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MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF EE-ECE-COE DIODE CHARACTERISTICS EXPERIMENT 2 Date Performed: _/A/101- Date Submitte:_februory 06, 20 Q - Electronics Laborafory 1 EXPERIMENT NO. 2 & DIODE CHARACTERISTICS 1. OBJECTIVES ‘The objectives of this experiment are: (a) study the basic character silicon diode and (b) introduce PSpice for circuit nulation, I, LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS ipe LED 1 pe DC Power Supply 1 pe Diode 1N4001 I set Connecting wires 1 pe Resistor 4.7KQ. 1 pe Analog Multimeter I pe Digital Multimeter (DMM) 2 pes Oscilloscope probes 1 pe Breadboard Lpe Oscilloscope 1 pe Desktop Computer IIL, INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION Diode Characteristics ua . cae Figure 2-1 Symbol and figure of a diode ‘The diode is a semiconductor devi that permits electrons to flow through it in only one direction, The name “diode” simply means “having two electrodes”. Basically, the device is made up of two-terminals, the anode (p-type material) and the cathode (n+ type material), having the symbol and figure as shown in Figure 2-1 When the anode is at a higher potential than the cathode, the diode is said to be forward biased, and reverse biased when the cathode is at @ higher potential than the anode. Unlike in a resistor where current is directly (that is, linearly) proportional to the voltage across it, the diode is a nonlinear device. When the diode is forward biased, small but measurable voltage drop, called the barrier potential, occurs across the diode. At room temperature for germanium diodes, this value is typically 03V; and approximately 0.7¥V for silicon diodes. The diode characteristic curve, shown in Figure 2-2, is a graphical representation of current flow versus voltage drop in a typical diode. From the figure, conduction Page 2-4 Electronics Labocatory | begins when forward voltage reaches approximately 0.7 volts, so iff a small forward voltage is applied to the silicon diode (between 0 and 0.7 volts), almost no current flows because the barrier potential has not been reached. ‘The barrier potential is overcome as the forward biasing voltage increases, and the forward current increases sharply. At this point, the voltage across the diode is nearly constant and is called the forward voltage drop (Ve). eae |g : i Figure 2-2 Diode Characteristic Curve For practical diodes, the diode will start to conduct when the input voltage reaches approximately 0.7V, the point at which the diode barrier voltage is overcome (Figure 2- 3). a for esl diode foweatd dey) Page 2-2 Electronics Laboratory 1 ‘When the diode is reverse biased, only a reverse current of minority charges called “leakage current” can flow. This reverse current is steady at a very small value until the reverse voltage reaches the junction breakdown voltage, allowing larger leakage current to flow. The diode can be destroyed once this condition is reached. Testing a diode can be accomplished by using a digital multimeter. A DMM with a “diode check” feature will indicate the forward-biased diode’s approximate barrier potential, This can be approximately 0.3V for germanium devices, and from 0.5V to 0.9V for silicon diodes. When the meter Teverse biases a good diode junction, the DMM. Benerally indicates some form of out-of-range condition, such as a blinking display, the letters “OL”, or approximately 3V (in the case of the Tektronix DMM254). When an ohmmeter is used to test a diode, a good diode must have a low forward Tesistance and a very high reverse resistance PSpice In designing or analyzing an electronic circuit, it requires precise methods for evaluating cireuit performance. In addition, modem electronic circuits are so complex that computer-sided circuit analysis is essential. SPICE (Simulation Program for Integrated Circuits Emphasis) is a powerful general purpose analog circuit simulator that is used to verify circuit designs and to predict the circuit behavior. Tt was originally developed at the Electronics Research Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley in 1975. PSpice is one of the many commercial SPICE derivatives, and has been developed by MicroSim Corporation. It is a general purpose circuit simulation Programming language that performs non-linear DC, transient and linear steady state AC analysis. PSpice can do several 1ypes of circuit analyses, some of which are: + Non-linear DC analysis: calculates the DC transfer curve. * Non-linear transient analysis: calculates the voltage and current as a function of ime when a large signal is applied. + Linear AC Analysis: calculates the output as a function of frequency. A bode plot is generated, + Noise analysis, + Sensitivity analysis, + Distortion analysis + Fourier analysis: calculates and plots the frequency spectrum. + Monte Carlo Analysis Page 2-3 Electronics Laboratory 1 Linear circuit elements of resistance, capacitance, inductance, independent and dependent current and voltage sources are modeled. Four of the most common nonlinear semiconductor devices (diodes, BJTs, JFETs and MOSFETs) and many other useful circuit relationships including transmission lines and mutual inductance are also included. IV. PROCEDURES Objective A. Identify the terminals and check the forward and reverse operation of a diode using both the digital and analog multimeters. Al BB AS, ‘Using the DMM, forward bias the diode by connecting the positive lead to the anode terminal and the negative lead to the cathode terminal, as shown in Figure 24, ee) Figure 24 Set the DMM for diode test, take the reading and recor Next, reverse the meter’s leads so that its positive te cathode and the negative terminal to the anode. biased. Record the reading in Table 2-1 Remove the DMM and replace it with the log multimeter. Using the ‘ohmmeter, record the resistance for both the forward and Teverse conditions of the diode. (For Japan analog multimeters, the fed lead must be connected to the cathode and black lead to the anode to forward bias the diode, swap the conection to reverse bias). Record the readj ing in Table 2-1. Note: Select the low-resistance meter in Table 2-1 inal is connected to the the diode is now reverse ‘Multimeter Leads Reading 1 + ~ Diode ted function (V) | _Ohmmeter (Q) Anode Cathode 0.5V 10-1. Cathode | Anode Open 000 Table 2-1 Page 2-4 Electronics Laboratory 1 Is the diode in good condition? Substantiate your answer. Yes, because. fen condition 1S F cus nial Objective B. Observe the effect of connecting a forward and reverse-biased diode in a cirouit. BI. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 2-5 using the breadboard, - B2. Set Va to 10Vdc. The LED lights up if connections are made correctly. Determine the voltage across the resistor and the diode. Ven Ve=_OGHV Compute the forward current Iy=Tei= Veil = _/.62x107A a a 47KQ . 7 Pe ¥ Te Fines and the diode. Va=_ OV Objective C. Determine the voltage-current relationship in a forward-biased diode, Cl. Complete the circuit in Figure 2-6 using the breadboard. Notice that this is the same circuit as Figure 2-5 without the LED. Page 2-5 Electronics Laboratory | Figure 2-6 Adjust the power supply Va to give the voltage in column | of Table 2-2. For each voltage, record the de voltage drop across the diode (Vi), the/voltage ‘across the resistor and the current Iu = Ip, (For the positive supply, interchange the positions of the positive and the negative leads) Voltage Supply Diode Voltage | Resistor Voltage/| Current (Iy=In:) (Wa Wi (Vm) Ta= Trt =Va/Ry i _ =209 7] OA -2.00Vde -201V Ov. OA “1.00Vde LOA Vantaa DV) 4 Q OV. lentay Of H.00vde 0.49 A55Y O.N7mA *2.00Vde 0.531 L4BV 025ml “a.00Vde OSV FRY OFA ++6.00Vae 0.595V “55 V 11534 “10.00Vde 0.62V IRV 10044 +15.00Vde 0.642, 198 5.08mi 420.00Vde 0.658 I3BV fink, Table 22 C3. Using the data in Table 2-2, draw and label the diode voltage-current relationship showing the forward and reverse-biased regions (Graph 2-1) Connect the points to form a smooth graph. Draw a vertical line tangent to the ‘curve to determine the barrier potential. Label the approximate voltage (Vi) in the forward-biased region where the current begins to increase rapidly. Ve=_0.49V C4. Turn OFF all power sources. Page 2-6 Electronics Laboratory 1 i fo.5985| es pare Asis : oN ov /oev Describe the Voltage-Current relationship of the diode when forward and reverse biased. [Tie Objective D. Do circuit simulations to obtain the voltage-current relationship (IV Characteristics) of a forward-biased diode using PSpice. Getting Started with PSpice: DI. Run the LTspicelV program. D2. Start a new project (File -> New Schematic) D3. A blank window will open. This is the sheet on which the circuit will be constructed. D4. Drawing the circuit is easier if the grid is active, To activate the grid, click on View and select “Show Grid”. Page 2-7 Electronics Laboratory 1 Ds. Shown below are the buttons for the main menu. These will be used for constructing the circuit Place Circuit Element Place Diode Place Inductor Place Capacitor Place Resistor Label Node Place Ground uplicate Paste b/t Schematics Place Comment Fed Place SPICE directive LT WEAR Figure 2-7 Placing parts, editing parts, and wiring the circuit D6. The circuit in Figure 2-8 will be used to show the V-I characteristics of diode DI. ‘To connect the circuit, click the Place Circuit Element button. A new window will appear, choose the components from the list provided (Figure 2-8a) and click on the window to place the components, To rotate a component, use Ctrl-R. Press Esc when done. ie =A v1 R 01 GC @ Figure 2-8 D7. After placing all the components, you need to connect the parts together. Click on the "Wire" button. Click on one end of one part, drag the mouse to the end of Pago 2-8 DB. Do. D10. Dil DI2. DIB. Di. Electronics Laboratory 1 another part and click again. You may click on comers to bend the wires. Use Ese to cancel. Every circuit needs a ground to establish a reference potential. To add a ground, click on the “Ground” button. Connect the ground using a wire ‘To choose a diode model, right-click on the diode and click new diode model. To set the value of VI right-click on the device or the value V and type 0.3 for the de voltage. For RI, use 4.7k for the value of the resistor. Label the node at the top of the diode using the button “Label Net”. Type in the word “vd” and use “none” for the port type. Place it on the wire on top of D1; do not place it outside the wire. Place a label at the input side as well. Once the circuit is complete, you can now specify the type of simulation and analysis. Select the menu item "Simulate>>Edit Simulation Cmd”. Choose “DC op pnt”. Place the simulation command anywhere on the window. To run the simulation, select “Simulate>>Run” or click on the “RUN” button, A tage V(vd), diode . Close the window window will appear indicating the input voltage Vin, diode current I(D1), and resistor current I(R1). Write the values bel after getting the output. Vin=_LOY -va= 0-18V__ a= Tex=_0-/090A. With the use of the “Move” button, click on the supply voltage and reverse the polarity by rotating the device. This will reverse bias the diode in the circuit. Click oon the “Run” button again, Record the values specified in the simulation. _i0V va=__ 100 Id=_~! T= 22.5 0A Explain the characteris at of the diode using for When forwar — When forward biased ed the. Next, we will plot the VI characteristic curve of the diode, Change the type of simulation. Select the menu item "Simulate>>Edit Simulation Cmd”. Choose “DC Sweep”, enter V1 for the name of Ist source to sweep, start value of —4 and end value of 20 with an increment of 1. Sweep type is Linear. Click OK. Place the simulation command anywhere on the display. Page 2-9 ‘Electtonies Laboratory 1 Figure 29 DIS. Click the “RUN” button to start the simulation, DI6. To plot the graph, place the mouse pointer on the diode. The current probe cursor will appear (Figure 2-10). Click to plot the current across the diode. & Current probe cursor Figure 2-10 DIT To change the x-axis of the plot to Vd, double click on the x-axis and type Vivd) in the “Quantity Plot”. Click OK. DIS. The output should be similar to the plot in Graph 2-2. Eee 8 —— LGN EU ESE “tiv av anv abv uv aby aw aby oly oly hav Graph Page 2-10 Electronics Laboratory’ 1 Compate Graphs 2-1 and 2-2. Are the waveforms similar? ‘What is the value of Vs in Graph2~ i iD 5y What ean you say about the use of PSpice in doing circuit simulations? Page 2-11 INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS: In this experiment, the characteristics of diode were observed Thus, it was. studied in four set-ups to better understand is properties. In the first part of the experiment, the voltage and resistonce of a diode was measured by digital mattmeter using diode tet. When it wos measured in forward-biased where the anode and cathode of the diode 1s connected to the positive and negative termingl respectively. the voltage. 18 approximately 0.5 V and the resistance/is 1022. When it WAS measured in reverse biased where the cathoble and anode of the diode is connected to the positive and negative fferminal respectively. the voltage 18 in open circurt and the resistandé 1s infinite. Hence, we can say that it sin forward biased when its repistance has a smaller yakie while ifis in reverse biased when its resitfance has a larger addition #0 that the Rarward biased diode /voitage 1 the barrier potential itself while the reverse biased dade vol Shows that the diode 15 in healthy In the. second part of the ex, iment, @ diode was amnnected in Torward and reverse piased to a breat/board, resistor and LED. based on fhe result, the LED turned on wher it rs in forward biased because the voltage of the power source overcame the voltage of the aliade and there 1S a current Flowing on the circuit. However; the LED tured aff when at [8 th reverse biased since there is no current flowing and the dhade indicates an pen areutt Since it 3 an gpen circuit, there 1$ no votfoge on the resistor and LED present. In the third part of the experiment, a aiode was also connected in forward and reverse biased To a power Source,and a resistor: Using the tnowledge we feared from the first part of the expenment, the voltage of the diode and resystar, and the current of the diode were measured. based on the gathered cata, when Va 0 (reverse biased), there (8 10 voltage across the resistor and there 5 ho current on the diode. find when Va?0 (forward biased), there ’s a voltage on resistor it i8 in forward biased. Furthermore, the voltage of the dlogk, valtage across the resistor and the current of the diode are dij (yon) [f shows the actual values of current gd voltage of the circut to venty the results of experimental results. found out that the graph in this experrment 13, similar fo the graph in the thee part of the experiment CONCLUSION A Identify the terminals ancl check the forward and reverse operation of a diade using both the digital and the negate lead to the cathode terminal. ~The dhade fests one of the Rundaiton of electronics. ~ ft 18 in forward biased when its resistance has a smalier value while it isin reverse biased when its resistance has longer value. “The forward biased voltage of clade rs its bargler potenticd while the reverse biased voltage of aiade 15 inftufe over range which shows that the diode 45 in healthy condi B. Observe the effect of connecting a fornghel and reverse biased diode circuit. “This experiment proved that chadle/ controls the olrection of the current. “In forvard biased, the LED tur power Source overcame the current Flowing in the circu} on because the voltage of the C.Determne the voltage-cur relationship in a forward biased chad, ~The voltage of the dhodevaltage across the resistar and the current of code are directly proportional 10 cach other, D.Do oraut simulations to obtain the volfoge-current relationship of a Parware biased diade using PSpice “A P3pice fe a rehiable program since it gives the actual valves. of current and voltage of the circurk MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY ( &)) School of EE-ECE-COE 7 DIODE CHARACTERISTICS EAPERIMENT 2, leadertParazo, Eleazar Carlo/) Members: Mata, Gienelle F. on ES Santiago, Chay Joseph a oe v Villegas, Precious Jewel/& _ Zulueta, Christelle Jigane“ 2 Kadlalino ofr Objective A. Identify the terminals and check the Forward and reverse operation of a alode using both digital and analog multimeters. Al Using the DMM, forward bias the diode by connecting the positive lead fo the anode terminal and the negative lead to the cathode terminal as shown in Figure 24. AZ. Set the DMIM for diode test, take the reading and record it inTable 2-1 3. Next, Reverse the meter's leads so that its positive terminal is connected to the cathode and the negative terminal to the anode. The diode is now reverse biased, Record the reading in able 2. 44. Remove the DIMM and replace it with the analog multimeter. Using the ohmmeter, record the resistance far koth the forward and reverse biased! conditions of the diode. (For Japan analog multimetes, the red lead must be connected fo the cathode and black Jéad fo the anode forward bias the rode, swap the connection fo reverse bias). Record the reading in Table 2) NOTE: Select /ow-resistance meter ranfe of the onmmeter First. Table 2-4 = Siar RREAO/ ie tamara Ohmmeter Ch) | Function V) 05v | : EM op] co-0 | | oe is the diode in gaod condition? Substantiate your answer. 4 —~.-- 428, beara th flesh 07 ce WAS apa toy = ts a. Wc got using the cigudat eniltaekecs Objective 8. Observe the ef fect of connecting a Forward ghd reverse biased diode ina circuit. I. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 2-5 using the breadboard. 82. Set Vst0 IOV 0. The LED Lights up if connectrons are made corpett ly, Determine the voltage across the resistor ond the diode,” Va LEV ; yo 7 63.Turn the diode around and connect the cathode to the Pee of the supply. this reverse biases the diode. Determine the voltage across the resistor and the diode. i Var____2v Compute for the forward current lala Vj/Rl= Explain the characteristics af the diode whe bresed in reverse and forward conditions, Ze - Wien thes es rota cu pa Objective C. Determine the valtage current refationship ina forward biased diode. a Zs y C2, Adjust the power supply Vato give the voltage in colums! of Table 2-2. For each voltage, record the de voltage drop across the diode (V4), the voltage acrass the resistor and current l= ly Toble 2-2 Voltage Supply | DiadeVoltage | Resistor Voltage “Current Ci) __W.) Vs) ta leyVep [RE { | - C3, Using the data in Table 2-2,.draw anahove the diode voltage current relationship showing the forward and reverse-biased regions. Connect the noints fo Form a smooth graph, Draw avertical line tangent to the curve to determine the barrier potential. Label the approximate voltage (Vs) in the forward-biased regighwhere the current begins to increase rapidly. Describe the Volfage-Current relationship of the diade when Forward and reverse biased. ent rela ap ane auitier Lh te otf cid] fs motte Lute ve incu. curtent acess Hie chock ec ci te 1s Cy roumntely equal 2 He, Objective d. 012. To runithe simulation, select "Simulate 88 url" or click on" RUN" Butfon, window will appear indicating the input voltage Vin, diode voltage Viveh, dhode currént (01), and resistor ee “RI). Write the values below. Close the window after getting the out pur FOV" vps M78 fs 0.103u4 Toys O1O9mA Explain the characteristics of the diode during fooard and reverse bios condition, io Overcyme i fone ly— tent at fer SM Nt Uy plgonMvied f wl Ths ok sein doing/eireuit simulations? SIME Chena Seah te OE an Stadt What can you say about the use of PS, Shee FMS ao agnoueotin of he LY th

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