Problem Set # 1

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435 – Momentum Transfer - Problem Set 1

Pressure concept, Fluid Statics, Boundary Layer Theory

(Please use the handbook for properties if necessary)

1. Water at 105F is placed in a beaker within an airtight container. Air is gradually pumped out
of the container. What reduction below standard atmospheric pressure of 14.7 psia must be
achieved before the water boils? (ans. 13.58 psi)

2. For the figure below at 20C, if atmospheric pressure is 101.03 kPa and the absolute pressure
at the bottom of the tank is 231.3 kPa, what is the specific gravity of the olive oil? (ans. 1.39)

3. The tube below is filled with oil. Determine the pressure heads at A and B in meters of water.
(ans. hA= - 2.38 mH20 and hB = - 0.51 m H20)

4. A manometer is attached to a tank containing three different fluids. What will be the
difference in elevation of the mercury column in the manometer? (ans. 0.627 m)
5. A differential manometer is attached to a pipe. Calculate the pressure difference between
points A and B.(ans. 264 lb/ft2)

6. Calculate the pressure difference between A and B. (ans. 13.1 lb/in2)

7. Calculate the pressure difference between A and B. (ans. 10.2 kPa)

8. A simple U-tube manometer is installed in an orifice meter along a pipe. The manometer is
filled with mercury with specific gravity of 13.6 and the liquid above is CCl4 with specific
gravity of 1.6. The reading in the manometer is 200mm. What should be the pressure
difference over the manometer reading in English unit, psi?
Ans. 3.41 psi

9. A U-tube manometer contains kerosene, mercury and water with densities 51, 847 and 62.3
lb/ft3 respectively. The manometer is connected between 2 pipes (A and B) and the pressure
difference, as measured between the pipe centerlines is PB-PA = 4.5 psi.
a. Find the elevation difference, z, in the manometer.
Ans. 0.855 ft.
b. Are the pressures 2 feet below A and B the same?

10. What should be the reading in the manometer to ensure a correct volume of 100,000 liters of
water in a 3-m diameter tank? Height of manometer installed in the tank is 2 meters above the
floor. Distance of manometer installation down to the level of mercury is 1 meter.
Ans. 0.97m.

11. A container filled with water is open to the atmosphere on the right side. Find the pressure of
the air in the enclosed space on the left side of the container.

Ans. -3.92 kPa gauge

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