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led eee 1754-1800 Questions 4-6 refer to the engraving below by Paul Revere, depicting the Boston Massacre, 4. Which ofthe following is true reyarding the Boston Massacre? (A) It quickly led to the outbreak of war between the British and the American colonists (B)_Ithad relatively little immediate impact because it coincided with the repeal of several Townshend duties, K | 98 (C) twas strongly condemned by John ‘Adams, winning him the admiration of the Patriots, (D)_ teas. result of protests ofthe Molasses Act When John Adams described the vietims of the massacre as “a motley rabble of saucy boys, negroes and mulattoes, hh teagues and out- landish jack tarrs” he was (A) (6) © ©) implying that one motive behind the disturbance might have been resentment between the social classes affirming the right of the common people to organize a demonstration ag oppressive British policies inst ‘making a plea to his fellow colonists to respect the rights of immigrants and mem- bers of racial and ethnic minority groups criticizing the British soldiers for firing on 4 group of innocent victims Grae Period 3: 1754-1800 In the immediate aftermath of the Boston Massacre, many of the citizens of the city of Boston (A) decided to enlist in the British army in order to obtain weapons to defend themselves (B) organized the Boston Tea (C) circulated propaganda in the pamphlets and prints xm of (D) looked to George Washington to organize and lead a new colonial military force oogt=ns2t Lie tier AP U.S. History Review 1754-1800 Questions 7-10 refer to the excerpt below. “One ofthe expedients of party to acquire influence within particular districts isto misrepresent the opinions and aims of other districts ‘The inhabitants of our Western country have lately had a useful tesson on this head they have sen, inthe negotiation by the Executive, and in the unanimous rtifcaton by the Senate, ofthe treaty with Spain, decisive proof how unfounded were the suspicions propagated among them ofa policy in the General Government and inthe Atlantic States unfriendly to thelr interest in regard to the Mississippis... the ‘wo Ureaties, that with Great Britain, and that with Spain, secure to them everything they could destin respect to ou foreign relations, towards confirming ther prosperity” ‘Washington's Farewell Address makes reference to both Jay’ Treaty and Pinckney’s Treaty, in part for the purpose of (A) emphasizing the presidents accomplish- iments in office (B) encouraging the development of a strong national identity and foreign policy (©) discrediting criticisms of the president made by Federalists (D) discouraging radical New Englanders from secedling from the Union 8. President Washington’ references to “the expedients of party” and to “the inhabitants of ‘our Western country” indicate what fear? (A) “The Federalist Party might lose seats in Congress inthe next election, (B) People living in the West might form a new political party (C) Attacks by American Indians might devastate frontier settlements, (D) Westerners’ regional identity might be exploited for partisan political purposes KK | 100 George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796 9. Inhis Farewell Address, Washington vas careful to allude to the fact that Pinckney’s Treaty (A) guaranteed United States navigation rights on the Mississippi (B) contained several provisions unfriendly to England (©) stopped the Atlantic States from discrimi- nating against Westerners (D) protected the United States from the threat of a French invasion 10. Another important argument within Washington's Farewell Address was his warn- ‘ng against political parties. At this point, all of the following were true EXCEPT (A) the Federalists and Anti-Federalists were divided on topics such as the Bank of the United States (B) the Federalsts had become known as the Democratie-Republican party (©) the Anti-Federalists criticized the Proclamation of Neutrality of 1793 {D) the Democratic-Republican party had been established ica) Eeteittorehe an {0Y0bgi-77 TEST WHAT YOU ALREADY KNOW Questions 1 and 2 refer to the excerpt below. “Lam aware that the necessity of a few removals for legal, oppressions, delinquencies and other oficial 'malversations, may be misconstrued as done for politcal opinions, & produce hesitation in the coalition so much to be desired. in the class of removals however I do not rank the new appointments. . crowded {in with whip & spur from the 12th, of Dec. when the event ofthe election was known, (and consequently that he was making appointments, not for himself, but his successor) until 9, aclock of the night, at 12, aclock of which he was to go out of office. this outrage on decency, shall not have it’s affect... [consider the nominations as nullities & will not view the persons appointed as even candidates for their office, much less as possessing it by any title meriting respect” ‘Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Henry Knox, 1801 1. The excerpt describes Thomas Jeffersot 2. Which Supreme Court Case resulted from the resentment toward which political event? event described in the excerpt? (A) Alexander Burr's appointment as governor (A) McCulloch » Maryland cof New York by the Bssex Junto (B)_ Marbury » Madison (B) Alexander Burr's appointment as vice (C) Worcester». Georgia presidential running mate to Jefferson (D) Dred Scott. Sandford (©) President John Adams’ appointment of “midnight judges? (D) President John Adams appointment of Cabinet members 8h8t-008T 105 | 1¢ Part 2 gon cr 1800-1848 Questions 3-5 refer to the image below, a political cartoon from 1807. 3, This political cartoon refers to (A) the French demand for bribes during the XYZ Affair (B) American reaction to the writs of assistance (C) New England’ reaction to the passage ofa “no trade” law (D) theban on American trade with Haiti after the Haitian Revolution 4. Which of the following best describes the regional unrest that resulted from events such as those illustrated in the cartoon? (A) Southern states demanded secession unless economic restrictions on trade were lifted, (B) Western territories threatened to establish an independent republic. (C) Some New England states demanded several changes to the US, Constitution and an immediate halt to a war, (D) Some New England states called for secession and joining the Canadian Confederation, I | 106 ‘Which ofthe following best describes the change in American politics between 1798 and 1816? (A) The members of the Democratic- for strict trade regulation, became stalwarts of free trade, Republican Party, ones (B) The Federalist Party supported the concepts of states’ rights versus a strong centeal government (C) The Federalists advocated an expansionist Philosophy, hoping to spread their polit ideas westward. cal (D) The Whig Party emerged as a plausible third-party choice. rice 800-1848 Questions 6-8 refer to the map below depicting the Trail of Tears. 6. Which of the following best explains President Jackson's reasoning for authorizing the Indian Removal Act of 1830? (A)_ He was eager to protect the native settlers by Keeping white colonists from immigrating into the area (B) He wished to punish the American Indians for their alliances to the British and French in previous wars. (©) He was convinced that the violent Five Civilized Tribes posed the greatest challenge to land claimed by Americans in southern states (D) He betieved that white setlers had rights to the fertile farmland that the American Indians inhabited. Which American Indian tribe attempted to use legal and political channels to oppose their forced removal? (A) ‘The Creek tribe (B) The Seminole tribe (©) The Choctaw tribe (D) ‘The Cherokee tribe 8 Which of the following statements best reflects the consequences of the Indian Removal Act of, 18308 (A) The American Indians were provided protection and supplies from the United States government to ease their transition. (B) Many American Indians perished due to the harsh winter and lack of food and supplies during their westward journey. (C) The American Indians were removed from fertile farmland and placed in a similar environment in western territory. (D) American Indians who willingly assimilated into American culture were allowed to stay in their original territory. 107 | KK ‘shet-08T ue) EGS cn eto 1800-1848 Questions 9 and 10 refer to the excerpt below. “Most ofthe basic changes which set modern America off rom its premodern past were clearly apparent to astute observers ofthe 1820s and 1830s, Between the frst decades ofthe nineteenth century and the years of Andrew Jackson’ presidency, American changed from a traditional society that was sow to accept innovations, toa modern capitalistic state in which people believed that society could be transformed, The ‘mid-1840s, therefore, were well within the modern era" Douglas T. Miller, The Birth of Moder: America 1820-1850, 1970 % Allofthe following transportation changes in 10, Which ofthe following was NOT a regional the 1820s and 1830s contributed to America’s distinction that emerged as a result of America’s “modern era” EXCEPT. modern economy? (A) use of the turnpike (A) The East became the industrial power- (B)_ mass production of automobiles eee (C) creation of the Erie Canal (B) The West became an agricultural center (D) advent of the railroad (C) The North economy became intercon. nected with the West and the South. (D) The South continued to develop its plantation economy, ‘The answer key can be found at the end of this chapter. ‘Wondering about what todo next? Refer to your chosen study plan for next steps. Havent chosen your study plan yet? Head over to Chapter 2to len more about the perforated study plan page that appears in the front of the book, K | 108 ca Ura Colones (oven) oO RAPID REVIEW If you take away only 6 things from this chapter: 1X The United States continued to develop its own democratic ideals, sparking debates about role of federal government, and leading to the formation of various political parties, The US. Supreme Court established the principle that federal laws take precedent over state laws. Through Marbury v Madison (1803), the Court also established the principle of judicial review, which allowed courts to check the power of the legistature and executive branches of government, further solidifying a “seperation of powers.” America developed a national culture, especially after the War of 1812, and various religious and social reform groups emerged. The temperance movement sought to ban alcohol. The abolition movement worked to end slavery and to assist African Americans. The women’s rights movement's efforts culminated in the Seneca Falls Convention. ‘America underwent an economic and technological revolution. Major developments included the cotton gin, the steam engine, the factory system, and the expansion of railroads and canals. America moved away from a small subsistence-based economy. and into an era of increasing industrialization, which impacted societal and family structures, Expanding westward after the Louisiana Purchase, the United States sought to expand its borders and to be seen as 2 major player in foreign trade. The Monroe Doctrine and military actions against American Indian tribes demonstrated the desire for more control in North America. ‘Asnew states joined the United States, the debate over slavery raged on. In an attempt to appease both the North and South, Henry Clay crafted the Missouri Compromise, resolving some tension for the next three decades, 129 | 8hgt-o08t Part 2 EU Tien sven 1800-1848 TEST WHAT YOU LEARNED Questions 1-4 refer to the excerpt below. “SECTION 8. And bet further enacted, That in all that territory ceded by France to the United States, under the name of Louisiana, which lies north of thirty-six degrees and thirty minutes north latitude, not included within the limits ofthe state, contemplated by this act, slavery and involuntary servitude, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereof the parties shall have been duly convicted, shall be, and is hereby, forever prohibited: Provided always, That any person escaping into the same, from whom ‘abour or service is lawfully claimed, in any state or territory of the United States, such fugitive may be layfully reclaimed and conveyed to the person claiming his or her labour or service as aforesaid” 1. The Missouri Compromise was drafted primarily as a response to (A) Missouri’s desire to enter the Union as @ slave state (B) Missouri’ desire to enter the Union as a free state (C) conflict between rival state governments in Missouri (D) the ban on slavery in the Missouri Territory due to the Northwest Ordinance 2. Which politician earned the title “The Great Compromises"? {A) William H. Seward (B) Daniel Webster (C) Henry Clay (D) John C. Calhoun IX | 130 Missouri Ci 3. The Missouri Compromise is known for accomplishing all ofthe following EXCEPT (A) the termination of fugitive lave laws ‘within land previously owned by France (B) the prohibition of slavery north of the 36°30" line within land obtained in the Louisiana Purchase (©) the entrance of Missouri and Maine to the Union as a slave state and free state respectively (D) the temporary cessation of sectional tensions between pro- and antislavery supporters 4. The Missouri Compromise was eventually overturned by (A) the Dred Scott decision of 1857 (B) the Compromise of 1850 (C) the raid on Harper's Ferry in 1859 (D) the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

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