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Advanced Microeconomics (1)

Dowling, E.T.(1992). Introduction to mathematical economics .New York : McGraw-Hill

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New York : McGraw-Hill.

Jehle, G.A., and P.J. Reny.(2001). Advanced microeconomic theory ( 2nd ed). Addison-Wesley

Mas-Colell A., Whinston, M.D. & Green, J.R. (1995). Microeconomic theory. Oxford Univ. Press.

Simon, C. & Blume L.,(1994). Mathematics for economists. Norton.

Sundaram, R.K.(1996). A first course in optimization theory. Cambridge University Press.

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Advanced Macroeconomics (1)



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Larry, J& Manuelli,R. (1990).A Convex Model of Equilibrium Growth: Theory and Policy
Implications. Journal of Political Economy.vol. 98. no. 5.1008-38.

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Economics of Agricultural Production

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Agricultural Polices

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Urban Economics

Arc View GIS

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Regional Economics
+ +

Arc View GIS

AHP Expert choise

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Natural Resources and Environmental Economics

Domaye Function
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Energy Economics

Deregulation Restructuring


Stochastic Programming

Risk Management
Market power

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Advanced Monetary theories

Soddy s ideas
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Monetary Policies
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Islamic Economic (1)
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Islamic Economic (2)
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Advanced Public Economics (1)


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Advanced Public Economics (2)

Rent Seeking
Alesina, A. & Roubini,N & Cohon,G. (1999) Political cycles and the macroeonomy. The MIT

Cullis, J. & Jones, P. (2003) Public finance and public choice Oxford University

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Advanced Microeconomic (2)
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University Press.

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Simon, C. & Blume,L.(1994). Mathematics for economists.Norton.

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Advanced Macroeconomics (2)

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Lucas, R. E. (1988). On the mechanichs of economic development. Journal of Monetary Economics

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capital. Journal of Monetary Economics 12. 55-93.

Rebelo, S. (1991). Long-run policy analysis and long run growth. Journal of Political Economy
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Romer, P. (1990). Are non-convexities important for understanding growth?. AER.Vol. 80. Issue 2.

Sargent & Ljungqvist (2001). Recursive macroeconomic theory. MIT Press.

Minford, P. and D. Peel. (2004). Advanced macroeconomics. Edward Elegar.

Romer, D. (2001). Advanced macroeconomics. McGraw Hill

International Trade


Oniki- Osava


Mill condition

Bhagwati. J & Panagariya,A. & Srinivasan,T.N. (1998). Lectures on interna-tional trade. MIT
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International Finance

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Economics Development
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Economic Planning
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Advanced Econometric (1)
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Advanced Econometric (2)






Regime Switching

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Financial Economics (1)


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Financial Economics (2)

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Methodology of Economics
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The Evalution of Economic Thought
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