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All About Me Survey

Name: Matt Szabo

Birthday: May 13, 2004

People I live with: Mom (Natalie), Dad (Attila), Brother (Brett)

Pets I have: 2 dogs (Moose and Stella)

If I had one wish it would be: not have to deal with stupid people

If I had a million dollars, I would: By a house with lots of land

One thing that I’m really good at: Soccer

After I graduate high school, I want to: get a steady job and go to college

One place I’d like to visit: New Zealand

Something else you should know about me: I’m a Fortnite god
My All-Time Favorites (Answer at least 10 of them for your Website)

1. Candy Reese’s, Sour Patch Kids, 100 Grand

2. Movie Mega mind

3. Song

4. Musical group

5. Color Blue

6. Car Tesla

7. Professional athletic Arsenal F.C.


8. Actor/Actress

9. Board game/video Apples to Apples


10. TV show The 100

11. Outdoor activity Running

12. Hobby Soccer

13. Book Harry Potter

14. Other
Favorite Animal- Koala

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