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Compiled by

Gangaraju P

1. RAIL TRANSPORT SYSTEM .................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Main features of a Transport system are............................................................................................ 8
1.2 Priorities of a Transport organization .................................................................................................. 8
1.3 History of Railway .................................................................................................................................. 8
1.4 Development of Railway System ......................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Present Global Scenario ..................................................................................................................... 12
1.6 Technical developments: .................................................................................................................... 13
1.7 Consoling factors.................................................................................................................................. 13
2. PERMANENT WAY ................................................................................................................................... 14
2.1 Permanent way includes ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.2 Point assembly ................................................................................................................................... 19
2.3 Parameters of P.Way related to Signalling ...................................................................................... 21
2.4 Infringements: ....................................................................................................................................... 22
3. RULES OF OPERATION FOR SAFE WORKING OF TRAINS .......................................................... 23
3.1 Possible risk factors in train working ....................................................................................................... 23
3.2 There are many Secondary risks associated with the interface of the following systems ..................... 23
3.3 Role of Signaling in working of trains............................................................................................. 24
3.4 RAMS................................................................................................................................................... 24
4. SIGNALING ................................................................................................................................................. 25
4.1 Development of Signaling Systems - important milestones ........................................................ 25
4.2 Role of signaling in train working ....................................................................................................... 27
4.3 Signal Spacing:..................................................................................................................................... 28
4.4 Efficiency ............................................................................................................................................... 31
5. BASIC CONCEPTS OF SIGNALING ...................................................................................................... 33
5.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 33
5.2 Signal Aspects ...................................................................................................................................... 34
5.3 Symbols and Nomenclatures ............................................................................................................ 34
6. CONTROLLING DEVICES ...................................................................................................................... 40
6.1 Lever Frames ............................................................................................................................................ 40
6.2 Control Centres .................................................................................................................................... 42
6.3 VDUs ...................................................................................................................................................... 43
6.4 Ergonomics used in the design of Control Centres. ..................................................................... 45
7. CONTROLLED DEVICES........................................................................................................................ 46
7.1 Signals ................................................................................................................................................... 46

7.2 POINTS ................................................................................................................................................. 59
8. RELAYS ....................................................................................................................................................... 74
8.1 Construction .......................................................................................................................................... 74
8.2 Working characteristics of a Relay .................................................................................................... 74
8.3 Classification of Relays: ...................................................................................................................... 76
8.4 Track relays: ......................................................................................................................................... 76
8.5 Line Relay: ............................................................................................................................................ 77
9. TRAIN DETECTION............................................................................................................................. 84
9.1 Track Circuits ........................................................................................................................................ 84
9.1.2 High Voltage Impulse (HVI) Track Circuits ................................................................................... 87
9.2 AXLE COUNTERS: ............................................................................................................................ 96
10. INTERLOCKING ................................................................................................................................... 103
10.1 Safety principle: ................................................................................................................................ 103
10.3 Essentials of Interlocking as defined by Indian Railway Signalling: ...................................... 104
11. SYSTEMS OF WORKING ............................................................................................................................. 122
11.1 Mechanical Interlocking: ................................................................................................................. 122
11.2 Interlocking in Electro Mechanical signalling: ..................................................................................... 123
11.3 Relay Based Interlocking...................................................................................................................... 123
11.5 Communication Based Train Control systems:.................................................................................... 126
12. SIGNALLING CIRCUITS .................................................................................................................... 127
12.1 Design Precautions: ............................................................................................................................. 127
12.2 Occupational Safety:............................................................................................................................ 127
12.4 Internal circuits: ............................................................................................................................... 130
12.5 Lineside circuits: .............................................................................................................................. 130
12.6 Different types of circuit arrangements ...................................................................................... 130
12.8 Electrical Locking arrangement on Mechanical Levers ................................................................... 137
12.9 TRACKSIDE POINT CONTROL AND DETECTION CIRCUITS .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
13. ROUTE RELAY INTERLOCKING. ................................................................................................................... 139
13.1 Buttons and Knobs .............................................................................................................................. 139
13.2 Following circuits are involved in Route setting, Signal clearance and Route releasing process: ..... 141
13.3 Releasing of Route Locking: ................................................................................................................. 158
14. MONITORING............................................................................................................................................ 165
14.1 Display Panels for Mechanical Signalling: ........................................................................................... 165
14.2 Display Panels for Relay Interlocking ................................................................................................. 165
15. TRANSMISSION .......................................................................................................................................... 166

15.1 Cables: ................................................................................................................................................. 167
15.2 Structure & configuration of Signalling cables: .................................................................................. 168
15.3 Screened cables: ................................................................................................................................. 168
15.4 Categorization of Signaling Cables: .................................................................................................... 169
15.5 Power cables: ..................................................................................................................................... 169
15.6 Size of conductors: .............................................................................................................................. 169
15.7 Cross talk and attenuation: ................................................................................................................. 170
15.8 Quad cable usage & configuration: .................................................................................................... 170
15.9 Optical Fibre Cable (OFC): ................................................................................................................... 171
15.10 Cable selection: ............................................................................................................................... 172
15.11 Laying of cables: ................................................................................................................................ 172
15.12 Plug couplers, Pre-formed terminations: .......................................................................................... 174
16. ELECTRONIC INTERLOCKING - INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 175
16.1 Advantages of Electronic Interlocking over Relay Interlocking ........................................................... 175
16.2 Different System Architectures: .......................................................................................................... 175
16.3 Electronic Interlocking consists ........................................................................................................... 176
16.4 Systems ................................................................................................................................................ 177
17. SOLID STATE INTERLOCKING .................................................................................................................... 179
17.1 System features: .................................................................................................................................. 179
17.2 Principle of Majority Voting................................................................................................................. 179
17.3 Different makes of SSI are in use. Some are given below. ................................................................. 180
17.4 SSI-Application program ...................................................................................................................... 181
17.5. Data Link ............................................................................................................................................. 185
17.6 Trackside Function Modules................................................................................................................ 187
17.7 Anti- Bobbing Protection ..................................................................................................................... 190
17.8 Central Interlocking (CI) ....................................................................................................................... 191
17.9 Data Transmission and bit allocation .................................................................................................. 192
17.10 Interlocking Minor Cycle & Major Cycle ............................................................................................ 193
17.11 SSI Design of Work Station ................................................................................................................ 193
17.12 Connection of SSI to IECC .................................................................................................................. 193
17.13 Constraints/Problems of Electronic Interlocking .............................................................................. 194
18. EVENT LOGGER ........................................................................................................................................ 195
8.1 Event Logger consists ............................................................................................................................ 195
18.2 Important features .............................................................................................................................. 195
18.3 CPU Card .............................................................................................................................................. 196

18.4 Power supply ....................................................................................................................................... 196
18.5 Network Management of Data loggers (NMDL) functions: ................................................................ 196
18.6 Network is connected with two types of 4-wire modems: ................................................................. 197
19. LEVEL CROSSING ........................................................................................................................................ 198
19.1 Classification of a Level Crossing ......................................................................................................... 198
19.2 Types of Level crossing gates .............................................................................................................. 198
19.3 Interlocking of Level Crossing gates: ................................................................................................... 198
19.4 Rules for passing an Interlocked Gate signal: ...................................................................................... 199
20. OTHER SAFETY DEVICES ............................................................................................................................ 201
20.1 Automatic Warning System (AWS) ...................................................................................................... 201
20.2 Train Protection and Warning System (TPWS) .................................................................................... 202
20.3 Automatic Train Protection system (ATP) ........................................................................................... 202
21. BLOCK WORKING ...................................................................................................................................... 206
21.1 Fixed block system............................................................................................................................... 206
21.2 Moving block system ........................................................................................................................... 206
21.3 Definitions related to Block working ................................................................................................... 206
21.4 Running of trains under Absolute Block System ................................................................................. 207
21.5 Essential features of a Block instrument ............................................................................................. 207
21.6 Block Instruments ................................................................................................................................ 207
21.6.2 Double line Block Instrument: .......................................................................................................... 210
21.7 Precautions .......................................................................................................................................... 211
21.8 Splitting of the block section for increasing section capacity ............................................................. 211
21.9 Automatic Block signalling system ...................................................................................................... 212
21.10 Moving block: .................................................................................................................................... 216
22. POWER SUPPLLIES ..................................................................................................................................... 217
22.1 Power Source....................................................................................................................................... 217
22.2 Competency......................................................................................................................................... 217
22.3 Protective measures ............................................................................................................................ 218
22.4 Supplies generally used in signaling. ................................................................................................... 218
22.5 Precautions .......................................................................................................................................... 218
22.6 Cables used for signalling power supply ............................................................................................. 220
22.7 Earths ................................................................................................................................................. 220
22.8 Earth value measurement ................................................................................................................... 220
22.9 Batteries .............................................................................................................................................. 222
22.10 Power Feeder calculations............................................................................................................... 222

22.11 Power from Solar cells ....................................................................................................................... 223
22.12 UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY(UPS) ............................................................................................ 224
22.13 UPS DESIGN ...................................................................................................................................... 224
22.15 Integrated Power Supply (IPS) ........................................................................................................... 225
23. COMMUNICATION BASED TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEM (METRO) ................................................................ 229
23.1 Trackside Components ........................................................................................................................ 229
23.2 Norming Points .................................................................................................................................... 230
23.3 SPIs (Switch Position Indicator) ........................................................................................................... 230
23.4 WNRA (Wayside Radio Network Assembly) ........................................................................................ 231
23.5 ESPs and CESB...................................................................................................................................... 233
24. METRO SIGNALLING WITH FIXED BLOCK WORKING: ................................................................................ 236
24.1 BMRC System Overview ...................................................................................................................... 236
24.2 Track Circuits: ...................................................................................................................................... 236
24.3 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE ...................................................................................................................... 237
24.4 SAFETY STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................ 237
24.5 Automatic Train Control System is Continuous type........................................................................... 238
24.5 ASCV subsystem .................................................................................................................................. 242
24.7 SDTC subsystem................................................................................................................................... 243
24.8 Trackside Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 243
24.9 LINE SIDE SIGNALS ............................................................................................................................... 244
24.10 Track circuit coding............................................................................................................................ 244
24.11 COMPUTER BASED INTERLOCKING (CBI): .................................................................................... 245
24.12 Control Terminal with VDU Display .................................................................................................. 246
24.13 ELECTRIC POINT MACHINES .............................................................................................................. 246
24.14 DEPOTS .............................................................................................................................................. 247
24.15 TRAIN RADIO SYSTEM: ...................................................................................................................... 247
25. ELECTRICAL TRACTION............................................................................................................................... 248
25.1 DC Traction .................................................................................................................................. 248
25.2 Electrification - Advantages vs Disadvantages .................................................................................... 248
25.3 Traction Power supply ......................................................................................................................... 249
25.4 Electrical traction arrangement........................................................................................................... 249
25.5 Overhead Line equipment (OLE) includes ........................................................................................... 251
25.6 Bonds ................................................................................................................................................... 254
25.7 Effects of A C Traction on Signalling & Telecommunication systems. ................................................ 256
25.8 Objectives of Signaling are as under: .................................................................................................. 258

25.8 Rail reduction factor ............................................................................................................................ 258
26. DOCUMENTATION IN SIGNALING............................................................................................................. 270
26.1 PLANS: ................................................................................................................................................. 270
26.2 Diagrams/Designs ................................................................................................................................ 273
26.3 Documents .......................................................................................................................................... 276
26.4 Design Methodology of UK Rlys. ......................................................................................................... 277

1.1 Main features of a Transport system are
• Mode of transport and it’s network: It includes any type of Transport Network
that is being used to transport humans, animals, goods etc.- e.g. Roadways,
Railways, Airways, Waterways etc.
• Infrastructure: Support system of the Transport Network like Bus stations, Rail
stations, Airports, Seaports, Maintenance units, Communication Network,
Workforce etc.
• Control of Operations – Control of Network, Contingency readiness, Planning and

1.2 Priorities of a Transport organization

• Optimum utilization of the system
• Enhancement of Speed within optimal range
• Improvement in operational capacity.
• Safety in operations
• Fuel Efficiency
• Reduction in Working costs
• Improvement in User amenities
• Infrastructure investments for development.
• Consideration to Environmental, aesthetic and social impacts
• Optimum utilization of Land.

Preferences of Railways
• Most energy efficient. A train needs 50-70% less energy to transport a given
tonnage of freight (or given number of passengers), than by road transport
• Small frontal area in relation to the load, which cuts down the air resistance and
thus the use of energy.
• One of the safest modes of transport. Its accident rate is very low in comparison
with the amount of traffic it deals.
• More comfortable than most other forms of transport.
• Makes highly efficient use of space and time: a double-tracked rail line can carry
more passengers or freight in a given amount of time than a four-laned road.

1.3 History of Railway

• Origin of Railways lies in the coal trade of Tyneside,UK.
• The first horse-drawn wagon ways appeared in Greece, Malta, and parts of the
Roman Empire at least 2000 years ago, using cut-stone tracks.
• History of present Rail Transport dates back to nearly 500 years, and includes
systems with Man power or Horse power using rails made of wood or stone
• The rapidly increasing trade towards the end of the 17th century led to the
introduction of wooden railways, around 1680.

• 1729- Iron wheels were introduced.
• 1788- Edgeworth proposed wagons to spread the load. He suggested rollers for
wagon axles to reduce friction. He projected drawing of wagons by chains along
the track, moved by stationary engines.
• 1806 - a horse-drawn Railway was built between Swansea and Mumbles,

1.4 Development of Railway System

1.4.1 Rails
• 1767- Richard Reynolds of Coalbrookdale produced iron rails.
• 1789 - In the late 18th century iron rails began to appear. British civil engineer
William Jessop designed edge rails to be used with flanged wheels for use on a
scheme in Loughborough, Leicestershire.
• R. Stevenson of Edinburgh used malleable iron bars 12' to 20' long as rails, with
flat sides and parallel edges on top of wooden rails.
• 1808- Cast-iron edge rails with a flat base were produced.
• 1817 - J. Hawkes invented a composite rail. A cast-iron head was cast on a
malleable iron bar. But experience showed these rails are not reliable. Though
Cast iron has the advantage of a harder surface, but once this wore through, wear
becomes rapid and also brittle.
• 1820 - Birkenshaw's designed malleable iron rails of lengths of 12 to 15 feet. He
also suggested welding the rails end to end which is now adopted as CWR

1.4.2 Tramways
• Wagonways in mines may have provided the original idea for the Railway System.
• 1790 - Canal age Tramway of horse-drawn trains on cast-iron plate rails that was
the immediate ancestor of the steam railway really goes back no farther than
• Tramway is specially constructed hard road for vehicles and guiding the vehicles.
Area of bearing surface is reduced to a minimum. This permitted the operation of
trains or row of vehicles. The employment of metal road with metal wheels reduced
the friction and wear was minimum.
• Amount of fall and rise of the track(Gradient) was significant factor in the design of
• Tracks were made with a width of 4 yards for a single line and 7 yards for a double
and laid on Level bed of gravel.
• Sleepers were placed to maintain the track gauge. Stone sleepers 8-12 inch thick and
weighing about 150-200 pounds with Tram plates on the top were used.
• Gravel was placed around the sleepers and firmly packed. Wooden plugs are
hammered into the sleepers and drilled to suit the spikes to fasten the plates.

1.4.3 Wheels
• Initially wooden wheels were turned on wrought iron axles. Axle holes were square,
so the axles turned in. Treads were case- hardened [chilled] to resist wear.
• Around 1729- Iron wheels were introduced. The newer edgeways used cast-iron
wheels with conical treads 4"wide and ledges (flanges) 1" deep.

1.4.4 Motive Power

• Railways could be worked by horses, men, gravity, stationary engines, or locomotives.
The most advanced opinion favored locomotives for level sections.
• William Jessop had pioneered the use of stationary steam engines for drainage and
water supply, as well as stationary engines for inclines, where the load was not
primarily downhill. Same was recommended for Railway use.
• 21 February 1804 - Trevithick's locomotive ran, drawing 10 tons of iron and some
70 people at nearly 5mph for 9 miles.

1.4.5 Steam Operated Railway

• 1820s - The first successful Steam-operated railway was the Stockton and
Darlington Railway, ran in northern England.
• It was initially meant to be an ordinary horse-drawn wagon way.
• Line was 26 miles (40 km) long, and built between Stockton-on-Tees and
Darlington and from Darlington to several collieries near Shildon in north-eastern
• The line was initially built to connect inland coal mines to Stockton, where coal was
to be loaded onto sea going boats.
• The line's structures included one of the first Railway Bridges, designed by
architect Ignatius Bonomi, the so-called 'first Railway Architect‘.

• The original Liverpool and Manchester line still operates today as a secondary line
between the two cities.
• 1830 - Baltimore and Ohio was opened, it evolved into major Railway system.
• After its introduction in the 1830‘s, rail transport has dominated motorised land
transport for nearly a century.
• By the summer of 1831 the Railway was carrying tens of thousands by special
trains to Newton Races.
• 1888 - The use of overhead wires conducting electricity invented, which led to the
development of electrified railways.
• 1892 - The first electric train was operated at Coney Island (USA).

1.4.6 First Steam Train

• On 27 September 1825; the first steam- hauled passenger train ran carrying about
600 passengers.
• First passenger train took two hours to complete the first 12 miles(19Km) of the
• It was mainly a freight-carrying line and passenger transport was little more than a
side line. Most of the passengers sat in open coal wagons, but one experimental
passenger coach was built, called "The Experiment", to carry the dignitaries.
• By 1833 the S&DR had become entirely steam-operated, proved a huge financial
success, and paved the way for modern Rail Transport.
• Liverpool and Manchester Railway (LMR) was the world's first intercity passenger
Railway operated solely by steam locomotives with George Stephenson's famous
Rocket steam locomotive.
• LMR was also built to provide faster transport of raw materials and finished goods
between the port of Liverpool and mills in Manchester in NW England.
• Line opened on September 15, 1830 with termini at Liverpool Road, Manchester
and Edge Hill, Liverpool.
• Festivities of the opening day were marred when William Huskisson, the popular
Member of Parliament for Liverpool while standing on the permanent way during a
short halt, misjudged the speed of the approaching locomotive ‘Rocket’ and was
run over.
• It became the world's first Railway passenger fatality also.
• Not withstanding the unfortunate start, the LMR was very successful. Within a few
weeks of opening the LMR, first excursion trains were run, carried the first mails,
and was conveying road-rail containers for Pickfords.

Indian Railways
• The first railway in India (the first in Asia, too) was the Great Indian Peninsular.
After the failure of the American crop in 1846, there was heavy moment of cotton
from India to UK textile industry.
• Railway was started primarily to improve the transport of cotton to the coast for
• The first public train ran on April 16th, 1853 between Bori-Bunder and Thane. It
was first Railway in Asia too.
• In 1951 the different railway systems in India were nationalised as one unit.
• It is one of the world's largest railway networks comprising 115,000 km (71,000 mi)
of track over a route of 67,312 km (41,826 mi) with 7,112 stations.
• As per 2014-15 statistics, IR has carried 8.397 billion passengers annually ie, more
than 23 million passengers a day (roughly half of whom were suburban
passengers) and 1058.81 million tons of freight.
• During 2014–2015 Indian Railways had revenues of ₹1,634.50 billion (US$24
billion) which consists of ₹1,069.27 billion (US$16 billion) from freight and ₹402.80
billion (US$6.0 billion) from passengers tickets.
• A total of 12,617 passenger trains and 7,421 freight trains are run daily.
• As of 31 March 2016, 27,999 km (17,398 mi) (41.59% of the total 67,312 km route
length) was electrified. Since 1960, most of the ectrified sections on IR use 25,000
Volt AC traction.
• As in 2013, total employees on IR are 2.376 million.
• World’s Top 5 longest Rail Networks are-

USA - 2,50,000 Km
CHINA - 1,21,000 Km
RUSSIA - 86,000 Km
INDIA - 67,312 Km
CANADA - 46,552 Km

1.5 Present Global Scenario

• Nowadays Rail’s market share has come down in many countries, it is high only in
some countries (e.g. Passenger transport in Japan, China and India, Freight
transport in Northern America, Russia and China).
• In passenger transport Rail has only 8 percent of the global market
• World Freight transport on Railways has decreased sharply after the breakdown of
the Soviet Union. Globally, at the end of the 20th century 1800 billion passenger-
kilometers and 5700 billion ton Freight kilometers per year took place on the 900000
km long global Rail Network.
• The Rail system has a cost structure different from Road transport. For the Road,
the infrastructure costs are less than 20 % of total system cost (i.e. for roads,
vehicles, driving and insurance; external costs are not included), whereas for Rail
Infrastructure cost is often more than half of the total cost. This means that the
development of Railways is difficult in times when the public money is scarce.
• The share of Rail in global transport has been continuously decreasing since the
beginning of the 20th century and today it is considerably lower than the share of
road traffic.
• To improve performance of Rail industry in local and long distance Passenger
transport as well as in Freight transport, changes in policy and planning, innovative
design of vehicles and a better integration with other transport modes would be
• For example increased introduction of the buyer principle, priority for light rail at
intersections, Dual System of Light Rail can be considered.

• An important precondition for the integration of local trains/light rails with bus
connections ( "feeder buses") and through ticketing system (common ticket for
bus, metro and train in urban areas).
• With the introduction of high speed trains like (Japanese Shinkansen and the
French "Train à Grande Vitesse“ TGV), rail can be the strongest competitor up to
distances of 600 km. E.g. between Paris and Brussels (310 km distance) the
market share of rail is 10 times higher than the share of air traffic.
• There is a significant potential exists to improve energy efficiency in Rail travel,
through both vehicle design, and new Traction Technology.
• In the inter-city transport, high speed trains have shown their competitiveness.
Present transport range is between 300 to 600 km.
• To promote Rail freight, political decisions should support climate friendly technologies
(light rail) are essential.

1.6 Technical developments:

In this direction the most important areas are:-
• Introduction of economical driving criteria in driver assistance systems.
• Incorporation of multi-modal Road-Rail systems.
• Improving the energy efficiency of electric and electronic components like Traction
Engines, Power controllers etc.,
• Improving and developing bogie design to further reduction in rolling resistance.
• Developing improved marshalling systems for different freight wagons and correct
configuration of wagons significantly reduces Aerodynamic drag
• Future of Rail transport is the high-speed passenger services competing with the more
and more congested air transport and the freight combined transport.
• To achieve these aims institutional support is needed for Rail investment
particularly in relation with infrastructure upgrade.

1.7 Consoling factors

• Railways are the only mass transport system on land. It is the cheapest and most
convenient mode of transport.
• Railway is the transport on which any Government can depend, in case of
emergency to move Man Power and Material.


• 1825 – First British Railway Track was laid between Stockton and Darlington
• Since 1845 –gauge is standardized as 1435mm. Most of world Railways use the
Standard Gauge.
• Gauge is measured from center of one rail to the center of other rail
• On UK Railways the Area inside the two rails is called 4 foot area and the area
between two adjacent tracks is called 6 foot area.

Why a Signal Engineer should know about P.Way?

• We are closely associated with the P.Way for train running
• We need to understand the P.way layout to provide signaling for its optimum
• Layout should meet the Signaling Specifications and Traffic requirements
• Signaling takes the responsibility for the operation of all interlocked points and the
safe passage of trains over them.
• Train Detection system and various Train Warning equipment are installed on
• Ballast condition of P.Way effects the most Train Detection Systems in use.
Proper Drainage facilities are essential for proper working of Signaling System
• Track side Signaling equipment should not infringe with the moving trains (standard
dimensions). So we need to know the P.Way parameters in locating the Signaling

2.1 Permanent way includes

• Permanent way includes plain track and points & crossings.
• Points & crossings is the arrangement on Railway track where routes can Diverge
or Converge.
• Various components of P.way are explained below.

2.1.1 Rails
• Rails are made of steel. Chemical composition of steel is -
Iron -
Carbon - 0.45 - 0.60 %
Silicon - 0.05 - 0.35 %
Manganese - 0.95 – 1.25 % (resists the formation of FeS)
Phosphorous - 0.040 % max
Sulphur - 0.040%
Other impurities - Nitrogen and hydrogen

• Originally the shape of rails was ‘T’ Section.

• 1835 - BH rails were developed which can be turned up side down when one head
is worn out.

• Since 1948 – Flat bottomed rails are in use. They reduce lateral distortion and
permit high speeds, less maintenance
• Rails are available in various lengths and weightages
• Available Lengths are 9.144m, 12.720m, 13.860m and 18.280m(Std). It may vary
from country to country.
• Weightages of rails – 35 lbs, 42 lbs, 50 lbs, 60 lbs, 75lbs, 17.36 kg, 24.8 kg, 37.20
kg. were used.
• Since 1968 - 54kg and 56kg flat bottomed Rails are standardized.


2.1.2 Sleepers
• Sleepers are provided to hold both the rails firmly to prevent spreading of gauge.
• Spacing of sleepers depends on the speed and traffic density of the section.
• Wooden sleepers are in use since 17th century. Their life is about 35 years. Soft
wood is having less life. Presently the use of wooden sleepers is prohibited to
prevent deforestation.
• Steel sleepers are also in use with Corrosion protection.
• Since 1920 Pre-Stressed Concrete sleepers(PSC) are being used. Use of Iron and
concrete combination is permitting better ride and higher speeds in train running.
Wear and tear of rails is less, thereby increases the life of rails by 1/3rd. Number
of rail breakages are minimized. Maintenance cost is also reduced with the
increased sleeper life.
• Steel Fasteners are used to hold the rails with the sleepers. Steel spikes are used
with wooden sleepers and Pandarol clips are used with PSC sleepers.
• Rubber pads are provided between the rail bottom and the sleeper top which
provides cushion and also avoid damage to the sleepers. In track circuited areas,
these rubber pads provide electrical insulation between sleeper and rail. They are
manufactured with thermoplastic or synthetic rubber material.
• To maintain the firm grip metal strips are provided below the pandarol clips where it
touches rail. In track circuited areas, insulating strips (of thermoplastic) are



2.1.3 Rail Joints:

• Rails are joined with fish plates. They are either with 4 holes or 6 holes.
• Any Rail Joint is a weak spot in a P.Way. Due to continuous knocking, rails get
damaged at joints. Frequent packing is required at joints.
• Rails undergo expansion/contraction due to variation in atmospheric temperature.
To cater for this, it is essential to provide a specified gap between the rails. This
leads to knocking of rails during the train running.
• Rails are welded continuously to provide smoother ride at higher speeds. In
factories Rails are welded in transportable lengths using Flash Butt method (fusing
at high voltage).
• At site these rail sections are welded continuously using Thermitt welding process
in which a chemical composition is used. When ignited it generates an instant heat
of 2500ºC with Alumino thermic reaction and welds the rails instantaneously.
• In CWR sections, the cumulative expansion and contraction of the rails is
accommodated by providing Overlapping joints at intervals.
• Rails are insulated in track circuited areas to electrically isolate one track circuit
from the adjacent.
• Insulated Rail joint can be assembled type or can be pre- assembled Glued joints.
Each Glued joint is supplied with an overall length of 6 meters. They can be either
with 4 holes or 6 holes. They are inserted and welded wherever track circuit

2.1.4 Ballast (stones)

• Provided between sleepers to hold the P.Way structure together and to allow
smooth running of trains. Track bed works elastically. It returns to normal state
after passage of each train.
• Ballast depth – depends on the permissible speed and tonnage of the section.
Normal bed depth is between 25mm – 200mm.
For higher speeds of 129 - 201mph, bed depth is between 150mm – 280mm.
• Size of stones varies from 10mm to 25mm. In Points & Crossings area small size
ballast is used to ensure better packing.
• Ballast collects dust and accumulates. Consequently the cushion effect gets
minimized. In DC track circuited areas, this dust provides leakage paths during wet
• Periodical cleaning of ballast is done, to remove the dust, mud and broken stones.





2.1.5 Gauge
• Track gauge is measured between the inside faces of two rails. There are four
types of Gauges in use all over the world.
 Broad Gauge – 5ft 6in.(mostly used in India, Pakistan,
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka)
 Standard Gauge – 4ft 8 ½ in.(1435mm) (mostly used by all
 Meter Gauge 1 meter (used by some countries)
 Narrow Gauge - 2ft 6in ( mostly used in hilly terrains)

• Most of the Malaysian Railway is with Meter Gauge.

• Airport Express line between KL Sentral and KL Airport is of Standard Gauge.
• There is a proposal to provide Broad Gauge in certain sections of Malaysia to carry
higher loads of freight.

2.2 Point assembly

Parts of a switch & crossing
• Stock rails – 2
• Switch Rails- 2
• Gauge tie plate - 1(not required in case of PSC or Steel sleepers)
• Nose Crossing Plate - 1(not required in case of PSC or Steel sleepers)
• Leading Stretcher bar - 1
• Following stretcher bars – number depends on length of switch rail
• Length of Switch and Nose crossing depends on type of Points & Crossing
• Type of Switch & Crossing to be used in a layout depends on the speeds permitted.
• Categories of switches - UNDERCUT, STRAIGHT CUT, Chamfered
• Nine types of switches A,B,C,D,E,F, SG, G, H are available in varying lengths and
curvatures. Generally BV, CV, DV, EV, FV types are used.
• Different Types of Crossings are in use –
- Swing nose crossing, Flat crossing, Switch diamond crossings,
- Ladder crossover, Symmetrical split,
- Single and Double slips.






• Turnouts are identified as Left hand turnout or Right hand turnout.

• They are also used for various specific purposes like as Trap points, catch siding
points, slip siding points.
• Trap points are provided to isolate a particular line from adjoining lines.
• Where steep gradients are there, points are provided for protection of station
sections and block section from escaping vehicles.
• In case of a steep gradient falling towards the station section, there is a possibility
of free vehicles rolling from Block section towards the station section. To catch
such vehicles Points are provided in the approach of station with a siding . Normal
position of Catch point is set to Siding.
• In case gradient falling towards the Block section, there is a possibility of vehicles
escaping from the station section and roll into Block section. To prevent such
slipping of vehicles, Slip siding points is provided outside all connections of a
station. Normal position of such point is set to slip siding, so that any vehicles
slipping from station are collected in the slip siding.
• Other forms of protective appliances associated with P.way are Derailers/Scoth
blocks, Sand humps
• Derailment hazards are common at switches, due to curvature, Cant deficiency on
• Flange way width to be maintained between the stock rails and switch for the
flange of wheel to move freely.

2.3 Parameters of P.Way related to Signalling

• Permissible speeds on a section of P.Way depends on the track stability condition
of the track.
• Gauge, Transition curve, cant, cant deficiency, curvature, gradient, Creep
• Passing clearances at junctions and allowances on trackside due to cant and
curve are to be provided.

• Lateral movements of track due to vehicle instability are also to be taken into
• Bridges and Level Crossings
• Curvature and Versine
• Drainage system

2.4 Infringements:
• All trackside signaling equipment shall be installed without infringing with the train
movements. All P.W. parameters shall be taken into consideration while fixing the
• Guidelines specified by Schedule of Infringing dimensions shall be followed.



Railway has a segregated Right of Way. Driver has no choice. He has to follow the
route set. Railway track is divided into multiple sections to allow more number of
Several risks are involved in train working. When the train starts moving there will be
initial inertia due to its weight. Once the train starts moving after overcoming the initial
inertia, the rollability between the wheel and rail increases due to smooth metal
surfaces. This results in train gaining a large momentum as the speed increases. With
this, controlling the speed of the train and stopping it becomes very critical. It depends
on the judiciousness and experience of the driver.
‘Safe Distance’ should be ensured between successive trains travelling in the same
direction and also prevents any conflicting movements from the adjacent tracks that
may endanger the safety.

3.1 Possible risk factors in train working

• Misjudgment by the driver in controlling the speed of the train.
• Sufficient ‘Braking Distance’ in the approach of the stop signal to bring the train to a
safe stop before the signal.
• Marginal safety distance called ‘Overlap’ is required beyond a Red signal to
address the risk, in case driver overshoots the signal.
• Signal is the only communication between the ground equipment and the driver.
Signal aspects convey the information about the status of the signal in advance
(section in advance).
• So visibility of signals should be adequate. Possible misreading of signal aspects
should be eliminated.
• Signal Sighting Committee checks the possible sighting conditions of a signal
before locating the signal and recommends the measures to be taken for better
• All possible conflicting movements, that may infringe with the signaled route
should be arrested.
• Risks arising due to possible overruns at adjacent signals shall be identified and
• Route should be held until the movement is completed and it is released only when
it is safe to do so.
• System Failure should not cause an unsafe condition.

3.2 There are many Secondary risks associated with the interface of the
following systems
• Remote control of system and data transmission
• Power supplies to the signaling system
• Control and display systems
• Fringe interlocking systems or sub systems
• Trackside signalling equipment
• Imported Electro-Magnetic interferences (EMI)

• These risks shall be identified and controlled to maintain the Safety Integrity of the
• Train detection where provided should be continuous and reliable as far as

3.3 Role of Signaling in working of trains

• All risks shall be taken into account for providing a safe routing, spacing and
control of trains. This shall apply both during normal working and also during the
failure of any part of the interlocking system.
• Trackside functions in the route shall be so interlocked to reduce the likelihood of
collisions and derailments, and consequential injury or damage to the personal
and property.
• Facility should be available to request Movement Authority and also to withdraw
Movement Authority. Interlocking system shall be so designed, to prevent the risks
consequent to a train exceeding its Movement Authority are minimised.
• Safety integrity level of the signaling system should meet the standards of SIL4, as
defined in BS EN.50129.
• Additionally to make the Rail business profitable, train movements should be
maximized. Signaling should help to increase the speed, frequency of train service.
Consequences in degraded situations (e.g. hand signalling) shall be identified,
controlled and documented.

3.4 RAMS
A Signaling System should be designed to comply with RAMS specification.

Ability of a system to perform a required function under given conditions, over a given
time interval.

Ability of a system to be in a state to perform a required function under given
conditions, at a given instant of time, (assuming that the required external resources
are provided).

Ability of a system to be retained in, or restored to, a state in which it can perform a
required function. Definition includes: given conditions of use, maintenance could be
performed under given conditions using stated procedures/resources.

3.4.4 SAFETY
Measure of the ability of the system to operate without appreciable risk. Risk is a
measure of the extent of potential harm to people, equipment or environment, being
the product of the chance of the event and the resulting consequences.

The signalling system is an essential part of the Train working. It’s principal task is to
ensure that trains are run safely, i.e one train must not run into the back of another, or
two trains must not collide when both are from opposite directions. Though evolved
primarily for safe working of trains, signaling plays an important role in increasing the
Line Capacity with minimum investment.
Railway vehicles move on steel rails. Engines, wagons and coaches are provided
with flanged steel wheels. The rolling of steel wheels on the steel rail has the least
friction and therefore, it is the most efficient means of locomotion.
Unlike road vehicles, trains have no capacity to steer away from the given path. They
have to follow a fixed path, as guided by the rails. They are required to follow one
Precedence and crossings can be arranged only at stations. Driver of a locomotive
has control only over the speed of the train, he can start and stop. Communication to
the driver (to proceed or stop) is only through signals.

4.1 Development of Signaling Systems - important milestones

When the Railway Transport was introduced there were no fixed signals. Color flags
during day and oil lamps during the night were used. Policemen were operating the
points at track Junctions.

Different companies designed different shapes of signals. First Fixed Signal,

consisted a Red board. Board was pivoted, so that it can be turned to show a knife
edge and permit the driver to proceed further.

During 1841 first “Semaphore” Signals were first introduced. Subsequently sevaral
modifications were made to signals.

Two aspect Lower quadrant signalling and Multiple aspect Upper quadrant signals
were standardised.


• 1843 – UK installed the first Mechanical Interlocking in Bricklayers arms Junction,

using levers for points and stirrups for signals.
• 1847 – system was further improved using Lever frames. Point and Signal levers
were grouped and mechanical interlocking was provided between the levers.
System is called Single Wire Signalling with Two Aspect Lower Quadrant
Semaphore signals. 7/17 stranded GI wire is used for operating the signals.
Points are operated with 30mm MS rods. This primitive system is still in use in
many countries.
• There are many disadvantages associated with this Single Wire Mechanical
Signaling. It is not suitable for ever increasing the train traffic. Main disadvantages
are restricted range of operation due to loss of stroke and the information conveyed
to the driver with two aspects is not adequate.
• 1920 – Double wire system was developed in Germany. This is an improved
version of Mechanical signaling. Mechanisms are used for operating the Signals
and Points.. These mechanisms are operated by two steel wires, one is called ‘Pull
wire’ and the other is called ‘Return wire’. Wires are pre-tensioned to minimize the
stroke losses due to friction and also to overcome the effects temperature
• This marginally increased the operating Range and the system reliability. Along
with this system, Multiple Aspect Upper Quadrant Semaphore Signals are used
which provided better signal visibility and better information to the driver. Even this
system still exists in some countries.
• 1904 – Color light signals were first used in US, but the visibility distance was very
• By 1914, the lamp and lens combination design was improved which increased the
visibility distance. UK has used the color light signals in 1921 at Liverpool Cross
Road stn. In India the first color light signals were used in 1925 for suburban traffic
of Bombay.
• Next development was the Block system to protect the area between the stations.
UK followed Space interval method to design the Block working.

4.2 Role of signaling in train working
• The priority of signaling is to achieve safety in train working.
• Due to low friction between the Wheels and Rails, train gains a large momentum
while running. Train running at Sectional permissible speed requires a long
distance to stop the train safely.
• A minimum distance shall be maintained between the following trains so as to stop
a train safely from its permissible section speed using the normal braking technics.
This distance is called Braking Distance.
• So the First safety requirement in train working is to maintain a minimum Braking
distance between the following trains by placing the signals suitably.
• But it is also essential to give an advance information to the driver about the Red
signal ahead, so that he will be able control speed of the train and bring his train to
a stop at the Red signal without overshooting it.
• To achieve this safety requirement, every Red signal should be preceded by a
warning signal which should be located at the minimum Braking Distance in rear
from the Red signal.
• Braking Distance depends on the Permissible Speed and the Gradients in the
approach of the Red Signal where the train is required to stop.
• Permissible speeds for each section of track are specified by P.Way depending on
the fitness of the track.
• Sometimes the required minimum braking distance may not be achievable using
the permissible speed. In such cases use of Attainable Speed which is lesser can
be considered with the permission of Competent Authority. It should be ensured
that permissible speed is not achievable at that location.
Attainable Speed
• It is the maximum speed a train is able to achieve at a location due to geographical
conditions like gradients or
• Driver may be reducing the speed to meet the speed restrictions in the approach of
signal or
• While breaking the speed to bring the train to a stand at a stop signal.
• Attainable speed is derived from acceleration data which has been produced and
validated by a Vehicle Acceptance Body. Rising or Falling gradients in the
approach of signal shall also be considered, for calculating the Attainable speed.
• In tunnels or on viaducts
• Part way along platforms
• In the limits of OHNS
• Over or immediately after a point in the route.
Differential Speeds
• Differential speeds are those applicable in the same area for different types of
trains, depending on the Brake Power of trains operating in the section.
• Various factors are to be considered for increasing the permissible speed of a
particular section.

• P.Way decides the permissible Speed for each portion of track depending
on the fitness of the track.
• Coaches should be fit enough to run at higher speeds.
• Locomotive should be capable of running at higher speeds with sufficient
brake power.
• All Risks associated with the Higher speeds should be assessed and
addressed by signaling.

Calculation of average gradient:

• Gradient 1, gradient 2, gradient 3, gradient 4 & gradient 5 are gradients and
D1, D2, D3, D4 & D5 are the respective distances for each gradients.
• Gradient proportion(X) = D1xg.1 + D2xg2 + D3xg3 + D4xg4 - D5xg5(F)
• X= 150x200+1200x300 +0x400+500x350-200x400=475000
• Total Distance D = D1+D2+D3+D4-D5 = 200+300+400+350+400=1650
• Ruling gradient R =Total Distance/ gradient proportion = D/X = 1 in 288
• In the above profile the average gradient is 1 in 288 (Rising)

Gradient Profile

Sig-1 Sig-3

200y 300y 400y 350y Distanc

1 in 1 in 0 1 in 1 in Gradi
150 1200 500 200 ent

Direction of Train

4.3 Signal Spacing:

• A minimum Braking distance shall be maintained between the first caution signal
and its associated stop signal, so that a driver passing the first caution signal at the
permissible (or attainable) speed can bring the train to a stand at or before the
danger signal (Red Signal).
• In 4 aspect signalling the minimum Braking Distance should be maintained
between the Red Aspect Signal and the signal displaying Double Yellow.
• In 3 aspect signalling the minimum Braking Distance should be maintained
between the Red Aspect Signal and the signal displaying Yellow.

4.3.1 Acceptable variations in Signal Spacing:
• Lesser Braking Distance is not permitted.
• If the required Braking Distance could not be achieved, a lower permissible speed
shall be imposed on the approach to the first cautionary signal.
• To much excess Braking distance is also undesirable, due to incidental risks
involved. But it may become necessary to continue with the existing excess
braking distances in certain locations.
• Up to 33% of Excess BD is permitted without risk assessment.
• On lines where minimum signal spacing is 500m or greater, 34% to 100% excess
signal spacing is permitted subject to risk assessment
• On lines where minimum signal spacing is less than 500m, a maximum signal
spacing of 1000m is permitted, subject to risk assessment.
• Over braking other than the above requires derogation. A note to this effect shall
be added on the Scheme Plan
Standard Graph and Table to derive Braking Distance are given below.

Appendix A - Spacing for all types of trains

Appendix C - Spacing for trains with enhanced brake power 9%

4.4 Efficiency
• Role of Signalling is not confined to Safety. It contributes for the efficiency of Train
working also.
• Efficiency means running more number of trains at the permissible speeds.
• Line Capacity of a section depends on the Permissible Speed and HEADWAY of
the section.
• Headway is the minimum spacing between a train and the train following it, so that
both trains can maintain identical permissible speeds.
• Shorter the Headway, more the number of trains that can be run in a section.
• Headway can be said in terms of time also.(interval between two successive
• In Absolute Block system the Headway is fixed depending on the Geographical
location of stations.
• If the Headway to be improved, new stations are to be opened in between. But this
can be done either due to absolute operating reasons or due to public demand.
• In case of Automatic Block Signaling, the Headway can be reduced by reducing the
spacing between the signals and using the multi aspect signals.


S - distance from which the signal is sighted

D - Braking Distance
d - Distance between two stop signal.
O – Overlap Distance
L – Length of the train
H – Headway Distance.

• Normally a red signal requires a warning signal in the rear to warn the driver of
approaching train.


• In 3 Aspect signalling, a Stop signal exhibits three colours Red, Yellow and Green
to convey the information.
• Yellow aspect of Signal No.2 acts as the warning signal for signal No.1 at Red.
• So there is no need for an additional warning signal. This brings the signals closer.
• This helps the Headway to improve marginally.


• In 4 Aspect signalling, additionally Double Yellow Aspect is provided. Stop signal
exhibits Red, Yellow, Double yellow and Green.
• Driver gets the information about the Red signal much earlier at the signal
exhibiting Double Yellow which is called first cautionary signal.
• So the double yellow signal is kept at the Braking distance from the Red signal
• This brings the signals much more closer, thereby Headway reduces further.

Basic concepts of any Signalling system all over the world is same. Certain definitions
are universal. Symbols, Nomenclatures are developed to codify the functions for easy
reference and use. Some of the important Definitions, Symbols, Nomenclatures are
furnished below.

5.1 Definitions
• Adequate Distance means the distance sufficient to ensure safety.
• Overlap means the safety distance provided in advance of a stop signal, which
must be kept clear, for clearing the stop signal immediately in rear or for the
purpose of granting permission to approach.
• Braking distance is the distance required to stop the train from running at the
maximum permissible speed of the line, applying normal deceleration methods.
• Station means any place on a Railway line at which traffic is dealt with, or at which
an authority to proceed is given under the system of working.
• Block station are those at which Driver must obtain an authority to proceed under
the system of working to enter the Block section with his train.
• Block section means that portion of the running line between two Block stations
on to which no running train may enter until Line Clear has been received by the
train sending Block station from the Block station in advance to leave the former
and reach the latter.
• Classification of stations under Absolute Block System stations are `A', `B', `C' .
Non Block stations are those where trains may stop for commercial purposes and
no signaling is provided.
• Authority to proceed means the authority given to the Driver of a train, under the
system of working, to enter the Block section with his train.
• Multiple aspect signalling is the Signalling arrangement in which more than 2
aspects are used, to convey a better information to the driver about the status of
advance section/signal
• Last stop signal means the fixed Stop Signal of a station controlling the entry of
trains into the Block section.
• In rear of a signal means the portion of track in the approach of the signal.
• In advance of a signal: it refers to the territory beyond the signal.
• Main line means the line ordinarily used for running trains through and between
• Isolation means an arrangement, secured by the setting of points or other
approved means, to protect the line so isolated from the danger of obstruction from
other connected line or lines.
• Shunting means the movement of a vehicle or vehicles with or without an engine
or of any engine or any other self-propelled vehicle for the purpose of attaching,
detaching or transfer or for any other purpose
• Line capacity of a section means the maximum number of trains that can be run at
the same time.
• LEVEL CROSSING means the intersection of Road with Railway track at the same

• Centralised traffic control means a system by which the working of trains over a
route, to which the system applies, is governed by fixed signals remotely controlled
from a designated Control Centre.

5.2 Signal Aspects

• Position of a signal means physical condition of the signal how it appears or the
light what it displays.
• Aspect means name given to a particular position of the signal.
• Indication is the meaning conveyed by the aspect.
• ON aspect - Most restrictive aspect of a signal.
• OFF aspect - Other than ON aspect.
• Catastrophic failure means a failure that prevents the operator from exercising
any control over the signalling system and/or results in loss of all indications on a
• ‘Correspondence’ refers to the position of controls at the Lever Frame/ Control
Panel/Centre and the status of the function controlled by it. E.g. Point Lever/Point
Control knob position and the detection received from the track side should
• Overview means -A signalling diagram or a display unit that displays the whole
area being controlled.

5.3 Symbols and Nomenclatures

• Symbols and Nomenclatures are used to represent various functions and
equipment on Signalling Drawings and Plans Symbols.
• Symbols are brief sketches which represent a character and main function of the
• They are usually accompanied by numerical and/or alphabetical terms to specify
and identify them with a particular device or its component.
• Nomenclature is a collection of simple and brief designation of apparatus to
describe its nature and location.
• In Electrical circuit diagrams, straight lines represent the wire connections between
the specified devices or their components. Symbols and Nomenclatures represent
the components.
• Circuits include the wire terminals, the separation between locations as well as the
interconnections between power sources, controls and the operated loads.

5.3.1Symbols used on Plans

5.3.2 Route list on Signaling Plans

5.3.3 Symbols used in circuits

5.3.4 Nomenclatures
A – Approach (ASR/ALSR)
B – Positive terminal (B24)
C – Checking/proving (ECR), Common
D – Green (DR, DECR)
E – Lamp (ECR), Emergency (EGGNR),
G – Signal (HGKE/HG)
H – Yellow or Caution
J – Timer function
K – Indication or Detection (NWKR, RWKR)
L – Locking (CHLR, WLR)
M – Main (MECR)
N – Normal (NWKR), negative (N12)
O – Overlap (OVSR)
P – Repeater, permissive
R – Reverse, Red or Relay
S – Stick (TSR)
T – Track
U – Route
W – Point
Y – Slot, yellow
Z – Zone or Special function

5.3.5 Important Relay nomenclatures

TPR : Track Repeating Relay
ALSR : Approach lock stick relay
TSR : Track stick relay
UCR : Route checking relay
HR : Signal control relay (yellow)
DR : Signal control relay (Green)
UGR : Route Signal Relay
RECR : Red lamp checking relay
UECR : Route lamp checking relay
OVSR : Overlap stick relay
NWKR : Normal point indication relay
RWKR : Reverse point indication relay
WNR : Point Normal Control Relay
WRR : Point Reverse Control Relay
WZR : Point lock relay
CHLR : Crank handle lock relay
TAR : Train Arrival Relay

5.3.6 Working of Signalling System
• A signaling system comprises mainly seven vital activities connected with following.

Controlling Devices: Mechanical Lever Frames or Control Panels or VDUs

Controlled Equipment: Signals, Points etc.,
Monitoring: Train detection, Indications, Display panels, VDU
Transmission: GI/Steel wires, MS Rods, Overhead wires, Cables
Interlocking: Mech. Lever Locking, Relay Locking, Electrical Locking
Power Supplies: Mains supply, Signaling supplies includes Trackside
Other Interfaces: Interlocked gates, Fringe Interlocking etc.,








• Additional Protection methods are employed where required to improve the safety.

• Different Signaling systems are in use. Main systems are –
Electrical (Panel and Route Relay Interlocking with Automatic Route setting)
Electronic Interlocking.

• To control the trackside Signaling functions, any one of the following controlling
devices can be employed. Controlling device depends on the type of System in
• Each system uses a different type of controlling device. One of the following
controlling devices can be used depending on the system in use.

1. Lever Frames
2. Control Panels
3. Work stations
4. Hybrid installations

6.1 Lever Frames

• In Mechanical Signaling, Mechanical Levers are provided for each signalling
functions like points, signal etc. All Levers are grouped into a Lever Frame.
• Lever Frames may be of Single wire type or Double wire type.
• Initially several types of Single wire Lever Frames are available and most of them
are still in use all over the world.
• Subsequently Double wire Lever Frames along with DW signalling was developed.
• Levers are numbered from left to right and the number associates with the
numbered trackside function.
• Each lever is having Normal and Reverse positions. Provision is available to hold
the lever either in Normal or Reverse position.
• Single wire Levers have got additionally 5 more intermediate positions are
available. Positions are identified as A, B, C, D, E. They are used for electrical
controls when the lever is used to control an electrical function. Position of the lever
corresponds to the status of the function it operates.
• Positions B and D are used when lever is used to operate a point with an Electrical
Point Machine.
• Levers are painted distinctly following a colour code for easy identification of the
function it operates e.g., Signal lever painted Red, Point Lever painted Black, Point
Lock lever painted blue etc.,
• Levers are mechanically interlocked to achieve a predetermined sequence of
• Type of Mechanical locking between the levers is called tappet locking.




6.2 Control Centres

• In Electrical interlocking operations are carried out from a central place called
Signal Control Centre. All trackside functions are controlled from this centre.
• A Control and Display panel depicts the track layout it controls. Controls are
provided to operate the trackside functions like Points, Signals etc. Status of all
signalling equipment is displayed on the Display panel as lamp indications.
• Control Panel and Display Panel can be combined as single panel or can be
provided as separate.
• It should be possible to make modifications to the control and associated display
panel to reflect changes in track layout or other operating parameters. Present day
display panels are Domino pattern composed of small individual tiles, which
facilitate, easy alterations to the layout, controls and indications.
• Control Panel shall be designed to ensure that all system inputs made by the
Operator generate feedback to confirm that the input has been registered.
• Response to a request made to the interlocking is provided in the form of flashing
indication immediately. When the function responds correctly, the final status is
provided as a steady indication. If a function does not respond within the specified
time, the command ceases.
• Route setting buttons are provided at each signal. They can be used either as an
Entrance button or Exit button. Some buttons are used for both Entrance and Exit.
• Two types of route setting methods are adopted. One method is to operate
trackside functions like points and signals individually for setting a route. Other
method is called ‘Auto Route setting’ method, in which pressing of an Entrance
button and the required Exit button automatically checks the availability of the
route, initiates the route, sets the route, checks & locks the route, and the signal
gets cleared. This system is called Entrance and Exit System(NX system)

• Additionally points are provided with 3 position switches to operate the points
individually in case automatic route setting fails. Normally the knob remains in the
Centre position when auto route setting process is in working. The status of points
at site is indicated as by the side of the knob.
• All track sections are provided with indications. Route set condition is indicated with
row of white lights on the route. Track occupied status is indicated with red lights
for each Track section.
• Additional Buttons or Switches are provided for various other controls like Slotting
to the fringe areas, Emergency Replacement of signals, All signals normal,
Cancellation buttons, Power acknowledgement etc.,
• Various alarms like power off, are provided to alert the operator.

6.3 VDUs
• VDU is an electronic screen showing a graphical and/or text image generated by a
• A ‘Workstation’ comprises a Console Desk. A Key Board or Tracker & Ball is
provided to enable the layout to be controlled by the signaller in the seated
• It can display the layout, all signals, Track sections, Points, controlled from the
VDU. It can be scrolled to see the selected portion of layout.
• The VDU should be of minimum 20 inches screen with controls to adjust
brightness, contrast and degaussing.
• Additionally separate screen is provided to display overview of the layout and
status of trackside functions. .
• SMs key control is provided to lock Control panels and VDUs, to prevent
unauthorized operations.
• Present Metro Signalling uses Communication Based Train Control System for
Interlocking. The system is controlled through VDUs and large Display Panels are


6.4 Ergonomics used in the design of Control Centres.
• It is the science of human performance at work, studying factors and developing
tools to reduce error, increase the productivity, improve safety and enhance
comfort to the operator.
• Working environment should be designed from the point of view of operator’s role
in controlling the train movements and communicating with the drivers.
• Ergonomic techniques are used to optimise operators performance in carrying out
his duties. This process will involve design of the working environment, the work
station, the interface and any associated technology.
• Physical Ergonomics - The efficient control of layout will aim at ease of operation.
This process should result in optimum comfort and minimum potential for
• Consideration is given to divide the duties between the operators to minimise the
risk of operator error.
• Assessment of the control room shall include the adequacy of lighting to enable the
signaller to operate efficiently and safely.
• Operator’s workload is assessed for designing of Control and Display Panels. The
following factors are taken into consideration.
 Number of train movements controlled in a specified period.
 Time and effort needed to enable each train movement
 The degree of operational automation provided
 Distractions from other duties or comm. with other staff or public
 Situational awareness of the operator.
 Time and effort needed to deal with possible disruptions.

Equipment operated include Trackside equipment like Signals, Points, Level crossings

7.1 Signals
A "Signal is a medium to convey information about the condition of route ahead.
Various methods of signaling are in use to convey the information in a non-verbal form
as being adopted by Scouts, Policemen, road signs, Navy and Air Traffic Control,
Railways etc.,

7.1.1 Classification of Signals

Depending on their usage, Signals are classified as –
• Main Signals are used to control train movements in and out of an area.
• Signal can be either be Controlled or Automatic
• Main signals are classified as Stop Signals or Permissive signals.
• ON aspect of a Stop signal is STOP. Driver should not pass a stop signal when it
is ON without an authority.
• A Permissive Signal works as warning signal for the Stop signal in advance. It is
provided P marker. Its aspect depends on the status of the signal in advance. In
some cases repeater signal is provided to convey the aspect of signal in advance.
It is provided with R marker. Permissive signals are not provided with Red aspect.
Generally permissive signals are not controlled.
• Subsidiary Signals are used for Shunt movements within an interlocking area. In
CLS territory, they are called as Position Light Shunt signals.


Visual Audible

Fixed Signal
Flare Signal Whistle
Movable Detonator Voice
flag Signal

Running Subsidiary

Two aspect Multi-aspect Miniature arm Disc type

light type
Semaphore Semaphore C.L.S.
S h







Semaphore Type CLS Type



7.1.3 Associated Indicators and Repeaters

• Route Indicators are used in conjunction with the Main or Subsidiary signals to
indicate the diversion routes. Three types of route indicators are in use.
• Junction Type Route Indicator has got longer visibility when compared to other
types of indicators. When lit, it displays five white lights in a row. Maximum number
of diversion routes it can display are limited to six. Generally they are used along
with Junction signals at wayside stations.
• Multi Lamp Route Indicators are used, where number of diversion routes at a
junction signal are more than six. It displays a number by selection of lamps. With
the combination of units, 99 routes can be displayed. But the visibility of number it
displays can be seen only from a short distance. Generally they are used along
with Reception signals at Major Junction stations and at Terminal stations.
• Theatre type Miniature Alpha Numeric route indicators are used along with
position light shunt signals.
• Stencil Type route indicators are used along with starting signals. It displays
either an Alphabet or a Number to indicate the route. Only maximum of four routes
are possible. It is visible only from a close range.
• Right Away Indicators are provided to indicate the driver that train can be started.


• OFF indicators are provided where starting signal is not visible to the driver due to
obstructions. When starting signal is taken OFF, it exhibits the legend OFF’
• Closed Door Indicators are provided to indicate that the train doors are closed.
• Buffer Stop Indicators show two Red lights to indicate the termination of track.
• SPAD Indicators are provided at critical places, to alert the driver that he has
passed a Stop signal which is showing Red.





7.1.4 Aspect Sequence
• It is the sequence of aspects displayed by successive signals.
• First OFF aspect of a controlled signal is controlled by the Interlocking. Other
higher aspects depends on the aspect of the signal in advance
• In certain cases it becomes necessary to control the speed of approaching train by
delaying the display of ‘OFF’ signal aspect. Signal route is set as usual, but the
signal does not change to off. It changes to OFF only Aspect gets released only
when the approaching train reaches a predetermined point in the approach of
signal.This is called Delayed Clearance or Main Aspect Approach Released(MAR).





7.1.5 Visibility of Signals
• Visibility of signals plays vital role in safe running of trains
• As a practice signals are located on the left hand side of the track.
• Better visibility helps the driver in better control of the train.
• Proposed signal locations are visited by a Sighting committee to check the signal
visibility conditions and accepts the proposals if the locations are suitable. They
may make recommendations for improving the visibility. One more visit is made
after the signals are erected.
• Visibility of signals is periodically checked and adjusted if required.
• Generally all Main signals are adjusted for long range visibility.
• But sometimes, long range visibility may lead to misreading of signal aspects which
may lead to an unsafe condition.
• To avoid this confusion, such signals are identified and adjusted for short range
• Visibility of all subsidiary signals and indicators shall be for short range.
• Depending on the visibility requirement, Signals and Indicators are classified into
four categories 1, 2, 3 & 4.

Signal type Required Category


Long Range Main Signals and 800m 1

Junction type Route Indicators

Short Range Signals and Stencil 250m 2

or Alpha Numeric Route Indicators

All Subsidiary Signals 100m 3

All Semaphore Signals 400m 4

7.1.6 Hazards in Signal Sighting by train drivers

Some of the hazards which are common and frequently experienced are explained
below –

• Hazard: Signal Sighting may be affected by bright sunlight.

• Impact: Sunlight reflection falling on driver’s eye or Sunlight shine falling on the
signal Aspect
• Control measures: - Generally happens on the route East - West line.

• Hazard: Aspect can’t be seen clearly(swamping). More serious problems are

‘Ghosting’ or ‘Phantom’ aspects due to internal reflection of light.
• Impact: Aspect appears to be illuminated when it is not.
• Control measures: - Long hood is fitted to each signal aspect unit.

• Hazard: Visibility of Signal is affected due to contrast in luminance between signal
light and its surrounding lights.
• Impact: Driver may not be able to identify the aspect clearly
• Control measures: - Matt blackboard behind the signal to shield against bright
sky or illuminated cityscape backgrounds can be provided.

• Hazard: Signal gets obscured by other lights in the surrounding area like Depot
lights, Station lights, Street lighting causing distraction to the driver.
• Impact: Driver will have confusion in identifying the signal light and may not be
able to distinguish the signal aspect correctly.
• Control measures: - Measures should be taken to focus the external lights, away
from the line of signal aspect focusing. If it is not possible, at least dim the external

• Hazard: Most Color Light Signals have got a narrow light beam..
• Impact: Ability of human eye to distinguish the colors decreases rapidly as image
is moved away from axis.
• Control measures: - Position and alignment of signal is very important. Most
restrictive aspect should be placed at 5.03m above rail level.

• Focusing of an Aspect: Centre beam should align towards a point 3m above left
hand running rail at a distance of 183m from the signal.
• Hazard: Signal is in a different position or having different configuration from the
previous signals in the section...
• Impact: Missing the signal, Misreading of signal, Delayed response by the driver
• Control measures: - Following problems are to be studied to address the risk.

- Spacing of signals may be inconsistent

- May have completely different design or form like semaphore, color light, Search
light etc.
- May be transmission from 4 aspect signal to3 aspect signal
- Signals placed on a independent post after passing a gantry or placed on a
gantry after passing independent post
- May be signal is at a significantly different height

• Hazard – Confusion in locating the right signal.

• Impact: Driver gets confused with other signals on same gantry or with the other
signals of adjacent lines.
Signal may be in the middle of a gantry of 4 or more signals
Signal may be on a curve and mistakes a parallel signal as his own.

• Hazard - Reduced visibility

• Causes: Signal is located after a bend or after a tunnel May be obstructed due to
obstructions by OLE or a bridge
• Control measures: Signal sighting to be conducted to suggest measures to
improve the visibility.
• Other risks involved in Sighting of signals:
• Unexpected aspect can lead to misrepresentation error due to response time
by the driver.
- Coming across a controlled signal after a series of auto signals (at least 4).
Usually auto signals show an Yellow or Green aspect. Seeing a Red aspect of
a controlled signal can be unexpected.
- Coming across an approach released signal. Driver may not be sure whether to
reduce the speed to stop or maintain the speed expecting the signal to clear.

• Visibility risks due to P.way -

• Poor track conditions before a signal may distract the drivers attention to signal
• In falling gradient sections driver may concentrate in controlling the to be
conducted when such hazards are identified.
• Visibility requirement: signal should be visible for a minimum of 8 seconds
continuously. Extra time is added for the additional risks involved in sighting the
signal, distraction on trackside and response by the driver.
• Efforts should be made to provide a longer visibility as much as possible (around
• SORA to be conducted to assess the overrun risks.

7.1.7 Measures to help the driver

• Rechecking the Signal sighting after installation
• Vegetation clearance
• Prevention of Vandalism
• Training the drivers.
• Implementation of defensive driving techniques
• Adequate maintenance of signals.
• Driver health checks

7.1.8 Classification of routes

Routes are classified as – 

• Main Routes – movements at permitted speeds
• Warning Routes - movements at controlled speed
• Call-On Routes - movement on to an occupied line
• Warning class authorises the movement at a reduced speed when O/L is not
available or insufficient.

7.1.9 Rules related to signals
• Sighting committee checks signal location before it is installed and recommends
the measures for better visibility of signal.
• Generally Signals are fixed on the Left hand side of the track. But sometimes they
are placed on right side of track or on a gantry due to constraints of space or for
visibility reasons.
• Driver should not pass a Stop signal displaying a Red aspect. In case of a failure,
operator gives an authority to the driver to pass the signal at Red.
• ‘Signal no light’ condition is considered as signal is at its ‘ON’ position.
• Subsidiary signal can be fixed either below the main signal on the same post or it
may be fixed on a separate post by itself.
• All Main signals are generally provided with First Wheel Replacement feature. First
wheel replacement means a signal automatically replaced to ‘ON’ with the first
pair of wheels occupying the track circuit/Axle counter in advance of the signal.
• Subsidiary signals are provided with Last Wheel Replacement. Last wheel
replacement means the signal changes to ON only when the last pair of wheels
occupy the track circuit/Axle counter in advance of the signal and the berthing track
is clear. Some times last wheel replacement is provided for main signal also, if
there is a possibility of driver seeing the signal aspect changing to ON.


7.2.1 Point Assembly

• ‘Points/Switches are provided in the track where two lines converge or diverge.
They are installed and maintained by P.Way Department.
• POINTS’ is the term used to describe the arrangement of rails that allow junctions
to be made in the track. The word is usually used in the plural as ‘points’ or ‘set of
points’. But as an adjective, it is used in the singular.
• The outer rails are fixed, which are called Stock rails.
• Inside rails are movable which are called Switch rails. They are hinged at the rear
end which is called heel of the switch and the other end is tapered which is called
the toe of switch.
• At the toe, both switches are connected to a stretcher bar called Leading stretcher
• Depending on the length of the switch rail, additional stretcher bars are provided at
intervals as per P. Way design. They are called following stretcher bars.
• The whole switch assembly is in the floating condition.
• Switch assembly when set to one side, it flushes with the nearest stock rail and it
is called closed switch. The other switch rail is called open switch, keeps around
100mm gap (gap depends on the gauge of the track) from the other stock rail.
When the assembly is moved to the other side, the status of switch rails changes.
• Beyond the heel block the rails are continuous and cross each other at the point
crossing portion. Since wheels are flanged, there should be gap in the rails at the
crossing portion to allow the wheels to move freely. Because of this gap in the
rails, the wheel jumps from one rail to the other. To avoid any possible derailment
the other wheel of the same axle is guided by ahe check rails which are fixed to the
other running rail of the track.


• By looking from the facing direction the points may be called ‘Left Hand turnout’ or
‘Right Hand turnout’


7.2.2 Identifying the points position

Points are said to be “Facing” or “Trailing” depending on the direction of train

movement. The setting need to be more secure and locked when the train is
travelling in the facing direction over the points.

• In case of parallel lines, movements may take place from one line to the other.
Points are provided on each line and connected. The Combination of both points
which are involved in a train movement is called “Crossover”. Generally both end
points are worked through a single control. But sometimes they may be controlled
• To allow all possible movements between two parallel lines, normally two separate
cross overs are provided. Sometimes due to space constraints it may not be
possible to provide them separately. In such cases they are laid crossing each
other. This arrangement is called “ Scissors Crossovers”

7.2.3 Setting of points means

• In a particular setting, the switch housing with the stock rail is called Closed
switch and the other switch is called Open switch.
• When the setting is changed to other position, the naming of Closed and Open
switches change accordingly
• Before clearing a signal, it should be ensured that the points are correctly set for
the safe movement of train over it.
• Correct setting means, the gap between the closed switch and the corresponding
stock rail is less than 3mm and the gap between the open switch and its nearest
stock rail is about 100mm(113mm in case of BG)
• Each Point has got two Settings – ‘Normal’ and ‘Reverse’
• Generally the setting to the Straight route is called ‘Normal’ setting. But at some
locations due to traffic or Interlocking requirements the diversion route may be
called “Normal setting”. So it is essential to decide the Normal setting of each
points, at Design stage and interlocking shall be provided accordingly. E.g. in case
of Slip siding and Catch siding the Normal setting is to siding.
• For the Design guidance the Normal setting of a point is identified either as -
• LHNC - Left Hand switch Normally Closed
• RHNC - Right Hand switch Normally Closed

7.2.4 Various Points Crossings
When two crossovers are crossing each other, the center potion is called “Diamond

• With a diamond crossing either straight movements or diagonal movements are

only possible. It is possible to accommodate two switch rails in the diamond portion
which facilitate movements sideways around one of the corners as shown in the
figure. This arrangement is called Single Slip Points.


• It would be equally possible to insert two more switches in the upper portion. This
arrangement allows diversion movements at both ends. This arrangement is called
“Double Slip”.


• The term `Isolation' means, isolating a more important line from the rest of the
adjacent lines, so that movements on the adjacent lines do not interfere with the
movements of the isolated line and does not cause an accident.
• Where points are provided only for the purpose of isolation, it is not necessary to
provide a complete point assembly with two switch rails. It is enough to cut one of
the rails and provide a switch. Normally position of switch is open condition, so
that any vehicle moving in the direction shown by arrow, will derail and cannot
move further. But when a train movement is to be made, the switch is closed with
the stock rail which allows the train to pass over the point safely. This arrangement
is called “Trap Point” or “Trap Switch”.
Operation, locking and interlocking arrangements are similar to a full point.


7.2.5 Operation of Points can be done through different means Mechanical:
• In Mechanical Signalling, points may be operated locally with a separate lever or
from a lever frame through MS rodding connecting the points.
• Generally Operation and Mechanical locking of points are done by separate levers.
• By using a Switch Lock Mechanism, both operation and locking can be achieved
with a single lever operation.

• In Double wire signalling also, the operation and locking is done by a single lever
using Double wire Point Mechanism.

Mechanical Operation of Points by Rodding

Disadvantages with Mechanical operation:

• Due to friction, wear and tear, stroke is lost in the transmission. So range of
operation is restricted to around 350 yds.
• Temperature variation due to weather, affects the working.
• Transmission is susceptible for external interference.
• Frequent maintenance is required to maintain the rodding alignment in good
condition and lubricating the moving parts. Hydraulic point Operation

• Two hydraulic cylinders with pistons can be arranged back to back in the centre of
the track(on the first sleeper of the point).
• A hydraulic compressor is provided outside the track. This compressor has got
two chambers with valves.
• Valves are controlled through point controlling circuit, either directly from the
Control centre or indirectly from a local circuit.
• When the valve of Normal chamber is opened the hydraulic fluid enter the Normal
cylinder, thereby its piston pushed out and point switches are moved to Normal.
• Similar operation is made by the opening the valve of Reverse chamber and
Reverse cylinder for operating the point to Reverse.
• Locking arrangement with this point machine is called ‘Clamp Lock” arrangement.
In this, Closed switch and the nearest Stock rail are held together by a special
Mechanical arrangement.
• These machines are preferred where space constraints are there within point area.
• These machines cannot be used for the high speed turnouts.
• Main disadvantage with these machines is the leakage of Hydraulic/ Pneumatic
pressure due to over use.
• Separate detection units are provided on either side of the point. To detect the
correct setting of points.



• In SSI, Clamp Lock Point machine can be directly operated by Point TFM .
• Ampang Metro uses Contec made ‘Unistar HR’Electro/ Hydraulic Hybrid Switch
machines. The motor driving the Hydraulic compressor is worked with DC120V.

2.5.3 Electrical Point Machines consists:

• An Electric motor operated by 120V DC or 380V AC 3 phase supply.
• Gear mechanism,
• Crank handle arrangement
• Point Switch locking arrangement
• Point detection box may be separate or part of the point machine.

Requirements of Electrical Point Machine:

• Point operation may be by electrical motor driven by AC or DC supply.
• Should be able to provide high torsion torque to take the load of switch operation.
• Should be able to give a stroke of 130-160mm to operate switches.
• Should consist a Gear Assembly, for conversion of rotary movement of Electric
motor into horizontal movement to operate point switches and lock them
• Overload protection to be provided either mechanically or electrically or both to
prevent damage to motor in case of overload. Generally a Friction clutch
arrangement is provided to disengage the motor shaft from the load.
• When electrical supply is disconnected, motor should come to a smooth stop.
• Motors operating with high current, require a snubbing protection to short circuit the
back emf generated.
• Low working current motors are preferred.
• Mid stroke operation facility shall be provided i.e. it should be possible to stop the
machine during an operation and change its direction of rotation.
• Should have the switch locking facility. Locking may be Plunger type or Rotary
type. In plunger type the locking can be either ‘ straight through’ or ‘in and out’. In
rotary type, the locking of point shall be achieved by means of a segment getting
engaged in the locking curve of the gear rack.
• Mechanical arrangement shall be provided to operate the machine manually in
case of electrical failure.
• During manual operation, electrical supply to the motor should get disconnected to
avoid danger to the operator.
• Where the detection unit is part of the Electrical Point Machine, it should be able to
detect the switches independently.
• Should not give a wrong detection in case of point damage due to a trail through
• Machine should not get damaged in case of a trail through of points.
• The machine shall be so constructed that mechanism should not move due
vibrations or external force applied to the mechanical connections.
• The machine shall be suitable for both Right hand or Left hand fixing.
• Machine can be either Trailable type or Non-Trailable type

Electrical Motor DC 120V type:

• DC motor used in point machine shall be Series wound type to take the initial high
torque of point load.
• DC motor can be either with Single Field Winding or Split Field Winding.
• In a single field motor, the direction of motor can be changed by changing the
direction of current either in the field or in the armature.
• A split field motor consists two field windings. One winding is used to rotate the
motor in clock wise direction and the other winding is used to rotate the motor in
anti-clock wise direction. One motion is used to set the point to Normal and the
other to set the point to Reverse.
• Most of the present day Point Machines are of split field type.
• Working current of motor is relatively high. So point operation is done indirectly
using a Relay Interface Circuit.

Sequence of Point machine operation from N to R-

• Unlocking of Point Switches commences
• Normal Detection contacts open
• Unlocking completes
• Point Switches are operated to Reverse position
• Point Switches are locked
• Reverse Detection contacts make

3-wire point operation with mechanical lever

7.2.6 Locking of Points
Locking of points is effected in two phases -
• Mechanical locking – Point switches are to be locked physical physically to
prevent disturbance of their setting, during the passage of train over them. This
locking is a must for all movements in the Facing direction.
In Mechanical signalling point Locking is done by a separate lever. Mechanical
Locking is provided at the centre of the point layout. In case of Electrical point
machine, this locking is arranged within the point machine.
• Electrical locking when applied, electrical controls for point operation get
disabled. It is provided in case of Electrical or Electronic signalling. Electrical
Locking is applied under different conditions. Each locking is named suitably.
 Track locking is applied when the point portion of track circuit is occupied by a
vehicle. Track locking gets effective even under track circuit failure condition.
 Route locking is applied when the signal protecting the point, is taken Off.
 Approach locking is applied when the train is in the approach of signal and
driver has sited(conveyed) the Off aspect.
 If the train has passed the signal and travelling over the route, the route is back


7.2.7 Electrical Detection
Detection of points: Correct setting of points should be detected and proved in the
signal control.
• Points detection can be Mechanical or Electrical or by means of Electronic
• Mechanical detection is used in Semaphore signalling.
• Electrical signalling uses electrical detection.
• Elec. Detection arrangement may be part of Electrical Point Machine or provided
• Electrical Detection unit consists an Electrical Contact Box with two sets of
contacts. One set is made when the point is set to Normal and locked. The other
set is made when point is set to Reverse and locked. These contacts are used to
complete the respective point detection circuit.
• Detection contact assembly is actuated by the M.S.rods connected to switches at
the toe. Adjustment of detection contacts is possible and should be accurate, so
that a set of contacts should make only when -
- The point is set to the corresponding position with the gap between stock rail
and the closed switch is less than 3mm and the gap on the open switch side is
around 100mm.
- Point is locked mechanically.
- Heavy duty contactor Relays used for point operation are de-energised.
• Point Operation and Detection circuits can be of 2 wire, 3 wire or 4 wire type.





• Snubbing is the arrangement by which, the supply to the motor is withdrawn, as

soon as the operation is completed, and the motor is kept running by its own
movement and comes to a smooth stop.
• High speed motors generate certain amount of back emf, which requires a
discharge path. For this various snubbing circuits are employed.
• If Electrical point machine is operated with a mechanical a lever, the lever is
provided with indication locking which prevents the full operation of the lever
unless the point responded correctly to the lever position.
• Locking of points is not compulsory for the trailing movements.

7.2.8 By method of point locking, point machines are classified as

i. Trailable
ii. Non - Trailable.
• Trailable point machine:- Point normally kept locked both in facing and trailing
directions. If a trailing movement takes place with a wrong setting of points, the
wheel flange of the train forces the open switch to move towards its nearest stock
rail. The internal mechanical arrangement is such that, the point gets unlocked and
the switches move freely to the other position without damaging the point and point
• Non-Trailable machine also gets locked for both direction movements, but if the
trailing movement takes place with wrong setting of points, the lock does not get
released and points get damaged.
• Generally Non-Trailable Machines are used on the through running lines, as the
points are required to be locked both for Facing and Trailing direction movements.
Trailable machines are used in Shunting yards and Depots, where un- signalled
train movements are frequent. They may be used for slip siding points operation.

7.2.9 Point Machines used by various Railways:

• For high speed turnouts, UK Rlys use the latest HPSS Point machine with torsion
drive operated by DC140V.
Detection is by Electronic sensors with a separate electronic circuit. At the time of
installation, each sensor is adjusted to the standard gap available between the
stock and switch at each sensor.

• Klang Valley project uses machines supplied by Bombardier worked with AC 380V
3 phase motor. Two types of point machines are available.
- Non-Trailable Point Machine (JEA73)
- Trailable Point Machine (JEA72)

• Bangalore Metro uses Jeumont make MJ 81 Non Trailable point machine which
works on 380V AC 3 phase supply. It is a Clamp Lock type with built-in Electrical
Parameters of Jeumont make MJ 81

 Dimensions (L/w/d): 700x 476x 215mm

 Weight: 96kg
 Stroke adjustable: from 110 to 260mm
 Power for 250mm travel: 380/400v (360v- 440v)
 Rated absorbed current: 1.5A for 260mm stroke and 2KN load
1.8A for 260mm stroke and 3.6 KN load
 Transfer time: 4.4s for 250mm stroke and 2KN load
4.8s for 250mm stroke and 3.6KN load
 Electrical Control: 380/400 V motor (star connection)
3-phases 50 Hz squirrel cage motor type

• In some sections of Malaysia, AC 380V 3 phase point machines of AZD Prabha are
in use.
• Parameters of AZD Prabha make
 Motor Voltage 3x380V AC
 Rated Current 2.4 A
 Peak Current 4.8 A
 Frequency 50 Hz ±10%
 Mechanical power output 480 W
 Operation Time 3-5 sec
 Operation Force 3.5-10 kN (Standard = 5 kN)
 Trailing Resistance Approx. 2 times of Operation Force
 Contact material Hardened beryllium bronze
 Weight 175 kg

• Existing point machines on Ampang line of Malaysia are of Siemens worked with
DC 120V. Siemens circuitry uses superimposed detection with motro coil in series.
• On Indian Railways. Siemens and High thrust type machines of DC 120V are
much in use.





• Relays are extensively used in Signalling to convey an information from one
function to another and also to operate the functions. Their role is indispensable
even in Electronic Signalling.
• A relay is an electromagnetic device with a set of contacts operated by its
armature. When energized it makes front contacts. De-energised contacts are
called back contacts. Status of a function is conveyed through these contacts.

 Relays can be DC operated or AC operated

 They operate on low voltage and current
 They can work under restrictive conditions and in any specified manner
 They operate with speed and accuracy

8.1 Construction
• Each relay is provided with one or two coils with a CORE at the center of the coil.
• Core is of good quality iron or steel with high permeability and low retentive
properties. It provides high conductivity to magnetic flux and at the same time
having low retentivity for the residual magnetism. If two coils are provided, they are
provided with a separate cores, but connected.
• Bottom of the core is provided with a pole piece(face) made of steel or iron.
• Armature is provided below the pole piece which is hinged on one side and the
other end actuates an adjustment card which in turn operated by the armature.
• To avoid the effect of residual magnetism, residual pin of non-magnetic material is
fixed on the armature. This prevents the armature from coming into direct contact
with the pole face. Certain air gap is maintained.
• In case of plug in type relays additionally a helical spring is provided over the
armature to move it away from the core when the feed to the coil is withdrawn.
• Yoke is provided connecting both core and armature. Magnetic flux produced
passes through the core, yoke, air gap and armature.
• Relays can be either Shelf type or Plug in type. In case of shelf type relays, two
coils are provided. Both cores are connected at the top and armature connects
them at the bottom. Flux produced by the two coils aid each other and flow through
both the cores and armature.
• Contact springs are of phosphor bronze. They are provided either with a silver tip
or a carbon tip or combination of both.
• Additionally a helical spring is provided over the armature to move it away from the
core when the feed to the coil is withdrawn.

8.2 Working characteristics of a Relay

• Force of attraction
• Effect of air gap
• Effect of Hysteresis
• Transient Conditions

Force of attraction is given by formula:
F ἀ B² a where F- is force of attraction
B - is density of flux
a - is cross sectional area
 This square relationship has its own advantage especially in case of DC Track

Relay Working:
• When voltage is applied to coils, magnetic flux starts building up in the core which
circulates through core, yoke, armature and the air gap. As the current steadily
increasing, flux also develops steadily.
• When sufficient flux is developed, the armature gets attracted. As the armature is
moving towards core, the air gap reduces, which increases the flux suddenly. After
the armature is attracted the flux further builds up, until the full current is available.
• While energizing the flux required to attract the armature is greater due to presence
of air gap between the pole face and the armature and weight of armature. Once
the armature is attracted, the flux required to maintain it is much less. The extra
flux created after the armature is attracted, provides the extra force required to
provide a good contact pressure.
• Air gap plays an important role for effective functioning of a relay.
• Hysteresis is a magnetic property by which the flux produced lags behind the
current while building up or withdrawn. The paths of flux while increasing and while
decreasing are different .
• When the flux is sufficiently reduced the armature releases. As the armature
falling, the air gap increases which in turn reduces the flux quickly.
• Due to hysteresis effect, there is a pick up time lag while energizing. Similarly a
release time lag while de-energising

Residual magnetism:
• When the supply is withdrawn, flux in the magnetic circuit does not reduce to zero,
but certain amount of residual magnetism gets retained in the core.
• There is a possibility that this residual magnetism may not allow the armature to
release even after the supply is withdrawn.
• To overcome this problem, it is essential to maintain an air gap between the core
and the armature, even in energized condition. For this a residual pin of non -
magnetic material is provided on the armature.
• While the flux is produced, it produces a back EMF which opposes the voltage
applied and retards the growth of current.
• The growth and decay of flux are decided by the relationship between the
inductance and the resistance in the circuit which is known as time constant.
• The value of inductance is not constant in case of DC Neutral relays. It is less
when the relay is de-energised and more when energised. So the magnitude of
flux established is different in both the cases.
• Depending on the supply, relays can be classified as DC Relays, AC Relays and
Electronic Relays:

8.3 Classification of Relays:

• Depending on the mounting arrangement of relays in the racks, they can be called
Shelf type or Plug in type
 Shelf type: Relay that could be seated on a shelf.
 Plug in type: Relay consists two parts, Relay and Plug board. Plug board is
fixed on a relay rack and wired as per the design of circuit. Relay is plugged into
the plug board.
• Relays are categorized as Track Relays and Line Relays by their working.
• Relays can be classified as AC or DC relays depending on the working supply.
• AC Immunity: DC Line Relay may pick up due to induced voltages generated by
AC Traction Currents. It becomes necessary to immune the relays to a certain
degree of induced voltage.
• Immunity level of a Relay is indicated by the value of AC voltage, when applied
abruptly to a de-energized relay, breaks any of its back contacts or when
superimposed on normal DC working voltage, causes a change of more than a
prescribed limit in the relay pickup current.

8.4 Track relays:

• They are along with Track circuits. They are specially constructed to suit Track
circuit working. Relay picks up when Normal PU voltage is applied, but drops
when voltage is reduced to around 68% of its rated Pick up voltage. The difference
between the PU voltage and DA voltage should be as less as possible to provide
good shunting characteristics.
• AC vane type Track Relays are used along with AC track circuits. They require two
voltages which are out of phase to each other by around 90°– Local voltage of
110VAC and Control voltage from the track which is around 2V. Relay works on
Flemings Left Hand Rule. Relay drops when track voltage is reduced to around
68% of its PU voltage.
• Different types of DC Track relays are in use depending on the supply voltage.
They are available both as shelf type as well as plug in type.
• Shelf type relays are available with 9 ohms or 2.25 ohms.
• ‘Q’ type Plug in DC Track Relay are available with 4 ohms, 9 ohms and 20 ohms.
They work with less than 2V DC from the track. Relays used in AC traction area
are of AC immune.
• Various types of DC Plug in type Track relays:
9 ohm relay is standard, but 20 ohm relays are also available with 2F/1B.
9 ohm Track relay: PU: 1.0 to 1.4V, PU current: 120mA to 140 mA.
20 ohm Track relay: PU: 1.4 to 2.0V, PU current: 80mA to 90mA.
• Maximum excitation permitted is 300% of the rated PU value. Minimum
excitation to be maintained is 125%.
• DA value must not be less than 68% of its rated PU voltage.
• Max length of Track circuit workable with these relays is 450mtrs.
• QSPA1 relay should be used as Repeater relay with QTA2.
• AC immunity level of a DC Track Relays is only 50V AC. Track Relay being
sensitive to voltage variation, its PU value should not change by a larger extent.
Hence the AC immunity level is restricted to 50V AC.

8.5 Line Relay:

• They works on a simple principle of current or no current. Different types of Line
relays are being used depending on their working voltage. Relays can be either AC
type or DC type.
• Previously Shelf type AC Single element line relays were in use. Mostly they are
out use. Presently ‘Q’ type plug in relays to BR spec.949 are being used which
work on AC110V.
• Shelf type DC Line Relays work with 6V or 12V DC. Their maximum contact
configuration is 6F/6B. Their working current is very less. But they occupy
considerable space. They can not be accommodated where large number of
relays are required. Mostly they are used on specific requirement.


• Plug in type DC Line Relays work on DC 24V or 50V or 60V. Two types of relays
are in use. ‘Q’ type with metal to carbon contacts and K50 with metal to metal
contacts. Most Railways use ‘Q’ type relays. India uses 24V type and UK uses
60V type. Siemens uses K50 relays work with 50V DC.

8.5.1 ‘Q’ Relays

• Relay consist a relay and a Plug board. Relay components are encased in a
transparent acrylic cover with a handle in front. Contact springs are extended
• Plug board is provided with slots, so that when the relay is plugged into the plug
board, the relay springs engage with the slots of the plug board.
• Connectors are plugged into plug board holes from the rear. They get locked. To
remove them from the plug board, locking should be released using a special tool.
• Connectors are connected with circuit wires and inserted into the relevant slots of
plug board as per the circuit design.
• Wires are connected to the connectors either by crimping or by soldering
• When relay is plugged into the plug board, the extended contact springs make
contact with the connectors to complete the circuit.
• Relays are manufactured for different functionalities.
• Relays are different, depending on their contact configuration. A relay can carry a
maximum of 16 independent contacts
• Standard contact configurations are:
• Line relays :-- 12F/4B, 8F/8B , 8F/4B , 6F/6B , 6F/2B, 4F/4B
• Track relay :-- 2 F /1B , 2F / 2B
• ECRs :-- 3F / 3B , 4F /4B
• Plug boards are specific for each functionality and for each contact configuration.
• If a wrong relay is plugged into a wrong plug board, the functionality of signaling
circuit changes, leading to an unsafe condition or the circuit may not function.
• To prevent the wrong plugging, a code pins arrangement is provided. There are 10
code pin positions provided. Different combinations are made selecting 5 positions
for each type of relay.
• A retaining clip is provided in the front to hold the relay firmly to the plug-board, so
as to maintain firm electrical connections.
• Plug board is having holes on top and at bottom to fix the plug board to relay frame.
• Normal rated life of a relay is around 1000000 cycles of operation under specified
operating conditions. One cycle is pick up followed by release.



1) Relay base
2) Electro-magnet
3) Armature
4) Pusher spring
5) Fixed front contacts
6) movable arm contact
7) Fixed back contact
8) Operating arm
9) Adjustment card
10) Residual pin
11) Transparent cover
12) handle
13) Heel piece



• By their usage in the circuits, they are classified as Vital and Non-Vital Relays
• Vital Relays: are those used in controlling circuits such as signal, point, controls,
track detection etc.
• Non vital Relays: Relays which are used only to aid the controls and accessories
like warning buzzers, Indications etc.
• Depending on their reliability and functionality, they are classified as Proved and
Non proved Relays.
• Proved type: If metal to metal contacts are used, they are likely get fused due to
arching during operation. This may prevent the releasing of front contact and
cause an unsafe condition. If such a relay is used in safety critical functions, it may
prove fatal in train working. To avoid this, their back contacts are proved in the
conflicting function circuits.
• Non proved type: Relays need not be down proved. It is assumed they are
normalized after each operation as their contacts have at least one non fusible
contact (carbon contact).
• AC immunity level of a DC Neutral Line Relays is 300V AC

Line relays for Different functionalities are available depending on their

• Neutral relay gets energised, when supply is applied irrespective of polarity. De-
energises when supply is withdrawn.
• Biased Relay consists a small permanent magnet built in. It energises only when
a correct polarity is connected at the terminals.
• Neutral Polar Relay consists both Neutral set of contacts and Polar set of contacts
Normal and Reverse positions. When supply is connected in a particular direction,
Relay picks up making Neutral contacts and Polar contacts switch to one position
(say N). When supply is reversed, Neutral contacts make, but Polar contacts switch
to other position (say R). When supply is disconnected relay gets de-energised.
Neutral contacts drop, but Polar contacts remain made in the last operated
• Delayed Operation Relays: they are two types - Slow to pick up and Slow to
Release. Additional Delay that could be achieved with these relays is less than a
• Mechanical Latch Relay: consist two conflicting function relays placed one above
the other with a mechanical latch connecting their armatures. If a Normal armature
is attracted, it forces the Reverse armature to de-latch and vice versa.
• Magnetic Latch Relay: consists a permanent magnet built in. Relay energises
when supply is given. But relay remains latched due to residual magnetism , even
after the supply is withdrawn.
• Double wound relay: consists two windings, one for initial pick up with higher
current and later maintained by the other winding with minimum current.
• Thermal Time Delay Relay: consists a bi-metal strip with a heating coil around it.
When supply is connected to the coil, strip heats up creating a bending movement.
This bent strip operates a contact to make which is considered as hot contact. This
condition gets registered and the feed to the strip is disconnected. After a time
delay strip comes back to normal position and makes the normal cold contact.
Total time taken for the strip to make hot contact and then cold contact is the time
delay set.
Set time can be changed by adjusting the distance between the strip normal
position and the hot contact assembly. Maximum delay time that could be achieved
is around 120secs. Experience shows the set time is not constant.
• Electronic Time Delay Relay: uses electronic component to achieve the set time
delay. Various time delays can be obtained upto around 5 minutes.
• Electronic Relay: It is a DC relay with electronic components.
• Based on their functionality, relays are identified with separate nomenclatures and
BR spec. some of the relays are quoted here.

• QN1: DC Neutral Line relay. Spec: BRS 930A

• QNN1: DC twin neutral line relay. Spec: BRS 960
• QNA1: AC immunized DC neutral line relay. Spec: BR 931A.
• QB3: DC biased Neutral Line relay (Non Immune)
• QBA1: Biased AC immunized DC neutral line relay. Spec: BRS 932A.
• QSPA1: Q series Slow to pick up AC immunized Spec. BRS 933A
• BR949: AC Relay operated with 110V AC
• QBCX Lamp proving Relays

8.5.2 K 50 Relays
These Relays are Manufactured by M/S. Siemens.
• They are miniature in size, compared to ‘Q’ type relays. Relays are used in
prewired groups. They are also available as mini groups with two relays.
• They are with metal to metal contacts which reduces the contact resistance

• Contact assembly consists, both dependent and independent contacts..
• But due to metal to metal contacts, welding of contacts is possible. So they are
considered as proved type.
• All safety critical signaling circuits are required to be designed with Double
cutting. Hence the number of contacts used in a circuit increases.
• Welding of contacts is reduced by using ‘Double break Double make contacts’.
Breaking and Making takes place at two places simultaneously, thereby
dissipates the spark fast. This reduces chance of welding.
• Wiping action is provided for contacts, for self cleaning.
• Elliptical shape of the contact element provides lesser contact area and faster
operation of relays.
• Operating time is very fast: PU time is 25 to 60 m.secs and release time is 7 to
15 m.secs. .
• AC immunized timings are 200 m. seconds.


1) Relay base 8) Operating arm

2) Electro-magnet 9) Adjustment card
3) Armature 10) Residual pin
4) Pusher spring 11) Transparent cover
5) Fixed front contacts 12) handle
6) movable arm contact 13) Heel piece
7) Fixed back contact




9.1 Track Circuits

• Train detection is provided to monitor the status of track sections, whether they are
free or occupied by the vehicles. Various Train Detection systems are in use. Main
Systems are Track circuits and axle counters.

Principle of working:
• Track circuit is an electrical circuit in which rails are used as conductors. One end
is fed with a supply and it is collected at the other end. This indicates, track circuit
is free from vehicles. When there is no train on the track circuited portion, Track
Relay gets the feed and it is energized.
• When a vehicle occupies the track circuited portion, the first pair of wheels with
axle shunts the track circuit current, thereby the relay gets de-energised.

• Different types of Track circuits are in use, based on the type of power used for
their working. Most used are -
• DC Track circuits
• AC Track circuits
• HVI Track circuits
• Audio Frequency Track Circuits

9.1.1 D.C. track circuits:

• Each track circuit consists a Feed End and a Relay End.
• Geographical limits of each Track section is defined with Insulated Rail Joints.
• When track is free of vehicles, the circuit completes through the track relay coil
and relay energises.
• When train occupies the track, its first pair of wheels with axle short circuit the
Track Circuit, thereby the supply to track relay gets reduced and it gets de-

Track circuit arrangement

• DC track circuit working gets affected by the variations in the Ballast Resistance.
With the change in the weather condition, the value of ballast resistance varies.
As the Ballast Resistance value varying, the Voltage available at the relay
fluctuates. To keep the fluctuations within lower limits, the applied rail voltage is
kept as low as possible.
• At the same time the minimum operating voltage at the Relay must be sufficiently
greater than any D.C. interference voltage so as to avoid any wrong side failures
of the track circuit.
• Ballast resistance is low in wet conditions and high in dry conditions. Typical
values of the Ballast resistance varies between 2 ohms to 10 ohms/Km.
• During wet conditions the leakage of track circuit current is high which causes a
considerable reduction in the voltage supplied to Relay and relay may get de-
energise. To avoid a failure, the voltage supplied to the track circuit should be
increased by adjusting the Adjustable Feed Resistance.
• Subsequently when weather becomes dry, the voltage at the relay increases
considerably. This may cause reduction in Drop Shunt value, there by relay may
not de-energise when train occupies the track. So in dry conditions track circuit
voltage should be reduced.
• So frequent adjustments are required to Track feed depending on the weather
conditions ballast resistance value.
• Track circuits are tested with a minimum drop shunt value of 0.5Ω, when
connected across the track, the relay starts de-energising (just opens its front



Different types of DC Track circuits:

 UK Rly. Uses, DC Track circuits in different combinations of Track feed and Track
 Low Voltage Track Circuits - Track relays with low DA of below 0.3V are used.
Track relays used are BS1659(9 ohms) or BR398(4 ohms).
 Medium Voltage Track Circuits - Track relays with DA more than 0.7V are used.
Track relays used are BR939(20 ohms) or BR966F9(60 ohms).
 BR966 F2(9 ohms) can be used both in Low voltage and Medium voltage track
 All new track circuits shall be Medium Voltage type with BR939(20 ohms) track
relays and BR 867 feed sets.
 However use of existing BR966 F2 track relay with BR867 feed set is also
permitted to maintain the design uniformity. This arrangement is treated as low
voltage arrangement.
 Track relays can be Shelf type or Plug in type. On Indian Railways, Shelf type
relays of 9 Ω or 2.25 Ω and Plug in type QTA2 relays of 4 Ω are mostly used.
 In AC traction areas the DC relays get affected by AC induced voltages. So track
relays shall be AC immune to 50V AC. To make it immune a copper slug is attached
to the core near armature. Due to this relay requires more operating power,
consequently it takes more time for pick up as well as release.
 DC track circuits are considered as operating category 2 and requires a slow to
operate Track Repeat relay to establish that it does not pick up with fluctuating
voltage. Only QSPA1 relay is permitted to be used as Repeater relay. It takes
longer time to pick up, thereby ensures steady pick up of track relay which proves
that track is free of vehicles..
 Due to failure of Rail Joint Insulations, there is a possibility of track relay picking
up with the adjacent track circuit feed though its own feed is short circuited by the
occupation of a train.
 To mitigate this risk, polarities of the adjacent track circuits shall be staggered.
 Where it can not be achieved, then feed ends of adjacent track circuits should abut
and both track circuits concerned shall be of same type and power.
 Where neither polarity stagger nor feed end abutment can be arranged, then both
track circuits shall be fitted with feed end relays if they are of same type.
 Where Low and Medium voltage track circuits are adjacent then the Low voltage
track circuit should be provided with feed end relay.

• The feed end relay shall be to the same specification as that of Track relay
• The feed end relay shall be connected across the rails at the same position as the
• More than two track relays are not permitted on the same track circuit.
• In non electrified lines both rails are insulated from the adjacent track circuits.
• In AC electrified areas both rails cannot be insulated, since one of the rails should
be through for traction return current. So single rail configuration is permitted with
standard series bonding on the insulated rail and with parallel yellow traction
bonding on the common rail.
• To cater for the longest wheel base vehicle, the minimum track circuit length
should not be less than 18.3 m.
• Maximum operational length of a track circuit is limited by three factors:
• declining value of Ballast resistance
• increasing value of Rail impedance
• Immunisation/effect of interference by the traction system

• Lowest ballast resistance values permitted are given below:

• 3 ohms for tracks with timber sleeper
• 5 ohms for tracks with PSC sleepers.
• Additional length restrictions apply in AC electrified areas.
• They are the low cost, simplest and most reliable. DC Track circuit are therefore
the natural first choice for all types of Signaling systems other than in D.C.
electrified areas.

9.1.2 High Voltage Impulse (HVI) Track Circuits

• This is a special type of Track circuit employed where Rusty rail problem is
• Due to moisture, rust forms on top of rails as the sun rising. This rust is the oxide
film which is having insulating qualities. When first train moves over the track,
shunting of track circuit may be erratic which may lead to unsafe condition.
• HVI track circuit operates by applying a short high voltage impulse to the rails at
relatively long intervals. The asymmetric operating waveform has the shape of a
high peak voltage (positive polarity) and a proportionate reverse voltage (termed
the negative polarity). The amplitude ratio of the polarities is 7: 1.
• The positive side high voltage of the impulse burns the oxide film.


Features of HVI track circuit

• Feed end consists a 110/24V PSU and a Transmitter.
• Transmitter generates impulses of wave form in the ratio 7:1
• Duration of Peak voltage is 1.5 ms.
• Duration of Reverse voltage is 8 ms.
• Duration between two consecutive impulses is 330 ms
• Relay end consists a Receiver unit. If the voltage is received in correct ratio,
Receiver produces 50V DC output which picks up the Track Relay(BR931).
• Power consumption is 50W. Relay end does not require supply
• HVI track circuits are immune to AC, DC, Train borne electrical systems and
external electrical systems.

Feed End:
• It consists a transmitter fed by a 110V/24V 50W Power Supply Unit (PSU).
• Waveform is generated by charging a capacitor to a high voltage and then
discharging it through a Thyristor and a matching transformer to the track.
• The inductance of the feed and relay end transformers together with that of the
rails, causes the positive pulse to be followed by a negative undershoot.
• The design of the transmitter ensures that the waveform is not reflected back to the
power supply.

Track Equipment:
• Operating waveform requires connection to the rails through a track transformer.
• On electrified lines, the track transformer requires a protective resistance in series
with the track winding to prevent the traction current saturating or damaging the
winding. This resistance is adjustable, but in the British application, adjustment is
not required.

Receiver/Relay End:
• At the relay end, the energy from the track transformer is fed to receiver.
• The positive and negative parts of the waveform are rectified separately and
applied to different windings on the relay. The relay has a magnetic circuit which
ensures that it can only pickup if the applied voltages are in the correct ratio (i.e.
the track waveform is correct).
• Relay can pick up only when the voltage is received in correct ratio.

• Maximum workable length of a Track circuit is only 200m to 300m.
• Minimum length depends on the permissible speed of the section.
• For speeds less than 75mph the min. length of track circuit should be 18.3m
• For speeds 125mph the minimum length should be 31m
• Mutual interference between adjacent track circuits is prevented by Electrical
• Being a category C track circuit it should be occupied for at least 550ms to confirm
show it is occupied. For this special precautions are to be taken to prevent an
unsafe condition.
• It is having very long drop away time. It’s operating category is C and it requires
two slow to pick up TPRs in relay based interlocking or extra delay data in SSI.
• When abutting with other types of track circuits, IRJs are required on both rails.
• Separate configurations are available for DC electrified, AC electrified or Dual
electrified and Non-electrified sections.
• Interface is not achievable within S&C layouts
• Interface with Non-AC immune DC track circuits or Non-frequency selective AC
track circuits is permitted only at the feed end of susceptible track circuit.
• In case of diode track circuit the interface is permitted at the diode end only.
• They are cost effective only where they have got functional benefit

9.1.3 Audio Frequency track circuits(AFTC)
• Track circuit consists a Transmitter which generates an audio frequency signal and
is fed to the track through a TU. At the Relay end, signal is received through a TU
and fed to a receiver. Receiver gives a DC output to picks up a DC Neutral Relay.
• Several companies are manufacturing AFTC equipment. UK is using Bombardier
version EB200 track circuits.
• Indian Metros are using Alstom version.
• EB200 uses eight nominal frequencies to provide isolation between adjacent track
circuits frequencies on the same line and on adjacent lines.
• Alstom uses 9 frequencies.
• Longer track circuits are possible. Maximum length of track circuit depends on
ballast resistance, frequency used, track layout etc.,
• Generally it is a joint less track circuit, but can be worked with IRJs also.
• Limits of the Track circuits is defined either by tuned zones or by IRJs where
• Boundary between two track circuits is defined by two TTUs connected to the rails
at 20m apart. This forms a tuned zone. On steel sleepers the tuned zone is kept
22m long. The end of each track circuit can be regarded as the mid-way between
the two TUs.
• It is a double rail track circuit and must not be connected in single rail mode.
Hence generally not suitable for S&C area
• It has a built in time delay and hence do not need slow to pick up Track Repeating
• It is least prone to interference and hence can be used in AC, DC, and non-
Electrified areas.


Transmitter of EB200
The multi-vibrator (1) produces a square wave frequency of 4.8Hz.
• Oscillator(3) produces a signal that varies by ±17Hz about the carrier frequency at
the rate of 4.8Hz.
• Modulator (2) modulates frequency with the oscillator output and produce an audio
• Amplifier (4) increases this modified signal to a power level suitable for
transmission to the track.
• Amplified frequency is fed to the associated TTU/ETU through a matching
transformer and a filter. 2 core cable is used.
• Filter (6) isolates the unit from unwanted DC. and AC. voltages.


• Transmitter can be set to either Normal Power Mode or Low Power Mode.

• Frequencies used for EB200 are given below:

 Alstom uses 9 frequencies in the range of 200-400 Hz, along with a carrier
frequency. For shorter track circuits frequencies upto 4000 Hz are used.

Receiver of EB200:
• Signal received from the TU/ETU is fed to the input transformer (1), which
matches the Rx: to the TU/ETU and also provides a means of setting for the
overall receiver gain.
• Upper and lower frequencies of signal received are filtered and demodulated in
two parallel channels.
• Rx has got two parallel channels; one tuned to the higher frequency and another to
the lower frequency.
• In each channel, the signal is filtered (2), amplified (3) again filtered (4) and finally
demodulated (5) so that a pair of anti-phase square waves are applied to the AND
gate (6).
• If both these demodulated signals are anti-phase to each other, a constant
negative output is produced.
• This output is fed to a capacitor timer(7) which takes 2 seconds to reach high
enough potential to produce 50V to the relay drive(8).
• Relay used is an AC immune DC Neutral Line relay(BR931)


Tuning Units
• It consists tuned capacitor/inductor circuit. It is provided to define the correct
termination end of TI21 track circuit.
• Tuning units are of two types TU and ETU. They are separate for each frequency.
• TUs are provided where two TI21 track circuits abut without IRJs.
• Each TU provides specified load for the correct frequency and acts as a short
circuit to other frequencies of the adjacent tracks.
• Shunt zone of each track circuit extends beyond the mid point of adjacent TUs
• ETUs are provided at IRJs which enables the train shunt to be effective up to the
• Distance between IRJ and ETU rail connections shall not exceed 1m.
• ETU can be used either with Tx or Rx. In Center fed mode, ETU is used along with
• If the track circuit is followed by a non track circuited area, its tuned zone shall be
followed by an IRJ at 18.5m
• AFTCs can be used either in End fed mode or in Center fed mode



• 110/24V TJ with current rating 4.4A Spec. BR929 is used
• It can feed any combination of RX & TX within its capacity.
• Power consumption by TX is 2.2A and RX is 0.5A.

• Generally tail(track) cables used are 70 or 35 mm²
• Maximum loop resistance of tail cables permitted is 6 ohms.
• Tx-0.5 Ω Using 2.5mm² cable the maximum length is 30m.
• RX-6.0 Ω Using 2.5mm² cable the maximum length is 365m.
• In Normal power mode RX should not be positioned at less than 200m from the TX
of same frequency.
• In Low power mode the minimum distance is 50m.

• AFTC can be used in AC, DC & Non-electrified sections
• Relay should be located in the same location case as of Rx
• In Level Crossing area only normal power mode is recommended
• Low fed setting is to be used only in End Fed mode
• Maximum length of AFTC is restricted in locations susceptible to dampness such
as tunnels.
• Surge arresters are provided for track cables but not earthed.
• There are lot of restrictions for use of TI.21 adjacent to other frequency based
Track Circuits such as Reed/Aster and Axle counters.
• Since TI.21 is used in double rail configuration, impedance bonds shall be used for
cross bonding. In plain line, it shall be implemented with series bonding on both
• Min length of track circuit is based on two factors:
• The min length of AFTC is restricted in End fed mode, to avoid false feeding
of a RX by a TX of the same frequency, which is being used by another track
circuit on the same line.
• No Rx shall be positioned at less than 50m from low power Tx of same

9.1.4 Impedance Bonds:

• Double rail track circuits on electrified lines require the use of impedance bonds to
provide return path for the traction return current:
• They are provided at intervals of 400-600m, but not exceeding more than two
numbers in each track circuit.
• In TI.21 area, structure bonds cannot be connected to rails as rails can not be
• Maximum length of track circuit depends on ballast resistance, frequency used,
track layout etc.,
Improvements Bombardier AFTC:

Analog Receiver is replaced with Digital version (Now it is EB200)

• Bombardier company, the makers of original TI21 Track circuits, has changed the
working frequencies from Analogue to Digital mode.
• Some of the improvements in the new digital Receiver are given below.
• Superior frequency stability across 40°C to +70°C ambient temperature range
• Faster automated set up and the removal of set up gain strapping reduces the
maintenance and down time.
• Universal Receiver units are developed so that unit can be set to any of the
required eight frequencies using the Shift Frequency Key. This reduces spares
• Condition monitoring display and remote monitoring serial port helping the local
• Units are made smaller, Lighter and more compact in design.
• Screw connections are replaced by plug-in connector.
• Clip-on fixing of receiver with integral latch.
• Installation/removal can be carried out from the front using the adaptor plate.
• 9 way -D type enables connectivity to heath monitoring circuitry for local or remote
diagnostics. It enables advance warning of deteriorating track conditions.


• Axle counters are vital train detection equipment which are alternative to
conventional track circuits.
• Ballast resistance does not have any role on the working of Axle counters.
• It can be used for longer sections
• Can be used even with steel sleeper tracks.
• According to CENELEC Safety Integrity Level is SIL 4.
• Axle counter systems can be either with conventional Analog signals or with Digital
• Some of the differences between the two are given below:
• In Conventional Axle counter system, the Tx. Coils generate an electromagnetic
field at a frequency of 5 khz, while in Digital axle counter system uses 30 khz
• Digital axle counter system uses the fault-tolerant ISDN transmission from the
detection point to evaluator.
• In Digital Axle counter system, a Common Detection point can be shared by the
adjacent track sections.
• Alcatel’s latest and most advanced axle counter generation is AzLM which is a
Microprocessor based two- out- of- two Multiple section Axle Counter system.
• Siemens has produced
• For special applications a two- out- of- three version is also available.
• System arrangement consists –
Rail Contacts - 2 Nos
Electronic Junction Boxes - 2 Nos.
Central Evaluator -- - 1 Nos.
Data Transmission - uses twin twisted pair or OFC cables.
Power Supply arrangements – In case detection points are Remotely fed, single
set provided at the Evaluator location. In case directly fed, each detection point
group requires a separate set of power supply at the location.

9.2.1 Trackside Detection Point (Zp30H) of the AzLM consists

Rail Contact (SK30H) and Electronic Junction Box (EAK30H)
 Two or more of these detection points border a track section. They count the
individual axles as they pass and also establish the direction of train travel.
 Electronic Junction Box EAK30H contains microcomputers which immediately
evaluate the signals from the rail contacts.
• Every detection point must be allocated an address code which must be unique
within interlocking area. Address is set in binary format on the Electronic unit DIP
switches. This 15 bit binary code allows 32768 different combinations. This unique
address in hexadecimal format should be quoted on the wiring diagrams and on
ACE Schematics which are used in the data preparation process.
• Rail Contact consists of two physically offset coil sets, SK1 and SK2 fixed to the
same rail.

• Tx coils (mounted on the outside of rail) generate an Electromagnetic field with two
different frequencies. at appx. 30khz around the rail.
• Rx coils are fixed inside the rail, supply two time offset induced voltages.
• Rail Contact is immune to AC and DC Traction currents, Harmonic Interferences and
to Magnetic & Eddy current produced by vehicle track brakes.

Outdoor Equipment arrangement

Rail Contact SK30H Rail Contact SK30H


SK1 SK2 Rx Coils


Electronic Tx Point 2
Coils Electronic
Unit Zp30H
EAK30H Unit

Transmission Path



• Each detection point shall be uniquely identified.
• For correct positioning of the Axle counter Detection Points a pre-installation survey
is required. This is a safety requirement. Initial survey form called DPSF is produced
by the design office. After the survey, DPSF shall be updated. The position of
DPSF is updated on the Scheme Plan.
• Rail contacts shall not be positioned where trains are likely to stop with either the
first or last wheel likely to be stationary over a rail contact. Where position can not
be changed the use of train stop markers or other signage shall be provided.
• When a train is traversing at the boundary of two axle counter sections or an axle
counter section and any other form of train detection, an assessment shall be
made to ensure there will be no loss of train detection due to this arrangement.
• Where separate Rail contacts are provided for the adjacent track sections, Rail
contacts shall be positioned to overlap each other.
• The last Rail contact adjoining the track circuited area should always be positioned
within the track circuit area.

• There are several restrictions to place Detection Points in Points and Crossings
area. They shall be positioned so as to maintain critical dimensions required for
passing clearances, fouling points and clearance points.
• Positioning of rail contacts near points and crossings shall take into account the
optimum release of track locking over the points.

92.2 Axle Counter Evaluator (ACE):

• The heart of the Axle Counter Evaluator is a Vital Computer Module. Considerable
importance is attached to the ACE software, both from the point of reliability and of
safety. Programs are written in the high level programming language ‘C’.
ACE functions include –
• Evaluation of telegrams received from Detection points.
• Calculation of the occupancy status of the track sections
• Compilation and transmission of track occupancy data to the interlocking.
• Compilation and transmission of diagnosis reports to the interlocking and the
diagnostic equipment.
• Supervising continuously the system working
• ACE can control multiple detection points and sections. Maximum of 24 Detection
points or of 24 Sections can be supervised by an ACE for a 2oo2 system(2-42-RI).
• For special applications a 2oo3 version is also available. It can simultaneously
evaluate upto 32 detection points and monitor upto 32 sections, irrespective of state
and length of track.
• A maximum of 4 sections may be assigned to one detection point.
• Total 8 Subracks can be accommodated in a single cabinet. The heat dissipation of
the evaluators is a significant factor in determining the number that can be
accommodated in a cabinet.
• The Evaluator is data configured, and site-specific data and core programs are
stored on a single EEPROM on each CPU.
• Evaluator data is written by using a data preparation tool based on Microsoft Access.
A single file is produced for each evaluator. The tool is an aid to the input process,
and has no validated safety integrity. Therefore, the output ASCII file printout must
be checked rather than the data tool printout.
• The Alcatel Test Specification for Site Specific Data provides a checking procedure.

Subrack (2-26-RI) – 2oo2 System



• The Serial and Parallel I/O Boards are Preprocessor boards which are interfaced to
the Vital Module through Industrial Standard CAN bus.
• Each Serial I/O board can be connected to two Detection Points(for 2oo2 system)
and occupies one I/O slot in the ACE.
• Each Parallel I/O board occupies one I/O slot per track section.
• The I/O slots in the subrack are universal i.e., any card Serial or Parallel can be
inserted in any of the I/O slot.
• Serial cards should be allocated in alphabetical order, starting with the first I/O slot
in the first subrack. Parallel cards should be allocated in reverse alphabetical order
starting at the last slot in the last subrack.
• The Parallel I/O Board has:
• Two vital voltage-free relay contact outputs for track section condition. These
are identical output functions.
• Two vital opto-isolated input terminals for conditional reset. These control a
single input function. Parallel to this input is a key switch mounted on the front
panel of the module for the purpose of a manual local reset.
• Two non-vital opto-isolated outputs for preparatory reset to output an indication
that the reset command has been accepted.
• Relay on the I/O card is named “GF” (Gleis Frei= Track Clear), and hence the
follower relay, if any, is named a TPR rather than a TR.
• If BR961 relay is used for the TPR function, a suppression diode across the relay
coil is to be provided to limit the Back emf potential and protect I/O card
• Data from the Detection point is received via Serial I/O module. Serial I/O board
converts the serial data from the detection points to the I/O buses of the vital
• Track Occupancy information is the output from the Vital Module via Parallel I/O
• Each Parallel I/O module output is two relay contacts(double cut) for each Track
section. These are checked internally by the Vital module. Track clear is indicated
by both contacts closed.

9.2.3 Transmission:
• Between the Evaluator Location and Trackside disconnection box is 10/20 pair
armored twisted pair is used.

• Between the disconnection box and Electronic Junction Box EAK30H is Star Quad
(2 pair) armored cable is used.
• Cable leads are integral part of Rail contact Heads, supplied in varying lengths of
4m, 5.5m, 8m. Cable leads are connected to Electronic Junction box directly.
• Maximum permissible cable length between the Evaluator and the Detection Point is
restricted to -
• 8.8 km considering data transmission restriction.
• total data transmission loss in the cable must not exceed 24db for a length of
4.28 km, considering the voltage drop restriction. In RE territory 2.0 km length
restriction shall also be considered due to Electro Magnetic Interference.
• Data transmission from Detection point to the ACE uses the physical and
communication layers of ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network).
• ISDN transmission protocol is used to maintain high degree of coding and ensure
the safety of data transmission. ISDN is suited for various transmission media e.g.,
copper cable, Radio or OFC.
• ISDN transmission is tolerant to transient interruptions. The ISDN link can tolerate
interruption of about 500ms without disconnection.
• Communication between the Detection point and the ACE is Simplex. Evaluator
does not request any information, but expects a message to be received from each
individual Detection point at intervals of every 200ms.
• For declaring the section clear, two such consequent messages from the detection
point must be received by the Evaluator while for declaring the section occupied,
one such message is enough.
• If the communication channel is disturbed for more than 500ms, the evaluator will
declare the Detection point is failed.

9.2.4 Power to Detection Points

• in case of remote fed detection point, single pair of cable can be used between
Evaluator and Detection point for both data transmission and power supply. Power is
coupled on to the same pair of cable as the data, by using a Power Data Coupling
• A power/data coupling unit (PDCU) with separate fuses and additional overvoltage
protection is available to provide at the cable termination frame.
• The PDCU serves the following purposes –
• Isolation of the trackside cables at the cable termination frame
• Power to data line coupling including fusing of the Zp supply
• Overvoltage protection
• It is not always possible to power the EAK30H from the Evaluator location. Distance
between the two, may cause high a voltage drop in the cable, or there may be an
isolating transformer in the data line that blocks DC supply.
• In such a case, it is necessary to provide a local power supply. Power is not coupled
onto the data line, and PDCUs are not required.
• A nominal local voltage is connected to t1 & t11 of the EAK30H, and the strapping of
t1, 2, 11 and 12 is not required.
• A second pair of the 2 pair tail cable can be used for the power.

• Electronic Unit can be Remote fed (60V-100V DC) or Locally fed (10.8V-36V DC).
• Power Supply Options for Evaluator are 48V/60V DC (tolerance limit 43V-72V)
• PSU output rating is assessed based on power requirement of ACE and PDCUs
• “ACE” – Max. power required for a fully populated ACE, including for I/O cards is
55W for the ACE 2-10, 95W for the ACE 2-26, and 135W for the ACE 2-42.
• Power required by the detection points is supplied from same PSU using “PDCUs” -.
EAK30H power is 7W plus line losses, which on average 3W per rail contact, plus
10% losses in the 100V DC/DC converters.
• For a precise calculation, the max. transmission loss is considered to be additional
7W for a max. circuit resistance of 240 ohm. This equates to 4.28km cable length
with 0.9mm conductors, and a pro rata calculation for the actual cable length for
each rail contact will give the exact loss.

9.2.5 Resets:
• After a failure or shut down, it becomes necessary to reset the Axle counter system
There are four kinds of Resets are provided -
• Unconditional Reset
• Conditional Reset
• Preparatory Reset
• Preparatory Reset with Acknowledgement
• Evaluator requires the reset to be provided for a min. of 0.5sec upto a max. of 6sec.
If conditions for conditional reset are fulfilled, section will be clear within 1.6sec.
• After restoration of a section, all signals controlling access to the section must be
restricted to Stop or Approach released to Caution for the first train to pass through
the section. This is called Aspect Restriction.
• Generally Aspect Restriction applies only to Main routes, exclusive shunt routes or
frequently used shunt routes need not be considered.
• On UK Railways, Operating rules permit a driver of a train to examine the status of
adjacent track sections that train is not traversing and report . 4m is considered the
reasonable maximum distance that can be viewed from the Cab in all whether
conditions and will not become obstructed. This Drivers report can be used to
release the aspect restriction on signals.

9.2.6 Advantages of Axle counter system:

• Independent of track ballast and length of section.
• Very high availability.
• Low cost per section over the life cycle of the equipment.
• Operation with different transmission systems is possible.
• Communication interfaces are Internationally standardized.
• Processors control trackside and indoor equipment.
• Extended system capacity (upto 32 detection points per evaluator).
• Designed for train speeds upto 440km/h.


What is Interlocking?
• It is a process by which Trackside functions are interlocked with the respective
signals, to achieve safety and efficiency in train working.
• Interlocking can be with Mechanical system or Relay system or Solid State or
Computer based Interlocking. Sometimes it may be a combination.

10.1 Safety principle:

• ‘Signalling system should provide for Safe routing, Spacing and control of trains’
• Safety integrity level of an interlocking system shall meet SIL4 standards, as defined
in BS EN 50129.
• UK Rly standards stipulate that Signalling functions and other parts of the signalling
system shall be interlocked to reduce the likelihood of collision and derailment
consequential personal injury or damage.
• This shall apply during normal working and also during the failure of any part of the
interlocking system or signalling equipment that is set, locked, proved or released by
the interlocking.

10.2. Interlocking Requirements

• The interlocking system shall be designed, so that the likelihood of and
consequences to a train exceeding its movement authority are minimised.
• Failure of an interface system can lead to unanticipated risks like dislocation of
normal working and consequent risks etc.,
• So the risks associated with every interface shall be identified and controlled to
maintain the safety integrity of the system.:
• Some of the Interface are given below
• Remote control and data transmission system
• Power supplies
• Control and display systems
• Other interlocking systems or sub systems
• Trackside Signaling equipment
• Imported Electro-Magnetic interference (EMI)
• Risks accruing from secondary hazards introduced by the fail-safe design of the
interlocking system that may result in degraded situations (e.g. hand signalling) shall
be identified, controlled and documented
• The interlocking shall monitor the occupation and clearance of track sections to
minimise the risk arising from loss of train detection.
• Signaller should be provided with following facilities
• to request a movement authority
• to withdraw the movement authorities
• to operate signalling functions

10.3 Essentials of Interlocking as defined by Indian Railway Signalling:
These principles are applicable for all types of Signaling systems.
• It shall not be possible to take off a running signal, unless all points in the route
including overlap and isolation are correctly set, all facing points are locked and all
interlocked level crossing gates are closed and locked against the road traffic for the
line on which the train will travel.
• After the signal has been taken off it shall not be possible to move or unlock any
points on the route, including overlap and isolation, not to release any interlocked
gates until the signal is replaced to the ON position and ensured the train has come
to a stop before the signal safely.
• It shall not be possible to take OFF at the same time, any two fixed signals which
can lead to conflicting movements.
• Where feasible, point shall be so interlocked as to avoid any conflicting movements.
• From the above principles, the following safety conditions shall be achieved:
• Route is correctly set and locked including overlap and isolation before a signal
is taken OFF to allow a train movement.
• After the signal is taken OFF, it should not be possible to disturb the route until
the route is travelled by the train or the route is cancelled when the train has
come to a stop before the red signal.
• These interlocking conditions apply to the interlocked level crossings within
the route including overlap.
• It should not be possible to allow any conflicting movements which may
endanger the safety of the running train.

10.3.1 Control Table:

• It is produced by expert design engineers, based on the Signalling Plan and the
Operating requirements
• It indicates the interlocking requirements for each signal route to ensure Safe
routing and provide efficient operations.
• It should comply with the essentials of Interlocking and also meet technical
requirements issued from time to time.
• Controls required to initiate a point operation and conditions required to release the
locking on the points is indicated.
• Conflicting functions which are to be Normal before initiating a route and locked
when route is initiated are indicated.
• Conditions required to release a route under different conditions are specified.
• Any other special controls required to be met before clearing the signal.
• Every representation on the control table is having a specific meaning.
• Approved characters, symbols, abbreviations are only to be used in the control
E.g. N - for normal and R for Reverse
Occ. - for occupied
w - for when
ON and OFF for signal aspects

POS – position of Route indicators
Brackets used are – ( ), [ ], { } and dashes ----- etc.,
• On UK Rlys a separate control tables is produced for each of the following functions.
• Signals / Routes
• Points and ground frames
• Level crossings
• Train warning and protection systems
• Staff protection systems
• Block systems
• Direction control
• Track Summation

10.3.2 Some of the Interlocking features:

• Control Device: Lever, switch, Signalling panel button/knob, VDU Key board/track
ball combination or other devices operated by a signaller.
• Degraded Situation: A failure has occurred which prevents the signaller from
giving the desired line side aspect to a train.
• Exit Signal: Signal (or buffer stop/stop board/siding) upto which a movement is
permitted from an entrance signal by setting a route.
• Aspect control: Controls that are required to be satisfied before a signal can
display a proceed aspect.
• Track Section: A portion of railway line having fixed boundaries on which the train
detection system is provided to know the section is free or occupied by vehicles.
• Movable Infrastructure: Points, controlled level crossings, swing bridges and
• Locking level: Controls between various signalling functions that are required to
be satisfied before a signal/route can be set.
• Locked: State: of any signaling function or item of equipment when it is prevented
from changing the state or position by other parts of the signaling system.
• Approach Locking: The application of locking to a route that shortens the
movement authority previously given to a train. The Locking is released either the
train is not in the approach of the signal or after a time interval during which the train
has come to a stand before the signal.
• Comprehensive approach locking: Locking is applied only when a train would be
affected by the shortening of its movement authority. Generally applied when the
driver is communicated of the route set condition at the signals in rear.
• Approach locking when cleared: The locking is applied whenever the movement
authority is given.
• Conditional Locking: Interlocking between two Signalling functions which is
dependent upon the state of other Signalling functions.
• Opposing Locking: Locking applied to a route when an opposing route is set.
• Directly opposing routes: Two opposing routes which require the same setting of
• Indirectly Opposing routes: Two routes which are isolated from each other by
setting of points, which otherwise may interfere with the movement of each other.
• Route Locking: A form of locking that maintains locking associated with points or a
route until after a train has passed clear of the function being locked
• Track locking: Operation of points are inhibited from operation when the
associated track circuits or any foul tracks are occupied.
• Locking level release: Controls that are required to be satisfied before the locking
on a route (or a section of a route) is released.
• Train Operated Route Release (TORR): Route locked for a train movement is
automatically released by the sequential operation of track circuits in the route.
• Though the purpose of Overlap is same universally, the Overlap length and
description differs from country to country.
• Following overlaps are used on UK Railways.
- Full overlap – 180 m normally
- Reduced Overlap – 45 m-135 m is acceptable for attainable/Sectional
Speeds less than 60 MPH.
- Restricted Overlap – if sufficient length of overlap is not available, the
signal can be released with approach release control.

Point at which the signal to be released depends on the available length of overlap.

- Phantom Overlap (POL) – Track circuit in the overlap is proved, but the point
which is beyond the overlap of 180m is not proved.

• On Indian Railways the following overlaps are adopted.

• In Multiple aspect signalling
Signal Overlap – 120 mtrs.
Block Overlap - 180 mtrs.
• In Two aspect Signalling
Signal Overlap – 180 mtrs.
Block Overlap - 400 mtrs.

10.3.4 Swinging Points:

• Facing Points in the overlap may be set to a non preferred route at the time of
clearing the signal in rear.
• In such a case Points are not locked.
• Subsequently if the preferred route is available, the said points can be altered,
before train passed the signal in rear.
• This facility helps in setting a forward route and clear the exit signal overlap as and
when preferred Overlap is available.
• While the overlap point is in operation, rear signal is held in the OFF position for a
time. Normally the set time is about 5-10 sec depending on the type of point
machine used for operating the point.
• If the point is not set within the specified time, signal is put back to ON.

10.3.5 Flank Protection:

• Provided for the set route, to protect the authorized movement from an overrunning
train from the adjacent lines. Points are set to divert the overrunning train away
from the set route under consideration.
• Soft call: Point in the conflicting area is called if free, but route setting completes
even if point is not responding, Point is neither locked nor detected by this route.
Call is made only at the time of route setting.
• Hard Call: Point is always called, set and locked before the Route is set. Route
does not set if points are not available. But detected only at the time of clearance.

10.3.6 Time of operation locking:

• applied to a swinging O/L point which is at less than a specified distance from the
signal. This distance is determined based on time of operation of the swing point
from one setting to other.
• It is to prevent an overrunning train from reaching and derailing at a moving switch
ahead, before the switch has completed its movement.
• It detects a route set towards an exit signal at ON and the train has occupied the
Route stick unsetting.

10.3.7 Approach locking application:

• Locking can be applied:
- At the time of signal clearance (minimum) or
- At any time from route set to signal clearance.
• If it is ensured that the train is not in the approach of the signal and driver has not
sighted the OFF aspect of the signal, the route can be released as soon as the route
cancellation is applied.

Release of Approach locking: requires

• Signal is at ‘On’ and prove that no Train is approaching the signal. To achieve all
tracks in rear of signal upto the sighting point are clear.
• In case the train is already in the approach, it is necessary to ensure that the train
has come to stationary before the signal. For this a time delay is applied after the
approach track is occupied and then locking is released. Generally this time delay
is 120 Secs.

Release of Route Locking:
• Sequential occupation and clearance of first two tracks in advance of the signal is
proved to release the locking (Most common sequence used is that first and second
tracks beyond the signal are occupied followed by first track cleared while second
still occupied)
• Where Train Operated Route Release facility is provided, Route gets released
automatically as the train travelled over the route and cleared.

Sectional Route Release

• Generally Route remains back locked until the train has travelled the entire route
and cleared. This causes delay to set the route for a following train.
• As the train travelling over the route, ‘Sectional Route Release’ facility helps to
release the locking of each track section, as that particular track section is occupied
and cleared. But the route ahead remains locked until the train travelled over it.

Overlap lock Release :

• Overlap gets locked when route is set. If the route beyond the exit signal is not set,
the overlap gets released only after ensuring that the approaching train has come
to a stand before the exit signal. To achieve this, occupation of berthing track for a
specific time is proved to release the overlap. Time is specified in the control table.

10.3.8 Special Controls:

a. One signal one train feature
b. Conditional double red rule (CDR)
c. Misreading controls
d. Overrun protection controls
e. Lime street controls
f. Rayne’s park controls
g. Tollerton controls

a. One signal one train feature

• This feature is included in the signal controls of all controlled signals. A stick
circuit is designed to replace the signal to ON as soon as the train passed the
signal and the first pair of wheels occupied the track circuit in advance of signal.
The stick remains unset to prevent the signal from re-clearing automatically
even when the route is clear of train.
• The stick is reset when the signal is ON and the route is released
• Unsetting of stick is inhibited when a controlled signal is set to Auto working.
This is to enable the signal to re-clear automatically, when all tracks in route
including O/L are clear with the passage of the previous train.

b. Conditional double red rule (CDR):

• Various ATP systems are in use to control the speed of the train approaching
the junction signal.
• A Safe Overrun Distance(SOD) is mandatory beyond the signal for protection in
case the train overshoots. Length of SOD depends on the approaching speed.
• If the available SOD is not sufficient, it becomes necessary to reduce the speed
of approaching train. For this the rear signal is also maintained at Red.
• Controls are applied on the rear signal, so that the signal is released only after
ensuring that train has reduced its speed to suit the available SOD.

c. Misreading of signals:
In case of parallel signals there is a possibility of driver misreading the signals due
to conditions in the approach of signal and overshoot a danger signal. To avoid such
a possibility the incorrect signal is inhibited from displaying a proceed aspect until
it’s own berth track is occupied by the train approaching it.

d. Overrun Protection Controls

• Sometimes the approaching train may pass the red signal and cause danger to
the trains which are on legitimate move on adjacent lines.
• To reduce the likelihood and extent of a collision in such cases, the signal is
restricted from exhibiting a proceed aspect unless it is ensured that an overrun
has not taken place at other signals.
• For this all track circuits involved from the point of conflict upto the signal where
SPAD is likely, are proved clear..

Overrun distance calculation:

Assume a train just passed the signal at ‘ON’ at a speed of 15 mph. at the same
time command is given to operate the point.
Time taken to reach the track occupied status to interlocking: 2 sec
Time taken for the point command to reach the point - 2 sec
Generally point operation time to other position is around - 3 sec (app.)
Additional Safety margin considered - 3 sec
Total time elapsed after train passed the signal at ON: 2+2+3+3 = 10 sec
Distance a train can travel in 10 sec. at 15mph speed is = 67 m
So the distance from the signal No.505 to the point of conflict near track section
BG should be more than 67m.

e. Lime Street Control:

• At Lime Street station in UK, one train was signaled with Call-On onto an
occupied track. Due to insufficient space, train collided with the stabled train.
To avoid such collisions a new control called Lime Street Control was
• In case of Call-On movements, it is essential to ensure that the occupied line is
having sufficient space for receiving a second train on to the same line without
colliding with the stabled train.

• Where Call-On signaled movements are regular, the berthing track is divided
into two track circuits. The rear track is nominated to receive the second train.
• An equal length of track circuit is provided in rear of Call On signal.
• When the second train has arrived at the Call-on signal and occupied the first
track circuit in rear, it is ensured that the second track circuit in rear is clear.
This proves that the train to be received can be accommodated in the available
space on the occupied line. Then only Call-on could be cleared.

f. Rayne's’ park control:

• At Rayne's’ park station in UK, the signal which is having an approach control
got cleared due to failure of a TPR, even before the arrival of train at the signal.
This resulted in the Signal in rear assuming a higher aspect than permissible
single yellow.
• This was due the track repeater relay back contact is used for approach release
control of the signal in advance, where as the primary relay front contact is used
in the rear signal control circuit.
• Due to circuit failure TPR dropped. With the back contact making, the advance
signal got cleared. With this the rear signal changed from Yellow to Double
• Driver increased the speed and passed the advance signal at a higher speed
more than permitted.
• To overcome such an unsafe condition, instructions are issued that the back
contacts used for the approach release of Advance signal should be of the
same relay whose front contacts are used for the rear signal control or an
earlier Track Repeater relay.

g. Tollerton Control:
• At Tollerton station in UK, a driver standing at foot of a Red signal of Relay
interlocking area, saw the signal clearing to proceed aspect momentarily and
again assuming ON aspect. The signal in advance was controlled by a Solid
State Interlocking.
• On investigation it was revealed that the time taken to register the occupied
status of a track circuit in SSI system is more, compared to the time taken to
register the clear status of a track circuit of Relay interlocking system.
• So new controls are applied at fringes to overcome the significant timing
differences in track occupation/clearance information reaching different
interlockings at fringes.
• Track circuit information of Relay interlocking is first fed to the SSI system and
then sent back to the original relay interlocking to ensure that the same delay is
applied in both interlockings.


11.1 Mechanical Interlocking:
Initially the interlocking was through Mechanical means with Semaphore signals.
• Each function is operated by a Mechanical lever. Levers operating the functions
within a specified area of a signalling layout are grouped into a single Lever Frame.
• Size of the Lever Frame depends on the number of functions controlled by it.
• Levers are so interlocked; their operation follows a predetermined sequence. i.e. a
signal lever can be pulled only after the points and lock levers concerned are
operated to the required positions.
• after the signal lever is pulled, point and lock levers which are already operated
gets locked.
• all levers which are likely lead to a conflicting movement are locked in their normal



• Since interlocking is through mechanical means, wear and tear is possible
• Requires periodical overhauling and replacements
• Bigger layouts require, bigger Lever frames which are not convenient to operate
and to interlock. So there is a limitation on number of levers in a Lever Frame.
• Range of operation is restricted. With the yards getting bigger, operation of long
distance functions is difficult.
• They are not suitable for the present day signalling with bigger yards and fast train
• Manufacturing of these mechanical Lever frames is discontinued.
• But still some old frames are in existence on different Railways including UK.

11.2 Interlocking in Electro Mechanical signalling:

• With the advancement in Electrical Technology, design of relays was perfected and
some of the interlocking features are shifted to Relay system. Mechanical Lever
Frames are retained. Point and signals are operated using the levers.
• Electrically lit signals are developed which enabled to operate them from longer
• Points are operated either by mechanical means or with electrical point machines.
• Train detection is provided using Track circuits. This reduced the human
involvement in ensuring the route is free from obstructions.
• Electrical Lever Locks were developed, which were able to provide electrical
locking on mechanical levers. Electrical locking gets released only when the
interlocking conditions are satisfied to operate them.

11.3 Relay Based Interlocking

• With the increase in Train Traffic, station layouts have become bigger with points
spread out and far away from the Control Centre.
• Operation of levers is time consuming, not suitable for the busy train traffic.
• So Mechanical Lever frames are replaced with Control panels with buttons and
knobs to control the trackside functions. Big yards are controlled from a single
Controlling centre at a remote place.
• A display panel is provided to indicate the status of all trackside functions on real
time basis. Display panel can be either separate or combined with the Control
• Control Table is produced to fulfil the principles of Interlocking and to achieve Safe
Routing and Efficiency in Train Working.
• Separate Interlocking centre with relays is provided where relays are provided for
each function as per the standard practice.
• Relay circuit diagrams are designed as per the controls shown on the Control table.
Wiring of relays as whole achieves the Safety integrity of the system.
• Wiring between the relays can be either free wired or with the use of pre-wired
relay groups.
• All Trackside Functions are operated through electrical means using buttons and
switches on the Control Panel.
• Cables are used for transmission of commands and to receive responses. With this
there is no limitations on the length of operation of trackside functions.
• Commands from Control centre are received by the Interlocking centre. Since all
trackside functions are controlled from the same Interlocking centre, Interlocking
between the functions became easier. Interlocking between the functions is
achieved through Relays.
• System analyses the correctness of the commands received.
• If correct, checks the availability of the route.
• If available, sends command to trackside functions to operate.
• Response is received back by the interlocking centre. This information is conveyed
to the display panel in the form of indications.
• Big relay rooms were built to accommodate thousands of Relays. Number of relays
depends on the size of layout and number of routes.. Some of the Control centres
were using few thousands of relays.

11.3.1 Panel Interlocking:

• This is a basic Relay Interlocking system. Interlocking and circuitry is simple and
requires considerably less number of relays. it is also cheaper in cost.
• Sequence of button/knob operation for each signalled route is given in a pull chart
supplied to the operator.
• Points required for a route are operated through individual knobs. Signaller ensures
that the status is received and correct.
• When he is satisfied that all points in the route and overlap are favourable for the
route selected, operates the signal knob. The status of the signal received is
displayed on the panel.
• Releasing of the route is done by normalising the signal Knob either after
completion of the train movement or for cancellation. All Interlocking principles
required for normalising the route are fulfilled.
• Normally the wiring of relays is free wired.
• This system is best suited for wayside station where the train movements are
limited. But at bigger stations where the train movements are more, this system
causes considerable delay for the train working. Also there is a frequent chance of
operator making mistakes in selecting the points required for a route and cause
further delays.

11.3.2 Route Relay Interlocking (Automatic Route Setting method)

• As a further advancement of Signalling Technology, Automatic Route Setting
Method is developed which is called ‘Route Relay Interlocking’.
• Route setting is made automatic. With just pressing of an Entrance signal button
and corresponding Exit signal button, the following interlocking functions are
achieved automatically within few seconds.
- Receives and checks the correctness of command
- Checks the Route availability
- Initiates Sets, Locks and Detects all points in the route and overlap
- locks all conflicting movements
- ensures any other interlocking requirement like fringe controls, closing of
interlocked Level crossings etc.,
- ensures the route is free of obstructions including overlap
- Locks the route
- Signal is cleared
- Route is released either on the complete arrival of train at the destination or the
route is cancelled ensuring the train is stationary before the signal.

See Chapter on Route Relay Interlocking for automatic route setting method.

11.3.3 Pre-wired groups:
• Free wired interlocking, involves extensive wiring at site and involves considerable
time in execution of works and testing.
• Prewired groups are designed to reduce the site work considerably.
• Siemens, GRS and Westpac made considerable contribution in developing these
prewired groups.
• Relays involved in a particular Trackside function are grouped into a cabinet and
wired. Main groups are Points, Signals and Track.
• To suit certain special requirements several other groups are also developed. Eg.
Signal groups with Subsidiary Signals and without subsidiary signals, Points with
single end, Points with double end etc.
• These groups are fixed in relay racks and inter connected in a geographical
manner as per the layout.
• With the prewired groups the interlocking alterations became easier in case of
Layout modifications.
• Additionally Data Loggers are employed to monitor the Health of the system and
also to store the status of vital relays in its memory.

11.3.4 Disadvantages of Relay Interlocking system:

• Route Relay Interlocking is suitable only for a single Major station or for a short
• Due to large number of relays involved in each sequence and quick operation of
relays, fault identification is complicated and time consuming during failures.
• Due to continuous usage, Relays develop faults and need periodical overhauling or
• For bigger yards the number of relays required extends to few thousands, which
require large space. Sometimes modifications to the system may require
relocation of Relay Room.
• With the increase in the traffic density and increase in speed, it has become
necessary to centralise the operations of larger sections involving several small
interlockings. Particularly in urban areas.
• So the use of Route Relay Interlocking system is out of favour for the modern day
traffic requirements.

11.3.4 Solid State Interlocking:

• With the advancement of Electronic Technology, interlocking is shifted to Solid
State components. This miniaturised the interlocking system.
• Commands from the control centre and trackside information is fed to the
Electronic Interlocking system.
• Microprocessors are used for the interlocking. System is provided with multiple
Processors for duplicity and reliability with Majority voting principle.
• They replaced large number of relays. SSI system for a major junction could be
accommodated into a small cabinet.
• Electronic interlocking is provided with a hot standby. Fault restoration became
easier and quick, since faults are self indicative with indications and alarms.

• System output can be used to operate trackside functions directly. Wherever it is
not feasible due to constraints of higher working currents.
• Transmission of commands and return response of the functions, and indications
to the Display panel are through frequency codes, which are superimposed. This
reduced the need for extensive field cabling and the cable requirement is reduced
considerably. A single Telecom cable or OFC cable may be sufficient.
• For the control of longer sections, individual interlocking boxes are provided at
various locations and interfaced or integrated with Central Interlocking.

See Chapter on Solid State Interlocking for more details

• Operations are quick and more reliable
• Modifications are much easier.
• Power consumption by the system is reduced considerably.
• Solid State System can be extended to Trackside locations to directly operate the
• But providing this arrangement to existing installations is very expensive and
involves long block periods. Presently Relay Interface between the SSI system and
the existing trackside functions is being adopted in many new works. This retains
the existing conventional trackside arrangement.
• However Solid State technology is getting overtaken by the newer versions of
Electronic Signalling systems with Moving block working.

11.5 Communication Based Train Control systems:

• This is best suited to the present day Metro Traffic requirements.
• Long sections and several interlockings are controlled from a single Control centre.
• Locomotive is fitted with On Board Computers which verifies the exact position of
the train continuously and controls the Brake system of Locomotive.
• Control Centre is able to communicate directly with the Vehicle on Board Computer
through wayside Radio Communication system.
• Movement authority is updated continuously and the speed of the train is controlled
accordingly. VOBC directly controls brake system of the train.
• Automatic Train Protection System controls the speed of the train.
• Practically human involvement is eliminated and the dream of Driverless Train
control is becoming a reality.
• System can be used either with Fixed Block or with Moving Block working.
• Several additional Train operating facilities like Public Address system can be
integrated with CBTC.
• Train movements are programmed in advance. Local workstations are provided at
Master stations to control the signalling in that area in case of emergency.

See Chapter on Communication Based Train Control System for more


It is one of the specialized Design activity in Signaling. Safety and Reliability of the
Signaling System depends on the accuracy of Signaling circuits. Signalling
circuits shall be designed to ‘Fail Safe’ principle.
They are designed for various functions in Signaling. Some are given below.
• Command circuits from control panel to Interlocking or from Interlocking to
Trackside functions.
• Indication circuits to Display panel
• Interlocking circuits between various relays to achieve interlocking as specified in
Control Table
• Trackside Point control and detection circuits
• Signal control and lighting circuits
• Interface circuits with other interlockings
• Power supply circuits

12.1 Design Precautions:

Electrical Safety:
Design should achieve the following Safety features:
• Protection from direct contact;
• Protection from indirect contact;
• Provision of a single earth at a location;
• Use of appropriate equipment;
• Overcurrent protection where required;
• Facility to disconnect the supply;
• Sufficient working space at the equipment and wiring;
• Staff should be trained and competent to handle Electrical voltages;
• Accurate documentation.

12.2 Occupational Safety:

Protection from Direct contact with live parts
• All live parts with a potential exceeding 25V AC. or 60V DC, or a current exceeding
25A, should be insulated or enclosed;
• Where insulation is not reasonably practicable:
• Voltages up to a nominal of 110V AC. or 120V DC. may be left with open fuses and
terminals, provided they are clearly labelled;
• Use of enclosures and intermediate physical barriers should be considered;
• Such enclosures and barriers should be removable only by use of a tool
• External permanent warning signs should be arranged.
• Transient and likely fault conditions should be considered while defining the live
12.3.1 Selection of Circuit Conductor:
• current carrying capacity of a circuit conductor should be adequate;
• conductors should be capable of carrying overload and short circuit currents to
survive beyond the time necessary to operate the protective devices;
• should have sufficient insulation to withstand the operating temperature and also to
provide adequate protection against the highest voltages present in the immediate
vicinity of the conductor.

12.3.2 Selection of Circuit Components:

• should be adequate for continuous and intermittent rating of circuit components,
• circuit switching devices should be sufficiently robust to make and break the
highest current for which the circuit is designed within its life-cycle;
• capable of carrying overload and short circuit currents to survive beyond the time
necessary to operate the protective devices;
• sufficient insulation to withstand the applied voltage and any likely transient over
• should be able to prevent hazards due to replacement with wrong component.
• Where necessary warning signs are to be provided to warn the staff against hidden
or unexpected dangers.
• In electrified areas, there is danger to track circuit cables from traction voltages
under faulty conditions
• track circuit tail cables should be fully insulated by terminating them on a pair of BS
88 fuse carriers and bases ;
• terminals of track circuit equipment should be shrouded or enclosed;
• single rail track circuits should be fused in the insulated rail leg;
• double rail track circuits should be fused in the leg connecting to the impedance
bond winding;
• double rail track circuits shall be provided with two electrode surge arrestor across
the track circuit tail cable (on the external side of the fuse);
• to provide electrical isolation, track relays and track feeds should generally be
confined to trackside locations and repeat relays provided at interlocking.

12.3.3 Dangers from back emf:

• Inductive loads generate a back emf when the current is withdrawn, e.g. AWS,
Lever Locks etc.
• a reverse biased protection diode for back emf suppression to be provided across
the external side of the cable terminations;
• a voltage dependent resistor should also be connected across the load;
• cables shall be fully insulated and terminated on a pair of BS 88 fuse carriers fitted
with links.

12.3.4 Equipotential bonding:

• Protects against indirect contact with exposed-conductive-parts and extraneous-
conductive-parts made live by an electrical fault.

• protects from dangerous of touch potentials appearing between adjacent
metalwork (and rail connections) in the event of a fault on the high voltage system
in A.C. electrified areas and overhead power distribution lines crossing the track in
• equipotential bonding within apparatus housings to be earthed ;
• equipotential bonding to be connected to the traction return system. It facilitates the
automatic disconnection of the traction supply, in case the damaged overhead lines
make contact with structural metalwork;
• in DC electrified areas, Equipotential bonding is not provided, since greater danger
may arise from large traction currents discharging to earth.

12.3.5 Overcurrent protection:

• It is required to prevent damage in case current in the circuit exceeds the current
carrying capacity of circuit conductor or component under failure or overload
• Required to provide safety in case any conductive part is exposed or extraneous-
conductive-part becomes live by an electrical fault.
• Proper protective devices shall be provided depending the nominal working
current of the device; speed of operation and sensitivity to suit the type of load, e.g.
highly inductive, starting or in-rush currents, or electronic equipment;
• Protective devices shall be reliable.
• Should be eenclosed in a unit to provide protection from direct contact;
• Should have disconnection and isolation facilities
• Measures should be taken to avoid nuisance tripping.
• Generally fuse should be provided in non-earthed legs (only) of final circuits, but
unfused leg remains unprotected and in the event of a double earth fault allows a
fault current to flow in from an adjacent high current circuit.

12.3.6 Isolation and emergency switching:

• Each circuit should be capable of emergency on-load switching and isolation to
prevent danger.

12.3.7 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC):

• Measures to be taken to identify and prevent false operation of circuits arising from
all sources of interference.
• Most common sources for interference are :
a. Traction Current contamination;
b. Induction from parallel AC or high frequency circuits;
c. Earth faults;
d. High frequency contamination of electronic systems ;
e. Electrical surges, such as lightning strikes, flashovers from the traction supply
and switching transients affecting solid state components;

12.3.8 Protection against Magnetic interference -
a. Double cutting to be provided for all external safety-critical circuits.
b. separate power supplies to be provided for certain groups of circuits.
c. earth fault monitoring devices to be provided for vulnerable power supply
d. wire leads to electronic equipment should be as short as practicable;
e. systems which are capable of mutual interference should be segregated;
f. highly coded systems should be used for safety-critical applications;
g. provide Fast Transient Earths;
h. provide Surge suppressors (not connected to earth unless the system is coded
to prevent multiple earth faults);

12.4 Internal circuits:

a. Length of wire runs between relay contacts should be kept as minimum as
b. Double cut is not required if they they are fed from a separate internal supply
which is less susceptible to earth faults;
c. Circuits between adjacent buildings, apparatus cases and under signal box,
Lever frames may be considered as Internal.
d. Where components of non-safety-related circuits are particularly susceptible to
earth faults, such circuits should not share a common power supply with safety-
critical circuits.

12.5 Lineside circuits:

a. Physical length of line circuits should be kept minimum to overcome the
external effects such of resistive, inductive and capacitive links with other
b. Necessary precautions should be taken to prevent induced voltages
exceeding 430V AC under traction fault conditions.
c. In AC electrified areas, length of through circuits running parallel to the track
should not exceed 2,000m. Any proposal to exceed 2000m should be subject
to documented risk assessment.
d. Length of signal lamp circuits running parallel to track should not exceed 200m
e. Use of coded or audio frequency signals for trackside circuits is preferred.
f. AC immune relays shall be used for all external circuits;
g. Where required special cables such as twisted pair or screened shall be used.
h. Where a common power supply feeds line circuits in more than one direction,
the maximum length should be reckoned between the extremities of circuits.

12.6 Different types of circuit arrangements

Double cutting:
a. All safety-critical external circuits should be double cut to overcome the risks
due to earth faults. Contacts of the same relay should be used in each leg of
the double cut circuit. Where different relays are used in each leg, the first relay
to operate and release should be placed in the feed leg for consistency.

b. All internal circuits shall be double cut if the same external supply is used.
c. All internal safety critical circuits using contacts of metal to metal Relays shall be
double cut.
d. The requirement to double cut is exempted in the following cases:
• contacts used solely to impose non-safety-related controls on safety-critical
• back contacts used solely for down proving or cross proving;
• contacts used solely for correspondence proving;
• contacts used solely to economise power consumption;
• contacts on the internal side of an isolating transformer, or transformer
rectifier, feeding external circuits;
• signal lighting circuits, unless reasonably practicable;
• internal circuits using metal to carbon contacts and non-safety-related circuits
on a dedicated power supply;

12.6.1 Meshed circuits:

a. Meshed circuits are those feeding more than one relay. They should be
designed as simple as reasonably practicable;
b. Complex meshed circuits should not be used, because of the extra work
involved in testing and corrective maintenance.
c. Circuit design should ensure that the relays cannot be falsely energised by an
unintended path, or as a result of a circuit disconnection;
d. Each path in a meshed circuit should be fed from the same Overcurrent
protection device (fuse).
e. Measures to be taken to prevent momentary back feeding due to use of
repeater relay contacts in meshed circuits;

12.6.2 Power Supply Restoration:
a. Special measures are required in certain situations to retain the stored
information in the event of a power failure.
b. During intermittent power failures, certain safety circuits may operate erratically
and cause unsafe condition. E.g. sequential operation of track circuits for
releasing the route may behave erratically in case of intermittent power failures
and release the route without the train travelling. To avoid such risks, Power off
timer relay, (PO)JR, set at 5 to 10 seconds is included in safety-critical stick

12.6.3 Stick Circuits:

a. Used to store the information or remember a previous occurrence;
b. Used where the conditions required to switch a relay from the de-energised
state to the energised state, but not the converse of each other;
c. Relay is provided with a parallel path, known as the stick path; It contains a front
contact of the same relay which is called as the stick contact.

12.6.4 Bridge Paths:

a. Basically it is an alternative path with a different conditions. Sometimes the relay
is energised with one set of condition and then held with different set of
b. Where it is necessary to by-pass standard control contacts in circuits, circuit
design should ensure that such bridge paths have been removed before the
next level of interlocking is achieved;
c. Most convenient method of achieving this logic is to down prove the function in
the bridge path in the next level of locking.

d. In the above circuit DG(UP)USR is the sectional route locking relay of the route.
Route is proved free at the time of initiating the route and proved locked while
picking up the final signal control relay.

12.6.5 Latched Relays:
a. Latched relays can be mechanically or magnetically latched. They are used to
store the state of signalling function in a secure manner in the event of a total
failure of power supplies;
b. Relay remains latched in the last operated position, until it is de-latched. In case
of magnetic latching, de-latching coil should be energised. In mechanical
latching complimentary relay to be latched.

12.6.6 Polarized circuits:

a. Pair of biased relays (two BR 932 style relays or a BR 961 style twin relay) may
be used to save cable cores on line circuits to achieve the complementary

12.6.7 Time delays:

a. They are required in signalling circuits for a variety of reasons and applications.
Some of the time delay applications are given below-
• timed release of approach locking,
• approach release of signal aspects,
• overlap locking release after approach locking is released.
• clearance of a calling-on signal after approach track is occupied
• to allow auto-normalisation of points is completed.
• to set a time delay for other equipment to operate;
• to hold the signal at OFF, before the swinging point in overlap responds.
• delaying the release of a signal protecting a level crossing (to ensure that a
train cannot reach the crossing in less than the minimum warning time).
• To ensure that the restored power is stable after a power failure.
b. Sometimes slow to release or slow to operate relays are required -
• to avoid momentary loss of train detection when a vehicle moves from one
track circuit to another.
• to overcome timing problems in relay logic circuit: a relay may be required to
hold, while its feed changes over from one path to another.
• to set a time to complete a sequence of operations
c. Delayed release: Function must not release until the set time has elapsed.

d. Delayed operation: Function must not operate until after a given time has
e. Safety-related applications should distinguish between requirements for delayed
operation and delayed release.

Timing Devices:
a. Relays are available with minor Slow to operate or slow to release features.
b. DC Neutral relays with a built in copper slug, increase the pick up time by
400ms and the release time by 250ms.
c. Capacitor-resistor network can make a neutral relay slow to release for few milli
d. A simple reverse diode across the relay terminal can make it slow to release to
allow other relays to pick up.
e. Thermal time relays can give upto 180 seconds. But experience shows that
their timings are not steady.
f. Electronic timers can give longer delays upto 5 min. They are more reliable.

12.6.8 Down proving

a. Non-latched relays should drop when the feed is withdrawn from the coil.
b. Some of the relays need to be monitored to ensure they are restored to normal
status after each operation. For this they are down proved in the related safety
critical circuits e.g.
c. Timers used for release functions should be down proved in signal control circuit
d. Heavy duty Contactors used for point operation should be down proved in point
detection circuits to ensure their contacts are not welded.

12.6.9 Cross proving:

a. Mutual down proving is required for relays with complementary functions, to
avoid an unsafe condition arising if both relays are energised at the same time.
b. Standard practice is to include a back contact of its complementary relays, in all
control circuits.

c. Alternative method: Equivalent cross proving is included in all functions

controlled by the complementary relays.

12.6.10 Repeater relays:
They are provided for various purposes.
a. to provide additional contacts where required.
b. to address the length limitations on circuits due to voltage drop, induced
voltages etc.,
c. To delay the response of primary function. E.g. First TPR is made slow to
d. to provide electrical isolation between track side equipment and interlocking.

Special precautions for picking up of Repeat Relays:

a. Back contacts of front contact repeat relays give no positive information. In such
cases a separate back contact relay should be picked up
b. If both front and back contact repeaters are provided for the same function, they
should be cross proved
c. Repeat relays should not be picked up in parallel with primary relay
d. Back contacts of a front contact repeater or back contacts of back contact
repeater can be used only for non-critical functions like preventing feedback in
meshed circuits
e. Circuits are to be designed so that when a Repeat relay fails, it should not cause
a hazardous situation.
f. Primary relay is used to prove in all safety critical functions.
g. Any control device that precedes the primary function relay should not be used
for any other purpose other than picking up the primary function relay.
h. Naming of repeat relays shall follow practice specified by the Railway.
i. UK Rly practice of naming Repeater relays is labeling as XXXPR, XXX2PR etc.
and parallel repeat relays as XXXP(1)R ,XXXP(2)R etc.
j. First Track repeater to Interlocking is named as T2PR

Designing of circuits
a. Circuits should be designed:
b. to facilitate preventive and corrective maintenance;
c. to minimise failure potential and the consequences of failure;
d. to simplify testing

12.7.1 Detection of Overrun at signals

a. Over run at the adjacent signal may cause collision with legitimate move. Any
such overrun is detected by sequential down proving of track circuits at the
b. A Special relay called TZR may be provided to prove there is SPAD. When
SPAD occurs, TZR drops and replaces the signal to “ON”.
c. Signal should not re- clear unless the whole track section is clear of SPADed

12.7.2 Last Wheel replacement circuit

a. GR picks up initially with all tracks clear condition
b. After GR picked up, it is held by its own front contact along with Back contact of
berth & first track down contact

12.7.3 Trackside Signal control circuits and repeater circuits:


12.7.4 Swinging of Overlap Point:
a. Facing point in the overlap is allowed to swing to set an alternate overlap, after
the signal is taken Off.
b. OSR circuit is designed to hold GR relay in Off condition for 5 secs to allow
swinging of overlap point to other position
c. OSR permits to hold GR as one time feature and signal is reverted back to ON
position if point fails to respond to other position within the specified time.

12.8 Electrical Locking arrangement on Mechanical Levers

a. A lever moves in a 90˚ quadrant, it has got six imaginary positions in the
quadrant. Positions are designated as N (0˚), A (5˚), B(30˚), D N(60˚), E(85˚),
and R(90˚).
b. Positions ‘A’ and ‘E’ are used as economizer contacts.
c. Locking can be provided at positions A, B, D, E as required.
d. ‘A’ and ‘E’ positions are used for Track locking on levers operating electrical
point machines.
e. ‘B’ position is used to impose Normal Indication Locking and ‘D’ position is used
to impose Reverse(Route) Indication locking.
f. In electro mechanical, Signal levers are provided with Reverse locking at ‘D’
g. Contact Makers are provided to detect the position of the lever. Generally they
are part of Electric Lever Locks. Sometimes separate contact makers are
h. Sometimes Catch contacts are used as economizer contacts.

12.8.1 Working of Lever Locks

a. Lever lock is connected to the lever, so as work in conjunction with the lever
b. When electrical locking is effective at a particular position, the lever can not be
moved from that position.
c. Lever lock coil works with 12V DC or 110V AC supply
d. Same coil gets energised to release the lock at different positions of the lever as
per the controls.
e. Electrical Lever locks are provided with a ‘lock in’ contact to prove that the
locking is effective. This contacts works in conjunction with the Lock pawl.

• Route relay interlocking is considered as advanced method of Relay Interlocking.
It provides for Automatic Route setting by simple operation of an entrance
button/knob and an exit button/Knob.
• As practiced on UK Rlys each signal has an associated button on the Control
Panel. This button may serve as an Entrance Button or an Exit button or can serve
as both entrance and exit buttons.
• These buttons are specially designed with an lamp incorporated into base of the

13.1 Buttons and Knobs

• Buttons are spring loaded. They can be pushed or pulled. Normally it is in center
position. When released after pressing or pulling, the button returns to the center
• Route setting is effected by pushing the signal button at the Entrance, followed by
pushing the button at the exit signal/destination.
• When an entrance button is pushed its light starts flashing, until a valid exit button
is pushed. Light becomes steady after the exit button is pushed.
• Buttons on the panel are grouped. For Small panels single group is provided.
Bigger panels may have more than one group.
• When a signal button in a particular group is pushed, it will be registered as an
Entrance button. Next button pushed will be recognised as the exit button. Button
circuit provides a time out feature which cancels the registered entrance(and the
flashing light) if the exit button is not pushed within the specified time.
• For releasing the route, entrance button to be pulled. Route releasing will take
place if conditions for approach locking release are satisfied.

Point Knobs:
12.9 Each point is provided with an individual point keys(knobs) and colored black.
12.10 Points operation can be initiated either by the Automatic Route Setting process or
by individual operation of point knob.
12.11 During the automatic route setting process Knob to be kept in the center position,
which enables the automatic setting of points.
12.12 Left side is the Normal position. If knob is turned point operation to Normal gets
initiated and Right side is the Reverse positon, operates the point to Reverse.
12.13 Setting of point is indicated by the light corresponding to the knob position. Centre
position is also provided with a light which flashes whenever the point is in out of
correspondence or during operation.



13.2 Following circuits are involved in Route setting, Signal clearance and Route
releasing process:

12.14 Button Circuit:

12.15 Route initiation
12.16 Route setting
12.17 Route locking
12.18 Signal clearance
12.19 Route releasing

13.2.1. Button circuit: Relays used in button circuit:

Relay Description
(F)R ↓ Energized when a button is pushed. Drops when button is
(FM)R↑ Normally energised. It is de- energised when button is pulled.
PBCR↑ Push button checking relay. One for each push button ring.
Normally energized proving all buttons are normal and drops
when any button in the ring is pushed.
PBPR↓ Push button pressed relay. One for each push button ring.
Energized when any button in the ring is pushed. Drops
when the button is released.
DCR↑ Clear proving relay. One for each push button ring. Drops
when the destination relay picks up.
DJR ↑ Clear time delay relay. One for each push button ring. It
terminates a button operation sequence. Maintains slow
release timings with two capacitor slugs, during button
operation sequence. Maintains 7.5 seconds after an
entrance button is pressed. Releases after 1 second when
the destination is registered.
TFR ↓ Transfer relay. One for each push button ring. Energizes
when the entrance button is pushed. Drops away when DJR
is released.
(S)R ↓ Start relay. One for each route entrance button. Picks up
when entrance button is pushed and drops when DJR is
(S)PR ↓ Start repeat relay. Common for the button ring. Picks up when
any (S)R picks up and drops when (S)R drops.
(D)R↓ Destination relay. Energizes when exit button is pushed and
drops when DJR is released.
(D)PR↓ Destination repeat relay. Common for the button ring. Picks up
when any (D)R picks up and drops when DJR drops.
DZR↓ Picks up when a wrong exit button is operated. One for each
push button ring.

Model Yard
Button Circuit:

12.20 44(FM)R remains energized until 44 signal button is pulled

12.21 PBCR normally energized. It proves that all signal buttons in the group are normal.
12.22 PBPR normally down. Picks up when any entrance button in the group is pushed.
Again drops when the entrance button is released.
12.23 When an entrance button is pressed (F)R picks up and then PBPR picks up. With
this (S)R to picks up. (S)R holds through (FM)R front contact.
12.24 (S)PR picks up with (S)R picking up.
12.25 PBPR drops and PBCR picks up.

12.26 TFR energized with (S)PR pick up.(entrance button is pushed and released).

12.27 TFR↑ disconnects feed to DJR.

12.28 But 3300μF capacitor maintains DJR.
12.29 Time 7.5 seconds is set for the release of DJR.

12.30 Exit button pressed and released.

12.31 With 64(F)R picking up - PBPR picks up & PBCR drops

12.32 TFR↑ prepares for the destination relay (D)R to pick up.

12.33 With 64(D)R picking up, picks up its repeater 64(D)PR.

12.34 With 64 (D)PR ↑ picking up, feed to DCR gets disconnected.

12.35 DCR↓ terminates the button sequence.

12.36 With DCR↓, 3300 μF capacitor of DJR gets disconnected.

12.37 Now DJR maintains for 1 sec. through 370 μF capacitor.

13.2.2 Route Initiation:

12.38 Now both 64 (S)R↑ and 64(D)R↑ are in picked up condition

12.39 If all route controls are available i.e. points are available and all conflicting routes
are normal 44A(M) NLR gets unlatched and
12.40 44A(M) RLR picks up. This sequence should complete within 1 sec.

12.41 DJR gets released after a lapse of 1 sec.
12.42 With this(S)R and (D)R drop. Consequently S(P)R and D(P)R also drop.
12.43 With S(P)R↓ TFR drops
12.44 Exit button is released when light on the entrance button is steady.
12.45 Again DCR re-picks via DPR↓, PBPR↓, PBCR↑, TFR↓, DJR↓ and sticks
12.46 With DCR↑ - DJR again picks up via TFR↓.
12.47 Now the button circuit is ready for the next operation.
12.48 Pick up of (S)R and (D)R is momentary. So observing of relay operations
becomes during fault finding or testing.
12.49 A test switch is provided in the relay room to hold DJR from dropping. This helps
to hold the (S)R and (D)R for longer time during testing.

Wrong sequence of button operation:

12.50 In case after pressing an entrance button, if the operator presses a wrong exit
button, DZR picks up.
12.51 With this DCR drops immediately aborting the button sequence.
12.52 In turn DJR drops after one second.
12.53 With this DZR drops and DCR picks up again.
12.54 DJR picks up once again
12.55 Now Button circuit is ready for the next operation.

13.2.3 Route Initiation

12.56 Relays involved in Route initiation
Relay Description
Route NLR Route Normal (Lock) relay. One for each route. It is a
magnetically latched. Remains Latched when the route is
free. Unlatches when route is called and permits the pick
up of RLR. Re-latches when route is released.
Route RLR↓ Route (reverse) lock relay. One for each signaled route.
Neutral relay. Picks up when called route is available and
NLR is de-latched.
Valid route request is made:

If the requested route is available, concerned route NLR de-latches and route RLR
energizes. NLR being a latch relay, it is down proved in RLR circuit.
If the requested route is not available, the route request gets dissolved.

Route RLR circuit proves:

12.57 NR↓ - to prove that the route normalising relay is de-energised after the previous
cancellation of the route.
12.58 USR↑ - of First track immediately after the signal for the opposite direction - to
prove an opposite route is not set nor being used.
12.59 NLR↑- of opposite route past the entrance signal - to prove that such an opposite
route is not used.
12.60 NZLPR/RZLPRs ↑ - of all points on the route - to prove that points are already set
in the required position or free to be operated.
12.61 NLRs ↑ - of opposite routes which require same setting of points - to prove that
such opposite routes are not in use.
12.62 Route NLR ↓ - to ensure that NLR is de-latched before RLR is up. It ensures that
other conflicting routes are not set.
12.63 (S)R ↑ & (D)R ↑ - to confirm that the route has been called by the operator
12.64 However track circuits which differentiate the different classes of routes from the
same signal are proved, but only at the time of route setting.
12.65 Opposing and conflicting routes are Normal and Route locking is free.

NLR de-latches first with the same above conditions. De-latching of Route NLR:
12.66 Prevents conflicting routes from being set.
12.67 prevents points being altered to other than the required position.
12.68 locks points which are already in the required position.
12.69 De-energises Route stick relays (USRs) in the route, including locked overlap if
any, thus making the route locking effective.
12.70 After Points are operated to the required positions, Route will be checked and
12.71 When route is locked, route white lights appear on the control panel.
12.72 Track sections in the route and overlap are not proved at this stage.


13.2.4 Route Setting:

Relays involved in Route setting
Relay Description
Point BR935 Magnetically latched relay. Latches when point is
NLR free to operate to Normal and the route is initiated or point
knob is operated to Normal. RLR to be de-latched before
NLR is latched.
Point BR935 Magnetically latched relay. Latches when point is
RLR free to operate to Reverse and the route is initiated or point
knob is operated to Reverse. NLR to be de-latched before
RLR is latched.
WZR BR934 Slow to release relay. Energises when the point is
↓ free and point is initiated either by route or by knob
operation. It’s energization proved for latching the NLR or
RLR. It drops when the route is set.
NKLPR Point is Set & Detected in Normal and Locked
RKLPR Point is Set & Detected in Reverse and Locked
NZLPR Points is in Normal or free to be set to Normal.

RZLPR Points is in Reverse or free to be set to Reverse.

NWKR Points set and detected Normal.

RWKR Points set and detected Reverse.
USR Route stick relay. Slow to pick up. Provided for each track
section on the route where Sectional route release facility is
provided. Separate USRs are provided for each direction if
signalled movements are possible in both the directions.
Normally kept energized. Proves Route is not set over that
track section in that direction. Drops when route locking is
applied (with NLR de-latched).
(OL) USR Overlap route stick relay. Slow to pick up. Provided for
trailing points in the overlap.

Route setting process:

12.73 Route RLR picking up, initiates setting of points in the route and overlap, if they
are already not in the required position. Concerned points NLR/RLR picks up and
points get operated.
12.74 Controls required for the route initiation are specified in “route requires” section of
the ‘signal route & aspect’ Control Table.
• points to be set for the route and overlap,
• Tracks to be proved clear,
• Route Locking Normal
• Route normalization conditions
• Emergency route locking release conditions
• Special controls to be proved if any

13.2.5 Panel Indications

12.75 With route RLR picking up, white lights appear on the route.


12.76 CUKE: Common Route Locked indication

12.77 CTKE: Common Track Locked Indication
12.78 NWUKE: Point Route locked in Normal Indication
12.79 RWUKE: Point Route locked in Reverse Indication
12.80 NTKE: Normal side Track Indication
12.81 RTKE: Reverse side Track Indication
12.82 NUKE: Normal side Route Indication
12.83 RUKE: Reverse side Route Indication
With Points NLR/RLRs picked up, points in the route and overlap get initiated to
operate, if they are not already in the required position.

13.2.6. Application of Route Locking with Sectional Route Release:

13 During the process of Route setting of 44B (M) route, first 44B (M) NLR de-latches
i.e. NLR front contacts open.
14 With this, the first USR in the 44B (M) route, 127(DN) USR drops, but allows the
points 318 & 320 are set before dropping.
15 127 (DN) USR↓ causes all other USRs in the route to drop in a cascading fashion.
Route locking will be effective up to 323 points.
16 # Additional path is provided if shunt or call on route is available in the up direction
with 125 occupied.

17 126 (DN)USR↓ causes 125 (DN)USR to drop with points 323 normal.
18 This process continues until the route locking is extended up to the exit signal.

19 124(O/L)(DN)USR is required if there are any locked points in the overlap

• Dropping of 125(DN)USR causes 124(O/L) (DN)USR to drop.
• Route locking extends to overlap.
• A Call-on movement does not require an Overlap. So 124(O/L) (DN)USR
does not drop for a Call-on movement.
Application of route locking can be two ways. Approach Locking and
Comprehensive Approach Locking–

Approach locking –
20 It is applied when signal is cleared. It is applied to prevent changing of route after the
driver has seen the ‘Proceed’ aspect of the signal or he has been indicated at a first
cautionary signal in rear, that the former signal is displaying a Proceed aspect.
21 Approach locking is controlled by ‘ALSR’ relay which gets de-energised when signal
is cleared or at any earlier interlocking stage. Each signal is provided with one ALSR
and it is common for all routes from the signal.
22 It gets re-energised when approach locking is released and remains energised until
another route is set from the same signal.

Comprehensive approach locking –

23 Normally approach locking is applied when signal is cleared. To release the locking
either train must travel and clear the route or time cancellation is to be applied.

24 However approach locking can be extended upto the first cautionary aspect signal in
rear. This helps the operator to release the approach locking immediately, if the
driver is not in the approach of first cautionary signal and signal is not sighted.
25 All track sections upto the sighting point of the first cautionary signal are included in
the approach locking control.

13.2.7 Signal Clearance

Signal Controls to be proved are specified in Control Table

Controls proved in Signal control circuit:

26 Signal control relay GR or HR shall be slow to release type.
27 GR is designed as per interlocking conditions specified in control table
28 If signal has more than one route, separate UGRs are provided for each route.

29 Route disconnection link is provided for each route to facilitate disconnection.
30 Temporary approach control link (TACL) is provided to facilitate introduction of
temporary approach control when required.
It is may be noted that Interlocking controls the lower OFF aspect of a signal from its ON
position. Higher OFF aspects are controlled by the aspects of the signal in advance.

31 Front contacts are proved -

• Route RLR – to prove that the route is called and also to replace the signal
to ON in case of emergency by pulling signal button.
• ECPR of advance signal – to prove the signal in advance is lit
• TPRs of the route including overlap and infringing tracks to prove the route
and overlap are free of obstructions.
• NKLPR/RKLPR of points in the route and overlap to prove points are set,
locked and detected to the required position.
• GSR to include one train one operation feature, to ensure that route was
normalised after passage of the previous train and also to prevent automatic
re-clearing of the signal after the train passed over the route. This is
bypassed by the (Auto) if the signal is set to auto working.
• Last USR ↑ of opposing route if any – to prove no opposing route is set.
• Any other special condition specified in control tables such as overrun
protection, MAR etc.

31.7 Back contacts are proved -

• Last USR of the route – proves Route locking is correctly applied and
prevents the momentary clearance of opposing signals.
• Generally timers used for releasing are down proved in signal control circuit.
If Solid State Timers are used this requirement is dispensed with because of
their reliability.
• Any other special condition specified in the control table such as overrun
protection, MAR etc. One Train one signal

32 It is one of the important feature in signal lamp circuit. A signal cleared for a particular
train should not be available for a second train unless the route is set for auto
33 A signal cleared for a train gets replaced to ON as soon as the train passed the
signal and occupied the first track circuit.
34 ‘On’ aspect will continue till the route is occupied by the train. But as soon as the
train cleared the entire route, all conditions for signal to re-clear will be available. So
aspect may change to OFF without the signalers operation. This is not desirable.
35 To avoid this re-clearance GSR circuit is provided. It is normally maintained up with
stick. With the first track occupied stick gets released and remains in de-energised,
until the route is cancelled by the signaler by pulling the signal button.


36 Some of the routes of a signals are given auto working facility. This is also called
‘Fleet Mode’
37 Separate Auto button is provided adjacent to signal.
38 To set a route for auto working, auto button is pulled after setting the route. A(F)R
picks up which in turn picks up (AUTO)SR.
39 (AUTO)SR maintains with stick, until the auto button is pulled.
40 (AUTO)KR picks up and produces a steady white light in the auto button.
41 When Auto button is pulled, (FM)R drops which in turn drops 58 (AUTO)SR. Auto
button light extinguishes.


SIGNAL CONTROL CIRCUIT Cascading(cut-in) arrangement:
In case Green aspect lamp of a signal fuses, there will be no light in the signal.
Driver should treat such a signal as signal at its ON. This will cause detention to
train and puts severe restriction to train movements.
To overcome this Cascading(also called Cutting-in arrangement is provided.
With this arrangement when Green aspect lamp fuses, the signal control gets
shifted automatically to next lower aspect i.e. yellow or double yellow. If that lamp
also fuses, the signal control changes to Red lamp. Detection of Overrun at signals

• Over run at the adjacent signal may cause collision with legitimate move. Any such
overrun is detected by sequential down proving of track circuits at the signal.
• A Special relay called TZR may be provided to prove there is SPAD. When SPAD
occurs, TZR drops and replaces the signal to “ON”.
• The signal does not re- clear unless the whole track section is clear of SPADed

13.3 Releasing of Route Locking:

It should ensure -
• That the signal is at ‘ON’ the following contacts are proved.
• Signal control relay GR/HR back contact and
• Red aspect repeating relay RGPR front contact
• the train has passed the signal, travelled and cleared the route or
• That the approaching train has come to a stand before the signal or
• That no train is in the approach of the signal.

13.3.1 Sequence for Releasing the Route:

• Signal at ‘ON’ and TASR pick up if the train travelled the route.
• signalman pulls 58 signal button
• 58(FM)R drops
• 58NR picks up
• 58A(M) RLR drops
• signalman releases 58 signal button
• 58(FM)R picks up again
• 58NR maintains with its stick contact
• If ALSR is picked up, 58A(M)NLR picks up through ALSR↑ & NR↑ and latches.
• If ALSR is not picked up, NR initiates the time cancellation. After ALSR picking up,
route NLR picks up and latches.
• With NLR↑, Route gets released and 58NR drops

13.3.2 Proof of train passed the signal:
• Sequential operation of track circuits ahead of the signal is registered and proved.
• Generally this sequence is the first and second track sections immediately after
the signal are occupied, followed by the first track section clear with second track
section still being occupied.


• Front contacts of TASR & the rear track section TPR clear are proved to pick up
ALSR. This sequence is also called ‘train-in-section’ proving.

13.2.3 Proof of train not passed the signal:

• A reasonable assurance that the approaching train has come to a stand
• Achieved through a time delay circuit which operates after the approach track
occupied by the train and releases the locking after a set time delay
• Time delay required may depend on the braking distance of the signal.
• Control table specifies the time delay required. Generally it is 120 sec.

13.2.4 Proof of no train is in the approach of signal:

• All track sections from the signal to the sighting point of the signal are clear or upto
the first cautionary signal in rear where Comprehensive Approach locking is

13.2.5 NR circuit for Normalisation or cancellation of route:

• It picks up when the entrance button is pulled or automatically by TORR when the
train passed the route.
• If approach locking is released by passage of train, it normalizes the route by
picking up route NLR.
• If cancellation is applied, it actuates the time delay circuit to release the approach
locking(picking up of ALSR) and then normalizes the route.
• De-energises when route is normalized(route NLR picked up).

13.2.6 Automatic release with TORR-
• With train passing the signal, it is replaced to ‘ON’
• If TORR facility is provided 58NR picks up automatically.
• 58A(M) RLR drops
• 58A(M) NLR picks up and latches through ALSR↑ & NR↑.
• with 58A(M)NLR ↑ -58NR drops
• Route gets released.

13.2.7 TORR controls are indicated in the control table

• ALSR↑ - indicates signal route is free of approach locking
• GSR↓ -indicates route was signalled when train passed it.
• ATSR↑ and TAR↑ - indicates no train is left behind in the approach track
• any other control as per control table if proving of ‘no train approaching’ condition
is not practicable.










When route is not set, ALSR maintains stick with its own contact

13.2.8 Release with Comprehensive approach locking facility:
• All track sections from the signal upto the sighting point of the signal in rear that is
displaying first cautionary aspect are to be clear.
• TAR & ASTR circuits are to be generated for main signals. For shunt signals only
TAR is provided.

TAR Circuit:

• Energises during the previous route release condition and remains energized of all
approaching tracks upto signal are clear.
• De-energises if any of the approach track sections in rear of the signal are
occupied, but re-picks is the track is clear. But after the route is set, if any of the
approach tracks is occupied, TAR de-energises. Energises only when route is
• When routes to the signal are converging, point selection is used in selecting the
approach track sections.
• All TARs of rear signals associated with the comprehensive approach locking are
• Control table lists the signals to be included in the ATSR circuit.
• Each rear signal ALSR in parallel with TAR is selected. When routes are
converging, point selection is used to select the correct approach track sections.

ATSR Circuit:

• Normally ATSR is de-energised. Energises when approach locking is applied and

all track sections in the rear upto the signal displaying first cautionary aspect are
• When first approach track section is occupied, it gets de-energised.

• It gets re-energised when the first track after the signal is occupied.
• Finally it gets de-energised when the approach locking is released.
• Both TAR & ASTR energised indicates that there is no train between this signal
and the point in rear from which comprehensive approach locking is applied.
• With this condition, Route can be normalised immediately by replacing the signal
to ‘ON’

13.2.9 Sectional Route Release:

Consider train is moving over 44B(M) route.
• Signal is replaced to ON
• TORR operates and the route is free of approach locking.
• 44B(M) NLR picks up as soon as Train cleared 127T and occupied 126 T
• With this 127 (DN)USR picks up
• Now points 318 is free of locking

• 126 (DN)USR picks up when train Clears 126 track and occupies 125 track
proving that previous section is released i.e 127 (DN)USR picks up. 126 track
section route locking is released.

• 125 (DN)USR picks up when train clears 125 track and occupies 124 track
provided 126 (DN)USR picks up or
125 (DN)USR also can pick up with 125 track occupied for 34 seconds provided all
the routes leading up to signal 73 signal normal. This is provided to allow opposite
permissive moves on goods line.

• Sometimes track circuit shunting by the train may be erratic.

• It becomes necessary to ensure positively that a traction section is clear of

vehicles, before its locking is released.
• Where Sectional route release facility is provided any erratic behavior of a
track section may release complete route in advance.
• Generally 15 seconds steady pick up of a track repeater is considered as the
positive proof that the section is clear.
• For this following special circuit is used.

• Additional features: to be included in signaling circuits as required:

• Last wheel replacement
• Auto normalization of points

13.2.10 TPZR Circuit to protect from erratic actuation of Track sections:


• Interlocking should ensure that every signaling operation is safe enough for the
train working. To ensure safety, it is essential to monitor the correspondence
between the operating device and the operated equipment.
• Trackside functions are monitored by the Interlocking continuously and their status
is indicated with dials/ light indications at the Lever Frame or Controlling centre.
Functions include signals, points, track circuits etc.,
• In Mechanical signaling repeaters are provided for the signals which are not visible
to the operator. Point indications are provided where electrical point detectors are
provided. Track indications are provided where track circuits are provided.
• In Electrical signaling Display panels are provided along with the Control panel and
the status of all trackside functions are repeated continuously to the operator.
Along with light indications, several other safety/warning alarms are also
• In present day signaling VDUs are provided to indicate status.

14.1 Display Panels for Mechanical Signalling:

• A display Board is provided above the Lever Frame, depicting the track layout it
controls. Track occupation or clear status is provided where Track circuits
• Electrical indications are provided over the levers to indicate the corresponding
status of the function it controls.


14.2 Display Panels for Relay Interlocking

• Display panels depict the signaled layout with indications for all track side signaling
functions like Track circuits, Signals and Points etc. Unsignalled portion of layout
is also represented as painted diagram.
• Display panel may be separate or combined with the control panel.
• Approved Color codes are followed to distinguish each track section of the layout.
• The status of each trackside functions is fed to the Interlocking and monitored on
real time basis.
• Track sections display a row of white lights when the route is set. Track section
occupation is represented with Red lights.
• Points are provided with indications for both Normal and Reverse positions by the
side of the individual point knobs. Centre position is also provided with white light,
which indicates the point is free or the point is in auto route setting mode
• Signal indications are provided as displayed at site. UK Rly provides only ON and
OFF indications for each signal. For OFF aspect. Green light is displayed.
• Additional indications are provided for crank handle locked status, Level crossings
closed & locked indication etc.,
• Counters are provided to register the application of emergency release of route
sections etc.,
• Various audible alarms/light warning indications are provided to alert the operator
where necessary, like flashing indications for the function in operation, red light
and buzzer for power failure etc.,
• In Electronic Interlocking Display screens and Visual Display Units(VDU) are
• Technician Panels are provided for the Technician to monitor in case of failures
and also to disable any portion of signaling for Maintenance or for Safety reasons.


• Transmission is the medium used to operate the functions or to transfer

information from one location to another location.

• In Mechanical Signaling, signals and points are operated physically with wires and
MS rods.
• In mechanical signaling two types of operating modes are employed. Single wire
working and Double wire working.
• In single wire working, signals are operated with a single 7/17 stranded
Galvanised steel wire. Signals are Lower Quadrant Semaphore type. Points
operation and locking is with MS Rods of 1 ¼ dia. UK Rly uses MS bars of 1”
• But in this system, due to friction, loss of stroke is more. Points operational range
is restricted to 350 yds and signals operational range is around 800yds. Wear and
tear, effect of temperature variations and public interference are the other
• Mechanical working is improved by Double wire working in which both signals and
points were operated using Galvanised steel wires and wire ropes with associated
Signal and Point mechanisms. One wire is called Pull wire and the other is Push
wire. Operating wires are pre-tensioned to minimize the loss of stroke due to
friction and changes in length due to temperature variation.
• In double wire working the range of operation is improved. Points operation range
is 650yds and signals operation range is around 1200yds. Electrical signal motors
are also employed for operating the far off signals.
• With the advancement of Electrical technology, points are operated with Electrical
point Machines and the signals are changed to Color light type. Consequently the
transmission medium is shifted to Electrical wires in the form of multi core cables.
Different types of Signaling and Power cables are in use.
• Between the control panel and interlocking, different types of cables are used. In
electrical signaling DC and AC circuits run between control panel and the
interlocking, and also between Interlocking and trackside locations.
• UK uses TDM and FDM signals for commands and for feedback status and
• Electronic Signaling, uses frequency oriented commands with address
• Between interlocking and trackside locations and
• Between control panel and interlocking.
• Twin twisted Telecom. Cables or OFC cables are used for transmission.
• Latest Communication Based Train Control system uses Radio communication
between the wayside stations and the Vehicle on board Computer.

15.1 Cables:
• Insulated conductors are grouped into convenient configuration to form a cable.
• Cables used for signalling purposes are called Signalling Cables. By their usage,
cables fall into four different categories.

Internal cables: wires used within an installation or sub system

Main Cables: cables used for external transmission between the installations.
Sometimes used for distribution of signaling power supplies.

Tail Cables: cables used to operate the trackside functions which provide connection
between line side equipment housings to track side equipment.
Bonding cables: are those used for short electrical connections at trackside like track
circuit bondings, earth and equipotential bondings.
• Choice of transmission should be appropriate to the Safety Integrity Level of the
system and nature of circuits for which cables are to be used.
• Type and size of Cable conductors are selected depending on the circuit current,
nature of circuit and location it is to be used.
• Various types of transmission modes used in signalling systems are listed below:
• Signalling Cable
• Quad Cable
• Power Cable and
• Optical Fibre Cable
• Telecom twisted pair cable
• Radio communication.

15.2 Structure & configuration of Signalling cables:

• Cable consists a bunch of single solid annealed copper conductors, each
conductor being of different cross section.
• Each conductor is provided with PVC insulation coating. The conductors are called
`cores'. Cores are arranged in a sequence for easier identification and for the
purpose of termination or jointing. Insulation on cores are to be colored. All cores
are covered with a PVC jacket.
• For the protection from damage, armoring is provided around the jacket by
wrapping steel strips or wires helically.
• Again the armoring is covered with another PVC external cover to prevent
moisture and water entering the cable.
• Cables are supplied in 500 meters lengths, wrapped on a drum.
• Cable core configurations differs from country to country. Generally used
configurations are –
2 core, 4 core, 6 core, 7 core, 10 core, 12 core, 14 core, 19 core, 24 core, 31
core, 42 core.

15.3 Screened cables:

• Additionally Aluminum or lead sheathe is provided over the armor to reduce the
effect of induced e.m.f. on cable conductors. This is called screen. Screened
cables are mainly used in 25 KV AC traction areas.
• In case of screened cables it is necessary to earth the screen to achieve the
intended protection. But earth resistance should be maintained at less than 10
ohms. But this is not practicable at many places and it is effecting the functionality
of circuits. Because of this, use of screened cables is discontinued in RE areas.
Instead use of unscreened cables is continued following the length restrictions
applicable to RE area.

15.4 Categorization of Signaling Cables:
Cables are categorized as A,B,C,D and E to suit the specific requirement.

Type A Cables
• Conductors are stranded with ZHLS insulation
• Cable surface shall be smooth, so that they can be pulled between other cables
• A1(single plain) & A2(single with ZHLS insulation) types are with only one core,
whereas A3 is multi-core cable.
• Generally used for indoor transmission to connect various equipment and

Type B Cables
• Cables can be with single core or multi-core. B1 type is single core and B2 type is
• Cables are insulated with Ethylene Polypropylene Rubber (EPR) and sheathed
with heavy duty poly chloroprene (HDPCP)
• They can be used as main cables as well as tail cables

Type C Cables
• Properties are same as type B, but having flexible conductors
• C3 type cables are screened, flexible, with twisted pair conductors.

Type D Cables
• Properties are same as type B, but additionally having fire resistive attributes. Two
types of cable available D1 with single core and D2 with multi core.

Type E Cables
• Properties are same as type C, but additionally having fire resistive attributes.
Three types of cables are available E1, E2 and E3.

15.5 Power cables:

• Power distribution to the signalling system is extended using Power cables.
Distribution Cable conductors are generally of Aluminium of different sizes.

15.6 Size of conductors:

Size of the conductor selected to suit the electrical load it carries.
Different sizes are in use-
• Powers load upto 1KVA may use 2 core 16 cables.
• Upto 5KVA may use 2 core 25 sq mm,
• Upto 10KVA may use 2 core 70 sq mm,
• Upto 25KVA may use 2 core 150 sq mm

• Upto 50KVA may use 2 core 300 sq mm
• For the operation of some of the Electrical Point Machines 3 core cables
are used.

15.6.1 Standard Resistance values of copper conductors

Area of cross No of wires in Diameter of Standard resistance

section in each conductor wires in mm in ohms /km at 20ºC

1 1 1.13 17.241

1.5 1 1.40 11.20

2.5 1 1.80 6.775

2.5 3 1.06 6.644

4 1 2.24 4.375

4 7 0.85 4.414

6 1 2.80 2.8

10 7 1.4 1.627

16 7 1.7 1.104

25 7 2.24 0.6357

35 7 2.5 0.5103

50 19 1.8 0.3633

15.7 Cross talk and attenuation:

• Cross talk is the inducted power in cable conductors due to transmission of voice,
data or AC power supplies in the parallel conductors.
• This cross talk becomes annoying for speech communication. It creates
disturbance and distortion to data transmission.
• The average attenuation shall not exceed 4.4dbB/km. It shall not exceed
2.5db/km at 5 KHz, and 1.2 dB/km at 0.8 KHz it at 200º C.

15.8 Quad cable usage & configuration:

• Electronic noise and Cross talk may interfere with the data or a communication
transmission. Quad cable is designed to minimise the effects of Cross talk and
attenuation. .
• Construction of each Quad consists, two pairs of conductors covered with a jacket.
Number of Quads depends on the configuration of cable. Quads are put together
and wrapped with a polyester tape and Jell is filled in between under pressure to

ensure water resistance. Conductors are of single solid annealed copper of 0.9mm
diameter. On the outer layer other telecom twisted pairs cables are provided.
• Quad cables are used mostly in RE areas. They are used within station area or
between the stations to carry coded functions like Axle counters, Audio Frequency
Track Circuits (AFTC), Block circuits, iv) Level crossings v) Comm. Circuits.

15.9 Optical Fibre Cable (OFC):

• With the advent of Electronic system of interlocking, it became necessary the
transmission of information shall be accurate and reliable. So Optical Fibre cables
are employed which also increases speed of transmission.
• In OFC, the transmission of data takes place through modulated light.
• Since the conductor is non-metallic, the electromagnetic induction does not
influence and free from cross talk or noise.
• OFC is not having any resale value, so it is free of thefts unlike copper cables.

15.9.1 Structure of Optical fibre:

• The optical fibre thread is made of silica glass with its central core covered with a
cladding. Overall diameter is around 1/10 mm and is capable of transmitting 8000
telephone channels concurrently.
• Based on the usage, three basic types of OFC are manufactured.
• Multi mode step index
• Multi mode graded index
• Mono mode step index

15.9.2 Principle of working:

• Electrical energy is converted to light energy and transmitted through OFC.
Transmission of data in OFC works on the principle of refraction of a light ray.
• Total internal reflection takes place at the boundary of two material when incident
ray passing through a material with high refractive index shrikes against the
boundary of the material of lower refractive index.
• Accordingly the core of the fibre is kept of higher refractive index than that of the
cladding. The angle of reflection is same as that of incidence.
Splicing: Optical fibres are joined through Splicing method. Splicing may be i)
Mechanical or ii) Fusion.

Mechanical splicing is a temporary arrangement at site. The ends of fibres are

firmly held in a tray aligned facing each other. Using alignment sleeve, the joint is
filled with fibre index matching gel to avoid reflection loss.
Fusion splicing is made using Splicing machine. Faces of both the ends are cut
sharp to be exactly vertical. Cleaved portion is cleaned of dust with lint-free wipes,
moistened with isopropyl alcohol. Both ends are aligned to face each other without
any air gap. Then they are fused and welded with a high electric arc. Certain
amount of Splice Loss is inevitable.

15.10 Cable selection:
• Safety related communication circuits, Highly coded safety critical systems such as
SSI and RETB except for specially designed data link cables, Coded safety critical
and safety related circuits are to be taken in twisted pair cables
• Un-coded safety critical circuits such as block circuits, interlocking circuits and
proving Coded safety related systems such as TDM, HABD and TD are also to be
taken in twisted pair cables
• More than one track circuit function should not be taken in a tail cable
• Appropriate cables are to be used for Power supplies, Track circuit bonding, Earth
and Equipotential bonding

15.10.1 External cables -

• Suitable for the use as main cables where vibration is not significant and risk of
damage leading to earth faults are minimized.
• Provided with a complete heavy duty overall sheath.
• Suitable for direct burying or suspending from cable hangers.
• Shall include a variant meeting the fire safety requirements. and also a twisted pair
• May be used internally where internal type cables are not suitable and also
vibration is not significant.

15.10.2 On-Track cables(Tail Cables)

• Can be buried into the ground provided that they are encased in sand before back
filling. But such buried routes should cross the tracks using UTX.
• Can be laid on hangers where risk has been assessed.
• Should not be laid on the ground as a permanent arrangement.
• Cable termination place should be as close as possible to the place where cables
are entering the housings.
• May be laid on surface for crossing the tracks ensuring that no damage is possible
by the passing trains (taken in orange pipes or clipped to sleepers).
• Cables with pre formed terminations are preferred for on track applications as they
are easy to replace and involve less risk.

15.11 Laying of cables:

• Cables may be laid underground or in trenches or in cable ducts or in cement
troughs or in pipes or in any other approved manner.
• The Optic fibre cables are usually supplied in lengths of three kilometre in drums.
• The following potential hazards should be considered in selecting the Cable
• Level of protection
• Compatibility of cable type

• Condition of cable routes
• Vandalism/ requirement of security arrangements
• Rodent protection
• Accessibility to cables for maintenance

15.11.1 Laying of cables in ducts:

Where several cables of different types have to be laid in the same trench, they shall
be placed in the following order starting from trackside.
• Telecommunication cable.
• Signalling cable.
• Power cable.
Note: power cables are to be separated from other cables by a brick separation.

• Cable running parallel to the track shall be buried at a depth of 0.8 metres from the
ground level. While crossing the track cable shall be laid 1 metre below the
bottom of the rail. In case of rocky soil the depth may be reduced to 0.5m.

15.11.2 Precautions in laying of cables:

• Measures should be taken to minimize the effects of Stress and vibration on
• Clear Labeling and marking are to be provided for proper identification.
• While laying the bending of cables should be avoided as far as possible. Where
necessary, bending should be minimum
• Protective measures shall be taken to protect from Ambient temperature to which
cable is exposed.
• Avoid potential for electro chemical effects, arising from mixing of different types
of cables interfacing with each other
• Cables laid in special areas like tunnels / sub surface railway stations etc. should
meet the specific requirements.
• Cables used within housing should be ZHLS.
• PVC cables used internally should be run in trunking and to be secured suitably.

15.11.3 Precautions in termination of cables

• Proper medium shall be used for connecting wires/cables to terminals/relay
• If potential is exceeding 25V AC or 60 V DC , then terminations are to be protected
from inadvertent contact with another conductor or terminal.
• If prone to short circuiting due to falling objects then suitable shrouds to be
• Terminations should anticipate reasonable stress. It should not cause the
conductor getting free from the terminal. So soldering or crimping to be employed.
• Not more than 2 wires to be connected to a terminal or contact. However crimped
connections should contain only one conductor.

• Should have suitable insulation properties and not be susceptible to
electrochemical effects arising from the environment, contact with different
conducting materials, nor capable of contaminating cable insulation.
• Terminals should have a disconnection facility, without the necessity of
disconnecting the wire or cable.
• All external cables should be connected on the same side of terminals, leaving the
other side for termination of internal jumpers or circuit wires
• Every cable should have sufficient spare conductors for future use. Generally a
minimum of 20% spares should be made available or specified by Railway.
• All spare conductors should be terminated onto the terminals similar to the working
conductors. But they should not be made through to avoid cumulative induced
• Cores not terminated should be cut back and insulated(Bomb Tailed)

15.12 Plug couplers, Pre-formed terminations:

In present day signaling they are preferred for standard wiring connections like point,
signal etc.,
• They minimize the risks associated with inadvertent incorrect reconnection of
cables which may need to be disconnected or renewed with any regularity or
under conditions of pressure.
• Multiple plug couplers in close proximity should have a coding arrangement so that
incorrect plugging is not made inadvertently.
• Male haves of the couplers should be protected against short circuiting due to
inadvertent contact with other metal objects. Female haves should be fixed to the
• Number of connections carried by any such coupler should not exceed 50.



Principle of working:

16.1 Advantages of Electronic Interlocking over Relay Interlocking

• Since all interlocking functions are shifted to Microprocessor, relay requirement
reduced drastically. Approximately around 60% reduction.
• With this space requirement also reduced. Around 50% reduction.
• System is programmed and pre-tested in the factory.
• Site work is minimum and easy
• Requires minimum block period to commission a new installation or to make
changes to the existing
• 30% reduction in power consumption.

16.2 Different System Architectures:

• Single hardware architecture with diverse software with warm standby/hot standby
• Two out of Two hardware architecture with identical or diverse hardware and
common or diverse software with warm standby/hot standby processors/System
• Two out of three architecture with identical or diverse hardware and common or
diverse software. This is most used.
• Expert opinion is EI both single and multiple processor systems are safe enough to
meet SIL level of Safety.
• However to meet the requirement of availability, multiple processors are preferred.
• Single processor hardware is simple but software is complex as Fault detection &
Operation is to be performed by same processor.

Systems adopted by various countries:

• In USA mainly uses Single processor for small stations & multiple systems for
bigger stations.
• Europe mainly uses 2 out of 3 architecture.
• Japan mainly uses 2o2 with hot standby.

16.3 Electronic Interlocking consists

Input cards: the equipment of the system is designed by computer engineers.

Software: software (program) is a set of instructions given to a Microprocessor

(computer) about how to execute the commands given by the user.

Schematic diagram of the System Architecture

16.3.1 HARDWARE consists

• Input cards: are printed cards. The field conditions are fed as inputs through
interface relay contacts. Inputs capacity of an input card depends on the design
of RI cards. Total number of inputs depends on the yard layout.
• Opto couplers are provided to isolate field from the system RI and RO cards.
• These RI and RO cards read the input conditions and passes the information to
Electronic Interlocking system.

• Processor Card: is the central processing unit card, provided with -
Microprocessor Chip, RAM , ROM, IC memory, EPROM chips.
• These chips are programmed with software required for executing the system

16.3.2 System consists

• System EPROM: They are universal executive software to satisfy principles of
• DATA EPROM : They are yard specific. Data Software, to comply with controls
specified in Control Table.
• CPU card executes commands given by user, (Station master) and gives the
outputs if conditions are favorable to satisfy Principles of Interlocking.
• Relay output card receives output of CPU and picks up relevant Interface
relays in the relay room as per the commands from control panel. It is provided
with Opto couplers.

16.3.3 Software used

• Software is a program or set of instructions to the computer about how to execute
the commands with given Information or data.
• Executive System Software: This will function on the operating system.
• Application Software: This is as per the site requirements of the station. It is
specific to the station. Programmed as per Control Table.
• Diagnostic Software: Performs safety checks to detect failures and control
the system. It is interlinked with Executive software.

16.4 Systems
• Microlock is a Single Microprocessor based Electronic Interlocking system, it
is also also called as Vital processor. The system has fail-safe feature of
removing Power from the physical output in the event of system failure.
• Genisys is also a Microprocessor based electronic Device used as an
interface between control/indication Panel and the E.I System.

16.4.1 Features and benefits of MICROLOK and GENYSIS

• They can perform logic applications for controlling Indications.
• The indication panels are designed by Signalling Design Engineers.
• No specific programming skills are required.
• Compiled programs are downloaded to EPROMS.
• The system converts English logic statements into equivalent machine
• Relay logic design skills can be used.
• programming techniques are common for both GENYSIS and MICROLOK.
• User friendly in nature.

16.4.2 MICROLOK II: Schematic

This system serves multipurpose use for Monitoring and Control. System is suitable
for wayside stations. With this system direct control and monitoring of Wayside
signals and points and track circuits, vital communication to other compatible
interlocking systems and Cab Signalling are possible. It is designed by US & S Ltd,

• It is a single processor system with dual software

• Control panel is provided with knobs or push buttons
• VDU display is available.
• It is expandable by adding vital and non-vital cards
• GENYSIS is not provided, CPU itself controls the Indication panel ( for other
systems GENYSIS is provided)
• Main system consists only one module that is CPU card file. No separate module
for relay output cards.
• Vital Cut Off Relays (VCOR) are provided for each card file (an external relay is
driven by external monitoring card)
• Call-on signal facility is available.
• Power consumption is 5 amps at 12V DC
• External wiring for Block, IBS, Axle counter is not necessary
• Data logger is built-in system

17.1 System features:
• INTEL 8086 Microprocessors are used with dual hardware module with dual
software in different time slot
• System software is written in assembly language independent of yard layout
• SSI is having builtin automatic Data logging
• A Technician’s Terminal provides fault diagnostic, event logging and certain
control facilities.
• A duplicated internal data link is provided for communication between various
interlockings where more than one provided.
• A duplicated external data link is provided between the interlocking and the
trackside function modules it controls.
• Each Central Interlocking (CI) comprises a number of Modules housed in a
standard 19 inch equipment rack.
• The Interlocking Modules (MPM) are triplicated for availability and will continue to
work as a duplicated system on failure of one of the modules (Majority Voting
• These MPMs are responsible for the safe execution of all interlocking logic and
issue of correct instructions (telegrams) to trackside equipment.
• These MPMs also control the timing of all communications within the system and
management of the redundancy system of which they each form a part.
• An Interlocking processor is based upon the Motorola 6802 CPU. This has an 8-bit
data bus and a 16-bit address bus.
• Both Program and Data are stored in read only memory, the data is prepared in
accordance with the Scheme Plan and SSI 8003 (SSI Data Preparation), from the
Control Tables and allocation of trackside eqpt. to the TFMs.

17.2 Principle of Majority Voting

• Should a failure occur in one of the Microprocessor its output would not coincide
with the other two, which by their own agreement would outvote the failed
interlocking processor, causing it to disconnect itself from the system. Provided the
two remaining interlockings continue in agreement, the system will still function
with a fault message indicated on the TT, during which time, relevant action can be
taken to restore it to its normal operational state.
• In the event of a disagreement, the outputs can be “jammed”, or disconnected and
the module which does not agree with the other two can blow an internal “security”
fuse thereby disconnecting itself permanently from the system. Should the faulty
module be unable to blow its own fuse , the other two can jointly blow the fuse of
the faulty module. The module’s ability to blow these fuses is tested at regular

• Should, however, one of the remaining interlockings develop a fault prior to the
restoration of the triplicated system then interlocking would shut down.





17.3 Different makes of SSI are in use. Some are given below.
• It uses hardware redundancy principle
• Two out of two voting principle is used
• Field functions are interfaced through interface modules
• All inputs and outputs signals are through OFC medium
• Mouse operated VDU display is used to operate the signals

SSI-WESTRACE developed by Westinghouse Signals Ltd. consists -

• Modular Design
• Vital Logic Module
• Vital Parallel Input Module
• Vital Lamp Output Module
• Vital Relay Output Module
• Vital Serial Input / Output Module
• Non-vital Communications Module
• Diagnostic Module

SSI-AZD PRAHA (ESA11-1R) developed by Hytronic Enterprises in Collaboration
• Well designed
• Highly documented
• Meets CENELEC standard
• Meets SIL-4 level
SSI-ESA11-1R Salient features
• 2 out of 2 architecture
• 100% standby
• 3200 vital inputs
• 1600 vital outputs
• SOFTLOCK on point machine
• VDU operation and OFC medium

17.4 SSI-Application program

• Application Program Design is an another form of Interlocking Circuit.
• Program is based on Signal Interlocking Plan, Route Control Chart & Panel Front
• Application Program is written in the form of Boolean equations
• Relays used in conventional circuits are called as BIT when referred to Application

17.4.1 SSI-System consists:

• CPU Card
• Relay Read Interface Card (RI)
• Comparator Card (COMP)
• Voltage Monitor Card (VM)
• Relay Driver Card (RD)
• Data Logger

17.4.2 System Architecture and working

The basic structure of an SSI controlled scheme consists of:
• An Operating Panel which contains Panel Multiplexing eqpt. to facilitate
communication with the Central Interlocking.
• One or more Microprocessors are provided to control Central Interlocking, number
being dependent on the size and complexity of the area to be controlled.
• A Fault diagnostic Technician’s Terminal is provided with Event logging and
control facilities to operate or to isolate certain area.
• A duplicated Internal Data Link provides communication between the interlockings
where more than one interlocking is provided.
• A duplicated External Data Link is provided between interlocking and the trackside
equipment it controls.
• Trackside function Modules are connected to External Data links through Data Link
Modules. TFMs interface directly with the Trackside Signalling Equipment.

17.4.3 Memory
• Memory Module is plugged into the front of MPMs or PPMs and carry the memory
devices for the main Processor in these modules.
• These include the EPROM’s that hold both fixed programs and geographic data
and thus configure the Module to both function and site.

Memory Breakup

64K Address

60K 4K
EPROM Address

20k 40K 2K 2K
Program Geographical RAM I/O Devices


Points memory:
• One Byte of memory is allocated to each set of points ,and a maximum of 64 sets
of points can be accommodated.
• Within each Byte, four bits are associated with the Normal direction and the other
four with the Reverse direction.

Signal memory:

• The First part of the RAM is allocated with signal memories, and a maximum of
128 signals can be accommodated.
• Each signal memory consists of three Bytes and each Byte contains 8 Bits.

Route Memory:
• It is allocated to every Main, Warner ,Call-On or Shunt class routes and to their
• Each Route memory is made up of two Bits. 256 Route memories are packed into
64 memory locations since each Byte can hold four 2 Bit memories.

Track Circuit Memory:

• A Maximum of 256 track circuits are allocated.

• Each track circuit memory consists of two Bytes, each Byte containing 8 bits.

Flag Memory:
• A Maximum of 1024 Flags are allocated.
• These are single bit Memories which are used as Sub route, Sub overlaps and
setting of Latches.

Elapsed Timer Memory

• This last area is allocated to 64 Timers.
• Used for overlap swinging points. Not used as approach locking timers or Track
circuit timers, since they are provided with relevant memories.

17.4.4 Diagnostic Processor, PMUX & TT

• The Diagnostic MPM monitors the messages ‘to and from’ the TFMs. These are
analysed to produce diagnostic information which is transmitted to the
Technician’s Terminal (TT).
• When an SSI is used in conjunction with a Signalman’s Panel, it is necessary to
provide an interface between the Panel processors in the interlocking and the
indications and buttons on the Panel. The interface equipment is referred to as the
Panel Multiplexer (PMUX).

• The outputs from the PMUX drive the Panel indications directly and the inputs are
the switch and push button contacts. One PMUX system shall be provided for
each Central Interlocking. PMUX system is not required when the SSI is controlled
from an IECC.

• The Technician’s Terminal is provided as an essential aid to fault diagnosis in the

SSI system. It can also communicate with the Interlocking Processors via Panel
Processors. This gives the Technician, access to certain areas of the interlocking
memory which allows him to bar routes, prevent signal clearing and points moving
and enforce temporary approach control conditions.

SSI Cabinets

17.5. Data Link

Mainly they are two types – Internal Data Link and Trackside Data Link

16.5.1 Internal Data Link ( IDL )

• It is used to transfer the information between various Central interlocking of the
same Control Centre, e.g. route request, aspect sequence or approach locking

• As the name implies it can be used solely inside the building which houses various

• It is duplicated for availability, since this Link is also used for vital information, and
it is provided with the same level of protection as the trackside data link.

• It uses a dedicated twisted pair cable over which information is transmitted at

baseband in half duplex at 20kb/sec.

• Each IDL is connected in a star form,

• Each CI in turn broadcasts a message onto the IDL which all other CIs monitor.
Message contains - sending CIs identity number together with fifteen bytes of
information. Each monitoring CI determines the information, to which it is

17.5.2 Trackside Data Link (TDL)

• It connects Central Interlocking to its associated TFMs.

• Duplicated Data Links are provided for each CI for availability.

• Each TDL uses a dedicated twisted pair cable over which the information is
transmitted at baseband in half duplex at 20kb/sec.

• The information in the form of input telegrams to the interlocking and output
telegrams from the interlocking and is protected by two levels of coding.

• The max. length of TDL permitted is 10km without a repeater. But can be
extended upto 40km by using repeaters.

• Command and Reply telegrams on TDL contain eight data bits and five status bits
to convey the information.

• Each message on the TDL contains:

• Direction bit – indicates whether message is ‘to or from’ the CI.

• Interlocking identity number – an anti-crosstalk measure.

• Module address – indicates which TFM, the message belongs ‘to or from’.

• Data means, commands to TFM and information from TFM.

• Status –messages to the CI, indicating the health of TFM and Data Links.

17.5.3 Long Line Link (LLL)

• It can be used in place of TDLs(or part of), to extend the range beyond the usual
40km limit. It uses standard Telecomms 64kb/s PCM system to transmit the
messages. Long Distance Terminal (LDT) acts as an interface between the SSI
equipment and CCITT G703 Contra-directional Interface.

• The LLL is duplicated and connected directly to the interlocking via an LDT. A
mixture of TDL and LLL connection directly to the interlocking is not allowed. LDT
is used where a connection to TFMs via another DLM or to a TDL is required.

• The max. length allowed for a LLL is determined by the propagation delay through
the telecomm system from the interlocking LDT to the trackside LDT and will
typically be in the range 560-780 km when the trackside LDT is directly connected
to TFMs only.

17.5.4 Data Link Module (DLM)

• Trackside Functional Modules (TFM) and the CIs are connected to the Data Links
through DLMs.

• DLMs are used to provide signal conditioning and matching between CIs and each
IDL, or between TDL and each TFMs at each location.

• Each DLM has 6 outputs and can connect upto 5 TFMs and a test point to the
Data Link.

• Each DLM has two outputs to the Data Link (“Data Link L” and “Data Link R”)
which can be used to split the Data Link to feed separate branches according to
the physical layout of the area.

• Pairs of DLMs connected back-to-back are used as repeaters in TDLs. The

number of Repeaters between the CI and any extreme point must not exceed
four. At trackside location, DLMs can be connected to AC110V supply of any TFM.
Where more than one TFM is fitted, the DLMs shall be connected to separate
supplies in order to improve availability, so that failure of one DLM still allows other
TFMs to function through other DLM.

17.6 Trackside Function Modules

• TFMs are connected to the TDL through DLMs.

• Each TFM receives serial data (telegrams) addressed to it from CI via the Data
Links and switches the corresponding power level outputs controlling the
conventional lineside signaling equipment.

• Each TFM then immediately replies to the CI by giving the status of Trackside
signaling, e.g. track section occupancy, and the health of the TFM itself and of the
data Links.

• TFMs are of two types: Signal Module(SM) and Point Module(PM).

17.6.1 Signal Module (SM)
• Each SM provides 8 independently switched outputs, each output can be allocated
only to a single function ,e.g. one aspect and shall be fused at not more than 2
amps. It is not necessary to allocate all outputs.

• Each output is rated at 110V 50Hz 150VA.

• Where voltage differences and/or current limitations preclude a direct connection

to a Module output, an interface relay (BR966 F7), and/or a transformer or
transformer rectifier shall be provided. Any relay connected to an output via a
transformer rectifier shall be of the slow release type capable of maintaining its
front contacts closed during a 120ms interruption of module output voltage.

• The total load of all outputs which can be energised simultaneously by an SM shall
not exceed 240VA.

• Outputs must not be paralleled except specified outputs for flashing aspects or the
red retaining feature.

• All outputs from a Module must have a return current path to one of the five current
paths (numbered 0-4). Current sensing (lamp proving) is provided on

• current paths 1-4, but current path 0 does not have current sensing and so is used
for all other output circuits which do not require lamp proving.

 Current path 0 Not for lamp proving

 path 1 24W (1x SL35)
 path 2 120W (i.e. 2x60W bulb)
 path 3 PLJI (3 bulbs minimum lit)
 path 4 24W (1x SL35)
• Values of current proving on paths 1-4 are standard, but may be reduced by
adding an external resistor and modifying the Module strapping.

• Outputs 7 and 3 can be configured to provide a “Red Retaining” feature. In this

mode, the Module can maintain the most restrictive aspect during certain types of
Module or Data Link failures. Red, or the most restrictive aspect, shall be allocated
to these outputs. If not required for Red Retaining, these outputs can be allocated
to other functions and the feature not used.

• All aspects of a signal, including any associated position lights on the same post
shall be allocated to the same module. AWS and Route indicators may be
allocated to a different Module , with preference being given to retaining the AWS
on the same Module.

• Function allocated to “Fixed Source” is supplied with BX110 from the same fuse
that supplies the SM, and the NX110 leg is taken via the Modules NX110 current
return path, utilising current proving if required. Thus the function gets
disconnected in case the Module is powered down or unplugged. “Fixed Source”
shall therefore be allocated to those functions associated with the Module’s
switched outputs that must be continuously lit, e.g. pivot lamps of position light
shunting signals.

• Signal module outputs are not double cut by the Module and thus vital outputs that
are taken outside the location (other than normally single cut circuits. such as
signal aspects) shall have an interface in the location , either an interface relay or
transformer rectifier to provide the equivalent of double cutting.
• Signals with Flashing yellow aspect require extra outputs in order to control the
flashing. When the signal is required to flash outputs 5 and 6 turn On and Off to
create the flashing while outputs 0 and 1 remain On to provide a low current level
(via the resistors) to increase lamp life. Thus outputs 5 and 6 are capable of
flashing and outputs 0 and 1 are not available for other purposes.

• Generally, all output circuits shall be limited in length to 700m. However, normal
cable length limitations of Electrified area should apply.

• In order to relieve the Interlocking Modules of the non-vital task of servicing the
Signalman’s Panel, duplicated PPMs are provided for increased reliability.

• PPMs communicate with the PMUX (Panel Multiplexer) housed in the Signalman’s
Panel or with various other processors if an IECC is used.

• PPMs also connect with the Technician’s Terminal and Train Describer.

• PPMs contain a general program and require preparation of specific geographic

data for the signalled area in similar lines to the Interlocking Modules, in
accordance with SSI 8003 (SSI Data Preparation).

• Each Signal Module has 6 inputs (numbered 5-0).

• Each input will respond only to the correct pseudo random binary coded signal of
the correct polarity generated within that Signal Module and output via the BXI/NXI
and BXE/NXE supply connections of the Module.

• It is recommended that out and back distance of input circuits is kept below 4km,
to limit the risk of an electrically noisy environment reducing the reliability of these

• These two supplies BXI/NXI and BXE/NXE are identically coded but are
electrically isolated from each other. Recommended practice is to use BXI /NXI for
internal input circuits of location and BXE/NXE for external input circuits to the

• Each Signal Module also has two inputs (7 & 6) which are permanently allocated
for return current proving, input 7 to return current path 1 and input 6 to return
current path 2, 3 or 4.

17.6.2 Point Module

• It is designed to drive directly a Clamp-lock type Point machine. Other types of
machines may be controlled via relay interface circuits.

• The PM can drive directly upto 4 Clamp lock operated Point ends allocated to 2
independently numbered set of Points. Each of these sets will be allocated to a
group of associated Module inputs and outputs identified as Module Points group
Y and X.

• Each PM has 4 motor drive outputs and each output is nominally 120V DC and is
rated for one Clamp Lock pump motor only. Each must be fused at 15A.

• Each PM has 4 valve drive outputs, for Module point group Y, N & R valves and
Module point group X, N & R valves.

• The Detection Inputs must be on the same Module as the corresponding drive
outputs. Inputs Y1/Y2 and X1/X2 are designated specifically for Point detection.
Input supplies BXI / NXI and BXE / NXE are provided and the same rules as
detailed for the SM apply.

• Each Point Module has 4 general purpose inputs (3 to 0) and these shall be
treated in the same manner as inputs 5 to 0 on the Signal Module.

17.6.3 Simulator Module

• It is an MPM like the Interlocking Modules but programmed differently. The
Simulator MPM simulates the TFMs and adjacent interlocking’s by generating
reply telegrams that would be sent by this equipment. These replies will normally
assume all eqpt. is working correctly, e.g. lamp proving and point detection bits
generated as appropriate.

• The Simulator’s second function is to generate 8 trains which move around the
area according to the signals.

• The simulator is also programmed with details of track circuit lengths, train
braking/accelerating characteristics etc. to enable it to operate track circuits in a
realistic manner for the eight trains some of which are light Locos. (However,
practically this function is not used )

17.7 Anti- Bobbing Protection

• Anti-bobbing protection is inherently provided by the SSI for track ccts. and thus
where a track section is used solely by the SSI, slow-to-pick track repeat relays
are not normally required.
• There is a built-in delay in the Interlocking registering a track-section clear over
registering it occupied. Track cct. Clear is Set if at least 3 successive messages
from the trackside have indicated that the track cct. Clear. Track circuit Occupied
is Set if the most recent message received from the trackside indicates that the
track circuit is occupied. This delay is appx. one major cycle at the TFM input and
a further two major cycles in the interlocking.
• However where adjacent track-sections are such that the pick-up time for one is less
than the drop away time for the other (e.g., where one or both track circuits are
ALSTOM HV Impulse type or Reed) then the built-in delay in the CI declaring the
first track-section clear may be insufficient to ensure that at least one of the track
section is registered as occupied by the CI as a short train passes from the first to
the second.

• One method of increasing this delay is to use Interlocking data to further delay by
one major cycle the CI declaring the first track section clear. The minimum extra
delay is 608ms. If LLL is employed the delay is 822ms.
• Another method is to employ one or more slow-to-pick TPRs as an interface between
the first track-section and the SSI. Contact of both TR and final TPR in series shall be
input into the Module, so that the drop away time is not increased.
• Special measures may be needed, when a relay controlled signals border with SSI
controlled signals. Passing of short and fast trains, birth-track failures at the first
SSI controlled signal can cause the relay controlled signal to briefly, show an
aspect less restrictive than it should do which may lead to an unsafe situation. This
is due to difference in operating times of directly controlled relay and the SSI
functionality in the circuits. This disparity may also cause such trains to
momentarily disappear from the Signalman’s indications and create unnecessarily
alarms on TD and IECC systems. These special measures, known as the
“Tollerton Control”, affect the design of signal and track-section repeater relay cct.
and the allocation of Signal Module Input and output in the fringe area.

17.8 Central Interlocking (CI)

• Each Interlocking will be given a name of upto 8 characters.
• The Interlocking will also be given an identity no. (1-30) which is unique within the
interlocking area. The Identity no. is included in the interlocking data and is also
wired into the interlocking MPM plug coupler. It is used to:
• Ensure Interlocking MPMs are plugged into the correct cubicle
• Identify messages on the Internal Data Link
• On a cyclic basis, the Interlocking examines the incoming bits representing Track
circuits, Lamp proving or Point detection and updates the Status of the Memory.
• Examines the State of the Railway Memory for the various controls and modifies
the output bits if appropriate.
• Examines the Sub routes(route locking) to see if they can be freed to release a
Section of Route Locking.
• Capacity of a single CI is defined by the interlocking memory allocation and the
permissible TFM addresses. Capacity of a CI are detailed below:
• Routes – 256 maximum; a route is allocated for every main, warning,
call-on or shunt route in an interlocking and for each release. No
routes are allocated for automatic signals.
• Switches and Buttons – 255 contacts maximum
• TFMs – 63 maximum; 10% spare capacity (57 max. Modules allocated)
could be considered as a norm.
• Signals – 128 maximum; all types
• Points – 64 maximum Point numbers
• Track Circuits. – 256 maximum
• A Signalling scheme of any significant size will require more than one CI. The
MPMs within each CI consists Communication Processors for direct transfer of
interlocking data to and from adjacent CIs via an IDL (Internal Data Link). The IDL
is capable of interconnecting a max. of 30 interlockings.
• These constraints are the biggest disadvantages of SSI over CBI( Computer
Based Interlocking)
17.9 Data Transmission and bit allocation
Sync Clock Direction Internal Address Data Status Parity
recovery 1 bit identity 6 bits 8 bits 5 bits 5 bits
The format for both input and output telegrams is identical
• The first part of the any message consists of Synchronization and Clock recovery
bit patterns used to condition the receiving processors to be ready to accept it.
• Direction Bit –‘0’ for Output Telegram. ‘1’ For the Input Telegram.
• Two addresses. One for Interlocking Identity and the second for Track module
• 8 Bits are used for Data.
• Status bits provided for Module status and Data link status.

17.10 Interlocking Minor Cycle & Major Cycle
• The process of transmitting one command telegram and receiving the
corresponding reply telegram by CI takes place at a minimum interval of 9.5ms,
which is referred to as an “Interlocking Minor Cycle”
• Over a series of 64 minor cycles, CI will communicate with all 63(potential) TFMs
and its own Diagnostic Processor, which is addressed as if it is the 64th TFM. This
is called one “Major Cycle” of 608ms, which defines the frequency at which the
trackside equipment receives a fresh command from the CI, and the CI receives
updates of inputs from the trackside.

17.11 SSI Design of Work Station

• It provides facilities essential for the efficient and reliable production and testing of
data for SSI signalling schemes. It is used for :
• Entering TFM input/output allocation.
• Entering, part checking and compiling Interlocking MPM and PPM data.
• Compiling the bulk of the Diagnostic MPM data and Simulator MPM data
from the TFM allocation.
• Generation of data for two color VDU displays, one representing the
Signalman’s Panel and the other showing the state of all trackside eqpt.
• Testing data in simulation using the VDU displays; the trackside VDU display
is used to control the Simulator MPM reply telegrams thus simulating failure
like dropping of trackside circuits. etc.
• Providing printouts for checking purposes.
• Programming EPROMs and MMs.
• Technician Terminal tape analysis.
• The functional testing of an SSI will normally be carried out on the DWS and will not
need to be repeated in full when installed. What is required to be tested on site is the
Link from the interlocking to the external equipment, and an extra functional test of
interlocking functions that cross interlocking boundaries.

17.12 Connection of SSI to IECC

• An IECC consists of interlinked computer processors that combine all of the
control, indication and information functions that would be found in a normal PSB
and many more besides. For, instance, systems such as the Train Describer and
Train Reporting System form part of the IECC.
• Instead of NX panel, the layout is controlled from a number of workstations, each
one of which contains number of VDUs, processors, keyboard and other input
devices known collectively as a Signalmans Display System(SDS). The screen
displays the layout, indications and various other types of information.
• A Signalman may set a route by operating the keyboard or more usually, a tracker
ball and push-button. However, a major new feature is the IECCs ability to use
information concerning the timetable, train descriptions, indications etc., to set
routes by itself.

• There are two networks ( rings ) around which data may flow. The Signalling
network deals with data necessary to control the layout while the information
network handles all other data not required for signalling purposes. A number of
sub-systems are attached to each ring via devices known as nodes. For instance,
the Timetable processor is a sub-system attached to the information ring and the
SSIs are the sub-systems on the signalling network.
• The SSIs are connected to the signalling network via two nodes, one connected to
each PPM. The rings are duplicated known as A & B. Both A & B rings and their
associated nodes handle data travelling to or from the SSI, however on the ring
data travels in a clockwise direction only.
• The SSIs are slave sub-systems and are only allowed to reply to messages sent to
them by Master sub-systems. Messages sent to them will either be in the form of
panel requests or requests for information about changes to the signalling
equipment. After receiving such a request, SSI will transmit the data concerned
around the ring.

17.13 Constraints/Problems of Electronic Interlocking

• Insufficient knowledge of maintenance staff about the EI system, leads to high
dependency on OEM in case of failures and modifications. So a proper training to
maintenance staff is a priority.
• Being a low voltage system, EI is more prone to lightning and surges making
earthing arrangements more stringent.
• Changeover time is high in warm standby configuration.
• Communication problems and response time is high between EIs when multiple
EIs are used:
• Data logging and update of RTC face problems in case of multiple EIs:
• Automatic resetting/ shutting down of one system or both systems.
• There are cases of VDU getting stuck up and problems of wrong indications etc,
Logic processing time out (NWR).

• Event loggers are provided to continuously monitor the status of various vital
relays. They carry out following functions-
• help in tracing the intermittent and momentary failures.
• help in finding accident causes & fixing definite responsibilities
• facilitate preventive maintenance of equipment.
• facilitates remote monitoring of the system.
• does speed calculation of trains in point zones
• Counts gear operations to prevent their overuse beyond their permitted life which
may endanger safety of train working.

8.1 Event Logger consists

• Central Processor Unit (CPU) card.
• Digital and analog input cards.
• Local Terminal (PC).
• Communication links.
• Printer (External).
• Data logger requires potential free (spare) relay contacts of vital relays to be
monitored. They are used to monitor the digital inputs through Digital Input Cards;
and Analog inputs through Analog Input Cards.
• Digital and Analog input Cards are connected to the Processor Card. Processor
card consists of Memory IC’s. Memory IC’s are programmed as per requirement of
the monitored system.
• If the serial communication provided is more than 50m, then line drivers shall be
used with 4 - wire leased line Modems for distances up to 3 Kms.

18.2 Important features

• Uses 24V/12VDC Power Supply.
• Total Storage Capacity is 10 Lakh events.
• In-built Temperature sensors are provided.
• Internal Buzzer is provided for alarming during failures.
• Real Time clock for Data retention is powered by internal battery with life time of
about 10 yrs.
• 512 LED matrix can indicate the status of 512 Digital inputs at a time, page wise.
• Seven segment LCD screen (2x24) to be provided to display the status of
digital/analog signals, Time, Temperature etc.,
• Using a LCD panel and a keyboard, status of various functions can be viewed.
• Max Digital Inputs can be 4096 and Max Analog Inputs are 96.
• Digital Input Scanning Time 16 millisecond and Analog Input Time is less than 1

18.3 CPU Card
• Provided with a Motorola microprocessor M 68000.
• Continuously checks the Digital Inputs through Digital Scanner Units (DSU’s) for
every 16-milli seconds and Analog Inputs through Analog Scanner Units (ASU’s)
after less than every 1 second.
• CPU card has:
• LCD display and keyboard
• Digital Scanner Unit (DSU)
• Analog Scanner Unit (ASU)
• Parallel port for connecting Printer
• 6 Serial communication ports for communication with Other Data loggers,
Central Monitoring Unit, Remote Terminal Unit, Electronic Interlocking
system or Integrated Power Supply system

18.4 Power supply

• Power supplies used in SSI are – 230 V AC, 110V AC, 110V DC,
60V DC, 24V DC (for Q-series relays),
24V DC (for Block, Axle counters),
12V DC/AC (for indication),
1.0V AC, 5 KHz (for Axle counter channels), etc.
• Input Power Range 18V to 32V DC for 24V working
9V to 18V DC for 12V working
• It powers -
• Digital inputs: Trackside functions - All TPRs, NWKRs, RWKRs, ECRs,
Crank Handle relays, Siding, Slot, LC gate control relays etc.,
• Control Panel inputs: All Button / Knob, SM’s Key Relays.
• All Internal relays
• Analog channels.

18.5 Network Management of Data loggers (NMDL) functions:

• Reports and Fault Entry are produced.
• Track Offline Simulation.
• Online Relay Status for Easy identification of failures.
• Online Faults - To view information of various Online Faults, as they occur in
the stations where the Data loggers are connected.
• Online Simulation - Graphical view of relay operations, train movements etc.
• Remote monitoring of stations with the help of Networking.
• Knowing the system working for predictive maintenance.
• Crew discipline is monitored and Train charting is done.

18.5.1 Uni-Directional Mode:
Each Data logger will send data in only one direction to the FEP.
Uni-directional mode network is not preferred.

18.5.2 Bi-Directional Mode:

Each end of Network is connected to FEP and each Data logger can now transmit
data in both the directions.

Bi-directional Mode is advantageous as it enables the Data Transmission even in

case of partial Network Failure.

18.5.3 T - Network Mode:

If more number of stations are in network i.e. if the network is too lengthy then T-
network mode is preferred

18.6 Network is connected with two types of 4-wire modems:

18.6.1 Internal modem card / Dual Modem card (in-built):

It is fixed in data logger Euro rack itself. One card contains two modems. The top
modem is called ANS (answer) modem and the bottom modem is called as ORG
(originate) modem.

18.6.2 External modems:

These are generally used at FEP (Front End Processor) side to connect the Data
Functionally, there is no difference between these modems.
• CMU shares data available in it by other PCs through available local area network
where this data can be used for train charting / passenger information purpose.
• The system generates audio visual alarm in ASM’s/Signal Maintainer’s room in
case of power supply failure (battery voltage low) or battery charger defective with
acknowledgement facility.
• Each data logger has its own identity code which will be transmitted along with
data packet to Central monitoring unit.
• Events recorded at each station are continuously transmitted to Central monitoring
unit. Response time of data transfer will not exceed 10 sec.

• Level crossings may be manned or unmanned. Gates which are having less road
traffic are not manned. Risk of crossing of railway track at unmanned gates is the
responsibility of person to take precautions for his safety.
• Busy Level Crossings are provided with gates on each side of the railway track, so
that when closed, Road user is prevented from crossing the Railway track. Such
gates are manned by a Gateman.
• Manned level crossings may be interlocked or non-interlocked depending on their
importance of the gate, road and train traffic.
• Manned level crossing gate, are connected with the Station Master of nearest
station through a telephone. He gets instructions from the Station Master to close
or open the gates as required.

19.1 Classification of a Level Crossing

• In india Gates are classified as ‘Special ‘class’, ‘A’ class, B’ class and ‘C’ class.
Classification of gates is based on Type of gate and TVUs.
Following details are prepared based on census done for a certain period.
• visibility conditions,
• volume of road traffic across the gate
• Number of railway trains passing at the level crossing.
• Train Vehicle Units.
• Information gathered at site, is converted into ‘Train Vehicle Unit’ (TVU)

19.2 Types of Level crossing gates

• Swing /leaf gates.
• Lifting barriers mechanically operated.
• Lifting barriers power operated.
• Swing/leaf gates are provided with chains and lock. For interlocked gates E-type
Locking is provided. .
• Lifting barriers are operated mechanically with wire rope from a winch.
• Boom locking is provided for Lifting barriers operated by a lever with rodding.
• In Urban areas, power operated Lifting barriers are provided and interlocked.
• In certain busy areas automatic closure of gate by the approaching train is

19.3 Interlocking of Level Crossing gates:

• Certain important level crossings are interlocked. Interlocking may be independent
or combined with station signalling.
• Train movements to the Level crossing area are controlled through signals.
Signalling arrangements at the Level Crossing should be in accordance with the
system available in the section.

• Exclusive Gate signals are provided with G marker boards, a circular plate painted
yellow with letter ‘G’ painted black is fixed on the signal post.
• Level crossings within the station area, are controlled by the station signals.

19.4 Rules for passing an Interlocked Gate signal:

• In case of Gate failure , driver can pass a gate signal at ON, after waiting for one
minute during day and two minutes during night duly ensuring that the gate is
closed against road traffic.
• If the Gate man is available, he should ensure closing of gate and then exhibit
hand signals for safe passage of train.
• If the gateman is not available, driver should depute his assistant to close the gate.


19.4.1 Gate Signalling

• Independent Gate signals are provided.
• Train detection is provided through track circuits or Axle counters
• Treadles are provided on either side of AB track section, to identify the passage
and clearance of the train

19.4.2 Road signals:

• Road signals with a hooter are provided for busy gates.
• They are provided on either side of gate to warn the road traffic.
• When an approaching train reaches a predetermined point, Road warning system
gets activated.
• While the gate is being closed, the road lights starts flashing and bell starts
sounding. When the gate is completely closed and locked, the bell ceases to
sound and road lights show steady Red.


• Besides regular interlocking, many other safety devices are used in Signalling to
ensure safety. e.g. In case the driver disregards a Red signal and passes, he may
cause a collision. Where such possibilities are identified, Automatic Warning
systems are provided.
• Eurostar trains are fitted withTVM430 system. This involves continuous signal
transmission through rails with full cab signalling facility
• Other systems: KVB system (French ATP system),TBL1 system (Belgium ATP
system), AWS system and TPWS system etc.

Some of the protection methods in use are explained below

20.1 Automatic Warning System (AWS)

• It is provided for all Stop signals
• AWS consists an electro magnet fixed in the center of the track at a distance of
180m in is provided in the centre of the track.
• If the signal is displaying a clear aspect, a bell is sounded in the cab. c. No action
required from the driver
• The cab equipment comprises an audible alarm, a visual alarm, an
acknowledgement push button and a switch to isolate the AWS when not
• If the signal is displaying a caution aspect, information is picked up by the receiver
unit mounted below the leading vehicle (locomotive). A horn is sounded in the cab
and the visual indicator displays a black disc. The driver has to acknowledge the
alarm within a set time. On doing so the visual indication changes to alternate
yellow and black circular display and the horn is silenced.

20.2 Train Protection and Warning System (TPWS)
• Though the existing AWS is giving certain level of protection, it is not sufficient to
stop the train within the available safety margin i.e. Overlap. So a new safety
equipment TPWS is designed to stop the train with in the overlap
• TPWS consists two parts Outer Speed Sensor(OSS) and Train Stop Sensor.
Generally OSS is kept at a distance of 350m(approx..) in rear of the signal it
protects. It is fixed in the centre of track.
• OSS is set with an approach speed which is sufficient to bring the train to a stop at
the Red signal using the normal braking techniques.
• If the approach speed of the train is more than the set speed, OSS (Over speed
Sensor System) immediately applies brakes, which because of its speed and
position is very likely to pass a signal at danger or hit a buffer stop or to derail at
• However if the train speed increases after passing the OSS, there is a chance of
driver passing the signal at Red. To protect from such a possibility, TSS which is
provided at foot of the signal applies brakes.
• TPWS is effective up to speed of 75mph and is estimated to prevent between
65% and 80% of the ATP preventable accidents
• System’s effectiveness depends on the speed of the train and its braking
• TPWS+ is now fitted on more than 400 signals and protection will be extended up
to 100 mph.

20.3 Automatic Train Protection system (ATP)

• This system enforces obedience to signal aspects and speed restrictions by speed
Two types of systems are in use. - Intermittent and Continuous.
• The 1989 Hidden’s report on Clapham train disaster recommended for the
introduction of ATP
• ATP pilot projects were tried on Great Western (TBL system) and Chiltern
(SELCAB system) lines. Both are intermittent systems
• GW used a mixture of beacons at signals and one point on the approach, and
cable loops for infill
• Chiltern system used loops only
• Each beacon is allocated a unique code which will be included in the data
transmitted to the train
• Speed is repeatedly checked and if the actual speed starts to exceed the
permitted speed by a tolerance, a warning is issued
• If driver fails to react or permitted speed is exceeded by a higher margin,
brake will be applied automatically

Input to the Micro-processor are-
• Current speed
• Train length
• Train braking performance
• Maximum train speed
• Route data
• Other system in used on UK Railways is TVM430 system which is fitted to
Eurostar trains. This involves continuous signal transmission through rails with full
cab signalling facility.
• Signalling suppliers of Europe have worked together to produce an improved
version called ERTMS. This is the mixture of existing systems.
• ETCS ( European Train Control System):
• New control and command system
• GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Communication-Railways): Radio
communication for voice and data.


20.3.1 ETCS Level 1
• An intermittent transmission ATP system designed to overlay on the existing
• Train separation is still governed by the signal spacing and driver has to obey
lineside signals
• Lineside Electronic Unit (LEU) issues the movement authority and is
transmitted to the Cab via Balise
• No requirement for communication equipment to support ETCS level 1
• ETCS level 1 can be applied in two ways known as system A and system B

• European vital computer (EVC) receives Movement Authority from the track side
equipment via Balise antenna.
• EVC also receives train’s current speed and distance traveled from its own on
board sensors
• EVC generates speed profile and braking curves
• Man machine interface (MMI) displays information to driver and provides the
facility to input any required data into the ETCS system

20.3.2 ETCS level 2

• It can be overlaid on existing lineside signalling or implemented as an in-cab
signalling system
• The trackside ETCS sub-system consists of a central
• radio block centre (RBC), Balises and a communication system
• The system uses continuous radio transmission to communicate signalling
information to train, rather than Balises
• Balises are still used as a position reference marker for the train

Train borne equipment for ETCS Level 2

• Function of train borne equipment is same as that of level 1, but with additional
use of GSM-R network for data communication between the RBC and the EVC.
• On Board data radios to receive the messages from the trackside BTS sites
• Voice radios are also fitted which support the communication between driver of a
train with other moving trains as well as the control centres
• Balise antenna is used to read the Balises, providing extra positional reference
• ETCS level 2 has three variants known as system C,D and E

20.3.3 ETCS Level 3

• It can be implemented as either as fixed Block or Moving Block system
• Movement authority is provided through GSM-R
• Trains are able to convey their location to the signal system, rather than the fixed
infrastructure detecting their presence
• Both signals and additional train detection system can be dispensed with.
• Train integrity protection against train parting is also provided.
• ERTMS level 2 is also developed for system D operation in UK(Cambrian EDS

On Railway line trains may follow one another or may move in the opposite directions on to
the same track. To control the train movements and also to maintain a Safe Distance
between them, Block system is developed. Two different basic principles are followed in
developing the Block systems.
• Space interval
• Time interval
Using these principles two types of block systems are evolved.
• Fixed block system
• Moving block system

21.1 Fixed block system

Follows space interval method. As the name implies particular section of track is designated
as ‘Block section’ and is protected by Block stations or signals or both.
Based on the Fixed Block principle, different Block systems are evolved. Out of them most
used are Absolute Block System and Automatic Block System.

21.1.1 Absolute Block System

Needs Block stations supported by signals to demarcate the Block Sections. Major portion
of Railway adopts this system.

21.1.2 Automatic Block system:

Signals are provided to divide the line into several Block signal sections. Signals directly
control the movement of trains into and out of the respective Block sections. Most of the
Metros and busy sections have adopted this system.

21.2 Moving block system

Follows time interval principle. It can be adopted both on Single line sections as well as on
Double line sections.

21.3 Definitions related to Block working

• Block stations: are those at which an authority to proceed is given to the driver of
a train under the system of working”.
• Block Section: is that portion of running line between two block stations on to
which no running train may enter until Line clear has been received from the Block
station at the other end of the block section
• Station Section: Station section is that part of Station Limits which is not covered
by Block Section. The area of station section varies with the class of station,
situated on a double line or single line section.
• Block System: system adapted to work through running of trains and keeping the
safe distance between the following trains. Under space interval method,
• To control the Block section, different types of Block systems are in use. Most
used is Automatic Block system for urban traffic and Absolute Block system for the
rest of the Railway.

21.4 Running of trains under Absolute Block System
• Under absolute block system, the space between two Block stations is required to
be clear before a train can be allowed to enter into the block section.
• A Block Instrument is provided at each Block station on either end of the Block
section and connected electrically through a transmission media which can be
either overhead wires or the underground cables.
• This pair of Block instruments is responsible to maintain the integrity of the Block
section, so that only one train can be there in the Block section at any point of
time. Second train can be sent into the Block section only when the Block section
is clear of previous train.
• Last stop signal of each station is interlocked with the respective Block instrument.
Interlocking of last stop signal ensures, that it is not possible to take OFF the
signal, unless ‘Line Clear’ is obtained from the station in advance.
• Clear aspect of the last stop signal at the station is the authority for the driver to
precede and enter the block section.
• It shall not be possible for the station in advance to grant such a ‘Line Clear’,
unless the previous train has cleared the Block section completely and previous
settings of the Block instrument are normalized.
• Means to replace the Last stop signal to ‘ON’ as soon as the train passed signal
shall be provided.
• Signal should get re-cleared only after a fresh authority to proceed is obtained
from the station in advance.

21.5 Essential features of a Block instrument

• A plunger or a press button to transmit a single stroke bell to call the attention of
the station Master at the other end.
• An Indicator to apprise the operator about status of the block section. In case of
Double line instruments separate indicators shall be provided for Up line and for
Down line. These indicators shall also function to indicate correspondence with the
• Independent dedicated telephone communication shall be provided for each pair
of Block Instruments, designated as Block telephone.
• Following Audiovisual indicators are to be provided to indicate the status of the
• When the train passed the last stop signal.
• When train is occupying the Block section
• When train cleared the block section including overlap at receiving station.

21.6 Block Instruments

• Different types of Electrical instruments called Block Instruments are in use to
control the Block sections.
• Block instruments are different for Single line and Double line sections.

21.6.1 Single line block instruments
• All Single line Block instruments are to be provided with a Co-operative feature i.e.
for obtaining a Line Clear, both for sending and receiving the train station masters
should operate their respective Block instrument.
• Instruments are designed to ensure that an authority to proceed condition can be
set only after-
• Only one of the block instruments can give authority to proceed.
• the previous train completely cleared the block section
• all signals used for the previous movement are normalized.
• both instruments are normalized after the previous movement
• Initially several types of Token instruments were developed. Out of them most
popular is Neales Handle type Token Block Instrument. With the increase in train
speeds and the increased train traffic, token instruments are mostly phased out,
due to risk involved in handing over the token to a train running at higher speeds.
But some are still in use in remote sections.

• To meet changed pattern of traffic and consequent safety requirements, various

“Single line Token less block instruments are developed. These instruments are
more sophisticated and use coded transmission between the instruments. Most
used are –
• Daido Handle type Tokenless Block instrument,
• Kyson Handle type Tokenless Block Instrument and
• Push button type Relay Automatic Block Instrument.
• Other types of single line block instruments in use are –
• Axle Counter Block Instrument.
• Solid State block system.
• Block clearance proving by axle counters or track circuits.
• Automatic Block Signalling.
• Universal Fail Safe Block System

Universal Fail-Safe Block Interface:

It is manufactured as per specification number- RDSO SPN 147-1997.
System design should conform to the specifications and contains

• Central Processing Unit having three processors with inter processing links,
• Interface relay set,
• Input-Output module,
• Resetting Box with a counter,
• Panel with audio alarms and visual Indications,
• Full duplex Modem
• Power supply arrangement through DC-DC converters

Central Processing Unit:

• The unit has three central processors which run concurrently with EPROM and
RAM. In case a fault is detected in any of the processors it shall shut down while
remaining two shall continue to function on two out of three, principle.
• It transmits data onto the communication channel at the rate of 2400 bauds.
• When communication failure takes place the local UFSBI goes to safe Standby
mode and restarts on receipt of at least three valid frames. However when the out
put of local UFSBI fails due to any reason, the system shuts down and can be
restarted only by resetting.
• Interface relay set: It is a set of ‘Q’ relays used for transferring output data and
receiving incoming data. The energized status of a local relay is transferred to the
Central Processing Unit for onwards transmission and the information received
from the other end Block instrument is transferred to the local block instrument.
The outgoing information is transferred to the central processing unit in the form of
make and break contacts of these relays.
• Similarly the data received from the other end block instrument is used to energise
the concerned relays, out of Interface Relay set, to be fed to the Local Block
• There is provision of 16 inputs in the block of 8 to read changeover relay contacts,
one input reads one relay contact in the form of make or break contact. 16 output
ports in the block of 8 are there for driving `Q’ relays.

Block interface:
• Two block instruments on either end of the block section are interconnected
through copper conductors of PET quad cable. This connectivity is through hard
• Block working with axle counters through Block Panel use time division
multiplexing technique using MUX and combiner converter, requiring
communication between two ends of the block system is managed through 1½
quads of PET Quad. cable.

• For Block instruments on either end of the block section have to communicate with
each other to establish integrity of the block section. Although copper conductors may
be used as medium of transmission, latest Universal Fail Safe Block Interface
(UFSBI) essentially requires OFC or Radio.
• The Fail Safe Block Interface shall also be able to interface when the media of
transmission is hard drawn copper conductor.
• The Fail Safe Block Interface shall also be able to interface when the media of
transmission is hard drawn copper conductor.
• When Block instruments inter communication is required to be exchanged through
Optical Fibre or Radio or Microwave, the data should be converted to make it
compatible to the medium of communication.
• Since communication through OFC is digitised, the Fail Safe Block Interface
should convert the information received to digital form.
• Shared information between the instruments can be through relays or through
analogue signals. Working is full-duplex.

21.6.2 Double line Block Instrument:

Most used Double line Block instruments are-
Siemens & General Electric (SGE)
Syke’s Electric Lock & Block Instrument


• With Double line Block Instruments co-operative feature in operation of the

instruments is eliminated. Only receiving station master operates his instrument to
send the permission to start a train from that end.
• Block instruments are normalized after the arrival of train at the receiving station.
To ensure that the train has come into the station section at the receiving end,
sequential operation of track circuits in advance of reception signal is proved in the
block clearance circuit.

• Track circuit block system and Axle counter block system are getting preference
as they ensure complete arrival of the train i.e. that no vehicles are left behind in
the section.

21.7 Precautions
• Circuit wires of the Block instruments shall be insulated. Where the Block wires of
adjacent block sections are meeting at a termination point, they shall be
terminated separately so that they do not come into contact with each other or any
other circuit wire ((distance between the wires shall not be less than 150mm).
• In case of overhead wires “It shall be ensured that induced voltage due to power
line parallelism does not exceed 150V and short circuit fault current does not
exceed 440 V as prescribed by CCITT.”
• Each block instrument circuit shall be provided with lightening arrestor. The
lightening arrestor shall not be provided within block instrument.
• “If the induced voltage goes beyond these limits, block circuit shall be transferred
to an underground telecommunication PET quad cable or OFC.
• Though initially earth return was used for the Block circuits, this not preferred to
the present day signaling with considerable interference by the external induced
Protections in AC Traction
• Block instruments provided in 25 KV AC traction area require some special
precautions to protect from the effects of AC traction induced voltages.
• Filter unit to filter out the induced e.m.f. on the line circuit is required to be
provided to safe guard against erratic behavior due to AC traction current.
• Underground Poly Ethylene Tetrachloride (PET) insulated Quad cable is used
connected with impedance matching transformers at both the ends of the
section for reducing effects of induced e.m.f.
• Line circuit is derived from the centre tapping on primary side of the
transformers of Up & Down lines. The line circuit so derived is called as
phantom circuit because no extra conductor is used for the purpose of these
• Block bell equipment: In 25 KV AC traction area, a separate block bell circuit is
provided on two conductors derived out of half quad of the quad cable terminated
at the line matching transformers at both ends of the circuit. Block bell system
cannot work on DC as isolation transformers are provided at both ends of the line.
So Block bell equipment uses AC at 45 V 150 Hz supply of sinusoidal waveform
generated by an oscillator.
• Separate power supplies are used for the Line circuit and the block telephone

21.8 Splitting of the block section for increasing section capacity

• Larger block sections under Absolute Block system of working cause delay due to
larger time taken by trains in clearing the block section thereby restricting the
section capacity.
• Methods employed are, splitting the Block section by introducing a Block Hut.
• Block Hut is created by splitting the original Block section. It is considered as ‘C’
class station equipped with full compliments of signals and block working with
adjoining block stations using any standard form of block working or
• Intermediate Block Signal is an arrangement of signalling on double line section,
in which a long block section is split into two portions each constituting a separate
block section by providing an Intermediate Block Signal. Under this system First
portion of the track between last stop signal of the dispatching station and the IBS
is provided with continuous track circuits. Overlap beyond the IBS is also track
circuited. Remaining portion of Block section may or may not be provided with train
detection for the purpose of proving block clearance.

21.9 Automatic Block signalling system

• It is most suitable for the busy urban train traffic. One of the advantages with this
system is more than one train can be pushed into an Automatic Block section at
any stage of time against only one under Absolute Block system of working.
• Three Aspect or four aspect signalling systems can be used for the Automatic
Block system with minimum inter-signal spacing of 1000m.
• Four Aspect signaling is preferred which helps to increase section capacity
• Generally Automatic Block Signalling is provided on Double line. But it can be
provided on Single Line sections also.

21.9.1 Essentials of Automatic Block System on double line:

• Line shall be provided with either continuous Track circuiting or Axle counters;
• The line between two adjacent Block Stations may, be divided into a series of
Automatic Block Signalling sections which is the portion of the running line
between two consecutive stop signals, and the entry into each of which is
governed by a stop signal.
• Track circuits or Axle counters shall so control the stop signal governing the entry
into an Automatic Block section, that the signal shall not assume an `OFF’ aspect
unless the line is clear not only up to the next stop signal in advance but also for
an adequate distance beyond it.
• Signal shall be automatically placed to `ON’ as soon as train passed the signal.

21.9.2 Essentials of Automatic Block System on single line:

• Line shall be provided with continuous track circuiting or axle counters,
• Direction of traffic shall be established only after Line Clear has been obtained
from the block station in advance.
• A train shall be started from one Block Station to another only after the direction of
traffic has been established.
• It shall not be possible to obtain line clear unless line is clear not only upto the First
Stop Signal of theBlock Station from which Line Clear is obtained, but also for an
adequate distance beyond it, which unless otherwise directed by approved
instructions, shall be not less than 180 metres.
• The line between two adjacent Block Stations may, where required, shall be
divided into two or more of Automatic Block Signalling sections by provision of
additional Stop signals.
• After the direction of traffic has been established, movement of train shall be
controlled by the concerned Automatic Stop signal.
• The said Automatic Stop signal shall not assume `OFF’ position unless the line is
clear up to the next Automatic Stop signal, provided that where the next Stop
Signal is a manual Stop signal, the line shall be clear for an adequate distance
beyond it, which shall be not less than 180 meters
• All stop signals against the established direction of traffic shall be at ‘ON.

21.9.3 Working automatic signals on single line section:

• Major deviations in working of Automatic signaling on single line section from
double line section are -
• the direction of traffic has to be established before allowing entry into the
automatic block section in case of single line section as against double line section
where the direction of traffic is predefined,
• line clear is required to be granted by station receiving the train which is not
applicable in double line section
• Direction shall be established only after grant of line clear which is not required in
double line section.

21.9.4 Establishing the direction of traffic on Single line:

• Two systems are prevalent for establishing direction,
• Direction can be set by either of the station controlling the entry into the
Automatic Block section or
• By any one of the designated station.
• The main object of introducing Automatic Block System on single line is to
increase the section capacity by reducing the `Head way'
• In this system of working, the entire Block section may, where required, be divided
into two or more Automatic Block signaling sections each of which being controlled
by a color light stop signal in both the directions. The movement of trains in the
section is controlled by the stop signals in the direction for which, direction of traffic
is established, while the stop signals in the opposite direction display `ON 'aspect.
This is to prevent movement of trains in opposite direction at the same time. The
entire block section is track circuited or provided with axle counters.
• Before dispatching the first train of a series in any particular direction, the direction
of traffic for that particular direction is to be established by obtaining line clear from
the station in advance and for the following subsequent trains line clear need not
be taken from other end.
• To facilitate direction of traffic to be established and for the purpose of granting line
clear, one panel at each block station is provided generally.

21.9.5 Minimum equipment of fixed signals in Automatic Block Territory on single line
• Manual stop signals at a station
• A Home
• A starter
• An automatic stop signal in rear of the Home signal of the station.

21.9.6 Additional fixed signals in Automatic Block territory on single line
• Besides the minimum equipment prescribed above, one or more additional
Automatic Stop Signals, may be considered necessary, in between block stations
may be provided.
• In addition, such other fixed signals as may be necessary for the safe movement
of trains may be provided.
• Panel consists of two parts; one part is termed as `Controlling side' and the other
as `Controlled side'.
• On the panel, the following switches and indications are provided:
• Illuminated arrows: Two arrows for each direction on both sides of the panel.
Only the arrow corresponding to the direction of traffic established would be
illuminated and the other arrow will not be lit.
• White light appears when relevant block section is clear and changes to Red when
the block section is occupied or due to failure of track circuits/Axle Counters.
• Signal normal :( White indication): It is provided on either side of the panel. When
Illuminated indicates that the signals in that direction are at `ON'
• "Permission from. ….Green indication): This is provided at the controlling side
of the panel only. When illuminated, indicates that the push button of controlled
station in advance has been pressed, permitting controlling station to establish
direction of traffic towards "controlled side" station.
• Direction switch: A two position switch is provided on the controlling side of the
panel to enable the controlling station to establish direction of traffic from station A
to Station B or vice-versa.
• SM's lock up key: This key when removed will keep the panel locked in the last
operated condition to prevent inadvertent or unauthorised operation of panel. (f)
Permission button: This is provided on the controlled side of the panel which when
pressed grants permission to controlling station to establish direction of traffic from
controlling station A to the controlled station B.
• Emergency Push Button: Two push buttons are provided: one on the "controlled
half" and the other on the "controlling half" of the panel. When it becomes
necessary to change the direction of traffic under track circuit/axle counter failure,
the button pertaining to that section shall be pressed at controlling station is turned
to the required position, for permitting a movement in emergencies.
Counters: Each operation of emergency push button registers next higher digit on
the digital counter of the respective half of the panel.

21.9.7 Establishing direction of traffic movement

• Station `A': Controls all movements between `A' & `B'
• Station `B': Controls all movements between `B' & `C' and so on.
• Let us assume that the direction switch at Station `A' is in "UP" direction by a
previous operation, the "UP" arrow is illuminated white (which means that the
Block Section AB is clear) and Station `A' has a train to dispatch
• Station `B' will press the push button provided on the `controlled side'. This will
cause lighting up of a `green' indication in the panel at `A' signifying the receipt of
"Permission" to despatch a train to Station `B' from Station `A'.
• After getting this green indication, the SM at Station `A' will turn the direction
switch to "DOWN" and establish the direction of traffic. This will cause the "DOWN"

arrows at both the stations to be lit to white and extinguish the light of the `UP'
direction arrows at both the stations.
• The white indication of `DOWN' arrows will turn to red when the trains enter the
section. For despatching an UP train from Station B to Station A all that the SM at
the controlling station A has to do is to turn the `Direction Switch' to the `UP'
position provided the whole section is clear of train.
• This will cause the `UP' arrows at both the stations of the controlled section to be
lit white, extinguishing the white lights of "DOWN" arrows. The white lights of the
"UP" arrows will turn to `Red' when the train enters the section.

21.9.8 Rules for passing the Automatic Stop Signal at `ON': (On single line)
• When a Driver finds an Automatic Stop Signal with an `A' marker at `ON', he shall
bring his train to a stop in rear of that signal and wait there for one minute by day
and two minutes by night.
• If after waiting for this period the signal continues to remain at `ON', and if
telephone communication is provided near the signal, the Driver shall contact the
Station Master of the next block station or the Centralised Traffic Control Operator
of the section where Centralised Traffic Control is provided, and obtain his
• The Station Master or the Centralised Traffic Control Operator, as the case may
be, shall, after ascertaining that there is no train ahead upto the next signal and
that it is otherwise safe for the Driver to proceed so far as is known, give
permission to the Driver to pass the signal in the `ON' position and proceed upto
the next signal, as may be provided under special instructions.
• If no telephone communication is provided near the signal or if the telephone
communication provided near the signal is out of order and cannot be made use
of, the Driver shall give the prescribed code of whistle and exchange signals with
the Guard and then proceed past the signal as far as the line is clear, upto the next
Stop Signal in advance, exercising great caution so as to stop short of any

21.9.9 Emergent change of direction

• As and when any track circuit in the section fails, direction setting will not be
• In such a situation Emergent setting of direction shall be resorted to after
verification of clearance of trains in the Block section by both sending end and
receiving end Station Masters.

21.9.10 Semi-automatic signals

• Signals within station section are designed to be operated manually. However for
the signals which fall in automatic block sections, may be operated as automatic
signals to facilitate through running of trains till it is required to control the them
• Such manually operated signal, which can be worked as automatic are called as
‘Semi-automatic signal’.
• Such a signal is provided with an illuminated ‘A’ marker, when lit indicates to the
driver that the signal is functioning as automatic signal and when the ‘A’ marker is

not lit the signal is considered as a controlled signal and he has to follow the rules
of a controlled stop signal.
• If the semi-automatic signal is protecting a level crossing gate, an Illuminated ‘AG’
marker is provided on the signal. When lit it authorizes the driver to pass the
signal at Red, taking precautions for the safe passage of train through the level
crossing area.
• Illuminated AG marker with illuminated `A' marker
• If both the markers are not lit, the driver should treat this signal, as an absolute
stop signal, showing red aspect.

21.10 Moving block:

• This system increases the line capacity i.e. more number of trains can be run
during a given period. Signals and Block stations are not mandatory.
• Presently this system is being implemented in most of Metro signaling with
communication based interlocking.
• Under a moving block system, the train position and its speed are monitored
continuously. Information about the status of train in advance, its speed etc is
relayed to the train On board computer through Radio communication.
• Based on the information received the On board computer calculates the block
section and the speed at which the train has to run keeping a ‘Safe distance’ from
the train in advance.
• Safe distance depends on various factors like speed and position of the both
leading and following trains, gradients in the section and speeds permitted in the
section. Depending on the factors this Safe Distance varies continuously as the
trains are moving.
• On Board computer directly interacts with the brake system and controls the speed
of the train accordingly. This helps in running driverless trains.

• Basic principles of Electricity are to be understood to meet the power requirements
of a Signalling System. Without ensuring a reliable and secure power supply, we
cannot achieve the reliability of Signalling system.
• Following electrical terms are the basics for Electrical supply.
• Current
• Voltage
• Resistance
• Power
• Inductance
• Capacitance
• Ohms law applications

22.1 Power Source

• In 25KV Eelectrified areas, OHE supply is the main source of supply supported by
State Electricity Board power supply.
• Diesel generator of suitable capacity is provided as an alternative in certain
• Solar power is another alternative to State Electricity Board’s supply.
• Mains Supply may be the Commercial supply or the supply drawn from AC traction
where provided.
• Electrical supply extends to different signaling equipment including trackside
locations. Different voltages are required for different equipment.
• It is important that the voltage variation is accounted for. A variation of +/- 10% of
supply voltage is permitted. A variation of +/-1% of frequency is similarly permitted.
• Total power requirement of a signaling installation shall be calculated. It includes
signaling loads both internal & external and also other domestic requirements.
Future requirement is also to be estimated and added.
• Total estimated power requirement to be advised to Electrical department.
• Based on Signalling requirement, Electrical department designs the Mains
Transformers and the Feeder cables and Distribution arrangements at the source
are designed.

22.2 Competency
• Staff handling the power supplies should be competent and authorized.
• Signaling staff are not authorized to handle the voltages above 110AC. Proper
protection is required while handling voltages higher than 110VAC.
• Employers and Employees are required to take suitable precautions when working
with or near to electrical equipment
• All electrical and electronic equipment are required to comply with the Electrical
regulations. All Electrical and electronic equipment are required to comply to
these regulations. This necessitates the use of standard and protective distribution
arrangements with suitable disconnection points.
• Employers and Employees are required to take suitable precautions when working
with or near to Electrical equipment
• This necessitates the use of standard and protective power distribution with
suitable disconnection points.

22.3 Protective measures

• Protection from Direct Contact
• Protection from indirect contact
• Use of appropriate equipment
• Over current protection
• Facility to disconnect the supply
• Sufficient working space around Electrical Equipment
• Accurate documentation

22.4 Supplies generally used in signaling.

• DC 60V or 50V or 24V – as per the type of relays used.
• 24VDC – is also used for standard AWS circuits.
• 12VDC for old shelf type relays, lever locks, SPTs and old AWS circuits.
• 12V DC or AC for panel indications
• 120VDC or 380V AC 3 phase for point operation depending on type.
• 110VAC for signal lighting and for all general purposes of signaling.
• 140V AC used in SSI
• Ring or a spur system is provided to feed the mains power to Relay Room/Loc
from a feeder station.
• Existing Load on the feeder to be calculated before introducing a new location on
the supply.
• Load distribution and feeder cables are designed to ensure that a minimum of 90%
supply is available at any point in case of ring breakage.
• Fuses are to be used to protect the end equipment from high currents which can
damage the equipment.

22.5 Precautions
• Supplies above 110V AC are considered to be high voltages which require proper
protection. Signal staff are not authorized to handle supplies above110V AC.
• Facility to be provided to disconnect individual case/location to facilitate isolation of
fault and fault finding and maintenance.
• Facility to be provided for isolating sections for maintenance/fault finding.
• Similarly circuit breakers are utilized to disconnect the circuit during high currents
and at the same time to isolate a faulty equipment from the distribution circuits.

• Fuses may be of varying values depending on requirements. Typical values are
1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 6A, 10A, 15A etc.
• CM type fuse holders BS88 : 1988 are to be used for outgoing feeds to the
trackside equipment. They are also of various values – 32A, 63A,100A etc.
• Old locations may be with Porcelain fuse holders. Current practice is to use
Entrelec Fuse holders.
• Separate Terminations are to be provided for incoming and outgoing feeder cables
• Supplies for the Electronic Signalling system should be as prescribed by the
manufacturer. .

• Shall conform to BR spec. 924A. Input values depends on the Mains Supply -
230V or 400V or 650V.
• Output voltage is generally 110V which is permitted for the use of signalling
distribution. Capacity depends on the load. 250VA, 500VA, 1000VA etc.,
• For some equipment 110/110V transformers may be necessary to isolate supplies
to different functions.

Transformer Rectifiers

• Different types of Transformer Rectifier BR Spec 865 are in use

• 110/50 or 60V DC 3A ( for relays )
• 110/50 or 60V DC 1A ( for relays )
• 110/24 VDC 1A ( for AWS )
• 110/12 VDC For SPT, old shelf type relays and lever locks etc.,

22.6 Cables used for signalling power supply

2 core 2.5 (f) type B2 are used between the locations.
Suitable power cables of single core are used for Internal Power wiring
19/1.53 cables are used for wiring 650V supply.

22.7 Earths
• Fast Transient Earth (FTE) is required for proper protection against Electrical
• FTE should have a low resistance and inductance.
• Typical value of earth resistance should be below 10 ohms. This value should be
much lesser in case of electronic equipment.
• Long earth leads should be avoided.
• To avoid possibility of equipotential voltages, where adjacent locations are with
separate earths, they are to be kept a minimum of 2m distance apart.

22.8 Earth value measurement

To achieve the expected protection from the electrical interferences and surge voltages,
effective earth is necessary.
• Firmness of Earth connections should be checked periodically.
• To ensure that the earth value is within prescribed limit as specified by the system
in working, Earth value should be measured periodically. Measures should be
taken to improve the earth if needed.



22.9 Batteries
• Secondary cells where provided should be maintained properly for the reliable
working of signalling equipment.
• Maintenance free Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) cells are recommended
• The capacity of the cells should be selected to suit the load and the sustainability
for a specified duration in case of Power failure..
• Specific gravity and voltage of individual cell should be checked as per periodicity.
• Formation of acid scales on cells should be cleaned at regular intervals.
• Green formation on terminals should be avoided, by regular cleaning
• It should be ensured that all terminal connections are tight.

22.10 Power Feeder calculations

Ring Feeder calls at-
Elec.Sub Stations – Loc.A –Loc.B - Elec.Sub Station
Feeding voltage - 660V.AC
Power Requirements of Locations:-

Signalling load – 2042VA
Domestic load - 5000VA
Load current - 10.83A (C1)

Signalling load – 3553VA
Domestic load - 5000VA
Load current - 13.16A(C2)

3. Length of Cables
1. PSP – Loc.A - distance of 180m +20% = 216m (R1)
2. Loc. A – Loc.B - distance of 250m +20% = 360m (R2)
3. Loc. B – PSP - distance of 430m +20% = 430m (R3)
Cu Cables used are 2c 35mm² and Cable Res. = 1.06 Ω/loop-km)
Calculated Cable Resistance
R1= 1.06 X 0.216 = 0.2289(ohms);
R2= 1.06 X 0.360 = 0.3816(ohms);
R3= 1.06 X 0.480 = 0.5088(ohms)

Cable Lengths considered and resistance of each cable:
Distance Resistance
• Elec.Sub Stations – Loc.A - 180m +20% =216m (R1) 0.2289Ω
• Loc.A –Loc.B - 300m +20% = 360m (R2) 0.3816Ω
• Loc.B- Elec.Sub Station - 400m +20% = 480m (R3) 0.5088Ω

Voltage Drop = total current X total resistance of cable.

• Voltage Drop bet. PSP - Loc.A (C1xR1) = (10.83x0.2289) = 2.48V
• Voltage Drop bet. Loc.A- Loc.B (C2xR2) = (13.16x0.3816) = 5.02V
• Voltage Drop bet. Loc.B – PSP (C2xR3) = (13.16x0.5088) = 6.70V

Assume the feeder between PSP and Loc.B breaks
Total voltage drop PSP – Loc.A –Loc.B = (2.48 + 5.02)V = 7.50V
Voltage available at Loc. B via Loc.A = (660-7.5)V = 652.5V


Assume the feeder between PSP and Loc. A breaks

Total voltage drop PSP – Loc.B –Loc.A = (6.70 + 5.02)V = 11.72V
Voltage available at Loc. A via Loc. B = (660 – 11.72)V = 648.28V

So it can be seen that in both the cases the voltage drop is less than 10%.
• Voltage Fluctuation of Mains supply results in variation of voltage supplied to
signal lamp/LED. Bobbing of signals or track circuit or a signal going blank, may
result in disastrous consequences for trains running at high speed. Stable power
supply is required with a storage system of back up.
• Reliability of Signalling system is dependent on the reliable power supply.
Unreliable Mains supply will lead to unreliable supply to the system. This will
cause frequent system failures which ultimately results in disruption to train traffic.
• Modern microprocessor technology is prone to total system shut down, if the
supply voltage is not constant.
• Certain interlocking conditions which are stored in the memory should not get
• Generally the failure of power is indicated to the signaller by means of an audible
and/or visual alarm.

22.11 Power from Solar cells

• Where sunny days in an year are considerably more, solar power can be tapped to
power the signalling.
• Solar energy i.e. energy from sunlight is converted to electrical energy using Photo
Voltaic cells (PV Cells).

• Each Silicon solar cell when exposed to sunlight, photons generate 100ma at 0.45
Volts which works out to be 45 milli watts DC from each cell. It measures 2
inchesx0.5 inches (6.45 sq cm).
• PV cells can be arranged in parallel and series, so as to generate the required DC
voltage and current from each panel. Each such arrangement is Solar Photo
Voltaic (SPV) system.
• The panel is mounted on the roof of a building or on a post by itself facing South
and inclined at an angle(about 30º) such that the sunrays fall at right angles to the
panel, a point sufficiently high to give a clear exposure to the trajectory of sun
moving in South for longer period of the day.
• Its reach should be convenient and accessible for maintenance, repairs and
cleaning its surface.
• The accumulation of dust over the surface of the Solar Panel reduces the
efficiency of the system. Requires periodic cleaning of its surface.
• Germany has adopted solar power energy in a big way, making solar power
cheaper to meet the market economics.


• All the above factors, points that the mains supply to the Signalling system should
be reliable, steady and uninterrupted.
• Due to various reasons, Main supply cannot be steady. It frequently gets
interrupted due to various transmission problems.
• So signalling should provide its own arrangements, to ensure that the supply
applied to Signalling system is steady and uninterrupted.
• Mains supply drawn from Electrical Sub stations is regulated through UPS or IPS
to derive steady and uninterrupted power supply.
• Principle of Uninterrupted Power Supply is simple.
• With the incoming AC Mains supply, a battery bank is charged on float through a
• Battery output is used to derive an constant AC output through a Converter.
• From this constant AC output, various supplies required by the signaling system
are derived through various Transformers and Trans/rectifiers.


Design and Capacity of an UPS depends on the following requirements.
• Individual loads of each equipment internal & external are to be calculated.
• 25% additional load to be considered as spare capacity.
• Losses of Transformers, efficiency of Rectifier and Converter should also be
• Based on the Capacity of UPS required, the battery capacity is calculated.
Minimum 2 Hrs Power Back up is to be considered.
• Linear Constant Power discharge is considered at Lower end of Discharge

22.13.1 Components of UPS
• Isolation transformer
• Rectifier
• Inverter
• Batteries
• Static Bypass


22.15 Integrated Power Supply (IPS)

• Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS) based on Integrated Power Supply (IPS) is
suitable for way side stations up to six lines without AFTC or up to 7 KVA total
signalling load covering relay based interlocking operated by panel as well as SSI.

22.15.1 IPS System consists following components

• Cabinet,
• Float Rectifier cum Boost Charger (FRBC),
• Battery Bank,
• Inverter,
• Constant Voltage Transformer(CVT),
• Transformers
• DC-DC converters for different power requirements of signalling system
• SMPS based FRB Charger with auto boost charge, charges the battery bank till
battery terminal voltage reaches –
• 2.3V per cell in case of Valve Regulated Lead Acid(VRLA) cells and
• 2.42V per cell in case of low maintenance Lead Acid cells.
• Normally FRBC feeds the Inverter of suitable capacity. When FRBC is not
available, it is fed from the battery bank

22.15.2 Power supply Arrangement through IPS

• It shall be ensured that the feeder is capable of feeding IPS at 30A 230V AC
• Mains supply is fed to IPS and is distributed to
• SMPS based Float Rectifier cum Boost Charger (FRBC) panel,
• Ferro Resonant Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) for power supply to signal
• AVR for power supply to transformers for track feed supply.

22.15.3 Power Requirement

• Power required for signalling system should be calculated and advised to
Electrical department. It should be calculated based on the actual maximum load
in an assumed scenario.
• Model format used by UK Rlys is given below.
• When signalling alterations are proposed, the existing load and the new loads are
to be calculated.
• Suitability of exiting power equipment like Transformers is to be checked.
• Additional spare load also to be added keeping for the future requirement.
• Total signalling load considered shall be advised to Electrical Department for
arranging the required power supply.
• Based on Signalling requirement, Electrical department designs the feeder cables
and other Power equipment.

Area SB No 2
Ex Tr. Capacity(VA) 500
Location Name 183.07
Equipment Qty Each @watt Total Watt
AWS inductor 13 0
AWS Supp inductor 25 0
Colour Light Signal/ 30 0
Signal and Subsidiary Signal 2 70 140
Related Fibre optic banner 110 0
Equipment Mech Banner (Old) 50 0
Junction Indicator (5 135 0
Multi-lamp Rt Indicator 15/ 300 0
Location-Heater 1 20 20
Location-Lamp for 2- 1 25 25
Heater & Light
Point Machine 30 0
BR 930/931/934/960/ 12 3 36
961/966(F3) /960(F6)
Relays BR 933/949 4 0
BR 963 2.5 0
Timer 7 0
Track Circuit ML TI21 Low power Tx 20 0
equipment ML TI21 Tx 70 0

ML TI21 Rx 25 0
Track TF DC(AC 1 30 30
Track TF DC(AC immune) 13 0
Track TF DC(Non -AC 10 0
ELD 50 0
GF Lock 25 0
Point-Clamp lock 1400 0
Point-Electric machine 1100 0
Load on BX12 supply 216 0
Load on B12 supply 297 0
Point battery charger(10A) 2560 0


Equipment TPWS TSS & OSS 34 0
Total 391
Total existing load(VA) 434

Equipment Qty Each @watt Total Watt
Signal and AWS inductor 0 13 0
Relate AWS Supp inductor 25 0
d Colour Light Signal/asp 2 30 60
Equip Subsidiary Signal 2 70 140
ment Fibre optic banner 110 0
Heater & Location-Heater 20 0
Light Location-Lamp 25 0
Equip Point Machine 30 0
ment heater(New)
BR 930/931/934/960/ 1 3 3
961/ 966(F3) /960(F6)
Relays BR 933/949 4 0
BR 963 2.5 0
Timer 7 0
ML TI21 Low power Tx 20 0
ML TI21 Tx 70 0
Track ML TI21 Rx 25 0
Circuit Track TF DC(AC 30 0
equip immune)BR867
ment Track TF DC(AC 13 0
Track TF DC(Non -AC 10 0
Telecom SPT 2 0
Reed amplifier 40 0
ELD 50 0
Misc GF Lock 25 0
Point-Clamp lock 1400 0
Point-Electric machine 1100 0
TRTS/RA unit (platform) 30 0
Equip TSS & OSS 1 34 34
Additional load(Watt) 237

Additional load(VA) 263.33

Total Existing load (VA) 434

Total New Load (VA) 698

Considering 90% eff of Total Load on Trans. 775


So existing Transformer of 500VA shall be replaced with 1000VA

• System can be adopted with Fixed block or Moving block Working
System consists -
• Control Centre
• Wayside Station Equipment
• Trackside Equipment
• Data Transmission System
• Wayside Radio Network Assembly
• Vehicle On Board Computer & Equipment in the Engine.
• A Metro Section is divided into several Regions based on the Operational and
Technical requirements. Each Region may have more than one station with one of
the stations working as Master. Master station is provided with Region Automatic
Train Control cabinet which consists Region Automatic Train Operation and
Region Automatic Train Protection.
• Some of the stations are provided with an ATS for local control of train movements
in case of emergency.
• Main components at a Wayside station are-
• Ethernet Switch which is connected to Data Transmission System
• Object Controller OBC
• Maintainers Work Station with Monitor
• Data Transmission System
• Main Data Transmission System of Optic Fibre cable runs from the Control Center
to entire section connecting all Wayside stations and Wayside Network Radio
• Trains VOBC communicates with the Control Centre through Wayside Network
Radio Commn.
• Additionally stations within each region are connected to a separate DCS Wayside
Region Network.

23.1 Trackside Components

• Switch Machine: Switch Machines can be of any approved type. Presently 3-
phase AC Electric motor type and Hydraulic type are being used.
• Axle Counter: Monitors the status of track sections over a large area, facilitating
traffic management. EBI Track 2000 A/C system is in use.
• Norming Point: The Norming Point is a passive tag containing its own location
data. These tags are fitted at the centre of track at the intervals of 20m(app).
• ESP : Platform Emergency Stop Plungers (ESPs) are provided on Platform to
stop the train in case of emergency.
• CESB: are used to protect platform areas from moving trains in case of accidents
around passenger platform areas.
• WDCS wayside data communication system.

• WNRA: Wayside Network Radio Assemblies are located alongside the track to
facilitate the communication between Wayside ATC and the Vehicle ATC.

23.2 Norming Points

• They are also called as Passive Tags. They contain their own location data.
• They are placed in the middle of the track at intervals of about 20m through out the
length of track.
• No external power supply is required for RF communication with the train . It is
“energized” by the RF energy from the train’s tag reader antenna, when a train
passes over it.
• The Tag is powered by lithium cell to power the internal microchip, with a typically
life time of 10 years.
• Tag transmits its location to the transponder interrogator of the train.
• The tag location is used by the train control system for Verification of the train’s
• If one of the Norming point is faulty, the train just continues past that point without
having 'normalised' its error, but reaches the next fully operating norming point
where the error is then normalised.
• Read time of a Tag is fast - 10ms.
• Tag is designed for harsh environments, with a completely sealed rigid polymer.

23.3 SPIs (Switch Position Indicator)

• There are 3 types of Signals provided at Trackside:
• Switch Position Indicator (SPI) is provided at the facing direction of the points. It
indicates the position of the point by an arrow for the direction the point is set and
a Red bar if the point is not set correctly.
• Matrix Indicators are provided above the SPI in Depots area to indicate the
destination track.
• Buffer Stop Signal (BSS) with two red lights is provided for the terminal lines

23.4 WNRA (Wayside Radio Network Assembly)
• The WNRAs are boxed and located alongside of the track to facilitate
communication between the Wayside ATC and the Vehicle ATC.
• The elevated sections of the system will employ Line-of-Sight.
• The A and B WNRA enclosures are connected directly to independent point
source antennas.
• The antennas are mounted on the top of trackside poles.
• A and B WNRAs do not share the same antennas or poles.
• The separation between 2 WNRA by LoS is up to 400 m.

Wayside Radio Network Assembly

23.5 ESPs and CESB
• Platform Emergency Stop Plungers(ESPs) and Central Emergency Stop
Button(CESBs) are provided to protect platform areas from moving trains. They
are used to stop the train in case of emergency.
• ESPs are installed on each side of platform and at Station Control Room of Master
• CESBs are installed at Traffic Controller and Chief Controller Rooms at OCC and
at Depot Controller Room of Depots.
• Train Movement Inhibit System Switches (TMISS) are provided at Depots for the
cleaning and maintenance personal to request the Traffic Controller to inhibit the
train movements during the work within the maintenance area.




24.1 BMRC System Overview
• Activities includes -
• Regulation of traffic
• Safety management of the track and train
• Transmitting the Trackside info for Train Control
• Communication between various systems
• Control of On-board equipment
• Control of Equipment along the track
• Under Fixed Block System, the entire track is divided into several Block
Sections protected by signals.
• The length of these Block sections is short. It is 50m at stations, 100 to 200m
in the central area and it is several hundred meters in the outlying areas.
• Each Block section is provided with a Track circuit and protected by a signal.
• Overlap is provided beyond each signal which provides a Safe Braking
Distance to protect against the train overrunning a stop signal and causing
an accident.
• Overlap length varies according to the site permissible speed, gradients in
the approach of signal and the Brake power of the Engine.
• Overlap track may be provided with a separate track circuit or can be
combined with the rear track circuit.

24.2 Track Circuits:

• Joint less Coded Audio Frequency Track Circuits (AFTC) shall be used for Train
detection purposes.
• They do not require insulated rail Joints, but they are provided where required.
• Different frequencies are used to provide stagger between the adjacent track
• The Track circuit frequencies shall be Frequency Modulated by means of different
Bit Patterns, to ensure a clear Assignment of Transmitters to Receivers. The Track
circuit Vacancy Detection Procedure shall, accordingly, encompass Amplitude
Assessment of the Signal, Frequency Check and Modulation (Coding) Check.
• Separate sets of Frequencies shall be used for UP & DN or Odd & Even Tracks.
Frequency differentiation between UP & DN or Odd & Even Tracks should
neutralise the effect of Cross talk. Also to eliminate / reduce the Overreach effect,
the Frequencies used in adjacent Tracks shall be distinctly different.
• Particular orders of frequencies are used for adjacent track circuits. order of
frequencies are f1, f3, f6 or f2, f7, f5. Generally f4 is used to break the pattern
and also at S&C. frequency f9 is also used.
• If the train picks up a different order frequency or no signal is received for about a
meter, train brakes are applied automatically.
• Track circuits are used for train detection as well as to transmit the Train Control
information to the train.

• AFTC Configuration shall also be used for transmission of Telegrams for ATP
System. Transmission of Telegram Signals for ATP System shall commence when
the Track circuit is occupied.
• Change-over from Normal Code of transmission for ‘Track circuit Vacancy
Detection’ to ATP Code transmission for controlling the movement of Trains, shall
be controlled via sensing of the ‘Level Decrease’, when the level of the Track
circuit Signal in the Receiver falls below a certain level.
• When a ‘Level Increase’ is registered, the ATP Code transmission shall cease and
Normal Code transmission shall commence.


• The Train Control & Signalling System shall be based on Fail-safe Computers and
Safety-critical Software.
• The System shall be configured with Fibre Optic Transmission System (FOTS)
based WAN as the backbone of transmission of both vital and non-vital information
between CBIs and Trackside ATP equipment.
• The Track side Systems shall be connected to the Central ATS (CATS) System at
the Operation Control Centre (OCC) again through the FOTS for performing the
function of Supervision and Regulation of Traffic on the line.


Safety shall be the primary consideration in the Design and Performance requirements for the
System. To meet these requirements:
• All Safety-critical equipments shall be designed to Conform to Fail-safe Principles
in respect of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS),
Manufactured and Validated to meet the Safety Integrity Level-4 (SIL-4), as defined
in the CENELAC Standards EN50126, EN50128 & EN 50129.
• The System, in totality, shall Conform to SIL-4 in accordance with CENELAC
Standard EN50129 for Safety-related Electronics System for Signalling and with
CENELAC Standard EN50128 for Software for Control and Protection System.
• ATS and ATO systems shall be designed , manufactured and validated to SIL level
2 as defined in the CENELEC standard EN50126, EN50128 and EN50129.


24.5 Automatic Train Control System is Continuous type

It is provided with Cab Signalling. System includes three sub-systems.
• Automatic Train Protection(ATP) for safety of Train Operation
• Automatic Train Operation(ATO) for controlling train operations
• Automatic Train Supervision(ATS) for overall control from the Control Centre
• All important subsystems are duplicated for reliability

24.5.1 ATP
Provides automatic train control from station to station within the safety envelope calculated
by ATP.
• The Main function of ATP System is to ensure ‘Safe Train Separation’ and ‘Safe
Train Movement’.
• It has got two parts Trackside ATP and Train Borne ATP.
• The ATP’s Intelligence and safe Decision Making Process shall be mainly with the
On-board ATP Equipment. It is also stored with the needed Rolling Stock
• Safety Information in respect of field Entities are also provided by the Computer
Based Interlocking for the Track circuit Occupancy and by the Way-side ATP
equipment for the Track profile like Curves, Gradients, Location / Position of
Signals & Points, Location of Stopping Point, and Permanent & Temporary Speed
Restrictions etc.
• Communication between the Track and Train-borne equipment is through Coded
AFTCs, in the form of ATP Telegrams. The Telegrams shall be received by the
Train through a pair of Pick-up Coils with antennas mounted on both sides of the
first Bogie above the axle. For redundancy both leading and rear Car are
• The Train-borne equipment acts as a Train Operator does. It receives information
from the Track, calculates the Speed versus Location Profile and deduce Orders
such as ‘Stop at this Point’ or ‘Reduce the Speed to this level at this Point’ etc.
• The Communication Link between the Track & Train shall also be used to transmit
the Train ID and Alarms & Messages to the Track side ATC equipment.

Trackside ATP:
• ATC Trackside equipment consists: ATC Cubicle, TWC Rack & Beacons. Uses
2oo3 redundancy principle.
• Detects the exact position of train continuously.
• Measures the speed of the train.
• Displays the target speed and the target distance at Man Machine Interface.
• Gathers all the information regarding the track and needed by Train. Transfers the
information from track to train about the position of train ahead.
• Receives Trainborne ATC data describing alarms messages.
Dispatches information to the its interfaces:
• LATS, Maintenance Terminal, ASCV
• Adjacent Trackside ATC, SDTC, DLR
Prepares data for Trainborne ATC describing:
• The track singularities (speed, points, signals, beacons,…)
• the status of the track (Track circuit occupancy, …)
• the temporary speed restriction
• the regulation message (timetable, Train ID, …)
• clock value for synchronisation
Protects data for Safety related messages (protection against
transmission corruption, delay of transmission and memory allocation)
• Enforces platform for an optimum liability and availability.
Train borne ATP:
• ATC train borne equipment consists of ATP Train borne cubicle & ODO meter
• Train Engine is provided with two pick up coils ahead of first axle of both driving
cars. Pick up coils receives data from rails which is given by track circuit and feed
feed to the On Board Automatic Train Control System.
• Calculates and displays the maximum permissible speed depending on target
speed/distance, train characteristics and terrain.
• Causes brake application if the train speed exceeds the safe speed.
• Detects roll back of train and causes brake application
• Ensures that the train deceleration rate used for braking is reached within specified
time of service brake application, otherwise application of emergency brake takes
• On Board ATC calculates the target speed based on the Data received from the

24.5.2 ATO
• System consists short transmission loops which are called beacons (duplicated),
give the train its station stop commands.
• Main function of ATO System is to run the Trains between the Stations
automatically without the intervention of the Train Operator.
• ATO System shall generates Speed Control to the Traction and Braking System of
the Train with respect to the Computed Speed Profile.
• ATO System shall ensure that the Train achieves timely, accurate and smooth
Station Stops or stopping ahead of a restrictive point.
• ATO System shall also control the Train Doors during Station Stops under the
supervision of the ATP System without the intervention of the Train Operator.

Functionality of ATO:
• Operates within parameters set by ATS
• Regulates speed
• Ensures accurate station stop
• Executes signal stops and provides automatic restart from signal stops
• Provides indication to train operator/motorman to open or to close doors.


Direction of Travel

Train.2 Station Train.1

ATO Spot ATO Spot ATO Spot ATP Transmission Codes

ATP Data ATP Data

Block A1 Block A2 Block A3

Data from Data from Blocks ahead Data from Blocks ahead
Block ahead

ATS Instructions

ATS computer
Train Location Data Train Location Data

Overview of ATS as applied to a fixed block system

24.5.3 ATS
• Automatic Train Supervision (ATS) System with Automatic Route Setting (ATS)
and Automatic Train Regulation (ATR).
• Main function of ATS System shall be automatic management of Train movement
with due interface with the ATP/ATO/CBI Systems for Automatic Route Setting and
Automatic Train Regulation.
• ATS System shall supervise the Train movement continuously and optimize the
Train movements in case of abnormalities.
• This shall be achieved by assigning Train Identification Numbers (TIDs),
• Monitoring the operation of each Train, modifying the Dwell times at each Station,
• if required, Modifying Train operations to optimize Headways,
• Run-time and also provides Outputs to the Passenger Information Display System
(PIDS) Units at each Station.
• It provides Overall control from Operations Control Centre.
Functionality of ATS:
• Monitors train position and progress
• Sends commands to station interlocking
• Adjusts stay time at stations
• Controls Train dispatching
• Provides outputs to platform indicators and/or other passenger/management
information media.
• Computes train schedules
• Displays train service status to train controller
• Does logging and compilation of records
• Executes instructions received from train controller
• Interfaces with other sub systems such as Train Radio.
Local Automatic Train Supervision(LATS) subsystem


• Supervision of Network upto Central ATS

• Regulation of traffic for typical journey :
• beginning and end of daily exploitation

• off hours and peak hours
• Regulation of traffic for degraded situations :
• request for new routes depending on the failure location
• request of new timetable for trains on the track
• Ability for management of other systems (fire detection, ticketing, Train Information
system for announcements …)
• Preventive maintenance operations like Supervision of traffic, Setting of
Temporary Speed Restrictions, Estimation of working hours of an equipment and
its number of operations.
• Detection and localisation of failed equipment for corrective maintenance.

24.5 ASCV subsystem

• ASCV subsystem is of smart lock with SIL4 used along with Alstom smart lock
Computer Based Interlocking. uses of applicative FSFB2 protocol and
transmission HDLC protocol. Hot standby is provided for redundancy.
• It controls interlocking functions. Interlocking must be fail-safe. Interlocking
ensures that signals display a stop aspect, and that points can’t be moved under
failure conditions.
• Route availability checked by ATS in addition to interlocking
• Automatic route setting is controlled by ATS or LATS or CCIP or VDU
• Manages the points and signals as per the route requested by LATS Automatic
working (Fleet mode of operation) is provided for signals.
• TORR facility is provided:
• ASCV collects field data from signaling & station equipment and transmits to ATC
NET to connect other interlockings and also local ATS.

24.7 SDTC subsystem
• Track/Train interfaces are SDTC subsystem, Beacons and Down Link Module
• Train can be driven under automatic control
• Regulation functions are available
• ensures respect of timetable during the journey and while in station
• enables display of train journey
• Ability to perform an automatic change of end
• Automatic management of the Train doors
• Management of Temporary speed restriction
• Full redundancy of trainborne equipment
• Management of on board failures and alarms

24.8 Trackside Equipment

• Field equipment:
An induction loop
Rail continuity
Tuning unit
• SER equipment
Digital Track Circuit
TWC rack
• Links to ASCV and ATC

• Beacons
Moving Train Initialisation Beacon
Stationary Train Initialisation Beacon
Re-localisation Beacon
• Down Link Module
For train to track message (maintenance info and alarms)

Line side are Fixed Signals – intermediate and Junction signals with Route indicators on the
Main line and at the Entry and Exit to all other Interlockings and Depots for bi-directional
Location of Fixed Signals shall be such that Trains will stop at a Safe Distance from any
Fouling movement or location.
Line side Running Signals shall be of three Aspects:
• RED: A Train must be brought to Stop short of the Signal. RED Aspect shall indicate that
either Route is not set and locked or the first Track circuit after the Signal is occupied or
one of the two track circuits for a crossover or the fouling track circuit is occupied if
• VIOLET: Conditional Proceed. It indicates that the Route is set and locked but not fully
clear. The first Track circuit after the Signal is not clear or the GREEN Aspect has failed or
the Route indicator has failed.
A train operating under Cab Signals may proceed under the authority of the Cab Signals
but a Train operating on the sole authority of Line side Signals must Stop.
• In ATP Mode – driver can act in accordance with the Target Speed / Distance
• In Restricted Manual (RM) Mode / Running on Sight (ROS) Mode – it shall be
interpreted as ‘STOP’.
• In RM or ROS or CO Modes, Operators shall never pass a Signal showing RED or
VIOLET Aspect, until the Operator obtains a formal authorization from the Central
• GREEN: Proceed. Route is set and locked and the Track circuits up to the next Fixed
Signal are clear.
A signal shall not show Green aspect unless the overlap is set and locked, the
Route indicator is lit in accordance with the control given ,the fouling track circuit is
clear if existing.
• Cascading or Cutting-in arrangement is provided for the signal lamp circuit to avoid
detention to trains in case the Off aspect lamp fuses.

24.10 Track circuit coding

• Data is collected and fed to onboard ATC, which calculates target speed.
• Track to train interface is given by SDTC, Beacons & Down link receptor module
• ATO functions Automatic opening of train doors execute programmed staffs
• Safe distance between trains is performed by ATP
• ATP control unit receives the data from blocks head, converts that into speed limit
for the block it controls and sense the data to track which is picked by the train.
• The information can be transferred either through track circuits or Beacons located
along the track.
• ATP sends the data to ATS computer which compares with the time table to
determine whether the train is running as per the schedule or late or early. To adjust
the train timings ATS can send commands to ATO.
• When working in Manual mode, ATP still ensures safety requirements, but ATO is
• Driver stops at the station using cab controls
• ATO performs non-safety part of train operation to tell train approaching station and
where to stop.
• Train approach a station with clear signals it can do normal run, When it reaches
first ATO, a station break command is received by train. An Onboard computer
calculates the breaking curve and stops it at correct point.
• Trains ATP equipment only the train speed against the permitted speed limit in that
block. if the train goes above that speed an emergency brake application will be
• When the train enters the first block with a speed restriction in the code, the train is
also told how far the stopping point is.
• Using the line map in its memory , On board computer knows where the train is. It
calculates the required braking curve accordingly. As the train brakes the computer
checks the progress down the curve to check the train never goes outside it.
• The on board map of the line is updated regularly during the trip by fixed track
mounted beacons laid between the rails.
• Train provides three braking curves
Normal braking curve which train should brake
Warning curve with audio visual warning to the driver.
Emergency braking curve which force emergency brake the driver does not control.


• Computer Based Interlocking (CBI), both for Main line and Depots
• The System is designed for Headway of 120 Seconds.
• The Main function of Interlocking System shall be to provide the requisite
Interlocking, Control and Indication functions as also support all the feasible Train
movements in the Yard.
• The CBI shall be based on Entry-Exit System and shall have separate Controls,
upon operation of which the Trains will be allowed to operate in reverse direction
except at Terminals and Turn-back Stations.
• The System shall interface with CATC Systems.
• The Interlocking System shall ensure that:
• Conflicting Routes cannot be set.
• Points are only moved, when all the safety conditions are met.
• Signals only clear to a Proceed Aspect, when all the Safety conditions are fulfilled.
• The System is Fail-safe and failures shall not provoke an unsafe situation. Under
failure conditions, Signals shall display a Stop Aspect and Points shall not be
moved and shall remain in their last operated position.
• In Normal Operation, the Route shall be released by the Train movement, if the
Route is not set in the Fleet Mode.
• However, it shall be possible for an Operator to release the Route with a specific
Local / Remote Control, as per the requirements of Operations as also to meet the
emergent situations.
• The Interlocking System, on receipt of a Route Remote Control from the Local
ATS (the Command either originated from the Central ATS (CATS) or the Local
ATS itself), shall permit to:
• Control and Lock the Points to the position required by the Route.
• Set up the Route.
• Lock the Sub-routes of the Route.
• Lock the Route.
• Set Direction of Traffic (DOT).
• Authorise the Route.
• Set the Aspect of the Signal, at the origin of the Route, to ‘PROCEED’

24.12 Control Terminal with VDU Display

• It consists of a Color VDU Monitor, a Keyboard & Mouse or Digitiser to allow
Trains to be controlled on the Section, in case of failure of the ATS System.
• It provides required interlocking, control and indication functions and supports all
feasible movements in the yard. System interfaces with CATC systems.
• Route control may be originated either from central ATS or Local ATS.
• Control terminal with VDU display consists of color VDU monitor, a key board and
mouse or digitizer.
• Data Transmission is through Fibre Optic Transmission System (FOTS) based on
WAN as the backbone transmission of both vital and non-vital information between
CBI and trackside ATP equipment. Trackside system shall be connected to
central ATS at OCC through FOTS.
• AFTC configuration shall also be used for transmission of telegrams for ATP.
• Train operating modes:
• ATP mode: driver operates train manually as per the indications provided in the
• Cut-Out Mode: this mode is used when On board ATO and ATP equipment
fails.driver is guided by the lineside signals.
• Restricted Manual Mode: it is the default mode of operation in Depot. This mode is
used when Cab signal inputs are not available. In this mode the speed is limited to
• Running On Sight mode: Mode selector remains in ATP position and ROS is
selected by the driver and runs on sight with speed not exceeding 25 KMPH.
Running monitoring is the same as for RM. This mode remains in operation until
sufficient conditions have been met to allow for a transfer to ATP mode.
• Signaling with test track facility shall be provided at Depots to test the train borne


• Electrical Point Machines used on BMRC are Jeumont make MJ 81 working on
380V AC 3 phase supply.
• Pooint machines are with Clamp Locks and built-in Electrical detection.
• Point Machines on Main Running lines are of Locked type and Non-Trailable and
those provided in the Depot arel also of Non Trailable type.

24.14 DEPOTS
Signalling Facilities to be provided in the Depots shall be as under:
• Signalling for movement of Rakes for various Maintenance facilities within the
Depots. Movements within the Depots beyond the entrance Interlockings, shall be
controlled by Line side Shunt and Stop Signals.
• ATS link having a separate duplicated ATS Server System shall be used. ATS
System at Depot shall continuously present dynamic and static overview of Train
movement & Signaling Information within the Depot Control Area and for the
Tracks connecting to Main line.
• Transfer Tracks or Cut-in / Cut-out Tracks, of suitable lengths in between the
Depot and Main line, for switching in to and out of RM / ROS Mode from Normal
Operation Modes, while entering or leaving the Depot.
• Test Track shall be provided to dynamically test the Train-borne ATC System. Test
Track shall be equipped with full Trackside ATP / ATO Systems for Train Tests to
be conducted within the limitations of the Test Track length.


• Mobile Train Radio System shall be provided to enable the Train Operator to contact OCC
/ SCR in case of Emergency.
• Train Radio System shall, inter-alia, interface with Train Control and Signalling System to
enable it to report the Alarm and Status of the Train-borne Signalling Equipment to the
OCC and for dynamic registration of Train Identification Number (TID) with the System.

25.1 DC Traction
Prior to 1950s, direct current (DC) was only form of electrical energy used for traction
purposes in UK.

650 V DC Third Rail System

• System provides nominal 650/750 V DC. Supplied to trains via a third rail mounted outside
the running rails. Return path for traction current is via either or both running rails.
• Due to exposed nature of conductor rails, voltage is kept relatively low. This resulted in
high currents for operation. This in turn caused heavy Voltage drop In transmission.

1500 V DC

• Using overhead catenary wires enabled the supply voltage to be increased to 1500V. But
the necessity for bigger size overhead conductor and the structures to support it proved
very expensive.
• In 1950s 25 KV AC Electrification was introduced. The current requirements and the
resultant voltage drop were dramatically reduced. Catenary conductor size reduced and
overhead support structures became lighter.
• This helped in locating the Supply substations at a much greater distance apart, reducing
the overall costs
• All overhead 1500 V DC systems in UK have now been converted to 25 KV
• 1925 – 1500V D.C. Electric traction was introduced between n - 16 BBVT
and Kurla..
• 1931 – section between Madras Beach and Tambaram of Southern
Railway was electrified.
• August 1960 - Indian Railways introduced 25 KV AC traction. Since then
about 16,000 RKMs have been put to traction systems on Indian Railways.
• 405 RKM in Bombay area still continuing with 1500 V D.C. traction.
• Present day Metro system in India uses 650V DC traction.

25.2 Electrification - Advantages vs Disadvantages

• Increased track capacity - Locomotive - Faster and more powerful
• Less fuel consumption – with employment of regenerative braking fuel
consumption is further lowered
• Electric locomotives are cheaper, having longer life, are less complex,
have greater reliability, compared to Diesel counterpart
• Environment friendly
• High basic capital cost
• Possibility of electrical hazards
• Visual intrusion of the overhead system
• Electrical interference with communication systems.

System consists of
• Feeder Stations,
• Track Sectioning cabins/locations,
• 25 KV Overhead line Contact system
• Associated SCADA systems

25.3 Traction Power supply

• Traction Power supplies are obtained generally from 132 KV National Grid system.
• System requires Feeder stations, track section cabins/locations, 25KV overhead
line contact system and associated SCADA system.
• Supplies are taken by Railways in duplicate as single phase current at 25 KV
through 132/25 KV transformers, of 5 MVA to 26.5 MVA nominal capacity
• Supplies are taken to Railway feeder stations
• Nominal supply voltage - 25 KV - single phase – 50 Hz
• Normal voltage range - Varies between 27.5 KV to 16.5 KV
• Normal frequency +/- 1%
• Electrification fixed equipment - All the lineside equipment that is provided for
supplying electricity to electric trains Includes the following:
• Overhead line equipment (OLE) and its structures and foundations
• Trackside switching stations
• Booster transformers
• Bonding arrangements

25.4 Electrical traction arrangement

Switching stations can be
• Feeder stations –
• from where Electricity Supply is supplied to OLE, or
• Track Sectioning cabins or Track Sectioning Locations - which perform
function of switching, sectioning, paralleling and electrical protection
• Generally they are kept at 20 to 30 miles apart
• Switchgear is remotely controlled by supervisory control from Electrical Control
Room concerned (SCADA system).
• To keep the unbalance on the 3 phase grid system within specified limits, power
for traction is tapped off across different phases at adjacent feeder in cyclic order
• A Feeder station normally maintains two supply transformers, each feeding
different directions.

• It is a transmission line or cable in the electrical power distribution system for:
• Bringing a supply of electricity to a Feeder station
• Connecting the Feeder station or Track Sectioning Cabin or Track
Sectioning Location to overhead line equipment and also to Signalling
• Supplies to Stations and Signalling
• Cable from feeder stations are run either underground or in troughing at ground

• Feeder switch – A switch mounted on a OLE supporting structure , provided to
connect a section of OLE to its feeder at a switching station
• Section switch – A switch mounted on a OLE supporting structure , provided to
connect one section or subsection of OLE to another

• Cables from Feeder Stations are generally terminated in sealed ends adjacent to
overhead feeding switches.
• Short jumpers are usually installed between termination of bare feeders or sealing
ends of cables and switches and also between switches and the OLE.

25.5 Overhead Line equipment (OLE) includes
• Wires suspended over the Railway line for supplying electricity to Electric trains
and the associated equipment like Fittings, Insulators, Feeders, Switches,
Jumpers, Return conductors.

• Catenary wire is carried on insulators or insulated supports Contact wire is

suspended from the catenary wire by means of droppers. Normal height of contact
wire above rail level is 4.7 m(15 ft 5 inches) or 4.9 m (16 feet). Catenary is made of
stranded Cadmium Copper Cable of about 65 section
• Contact wire is grooved hard drawn Copper wire of 107/150 cross-section.
• Contact wire: is staggered (i.e. offset from track centre line) at structures, so as to
prevent grooving of contact surface of the pantograph
• Neutral section: A short section of the OLE which isolate electrically, even during
the passage of the pantographs of electric trains
• Terminal end: The point where OLE is finally terminated both in physical and
electrical sense. In other words, it does not butt or overlap with any other OLE.
• Section: A length of OLE between switching stations or a switching station and a
terminal end
• Sub – section: Part of a section that can be isolated from other lengths of OLE by
operating overhead line switch.
• Headspan: A form of construction where the OLE is supported by wires
suspended from masts on each side of track.
• Headspan wire: A wire suspended across tracks and from which overhead line
equipment is suspended

• Pantograph: A device mounted on the roof of an electric traction unit. It contains
carbon strips. When raised, it presses against underside of contact wire and
electricity is collected from OLE

• Current is collected from the OLE by the train pantograph and the return passes
through train unit equipment, axles & wheels of the traction unit and to the running
• Simplest return path provided for traction current is “Rail return”
• One rail of each track is normally designated as “traction return rail”. On plain track
it is normally rail nearest the cess.
• In areas of complex arrangements traction return rail changes in order to meet
track circuit arrangements but by cross bonding a continuous path must be
maintained throughout
• Current is returned to the feeder Station either by traction return running rails
which are connected to Feeder station with cables or by return conductors.
• Part of current is returned to the Feeder station through the general mass of earth.
• Sometimes additional conductor is provided to carry return current to reduce the
electromagnetic effect on lineside telecomm. Cables. Reduction is of order of 45%
• To drive the return current through Return Conductors, Booster Transformers are
provided. Booster transformers are installed at overhead line overlap spans,
generally at intervals of 3.2 Kms
• Primary winding is connected in series with 25 KV overhead line conductor system
and secondary wining in series with associated return conductor
• Return conductors are supported from the overhead line structures by insulators
and are connected to the running rails midway between BT locations, and to the
neutral of the incoming 25 KV supply at the feeder stations (mid point connectors).

• BT produces current in RC which approximates catenary current in magnitude but
is in anti-phase (opposite direction of flow in secondary winding)
• Secondary circuit of BT is low impedance loop via RC, adjacent mid point
connectors and rail/earth. Each BT deals with a 2 miles section.
• BT/RC system can achieve maximum suppression of induction as much as 95%,
with the load at mid –point connector.

• Automatic Power control (APC)
• It is a system which automatically powers down the traction unit and
disconnects it via on board circuit breaker before it enters the neutral section,
and reconnects it after passage
• This is done to prevent drawing of a damaging arc, by the traction unit, if it
remains powered in the neutral section
• APC uses permanent inductors on sleeper ends either side of neutral section
which are sensed by bogie mounted receivers on the traction unit.

25.6 Bonds
It connects electrically different electrical conductors or equipment. Different types of
bondings are in use.
• Traction return running rail bonding
Provided to ensure electrical continuity of traction return running rails.
• Rail Bonds
Bonding across fish plated joints for traction return current purposes is not required
in running lines but shall be installed in sidings and shall be in duplicate at each
• Continuity Bonds
Bonding is required in traction return rails at all points and crossing work when the
continuity of traction return rail is interrupted and in expansion joints in
continuously welded rail.
Transposition bond is a continuity bond provided when in single rail traction return
areas, the traction return rail changes from one side of the track to another.
• Cross Bonds
Track to Track Cross Bonds
A bond between traction return rails of the same track or adjacent tracks
At all switching stations and locations where connections to rail are made from
earth wires longer than 400 m or from return conductors, all traction return rails
should be bonded together
In double rail traction return areas with track circuits this shall be done by
connections to the centre taps of impedance bonds.
Additional bonds shall be provided such that intervals between successive track to
track bonds do not exceed laid down spacing.

• Rail to Rail Cross Bonding

In areas without track circuits only, the two rails of each track shall be bonded
together at buffer stops, toes of points and at intervals not exceeding 400 m

• Yellow bond
A bond which is required for track circuit integrity and may also carry traction
return current. Bond is identified by Yellow color.

• Red Bond
A bond which if disconnected, could under normal operating conditions, result in
either the bond, or the equipment to which it is connected rising to a dangerously
high potentialand identified by Red color. E.g. Bonds connected to the running rails
from switching stations, Return conductors, Auxiliary supplies transformers,
Earthing devices, harmonic dampers etc.

• Structure Bond
A bond connecting the steelwork of an OLE structure of bridge, or other metal
structure, to the traction return circuit.
S&T is responsible for the integrity of –
• All Rail joint bonds,
• All insulated joints,
• All Rail to impedance bond connections and connections between
impedance bonds on the same track.
• And for identification marking of the traction return rail

Electrical department is responsible for the integrity of all other permanent traction

• Impedance bond
A device which allows traction return current to flow freely, impedes the flow of
track circuit current
Used where both rails are traction return rails and are equipped with double rail
track circuits

25.7 Effects of A C Traction on Signalling & Telecommunication systems.

• Affects Visibility of signals
• Causes Electrical Interference due to Conduction, Electric (Electrostatic) and
Electromagnetic induction.

25.7.1 Visibility and Location of Signals

• Signals should be so located that their minimum required visibility is not affected
by OLE masts, insulators, wires etc. and they have the visibility as required by the
• Implantation of successive OLE masts in front of the signal is staggered, giving
extra sitting distance.
• Restrictions on minimum distance exist on placement of the signal behind the OLE
mast and in front of the mast.
• When signals are to be erected on the same side of OHE masts, the signal
erected immediately behind an OHE mast will have its visibility very badly
obstructed by the mast.
• The distance between the signals and the mast in front of it must not be less than
30 metres.
• At the same time, it would not be desirable to locate the signal closer than 10
metres from the mast behind it. This distance may be reduced to 3 metres
• The mast is not anchored.
• It is ensured that the contact wire is staggered away from the signal.

• Provision of Multiple Aspect Color Light Signals are preferred in electrified

sections to give better information about the status of signal in advance.
However, there may be contingencies which may necessitate the retention of
Semaphore Signals.

25.7.2 Electrical Interference

• Conduction covers all possibilities of coupling via earthing points or direct contact
between power line system and a communication circuit conductor.

Interference due to Electrostatic and Electro Magnetic Induction:

Electro-static Induction
• The Electro-static field emanates from the positive charge and ends at the
negative charge unlike magnetic lines of force, all of which form closed circuits
• Any conductor that exists within the field will get charged. In another words, the
power conductor and the S&T conductor in the vicinity can be deemed to have
small capacitance to earth and between themselves, the magnitude of these
capacitances depends on the physical separation, atmospheric conditions etc.
• The power developed in the S&T circuit by Electrostatic influence is
proportional to the distance over which the catenary and S&T circuits are
parallel. The power developed will be least when the S&T circuit is
perpendicular to the catenary.
• The magnitude of the voltage induced in the S&T conductor under the
influence of the traction wire, depends on the relative position and not on
its length.
• The voltage induced electrostatically in an overhead line situated at a distance of
10 metres from the track is calculated to be about 3000V. If the parallelism of this
line is 1 KM and if some one were to touch this line, a current of about 4 milliamps
will flow through the body of the person. This would give 'a nasty shock. If the
value of the current is 15 milliamps, it would prove to be fatal to a person.

Electro- Magnetic Induction:
• Any current carrying conductor produces magnetic field around it. Alternating
current produces magnetic field that is alternating. Thus, A.C. traction sets up an
alternating magnetic field.
• Any conductor linking with these magnetic lines of force, has a voltage induced in
it according to the well known "Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction" which
states that "Whenever the, number of lines of force linking with a circuit changes,
an e.m.f. is induced in the circuit proportional to the rate of change of flux".
• The magnitude of the induced voltage is also dependent on the current, the
distance of separation, the surrounding medium etc.
• When the entire outward and return current is restricted to two conductors located
physically close to each other, the induced voltage on a third conductor due to
each one of these will cancel, leaving a resultant which is very nearly zero.
• In the case of A.C. traction system, the current drawn from the power sub-station
by a locomotive is fed through the catenary and is returned through the rail
system. If all the" return current passes through the rails, the resultant induced
voltage in a conductor within the vicinity is negligible.
• However, in practice the return current passes from the wheels of the locomotive
to the running rails and a portion of the current passes through the ballast into the
earth. Some of this portion penetrates deeply into the earth, some leaves 'the earth
to find a path in other rails, cable sheaths, metal pipes and similar conductors
parallel to the track.

25.8 Objectives of Signaling are as under:

• Ensure that interference from Traction system cannot, cause the signalling system
to exhibit a false clear indication, or affects in any way the safe operation of trains.
• Minimize the danger to life from electric shock, derived from traction system

25.8 Rail reduction factor

• If there is no parallel path through the earth, the whole of the traction return current
would flow in the rails throughout their length, the screening factor of the rails
would have a low value i.e., the rails would have provided an effective screening.
• But their effectiveness is reduced, since some traction return current leaves them
and flows in the parallel path provided by the earth.
• Screening factor is lower near the vehicle and near the sub-station than
elsewhere because the large portion of the traction return current flows in the
rails at these places.
• More return current through the rails helps in reducing the induced voltage to
certain extent. This property of the rail current is defined as RAIL REDUCTION
• Rail reduction factor improves with more current passing through rails. For this
cross bonding of return rails is done, thereby a greater reduction in induced E.M.F
can be achieved. Rail reduction factor is lower in the case of double and quadruple
tracks than in the case of single track.
• Rail reduction factor is 0.56 in the case of single track and 0.4 in the case of
double track.

Screening due to Induced Currents in Rails:
• As already stated, any conductor linking with magnetic lines of, force produced by
traction currents, will have an induced voltage. The rails, being conductors, also
will have voltages 'induced on account of the magnetic lines of force of the traction
• This induced current in the rails due to Electro- magnetic induction introduces a
further screening factor and one affected in the opposite way by the resistance of
the path through the earth.
• If the contact resistance between rails and ballast and earth resistivity are high,
little induced current can flow and there is correspondingly little screening effect
from the rails.

25.6.9 Cable Screening Factor: Due to use of Screened cable

• Presence of a conductor in the magnetic field of the main source, reduces
induced voltage. This property has been taken advantage of in the manufacturing
of cables.
• While the cable cores are individually insulated and provided with insulated
sheathing to make them compact, one more metallic sheathing is provided over
• The entire cores and metallic sheath are then covered by an insulated overall
sheathing. This metallic sheathing can be in the form of an aluminium extruded
pipes or strips of Aluminium covering the cores. They are called Screened Cables.
• To reduce the induced voltage in the core, the sheath must carry current in
opposite direction to catenary current. For this, cable sheath should be part of a
return current circuit that is completed through the earth.
• For effective screening, earthing of cable sheath at frequent intervals is required
• Cable Screening factor (Kc) = R/Z where R = DC resistance of the sheath and Z=
Self impedance of sheath with earth return
• Kc can be reduced by increasing DC resistance of the sheath and increasing and
by adding inductance to screen/earth circuit.
• Thus a low screening factor can be obtained by using either a low resistance cable
sheath or by the provision of lappings of metal tapes of suitable permeability or by
a combination of both
• A low resistance cable sheath can be obtained by the use of copper conductors in
addition to the lead sheath or by the use of an aluminium sheath, which has a
resistance 1/7 of that of a similar sized lead sheathed cable.
• A typical 50 Hz screening factor of cable with an aluminium sheath (of resistance
0.27 ohm/Km) and nominal earthing of 4 ohm at 1000 metre spacing would be 0.4.
• If the inductance is increased by the addition of 4 steel armouring tapes, this
screening factor will be reduced to about 0.025.
• Screening factor achieved is directly related to the current flowing in the cable
• For cable 32 km in length, earthed at each end, having a resistance of 5 ohms,
and has a sheath resistance of 1 ohm/km, Kc is 0.85. Reducing the sheath
resistance to 0.06 ohms/km improves the screening and gives a screening factor
of approximately 0.47.

• This is not a great improvement relative to the reduction of sheath resistance and it
is obvious that there is little point in reducing the sheath resistance further when
the main parameter determining the screening factor is the resistance of the earth
• In order to reduce the effect of earth resistance, the cable sheath is earthed at
frequent intervals along its route. An interval of 1,000 mtrs. has been chosen in
order to coincide with cable joints based on 500 mtrs. standard cable lengths
• An earth resistance of 4 ohms has been chosen for these earth points and where
more than one cable is installed in the same cable route, these cables should be
bonded to each other and to earth. The earth resistance then necessary is 4/n
ohms (where 'n' is the number of cables in the route).

25.6.10 Other Screening Effects

A portion of the traction return current passes through the earth and other metallic objects
lying in the earth beside the rails. There may be other cables, water pipes etc., in the path of
the traction return current and these also tend to reduce the induced voltage in S&T

CCITT limits for Induced Longitudinal Emf

• To avoid danger to persons and risk of damage to cable and apparatus, the
longitudinal emf arising in a telephone circuit from a short circuit in a power line
with flow of current through earth should not exceed 430 V rms
• Longitudinal induced emf during normal operation of the power line should not
exceed 60V rms
• Standard practice on B.R. is for all Telecom installations to comply with above

Electrical Clearances as specified by Indian Railways

• In case a high voltage conductor, a minimum electrical clearance is to be provided
to safeguard against flashing/arcing. For 25 KV A.C. the electrical clearance
specified is 600 mm from the live conductor.
• Besides the above, in the matter of electrical clearances, the fundamental rule to
be observed is that no one is allowed, under normal conditions, to come closer
than 2.75 metres from the extreme positions of the live parts of OHE.
• When the signals are to be located closer to 2.75 m zone , a screen of wire mesh
shall be provided between the signal post and the OHE to protect the staff who
may have to work within the shaded area.

Type of cables
• In the vicinity of 25KV A.C. electrified section, aerial lines are not permitted, as
they are susceptible to Electro-static induction. Hence, all the circuits are
transferred to underground cables.
• The main cables on AC electrified sections shall ordinarily be PVC insulated
screened and armored cable to IRS specification No.S.35/92.
• Special precautions are to be taken in laying of cables in electrified sections.

25.6.11 Traction current contamination
• Signal equipment used such as point machines, track circuits and relays in AC
traction area, should be AC immune to minimize the effects of AC Traction.
• E.g. Use of permanent magnet type Electric point machines of type BS 581 and
BR spec. 902,
• Point control relays – BR 943 or 966, which are fully immunized to AC
• Point detection Relays and their repeat relays are polarized type, to BR spec. 932
A 50V operating, which are fully immunized to AC.

Induction from parallel AC or high frequency circuits

• All DC external circuits should use AC immune relays.

Induced voltage in the cable core

It is given by formula
E = Induced voltage in Cable Conductor/KM = ZI Kr Kc Km
Z = j ω M and ω=2 π f
Where ω = angular frequency
Z = mutual impedance between OLE & S&T conductor per unit length (in ohms)
M = Mutual inductance between OLE & S&T conductor per unit length (in henries)
I = Catenary Current
Kr = Rail reduction factor
Kc = Cable Screening factor
Km = Mutual Screening factor due to presence of other cables, metallic bodies in the
vicinity. This need not be considered while calculating the induced EMF, as there
may not be any other metallic body in the vicinity.
Induced Voltage for Screened cables with normal traction currents

• (I) Catenary current of 600 amps. on double/multiple track and 300 amps. on
single track sections.
Short circuit fault current of 3500 amps.
Soil resistivity of 250 Ohm-metre with Catenary-cable separation of 6 metres.
Rail Impedance of 0.558 ohm/KM.
(Kr) Rail Reduction Factor (Kr) = 0.56 for single track, 0.4 for double track.
(Kc) Cable-Screening Factor (Kc) = 0.4
(Km) Mutual Screening factor due to presence of other cables in the vicinity (Km) =
(M) Mutual Induction = 1100 Micro henrys per kilometre.
• Substituting the above values in the formula
E=2 π f M I Kr Kc Km / KM.
• =33.15 volts / Km for double track section
=30.14 volts / Km for single track section.
• Since the duration of short circuit fault is quite small (less than 300 milliseconds)
the effect of normal traction current only was taken into account except in case of
stick relay circuit where the operating time of the relay was suitably modified to
take into consideration the short circuit duration.
• In case of track circuit equipment connected across the track, the effect of
maximum short circuit fault is taken into account.

Induced Voltage for screened cables with higher catenary currents

The Revised Design norms are given below:-
• Catenary Current: 800 Amps on Single Line
1000 Amps on Double Line.
• Soil Resistivity: 1500 Ohm. Metres.
• Rail Impedance: 0.701 Single Line (when both lines are
available for traction return current)
• Rail Impedance: 0.561 Double Line (when all the four lines
are available for traction return current).
• Rail Reduction Factor 0.3926 Single Line (when both the rails are
available for traction return current)
0.2666 Double Line (when all the four rails
are available for traction return current)
• Track Cable Separation : 8m - Single line (when both the rails are
available for traction return current)
9m - Double line (when all the four rails are
available for traction return current).
• Note: It is at this separation distance, the maximum induced volt occurs. At other
distances the induced voltages are less.
• Induced voltage for Unscreened Cable with -armouring earthed.
• The Induced Voltage under the above parameters, is calculated as:-
• 95 V/KM for Double Line
• 116 V/KM for. Single Line
• Even though the induced voltage is less on single line than in double line, the
higher induced voltage of Double Line Section to be considered as standard value
for both Single and Double Lines in designing the signalling system, as the
difference between the two induced voltages was not appreciable.

"Glow Voltage“
• Lowest voltage at which signal lamp can glow is called the "Glow Voltage“. Below
this voltage there will be no illumination. This Glow Voltage is found to be 2.3 volts
for signal lamp working on 12 volts.
• In case of 2 earth faults in the signal lamp circuit (one at the farther end of one
limb and the other at the nearest end of the other limb), the induced voltage can
appear at the primary of the signal lamp transformer. This induced voltage may
induce sufficient voltage on the secondary winding to give a glow to the OFF
aspect, without the supply from the signal control. This may lead to an unsafe
• Since the induced voltage is proportional to length of the circuit, it should be
restricted so that the signal shall not glow under cable fault conditions.
• To obtain a Glow voltage of 2.3V on the secondary, voltage on primary side of
signal lamp transformer should be 21 volts. i.e (110/12)
x 2.3 =9.166 X 2.3 = 21.08V.
• With screened cable, @ 35V/Km, the maximum cable length required to produce
an induced voltage of 21V is = 21/35 x 1000 = 600 mtrs.
• Hence, the length of direct feeding of signals using a screened cable shall not
exceed 600 metres.
• When unscreened signalling @ 87.5V/Km, the Maximum length of directly fed
signalling circuit is 21/87.5 x 1000 = 240 mtrs.
• If there are 2 earth faults on the signal lamp circuit within the stipulated length, the
induced voltage will get superimposed over the normal signal supply. This will
cause frequent fusing of lamps.
• When frequent fusing of lamps occurring, the cable shall be tested for earth faults.
• Max length with new catenary current of 1000A,
• on a Double line: 21/95 X 1000 = 221 metres. ≈ 220 mtrs.
• on a Single Line: 21/116 X 1000 = 181 metres ≈ 180 mtrs.
• This limit in UK Railways – 200m (220 yards) (except for signals fed at low
voltages). If more, then an isolating transformer is used in between to limit the

Maximum length of parallelism

• S&T staff are safely handling voltages up to 120 volts.

With normal traction current
Induced voltage for screened cables @ 35V/Km
Length of parallelism to produce 120V is 120/35=3.42km (approx. 3.5 Km)
induced voltage for unscreened cables @ 87.5V/Km
Length of parallelism to produce 120V is 120/87.5= 1.2 KM.
With higher catenary currents,
On Indian Railways, S&T staff are handling 400V 3 phase in RRI signalling

Unscreened Cable with -armouring earthed,

Induced Voltage for Double Line @ 95 V/KM

Length of parallelism to produce 400V is 400/95= 4.21KM
Induced Voltage for Single Line @ 116 V/KM
Length of parallelism to produce 400V is 400/116= 3.45 KM

• In RRI territory, the Max. allowable voltage that can be handled by S&T staff is
considered as 400V, so that the length of parallelism can be retained to 3 to 4 Kms.
• Length of parallelism should be mainly restricted based on 3 factors.
• Circuit should be operational i.e. voltage drop should be within acceptable limits
particularly using biased relays in polarized circuits.
• Human safety should be given priority i.e. Any live parts that can be raised to a
potential exceeding 25V AC or 60V DC or current exceeding 25A , should be
insulated or enclosed with external warning signs affixed.

• Where insulation is not reasonably practicable, voltages up to a nominal 110V AC
or 120V DC may be tolerated on open fuses and terminals, provided they are
clearly labelled.
• Equipment safety – It should be ensured that induced voltage from the traction
system does not exceed 110V under normal conditions and 430V under traction
fault conditions, so that AC immunized relays are not allowed to pick up with
induced voltages.
• AC Traction current of 5500A for 200ms may be considered as maximum voltage
under faulty conditions.

25.6.11 Restrictions on length of parallelism

Restricting the length of through connected conductor parallel to the line not exceeding
2000m will generally satisfy these constraints
• Where necessary, line circuits should be terminated within the permitted length
and intermediate repeater circuits created.
• Where a common power supply feeds line circuits in more than one direction, max,
length should be applied to the distance between extremities of circuits fed from
one supply.
• When determining the degree of protection necessary from direct contact with live
parts, induced voltages from normal traction load should be considered. If such
values are likely to exceed 25V AC or 60V DC, then exposed terminations should be
• In order to protect staff and signalling equipment in electrified areas from traction
voltages under fault conditions, track circuit tail cables should be fully insulated,
generally by terminating them on a pair of BS 88 fuse carriers and bases in the
lineside apparatus housing nearest to the rail connections.
• The terminals of all track circuit equipment should be shrouded or enclosed.
• A fuse is to be provided in one limb and a link in the other limb. Fuses in both legs
would give unpredictable results.
• Single rail track circuits should be fused in the insulated rail leg.
• Double rail track circuits should be fused in the leg connecting to the impedance
bond winding.
• For double rail track circuits, a two electrode surge arrestor should generally be
provided across the track circuit tail cable (on the external side of the fuse) in the
apparatus housing nearest to the rail connections.
• Electrical isolation between track cables and the interlocking environment is
desirable. Consequently, track relays and track feeds should generally be confined
to lineside locations with repeat relays provided in the interlocking.
• These requirements do not apply to track circuits which are coupled to the rails by
means of isolating transformers or tuning units adjacent to the track, such as HVI
and TI.2I types track circuits.

AC Electrified
• At lower levels of traction return current and the fact that it is drawn into the return
conductor via the mid-point connector, rail impedance does not present the same
degree of problem as with lower voltage DC traction systems. Single rail traction
return is usually sufficient, which has the added advantage of permitting earthing
of the catenary support structures by the simple means of bonding them to the
nearest traction return rail.
• Only AC. immune DC track circuits or HVI track circuits or AFTC track circuits are
normally allowed on AC electrified lines in single rail mode i.e IRJs only in one of
the running rails.

Longitudinal Voltage Drop

Feed end Relay end

• A wheelset at the feed end will impress this interfering voltage on the relay, whilst
a wheelset at the relay end will similarly impress the interfering voltage on the feed
set. The track circuit equipment must be immune to false operation and should get
protected from such impressed voltages.
• The track feed set must also be protected by means of inductors against damage
caused by traction currents.
• Track Repeating Relay with a minimum pick up delay of 0.5 secs, is to be used to
suppress momentary pick up of the track relay due to circuit transient and to
prevent the release of interlocking during the passage of a short vehicle over a rail

D.C. Electrified Areas

• In D.C. traction areas both running rails are generally required for the higher traction
return currents. This limits the train detection to double rail track circuits.
• In double rail track circuits impedance bonds are required to allow the traction
currents to flow freely and at the same time block the track circuit current.
• Traditionally, in D.C. electrified areas, AC track circuits may be provided with 50Hz
AC current, using phase sensitive vane relays.
• Presently Audio Frequency Track circuits are being used in plain line areas of DC
traction. They do not require insulated rail joints. For Traction return current both
rails are used with impedance bonds.

Impedance Bond allows the traction current to pass through, whilst blocking the
track circuit current
• An Impedance bond acts as a low quality auto transformer with 1:1 ratio.
• Current flowing through one half of impedance bond tends to cause an equal
current to flow through other half, by current transformer effect.
• Provided that each running rail carries equal amounts of traction return current,
current from each rail passes in opposite direction through the coils from the rail to
centre tap connection.
• Net flux in the magnetic circuit will be zero and the impedance to traction current
DC or AC will be small. (less than 0.4 mhos per coil).
Dual Electrified Areas

• Where tracks may be subject to the flow of both AC and DC traction currents, the
choice of track circuits is limited to those that are immune to both and do not use
frequencies (including harmonics) contained in the traction supply.

IRJs at Electrified/Non Electrified Boundary

• At the boundary between electrified and non electrified lines, initial isolation IRJs
must be provided in both running rails at a sufficient distance beyond the end of
the catenary/conductor rail to prevent an overrunning train from injecting traction
current into the rails on the non electrified side of the joints.
• All track circuits within 800m of the initial isolation IRJs on the non electrified side
must be immune to the traction system and, where practicable, provided with double
rail IRJs. In any case, the track circuit joints marking the farther extremity of the 800m
zone must be equipped with double rail IRJs, positioned such that they do not get
bridged out by the train along with initial isolation IRJs
• If any siding available within the above 800m zone, a second set of isolation IRJs
must be provided in each rail of the siding immediately clear of the running line.
• Where there are no track circuits on the non electrified side of the initial isolation
IRJs, a second set of isolation IRJs must be provided in each rail 800m beyond the
initial isolation IRJs.

Protections in case of Equipment:

Electric point machines
• Electric point machines must be of the permanent magnet type to B.S. 581, and
B.R. Spec. 902, with full compliance in respect of AC. immunity.
• When this type of motor is energized with AC. there may be some vibration of the
armature but there will be no rotation.

Electro-Pneumatic Operation
The electrically operated control valves must be of a type immune to false operation
by the application of 1000 V, 50Hz. This is generally achieved using similar techniques
to those employed for AC. immunised relays.

Electro-Hydraulic Operation
Clamp lock units incorporating electro hydraulic power units to B.R. Specification 817
are inherently immune to AC, and are therefore authorised for use in 50Hz electrified

Mechanical Points
Insulation shall be inserted in all point rodding at the ends adjacent to the lever frame
and to the points. This is to prevent stray voltages from the traction causing electric
shock to personnel.

Point Control
• Point control circuits must be immunised, as with other line circuits
• Point control relays must comply with B.R Specification 943 or B.R. Specification
966, Appendix F4. These relays are fully immunised against AC.

Point Detection Circuits

• Point detection and point detection repeat circuits are normally to be of the
polarized type, with detection relays to B.R. Specification 932 A, 50 Volt operating.
These relays are fully immunised against A.C.
• In DC. Traction sections, the point detection systems must be dual-immunised.
The system shall accordingly be immunised against operation by DC., AC 50Hz or
any harmonic of a fundamental in the range 48.5 to 50.5 Hz


Insulations for point rodding:
• Traction Return Currents pass through rails and since rods and wires are in
contact with the rails at some point or other, the rail voltage, which can be quite
large in case of faults, is transmitted through them to the lever frame.
Further the rods and wires in A.C. Electrified areas are subject to a certain
amount of induced voltage.
To protect the operating, S & T staff from the effects of the voltages mentioned
above, the rods and wires are provided with insulation.
• Each rod shall be provided with an insulator in the lead out as close to the cabin as
• While providing this insulator, it must be ensured that there is no possibility of a
contact between the insulated portion of one rod and the uninsulated portion of
another rod, signal wires or OHE mast.
• An additional insulator shall be provided between the last adjustable crank and the
point/lock bar.
• If the rod transmission is more than 300 metres additional insulators shall be
provided on each rod at every 300 metres.
• In case there is a large number of rodding in the same alignment, the insulated
joints shall be provided on each rod run between the same sets of rod roller
• The insulations shall be staggered so that the distance between the insulated
joints of the two neighbouring rods shall not be less than 305 min (1 ft.).
• For rod running under the track, the top of the rod shall not be less than 40 mm
below the bottom of the rail, to ensure that the rail does not come in contact with
the rod during the passage of trains.
• The distance between any 0HE mast and the point rod shall not be less than 40

Insulation for Signal Wire transmission:
• Wire insulator shall be provided on each wire as close to the cabin as possible.
• Insulator shall be provided in each wire near the Gear of operation Eg. LC gate,
point and signal mechanisms.
• Insulators shall be provided between two consecutive stakes or pulleys supporting
brackets (i.e.) within the same span.
• Insulator to be provided on the wire run at every 300 mts.
• Horizontal distance between two wires shall not be less than 50 mm.
• Vertical distance between two wires shall not be less than 200 mm.
• Any contact between the wire transmission and the rails as well as the masts must
be avoided.
• Insulator shall be provided with split links or disconnecting links on either side for
easy replacement.

25.6.13 Earthing and Bonding (for traction current purposes)

• Bonding across traction return rail joints and between the traction return rails of all
tracks is provided to ensure an adequate return path for traction return current
thereby avoiding excessive rail to earth voltages.
• All structures are bonded either to a running rail (in areas with single rail, or no,
track circuits) or to a continuous earth wire (in double rail track circuit areas).

Installations to be earthed
Separate earths shall be provided for the following cases:
• Lever frame and other metallic frames like LC gate Winch, Relay Rack etc. of the
cabin shall be connected together to a separate earthing.
• Signal structures must be earthed

Earthing of Cables
 Unless cables earthed properly at both ends, it will not be possible to obtain the
screening effect of the cables from induced voltages.
 In case of screened cable, earthing of sheath and armour has to be done.
 In the case of unscreened cable earthing of armour alone to be taken.
 Earthing shall be provided at every location box where cables terminate.
 When underground straight through joints are made, special care must be taken to
maintain the electrical continuity of the sheath and armour. Earthing of sheathing
and armouring to be done at intervals of not exceeding 1 Km.
 Where a number of cables are run together, it is preferred to earth each cable
 Earthing of sheath and armour of screened cables or armour of unscreened cables
is not necessary in case of tail cable except in special cases where the length of
the tail cable exceeds normal prescribed limits.

Block & Telecom Equipment to be earthed

• Block circuits working on earth return through the respective Block filters.
• Surge arrestors provided in block filters as well as those provided for
telecommunication equipment in switching stations.

• Telecommunication earth may be connected to the same earth as the lever fames
or to the cable earth. The surge arrestors may be connected to the earth of the
cable sheath. In all other cases, separate earths shall be provided.
• In D.C. electrified areas, equipment housings should not be bonded to the traction
return, nor should the traction return be bonded to any other earth system or
structures, as this could result in traction current flowing through earthing bonds or
protective conductors in order to find a shorter return path. It could also result in
corrosion damage to structures and pipes.

• Signal department maintains several Plans and Drawings for both the Maintenance
and Construction Activities.
• Some of the important Plans and Documents are furnished below. List is not
exhaustive. Additional records are produced depending on the Project

26.1 PLANS:
• Track Plan produced by P. Way
• Signalling Plan
• Aspect Sequence Chart for signals
• Scheme plan
• Cable Plan and Cable core chart
• Track Circuit Bonding Plan
• Location Area Plan showing details of Trackside Locations
• SSI TFM Plan for Solid State Interlocking
• Control table for interlocking details
• Mechanical Locking diagrams for Mech. Lever Frames
• Circuit diagrams for Relay interlocking and Relay interfaces
• Trackside Location drawings
• Relay contact analysis

26.1.1 Signalling plan

• This is the basic document for Construction and Maintenance Activities. It is a live
document and gets updated as and when Signalling alterations are made.
• Plan is produced either on negative medium(manually drawn) or on Computer
using Plan Software.
• Main layout is drawn to scale longitudinally. Wherever scale changes, it is
indicated. . Important and other relevant fringe layout may be drawn unscaled.
• It is a single line diagram representing the P. Way Layout of the area controlled by
an Interlocking centre.
• P.way details includes - Gradients, Mile posts and ¼ mile posts, Mileage
• Permissible speeds through out the Interlocking area for both passenger
trains and freight trains and speeds permitted on each turnout,
• Accurate position of each S&C with its normal setting, trap points and
• Important Land marks such as Buildings, Bridges, Viaducts and tunnels
Level Crossings, Stations, Platforms and important structures, Level
crossings, Site access points etc., are shown.
• Geographical location of complete Signalling equipment within the Interlocking
area is indicated.

• Approved Symbols are used for representing various signalling functions and
• Signalling Plan indicates the Profile of each signal, its location and the inter
distances between the adjacent signals. Aspects provided for each signal along
with its normal aspect are also indicated.
• Each Signal, Track circuit/Axle Counter and Switch Point are represented with a
unique number as per the practice within the interlocking. This number may be the
number of controlling device by which the function is controlled.
• Following information is also indicated-
• Normal setting of points and method of operation is indicated.
• Type of Block working and control on signals
• Slotting on signals from fringe interlocking.
• Special controls like - Automatic working facility, Replacement facility,
approach signal controls, Swinging Overlaps, Override facility etc., are
• Location of the Signal boxes/Interlocking centres/Controlling centres are
• Interlocking boundaries and Panel indication boundaries are indicated.
• Adjacent Interlocking/Major station is indicated at the end of the running
• Traction substations, Neutral sections / Exclusion zones
• Signal boxes with names and prefix, interlocking and ground frames
• Details of Level Crossings like control, operation and type of protection,
provision of Road warning signals and audible alarms
• Local worked Ground Frames details and the controls from the Control
• Miscellaneous facilities on Platforms like TRTS plungers, Right away (RA)
and close door (CD) indicators and plungers for driver only operation(DOD)
• Lockout devices and their protection arrangement
• All Running lines and Berthing tracks are designated with a name as per the
practice of the region. Vehicle Capacity of each Berthing track is indicated.
• Location of the Signal boxes/Interlocking centres/Controlling centres are indicated.
• Interlocking boundaries and Panel indication boundaries are indicated.
• Adjacent Interlocking/Major stations are indicated at the end of the running lines
• Reference to continuation plans at the extremities of the plan notes is provided to
indicate various special features of interlocking.
• General notes is provided on the plan about the important Signaling features.
• Route Tables are provided to indicate the number of routes for each signal with
the information about destination signals, type of route, indicators displayed, First
wheel replacement/Last wheel replacement.
• TPWS Tables are also provided for the TPWS
• Each Plan is provided with a specific number as per the Railway practice. Name of
the Station, Interlocking/Control Centre are indicated.
• Approval, version panel and title block is provided.
26.1.2 Scheme Plan
• At Project level the draft Plan is produced to indicate the proposed Signalling
Arrangements and it may undergo changes as the project progresses.
• Scheme plan shall be developed based on clients remit and OPS or equivalent, in-
order to obtain approval in principle for the scheme.
• All other Interlocking documents are produced based on the Plan details and the
work is executed
• Main Inputs required for preparation of Scheme Plan are given below
• Existing Signalling documents like Signalling Plan along with Table of
Routes, Existing Control table, Bonding Plan
• Technical and Operational Requirements of the project
• Outline Project Specification
• Track Plans with P.Way proposals
• Signal Sighting Forms
• Site Survey if conducted
• OLE Plans
• Applicable Rly Standards
• Main Signals are placed ensuring minimum spacing distance required as per
Braking distance calculations is maintained.
• Aspect sequence is designed depending on 3 aspect / 4 aspect signaling.
• Special Software is developed to calculate the required minimum Braking distance
for each Stop signal.

26.1.3 Location Area Plan

• It shows the P.Way Layout and trackside signalling such as Signals, Points, Train
Detection as shown on Signalling plan along with the all trackside signalling
• Details such as Gradients, Speeds, Route tables, Protection equipment details,
Special notes etc. are not required.
• Trackside locations are numbered as per the practice of the section. Number of
boxes at each Location and their orientation is also indicated.
• Trackside location boxes in an Interlocking area are serially numbered. Boxes at
the same location are identified with a suffix A,B,C ---- etc.,
• Cable routes are also indicated on the LAP.
• Any other information relevant to the locations is added.

26.1.4 Track circuit Bonding Plan

• It shows only the track circuited portion of track extracted from the main Signalling
• Track circuit details such as Block Joints(IRJs), polarities or Frequency codes,
Feed end, Relay end etc., are shown.
• It is a scaled and numbered plan.

• In case of single rail track circuits, the dedicated track circuit rail is shown in thick
line and the common Track circuit/Traction Return is shown in thin line.
• Various track circuit bondings and the traction bondings are also shown. Yellow
Bonds are provided to maintain the track circuit continuity. Red Bonds are those, if
disconnected may lead to serious damages due to Electrical voltages.
• Impedance bonds provided in case of AFTC are also shown.
• Signalling positions are indicated to show earthing of signal posts, but complete
profile is not required. Earth connections to various signalling equipment is also
• Switch points are shown along with the bondings.

26.1.5 Cable plan

• Cable plan shows the P.Way layout along with trackside signalling equipment and
• Cable plans are in two parts –
• One is to show the cable route, total number of cables running from location
to location and also their sizes. Each cable is given a specific name.
• Other one is a cable core plan to indicate the core wise function in each
cable running from location to location. Cores dropped at a location for the
local functions and the cores which are put through i.e. going further are
indicated. Spare cores may be terminated but not put through, to avoid the
problems of induced voltages.
• These plans are also numbered, but not scaled.
• Some plans indicate the incoming and outgoing circuits with direction arrows for
the cores concerned.

26.2 Diagrams/Designs
• Control Tables
• Signalling circuit Diagrams
• Relay Contact Analysis
• Power Distribution Diagram
• Control and Display Panel Diagram Front plate
• Control and Display Panel rear Wiring Diagram
• Location Drawings
• TDM/FDM/TFM Allocation Charts
• Signal Sighting Forms
• Axle Counter Detection Point Sighting Forms

26.2.1 Mains Power distribution Diagram

• Separate Power distribution plans are provided for the distribution inside the
building and for the wayside locations.

• Mains power supply connection to UPS and output supplies to various signalling
functions and circuits within the interlocking are indicated with the various circuit
breakers and termination points.
• Main supply distribution to various trackside Locations is shown along with
location power equipment and their capacity.
• Importantly the each plan specifies the size and type of the wires/cables,
terminals, capacity of Circuit breakers, fuses.
• Earthing arrangements are also indicated.

26.2.2 TFM Schematic

• It is produced at the conceptual stage of Project, based on the Signalling
arrangements provided. It may get updated at subsequent stages of project as
per the changes in the layout and operational facilities..
• It is not a scaled Plan, but numbered.
• TFM Schematic indicates the TDL, DLM and TFMs allotted to each trackside
• Address of each TFM and Input & Output functions are allocated to each TFM.

26.2.3 Control table

• It shows the interlocking relationship between various trackside functions to
achieve safety and integrity of the system as a whole.
• This is also a numbered document produced either in negative medium or on
• Previous practice is to produce a single table for all functions in an interlocking.
Present practice is to produce a separate drawing for each Signal Route, Switch
point and Protection Equipment.

26.2.4 Signalling circuit Diagrams & Contact Analysis

• Based on the control table, the interlocking circuits are designed for a Relay
Interlocking system and Application Software is produced in case of Electronic
• Safety of Signalling depends on the correct interpretation of the control table and
designing of circuits or software.
• Circuits running between the Central interlocking and Trackside locations are also
• All terminal details of External and Internal cables are also shown.
• This is also a numbered document.
• Contact Analysis is produced for all relays used in an interlocking. This is to avoid
duplication of contact allotment and wrong contact allotment.

26.2.5 Front Control and Display Panel Diagram & Rear Wiring Diagram
• Control and Display are represented on the single sheet for small stations. In case
of major stations, they are separate. Numbered.

• Front Display Panel represents the track layout with indications of signals , points,
train detection and other additional indications like power, all signals Normal etc.,
are also indicated. .
• Track circuits are painted with different colours for easy identification. Set & locked
condition of a route is indicated with a row of white lights on the track sections.
Track occupation is indicated with red lights.
• Signals are indicated with the aspects as on site. In case of UK signalling only ON
and common OFF aspect in green is indicated.
• Panel rear wiring is shown on a separate drawing with terminations.
• Smaller display panels are mostly desk type & tiled. For bigger interlockings
display screens are provided.
• Present Control & Display panels are VDU type with Tracker & Ball or mouse.

26.2.6 Location Designs

• All locations are serially numbered within the interlocking area. Each location is
provided with a separate set of design.
• If more than one box is available at the same location, they are numbered with
suffix with A,B,C ------.
• Location Drawings are produced indicating the details of the equipment provided,
internal and external wiring, Mains supply connections and Incoming & outgoing
cable details
• Separate sheets are produced for Equipment Profile, Power arrangements,
Earthing details, equipment/relay wiring, Cable termination.

26.2.7 Power Equipment & Distribution Drawings

• These drawings are produced for the Power Supply arrangements within the
Interlocking Centre and distribution to various trackside location.
• Mains Power Supply details such as source, type of supply and feeder cable
details are furnished.
• UPS and other associated Power Equipment details are furnished.
• Cables, Circuit Breaker, Fuses & Termination details are furnished.

26.2.8 TDM/FDM Allocation Charts

• Allocation charts are provided where TDM/FDM systems are used to transmit the
commands and responses between Control & Display Panel and the Central
• They are numbered with the interlocking code.

26.2.9 TFM Allocation Charts

• They are Produced for Solid State Interlocking System. They show the details of
TFMs provided at each Location.
• Type of TFM, its address, Output & Input function allocation details are furnished.

26.3 Documents
• Power Calculations(Project Document)
• Signal Sighting Forms
• Axle Counter Detection Point Sighting form
• Signalling Design Specification(Project Document)
• Outline Project Specification(Project Document)
• Risk Assessment Statement (Project Document)
• Bill of Quantities (Project Document)
• Progress Reports(Project Document)
• Asset Register(Project Document)
• Route Cards
• Special instruction to operating staff
• Weekly operating Notices
• Drawing office procedures
• Risk assessment where required

26.3.1 Bill of Quantities

• For each project major or minor, the list of materials required is prepared.
• List should contain the detailed description of the item.
• Items should be of approved type and their specification number is furnished if
• Quantities can include the spares required.
• Items which are not easily available in the market and require advance ordering
from the manufacturing companies are categorized as long lead items and
indented in advance with sufficient time to manufacture.

26.3.2 Power Calculations

• In every project Power required for the system should be calculated.
• Power calculations are made based on the rated power for each function.
• Based on these calculations UPS or IPS should be designed
• Total power requirement shall be estimated and advised to Electrical Department
for arranging the Power supply
• All Power Equipment and accessories shall be selected and circuits should be
designed accordingly.
• In case of alterations to an existing installation, both existing load and the
additional load due to proposed alterations shall be calculated.

26.3.3 Signal Sighting Forms

• They are produced for each signal and numbered accordingly.
• They contain the site visit report of the Signal Sighting Committee.
• Location of the signal and the Signal profile diagram with measurements are

• Required Minimum Visibility distance and the available Visibility distance are
• Considering the distractions and obstructions in the approach of the signal, the
required duration of the visibility at the sectional speed is calculated.
• In case of junctional signals, the available visibility distance of Route Indicator is
also furnished.
• Recommendations are made by the committee to improve the signal visibility or
to impose Approach Control on the signal where required.

26.3.4 Asset Register

• An Asset Register is maintained for each Interlocking area. On completion of each
project the assets in working are recorded along with their type and quantity
• This is essential for the Maintenance organisation to maintain the stock of required
spares and also to procure items which are in short supply.

26.3.5 Route Cards/Signaller’s Route list

• Route cards are produced for each route for the guidance of the Signaller to assist
the signaller when it is necessary to hand signal the trains, when it is not possible
to set routes and clear signals in the ordinary manner.

26.3.6 Axle Counter Detection Point Sighting Forms

• They are produced for each Detection Point and numbered as per the Track
section number.
• They contain the proposed location for fixing a detection point. Distances from a
fixed reference point are indicated. Wrong fixing of the detection point may lead to
infringement with the movements on the adjacent tracks.
• They are produced for the site verification and updated as per the post survey

26.3.7 Operating Notice Diagram (C-Diagrams)

• An Operating Notice diagram is the one through which Train Crew is informed
about Signalling and permanent way alterations.
• It is a simplified layout plan showing the layout and signals only. This accompanies
the Weekly Operating Notice
• This need not be a scaled diagram.

26.4 Design Methodology of UK Rlys.

• Each design details shall be uniquely identifiable
• Drawings shall be identifiable by means of a title block that is an integral part of the
design. The title block shall contain, as a minimum, the following information.
• Drawing number
• Current version;
• Issue date;
• Signal box or control point;
• Interlocking control area;
• Description of the record;
• Scale and other notes, as necessary; and
• Space to provide design authority name, reference number and certification.
For this purpose, in addition to numbering of the record, a Version is provided. Seeing
the version, the stage at which the plan has undergone changes can be identified.
• For each proposed work stage , a specific Version is allotted by the Record Group.
Version contains two or three alphabets like AA, AB, ABC --- . Each stage of work
is allotted with a different version. Next stage of work may be allotted with a
different version like BA, BC ---.
• Same interlocking may undergo changes at different times within its life cycle. But
same version will not repeated.
• During the design process, the record may undergo changes many a times. The
number indicates Design status. E.g. AA1 indicates the initial design. AA2
indicates an updated design. This update may happen several times during the
Design process. Number is incremented with each update, with the same
• Each change in the Signalling System requires a risk assessment, to ensure that
consequent to changes the system continues to provide adequate level of safety
for the Railway operations.
• The assessment is carried out by the committee of experts. They are responsible
to recommend appropriate control measures to ensure that the level of Health and
Safety of the proposed System is not worse than the present level.
• Proposed alteration will be accepted and commissioned, only if it is declared by
the committee that no risk will arise consequent to the alteration or the risk is As
Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP)
• All signalling works require statutory approval by the Safety authority. In UK it is
HMRI, in India it is CRS.
• Production: All Plans, Drawings are produced in Black and White.
• Medium : For all scaled plans, Plan Software is used and for other drawings either
Micro-station or Auto CAD is used.
• Symbols and format : used for the designs shall be as per the guidelines issued by
the Records Group.
• Proposals: Alterations proposed for the existing drawings are shown in Red and
Green colours. New wiring is shown in Red and recoveries in Green. Informative
notes are shown in blue for the guidance of installers.
• Correlation process : Before altering the existing records, it becomes necessary to
ensure the correctness of existing details. For this the details on the existing
record are correlated(verified) with the site details.
• Checking : All plans undergo a three tier check before they are executed and
tested. Production Check, Independent Check and final check by the client.
• All signalling systems undergo a Final vigorous Testing Process by experts before
the system is commissioned for train working.
• Final Update : After the successful commissioning of the work, the records are
finally updated to any subsequent modifications. Red work is converted to black
and the green work is deleted. Blue work what applicable is converted black and
rest is deleted.
• Hand Back : Then final records are handed over to maintenance through Records


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