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Pepsi Screening of Joseph Scanlon

Richard Tipton
College of Southern Nevada
EDU 220
DR. Rochelle Hooks

Joseph Scanlon is a 16-Year-old boy from Chicago, Illinois. He lives primarily with his mom here in

Las Vegas as he has for the past 3 years, but sometimes travels to Chicago to stay with his father.

He has one sibling, a 13-Year-old brother. Joseph is currently a sophomore in high school and is

attending Palo Verde H.S. where he has a 3.2 GPA.

Joseph’s parents separated three years ago, ever since then he has been living with both

parents as they have shared custody, although his father travels between Chicago and Las Vegas

frequently for work. He spends three days a week with his father when he is in town, and four days

with his mother. He prefers to be with his father as he has more freedom to do what he likes when

he is there instead of his mothers. He has a hard time with his mother as he claims she is too hard

on him, and is not patient with him. I did witness this first hand during my weekend with his family

as he did get yelled at repeatedly by his mother, sometime underserving.

Joseph keeps himself busy with many extracurricular activities, such as, band, anime club,

musicians club, tabletop gaming club, and theatre. He is highly social and keeps most of his time

occupied with social activities. On average during the weekdays he spends 3 hours’ afterschool with

friends or at some type of activity through one of the many clubs he is associated with. He claims

that it is due to his friends that he is able to deal with the chaos he has to face at home.

He believes that even though he has to deal with a lot at home that he is still progressing

and moving the right way with his education and tackling his goals and ambitions. It is his drive for

success that keeps him striding to do his best, his long-term goals include, finishing school, having a

successful band, and having a successful online vlog.

P – Physical Development

Joseph weighs in at 160, and stands at about 5’9” which is the average for someone of his

age, According to Boundless and will most likely grow a few more inches before he is done fully

developing. He claims he is not sexually active, and that he is in the state of puberty however where

he is starting to feel sexually attracted to girls around his age group.

His physical strength sits at average, he can lift about 60 pounds without much strain and

can run for about 5 mins before getting winded, which is on par according to Michelle Gordon’s

“Terrible Teens.” Throughout the weekend, I did notice that he did not get tired by walking at a pace

above everyone else though. He is above average when it comes to his energy level.

He explained to me that he is completely comfortable with his height and weight, although

he would like to gain more muscle mass, but does not mind where he is at now. Upon further

analysis, he is slightly egocentric about his appearance, and holds himself in a way that can be

perceived as over confident. His strength development is on par with his age according to J’Anne

Elsworth’s PEPSI Standards .

He dresses in only brand name clothing, and prefers to be wearing a hat at all times. When

approached with clothing he did not like he scoffed at it, and dropped the clothing to the ground. I

believe this comes from a place of how he perceives himself physically, as in that he must be

dressed only in the nicest of attire to match his personal perception of himself. Having this sense of

direction is average for someone of this age, although he does take it to a bit of an extreme.

A subject of note on his physical development in the oily consistency of his hair and skin,

causing him to have acne, though it is normal for his age, his diet mainly consisting of fried food and

sweets seems to be a contributing factor. This diet is about average for someone of his age, although

it is not healthy.
E – Emotional Development

In the past three years Joseph has dealt with emotional issues and increased stress due to

increased social pressure, he was diagnosed last year with an acute mood disorder, and has

symptoms of Bi-Polar mood disorder. Though confident in his own self, he seems to look down on

others around him, even those older than him, and especially those that are in a higher social

standing, or have any authority or power over him. This shows that he could be hindered, as

evidenced in “Terrible Teens.”

He has a strong sense of self, being completely confident in who he is as a person, and has

goals set in place of what he wants to do, keeping him on the path that he is going. With having this

sense of self, he knows exactly what he wants, and becomes emotionally unstable if he does not get

his way. He became increasingly upset that things were not being done in the order that he did not

want, and eventually blew up on the group that we were with. He is where he should be on the level

of self-identity, however he is below average on temper and self-control as according to J’Anne

Elsworth’s PEPSI Standards.

Even though he does have a strong sense of self, he is dependent on others, much more than

someone of his age. He has no ambition to self-support himself, and plans on living from the

support of his parents. He may know what he wants, but if no one else is willing to do what he

wants he will conform to what others are doing, even though he will be unhappy about it. This is far

below the average for someone of his age in the development of independence as according to “Age

level characteristics, Introduction to Educational Psychology.”

He holds himself above others, and has no desire to help those around him, he is more

inclined to do things for his emotional benefit at the cost of others emotional state. This is below

par for someone of his age, but may be caused due to his sense of entitlement caused by being
overindulged by his parents. His inability to take no for an answer also may come from getting

overindulged by his parents as well.

P - Philosophical Development

In his own personal philosophy, Joseph believes it is most important to look out for himself

over anyone else, and would do something beneficial to only him even at the cost to others, as

demonstrated when he attempted to have others pay for his meals even after receiving food money

from his mother. This selfish behavior is far under the level of development for his age, as listed in

J’Anne Elsworth’s PEPSI standards.

He does however have a strong sense of community whereas he prefers to be around his

friends, and do things in groups over doing things alone, although he is more inclined to participate

in groups if it for his gain, relating back to his self-centered philosophy. His own views of

community can be considered underdeveloped as he does not view a community as something that

benefits all, but as something that only benefits him. This is considered problematic as explained in

“Terrible Teens.”

Due to his mother being a lawyer, he does have a strong sense of the law, and a high respect

for it. During the course of the weekend he followed a “by the book” approach to all of the rules and

laws associated with being in California, and being in an amusement park. This is above average for

someone of his age as most teens this age rebel against the law, or established rules. As listed in

“Age level characteristics, Introduction to Educational Psychology.”

His personal belief system revolves around himself, but also staying within the boundaries

of established law. He believes that if he is a member of a community he must be a central figure of

said community, if not the overall leader of it. Overall, he is under developed in the category of

physiological development.

S – Social Development

Socially Joseph seeks other approval endlessly, and if he does not receive approval from

them he becomes combative and resilient towards that individual. In order for him to feel approval

from someone is for them to essentially feed into his desire to control any and all situations he is in,

and to accept that he must get what he wants. This is unacceptable for someone of his age, and is a

far underdeveloped trait, as explained in J’Anne Elsworth’s PEPSI Standards.

Being that he wants things to go his way he demands being a leader in most situations. He is

dependent on having people around him, but at the same time is also demanding that those he

keeps around him do exactly what he wants. This controlling behavior, and combative reactive

response is another indication of being socially underdeveloped, as indicated in “Age level

characteristics, Introduction to Educational Psychology.”

Joseph also believes he is more mentally mature for his age, causing him to believe he is

mentally better than all of his peers. I believe due to his socioeconomic standing he does have a

feeling of entitlement or feeling that his parent’s money puts him above his peers. This is socially

impacting him, causing him to think he is better than everyone else and that they should bend to his

social level or expectations. Which is considered underdeveloped as listed in “Terrible Teens.”

According to Joseph he does not plan on having to work, and expects to land a record deal

with his music, he plans on attending college in a music studies program primarily because his

parents will continue to fund him while he goes through college. This leaves him unprepared to fall

back on any skills needed to provide for himself. He is lacking a sense of self responsibility for

someone of his age.

I – Intellectual Development

Intellectually Joseph has an extensive knowledge of music, literature, and history for

someone of his age. This demonstrates that if he is truly interested in something that he becomes

more motivated to learn and develop his knowledge and skills in specific topics. He was able to

demonstrate to me that he has basic math and science skills, and is at least on the proper level for a

high school sophomore as listed in “Age level characteristics, Introduction to Educational


Logical reasoning is a tricky subject for Joseph. In some situations, he displayed excellent

logical reasoning, such as when we as a group could not decide what to do about a parking situation

in downtown Los Angeles, he was able to logically formulate a solution that three adults could not.

However, he had a lack of logical reasoning when he had to make a logical decision about spending

his money on food or souvenirs, where he consciously spent more than he had on souvenirs, and

leaving no money for food. This seems to also be a lack of reasoning skills, or a lack of money

management due to his upbringing. It is hard to say if he is properly developed in his logical
reasoning, as he allows his personal philosophical beliefs to conflict with his logical reasoning. This

is considered as an underdeveloped trait in “Terrible Teens.”

Rational thinking is another topic that has some conflict for Joseph. He seems to only think

rationally if the rational solution is for his self-benefit, whereas he will make irrational decisions

and not think of the consequences. This again is evidenced by him expecting others, who have no

true obligation to help him, to pay for his food, or other necessities. This is a trait I believe was

nurtured by his parent’s overindulgence. Naturally this has caused him to be underdeveloped in

this category as well, as listed in J’Anne Elsworth’s PEPSI Standards

Joseph's Development as compared to average 16 YO






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Average Joseph

Physically Joseph is on track with where he needs to be. I would recommend some dietary

changes to avoid future health issues, as in more nutritional foods, and more water, with less sugary

drinks and food. It would also be beneficial for him to pick up some type of physical outlet, such as a

sport or physical activity like dance, or weightlifting, as an outlet for his excess energy.

Emotional development could use some serious improvement. I would recommend more

parental intervention, as well as some introduction to self-responsibility, such as chores, or a par

time job for him to learn the value of self-dependence. More time with his father would also be

beneficial to his emotional development, as well as his mother working to put less of an emotional

strain on him when he is with her. It would also be beneficial to not give in to most of his demands,

and teach him how to properly emotionally react to being told no.

Philosophically I believe Joseph needs more exposure to other ways of thinking and living

as he seems to be stuck purely in a selfish personal philosophical mindset. Reading into some

classical literature, or even taking a philosophy class could provide him with outside thinking that

he may not have been exposed to before.

Social development needs attention as well. Joseph must be put into more situations where

he can observe and follow, in order to learn how to lead graciously, without seeming like a

demanding tyrant. This is another area where he would benefit from working at a part time job, or

even by doing some volunteer work to give back to the community and work together with others,

instead of demanding that others do what he wants.

Intellectually Joseph needs development in how he logically reasons with others. He is

superb at synthesizing new knowledge as well as accessing knowledge he has memorized; however,

he does not do well in situations where others disagree with him. I believe a positive outlet for this
would be a debate club or forensics team, where he can learn to construct a logical argument, and

sharpen his reasoning skills.


Physical Development

Boundless. "Physical Development in Adolescence." Boundless Psychology Boundless, 26 May. 2016.

Retrieved 7 May. 2017 from



J'Anne Ellsworth. “PEPSI Screening Late adolescence, Aware of Being Real” 1999, Retrieved 7 May.

2017 from

Michelle Gordon. “The Terrible Teens” School Library Journal, 1 June. 2006. Retrieved 7 May. 2017



Emotional Development

Jack Snowman, Rich McCown “Age Level Characteristics” Psychology applied to teaching, 14th

edition. 2015, Retrieved 7 May. 2017

J'Anne Ellsworth. “PEPSI Screening Late adolescence, Aware of Being Real” 1999, Retrieved 7 May.

2017 from

Michelle Gordon. “The Terrible Teens” School Library Journal, 1 June. 2006. Retrieved 7 May. 2017


Philosophical Development

Jack Snowman, Rich McCown “Age Level Characteristics” Psychology applied to teaching, 14th

edition. 2015, Retrieved 7 May. 2017

J'Anne Ellsworth. “PEPSI Screening Late adolescence, Aware of Being Real” 1999, Retrieved 7 May.

2017 from

Michelle Gordon. “The Terrible Teens” School Library Journal, 1 June. 2006. Retrieved 7 May. 2017



Social Development

Jack Snowman, Rich McCown “Age Level Characteristics” Psychology applied to teaching, 14th

edition. 2015, Retrieved 7 May. 2017

J'Anne Ellsworth. “PEPSI Screening Late adolescence, Aware of Being Real” 1999, Retrieved 7 May.

2017 from

Michelle Gordon. “The Terrible Teens” School Library Journal, 1 June. 2006. Retrieved 7 May. 2017



Intellectual Development

Jack Snowman, Rich McCown “Age Level Characteristics” Psychology applied to teaching, 14th

edition. 2015, Retrieved 7 May. 2017

J'Anne Ellsworth. “PEPSI Screening Late adolescence, Aware of Being Real” 1999, Retrieved 7 May.

2017 from

Michelle Gordon. “The Terrible Teens” School Library Journal, 1 June. 2006. Retrieved 7 May. 2017



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