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Since childhood I have been fascinated by movies and by ability of certain actors to transform while

playing different roles. That is especially in regard to Kevin Spacey. During his career, he has never
returned to a typecast role, instead he was always looking for a new challenge. He truly became an
incompetent real estate salesmen in Glengarry Glen Ross, a frightening psychopath in Seven and an
insecure middle aged family man in American Beauty. In spite of his success, he managed to keep his
private life away from media spotlight and he also worked on smaller projects, be it for fun or as a
favor to his friends. He recently showed his mastery again on the small screen in the critically acclaimed
show House of Cards. his modesty and commitment are virtues I really appreciate and strive towards.

Teacher Borjan got a Bachelor degree in History. His hobbies are watching movies, playing computer
games, travelling and reading . He has worked as a high school history teacher. He wanted to become
an ESL teacher because he'd like to share his knowledge to other people. He's optimistic, calm and a
good listener. He'll be best suited for beginners and intermediate level students.

Hi! This is Borjan and I will be your online English teacher today. Please accept my contact request. See
you soon!

Here’s the link to our lesson material, click to open it!

It was really nice to meet you Masa-san! You did really well in today's class. Your English skills are very
good- keep it up! Thank you for a wonderful time. I hope to see you again soon. (wave) Have a great
day! (sun) (bow)

Kupi Vitki puzle konjino glupa


I am having trouble finding the student skype ID.

My search resaults come back empty
I had a big meeting where I was suposed to hold a presentation and I felt really nervous about it. So,
when I got to the office I realised I had forgotten my password and I was unable to logg in my computer.
Finally, someone from the IT department helped me with my problem.

I think that the movie depicts life in Southern country town realistically, including racism, rape, alcohol
abuse and crime

I watched the movie ‘Three Billboards’ which is nominated for the academy awards (Academy Awards)
at a theater. I really enjoyed it. I think that the movie depicts life in Southern country town realistically,
including racism, rape, alcohol abuse and crime

If you have interest in the program. please call us or register online, The tuiti

If you leave the program after the lunch break you will miss 2 sessions....

This article is about read or watch. There are some popular novels turned into movies... but this article
said which is the more better way to enjoy the story, reading or watching a movie. Some people say that
movies is more convienient then just reading books, because it is easy to imagine and understand the
movie and maybe more realistic. On the other hand, people who read books say novel is better then a
movie, because we could imagine more details by themselves.

I got a mail from my friend which made me very happy. We became friends 15 years ago, because we
have daughters of the same age. We have been really good friends but she had to move to a different

I took my son to a clinic near my home, because his nose was running since last week. I was worried
that he had a pollen allergy. In spite of my concern, the doctor said he just caught a common cold. I
ended up worrying for no reason .

I am sorry to hear your concern. Because of this snowstorm we don’t have a good solution for this
problem. So I suggest that you be honest with our clients and tell them they will recive their delivery on
next Monday. I am sorry I cannot offer a better advice.

Today is 14th of March which is one month after the Valantine's day. In Japan we have a custom in
which a man who was given chocolate from a woman returns the favor. I gave my son a chocolate as a
Valentine’s gift. He gave me sweets, when we were having dinner. I’ m so glad because of it.

In the parking area, there are 3 people. The man is wearing a green jacket and white pants. He is holding
a plastic bag. A woman wearing a badge coat and blue pants is extending her arm towards groceries that
are in the shopping cart. Their child is wearing a pink jacket and white pants and she is siting on the cart.
There is a green car with the trunk door (lid) open.

Hi Kannan-san

We made a decision to buy six new laptops for all the teachers by the end of this month. So, I need your
help and support to select a particular model and then start the purchase process as soon as possible,
since we have to use this year’s budget.

I found a model that is suitable for the teachers on the Website below. Please check it first thing in the
morning and let me know about your oppinion. Please call me anytime you are available.

Since I will reach Sato-san first thing tomorrow morning and negotiate additional cost sharing for this
extension with him, I would like to know how many resources are needed for this project extension for
each month (from Apr to Jun or July).

ex. Apr- Jun : 5 (PM, Functional consultant x 2, technical consultant x 2)

And also, please give me a rough estimation of the cost. E. g.

In addition, I need to have more details about the differences betwen scenario 1 : by Jun and scenario
2: by July as well.

Shashank-san, since we are able to cover a deficit of almost 1,00,000SGD from our budget, we request
NTTcom to take care of the rest of the amount, which adds up to about 53,000SGD with the scenario 1
and 94,000SGD with the scenario 2 for the recovery plan.

In this article, growing population is mentioned. In 2011 populatiion was already 7b, and in 21--- will be
over 9b. This cause will lead to Saharan african countries to
Some countries with high popullation already expirience producing food is dificult.

This article introduces chalanges of the growing population. In the first paragraph it shows us two
reports that show the population problem is very serious. IN the second paragraph this article gives us
data about the population growth in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the third paragraph it shows as conclusion
and tells us what to expext from population growth in the future

This article introduces the problem of long distance relationships and it gives us some ways to resolve
this problem. There are 2 ways to keep long distance relationships. One is trust and the seond one is

This article mentions that first impresion is imortant for everyone. For example, because poeple judgje
the person they meet by first imresion. For example good apearance and good attitude leave a good
impresion on them, rude and untidy behavior leaves a bad impresion. However, if you leave a bad
impresion you can change that impresion into a good one.

The main topic of this article is about singin. Singing has both postive and negatie effect on people's
minds. Usually singing can affect people in a postitive way, it makes them be in harmony iwth
themseves and world around the, On the other hand if the song has violent lyrics it can give the people a
destrictive effect. Singing is like a msucle: if the people don't sing they loose the ability to sing

I met an old friend for the first time in 5 years. He lives in Sitama, which is located north of Tokyo. We
enjoyed our talk a lot because a lot of time has passed since we met in person. While we were talking
we discovered a surprising fact. Since my hand size is bellow avarage and his hand is above, we decide to
compare them. It turned out his hand is twice as big!

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