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My Ambition in Life

People have their own dreams in life. It is always a good thing to have an ambition in
one’s life. A person without an aim or ambition in life is an unfortunate person. Without
a set aim, a person can achieve nothing in his life. An ambition is an incentive to a
person to work hard and to achieve success in life.

Different people have different ambitions. Some persons dream of becoming leaders,
politicians and social reformers. Some want to amass wealth, others want to achieve
fame and still others want to serve the mankind. There are others who have a craze
for becoming poets and writers whereas most of the people generally have a desire of
becoming doctors, engineers or scientists. Many young boys and girls aspire to
become actors and actresses. Thus ambitions differ from person to person.

My ambition in life is to become a teacher. The idea of simple living and high thinking
inspires me to take up this profession. The sole object of my life is to lead a life of
simplicity and goodness devoted to the service of others. The good examples set by
the great teachers of the past are before me. Their life and work inspire me very much
to devote mys«lf to this noble profession.

A good teacher is a real friend, philosopher and guide of the students. The teacher
removes the darkness of ignorance from the minds of the students and fills them with
knowledge and noble ideals. I want to fulfil this dream as a teacher. A teacher should
be free from corruption. I want to be honest and hard-working in my profession.

Malaysia can develop into a great nation if the problems of illiteracy, corruption,
superstition and ignorance are removed. I think that I can do my best to remove these
problems in my own little way as a teacher. The students of today are the citizens of
tomorrow. So I will lay great stress on the character formation of my students. A good
teacher is the architect of the destiny of the students. Thus I will play my humble role
in the building of my nation.

I have nurtured a love for young children from my childhood. As a teacher I can help
them to widen their outlook by inculcating the right knowledge. The company of young
children will help me to be fresh in my thoughts and outlook. I will try to instill the noble
qualities of service, sacrifice, patriotism and nationalism in my students. I shall also try
to inculcate in them a desire to learn the truth and lead a noble and virtuous life.

Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their
students. Solomon Ortiz

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