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Canonical forms

Any second order PDE in two variables can be reduced to canonical

form of hyperbolic, parabolic and elliptic PDE’s under suitable trans-
formation. Let us convert the PDE Equation 2.1.1 using the coordi-
nate transformation _(x, y), _(x, y). Also take w(_, _) = u(x(_, _), y(_, _))
ux = w_ _x + w_ _x
uy = w_ _y + w_ _y
Similarly compute uxx, uyy and uxy in terms of w__, w__ and w__. After
substitution of these terms into the Equation 2.1.1 gives
a(_, _)w__ + 2 b(_, _)w__ + c(_, _)w__ = (w_,w_,w, _, _)
a(_, _) = A_x
2 + 2B _x _y + C_y
b(_, _) = A_x _x + B (_x _y + _y _x) + C _y _y
c(_, _) = A_x
2 + 2B _x_y + C _y
We need a justification that the form of the PDE remains invariant
even after the coordinate transformation i.e., hyperbolic remains as
hyperbolic, parabolic remains parabolic and vice versa. It can be
observed that


_x _y
_x _y
_x _x
_y _y
Taking the determinant on both sides gives
b2 − a c = (_x_y − _y_x)2  
B2 − AC

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