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Junior Parent Night

Pre-Test Survey

Welcome to Lafayette Jefferson’s Junior Parent Night! We are so excited that you were able to attend.
This information will allow us to plan for future events.

Please circle the appropriate response.

1. I feel confident about my child entering senior year.

Not At All Confident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident

2. I know who my child’s high school counselor is.

Yes No Unsure

3. How many days are allowed for college visits during senior year?

1 2 3 4 5

4. I know that my student has to take the SAT/ACT before applying to colleges.

True False

5. I know of at least one thing we can do right now to prepare for senior year.

Yes No Unsure

If you circled yes, please explain:


Any additional comments:

Junior Parent Night
Post-Test Survey

Welcome to Lafayette Jefferson’s Junior Parent Night! We are so excited that you were able to attend.
This information will allow us to plan for future events.

Please circle the appropriate response.

1. I feel confident about my child entering senior year.

Not At All Confident 1 2 3 4 5 Very Confident

2. I know who my child’s high school counselor is.

Yes No Unsure

3. How many days are allowed for college visits during senior year?

1 2 3 4 5

4. I know that my student has to take the SAT/ACT before applying to colleges.

True False

5. I know of at least one thing we can do right now to prepare for senior year.

Yes No Unsure

If you circled yes, please explain:


6. Tonight was helpful before starting senior year.

Strongly Disagree Disagree Unsure Agree Strongly Agree

Any additional comments:


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