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arc Period 2: 1607-1754 TEST WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW Questions 1-3 refer to the excerpt below. “Itwas the spaniards good hap to happen upon those parts where were infinite numbers of peop had manured the ground with that providence that it afforded victuall at all times; and time had brought them to that perfection (that) they had the use of gold and silver, and (of) the most of such commodities as their countries afforded; so that what the Spanaird got was only the spoile and pillage of those countrie people, and not the labours of their owne hands, But had those fruitfull Countries beene as Salvage (iz. savage), as barbarous, sl opled, as little planted laboured and manured, as Virginia; their proper labors, itis likely would have produced as small a profit as ours?” YSLT-Lo9T William Simmonds, The Proceedings ofthe English Colonie in Virginia Since Teir First Begining, 1612 1. Which ofthe following developments is most 3. Allof the following contributed to the directly depicted inthe excerpt? economic hardship that colonists in Jamestown (A) Enlightenment experienced EXCEPT ee (A) the contagious nature of typhoid and dysentery (C) Democratization (B) the frailty of the tobacco plant (D) Mercantilism ies p (©) the colonists’ limited population 2. Which of the following groups would be (D) the swamp that surrounded the colony the least likely to support the belief which Simmonds expressed in the excerpt? (A) Traders in Quebec (B) Settlers in Jamestown (©) Cot Santa Fe (D) Pilgrims in Plymouth 49 1K Lr lia ESS ieene ei 1607-1754 Questions 4-7 refer to the image below, depicting the Salem witch trials 4. Which of the following statements about the Salem witch trials is supported by the image? (A) ‘They were conducted like religious (B) They were overseen by both men and (©) ‘They were filled with emotion and hysteria, (D) They were led by an impartial judge. 5. ‘The controversy surrounding the Salem witch trials most likely led to (A) the establishment of United States courts of law (B) increased criticism of Puritan clergy (©) increased belief in witchcraft (D) improved rights for Puritan women Kk | 50 the decades leading to the Salem witch trials, the population of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (A) rapidly increased (B) drastically declined (C) assimilated with American Indian tribes (D) incorporated African Americans as slaves Which of the following movements developed in direct contradiction to the practices of the Salem witch trials? (A) The Reformation (B) The Enlightenment ic) Sreat Awakening (D) The Inuisition cas Period 2: 1607-1754 Questions 8-10 refer to the excerpt below “Act XII. Children got by an Englishman upon a Negro woman shall be bond or free according to the condition of the mother, and if any Christian shall commit fornication with a Negro man or woman, he shall pay double the fines of a former act Acts of the Virginia Commonwealth, 1662 8. The Acts ofthe Virginia Commonwealth were 10. Which of the following colonies initially banned most directly intended to the practice of slavery? (A) control the rapidly geowing slave (A). Massachusetts population (B). New York (B) affirm the privileged status of biracial children © p (C) Georgia (D) Virginia shibit interracial sexual relations colony to (D) establish Virginia as the first legalize slav 9S£T-LO9T 9. The provisions of the excerpt suggest that by 1662, slavery in Virginia (A) was analogous to slavery in the West Indies (B)_was punishable by fines (C)_was mentioned in legal acts (D) was threatened by slave rebellions ‘The answer key can be found at the end is chapter, ‘Wondering about what to do next? Refer to your chosen study plan for next steps. ‘sen your study plan yet? Head over to Chapter 2 to learn more about the perforated study plan pa in the front ofthe book. st || Caracas Period 2: 1607-1754 TEST WHAT YOU LEARNED Questions 1-4 refer to the painting below, which depicts New Netherland colonists and American Indians in 1626. L. The Dutch relationship with American Indians ccan best be described as one based on (A) conquest (B) one-sided trade (© mutually be {cial exchai (D) analliance against the French establish settlements because (A) they wanted to establish per colonies that would become part of thett global empire (B) they pursued economic gains (©) they needed additional territory, due to overpopulation in the Netherlands (D) they desis Dutch colonists were primarily motivated to d to challenge Spanish naval Both Dutch and French colonies adopted which of the following colonization practic (A) Intermarviage with Native Americans (B) Dev trade )pment and promotion of the slave (©) Establishment of permanent colonies for entire families (D) Establishment of colon religious tolerance hat promoted Which ofthe following English colonies shared the religious tolerance of Dutch colonies? (A) Georgia Massachusetts Bay Plymouth (D) Pennsylvania o7 | IK YSLT-LO9T ees NUESTRO lsat? 1607-1754 Questions 5-7 refer to the excerpt below. if enslaving our fellow creatur ‘measure in many treatises at home, bea practice agreeable to Christianity itis answered in a great © which I refer you ‘we are all apt to shift off the blame from ourselves and lay it upon others, how justly in our case you ‘may judge. The Negroes are enslaved by the Negroes themselves before they are purchased by the masters of the ships who bring them here. Iti our crime, folly, or whatever you will please to cal it” Reverend Peter Fontaine, “A Defe Fontaine’ ideas suggest that British colonists justified slavery by (A) emphasizing how slavery was based upon ristian principles (B) underscoring how the system of slavery already existed outside of North America (©) relying on the concept that sla yy was part ofthe “natural order” of the human races (D) maintaining that “inferior people” were destined to serve as slaves, according to English law Slavery evolved in seventeenth century British North America because (A) slaves wer: Jamestown ought with the first settlers to (B) slavery was developed after the deaths of thousands of enslaved American Indians from Old World diseases (C) the Anglican Church actively encouraged the transport of slaves to the colonies in North America heap labor (D) the developing plantation system required a source of cheap labor after the initial influx of indentured servants decreased K | 68 to be sure, at our choice whether we buy them ot, so this then is of Slavery in Virginia” 1757, 7. Which of the following individu. likely reject Fontaine's arguments? sould most (A) A former indentured servant in Virginia (B) A plantation owner in Carolina A Quaker in Pennsylvania (D) An Anglican in Massachusetts stions 8-10 refer to the excerpt below. the Enlightenment slowly helped undermine the power of traditional authority Great Awakening dic as well, But unlike the Great Awakening, the Enlightenment encouraged men and ‘women to look to themselves—not to God —for guidance a to how tlive their ves and to shape society. Enlightenméht thought, with its emphasB on human rationality encouraged a new ‘emphasifon education anda heighgoed interest in politics and government. Most Enighteame something the nt figures did not challenge religion and insisted that rational inquiry would support, not untermine, Christianity ” © Alan Brinkde American History: Connecting with the Past, 2014 5 « 8 ‘Which of the following would most directly 10. Enlightenment ideals would inspite the ‘oppose the sgptiments of the Enlightenmgnt as Amergan colonies through which the described by Brinkley? following events (A) Deist religious views (A) The passage ofthe Navigation Acts (B) Puritan sermons (B) The creation of the Dominion of New (C) Benjamin Franklins Poor Richard’ England Almanack (C) The outcome of Bacon's Rebellion (D) Anne Hutchinson arguments at her trial (D) “The Glorious Revolution Advocates of Enlightenment ideals, such as those expressed in the excerpt, would have most likely movement ipported which of the following (A). Mercantilism (B)_ Empiricism (©) Monarchism (©) Colonialism 69 | 1K WSL1-1091 rita Period 3: 1754-1800 TEST WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW Questions 1-3 refer to the excerpt below. 2 “And We do further declare it to be Our Royal Will and Pleasure, for the present as aforesaid, to reserve under our Sovereignty, Protection, and Dominion . all the Lands and Territories not included within the Limits of Our said Three new Governments, or within the Limits of the Te Bay Company, as aso all the Lands and Territories lying to the Westward of the Sources of the Rivers ‘hich fall into the Sea from the West and North West as aforesaid, ritory granted to the Hudson's And We do hereby strictly forbid, on Pain of our Displeasure, all our loving Subjects from making any Purchases or Settlements whatever, or taking Possession of any of the Lands above reserved, without our especial leave and Licence for that Purpose first obtained. And. We do further strictly enjoin and require all Persons whatever who have either wilfully or inadvertently seated themselves upon any Lands within the Countries above described ... forthwith to remove themselves from such Settlement ‘The Royal Proclamation, 1763 As described in the excerpt, afier the French and 3, Which of the following was a result of colonial Indian War, the British sought to encroachment on native lands in the Great Lakes tegion? (A) create a lasting peace withthe French still residing in their new land acquisitions (A) A renewed tension between French traders (B) settle the newly acquired lands to establish and American colonists commerce with American Indians An uprising led by Pontiac prevent westward expansion in order to Hostilities between British regulars on the mend relations with natives previously frontiers and American settlers eee (D) Taxes on colonists to prevent their west (D) establish local governments that could ward expansion control French Quebec and Spanish Florida Immediately following the French and Indian ‘War, American colonists were determine (A) declare independence from Great Britain (B)_ settle lands in the Ohio River Valley (©) create commercial relationships with ‘Ametican Indians (D) repay debt incurred during the war KK oost—9Szt Part 2 alae ei a IClitaly 1754-1800 Questions 4-7 refer to the excerpt below. “ARTICLE 2. His Majesty will withdraw all His Troops and Garrisons from all Posts and Places within the Boundary Lines assigned by the Treaty of Peace to the United States, This Evacuation shall take place on or before the first Day of June One thousand seven hundred and ninety six, and all the proper Measures shall in the interval be taken by concert between the Government of the United States, and His Majesty's Governor General in America, for settling the previous arrangements which may be necessary respecting the delivery of the said Posts: The United States inthe mean Time at Ther discretion extending their settlements to any part within the said boundary lin, except within the precincts or Jurisdiction of any of the said Posts. ARTICLE 6, Whereas it is alleged by divers British Merchants and others His Majesty's Subjects that Debts {oa considerable amount which were bona fide contracted before the Peace, still remain owing to them by Citizens or Inhabitants of the United States, and that by the operation of various lawful Lmpediments since the Peace, not only the fall recovery of the sad Debts has been delayed, but also the Value and Security thereof, have been in several instances impaired and lessened, so that by the ordinary course of Judicial Proceedings the British Creditors, cannot now obtain and actually have and receive full and adequate Compensation for the losses and damages which they have thereby sustained: Itis agreed that in all such Cases where full Compensation for such losses and damages cannot, for whatever reason, be actually obtained had and received by the said Creditors inthe ordinary course of Justice, The United States will ‘make fall and complete Compensation for the same to the said Creditors” Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation (Jay’s Treaty), 1794 4. One ofthe major terms of Jay's Treaty was that __§. Asa stipulation ofthe treaty, America the British would (A) guaranteed partial payment to British mer- (A) remove troops and garrisons from. cchants for debts that existed before the war American homes and buildings (B) agreed to assume the debts of its citizens (B) repay debts they had collected from and pay the British eee ae te el (©) argued that the British merchants (C) remove British soldiers from forts in were falsifying claims and refused to American territories according to the acknowledge them Treaty of Paris (D) insisted that British merchants relinguish (D) evacuate British citizens from the all debt claims held with the Americans Northwest territory K | 74 Which of the follow sions of the treaty? 1g Was a result of the provi (A) “The British immediately began evacuating their forts and posts in the Old Northwest. (B) Citizen Edmund Genet, a French minister, began advocating war against the British (©) Many Americans were angry b ause they saw the treaty as a sign of weakness against their former enemy. (D) John Jay was hailed as hero in America because of his efforts to prevent another war rig) Period 3: 1754-1800 Which of the following statements is true regarding the years following the passage of Jay’ Treaty (A) Britain upheld its agreements with the United States as set forth in the treaty (B) Britain failed to follow through with its commitments outlined in the treaty Spain became more hostile to American commercial interests because it saw the United States as a British ally France sought to compete with Britain by strengthening their own ties with Ametican commercial interests. 75 | 1K oogt-nszt 1754-1800 Questions 8-10 refer to the excerpt below. “SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, Jn Congress assembled, That if any persons shall unlawfully combine or conspire together, with intent to oppose any measure or measures of the government ofthe United States, which are or shall be directed by proper authority, orto impede the operation of any law ofthe United States, orto intimidate or prevent any person holding a place or office in or under the government ofthe United States from undertaking, performing or executing his trust or duty, and ifany person or persons, with intent as aforesaid, shall counsel, advise or attempt to procure any insurrection, riot, unlawful assembly, or combination 8. ‘The Alien and Sedition Acts were passed in response to which event? (A) Jay's Treaty (B) Pinckney’ Treaty (C) The Louisiana Purchase (D) The xvz Afair 9. The underlying purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to (A) prevent Federalists from controlling Congress (B) silence anti-Federalistcrties of the current government’ policies (©) restrict the president’ ability to deport immigrants (D) eliminate political corruption within federal offices ‘The answer key can be found at the end of this chapter, Alien and Sedition Acts, 1798 10. What was the main purpose of the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions? (A) To counter laws that encroached on the rights of individual Americans (B) To advocate state secession from the federal government (©) To promote open relations with Britain to check the power of the Federalists, {D) To suggest an alliance with the French in ‘opposition to the federal government ‘Wondering about what to do next? Refer to your chosen study plan for next steps Havent chosen your study plan yet? Head over to Chapter 2 to learn more about the perforated study plan page that appears in the front of the book. I< | 76 Chapter 5 Period 3: 1754-1800 TEST WHAT YOU LEARNED Questions 1-3 refer to the excerpt below. "To these grievous acts and measures Americans cannot submit, but in hopes that their fellow subjects in Great Britain will on a revision of them, restore us to thet state in which both countries found happiness and prosperity, we have for the present only resolved to pursue the following peaceable measures: To enter into a non-importation, non-consumption, and non-exportation agreement or association. To prepare an a and ress to the people of Great Britain, and a memorial to the inhabitants ritish America, ‘To prepare a loyal address ta his Majesty, agreeable to resolutions already entered into Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress, 1774 1. Unlike previous attempts to unify the British 3, The Revolutionary War began soon after the North American colonies, the Declaration and Declaration and Resolves was sent to Britain, All Resolves, of the following seemed to favor a British victory (A) blamed the king for the issues faced by the ney colonists (A) ample funding (B) threatened to hurt the British economy (B) a powerful navy (C)_ was formally introduced in Congress (©) efficient communication (D) demonstrated unanimous agreement about (D) coniict among colonial troops how to interact with Britain 2. The main idea expressed in the excerpt was also expressed in which of the following? (A) ‘The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (B) The Federalist Papers (©) ‘the debate over the admission of Missouri asa state (D) The Constitutional Convention of 1787 7K oogt-¥SZt

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