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G. Arndt, PhD, MEng Sc, BE(Mech), CEng (Graduate)”

As part of the search for a new cutting mechanism, a few largely empirical investigations into ultra-high-speed
machining (velocity greater than 500 ftls) have been performed in the past. A comprehensive review of this
and other work related to machining at very high cutting speeds is presented and the physical factors pre-
dominating in UHSM are discussed. As a consequence of this a new theory of cutting forces at ultra-high
speeds is presented, based on inertia and temperature effects, adiabatic shear, and strain-rate dependent yield
stress. This theory shows that workpiece properties greatly influence force behaviour, the latter determining
the feasibility of machining at ultra-high speeds.

1 INTRODUCTION mechanical test method and moreover does so in a con-

T o SATISFY the increasingly stringent demands on the tinuous rather than transient manner. Past investigations
mechanical properties of materials used in today’s ‘space- into metal behaviour at strain rates of up to lo6 s - l on
age’ technology, new and mechanically superior materials, the whole indicate a continuous increase in yield strength
in particular metal alloys, are continuously being de- with strain rate. However, it has been argued that there
veloped. These usually possess a high strength-to-weight must be some point at which thermal softening effects
ratio, are capable of withstanding high temperatures annul any strain-dependent strengthening effects, be they
under load and often they cannot be transformed by con- due to an adiabatic (‘thermoplastic’ or ‘catastrophic’)
ventional means into the sizes and shapes required. Be- shear mechanism, or to complete melting occurring within
cause of this, industry over the past twenty years has the deforming material. The existence or otherwise of
witnessed the introduction of a variety of such ‘exotic’ such a ‘turning-point’ has been the subject of some con-
machining processes as ultrasonic, electro-spark, chemical troversy.
and laser-beam machining, to mention but a few, many The aim of this paper is firstly to survey past work on
of which have now become established methods of and relating to UHSM and secondly to make some con-
manufacture. tribution towards resolving the above-mentioned contro-
One avenue towards the successful machining of such versy by presenting a new type of UHSM force analysis.
‘difficult’ materials that has to some extent been pursued
in the past, but which has never been investigated con- 2 P A S T WORK ON HIGH- AND
clusively, is the possibility of machining at extremely ULTRA-HIGH-SPEED MACHINING
high speeds. The term ‘ultra-high-speed machining’ 2.1 General outline
(UHSM) has thus been coined, generally designating
cutting speeds above 500 ft/s. In a continuing investiga- Cutting tests dealing with ‘super-high’ (up to 500 ft/s)
tion into UHSM at Monash University ( ~ )cutting t and ‘ultra-high’ (above 500 ft/s) cutting speeds (which
speeds up to 8000 ft/s are being aimed for, primarily to can also be called ‘ballistic machining’ (3)) began in 1925,
be able to study the cutting/deformation process at speeds when Salomon (4) performed some high-speed milling
exceeding the elastic wave propagation speed in certain tests and predicted cutting-temperature versus speed
materials (e.g. 7100 ft/s for lead). Cutting speeds of up relationships exhibiting a turning point. The validity of
to 5400 ftjs have hitherto been achieved and preliminary this has since been questioned (5) and neither experi-
results have been reported (2). At cutting speeds of this mental nor theoretical proof of it exists. Twenty years
order of magnitude, strain rates of up to lo9 s - l should later Kuznetsov (6) and Polosatkin (7) commenced, and
theoretically apply during orthogonal machining, caused since continued, a series of experiments that could be
by the cumulative effects of the high cutting speed and called the first serious investigations into UHSM (8)-(11).
the shear deformation mode inherent in metal cutting. However, it was not until Vaughn and Recht (Lockheed
The tatter yields the highest strain rates possible in any tests) carried out their investigations, around 1958-60
(12)-(IS), that any proper scientific analysis of the UHSM
process was attempted.
This paper is published for written discussion. The M S . was received
for publication on 17th July 1972 and accepted for publication on A survey of bibliographies such as given by Boston (16)
8th M a y 1913. 12 and the A.S.T.M.E. (17)~effectively covering all metal-
* Senior Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Monash cutting literature from 1864 to 1956, yields hardly any
University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia.
t References are given in the Appendix. references directly related to even high-speed machining.

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626 G . ARNDT

Of the 202 references listed by Vaughn (14)as relevant mechanism. The formation of such shear bands depends
to the topic, only about 65 deal with machining. Never- on material composition and heat treatment (9) (35).
theless, various investigations have been carried out since Deformation energy decreases with increasing number of
those of Salomon. These were based mainly on the use shear bands and with penetration speed (25) (35). Evi-
of modified conventional machine tools, to obtain some- dence of melting within adiabatic shear bands was ob-
what higher-than-usual cutting speeds, which can hardly tained by Stock et al. (14)(15)and strain rates in them
be classified as ‘ultra-high’. They do, however, bridge the as high as lo8 s - l have been reported (39).
gap between the latter and conventional speeds. Amongst
them are the work of Kuznetsov (6) (maximum speed
obtained was 167 ft/s), Salomonovich (18) (110 ft/s), 2.3 Heat and temperature effects
Takeyama et al. (19) (17ft/s), Siekmann (20) (334 ft/s), Apart from the above possibility of adiabatic shear-zone
Findley and Reed (21) (64ft/s), Okushima et al. (22) melting, the conditions of very high pressure and heat
(167 ft/s) and Tanaka et al. (23)(440 ft/s). concentration at the chip-tool interface and within the
In the search for a cutting mechanism applicable at secondary deformation zone in the chip may also lead to
ultra-high speeds, Kuznetsov (6) argued that with in- melting of the chip material next to the cutting tool (14)
creasing cutting speed, metals tend to behave more and (21) (38). This is further enhanced in the case of hot
more in a brittle way, since there is less and less time avail- machining.
able for plastic deformation, accompanied by a drop in Heat and temperatures in machining have been widely
energy requirements. He found that aluminium and cast studied, as illustrated, e.g., by over 200 references on
iron formed increasingly discontinuous chips with in- these topics discussed by Arndt and Brown (5) (39)
creasing cutting speed, but that carbon steel and copper oriented towards temperature aspects and by Vukelja (40)
did not. A change from continuous to discontinuous chips dealing with the thermodynamic aspects of cutting. I n
and a decrease in the amount of plastic deformation with his theoretical analysis of the Lockheed tests, Recht (15)
increasing speed was also found by Findley and Reed (21) shows that for AISI 4340 steel the heat passing from the
and by Vaughn (13)(14)even for steel and at speeds well cutting zone to the workpiece and tool at speeds of approxi-
above 500 ft/s. Further support to the ‘brittleness at mately 5 ft/s and above becomes insignificant compared
high speed’ postulate is furnished by von Karman’s with the total quantity of heat generated and that there-
critical impact criterion (3), although it has since been after conduction rates remain approximately constant, or
proved conclusively (13) (14) (24) that this criterion, even decrease, while at higher speeds the mode of heat
mainly on account of differing boundary conditions, does transfer changes from conduction to convection. He hence
not apply in metal cutting. assumes that all heat remains in the chip and derives an
One may reasonably classify the reaction of metals, in average, velocity-dependent ‘stabilized’ chip tempera-
order of increasing cutting speed and energy, as elastic, ture along lines similar to those of Shaw (41)~ Chao and
plastic, brittle with fracture, and hydrodynamic (12)~ each Trigger (42) and others (5). This shows that melting at
accompanied by a further decrease in cutting ‘resistance’ the chip-tool interface may occur at relatively low speeds
of the work material. The practical verification of this, and that a molten film may in fact be formed there with
together with the possible advantages gained thereby, the above steel grade at speeds somewhat below 100 ft/s.
particularly for difficult-to-machine materials, are the Contrary to this, stress wave theory predicts that ‘fluid’
basic reasons for studying UHSM. behaviour of solids such as steel will not occur below
deformation speeds of 2000-3000 ftjs (3) (see Section 2.5).
Recht concludes that cutting temperature increases in-
2.2 Adiabatic shear definitely with cutting speed, i.e. does not exhibit a maxi-
Vaughn (13) established by micro-examination that no mum as postulated by Salomon (4). According to this
brittle fracture was involved in UHSM chip formation. one could argue that at extremely high cutting speeds the
The experimental results supported instead the existence pressure and temperature at the chip-tool interface may
of adiabatic shear, according to which with increasing be high enough to produce partial or complete vaporiza-
cutting speed an adiabatic condition is approached whereby tion of the chip material.
thermal energy is restricted to preferred slip planes, in The concept of a ‘limiting’ cutting temperature is sup-
which localized melting occurs. The existence of such an ported by Polosatkin et al. (10) who found that at a
adiabatic shear mechanism rests on the formation of cutting speed of approximately 1000 ft/s the contact
microscopic bands of intense shear. Their size may be temperature-cutting speed plots for steel, copper, brass,
of the order of a grain diameter and they may propagate aluminium and zinc all reached constant values at which
across many grains. The existence of such bands in a they remained up to the highest speeds (approximately
wide variety of high-rate metal deformation processes has 2800 ft/s) investigated. This again contradicts Salomon’s
been well established (25)-(37), including metal cutting postulate.
(38).Recht (38)analysed data obtained by Siekmann (20)
and found that, in the machining of mild steel, adiabatic
(or ‘catastrophic’) shear is well developed at cutting 2.4 Friction
speeds around 330 ft/s, while for titanium this mechanism The existence of a molten layer at the chip-tool interface
exists a t cutting speeds as low as 0.06 ft/s, illustrating that must lead to favourable friction conditions. Experimental
some materials are much more sensitive to adiabatic slip evidence of large decreases in the coefficient of friction p
than others. He postulates that adiabatic shear will occur at the rake face at very high cutting speeds has been pre-
when the slope of the true stress-true strain curve becomes sented by Findley and Reed (21) ( p N 0.9 at V = 0, to
zero and presents some criteria for the onset of this 0.3 at 42 ft/s, lead-antimony alloy, 0” rake angle), Tanaka

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et al. (23) ( p N 0.8 at V = 0, to 0.4 at 435 ft/s for alu- depth of cut t, cutting velocity V, material density p ,
minium, 2: 0.6 to 0.18 for steel and 0.6 to 0.1 for brass, shear angle 4 and rake angle a , is given by (41):
for the same speed range) and by others. Similar decreases
in p for single-point rubbing ,at speeds of up to 655 ft/s F, = -
have been reported (43). The ‘apparent’ coefficient of
friction (the ratio of thrust force to cutting force, for zero It may be neglected at conventional velocities, but may
rake angle) was briefly dealt with by Vaughn (14)for become exceedingly high at very high velocities, as illus-
speeds from 500 to 2000 ft,/s. Whereas this ratio decreased trated by Fig. 1, calculated for a low carbon steel with
markedly for annealed AISI 4340 steel, it tended to in- u = - 5 O , b = 0.25 in, t = 0-02 in, p = 0.283 lb/in3 and
crease for heat-treated 4340 steel. a shear angle variation extrapolated from experimental
findings (3). A ‘momentum force circle’ may, by analogy
2.5 Energies and forces with Merchant’s conventional force circle, therefore be
The energy balance in metal cutting is relatively simple, superimposed on the latter, as shown in Fig. 2, as well as
and has been discussed at length (6)(41).Apart from the a resultant circle encompassing the vectorial sums of all
elastic and plastic (or shear) deformation energies and the corresponding force resolutes. The ratio of momentum-
frictional and surface-energy components, the energy to cutting-force circle diameter will increase with V. At
loss caused by the momentum change from the workpiece the particular instant shown, the magnitude and direction
state to the chip state, given by (41): of F, have caused the resultant force, R,, to act downwards
on the tool, thereby reversing the direction of both the
EM = pV2y2sin24 . (1) . . resultant thrust and friction forces F,, and Ff,.
where p is the workpiece density, y is the shear strain If T is the shear stress on the shear plane and p is the
and is the shear angle, becomes very considerable, this friction angle, the conventional cutting and thrust forces
may be written as (45):
quantity being a purely dynamic effect, and independent
of any particular cutting mechanism. With increasing tbT COS (p-CX)
cutting speed, momentum effects gain in significance, F, = sin 4 cos (4+/l-a) * . (3)
while material strength, provided the ‘fluid state’ has
been reached, eventually loses its effect completely. At tbT sin @-a)
some intermediate stage, however, both must be con- F -- sin 4 cos ($+@-a) * * (4)
sidered, in which case the following simple analysis
applies (3) (44). Thus the resultanu, momentum-modified cutting and
The so-called ‘momentum force’ in metal cutting, thrust forces, i.e. F,, = F,+F,, and F,, = F,+F,,, may
caused by the change in flow direction from uncut work- be expressed as :
piece to chip and acting parallel to the shear velocity T COS (/l-U)
vector in orthogonal cutting, in terms of width of cut by F,, = bt

Fi, = bt

Subscripts c Cutting. t Thrust.

30 s Shear. f Friction.
Cutting speed, V n, N = Normal. m = Momentum.
f t I5 u = ultra-high-speed resultant.
Fig. 1. Typical variation of momentum force with Fig. 2. Force geometry for orthogonal ultra-high-
cutting speed (3) speed machining

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Similarly, expressions may be derived in terms of equa- crepancy might lie in the presence or absence of the adia-
tions (2), (3) and (4) for all the other resultant force com- batic shear deformation mode, which, as shown earlier,
ponents in Fig. 2, i.e. does not apply uniformly to all metals. I n a theoretical
F,, = F,+Fc cos +-Ft sin 9 . (7) prediction of cutting forces at high speeds, Fenton and
Oxley (48), using a strain-rate-dependent metal-cutting
FN, = FN = F, sin + + F , cos 4 . (8) analysis, predict a force decrease for NE 9445 steel up
F,, r= F,,, cos (90-++u)f(Fc sin a+F, cos u) to 17 ft/s, which agrees with experiment, and thereafter
. . . (9) an increase up to and above 1700 ft/s, where experimental
F,, = F, sin (90-++a)+(Fc cos a-F, sin a ) data no longer exist. However, a similar analysis for alu-
. . . (10) minium revealed no increase in force with increasing
In each case the 'cutting' component varies from some speed (49). The need for a more thorough and complete
definite value to zero as the cutting velocity increases analysis of cutting forces and perhaps of their relation
from zero to a value vf, at which the material loses its to adiabatic shear is clearly indicated before definite
shear resistance, while the 'momentum' component does conclusions on their behaviour at high speeds are pos-
the opposite. A quantitative estimate of vf may be ob- sible.
tained from stress wave theory, according to which it
may be shown (3) (46) that quite apart from the tempera- 2.6 Analysis of the deformation mechanism
ture, the pressure generated in the solid during such high- None of the present methods of theoretical analysis is
speed impact will cause it to behave as a fluid when the capable of predicting accurately what happens to the
deformation velocity exceeds approximately 0.133 times cutting mechanism at ultra-high speeds, mainly on ac-
the longitudinal elastic wave velocity. This, for the com- count of the unknown material properties existing at high
mon metals, is of the order of 2000-3000 ft/s (e.g. for strain rates. One is therefore left with extrapolating data
aluminium 2800 ft/s, for steel 2600 ft/s and for brass applicable at conventional speeds, which in itself is an
1870 ft/s) (3). uncertain venture. Considering the orthogonal machin-
Bredendick (47), using a basic dynamics approach, ing model, one basic controversy concerns the chip
analysed the inertia forces in metal cutting, concluding thickness, or cutting ratio, and the shear angle behaviour
that only at cutting speeds above the speed of sound (in at very high speeds. It is known that at conventional
air) will the inertia forces be of the same order of magni- speeds the cutting ratio rc (i.e. depth of cut/chip thick-
tude as the conventional cutting components. Using the ness) increases with cutting speed, as does the shear
concept of specific cutting force, k,, he calculated the angle, and that both these variables exhibit an initial
cutting speed V iat which the inertia force component in non-linear rise, followed by a flattening-out, i.e. tending
the direction of cutting would equal the (conventional towards a constant value, when plotted against cutting
speed) cutting force, as : speed (7) (19) (21) (23) (48)-
Takeyama et al. (19) derived empirical relationships
vi=Jf . . . for the cutting ratio and shear angle as a function of the
cutting speed V and rake angle a, of the form:
( p as above) and obtained the following approximate
values of' Vi: for steel 2000 ft/s, for cast iron 1000 ft/s, 1 eK,CQO-a)
-- - ( K 2e-K3V+1) . . (12)
for brass 1250 ft/s, for aluminium 1600 ft/s, for magnesium r.2
alloy and. hard rubber 1500 ft/s and for hard paper 1300 where the constants K,, K2and K3 depend on geometrical
ft/s. and material properties. By substituting the expression
The variation of the mechanical component of cutting
forces with speed has been the subject of many investiga-
for rc into the standard shear angle relationship, tan = +
cos u/(rc- -sin u), a velocity-dependent expression for
tions, but as yet no definite trend has emerged. Findley
and Reed (21) found large force decreases by increasing
+ also results. Thus by extrapolating the results of Tanaka
et al. (23) to approximately 2000 ftjs for 0.2 per cent
the cumng speed from 0.1 to 63 ftjs for a lead-antimony carbon steel, a shear angle of about 45" is obtained. This
alloy. Similar trends are quoted by Fenton and Oxley (48), compares favourably with an extrapolation of Fenton
for NE 9445 steel and for speed increases from 3.3 to and Oxley's (48) theoretical predictions of shear angle for
17 ft/sJ and by Vaughn (13)~who found an approximately steel, which also yields approximately 45" at 2000 ft/s,
40 per cent decrease in both cutting and thrust forces for a rake angle of - 10". Exponential expressions similar
for AISI 4340 steel at 2000 ft/s and relatively constant to equation (12), but related to the coefficient of friction,
forces in the range 500-1500 ft/s. On the other hand, were suggested earlier by Kronenberg ( 5 0 ) ~e.g.
Okushima et al. (22) found that with medium carbon steel,
rc = -v c = e-ecn/2-a)
the cutting forces remain constant up to approximately
. . (13)
110 ft/s and then increase. This agrees with results ob-
tained by Tanaka et al. (27) who, apart from the initial However, these expressions are basically too simple and
(conventional) force drop below 5 ft/s, report steady force inaccurate, since they do not take into account other cut-
readings up to 440 ft/s. Polosatkin et al. (10)report essen- ting conditions and workpiece properties.
tially constant normal (thrust) forces, but increasing cut- From energy considerations it would appear that a
ting forces, in the range from 330 to 1300 ft/s and when shear angle of 45" is the maximum value possible for a 0"
cutting steel, which, together with the increasing cutting rake angle, resulting in a chip thickness equal to the depth
force for aluminium and duralumin for speeds from 330 of cut, i.e. cutting speed equal to chip speed. However,
to 3300 ftjs found by Kuznetsov et al. (8), directly contra- from high-speed films taken during the Lockheed in-
dicts the above findings. The explanation of this dis- vestigations (13) (14) chip velocity was recorded to be

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greater than cutting speed, implying that rc > 1 and Table 1. Maximum strain rates for various
4 > 45”. The chip velocity measurements from which experimental techniques
rc was determined were based on shadow photography,
the interpretation of which, at the extreme speeds con- Technique Approximate maximum
strain rate, s-l
sidered, is inherently difficult. Also, apparently no at- -_I_
tempt was made to verify the unusual values of r, by Cam plastometer . 200
Typical compression/tension/shear
measuring the chip thickness directly. It could be argued deformation methods . 300
that both these factors place some doubt on the r,-values Flywheel-type torsion machines . 103
obtained. However, recent tests by Arndt and Brown (2) Hopkinson’s pressure bar . 104
Conventional machining. . 105
have confirmed that the cutting ratio can in fact exceed Ultra-high-speed machining . 109
unity during UHSM.

2.7 Surface effects and tool wear

maximum strain rates for various experimental techniques
The nature of the finished workpiece surface and tool wear are shown in Table 1.
at ultra-high speeds are of practical significance. The effect In metal cutting, high strain rates exist in the deform-
of very high cutting speeds on the depth of the deformed ing material as a result of large deformation occurring in a
and/or heat-affected surface layer has not yet been re- very constricted space and not by virtue of high particle
solved. Kuznetsov (8) claims a decrease and Vaughn (14) velocities, although the latter would naturally give rise to
an increase in depth with increasing speed. From the even higher strain rates. Also, a steady-state process (and
definite metallographic data given by Vaughn and by hence strain rate) rather than a transient one obtains,
considering energy dissipation during cutting an increase which means that stress-wave propagation phenomena
in depth appears more likely, as is also caused by higher may be neglected. However, simplifications of the process
negative rake angles (10). are inevitable, the two main ones being the use of ortho-
Vaughn also reports that the wear parameter ‘tool wear gonal cutting, and the assumption of a constant shear-
per gram of metal removed’ experienced a minimum when zone thickness. With these, the shear strain rate (?) may
plotted against cutting speed and was found to depend be found from the well-known expression :
strongly on the workpiece heat treatment and the depth
of cut. Again further evidence is required here before ?=
v cos a . . . (18)
making any conclusive statements. A S cos (+-a)
where V is the cutting speed, a is the rake angle, (b is the
2.8 High-strain-rate materials behaviour in shear angle and A S is the shear zone thickness.
machining This equation may be derived directly from the velo-
Many expressions that relate strain rate and/or tempera- city vector diagram, or from the general two-dimensional
ture to stress and strain have been derived, ranging from flow velocity expression:
the simple empirical expression (51):
u = U1P . . . (14)
where u is the stress, 6 the strain, u1 and n are constants with the flow velocities u and v in directions x and y,
depending on the material, and on 2, to the more explicit respectively. Kececioglu (58) first used this technique
expression (52)-(55) : for determining ?. He estimated A S by a quick-stop
u = u l ~ n e - A T ~. .
. (15) technique, which has been improved recently by a num-
where T , is the ‘velocity-modified temperature’ : ber of investigators. Results of this and of other investiga-
tions using this technique invariably indicate an increase
T, = T(l-BlnCi) . . (16) in yield stress with increasing strain rate (49)(51) (59)-
where A, B and C are material constants and to constitu- (63)and rarely exceed strain rates of approximately lo5s - l.
tive equations of the type (56): In the Lockheed UHSM tests (14), strain rate was not
considered explicitly. By extrapolating previous results
relating to A S (decreasing with increasing V) and 4
(increasing with V) to A S = 0.0001 in and 4 = 45”, and
The disadvantage inherent in all these stress-strain using 4 = O”, V = 8000 ftjs (the maximum speed en-
relationships is their empirical nature, that necessitates visaged in the Monash investigation), equation (18) yields
individual testing for each material. Even then a com- a strain rate of 1.35x lo9 s-l, i.e. even in excess of those
parison of test results by different workers is difficult, obtained in the explosive shock-loading of metals. AS
since test conditions are rarely the same. On the other may in fact be even smaller than assumed; the limit,
hand, any analytical expressions of this nature also have based on considerations of dislocation mobility, being
to include a variety of material properties, taken under a several thousand 8,according to von Turkovich (62),
range of test conditions, e.g. of temperature, which would who also comments on the uncertainty of comparing the
need to be established experimentally. Hence it is best ‘low-particle velocity’ strain rates in metal cutting with
to use the experimental approach for strain-rate-depen- the ‘high-particle velocity’ strain rates resulting from direct
dent stress-strain relationships right from the start. loading processes. This aspect was also discussed by
A great variety of test methods exists for finding stress- Wolak and Finnie (64).
strain data at high strain rates. A very comprehensive Apart from dislocation theory, there are other factors,
survey of these was given by Bitans (57) and typical such as fracture, crack propagation and stress wave
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phenomena that come into play at the extreme strain instead of shear bands, or of both, could also be ac-
rates appertaining to UHSM. These factors may collec- counted for by equation (20).)
tively outweigh those dominating at conventional cutting By definition, the shear force acting along the shear
speeds and this is illustrated in the following analysis, plane may be expressed in terms of the shear area and
which attempts to relate at least some of the factors des- the yield shear stress, r, i.e.
cribed above to metal cutting.
Fs = rA, . . . . (21)
Shear stress as well as direct stress are a function of de-
3 A NEW CUTTING-FORCE THEORY FOR formation speed as shown earlier. Assuming the relation-
ship between yield shear stress r and shear strain y to
As outlined in Section 2, conflicting views and conflicting be of similar form to that given for direct stress and strain
experimental findings exist regarding cutting force in equation (15) and by rewriting equation (18) as, e.g.
behaviour at very high cutting speeds. It appears that p = KV,the following relationship results :
in some cases the cutting force increases with increasing
speed, whereas in others it decreases. I n the following a
7 = rlym eaT(blnKV-1) . . (22)
theory is presented that accounts for both these cases. This and similar strain-rate dependent expressions des-
It considers collectively the three fundamental high-speed cribe the increase in shear stress with deformation speed.
deformation phenomena : adiabatic shear, strength in- On the other hand, adiabatic shear as well as gross melt-
crease due to high-strain-rate deformation (strain harden- ing of the material will have the opposite effect, by virtue
ing) and inertia or momentum effects. It is based on the of the formation of more and more molten zones within
force vector diagram shown in Fig. 2, i.e. on the force the shear-plane area, whose shear strength is negligible
resolutes given by equations (5) to (lo), each of which compared with that of the adjacent solid material. At low
consists of two parts whose relative magnitudes change cutting speeds no such molten zones exist and ZSA = 0
with increasing speed from a strength-dominated to an in equation (20). This condition prevails until adiabatic
inertia-dominated value. shear commences. According to Recht (38) and using
Although it has been claimed (58) that the shear zone the = KV simplification, the minimum deformation
in metal cutting, which at low speeds has been found to speed for the onset of adiabatic shear is given by:
be quite thick and of irregular shape, progressively ap- 4n-kpC(y-yS) &/ay 778
proaches a planar, thin-zone shape with increasing speed,
more recent investigations using quick-stop devices do
V, = K [%7%] * [GI
not support this hypothesis (63). No experimental evi- where k, p and Care as defined above, 8 is the temperature,
dence exists to indicate that at extremely high speeds the L is the specimen length and the subscript s refers to the
shear zone approaches a thin plane. Thus the assumption yield condition. This expression is difficult, if not im-
of a shear plane would be invalid for the purpose of analy- possible, to evaluate on account of the unknown gradient
sis. However, since the aim of this analysis is to arrive at terms, so that simpler expressions for the mean shear
cutting forces only, this presents no major problem, be- zone temperature, d,, or its maximum value ( 5 ) as a func-
cause the shear force even for a thick shear zone can tion of cutting speed may be preferable for evaluating
always be related to the stress on a plane extending from that speed V , at which the shear zone temperature ap-
the tool nose to the workpiece-chip transition ‘point’ at proaches the melting point. When V , is exceeded, it
the free surface, i.e. to a shear plane as used in orthogonal may reasonably be assumed that the molten regions will
metal cutting analyses. This shear plane then represents grow in size and in number at an exponential rate in
simply one of the slip lines in the plastic field to any one analogy with such rate processes as recrystallization, self-
of which the shear force may be related. This is the diffusion of atoms and grain growth. Hence the shear
starting point for the present analysis. area A, may be described by the relationships :
Next, the concept of adiabatic shear is introduced. As A, = AT V < V , . (24a)
described above, it has been shown conclusively that at A , = A , e-rcv-va) V > V , . (24b)
high deformation rates adiabatic shear or melting along The resulting variation of shear area with deformation
isolated molecular layers may take place within the highly- speed is shown in Fig. 3.
stressed material regions. This and the above shear-plane Having thus established the nature of T and A, in
hypothesis give rise to the following model. The shear equation (21), the resultant shear force F, due to the
zone, of total volume V,, originally consists of solid structural aspects of the deformation mechanism may
material. With increasing speed, minute molten regions from equations (22) and (23) be expressed as :
of volume SV are generated within the shear zone, thereby
reducingthevolumeofthesolidmaterial to V , = V,-Z:SV. 1 -
Fs(v<va,= ATrlym[l+eaT(blnKV-l) (254
By resolving the shear zone volume into planes of in- FSCV,
- ATTlYme[aTcb
Va) -
In K V - 1)- r ( V -V,M
finitesimal thickness and parallel to the above mentioned
shear plane, the same applies for each of these planes
and in particular for the shear plane considered. I n other
words, the shear plane of constant area AT (= btlsin 4)
consists of a solid material area A, and of molten (or
melting) areas 6A, not necessarily of the same size, such
As = A , - B A . . . (20)
(It should be noted that the formation of microcracks Fig. 3. Hypothetical variation of effective shear area

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Cutting v e l o c i t y , V

Fig. 4. Variation of shear force, based on Fig. 3

These expressions may be represented graphically as RI ‘A2

Cutting velocity
- ’ A3

shown in Fig. 4. (In practice it is more probable that the

curve will follow the dotted line, in the vicinity of V,.)
Although equation (25b) contains both a positive and a
negative exponential term, the resultant effect is negative
since (V-V,) increases much more rapidly than
(b In KV- l), so that, as is to be expected from purely
theoretical reasoning, the shear force approaches zero as
the material in the shear zone approaches the liquid
Turning then to the dynamic aspects of cutting forces,
it was shown earlier that, based on the velocity vector
triangle in orthogonal machining, the momentum force,
F,, acts along the shear plane direction (see Fig. 2). The
total effective shear force thus becomes :
Fs, = Fs +F m . .
(26) *
Cutting v e l o c i t y
R3 -
As shown by Bredendick (47) and others, the momentum (b)
force is relatively insignificant at speeds below that of
sound in air at which point it may approach the magni-
tude of the conventional cutting forces. This and the
fact that F , cc pV2 (equation (2)) may be used to quali-
tatively plot F, versus V, as shown in Fig. 5. (The curve
shown should in fact not be truly parabolic, since the
shear angle 4 also varies with speed. However, the effect
of this on F, has here been neglected since it is small
compared with the influence of V on F,.) The velocity
V ,locates the parabola, and is obtained from equation (11).
The final step then consists of adding the forces shown
in Figs 4 and 5 to arrive at the overall shear force varia-
tion. This has been done for various situations in Figs
6a, 6b and 6c, from which some interesting conclusions +4Cutting velocity
R3 -
may be drawn. The three cases apply for the conditions (c)
V , < V,, V,+ V , and V , > Vi. The fact that V , has Subscripts
been used to locate the position of the F,-parabola is su = Resultant (shear) force.
simply a matter of convenience here, giving the relative sc = (Shear) force at conventional cutting velocities.
s = Shear.
location of the F,- and F,-curves. I n practice, F, would m = Momentum.
follow directly from equation (2).
Fig. 6. Theoretical behaviour of resultant and component
Fig. 6a, with V, < V,, illustrates the F,,-behaviour for forces a t ultra-high cutting velocities as a function
a typical low-melting-point (low V,) work material, or of the relative magnitude of Vi and V , (equations (11 )
alternative for a high-strength, low-weight material and (23))
(i.e. high k,, low p, :. high V , = 2 / ( k s / p ) ) as commonly
used in aircraft and spacecraft construction. The Fs,-
curve exhibits a pronounced ‘adiabatic’ trough, the mini-
mum value of which lies below that of the equivalent
shear force at conventional speeds, Fsc. One can hence
distinguish between three speed ranges: R,, R, and RB.
I n range R1 the resultant shear force at higher speeds
will moderately exceed that at lower speeds. Range
R , would be the most attractive economically and in fact
the only machining speed range in which the advantages
of ultra-high speeds are immediately obvious. In range
Cutting ve1ocity.V R,, forces increase indefinitely with speed, presumably
Fig. 5. Theoretical variation of momentum force until the ‘liquid chip’ state changes into a ‘gaseous chip’

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632 G. ARNDT

state at which point the concept of cutting force becomes (3) A new theory for cutting forces at ultra-high cutting
somewhat meaningless. Nevertheless, at the low-speed speeds was presented. Considering firstly an exponential
end of Rcl, machining would still be possible, provided decrease of shear volume (or area) caused by the onset of
that the cutting tool and its support are rigid enough to adiabatic shear, melting or microcracks, secondly a strain-
withstand the high inertia forces involved rather than the rate-dependent increase in yield stress and thirdly inertia
no-longer-existent forces caused by the shear deformation effects, i.e. ‘momentum’ forces, it was shown that the
mechanism. In this respect, range R3 still has advantages behaviour of the resultant ultra-high-speed cutting force
over conventional speeds since at the latter it may not with cutting speed depends on the ratio VJV,, where
be possible at all to machine such high-strength materials Vi = d ( k s / p ) (where k, is the specific cutting ‘force’, p is
as a result of superior workpiece strength properties (i.e. the density of the work material) and V , is the deforma-
high resistance to shear deformation). tion velocity necessary for the onset of adiabatic shear
In Fig. 6b, with V , and V, approaching each other, (equation (23)).
which could be caused by an increasing V,, i.e. a higher (4) This theory predicts that for low-melting-point,
melting point material or a decreasing V , (low strength, low-density materials (Vi> V,), the resultant cutting
high-density material), the R2 range vanishes. FSuis al- force may exhibit an ‘adiabatic trough‘ in which for a
ways greater than F,,, although a small trough still exists range of cutting speeds, situated near the speed of sound
near V,. The argument concerning the possibility of in air, the resultant cutting force falls below that found at
machining at high speeds in this case still applies, as conventional speeds. As the situation V, < V , is ap-
described above. Finally, Fig. 6c illustrates the case proached, this trough becomes more and more insignifi-
V , > V, which could, from the V,-values given in sec- cant and the resultant cutting force is always high.
tion 2.5, for example, apply for cast iron ( V , N 1000 ft/s). However, its material-strength-dependent component still
The ‘adiabatic trough’ has become insignificant and inertia decreases with increasing speed so that it would still be
forces predominate. In this case it is very likely that in possible to cut the material, provided that inertia effects
the speed range designated as R,, it is for mechanical could be counteracted.
reasons quite impossible to machine such materials at all.
It must be stressed that, although the expounded theory 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
has been explained on the basis of shear force only, any Acknowledgements are due to the Harold Armstrong
of the other resolutes obtained from the ultra-high-speed Memorial Fund for its support in financing the ultra-high-
force circle (Fig. 2) may likewise be analysed. The above speed machining project from which this paper originated
expositions are largely qualitative in nature, mainly be- and to Associate Professor R. H. Brown for his helpful
cause of uncertainties inherent in empirical equations suggestions concerning the theoretical aspects.
such as equation (22) and in assumed relationships such
as equation (24). Quantitative and largely metallurgical APPENDIX
tests have to be performed before accurate graphs for REFERENCES
particular materials, such as shown in Fig. 6, can be
G. ‘Ballistically induced ultra-high-speed machin-
established. Nevertheless, the theory does accommodate ing’, Ph.D. Thesis, Monash University, 1971.
material-dependent increases or decreases in cutting (2) ARNDT,G. and BROWN, R. H. ‘Design and preliminary re-
forces at very high speeds and may hence explain the sults from an experimental machine tool cutting metals at
anomalous findings of earlier workers. up to 8000 ft/sec’, Proc. 13th Znt. M.T.D.R. Conf. 1972.
(3) ARNDT,G. ‘The development of higher machining speeds :
Pt I, Historical’, Prod. Engnr 1970 49,470;‘Pt 11, Present
4 CONCLUSIONS practice and theory’, Prod. Engnr 1970 49,517.
(4) SALOMON, C . ‘Process for the machining of metals or simi-
(1) In the course of a comprehensive literature survey it larly-acting materials when being worked by cutting tools’,
was found that very little scientific work had been per- German Patent No. 523594, 1931.
formed on ultra-high-speed machining (or UHSM-a ( 5 ) ARNDT, G. ‘Temperature distributions in orthogonal
term generally implying cutting speeds above 500 ft/s) in machining’, M.Eng.Sc. Thesis, University of Melbourne,
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or less empirical studies had been reported, of which that (6) KUZNETSOV, V. D. ‘Super-high-speed cutting of metals’,
Iron Age 1945 155, 66-69, 142.
by Vaughn (14)was the most significant. Apart from the (7) POLOSATKIN, G. D. ‘Rezaniye metallov so skorostyami or
uncertainty of the practical application of UHSM, rather 100-700 m/sek’, Sibirsk phys. tekhn. inst., Sci. Rep. 1948.
than its ability of providing fundamental insights into (8) KUZNETSOV, V. D., POLOSATKIN, G. D. and KALASHNIKOVA,
extreme-strain-rate materials behaviour, this lack of M. P. ‘The study of cutting processesat very high speeds’,
information is clearly a result of the complexity of this Fiz. metallov metallovedenie 1960 10 (No. 3), 425-434;
topic, in which many interrelated fields interact, such as Transl. 107-116.
high-strain-rate materials behaviour, plasticity theory, dis- (9) POLOSATKIN, G. D. and TITOV, V. B. ‘On the question of
tool wear at cutting speeds of 200-600 m/sec’, lsvestiya
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dynamic fracture and flow phenomena. (10)POLOSATKIN, G. D., KOROTAEVA, V. L., ZHDANOV, V. V.,
(2) Inertia effects in UHSM were analysed theoretically. KHLUDKOVA, A. N., GRIBANOV, S. A., TITOV, V. B. and
These can be shown to lead to a ‘momentum’ force acting SOLOMEIN, I. A. ‘Cutting and grinding at ultra-high
along the commonly-assumed shear plane direction. This, speeds’, Izvestiya vyschikh uchebnykh zavedenii, Fiz. 1967,
in analogy with Merchant’s force circle at conventional 5 (NO. lo), 93-101.
(11) POLOSATKIN, G. D. and KHLUDKOVA, A. N. ‘Determination
cutting speeds, effectively gives rise to another force circle of the specific work expended in plastic deformation in
accounting for inertia effects. These two circles combine the ultra-high-speed cutting of metals’, Izvestiya vysciikh
to form a resultant force circle at ultra-high cutting speeds. uchebnykh zavedenii, Fiz. 1967 6 (No.7), 81-83.

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(12) VAUGHN,
R. L. ‘A theoretical approach to the solution of (36) THOMPSON, K. R. L., STOCK,T. A. C. and MCCONNOLL,
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machining’, A.S.T.M.E. Technical Paper No. 255, 1960. (37) MANION,S. A. and STOCK,T. A. C. ‘The measurement of
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nical Report 60-7-635 (l), 1960. 14 (No. 3), 190.
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(18) SALOMONOVICH, E. D. ‘Investigation of temperature in the (41)SHAW,M. C. Metal cuttingprinciples, 3rd ed., 1965 (M.I.T.
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1954 34 (NO. 9), 45-46. (42) CHAO,B. T. and TRIGGER, K. J. ‘An analytical evaluation
(19)TAKEYAMA, H.,MURAI,T. and USUI,E. ‘Speed effect on of metal cutting temperatures’, Trans. Am. SOC. mech.
metal machining’, J . mech. Lab. Japan 1 1955 (No. 2), Engrs 1951 73, 57.
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(20) SIEKMANN, H. J. ‘The use of an ultra-high-speed, 150 of unlubricated steel surfaces at speeds up to 655 ft/sec’,
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(21) FINDLEY, W. N. and REED,R. M. ‘The influence of extreme at ultra-high speeds’, Proc. Harold Armstrong Conf. Prod.
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(24) VAUGHN, R. L., QUACKENBUSH, L. J. and COLWELL, L. V. (48) FENTON, R. G. and OXLEY,P. L. B. ’Predicting cutting
‘Shock waves and vibration in high-speed milling’, forces at super-high cutting speeds from work material
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of metals’, Trans. Am . Soc. Metals 1944 33, 163-235. (49) OXLEY,P. L. B. ‘Applied research in plastic deformation’,
(26) ZENER,C. ‘The micro-mechanism of fracture’, Fracturing Aust. much. prod. Engng 1968 21 (No. 233), 12-18.
of Metals 1948, 3-31 (American Society of Metals, New (so) KRONENBERG, M. ‘A new approach to some relationships
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flat-ended projectiles for determining dynamic yield stress, (51) OXLEY, P. L.B. and STEVENSON, M. G. ‘Measuring stress/
I11 : Changes in microstructure caused by deformation strain properties at very high strain rates using a machin-
under impact at high striking velocities’, Proc. R . SOC. ing test’,J. Inst. Metals 1967 95, 308-313.
1948 194A,323. (52) BHATTACHARYYA, B. and SCRUTTON, R. F. ‘Plastic flow at
(28) OSBORN, C. J. and RYAN,N. E. ‘Metallography of powder- the chip-tool interface during hot machining’, A. S.M.E.
powered fastenings in mild steel’, J . Aust. Inst. Metals Paper No. 70-WAIProd-1, 1970.
1957 11 (NO. 2), 48-53. (53)HOLLOMON, J. H. and LUBAHN, J. D. ‘Flow of metals at
(29) OSINA, V. ‘Metallumformung mit hohen Geschwindig- elevated temperatures’, Gen. Electric Rev. 1947 50 (No. 2),
keiten und Energien’ (Abstract), Industrie-Anzeiger 1967 38; (No. 4), 44.
89 (No. 30), 588-589; also Metal Treatment 1966 33 (54) MACGREGOR, C.W. and FISHER, J. C. ‘A velocity-modified
(No. 248), 193; Original, Strojirenstvi 1964 14 (No. 9), temperature for the plastic flow of metals’, Trans. Am. SOC.
667. mech. Engrs,J. appl. Mech. 1946 68.
(30) WINGROVE, A. L. ‘A note on the structure of adiabatic (55) KAUZMANN, W. ‘Flow of solid metals from the standpoint
shear bands in steel’, J . Ausr. Inst. Metals 1971 16 (No. l), of chemical rate theory’, Trans. A.I.M.M.E. 1941 143,57.
67-70. (56) MCLELLAN, D. L. and EICHENBERGER, T. W. ‘Strain rate
(31)GLASS,C. M., MOSS,G. M. and GOLASKI, S. K. Response effects on the compressive behaviour of pure aluminium’,
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1965, 137 Ed. F. Benesovsky (Springer-Verlag, Berlin). sity of Melbourne, 1970.
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Merals 1970 15 (No. l), 1. 1958 80, 158-168.
(34) ANON. ‘Penetration of metal plate by projectiles’ and ‘Adia- (59)OXLEY,P. L. B. ‘Rate of strain effect in metal cutting’,
batic shear bands in steel’, D.S.L. Annual Report 1968-69 Trans. A m . SOC.mech. Engrs, J . Engng Ind. 1963 85, 335-
(Maribyrnong, Victoria) (also see earlier reports). 338.
(35) STOCK,T. A. C. and THOMPSON, K. R. L. ‘Penetration of (60) OSTAFIEV, V. A. and KOBAYASHI, S. ‘Stress, strain and
aluminium alloys by projectiles’, Metall. Trans. 1970 1, strain rate in metal cutting’, Proc. 72h M.T.D.R. Conf.
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634 G. ARNDT

(61)LIRA,I?. and THOMSEN, E. G. ‘Metal cutthg as a property investigation of the influence of speed and scale on the
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E. D. Doyle Ascot Vale, Victoria lamellar structure is barely resolvable. The type of
1should like to discuss the second aim of the author’s very electron diffraction pattern obtained from these chips is
interesting paper, that is the controversy over the defor- shown in Fig. 8. The fine continuous rings suggest a fine
mation process in metals when they are subjected to high grain structure. A possible explanation of the mechanism
rates of deformation. The author concludes that there is responsible for this type of chip formation has been put
experimental evidence to prove the existence of an forward (65) and very briefly involves the following
adiabatic shear process and that melting may occur within sequence. The high stress concentration immediately
the shear band. Here I must keep the controversy raging ahead of the advancing grit causes the metal to re-
by pointing out that there is no conclusive evidence that crystallize to a fine grain structure, which becomes
melting occurs within shear bands and, in fact, there is no unstable under the high applied stress. The process then
proof that an adiabatic shear process occurs at all. The repeats itself and sets up a dynamic equilibrium. I n
concept of adiabatic shear was introduced as a hypo- support of this observation of an instability condition
thesis to explain a condition of plastic instability. Since associated with a fine grain size, Bridgman (66)observed
then, metallurgists have been attempting to account for that metals become unstable when sheared under high
certain structural anomalies associated with so called pressure and that the resultant shear band consists of fine
adiabatic shear but have been largely unsuccessful. The grains. Why a fine grain structure should become unstable
only consistent points of agreement between many under high applied stress is not at all clear from the
research workers over the last 40 years concerning the present experimental observations.
phenomenon of adiabatic shear are that it occurs in It seems to me that the condition described above more
regions of high stress concentration and that the resultant closely resembles the type of chip formation obtained by
shear band consists of fine grains (1 pm diameter). This the author. The possibility of instability through the
second point accounts for the shear band’s etching white formation and linking of microcracks is unlikely in this
since the fine grain structure cannot be resolved in the instance owing to the very short times available. However,
optical microscope, and it is not necessarily evidence of an this in no way invalidates the drop in shear force with
as-quenched martensitic structure, as has often been increased cutting velocity as shown in Fig. 4. T h e
assumed in the past. experimental observations of Recht (38) confirm a drop
I should like to introduce an observation made recently in cutting forces with increased cutting speed. This is
in the Defence Standards Laboratories of Australia which explained in terms of the increasingly catastrophic drop
appears to offer an alternative mechanism of instability in shear strength with corresponding increase in shear
when metals are subjected to high rates of deformation. strain on the shear plane as the cutting speed increases.
This was made on chips produced by fine grinding of Recht proposed an adiabatic shear mechanism to explain
various metals; an example is shown in Fig. 7. The chip this although it can be quite adequately accounted for by
has the characteristic lamellar structure but the inter- fine grained instability.

Fig. 7. Transmission electron micrograph of a fine

grinding chip from nitrided stainless steel, showing Fig. 8. Typical’electron diffraction pattern from chips
a fine lamellar structure produced by fine grinding

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I am confident that a careful metallographic examination In the paper the ‘momentum force’ F , is considered to
of the chips produced by ultra-high-speed machining will add vectorially to the resultant of Merchant’s cutting-
go a long way towards resolving this controversy. I look force circle (the segment of R, lying in the smaller circle
forward to seeing future publications on this work. on Fig. 96) to produce the resultant which acts upon the
tool. The tool does provide the larger resultant R,
required to support the F, component, but it also supports
(65) DOYLE,E. D. and AGHAN,R. L. Submitted to Metall. the additional component AFN, shown on Fig. 9b. ( F ,
P. W. J . appl. Phys. 1937 8,328.
does not act directly upon the tool.) The neglect of
AFN, leads to the unfortunate conclusion that the friction
forces F,, (Fig. 9b) and F, (Fig. 9a) act in opposite
R . F. Recht Denver, Colorado directions. Friction always acts in opposition to the
It is clear that the author has been thorough in his review upward motion of the chip and F,, must act in the same
and analysis of ultra-high-speed machining investigations. direction as F,. Further, the direction of R, is governed
Unfortunately, an analytical error has been made. entirely by the friction coefficient at the tool-chip inter-
Merchant’s force circle is used as a basis for examining face which is equal to Ffu/Nu.
the effects of the ‘momentum force’ on the force resultant The ‘momentum force’ derives from the body forces
which acts upon the tool. Merchant’s force circle depicts which act during acceleration of material from workpiece
the equilibrium of the four forces (Fs, F,, F, and F,) velocity to chip velocity. This force F, acts upon the chip-
which act upon the chip-free body at low machining free body, adding directly to the shear force F,, as shown
speeds as shown on Fig. 9a. Of these four forces, only F, on Fig. 9b. The smaller circle on Fig. 9b is Merchant’s
and F, act (in the opposite direction) upon the tool as force circle which differs from that of Fig. 9a for several
illustrated; thus, the resultant R of F, and F, does act reasons. The direction of R, is different from that of R
upon the tool, as indicated by the author. (Also acting only because the sliding coefficient of friction at the
upon the tool are the thrust and friction forces at the wear toof-chip interface has decreased. Experiments have
land and the force and moment reactions imposed by the demonstrated dramatic decreases in friction coefficient
tool holder.) at high sliding velocities ;Krafft (67) showed conclusively
that the dynamic-friction coefficient is very small during
ballistic penetration owing to melting at the sliding
interface (as small as 0.01). The magnitude of the com-
ponent R, which lies within the small circle is different
from R because the average shear force F,, is less than F,
and the coefficient of sIiding friction is different. The
direct effect of F, is to enlarge Merchant’s circle, in-
creasing all of the force components which lie in the small
circle by the ratio (F,+ F,,)/Fs,.
With regard to heat and temperature effects, it is
important to clarify the separate roles of shear defor-
mation and tool-chip friction upon temperatures and tool
wear. Heat generated in the shear zone is carried into the
chip by convection, no conduction being required. From
the friction interface, heat must be driven into the chip by
temperature gradients which increase sharply with
machining speed ;thus, even if friction heat per unit chip
volume remains constant, interface temperature rises
rapidly. As speed increases, AT, increases and F,, may
increase or decrease; increases in either cause heat per
unit chip volume to increase. Interface temperatures are
much greater than ‘stabilized’ chip temperatures (heat
uniformly distributed in chip). Melting at the interface
can level off the temperature. Tool wear is exceedingly
sensitive to interface temperature; tool materials which
remain strong at workpiece melting temperatures can
survive at ultra-high machining speeds.

(67) KRAFFT,J. M. ‘Surface friction in ballistic penetration’,
J . appl. Phys. 1955 26, 1248.

R. L. Woodward Maribyrnong, Victoria

b The inclusion of momentum forces and adiabatic
a Low-speed machining. shearing effects into the metal cutting analysis clarifies
6 Ultra-high-speed machining. considerably the expected behaviour of materials in
Fig. 9. Force diagrams high-speed cutting. The author states that the momentum

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force acts parallel to the shear plane. However, as the force circle. This moment, particularly at ultra-high
momentum change takes place along the shear plane one speeds, where F, approaches zero as the hydrodynamic
also expects, from Newton’s second law of motion, that region is reached, is therefore negligible in comparison
the momentum force will act at points on the shear plane with the other effects contributing towards tool loading.
and thus along the shear plane. If this is the case, some This, although not stated explicitly in the paper, was
important practical considerations arise from an examina- implicit in the use of Merchant’s model which, as the
tion of the equilibrium of forces and moments. reader is aware, also contains several other simplifying
Using the symbols and geometry of Fig. 2 where assumptions. The analysis was introduced as a ‘simple’
possible we see that the momentum force F, is opposed analysis; perhaps ‘simplified’ would have been a better
by a normal force F,,, and a friction force F f m dis- term.
tributed along the rake face of the tool. Taking moments Having thus explained the reasons for assuming both
about the tool tip, noting that the friction force and the F, and R to act at the tool point in this analysis, one can
momentum force both act through the tool tip, we have turn to Fig. 9b. This contains several issues with which I
disagree. The most serious error, which in fact explains
F,,a = 0 . .
. . (27) the introduction of the fictitious force component AF,,,
where a is a mean distance along the tool at which F,, (whose origin has not been explained), lies in the in-
acts and is given by correct addition of F, and R. The momentum force F,
in itself is a ‘resultant’ force acting purely along the shear
2 FlmXim
. . . (28) - plane, and cannot introduce any force component, or
resolute, normal to it. This means that the only force
where Fi, represents the distribution of F,, along the tool acting normal to the ‘shear plane’, even at ultra-high
face at distances xi, from the tip and speeds, is FN, and that F, = FNu,as in equation (8). I n
Fig. 9b the resultant R of Merchant’s circle is shown as
2 Fi, = F,, . . . . (29)
‘the segment of R, lying in the smaller circle on Fig. 9b‘.
As xi, and F,, cannot be negative, equations (27) and For vectorial addition of F, and R the dashed line shown
(28) imply that a = xi, = 0 and thus the normal force parallel to F, represents F,, and the resultant vector sum
F,, must act entirely at the tool tip. T o obtain equilibrium R, is a line (vector) extending from the left-hand end of
of forces the friction force F,, also acts at the tool tip. this dashed line to the tool tip (as can be verified from
If this is the case the momentum force is supported at Fig. 2). The portion of the ‘resultant’ R, as shown in
the tip of the tool, and as the momentum force increases Fig. 9b lying outside the smaller circle may be thought of
fracture of the tool tip becomes more likely. With large as a resolute of F, acting in the direction of R, although
momentum forces one also expects large deflections of the even then it is wrong since it cannot be greater than F ,
tool so that the depth of cut is altered considerably. itself, i.e. the right angle should be at the other end of
Whether an increase or a decrease occurs depends on the ‘AF,;. AF,, cannot exist, and moreover there is no
rake of the tool; a positive rake causes an increase, a reason why F, should be resolved in the direction of R.
negative rake a decrease. R, and R will usually not be collinear, as shown in Fig. 2.
Another difference of opinion with respect to Fig. 9b
lies in the representation of the normal force at ultra-high
G . Arndt Graduate (Author) speeds Nu (= F,,+ F,,) some distance along the tool rake
Firstly, it is unfortunate that R. F. Recht has not con- face. The point of application of F,,, is always at the tool
sistently adhered to the force convention as used in the tip. At the high speeds F,, $- F, so that the point of
paper where, as is obvious from equations (7) and (26), or application of the resultant normal force Nu will largely
from Fig. 6, F,, is the sum of F, and F,, implying that in coincide with that of R,. As stated in the discussion, at
Fig. 2 the end points of all three vectors F,,, F, and F, are these speeds the dynamic coefficient of friction p = F,,/N,
at the tool tip, not at the intersection points with the is very small. To take the example quoted, viz. p x 0.01,
various circles, as is the case in Fig. 9b. All forces with it follows that Nu x 100 F,,, implying that in both Figs 9b
subscripts u are stated to be the resultant effects of both and 2 the direction of Nunearly coincides with that of R,.
mechanical and momentum contributions and have their The term ‘friction’ force for F,, is perhaps misleading:
end points on the largest of the three circles shown in F,, could more correctly be described as ‘the combined
Fig. 2. According to this convention the forces F,, and effect of friction on the rake face (itself the result of shear
FNushown inside the small circle of Fig. 9b are simply F, and momentum effects along the shear plane) and normal
and FN, as per Fig. 9a. and friction forces on the clearance face’. The forces on
The fact that the same momentum force F, acts along the clearance face are again neglected in Merchant’s
the shear plane and hence at the tool tip (which is still part analysis. They may in fact be appreciable at ultra-high
of the tool), whereas the actual ‘mechanical’ resultant speeds, and contribute towards the existence of the final,
force R, originating from the workpiece-strength- positive coefficient of friction. Admittedly, the overall
dominated cutting process, in practice acts at some point ‘mechanical’ frictional effect always acts in a direction
further along the tool rake face, is well understood. The opposite to the motion of the chip, whereas the resolute
distance x along the rake face by which the two points of of Fm2along the rake face, i.e. F,,, does not. The limita-
application of the forces F, and R are separated may be tions in the use of Merchant’s force circle become clearly
about 0.5 to 2 times the depth of cut, i.e. a rather small apparent at this point. However, the force-circle approach
quantity. It gives rise to a moment about the cutting edge was simply chosen to demonstrate the overriding effect of
of magnitude M = xF, which unfortunately does not momentum in UHSM, for which purpose it is sufficient.
show up in the usual convention of drawing Merchant’s The points offered by E. G. Recht in no way invalidate the
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force theory presented, but his comments are appreciated. Recht’s comments. F,,,, in fact is not ‘distributed’ along
I thank him also for his remarks on heat and temperature the rake face of the tool, but is simply the resolute of F,
effects. in that direction. The result of R. L. Woodward’s analysis
I n reply to E. D. Doyle, the justification for using the is obvious and implicit in Fig. 2. Tool as well as work-
term ‘conclusive evidence’ in the paper rests solely on the piece deflections are a function of the rigidity of the
findings of some 13 previous investigations (25)-(38) into cutting system and the strength of the materials used in it.
the high-strain-rate shear deformation mechanism, If rigidity and strength are high, deflections do not
whether it be called adiabatic shear, ‘so called’ adiabatic necessarily have to be large. This is one of the practical
shear, melting, or simply a condition of plastic in- requirements in ultra-high-speed machining if accurate
stability. The exact nature of this phenomenon clearly cuts are to be made. It may be alleviated somewhat by the
needs further investigation, and the mechanism suggested use of appropriately arranged multiple cutting edges
by E. D. Doyle represents another step in this direction. which balance out each other’s momentum forces. The
As he agrees, the fact remains that at high speeds defor- question of whether a negative rake on a tool cutting at
mation energy decreases by some mechanism, for which the ultra-high speeds will cause a ‘decrease’ in depth of cut,
present theory accounts. A metallographic examination i.e. prevent digging-in of the tool, is a debatable point,
of the UHSM chips has in fact been made and has been since even with negative rake angles F,,, will still act down-
reported elsewhere (2). Evidence of both melting and the wards in Fig. 2. Although F,,,, (which is then smaller than
formation of white-etching bands within the chip, as well Ffm)will tend to push the tool back, the ‘dynamic com-
as recryst,allization, was obtained, a fact which supports ponent’ in F,,, viz. F,,, will still tend, through the chip
the theory as presented. material, to pull the tool into the workpiece. This was
I n reply to R. L. Woodward, F,,, always acts at the tool invariably found to be the case in the UHSM tests per-
tip, as shown in Fig. 2 and mentioned in my reply to R. F. formed by me (I), also with negative-rake tools.

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