop a minute, and go back to the first step. Are you really seri-

ous about putting an end to procrastinating? Don't say you'll give it a try,
because that doesn't work. Yoda, the Jedi Master, pointed that out in Re-
turn of the Jedi. "Try not," he said. "Do. Or do not. There is no try."
Commit yourself to getting rid of this lousy habit and do it now.

You'll find out why people procrastinate after you get into section
two. When you get to section three, you'll discover twenty-two specific
techniques you can use to break the procrastination habit and start getting

things done. And in section four, you'll find a way to put it all together
in a personalized plan for the future.

You might be tempted to skip the next section if you think you already
know why you procrastinate. But even if you think you know all the rea-
sons, you could be surprised by some others. So take a little time and
check it out. Because the more you know about the causes of procrastina-
tion, the easier it'll be to break the habit.

People procrastinate for lots of reasons. Psychologists will probably

say it's because they're insecure, afraid of failure, or unable to cope with
things that are frustrating, threatening, or go bump in the night. That's

pretty strong. But it indicates some of the things that can bring on delays
and postponements.
People also procrastinate because of subconscious thoughts. They
know they should be doing something, but they're unable to do it without
knowing why. Sometimes it's a subconscious fear that keeps them from
taking action.
Many people think they postpone things for reasons that aren't very
serious. And they think they can stop procrastinating without having to
undergo major behavioral changes. But any reason should be considered
serious if it keeps people from reaching their dreams of success.
If you're like most procrastinators, you're actively concerned about
the things you do. And you'd like to do better than you're doing right now.

You recognize and understand some of the major causes of your procrasti-
nation, but you find others are hard to identify. That's where this section

will help. But before you get into it, take a minute and do this simple ex-

Turn to page 8 and write down as many reasons as you can think of
why you procrastinate. Try to put down at least ten. Then, as you go
through this section, compare your list with the causes that are presented
here. You may more causes here than you have on your list. Or you
may have listed some that aren't included here. That's okay. This section
includes the most common causes, not necessarily the prizewinners.

Write down why you think you procrastinate.


You'll Still good understanding of the problems you're having

get a
by studying even if some causes are missing or if others
this entire section,

don't apply. And besides, it will help you get ready for section three.
That's the one that shows you how to turn your desire to stop procrastinat-
ing into action.
The causes that follow aren't listed in any particular order of impor-
tance. You'll have to determine how important they are after you've stud-
ied them and figured out how they affect you.
The first cause seems to bother just about everybody.

Sometimes people procrastinate because they're confused and uncer-
tain about what to do next. They feel overwhelmed by the size and com-
plexity of their task and are unable to move ahead. They discover a multi-
tude of parts, but they can't decide which one to start on. So they delay
and hope their task will somehow shrink to the point where they can see
what they have to do to get going.

These people know they can proceed by trial and error. But they're
so confused that they don't know what to try first. They think they'll screw
up no matter what they do.
They can cope with their mistakes because they know they can start
over again and try something else. But they also know that restarting takes
time. And the size of their task tells them that time is already scarce. So
instead of doing anything, they stay put and procrastinate.
People who are confused usually fail to analyze the things they have
to do. And that can lead to another cause of procrastination.

People who do a poor job of analyzing a task usually reject every op-
tion that comes to mind. They procrastinate because they're afraid nothing
will work. But at the same time, they fail to look for other alternatives.

It's like cutting off tree branches before they can bear fruit.

Sometimes these people get caught in a trap. They procrastinate right

up to a deadline, and then they scramble to complete their task in the little

time that remains. But just when they think they've reached their goal,

they suddenly discover a better solution. If it's too late to start over, they'll
wind up with a lousy performance and wish they had done things

People who keep boxing themselves in like this will finally catch on
to what they're doing. Then they'll procrastinate even more because they'll

be afraid of making the same mistakes in the future.

Knowing what to do helps. But knowing what to do first is even more


People who fail to attach priorities to their tasks have little sense of
urgency about what things should be done first.They jump from task to
task, get very little done, and generally don't know why.
People who refuse-or are unable-to set priorities also find it diflficult

to say "no" to tasks that are thrust upon them. That's because it's hard for
them to know They give their time and
what's important and what's not.
energy to everything that's before them and end up with too much to do
and no organized way of doing it. They keep putting things off while try-
ing to find a way through the mess they've created.
An even bigger mess can develop when people forget what they're
supposed to do. But sometimes procrastinators say they forgot when they
actually meant something else.

If someone really forgot a task, they wouldn't remember anything
about it. They wouldn't even recognize the task when it was right in front
of them.
People sometimes do forget the tasks they're supposed to be working
on. But with procrastinators, it's a little different. They choose to dis-
regard their tasks, and they do it subconsciously. Their behavior follows
a fairly predictable pattern.
At first, the procrastinators see tasks that need to be done in specified

time periods. But instead of completing the tasks, they mentally set them
When asked if a task is done, a procrastinator will say, "I completely


forgot about it." But that statement is generally false, because just men-
tioning the task will bring it back into focus.

Procrastinators who have shelved their tasks in some remote corner

of their subconscious mind will feel uneasy about not doing them when-
ever they're brought up. But until those tasks are yanked back into the real
world, these procrastinators will be content to let them lie unattended.
Most people discover a new set of responsibilities when they stop ig-
noring a task and start taking action. But that scares some of them so much
that they decide not to do anything at all.

Some people procrastinate because they're unwilling to accept more
responsibility than they think they already have. They won't take any ac-
tion until they think certain conditions have improved. And they'll ration-

alize their delays by blaming other people for making those conditions in-

Students try to stay in college to keep from going to work. Couples
extend their engagements to escape the responsibilities of marriage.
ployees turn down promotions to avoid the added responsibilities that
come with advancement. And people with physical ailments prolong their
recovery to avoid the responsibilities they had when they were healthy.
These people will keep procrastinating until they're willing to grow
and assume responsibility for their own destiny. When they finally do ac-
cept responsibility, they discover that they're going to have to be account-
able for their actions, whether right or wrong. But exposing themselves
to the chance of being wrong can cause some of them to procrastinate even

People who are afraid to take risks procrastinate to protect themselves
from the unpredictable consequences of such things as marriage, career
moves, or geographical relocation. They feel it's better to do nothing than
to do something and stand the chance of screwing up. As a result, they

experience very little growth or self- fulfillment.

Risks can be mental, physical, social, or economic. And procrastina-


tors will generally exaggerate those risks whether they are real or make-
believe. So even the slightest risk becomes enormous. But this compounds
the problem, because the bigger the risk, the longer the delay.
There's no way this cause of procrastination can be eliminated until
risk is accepted as a natural part of life.

By now, you might be thinking that some of these causes don't relate
to you. And maybe you'd like to escape by finding something that's more
relevant. Well, hang in there, because escape is just another cause of


People generally react in one of two ways when they're confronted
by an unpleasant task. They either struggle to complete it, or they try to
escape. And they almost always use procrastination as their means of
People can be pretty aggressive in completing a task if they're under

a lot of pressure. But aggression isn't universally accepted behavior unless

someone has been threatened with bodily harm. And even then, people are
often encouraged to turn the other cheek and use reason andcompromise
in coming up with acceptable solutions.
Unfortunately, reason, compromise, and negotiation require skills
that are not found in everyone. So most people, when they're faced with

an unpleasant personal confrontation, will either be aggressive or they'll

Some people procrastinate to escape from the unpleasant emotions
that surround difficult tasks. But they can't escape from the deadlines for
completing those tasks. So in spite of their eff"orts, stress, tension, and

anxiety continue to grow until the tasks are completed and the deadlines
are gone.
People who procrastinate must continue to search for ways of finish-
ing their tasks. Otherwise they'll just compound the conditions that made
them want to escape in the first place.
People will start to worry about their tasks if they ignore them for too

long. A little worry is okay. But when it gets out of hand, it can lead to
the next cause of procrastination.

Anxiety is a sense of apprehension, fear, or painfulness of mind,
usually over an impending or anticipated misfortune. It can be both the
cause and effect of procrastination.
Anxious people are generally confused about reality and their ability
to deal with it. They get anxious in response to real or imagined threats

in their environment. And they procrastinate to avoid dealing with those

The threat of an unhappy personal confrontation is a common cause
of anxiety. So is anticipated criticism and the fear of failure.
When people procrastinate, their anxiety increases, because they
know they should be doing something and they feel guilty about not doing
it. This is especially true when they recognize the importance of finishing
their tasks. In this case, their anxiety is a byproduct of their procrastina-
tion and is not caused by their fear of external factors.
Anxiety is a fairly common condition that a lot of people experience
from time to time in their lives. It usually comes and goes as conditions
change. But when anxiety continues for long periods of time, it can easily
turn into depression, which is an even more serious cause of procrasti-

Depression is a neurotic condition, characterized by dejection and de-
spair, in which people feel incapable of doing anything about the things
that bother them. It's a condition that very often leads to procrastination.
And it's a tough one to overcome.
When people are depressed, they feel totally helpless because they
think their destiny is controlled by others. They find it hard to make deci-
sions of any kind. So as a result, they neglect most everything they should
be doing.
Depression also brings on psychological fatigue, which many people
use as an additional excuse for procrastinating. It's ironic that one of the
best ways for people to escape depression is to participate in some strenu-
ous physical activity that they can control and enjoy. But they're so lethar-
gic that they just can't to get started in the kinds of activities that
would help them the most.

Some people may need professional help from a counselor or psy-

chologist if their depression is severe. But because they're depressed, they
usually postpone that too.
In spite of its gloomy nature, depression can be eliminated along with
the procrastination that goes with it. It's not easy. But it can be done.
Fortunately, only a limited number of people procrastinate because
of depression. A lot more people are affected by less serious behavioral

Obsessive people seek perfection in everything they do. They post-
pone completion of almost every task until they're sure the outcome will
be perfect. So no matter how hard they work, they still get very little done.
This habit of doing — but not finishing — shields the obsessive procrastina-
tor from criticism. If others find fault in their efforts, they can always say
they're still working on it.

Most people accept mistakes as a natural part of growth and develop-

ment. But obsessive procrastinators see mistakes of any kind as devastat-
ing indictments of personal weakness. They keep procrastinating because
they're afraid of failing.
Compulsive procrastinators also spend lots of time doing things with-
out getting anything done. They feel compelled to take on an excessive
number of tasks, and often start new ones before old ones are finished.
But they're also reluctant to finish anything because they're afraid of being
criticized. So they continue to procrastinate and add more tasks to those

they already have.

The hallmark of a compulsive procrastinator is a cluttered desk and
a hectic pace. They want other people to think they're very busy so they
try to convey the impression that they are in constant motion.
Obsessive/compulsive procrastinators tend to be very self-centered.
They're almost the opposite of people who make a habit of turning to
others for help in getting things done.

People who are unable to do certain things for themselves usually de-
pend on the skill, strength, or knowledge of others to help them get

through They postpone significant tasks until someone helps them or


does the tasks for them. Sometimes they'll admit their dependence, but in
most cases, they'll deny it.

Finding examples of this kind of procrastination is easy because it's

so widespread. Executives will postpone important letters or reports until

their favorite secretaries return from vacation. Quarterbacks hesitate to

call previously successful plays if regular players are sidelined with inju-
ries. Fathers and mothers wait to discipline their children until the other
spouse is present.
Procrastinators will develop a regular pattern of dependent behavior
if they're successful in getting help from others. And they'll use that
strategy as long as it pays off. They'll quit procrastinating only when they
see the advantages of independence and develop a desire to do things for
Dependent people turn to others because they feel they're unable to
fend for themselves. There's another group of people who turn to others

as a means of gaining a personal advantage. Their procrastination is

caused by a deliberate attempt to use other people.

People who get involved with procrastinators in trying to complete an
important task, usually lose their patience over the procrastinators' failure
to perform. If the procrastinators sense the others' impatience, they'll keep
delaying until the others step in and help get the task done. It's an effective
way for procrastinators to avoid working on a task and to escape responsi-

bility for the end result.

People will generally avoid being manipulated as much as possible.

But many of them will get taken in by procrastinators who are able to

recognize and take advantage of their willingness to step inwhen needed.

And strangely enough, if an important task is at stake, many people will
still help the procrastinators even when they don't want to. When help is

finally refused, the procrastinators will just go look for another pigeon.

Children are usually pretty good at manipulating people, especially

their parents. But it's inappropriate for adults to use this same kind of
childish behavior. It not only leads to procrastination, it's also unfair to
those who have do the work.
Sometimes is on the other foot and the procrastinator is the
the shoe
one who gets manipulated. Pressure from other people can be a common
cause of procrastination even if it's unintentional.

Most people know they procrastinate because of conditions they bring
on themselves. And they know they can usually stop procrastinating if
they work hard to control those conditions. But it's a lot harder for them
to break the habit when their delays are caused by external pressures that
they can't control.
Pressure can come from parents, employers, roommates, or spouses.
It can be immediate or it can extend over long periods of time. And it can
very easily steer people in directions they would rather avoid.
Couples sometimes postpone marriage in the face of parental opposi-
tion. Employees postpone vacations because their employers want them

to work. And some women postpone career changes because their hus-
bands don't want them to work outside the home.
People will have a hard time taking command of their behavior as
long as they let external pressures control them. They'll continue to pro-
crastinate until they're able to identify the sources of pressure, devise
ways of regaining control, and begin doing things entirely on their own.
There are only four more reasons in this section. So don't quit now
even if you think it's starting to get monotonous, because that's the next

Many people will procrastinate when they run into a very monoto-
nous task. And they'll continue to procrastinate until the fundamental
characteristics of the task are changed.
A task is monotonous if it's tedius, uninteresting, lacks variety, and
offers no rewards or incentives. If it's a lousy task, people will continue
to think it's monotonous until something is done to change it.

People sometimes think a task is monotonous when it's not. This is

usually the case when the people who are doing the task don't understand
why it should be done. In order to keep these people from postponing the
task, theyhave to see the benefits that can come from its completion. Their
perception of the task needs to be changed so they can recognize and ac-
cept the interesting characteristics that are inherent in the task.
If people fail to see any benefits in a task, they may be looking at an-

other cause of procrastination.

Boredom is a common psychological reaction that often leads to
procrastination. Unlike monotony, which is due to the inherent character-

istics of a task, boredom is due to the way people react to a task.

People who are bored take no interest in the things they're supposed
to be doing. They become weary and dissatisfied and frequendy suffer
psychological fatigue. They often use their subjective states of exhaustion
as excuses for procrastinating.
Tasks can be changed to make them more interesting. But the only
way boredom can be eliminated is by changing the attitudes of the
Enthusiasm and energy can help relieve boredom. But when those
elements are missing, it introduces another cause of procrastination.

Physical and psychological fatigue are major causes of procrastina-
tion. Physical fatigue comes from hard labor, overexertion, or nervous
exhaustion. When people are physically fatigued, they still have an in-

terest in completing their tasks. But it's hard for them, because they lack
the energy needed to continue. They procrastinate because they're tired.
Psychological fatigue shows many of the same symptoms as physical
and lack of energy. But psychological
fatigue like exhaustion, weariness,
fatigue comes from boredom, apathy, and lack of interest, not from work-
ing too hard.
The difference between physical and psychological fatigue is espe-
cially important when people want to stop procrastinating. Physical fa-
tigue calls for rest and relaxation. Psychological fatigue requires rest,
8 !


relaxation, and a change in motivation toward the task that needs to be

Fatigue is only one of the many heahh-related causes of procrastina-
tion. There are others that can not only bring about delays and postpone-
ments but a lot of confusion as well.

People procrastinate when they think they're physically incapable of
doing something that should be done. Illness, injuries, or specific ailments

like bad backs, poor eyesight, or lack of strength can all be used as reasons
for postponement. And delays will generally continue until the physical
disabilities are eliminated.

People compound their procrastination when they fail to correct their

disabilities. They'll delay an automobile trip because of poor eyesight, but
then they'll also postpone a trip to an optometrist for a new eyeglass
prescription. Or they'll avoid physical labor because of back pain and also
put off going to a doctor for treatment.
Most procrastinators experience some anxiety when physical disabili-
ties idle. But not so with malingerers. They only pretend to be
keep them
upset. They deliberately use real or imagined disabilities as reasons for
avoiding work or responsibilities of any kind. And they have neither the
intention nor the desire to eliminate their disabilities as long as personal
benefits can be realized from their inactivity.
There's a big difference between malingerers and people who pro-
crastinate because of physical disabiliies. Malingerers feel as though
they've done nothing wrong. Procrastinators feel bad about putting things
off and wish they knew how they could change.
Physical disabilities is the last in this list of common causes of
procrastination. Now it's time to summarize and look at what's ahead.

You've just been introduced to seventeen different reasons why peo-
ple procrastinate. As you read through them, you probably found some
that you had listed back on page 8. The comparison between your list and
this list should help give you a better understanding of why you do what

you do. It should also help you get rid of this lousy habit, because now
you know you're just like a lot of other people who have trouble with de-
lays and postponements. You've started to analyze your behavior, and
that's a very big step forward.
The next section describes twenty-two specific techniques that will
help you stop procrastinating. Match the techniques you think will work
best against the causes that bother you most. Learn how to conquer your
fears if fear is a problem. Boost your ego if you're depressed. Subdivide
if complex tasks frustrate you. And you come up with suggestions that

aren't in the next section, write them down where you won't forget them,
and then go ahead and use them whenever you can.
As you work through these descriptions of causes and cures, you'll
start experiencing the satisfaction of getting things done. You'll gain
momentum as you go along, and you'll start having fun and enjoying your-
self. Before you know it, procrastination will be a thing of the past. So

start now with section three and learn how you can have a more satisfying

and rewarding life.


The best time to stop procrastinating is right now. Start by thinking

of all the important things you've been postponing -the letters and reports
you should have written, the phone calls you should have made, or the
books you should have read. Then turn to page 22 and write them all
down. Be as specific as you can. Do it right now. When you've finished,
come to this page.

Now that you have your list of important things to do, turn back to
page 8 and look at your list of reasons for procrastinating that you made
earlier. Compare the two lists; the things you should be doing against your
reasons for not doing them. If the things you should be doing are really
important, it will be impossible for you to reconcile the two lists.

There is no way you can justify your reasons for sitting on your duff
unless you downplay the importance of your tasks. Once you recognize
this fact, you will have planted the seed for breaking a lousy habit. You'll

stop procrastinating and you'll start doing things that will bring you suc-
cess and happiness in the future.
So why not start right now? Put this book down and do one single

thing that relates to each of the tasks you have on your list. Do a single
sit-up. Put out your cigarette. Pour your drink down the kitchen drain.

Toss your snack in the garbage. Make a phone call. Take the book off" the

shelf. Get an envelope and some stationery out of the drawer.

You still can't do it? Go back to your reasons for goofing off and stand
up to them one by one. You say you can't do your report until you get your
typewriter fixed? You learned to write before you learned to type, so start


Make a list of things you've been postponing.


writing. You can't start dieting until you get a scale? Tighten your belt.

When it starts feeling loose, you're losing weight. You can't look for a new
job until you write a resume? Make your contacts first. Then ask if your
interviewers want to see a resume. Come on, those reasons can't be that
Now you're primed. The next step is to read through this section and
look at all the suggestions that are offered. Some of them deal with you
and the way you behave. Others relate more to situations you can find
yourself in. Decide which suggestions can help you most and get started
with those right away. Come back to the others as your confidence builds
and you start getting things done.
Add of suggestions whenever you can. Organize your
to this list

efforts so you don't run off in a dozen different directions. Keep up your

enthusiasm even when you encounter difficulties. Accept mistakes if you

make them and keep trying to do better.
Ask yourself what would happen if you quit procrastinating entirely.
What benefits do you see? What kind of person would you become? Keep
asking yourself these questions as you go through this section. See how
each individual suggestion can help you become that ideal person.
The first suggestion is probably the key to all the rest because it can
help you with everything you do.

The way you feel about the things you have to do will greatly affect
the way you do them. If you're happy, you'll be done sooner, have fewer
problems, and enjoy the happiness of the people around you. But if you're
angry or dissatisfied, your work will drag on, you'll make mistakes, and
the people around you will go out of their way to avoid you.
Accentuate the positive. If you have unhappy thoughts about a task,

turn those thoughts around and think about how good you'll feel when you
get it done. Open your mind. Look at your task from a fresh perspective.
Remember, procrastination can be just as painful as the task you're trying
to avoid.
Abraham Lincoln said, "You're about as happy as you make up your
mind to be." You might have to work at it, but the results are well worth
the effort.

If you want to change an undesired behavior, change the attitudes that

caused the behavior in the first place. Put fear, anger, and frustration out
of your mind. Look for happy things in your environment. Read happy
books, go to happy movies, and laugh at things you think are funny.
Spread your happiness to other people. You'll find that light-heartedness
and enthusiasm is highly contagious.
Develop a happy, healthy attitude, and then go to work on all the im-
portant tasks you listed on page 22.

Think about your capabilities and limitations and the levels of
achievement that are open to you. Examine your goals and objectives to
see if they're really attainable. Recall your history of successes and
failures. Try to see what lies in the future. Compare yourself to others,
especially if you're evaluated in competitive situations. Clarify your self-
image and get to know who you are.
Learn to recognize and understand your moods. They're conscious
states of mind in which your emotions gain control of your behavior.
Make them work for you, not against you. You might have to change a
mood before going to work on a task, especially if it causes you to procras-
tinate. But first you have to know what kind of mood you're in.

A small part of a complex task might fit your present mood. So break
it off and go to work on it. Tackle the hard parts of your task as you get
intomore productive moods. Just be careful. Because if you're overly con-
cerned about your moods, you could spend all your time trying to control
your emotions without getting anything done.
You can change your behavior you know who you are
a lot easier if
and what you've been doing. So keep a journal and study it often. Record
your moods and emotions. Know the ones that help you as well as the ones
that make you procrastinate. Emphasize your strengths and supress your
As you learn more about yourself you'll probably discover some
things you're afraid of. Those fears can cause you to procrastinate unless

you learn to overcome them.



Deal directly with whatever you're afraid of if it makes you procrasti-
nate. Start by writing down everything you think could go wrong with a
task if all your fears were to come true. Then write down how you would
handle each problem if it was the only thing you had to worry about. Dis-
cipline yourself to do this little exercise whenever you start getting scared,

and your fears will evaporate like morning mist.

Fears live in the dark corners and hidden recesses of your mind. But
they wither and die when you drag them out into the open and meet them
Dale Carnegie, in his book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living,
presented this formula for solving worry problems.
1. Ask yourself what's the worst thing that can possibly happen.
2. Write down as precisely as you can what that worst thing is.
3. Prepare to accept the worst if you have to.

4. Take a sheet of paper and write down as many solutions to your

problem as you can think of.

5. Decide on the single best solution.

6. Start working on that solution immediately.

Here's how the formula works. Assume that you're afraid to ask your
boss for a raise. The worst thing that could happen is that you'd be fired

for asking. Accept that alternative as being very possible. Get your re-

sume in order, read the want ads, line up some interviews, and sharpen
up your negotiating skills. Find out everything you can about comparable
you think is fair compensation.
jobs, and prepare yourself to ask for what
Then arrange to meet with your boss at the earliest opportunity.
Even the worst possible outcome can be adapted to if it's faced head
Keep in mind the words of the English philosopher Thomas Carlyle
while you're setting about to conquer your fears. "Our main business is
not to see what lies dimly at a distance," he said, "but to do what lies
clearly at hand."
Your mind has to be ready whenever you set out to conquer fear, or

anything else for that matter. That means you should be doing some men-
tal gymnastics to keep your mind active and alert.


You should exercise your mind every day. Over time you will de-
velop some very good habits that will lead you out of the rut of procrasti-
nation and into a full and rewarding life. Here are some mental exercises
you should try as often as you can.
Contemplate .'Concentrate on spiritual things as a form of private de-
votion. Take time to smell the flowers, witness the sunrise and sunset, and
enjoy sights, sounds, and smells. Consume the pleasures of your senses.
Think about the universe and how you fit inside it.
Study :LesLrn something new every day. Learn the capitals of all the
states or the names of all the presidents. Learn how to do something that

you have always wanted to do, but have never taken the time to get done.
Learn how to speak in a foreign language or play a musical instrument.
Reflect .'Think about the events of the past. They give fullness to the

present and the future. Start working on your family tree. Read a book
on frontier history.
Initiate Action:Do something that requires initiative and imagination
on your part. Call a friend you haven't talked to for a while. Come up with
a solution to a problem that keeps testing your peace of mind. Write to
a member of Congress.
Achieve.'Bring closure to some task or some aspect of your life, espe-
cially something you've been neglecting. Cancel your subscription to the
magazine you never find time to read. Call your travel agent and schedule
the vacation you've always wanted to take. Write a will.
Create.'Give something to the world that will last beyond your life-

time. Write a family history. Take up painting. Build a piece of furniture.

Raise a family.
These exercises will not only keep you on your toes, but they'll also

help you accomplish tasks you might previously have thought were im-
You have to involve more than just your mind if you're going to stop
procrastinating. You also have to involve all five of your senses.


Your ability to recall sensory stimuli is limited only by your imagina-

tion. Try to picture in your mind's eye a fall football game. Try to recall

the smell of grass on the playing field, the sight of beautiful fall leaves,

the taste of hot dogs and coffee, and the sounds of crowds and marching
The more involved you are with a task, the less likely you'll be to pro-
crastinate about doing it. And one way to get involved is to utilize all five

of your senses each time you start to work on it.

by breaking your task down into smaller subtasks. Then form


a mental picture of a single subtask and approach it with all your senses.
Taste it, smell it, see it, hear it, and touch it. You'll have a much easier
time completing the task if you can create a vivid image of it or of things
related to it.

After you get your senses involved, go down deep and get at the real
you. And be nice to yourself because you're a very good person.


Your procrastination might be due to the fact that you lack motiva-
tion, are depressed, or feel sorry for yourself. If that's true, you need to

build yourself up and improve your self-image.

Take time out from your task to give yourself a pep talk and tell your-
self why
you're a good and capable person. Acknowledge your strengths
where they exist. But set aside your weaknesses for now because you've
already got enough to worry about without dragging those out.
Give yourself credit where credit is due. Don't let other people dimin-
ish your accomplishments. The Minnesota Vikings may have lost four Su-
per Bowls, but at least they were there. And that's an accomplishment that
many teams never achieved.
Feed your self-esteem with the pleasure that comes from doing some-
thing. Even little tidbits of accomplishment can help nourish your ego.
Boosting your ego will improve your self-confidence and restore your
enthusiasm. You'll also get a lot more done. Because as long as you truly
believe in yourself, you'll go ahead and tackle anything that's put before
Keep a file folder of positive motivators. Include a list of recognitions
and awards you've won. Save inspirational messages that give you a good
feeling about yourself.

Humor has tremendous therapeutic effects so be sure your ego folder

includes cartoons, anecdotes, or other funny things that make you laugh.
Add anything you can think of that will keep you in good spirits and give
you the confidence you need to reach your objectives.
Sometimes you can give your ego a tremendous boost just by ac-
knowledging all the good things you do.

A simple reward system can do a lot to help you stop procrastinating,
especially if you're faced with tasks that require a little extra effort.
Start by assigning points to the things you have to do. The hard tasks
should earn you more points than the easy ones. Bonus points can be given
for exceeding your own standards. Then choose rewards you'd like to

Your rewards can be simple and inexpensive, but they should be
things that are important to you. A hot-fudge sundae can be an excellent
reward for adhering to a rigorous program of diet and exercise. Gold stars

pasted on a progress chart can provide the lift you need to keep going after

you've reached an important milestone. A bottle of good wine, a night at

the movies, or sleeping late are all examples of things you can use as re-

wards as long as you really enjoy them.

Try you can identify a system of rewards that
different things until
will help you stop procrastinating and give you the motivation to be suc-
cessful in everything you do.

Just remember two things. If you earn a reward, take it. Don't dimin-
ish your accomplishment by thinking it was not worth the reward you set

aside for it. But if you don't earn a reward, don't take it. A reward system
only works when you strictly adhere to it.

Reward systems are particularly effective when you have to change

your behavior or eliminate a useless habit.


Sometimes, before you can stop procrastinating and start being suc-
cessful, you have to eliminate a bad habit or change some other pattern
of behavior. You might have to give up the coffee breaks you take every

morning and afternoon, especially if they're ill-timed or serve no useful

purpose.Or you might have to change your TV watching habits if the pro-
grams you watch no longer stimulate, interest, or amuse you.
It's easier to eliminate a bad habit if you reward yourself for getting

rid of it instead of punishing yourself for hanging on to it. That's because

reward is far more effective than punishment, especially when you're try-
ing to change some aspect of your behavior.
Reward yourself for taking the initiative and trying to change your be-
havior even if you get discouraged later and quit. You'll feel a lot better

than you would if you punished yourself for quitting. And you'll be more
inclined to try again sometime in the future.

Of all the habits you have, the one you want to break right now is the
habit of procrastinating. A good attitude will give you the momentum you
need to make the changes you want. But you also need to understand what
it is you're trying to accomplish.

Analyze everything you have to do, especially if you're in the habit

of putting things off. It's easy to do, and the results are usually pretty

Turn to page 30 and identify a task that you've been putting off. On
the top half of the page, list all the reasons you have for finishing the task.
On the bottom half of the page, list all the reasons you have for postponing
it. Then compare the two lists.

If the task is really important, you'll come up with more reasons for
doing it than for delaying it. That evidence alone should give you the moti-
vation you need to get started on it right away.
If you should happen to come up with more good reasons for delaying
a task, then drop it and go on to something else. It doesn't make sense for
you to hang on to an unimportant task that causes anxiety and frustration
and makes you procrastinate.
If a task has been assigned to you by someone else, then you'd better

do it even though you'd like to postpone it. If you still find it impossible
to do, you may have to reconsider your relationship with the other person.
That could mean quitting your job or ending a friendship. If you've care-

Reasons I have for finishing this task:

Reasons I have for postponing this task:


fully analyzed your task, the correct choice will be fairly easy to make and
you'll know exactly what to do.
Once you've learned how to analyze your task, you should study it
closely. Because the more you know about it the easier it will be to com-
plete it.


Lack of knowledge causes apathy. And apathy is a forerunner of
procrastination. You can conquer both by learning as much as possible
about the things you have to do.
Studying a task and developing an interest in it is half the battle of get-
ting it done. Or as Charles Kettering, the onetime president of General
Motors, said, "A problem well-stated is a problem half-solved."
If your task is worth doing, it's worth knowing about. Do some re-

search if you're uncertain about your facts. The search for more informa-
tion can serve as a leading task to provide the momentum you need to get

off to a good start.

The more you learn, the more you will want to know. And by apply-
ing your new knowledge as you learn it, you'll finish your task in less time
with fewer problems.
Share your knowledge with others and involve them in your task.
They'll absorb your enthusiasm and support you in your efforts to get

things done.
Sometimes it's harder to tackle large, complex tasks. But there's a
way to whittle them down in size where you can handle them very easily.

If you think your task is complicated, subdivide it. Cut it up into little

pieces so you can see how it's put together. You'll probably find that it's

a lot less complicated than you first thought.

If you've done a thorough job of subdividing, you should be able to
complete each subtask in just a few minutes. You'll get a lot more done
that way and it will be easier to do.
The enthusiasm you'll experience in going through the subtasks will
speed you toward your goal and give you a great sense of accomplish-

ment. But if you come to a dead end along the way, stop. Work on another
subtask until the hurdle clears. Thinking about and completing something
else will give your mind a refreshing break. When you go back to your
problem, you'll probably have a solution that would have been lost if you'd

sat still and worried about it.

Subdividing is particularly effective for unpleasant tasks, because al-

most anyone can do something they dislike if they only have to do it for
a short time. So break the tough ones down into small subtasks. Spread
them out and fill in time between with things you like to do. It may take
a little longer, but you'll feel a lot better when you're done.
If you can't break your task down into subtasks, subdivide the time
you spend working on it. Put everything else out of your mind and then
concentrate on your task for 15 minutes. Then stop, go on to something
else and give your mind a break. Come back a little later and work on your
task again for another 15 minutes. Then leave it again. Keep doing this
until your task is done.
Identifying subtasks without doing any is busywork. It's just another
form of procrastination. So you need to develop a specific plan for com-
pleting them.


The best way to stop procrastinating is to never start doing it in the

first place. You can do that by organizing your work ahead of time and
planning how you're going to get it done. Lots of people say they're going
to get organized and plan their future, but very few actually do it.

Start the planning process by setting some long-term goals and objec-
tives. Goals are idealistic, hoped-for accomplishments that can be done
almost anytime. They are general statements from which specific objec-
tives can be developed. Trying to lose an unspecified amount of weight
is an example of a goal.
Objectives are clear statements of things you want to do in specified
time periods. An example of an objective would be your desire to start to-

day to lose seven pounds within a three- week period. A good objective
is one you can measure. Then you know for sure if you've reached it.

Plan every day. Make a checklist of everything you need to do during

the day to accomplish your goals and objectives. Do it the first thing in

the morning or the last thing the night before. Assign priorities to your
tasks so you'll be sure of doing the important things first.

Take time to reflect at the end of each day. Look at your list of tasks
and see how well you did. Incorporate your insights about today into your
plans for tomorrow.
If you find yourself with spare time, fill it in with special tasks. Spread
your tasks over a longer time period if you're always coming up short at
the end of a day.
Build some measure of improvement into your expectations, and try

to do a little better every day.

Be aware of the dangers of planning. John Gardner, in his book Self-
Renewal, cautioned against being overwhelmed by the process of plan-
ning when he said "... the concern for 'how it is done' is also one of
the diseases on which societies die. Little by little, preoccupation with
method, technique, and procedure gains a subtle dominance over the
whole process of goal seeking. How it is done becomes more important
than whether it is done."
If you get trapped in the process, you'll suddenly discover that you've
lost sight of your goals and objectives.
Be goal oriented. Focus on your objectives and move briskly toward
their completion. Take shortcuts when you see them, and don't hesitate to
throw out any incidental tasks that get in your way. Don't just think about
doing things, think about getting things done.
A task well-defined is a task half done. So the more time you spend
in planning, the less time you'll need for doing.
Be sure you know which tasks should be done before others. Because
the order you select will greatly aff"ect your ability to carry out your plan.

Arrange your tasks in order of priority and then do all the important
things first.

Edwin some excellent guidelines for establishing pri-

Bliss provides
orities in his book Getting Things Done: The ABC's of Time Management.
Here are the categories he recommends.
1 . Important and Urgent. These tasks belong at the top of your list.

You've got to do them right away or you'll suffer serious conse-

2. Important But Not Urgent. These tasks should be near the top. But
lots of people ignore them because then can be postponed. They
include things like getting a physical examination, writing a letter
to a friend, or saying, "I love you" to your spouse.
3. Urgent But Not Important. These tasks tend to be high on other
people's you put them ahead of your high priority tasks,
lists. If

you're probably looking for approval from others.

4. Busy Work. These tasks can provide a welcome relief from
difficult tasks if you control them. But spending too much time on

them is just another form of procrastination.

5 Wasted Time. This group of tasks should be excluded from your

list of priorities. When you consider things that waste time, it's

good to remember the words of the American poet Sarah Doudney.

"Oh the wasted hours of life that have drifted by! Oh, the good that
might have been, lost without a sigh."

Keep your goals and objectives in front of you, and do what's neces-
them done. Reexamine your priorities from time to time so you
sary to get
know you're on the right track. Feel free to change your priorities if it

looks like things aren't going the way they should. Be determined to say

"no" to tasks that can be disruptive.

The first step in completing a task is sometimes the hardest. It usually
calls for direct action.

Go work on a task as soon as you have everything you need to get
started. The worst thing you can do is sit in the starting blocks and pro-

crastinate. Forget about the contingencies that might occur. You can make
adjustments as you go. If you find out later that you've made a mistake,
admit it and start over.

Get rid of a task if it looks impossible or if you'd rather do something

else. If you hang on to it, you'll just create a lot of unnecessary anxiety.
It's hard sometimes to decide whether to do a task or to ignore it. But

if you prolong that decision, you're just getting involved in another form

of procrastination. So come to terms with your task. Make up your mind


to go ahead or get out, and do it early. Act without reservation or regret.

And be responsible for your decision. At least you'll avoid the anxiety and
indecision that would come from continued procrastination.
You can make sure that something will get done if you do more than
just make up your mind to do it. Sometimes it takes just a little added touch
to firm up your decision.

Any important task has a greater chance of being completed when you
formally commit yourself to doing it.

Your commitment can be a promise to yourself or others that you will

reach a specific objective like losing ten pounds, giving up cigarettes, or

writing a book.
You'll be more likely to keep your commitment if you share it with
someone else — like your friends, your spouse, or your employer— than if
you made it to yourself. That's because you'll naturally start thinking more
about those other people and less about your own self-interests. Your fears
and anxieties will become secondary to the expectations of people you feel
good about. This attitude change will help significantly to break your habit
of procrastinating. And having others share in your accomplishments will
make them all seem a lot more enjoyable.
Other people can contribute to your efforts by helping you set dead-
lines, reviewing your progress toward a goal, or evaluating your results.
Making a commitment to finish a task can help you get it done. But
sometimes you need a little more help in getting it started.


The first step you take in your efforts to stop procrastinating is often
the most important one. It can also be the easiest if it's a leading task.
A leading task is one that breaks the ice and gets you involved in a
larger task that you've been procrastinating about. It should be a relatively
simple task and require very little planning or conscious effort on your

part. If good one, it can break the shackles of inertia and send you
it's a
speeding toward your goal.
A leading task can be as simple as sharpening your pencil or looking
up the phone number of someone you should call. The purchase of a jog-

ging suit can start you off on an exercise program. Getting a calorie
counter can be the first step in going on a diet. Just clearing off your desk
might be all you need to tackle an overdue report.
The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said, "The journey of a thousand
miles begins with a single step." Make your first step a leading task, and
you'll soon put an end to footdragging and delay.
You'll be able to keep up with your tasks if you know where you're
going. You'll do even better if you can look to the future and see what lies


You can do any task faster and better if you can see yourself getting
it done. The key lies in the intensity of your vision and the depth of your
concentration. You can develop this ability through the practice of a sim-
ple exercise.
Go into a small room, close the door, and sit down in a comfortable
chair. Close your eyes and get completely relaxed. Put all distracting
thoughts out of your mind and concentrate very hard on having the door
open again.
Picture yourself in your mind's eye with your hand on the knob, open-
ing the door. Concentrate very hard for several minutes until you can
clearly see the door being opened. Keep all distracting thoughts from in-

terfering with your concentration. Then open your eyes, stand up, and
look right at the door.

If you've concentrated very hard, and if you're like most people,

you'll want to open the door. The picture you formed in your mind's eye
will motivate you to act right away. If you don't move toward the door,
and if the door stays closed, you'll probably feel very uncomfortable.
You'll stop procrastinating very soon if you can concentrate like this

with all your tasks. Because as long as you can see something being done,
you'll be motivated to do it.

Reaching a deep level of concentration depends on your ability to re-

lax and clear your mind of distracting thoughts. You can acquire this skill
by practicing the "relaxation response" that was developed by Dr. Herbert

Benson, Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard University Medical


School. It's like many other meditation techniques and follows a standard
Start by lying or sitting in a comfortable position with your eyes
closed. Allow all your muscles to relax, beginning with your toes and
working up to your facial muscles. Breathe easily and naturally through
your nose. As you breathe out, silently repeat a word or phrase to help

keep your mind from wandering to distracting thoughts.

Practice every day and you'll soon be able to bring about the relaxa-
tion response with very little effort.

When you're fully relaxed, think of completing a task and concentrate

only on that. Make a habit of seeing yourself doing things you might
otherwise postpone. You'll soon discover you're getting a lot more done
with no procrastination.
Sometimes you may be too close to your task to see it being com-
back and take a detatched look. Or get someone to help
pleted. Just stand
you. They may see a solution that you've missed.
Consider every aspect of your task without taking anything for
granted. Try this. Sketch a telephone dial with all the holes, numbers, and
letters. Or lay out the buttons on a pushbutton phone.
You probably use a phone several times a day so this should be rela-
tively easy. But this little exercise will be very difficult if you've taken
your phone for granted. This is true for any task when you lose your per-
spective and have difficulty seeing it completed.
The amount of time that's available for doing a task often determines
if it's difficult or not. That's why it's so important to know how to utilize
the time you have.

There is an immeasurable distance between being late and being too

Some of your tasks have to be done on certain dates like birthdays and
anniversaries. If you sit on your hands and procrastinate, you'll miss
Other tasks, like starting a diet, can be done almost any time, but
these tasks still have deadlines. Know what those deadlines are and know
how to work with them.

Time is valuable, so budget it like any other valuable resource. If you

waste it, you lose it. And that can be very costly, as pointed out by the
English biographer Samuel Smiles, who said, "Lost wealth may be
replaced by industry, lost knowledge by study, lost health by temperance
or medicine. But lost time is gone forever."
Identify activities that waste time and avoid them whenever you can.
You'll know you wasted time if afterwards you feel bad about postponing
something you should have done.
Recognize soft spots where you might otherwise waste time. If you're

in an office waiting for something to happen, fill your time by writing a

note to yourself or to someone to whom you owe a letter. You'd be sur-

prised at the number of times there are in a day where you can utilize
unfilled moments to complete simple tasks. You can also use these tidbits
of time for meditation and relaxation.
Take a few minutes every morning to schedule your day. But don't
try to schedule every minute, because life is not that precise. If you're too
exact, you'll get frustrated by all the distractions that are bound to occur.
Keep a diary so you can see how you spent the time that was available.
Parkinson's Law says work will expand to fill the time available for
its completion. Conversly, you'll probably get rid of lots of useless ac-
tivity and wasted efl'ort if you make less time available for doing things
that aren't important. Know your deadlines and stick with them. Keep a
tight schedule that prevents dawdling and procrastination. Acknowledge
success along the way; it will keep you going at a steady pace.
Unfortunately, there may still be times when you feel like your task
has gotten the best of you. That's when you should look to other people

for help.

If you're overwhelmed by a complex task, delegate part of it to other

Start by carefully dividing your task into clearly defined parts. Make
sure the people you've delegated to understand the interrelationships of the
subtasks. If they're confused, they may end up procrastinating. Then
you'll get back more work than you gave out. If you can give them lots

of information at the beginning, they won't have to keep coming back to

you for clarification.
Once you've delegated full responsibility for certain subtasks, you'll
be free to go to work on what you've kept. As others complete their assign-
ments, you can add their results to yours until you end up with a final prod-
uct. You'll be surprised at the ease with which you can bring it all to com-
pletion. And best of all, you'll be making a lot of other people happy by
letting them make significant contributions to a worthwhile task.
Involving other people in your task can sometimes be difficult. But
there's one thing you can do that will minimize your problems.

You should always be aware of the influence that other people have
on what you do. It can sometimes bring on procrastination and cause a lot

of unnecessary anxiety. You may have to complete your task in the face

of serious personality conflicts.

Be and considerate of the opinions of others. Treat everyone

equally and try to keep them happy. Come to terms with your potential
adversaries. Your worries may be unfounded, but if conflicts remain, di-
them before your work begins. And if your attempts at mediation

just have to go ahead in spite of criticism from others.

fail, you'll

You're letting other people control your life if you procrastinate be-
cause of the way they feel toward you. This will not only cause you a lot
of anxiety, but it'll also keep you from reaching your goals and objectives.
It's your life to live. You have to do it the best you can without letting
others interfere.
Your life can also be controlled by the things that surround you. So
to keep from procrastinating, you have to recognize and understand all the
forces that can get in your way.


Your environment can cause you to procrastinate if everything isn't
the way you want it to be. The lighting may be poor. You may be too hot
or too cold. Or you may be in noisy surroundings. All of these distractions
can cause you to delay or postpone important tasks.
Determine what kind of environment is best for you. Experiment with

different levels of noise and light intensity. Work alone or with others.
Work early in the day, late at night, or at midday. Work right before or
Keep track of your results. And
right after strenuous exercise. identify op-
timum times and conditions when you're at your best.
Create a workable environment that's best for you. Make changes as
they're needed. Strive for an environment that will motivateyou to act.
And feel free to try new approaches if they can keep you from
In addition to changing your environment, you should also control the
way in which you do your work.

After working very hard on a task, you can very easily get bored or
fatigued. And instead of completing your task or starting a new one, you
procrastinate. At that point it's a good idea to take a break and seek a
You should always create a stopping point or milestone before you
leave a task. Finish everything you can up to that point. Then when you
come back to your task you'll know exactly where you left off.

Physical activity — especially walking — is very effective as a diver-

sion. If you've reached a milestone in your task and you find it hard to con-
tinue, stop and go for a walk. The exercise will clear your mind and stimu-
late your heart. The sights and sounds you'll encounter will help generate
new ideas. And you'll gain a new burst of energy that will help you finish
your task.
Take a rest if you're experiencing physical fatigue. A short catnap
will help restore bodily processes and allow your subconscious thoughts
to incubate, providing you with new solutions to existing problems.
This is the last of the suggestions. Hopefully, as you went through
them, others came to mind and you wrote them down. If you added your
ideas to the ones you found here, you should have a long list of things that

will help you stop procrastinating. Now it's time to put those ideas into


Yesterday is only a dream, you'll never get it back. Tomorrow is only

a vision, it can't be guaranteed. All you have is today. If you procrastinate,
you lose it. But if you live today with heart and soul from beginning to
end, yesterday will become a dream of happiness and tomorrow will be-

come a vision of hope.

You've taken some awfully big steps since you started this journey.

You've learned why most people procrastinate, and now you have a much
better idea of why you do it. You've also run into a lot of suggestions for

breaking the procrastination habit. Some of them you already knew about,
some were new to you, and others came to mind as you went along.
Now you have to sift through it all and come up with a plan of action
that's right for you. It has to serve your needs and meet your capabilities
and limitations. It should contain bits and pieces of everything you've read
and learned about. It should guide you in deciding what has to be done
and when and how you should do it. Then once you have your plan of ac-
tion put together, you have to apply it where it will do the most good.

There are no free lunches and there are no quick fixes for breaking

old habits. If you want to stop procrastinating, you just have to do it.


Get started on your plan as soon as you finish this book. Clear off" your
desk, table, floor, or workbench of everything except the task you're put-
ting off. Clear your mind of thoughts that don't relate to the task at hand.

Then take immediate and decisive action.


If you want to start down on the floor

an exercise program, then get
and do 5 push ups and 5 situps or go for a walk. you want to quit smok-

ing, go flush your cigarettes down the toilet. If you want to go on a diet,
put a toothpick in your mouth and don't take it out until you go to bed to-
night. If you want to change jobs, pick up the phone and make an appoint-
ment. If you have an exam coming up, get out your textbook and read a
chapter. If you want to write a letter to a friend, address the envelope, put
a sheet of stationery in the typewriter and start typing.
A single act of moral volition, such as saying "no" to some habitual
temptation, or performing some courageous act, will launch you on a
higher level of activity for days or weeks and will give you a whole new
range of power.

Describe your task in terms of a goal. "By (date) I will (do something)
in order to (outcome)". Divide up the weeks, days or hours that lie ahead.
Write down the steps you have to take to achieve your goal. Assign a step
to each time segment. Then take your Later— today, tomorrow,
first step.

next week, next hour, or next year— take step two, then step three, and
so on until you finish.
Focus on what you've done, not how much there is left to do. Concen-
trate on developing a positive attitude and enhanced self-esteem and don't

worry about developing slick techniques for getting there. If you feel good
about yourself, the techniques will come along on their own.
Picture in your mind's eye all your essential goals and objectives.
Then with this book at your side, take off", move out, set sail, break camp,
make tracks. Start doing all the important things that are out there waiting
for you. Stay with your plan and recognize your achievements. Savor the
excitement of growth and development. And relish the happiness that will

surely come.



aggression: 12 confrontation, personal: 13, 39

analysis, as remedy: 29 confusion
analytical ability: as cause: 9-10 and anxiety: 13
anxiety: 1, 12, 29, 35,39 as cause: 9
and physical disabilities: 18 criticism
as byproduct: 13 anticipated: 13
as cause: 13 avoidance of: 14
in definition: 2 from others: 14, 39
unnecessary: 29, 39
apathy: 31 dangers of planning: 33
aspirations for success: 3 deadlines: 9, 12, 35, 37
avoidance: decisiveness, as remedy: 34-35
in definition: 2 definition of procrastination: 2
of responsibility: 11 delegation, as remedy: 38-39
of risk: 11-12 dependence on others, as cause: 15
depression: 3, 27
Benson, Dr. Herbert: 36 as cause: 13-14
Bliss, Edwin: 33 diary: 24, 38
boredom, as cause: 17 disregard, subconscious: 10
busy work: 32, 34 diversion, as remedy: 40
Doudney, Sarah: 34
capabilities and limitations: 24
Carlyle, Thomas: 25 ego, in remedy: 27-28
Carnegie, Dale: 25 employees: 3, 11, 16
checklist: 32-33 employers: 16, 35
children: 16 environment
coffee breaks: 29 realistic: 40
commitment, as remedy: 35 regulation of, as remedy: 39-40
compulsive drinkers: 3 escape, as cause: 12
concentration, technique: 36 executives: 1, 15


exercise, mental, as remedy: 26, 36

exercise program: 42 malingering: 18
manipulation of others, as cause: 15-16
fatigue: 1 Marquis, Donald: 3
as cause: 17-18 marriage: 11, 16
physical: 17 method, to stop procrastinating: 4-5
psychological: 13, 17 milestones: 28, 40
fear: 13, 24, 35 Minnesota Vikings: 27
conquering, as remedy: 25 mistakes: 23, 34
in anxiety: 13 coping with: 9
of making mistakes: 7, 10, 14 fear of: 10
subconscious: 7 monotony, as cause: 16-17
forgetfulness, as cause: 10-11 moods: 24
frustration anger and despair: 3 motivation: 27, 36

Gardner, John: 33 objective(s)

goals: 35 and goals: 1, 24, 32-33, 34, 39, 42
and objectives: 1, 24, 32-33, 34, 39, definition of: 32
42 obsessive/compulsive behavior, as cause:
definition of: 32 14
guilt, in definition: 2 other people
commitment to: 35
habits, changing as remedy: 28-29 comparison with: 24
happiness, as remedy: 23 delegation to: 38-39
homemaker: 1 dependence upon: 15
impartiality toward: 39
impartiality, as remedy: 39 manipulation of: 15-16

journey of a thousand miles: 36 parents: 16

Parkinson's Law: 38
Kettering, Charles: 31 personal confrontations: 13, 39
knowledge of self, as remedy: 24 physical activity: 13-14, 40
physical disabilities, as cause: 18
Lao Tzu: 36 plan of action: 5, 41-42
leading task: 31 planning, as remedy: 32-33
as remedy: 35-36 positive motivators: 27
law of the universe: 3 pressures, external, as cause: 16
Lincoln, Abraham: 23 priorities: 32
list(s) lack of, as cause: 10
comparative: 19 setting, as remedy: 33-34
of fears: 25 procrastination
of important tasks: 21-22 cause and effect: 13
of reasons for procrastinating: 7-8 causes of: 7-19


definition of: 2 subdivision, as remedy: 31-32

effects of: 3-4 subtasks: 31-32, 38-39
reasons for: 7 successes and failures: 24
remedies for: 21-40
procrastinator(s): 1, 7 task(s)

psychologists: 7, 14 acceptance or rejection of: 34-35

punishment: 29 commitment to finish: 35
complex: 24
quarterbacks: 15 importance of: 2
leading: 31, 35-36
relaxation: 36-37 monotonous: 16-17
responsibility size and complexity of: 9
avoiding, as cause: 1 study of: 25, 29, 31
delegation of: 38-39 subdivision of: 31-32
escape from: 15 unpleasant: 32
Return of the Jedi: 5 telephone dial: 37
rewards(s): 1 tension: 1,4, 12
as remedy: 28 time
to change habits: 29 appreciation of, as remedy: 37-38
risks, avoidance, as cause: 11-12 in definition: 2
roommates: 16 wasted: 34, 38
trial and error: 9
scheduling: 38 TV programs: 29
self, knowledge of, as remedy: 24
senses, stimulation of, as remedy: 26-27 urgency: 10
shortcuts: 33
Smiles, Samuel: 38 visualization, as remedy: 36-37
spouses: 15, 16, 35
stress: 1,4, 12 walking: 40
student(s), college: 1, 11 wasted time: 34
study of tasks, as remedy: 31
subconscious Yoda: 5
disregard: 10
thoughts: 40



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You took the first step! You've started to conquer procras-

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ISBN 0-935538-13-5

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