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Investigatory Project / Practical / Home Work- class XII

Session 2016-17
1. Genetic Disorders
2. ART
3. DNA Finger Printing
5. Origin and Evolution of Human
6. Recombinant DNA Technology
7. Cancer
8. Bio Technological Applications in Medicine
9. Human Genome Project

Computer Science
C++ Programs –
1. Calculate and print sum / sub / multi / div of two numbers depending on choice of
2. Year is leap or not.
3. Print series - 1,1,2,3,5,8,13-------
4. Print, number is prime or not.
5. To reverse an integer.
6. To print sum of digits of an integer.
7. Factorial of an integer using function.
8. Concept of function Overloading using area () of circle, square and rectangle.
9. Swap two numbers using call by Value.
10. Swap two numbers using call by reference.

Java IDE programs –
1. To calculate area of circle.
2. To print bigger number between 2 integers.
3. Calculate factorial of an integer.
4. Calculate and print sum / sub / multi / div of two numbers depending on choice of
5. To calculate commission of sale @ 5 % of total sale.
6. To print Day of week (Sunday / Monday….) depending on choice.
7. Calculate simple Interest.

Home Work:-
Unsolved Questions- Lesson 1 and 2. (For I.P. & C.S.)

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