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Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

Table 1: Documenting Environmental Print (Example)

Examples of Environmental Print Purpose Ideas for further
The children learn about
the space and the name I hope to make it more
of planets. They simple and colorful because
decorate this board it is for children . Also, I
about space because hope to put the pic in
their theme lesson in the appropriate way to be more
school was about space. clear for the children.

The numbers in the board

In the math center they just from 1 to 10 it should
have numbers from 1 to include more numbers .
10 .

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

Reflections on Observation Task 1: Environmental in the Classroom

Read the questions below and choose (1) one to respond to

1. How does environmental print impact students’ language development, and their
reading and writing abilities? It is important for children in kinder garten to have
environmental print because most of the teachers they use it a lot in their lessons for
example if the lesson was about shapes the teacher ask the children to search for the
shape in the classroom and the children start to search for the shape around the
classroom . Also, in the writing it helped them to develop their writing because in most of
the posters there is sentences they looked at the sentences then they copy it . Also, their
names they copy then they write it.

2. How do students of different reading levels use environmental print? Some children read
the environment print from the words or some of them they read from the picture
hanging behind the thing they have to read. Some children they read the word by spell
the letters but the others they read the word by seeing the picture that next to the word.

3. How does awareness of environmental print impact how students view themselves as
readers? Children can read the environmental print with pointing. Also, they have
reading area in their classroom with different kind of stories they can read .

4. How does a school-home connection (based on environmental print) impact students'

literacy development? Environmental print develop the children in reading and writing .
also if they have in their home they can read their pic books.

Bachelor of Education, Early Childhood Education Degree

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