Offering Early Success Experiences in Software Construction

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2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies

Offering Early Success Experiences in Software Construction:

Experiences Teaching Dynamic Website Development to High School Girls

Mary Beth Rosson, Hansa Sinha, Tisha Hansford and Jan Mahar
Center for Human-Computer Interaction
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA USA

Abstract—In spite of comparable levels of computer access and port from supervisors (e.g., recognizing opportunities, coach-
use by males and females at home and school, women continue ing job performance). Hence greater attention is needed on
to be underrepresented in careers and education related to the “supply-side” issues like knowledge about (and role models
computer and information sciences. In this paper, we describe who exemplify) the activities of careers in CS/IT.
outreach activities taking place within the wConnect project, a The wConnect project is building a developmental learn-
research effort aimed at building a developmental learning ing community where women at different levels of education
community of women in which members at different levels of and computing sophistication share and support each other’s
sophistication support each other at different stages of their goals [8]. In wConnect members increase their CS/IT skills
education and careers in computing and related fields. More
while also creating social bonds in the community, by reach-
specifically, we report on a series of hands-on workshops that
ing out to members who are less advanced. Professionals
were designed and delivered by undergraduate members of the
community to high school girls. We describe the design and
reach out to college students and college students reach out
conduct of the workshop activities, the girls’ reactions, our to high school students. In this paper we describe experi-
own reflections and implications for future work. ences with a set of high school workshops that introduce
dynamic web programming.
Keywords - Women in computing, computer science educa- In the balance of the paper we summarize and reflect on
tion, learning tools, instructional scaffolding. our experiences with these workshops. Each workshop ex-
emplifies the developmental community concept of an un-
I. INTRODUCTION dergraduate member of wConnect who designs and delivers
a workshop for girls at her former high school. In this sense,
Women in the U.S. are underrepresented in the Computer each instance meets three objectives: high school girls are
Science and Information Technology workforce (CS/IT), introduced to web programming; the workshop leader gains
outnumbered by men six to one in leadership positions. Stud- experience in outreach and leadership; and a new set of high
ies show that women consider CS/IT unattractive as a career school girls are invited into the larger wConnect community.
option: they terminate training earlier than men, choose not
to continue with computer subjects as often as men, and per- II. WORKSHOP DESIGN
ceive CS/IT as masculine [5][3]. Studies have pointed to a In prior work we found that simple data-oriented web-
variety of explanatory factors, including gender-specific so- sites are good starting projects for this age group [7]. Our
cialization, self-efficacy regarding computer tasks and nega- goal was to teach basic CS/IT concepts like structured data
tive stereotypes of programmers [1][2]. We report work (database records and fields), simple logic (queries that com-
aimed at counteracting these stereotypes and trends. bine multiple conditions), and dynamic web applications
Studies of young men and women suggest that they have with content that depends on live data and associated queries.
similar interest levels in computer use [3]. In fact one survey
of U.S. college students found that women reported more A. Web Application Projects
positive attitudes about computer use than men. Unfortu- A specific result from our focus groups was a set of ideas
nately a positive view of computers does not necessarily about simple web applications that might be good learning
translate into an interest in computer-related careers, espe- projects for this age group. We were aiming for active learn-
cially for women: many who report high interest and use of ing experiences; that is, experiences that evoke and connect
computers still do not see IT as a career option. to goals and concerns that are meaningful to this population
The problem appears to be more of an “input problem” of young women. At the same time we needed design prob-
(women do not enter) than a “throughput problem” (women lems that was feasible in a workshop context – we antici-
enter but then leave) [4]. Once they are there, the CS/IT pated 10-15 girls at a time, for 45-90 minutes, and potentially
workplace is seen as a positive place for female professionals diverse local high school settings.
(e.g., regarding work-family conflict, feelings of burnout, The first project that we designed was aimed at advanced
perceptions of work-load, fair treatment, supervisor support). students who are already planning for college education and
Indeed, women at times feel they receive greater career sup- careers; in the U.S this is 3rd and 4th year students – juniors

978-0-7695-4055-9/10 $26.00 © 2010 IEEE 458

DOI 10.1109/ICALT.2010.133
and seniors. For this age group, college exploration is a uni- To prepare for the workshop, the leader and other team
fying interest, so the workshop leaders designed a “College members generate a rough agenda (45-60 minutes depending
Admissions” project: girls collect college admission data on on school). On the workshop day, they arrive in time to set
schools of interest, then are guided to perform queries on the up, then greet the participants and conduct the workshop.
data, for example a page that lists universities sorted by aca- The workshops begin with a brief introduction to the project
demic criteria, tuition costs, and so on. As we used this pro- and tools, but almost immediately the girls are given free-
ject, we found considerable interest in outreach for younger dom to explore and work on their own. At times their atten-
girls, those in the first or second year of high school who tion is gained to introduce new pieces of functionality (e.g.,
might be encouraged to enroll in CS/IT courses that would specifying and embedding queries). At the end of the work-
prepare them for university programs in technical disciplines. shop, they complete a brief feedback survey and are invited
Thus we identified a second problem area, one that would be to join the wConnect online community.
attractive across a wider age-range of students.
To date we have delivered 10 workshops, six at our uni-
versity and four in high schools of wConnect members. Here
we focus on the four workshops delivered “in situ”, as these
are significantly more challenging to organize and deliver.
A. Participant Reactions
The workshops were delivered at three locations, includ-
ing two back-to-back sessions at one site; the sessions in-
cluded a total of 58 girls (workshops of size 11, 12, 11 and
24). The first session was for juniors and seniors and used
College Admissions; the others includedr younger girls and
used Places We’ve Been. Ages ranged from 14-18, with an
Figure 1. Workspace used to support workshop activities. average of 15.5 years. Only three girls had taken a course in
computer programming, but as expected computer use was
The second project was “Places We’ve Been” (Figure 1). high: an average of 2.2 hours per day spent socializing online
The project is similar to the first: the girls create database and 2.14 hours spent using the computer for course work.
entries for locations that they have visited, including place The primary data collected after the workshop was a set
name, location, a “story” of interest, and an image. As before of four 5-point rating scales that probed project understand-
they create queries, using simple AND/OR rules for condi- ing, perceived success, fun, and feelings of encouragement
tion combination. They also learn to specify database fields for similar activities. Responses were generally positive,
for web display, along with other page editing techniques. At with means ranging from 4.04 (encouraged) to 4.5 (fun).
the end of the workshop, girls’ individual data are merged Single-sample t-tests confirmed that all means were more
and visualized on a Google map. positive than the neutral value of 3.0 (t[57]=18.7, 18.9, 17.4,
The workshop activities were supported with Bridge- 13.1; p <.0001). With respect to projects, all but a few of the
tools, a research tool that includes editors for databases, da- girls created web applications containing at least one query.
tabase queries, web pages, and tags for embedding queries These results are promising, in that girls enjoyed the ac-
on a web page ( Figure 1 tivity and felt positive about the web work they had done. As
contains an example workspace from a Places workshop. a converging measure, we also collected open-ended com-
Editable objects are on the left and the work area on the ments. Most of these were positive in nature (24), but we did
right. Any object can also be opened in a web browser point. receive a few less enthusiastic comments (5).
(see, e.g. the page shown in the browser, lower left). In general the positive remarks emphasized the creativity
B. Initiating and Conducting the Workshops or freedom that the girls experienced; we found this a very
promising result, as one goal was to help the girls see how
Each workshop was arranged and conducted in phases
empowered they could be with just a bit of programming.
that were designed to provide development experiences for
The negative comments tended to reflect low interest in the
the college team member leading that particular workshop
workshop concept, or a feeling of being over-qualified for
(hence “leader”), her assistants, and the high school girls.
the activity (e.g., if already quite familiar with HTML, etc.)
To begin, the leader initiates a partnershp with a teacher
A secondary goal of the workshops was to invite the high
advocate, generally a former teacher at her high school. They
school girls to join the wConnect online community. We did
establish key details (e.g., dates, timing, room) and gain per-
this across workshops; about half (52%) expressed interest in
mission from the school for a visit by the research team.
learning more. However at this point we have only 12 high
They also decide who and how to recruit, and choose a pro-
school members in wConnect. Part of this is due to the diffi-
ject topic. The leader and other team members then develop
culty of contacting and enrolling girls remotely once the
custom application packets, including a flyer, permission
workshop is over. But a more important obstacle has been
forms, and background survey. The teacher uses these mate-
finding online activities that are appealing or useful to girls
rials to advertise and recruit participants.
at this age. The wConnect online community has been de-

signed by and largely for its undergraduate members, with an within a personally meaningful programming project, the
emphasis on pre-professional discussion and activities. We girls had significant learning motivation and often jumped
realize that this may lend a rather “professional” ambience to ahead to explore and experiment on their own.
the online community as a whole and so we are working to As we shared in our contrast between the university and
discover and initiate more teenage-oriented online activities. in situ workshops, the social facilitation within a friendship
groups was important. Girls arrive with their friends and sit
B. wConnect Team Reflections together. Particularly for Places We’ve Been, the result was a
Another contribution of the work reported here is lessons happy and active atmosphere where girls were learning and
learned that may benefit other educators with similar out- sharing their new skills. This suggests that even for univer-
reach goals. Here we reflect on the nature of the workshops, sity workshops, recruitment aimed at existing social net-
what we learned from the in situ requirement, and how the works might be help to promote active learning.
leaders and their assistants have developed through the work. However, we also note that our goal of attracting high
Our experiences delivering similar workshops in our own school participants to the online developmental community
university and high school settings has highlighted factors needs more work. There are significant obstacles to bringing
that can only be experienced when a workshop program like teenage girls into a virtual community comprised of college
this is taken out to the schools. For example the learning and working women who they do not know and who are
climate of the high school vs. university settings varied tre- pursuing technical issues related to their education and ca-
mendously. In the high schools, the girls knew each other, reers. Topics of conversation tend to revolve around career-
with considerable chatting, excitement, and helping behavior life issues, or tips for making the most of internships; why
as they learned new things. In contrast during the summer would a teenager want to engage with these issues?
university workshops, girls sat silently and worked alone. As a result we are exploring ways to expand our online
From a more practical perspective, the in situ workshops outreach. We always planned to deliver in situ workshops
required considerable advance planning, because we had but never considered how to engage with these younger girls
little knowledge (or confidence) of the technology we would afterwards. The team is now working on concepts like virtual
find on arrival. In our first workshop we had no computer lab meetings or online games that might be fun for younger girls
and had to accommodate a firewall - thus we developed a while at the same time giving them a chance to raise and
solution that allowed us to show up with our own laptops, explore issues related to technology education or careers.
initialize a custom LAN, and run a “mirror” local version of
the workshop activity. In another case the school blocked use ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
of Google Images. Luckily for us, the girls already knew the This project was supported by the National Science Foun-
work-around, which was to search using the Canadian site! dation (BPC 0634337). We thank the wConnect team and
Recall that one goal of the workshops was to provide a teacher advocates. For related papers see [7][8][9].
development experience for the workshop leaders. Three
undergraduates have served as leaders, each with different REFERENCES
background and personality. All were successful, but all [1] AAUW, 2000. Tech-Savvy: Educating Girls in the New Computer
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