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Name Abyan Faris Putranto

DESIGN III NRP 4214100095

General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Plant Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE

Document No. 01 - 42 14 095 - RE

Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine


Abyan Faris Putranto


Report by : Approved by :
Rev Date
Name Sign Name Sign
Abyan Faris P. Nurhadi Siswantoro, ST. MT.

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE

III.1. Ship Resistance 3
III.2. Engine Selection 5

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE


Ship resistance is a force that inhibits the movement of a ship without a

propulsion system. The total ship resistance is the sum of the frictional resistance
(CF), the residual resistance (CR) and the additional resistance (CA). Frictional
resistance (Rf) is the drag force on the vessel caused by the friction between the body
of a ship below the water line with fluid. In addition to these three components
there are air resistance and steering resistance. However, since both numbers have
small results so generally the calculations have been included in the calculation of
the additional resistance. The method of calculating the resistance used in this
assignment is the Harvald method. In the calculation to find the ship resistance used
the data of the main size of the ship, the formula of calculations, tables, and
By calculating the total ship's total resistance, it will obtain the necessary power
to drive the vessel. This ship's power is required for the selection of main engines to
match the speed of the vessel to produce a thrust force against the resistance of the
ship. To find the engine power required by the ship, there are several components
that need to be calculated first ie EHP, DHP, THP, BHP scr, and BHP mcr. The power
to be used as a reference when looking for a machine is BHPmcr. After the required
power is known from the calculation then we can determine the engine.

The purpose of the calculation of ship resistance and power is as follows :
1 To determine the ship resistance using Guldhammer – Harvald method.
2 To determine power need of main engine.
3 To determine the main engine and gearbox needed.

III.1. Ship Resistance
Ship resistance is a force that inhibits the movement of a ship without a
propulsion system. In its development there are many methods that can be used
to calculate or estimate resistance of a ship, such as the Guldhammer-Harvald
and Holtrop methods. In this calculation method used Guldhammer-Harvald to
calculate or estimate the resistance of this ship.
The ship's resistance consists of several resistance, that are :

> Frictional Resistance

Frictional resistance is a resistance caused by water friction with the body
of the ship. In terms of calculating the frictional resistance there are several
methods that can be used, namely :
o W. Froude
o R. E Froude

Page 3
General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE
o A.T.T.C. 1997
o I.T.T.C. 1957

> Residual Resistance

The residual resistance is a resistance resulting from the combined
resistance of the ship's body. There are several stages of correction for the
resistance coefficient because Lcb, B/T, or body of ship below water level
have different characteristics.
1 The first step is to look for Cr1 through the Guldhammer graph by using
the L / V ratio where L is the length of the vessel (m) and V is the vessel's
displacement volume (m3).
2 The second stage is the correction B/T, because the guldhammer
diagram is made by using the ship's ratio B/T.
3 The third stage is by LCB ship correction. Since the location of LCB
vessels is considered to be the location that gives the smallest resistance
then the other location in principle will provide great resistance.

> Air Resistance

Air resistance is a resistance experienced by the vessel parts of both the
main and the superstructure above the surface of the water due to the
movement of the ship through the air. Air resistance is influenced by several
factors, namely the speed of the ship, the air velocity, the direction of wind,
and the surface area of the ship that is in direct contact with the air.

> Rudder Resistance

Rudder resistance is resistance caused by the movement of the ship to
maintain the straightness of the track. The coefficient for the steering
resistance is 0.04 x 103.

III.2. Engine Selection

The main engine is the prime mover on the ship. On the main engine is
classified into 3 groups of engine rotation:
o Low speed engine. Engine speed ranges from 55 to 250 rpm.
o Medium speed engine. Engine rotation ranges from 250 to 750 rpm.
o High speed engine. Engine speed more than 750 rpm.
Reduction gear is a gear that is used to reduce the rotation of the main engine
so that the spin on the propeller is not too fast.
The power generated by the main engine is not necessarily immediately
absorbed entirely by the motion of the vessel herein referred to as the propeller.
So there are some power terms that must be understood to do the power
estimation required by the main engine:

Page 4
General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE

Figure 1. Ship Engine Power Illustration

> Effective Horse Power (EHP)

EHP is the amount of power required to overcome the drag force of the
ship's body so that the ship can move from one place to another with a
service speed of Vs.

> Delivered Horse Power (EHP)

DHP is the power delivered by the shaft to the propeller to rotate the
propeller so as to generate thrust.

> Thrust Horse Power (EHP)

THP is the amount of power generated by the work of the ship's
propellers in this case the propeller to push the ship's body. Thrust is a
function of the thrust force and fluid flow rate that occurs when the ship's
motion is working.

> Shaft Horse Power (EHP)

SHP is a measured power up to the front area of the stern tube bearings
of the ship propulsion system.

> Brake Horse Power (EHP)

BHP in question is the brake power or the power received by the
transmission shaft ship propulsion system. BHP is divided into two: BHPmcr
and BHPscr in which BHPmcr is BHP when the main engine operates in
maximum state. While BHPscr is BHP when the main engine operates in
service state, which is generally 80-85% BHPmcr.


No Key Equipment References Parameter Design Equation

Page 5
General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE

Principles of The higher Froude

Naval number (Fn) the ship is v
1 Architecture by said to be faster and, gLwl
Number the ship is said to slow
Edward V.
Lewis - page 57 if it has a small Froud
LCB is determined as
the distance between
Tahanan dan LCB point with a cross-
Propulsi Kapal section of the middle of Ʃ_2/Ʃ_1 𝑥
by Harvald - the ship, where LCB is ℎ
page 121 greatly influences the
resistance, especially for
high-speed vessels.

No Key Equipment References Parameter Design Equation

In case of the board
Tahanan dan
Residual member correction is
Propulsi Kapal
3 Resistance the propeller boss -
by Harvald -
Correction correction, so Cr was
page 130
increased by 3-5%

For the average

conditions of service
speed should be given
additional leeway in
Tahanan dan effective power caused
4 Sea Margin Propulsi Kapal by ocean winds, -
by Harvald erosion, and fouling on
the hull. Additional
leeway is highly
dependent on the
cruise line.

the power needed to

be able to ship to
Principles of operate with service
Naval speed (Vs) was quite
BHPmcr and BHPscr = 85%
5 Architecture by overcome by 80-85% of
BHPscr BHPmcr
Edward V. motor power (engine
Lewis rated power) in the
range of 100% of motor

Page 6
General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE
Ldisp = Length of Displacement
Am = Midship Area
S = Wetted Surface Area
Fn = Froude Number
Rn = Reynold Number
Cf = Ship Resistance Coefficient
Cr = Residual Resistance Coefficient

Ca = Additional Resistance Coefficient

Caa = Air Resistance Coefficient
Cas = Rudder Resistance Coefficient
Ct = Total Resistance Coefficient
Rt = Total Resistance
EHP = Effective Horse Power
DHP = Delivered Horse Power
THP = Thrust Horse Power
SHP = Shaft Horse Power
BHP = Brake Horse Power
SFOC = Specific Fuel Oil Consumption
SLOC = Specific Lubricating Oil Consumption

See attachment Doc. No. 01 - 42 14 095 - RE


No Item Result Unit

1 L disp (Length of Displacement) 174.58 m
2 Speed Length Ratio 0.585 -
3 Am (Midship Area) 383.470 m²
4 S (Wetted Surface Area) 8060.016 m²
5 Fn (Froude Number) 0.173 -
6 Rn (Reynold Number) 13.829 -
7 Cf (Ship Resistance Coefficient) 0.00147085 -
8 Cr (Residual Resistance Coefficient) 2.9874E-05 -
9 Ca (Additional Resistance Coefficient) 0.00112702 -
10 Caa (Air Resistance Coefficient) 0.000112 -
11 Cas (Rudder Resistance Coefficient) 0.00007 -
12 Ct (Total Resistance Coefficient) 0.00004 -
13 Rt (Total Resistance) 587.965 kN
14 Rt Margin (Total Resistance with sea margin) 693.798 kN
15 EHP (Effective Horse Power) 4996.458 kW

Page 7
General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE
16 DHP (Delivered Horse Power) 8449.93 kW

No Item Result Unit

17 THP (Thrust Horse Power) 4524.94 kW
18 SHP (Shaft Horse Power) 8622.37 kW
19 BHPscr (Brake Horse Power at Service State) 8622.37 kW
20 BHPmcr (Brake Horse Power at Maximum State) 10143.97 kW
21 Selected Engine Power 10185 kW

1 Harvald, Guldhamer. 1965. "Ship Resistance and Propulsion".
2 Edwar V. Lewis.1988. Principles of Naval Architecture.
3 Lammern, Van. 1962. Resistance, Propulsion and Steering of Ship.
4 Wärtsilä Diesel Engine. 2014. Wärtsilä RT-Flex48T-D Project Guide. Wartsila
Corporation : Finland

Page 8
General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE

Doc 01 - 42 14 095 - RE

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE

1. Ship's Data

Ship's Type = Oil Carrier

Length Between Perpendicular (Lpp) = 172 m
Length of Waterline (Lwl) = 177.16 m
Breadth (B) = 32.2 m
Depth (H) = 16 m
Draught (T) = 12.022 m
Service Speed (Vs) = 14 knot
Block Coefficient (Cb) = 0.7851
Midship Coefficient (Cm) = 0.9906
Prismatic Coefficient (Cp) = 0.7925
Displacement Volume (V disp) = 53842.25 m³
Displacement (∆) = 55188.31 ton
Ship Resistance (Rt) = 587964.732 N
CbWL = 0.77366
Route = Australia (Port of Gladstone) -
Singapore (Port of Singapore)
Distance = 3577 nm (
Sailing Time = 256 hour = 10 day 16 hour
Loading & Unloading Time = 18 hour loading & 18 hour unloading
Endurance = 292 hour = 12 days 4 hour

2. Calculation of Ship Resistance

Ship Resistance Calculation of Permata Firdaus in this report is using

Guldhammer & Harvald Method

2.1. Preliminary Calculation

2.1.1. Calculation of Ldisplacement

L disp = 1/2 x (Lpp + Lwl)
= 174.58 m
= 572.76 feet

2.1.2. Calculation of Speed Length Ratio

Speed Length Ratio = Vs / √Ldisp
= 0.5850

2.1.3. Calculation of Midship Area (Am)

Am = Cm x B x T

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE
= 383.470 m²

2.1.4. Calculation of Wet Surface Area (S)

S = 1.025 x Lpp((Cb x B)+(1.7 x T))
= 8060.016 m²

2.2. Calculation of Froude Number (Fn)

Fn = (Edward V. Lewis. Principles of Naval Architecture. page 57)
Froude Number (Fn) associated with the ship's speed. The higher Froude number
(Fn) the ship is said to be faster and, the ship is said to slow if it has a small Froud
Number. This is calculation of Fn based on speed variation

Vs (Knot) Vs (m/s) Fn with g = 9.81 m/s²

15 7.716 0.18508656 (standard gravity acceleration)
14 7.2016 0.17274745
13 6.6872 0.16040835
12 6.1728 0.14806925
11 5.6584 0.13573014

2.3. Calculation of Reynold Number (Rn)

Rn = � Vs (Knot) Vs (m/s) Rn Rn x 10-8
15 7.716 1481726259 14.8172626
14 7.2016 1382944508 13.8294451
13 6.6872 1284162758 12.8416276
12 6.1728 1185381007 11.8538101
11 5.6584 1086599256 10.8659926

� = 9.2255E-07 m²/s
(kinematic viscosity of sea
water at temperature
between 26-31oC)

2.4. Calculation of Ship Resistance Coefficient (Cf)

Cf = 0,075/(log 〖�� (Harvald, Tahanan dan Propulsi Kapal, page 118)

− 2 〗 )^2
Vs (Knot) Rn Cf
15 1481726259 0.00145858
14 1382944508 0.00147085

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE
13 1284162758 0.00148419
12 1185381007 0.00149882
11 1086599256 0.00151496

2.5. Calculation of Residual Resistance Coefficient (Cr)

> Value of 𝛻^(1 = 4.7
> Value of Cp = 0.7925
> Value of Cr can be determined fro Guldhammer-Harvald Diagram on
Tahanan dan Propulsi Kapal book by Harvald page 120-128
( 〖 10 〗 ^3 𝐶𝑟− 〖 10 〗 ^3
〖𝐶𝑟〗 _4.5)/( 〖 10 〗 ^3 〖𝐶𝑟〗 _5.0−
〖 10 〗 ^3 〖𝐶𝑟〗 _4.5 )=(4.71−4.5)/
〖 10 〗 ^3 𝐶𝑟= 〖 10 〗 ^3 〖𝐶𝑟〗 _4.5+ (4.71−4.5)/
(5.0−4.5) ( 〖 10 〗 ^3 〖𝐶𝑟〗 _5.0− 〖 10 〗 ^3 〖𝐶𝑟〗 _4.5 )
Use diagram 4.5 and 5.0, then it use interpolation

Vs Vs 10³Cr 10³Cr
Fn 10³Cr Cr
(knot) (m/s) Diagram 4.5 Diagram 5.0
15 7.716 0.18508656 1.30144 1.14228 1.23777616 0.0012
14 7.2016 0.17274745 1.11698 0.96906 1.05781203 0.0011
13 6.6872 0.16040835 0.96836 0.83802 0.9162238 0.0009
12 6.1728 0.14806925 0.85737 0.72477 0.80432944 0.0008
11 5.6584 0.13573014 0.74274 0.63493 0.69961932 0.0007

Because the chart is based on the ratio of B/T = 2.5, then for vessels that have a
ratio larger or smaller than the value need to be corrected.
> B/T correction

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE
B/T = 2.6784
Cr2 = 0.16 x (B/T - 2.5)
= 0.0285 (Harvald, Tahanan dan Propulsi Kapal, page 119)

Calculation of LCB Correction

LCB is an embedded point location of a vessel which is determined as the
distance between LCB point with a cross-section of the middle of the ship, where
LCB is greatly influences the resistance, especially for high-speed vessels.

LCB on Design I (Lines Plan)

LCB =Ʃ_2/Ʃ_1 𝑥 where, Ʃ1 = 18205.711
ℎ Ʃ2 = 8147.2322
LCB = 3.9063 m h = Ldisp / 20
= 8.729 m

LCB / Lpp ( e )
e = LCB / Lpp
e = 2.27%

Determining LCB Standard using graph of LCB standard in Tahanan dan Propulsi
Kapal handbook page 130, picture 5.5.15
LCBstd = 1.9017%

LCB Correction
∆LCB = LCB - LCBstd
= 0.3694%

Calculation of Cr3
(d103Cr/dLCB) = 0.07275 (where the factor (d103Cr / dLCB) obtained from
the diagram 5.5.16 (HARVALD))
Cr3 = (d103Cr/dLCB) / ∆LCB
= 0.00026877

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE

Total Residual Resistance Coefficient (Cr)

Cr Total = (Cr1 + Cr2 + Cr3) x 10-3
= 2.9874246E-05

Board Member of Ship Correction

In this case is the propeller boss correction, so Cr was increased by 3-5%
(HARVALD page 132) in this regard was taken 4%

Vs (Knot) Vs (m/s) Cr Cr Correction

15 7.716 0.001265 0.00131514
14 7.2016 0.001084 0.00112702
13 6.6872 0.000942 0.00097986
12 6.1728 0.000830 0.00086343
11 5.6584 0.000726 0.00075505

2.6. Calculation of Additional Resistance Coefficient (Ca)

Correction for the effect of roughness on sea trial condition, calculate by
using the ship's length (L) as a way of determination:

Use interpolation to get the value of Ca

L 10³Ca
150 0.2 10³Ca = (((172-150)*(0-0.2))/(200-150))+0.2
172 Ca 10³Ca = 0.112
200 0 Ca = 0.000112

2.7. Air Resistance and Rudder Resistance Coefficient

Air resistance is the resistance experienced by a part of the main part of the
ship that is above the water surface and the top of the building (superstructure)
due to movement of the ship which is also down the air.
Caa = 0.00007 (Tahanan dan Propulsi Kapal by
Harvald page 132)
General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
(Tahanan dan Propulsi KapalDoc.
by No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE
Cas = 0.00004 Harvald page 132)

2.8. Calculation of Total Resistance

Total Resistance Coefficient (Ct), can be determined by adding up all the

coefficients of ship resistance:
> Water Resistance
Water resistance is the resistance of the ship caused by water
consist of Cf, Cr, Ca, Cas
Ct = Cf + Cr + Ca + Cas
> Air Resistance
Air resistance is the resistance of the ship caused by air
consist of Caa

> Total Resistance

Rt = Ct x 0.5 x ρ of sea water x Vs2 x S
where, ρ of sea water = 1023 kg/m³

Water Resistance
Vs Vs
Cf Cr Ca Cas Ct Rt water
(knot) (m/s)
15 7.716 0.0015 0.0013 0.000112 0.00004 0.002926 718.123
14 7.2016 0.0015 0.0011 0.000112 0.00004 0.002750 587.964
13 6.6872 0.0015 0.0010 0.000112 0.00004 0.002616 482.300
12 6.1728 0.0015 0.0009 0.000112 0.00004 0.002514 394.961
11 5.6584 0.0015 0.0008 0.000112 0.00004 0.002422 319.702

Air Resistance
where, ρ of air = 1.2 kg/m³ (at temperature of 27oC)
Vs Vs
Caa Rt air
(knot) (m/s)
15 7.716 0.00007 0.0012963
14 7.2016 0.00007 0.0011292
13 6.6872 0.00007 0.0009737
12 6.1728 0.00007 0.0008297
11 5.6584 0.00007 0.0006971

Total Resistance
Vs Vs
Rt (kN)
(knot) (m/s)
15 7.716 718.125
14 7.2016 587.965

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE
13 6.6872 482.301
12 6.1728 394.962
11 5.6584 319.702
For the average conditions of service speed should be given additional
leeway in effective power caused by ocean winds, erosion, and fouling on the
hull. Additional leeway is highly dependent on the cruise line. Allowance
average for cruise services (sea margin or sea service) for effective power is
proposed as follows :

Route Margin
North Atlantic - West 20 - 30 %
Pacific Sea Route 15 - 30 %
East Asia Sea Route 15 - 20 %
South Atlantic and Australia 12 - 18 %
North Atlantic - East 15 - 20 %

These selected sea route is Australia - Singapore, that routes include in South
Atlantic and Australia area, then obtained additional resistance by 12-18%,
and assumed to be 18%. So the ship total resistance is now have a value at :
Total Resistance with Sea Margin
Vs Vs
Rt (kN) Rt margin
(knot) (m/s)
15 7.716 718.125 847.387
14 7.2016 587.965 693.798
13 6.6872 482.301 569.115
12 6.1728 394.962 466.055
11 5.6584 319.702 377.249

3. Calculation of Engine Power

3.1. Effective Horse Power (EHP)

The power required to drive the boat in the water or to pull the boat with a
speed v. Calculation of the Effective Horse Power (EHP) according to "Tahanan
dan Propulsi Kapal" book by Harvald, page 135 as follows:

EHP = Rt x Vs where,
= 4996.458 kW Rt = 693.798 kN
= 6700.361 HP Vs = 7.2016 m/s
1kW = 1.341022 HP

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE
1HP = 0.7457 kW

3.2. Delivered Horse Power (DHP)

Power absorbed by the propeller from shafting system or power delivered by

the shafting system to the propeller to be converted into thrust.

DHP = EHP / PC where,

PC = ηH x ηrr x ηo
PC = ηH x ηrr x ηo ηH = Hull Efficiency
ηrr = Relative Rotative Efficiency
ηo = Propulsive Efficiency

> Hull Efficiency (ηH)

ηH = where w = Wave Friction

t = Thrust Deducation Factor
• Wave Friction
Wake friction is the ratio between the speed of ship with the speed
of water leading to the propeller. Using the formula given by Taylor, then
w = 0.5Cb - 0.05 (Resistance,Propulsion and Steering of Ships,
= 0.3426 Van Lammeren, page 178)

• Thrust Deducation Factor

Value of t can be known from the value of w, with function :
t = kxw Value of k between 0.7 ~ 0.9
= 0.274 k = 0.8

So, Value of Hull Efficiency is :

ηH = 1.1042

> Relative Rotative Efficiency (ηrr)

ηrr value for vessels with single screw propeller-typeranges from 1.0-1.1.
(Principal of Naval Architecture page 152) to the planning of the propeller
and stern tube is taken :
ηrr = 1.05

> Propulsive Efficiency (ηo)

ηo is open water efficiency, which is the propeller efficiency at the time of
open water test. Its value is between 40-70%, and was taken:
ηo = 51% (first assumption)

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE
> PC = ηH x ηrr x ηo
PC = 0.5913

So, the value of DHP is :

= 11331.53 HP
= 8449.93 kW

3.3. Thrust Horse Power (THP)

THP or thrust is the amount of power generated by the action of propulsor to

push the boat. The equation is :

THP = EHP / ηH
= 6068.04 HP
= 4524.94 kW

3.4. Shaft Horse Power (SHP)

For a ship with engine room located at the back (aft), will experience losses of
2%, while for ship with engine room located at the midship area suffered losses
of 3%. (Principal of Naval Architecture page 131). In this plan, the engine room is
located on the back (aft), so the losses that occurred only 2%

SHP = DHP / ηsηb

= DHP / 98%
= 11562.79 HP
= 8622.37 kW

3.5. Brake Horse Power (BHP)

Brake Horse Power (BHP) in question is the brake power or the power
received by the transmission shaft ship propulsion system.
BHPscr is the output power of the engine on the condition of continuous
service rating (CSR), the power of motor on condition of 80-85% of its maximum
service rating (MSR). That is, the power needed to be able to ship to operate with
service speed (Vs) was quite overcome by 80-85% of motor power (engine rated
power) in the range of 100% of motor rotation.
> BHPscr
There are influence from the transmission gear wheel system / gearbox (ηG),
the ship was not wearing gear system, so ηG = 1
BHPscr = SHP / ηG
= SHP / 1

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan
DESIGN III Name Abyan Faris Putranto
General Arrangement, Fire & Safety Plan NRP 4214100095
Ship Oil Carrier (Tanker)
Ship Resistance Calculation & Engine Selection
Doc. No 01 - 42 14 095 - RE
= 11562.79 HP
= 8622.37 kW

> BHPmcr
The output power at the maximum condition of the main engine, where the
value is 10% or use the engine margin of 15-20%. It takes 85%.
BHPmcr = BHPscr / 85%
= 13603.28 HP
= 10143.97 kW
Once known BHPmcr, then the value of BHPmcr is used as a reference in the
selection of Main Engine. Here are main engine brand that has 10143.97 kW
power range which will then be selected again to conform to the specifications
designed vessels.

4. Selection of Main Engine

Main Engine Brands = Wärtsilä

Type = RT-Flex48T-D
Power = 10185 kW
Number of Cylinder = 7 Cylinders
RPM = 127 rpm
Dimention (LxBxH) = 6982 x 4838 x 9034 (mm)
Bore Diameter = 480 mm
Stroke = 2000 mm
Piston Speed = 8.5 m/s
SFOC (at 100% Power) = 170 g/kWh
SLOC (at 100% Power) = 0.6 g/kWh
Weight = 225 ton

General Arrangement, Fire and Safety Plan

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