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The Muckracker Times

Macey Bearden, Hallie Cole, Mary Compton, Ricky Dillard, Chris Edwards 13th April, 1907

The Poor Child’s Day The Rust in Our Gears The Injustice in our Fireplaces
by: Macey Bearden by: Mary Compton by: Ricky Dillard

A workerless factory is unable to make products, but who For years, the government has cheated the common Terrible issues have been ignored by the middle and
is this workforce? To the factories, it doesn’t matter. man by making laws that appeal only to the rich higher classes of our society, yet have been raging
Anyone able-bodied, desperate to work, and willing to businessmen and factories. Common people and among the lower classes. They have been prevalent
accept a low payment is suitable to work. Poor men, their issues have been pushed aside in order for the all across the slums of the poor. These problems are
women, immigrants, and their children are forced to work powerful political machines to line their pockets. the coal that we take for granted every single day.
in horrid conditions to sustain their families. These Through my investigative research I have mucked Through my investigations and discoveries, I plan
families are poor, hungry, and uneducated. They will be up what is really going on in our government. to expose the dirty truth of one of our most valued
trapped in this life of working in the dangerous factory These horrific crimes have gone on long enough. In resources and how it affects the poor. The coal dust
conditions for as long as they live, with all of their money this article I plan to discuss what our produced by the processors often clouds the air,
going towards just keeping themselves alive. The representatives and President have really been blocking out the sky from view. The coal machine
generations to come will fall into this trap, as money is doing with our tax dollars and I urge you to take makes a constant grinding noise, shrieking in your
typically the deciding factor for education. Children are action against these horrendous offences! ears day on end. The coal billows out from the sides
forced to work 12-14 hour work days for half of the pay of the machine, and men often come home to their
of adults, just to help their families. There is no time for families covered in black sot. When I visited these
play, let alone school, for these children. If no change is unfortunate, poverty ridden communities, I could
made, they will be forced to live in this life for the rest of
hardly breathe because of the deplorable conditions
and the coal dust. When I returned, confident I had
their days. I visited several of these factories, and I was
gathered enough information, I noticed my clothes
appalled to see the conditions of the child laborers.
were stained black. I looked in the mirror, and I
Children were forced to run under running machines to
could hardly recognize myself through the even
tie loose threads because they were small and agile. Many
coating of black substance on my face. I have no
children had doubt that repeat exposure to this awful, stifling
spinal substance causes chronic lung problems. In fact,
deformities, just standing in the dust for an hour left me with a
limps, scars, hacking cough that did not subside for days. These
and other people live their lives this way without rebelling,
injuries from A political cartoon of the American government and we throw a fit over petty arguments with the
their assign elephants attacking the injured common man tiger next door neighbor. And the fact that all of us,
work. During living comfortably in our homes, are unaware of the
my visit, I During my visit to the nation’s capital, I stopped to problem that befalls the helpless, suffering
watched as visit the root of all corruption in this country: individuals beyond this social wall, astounds me.
little boys Capitol Hill. Political machines work towards their
separated the own ulterior motives. They partner with big
slate and businesses in order to stay in power and make
stone from money. The government has betrayed the common
the coal that
man, such as making laws that benefit monopolies
and completely ignoring the Americans’ needs. In
was flowing
Molly Jackson in a cotton mill fact, when I visited Congress, someone referred to
in the “river”.
the Senate as the “Rich Man’s Club” because the
One child said
seats were sold out to the highest bidder. Now, the
that if you fell in you would be mangled and killed, as
lives of the working class and poor are in the hands
several of his friends had. In a cotton mill, I met a young of these men. Even though political machines do A political cartoon of the injustices of coal
girl by the name of Molly Jackson. When I asked her why good deeds sometimes, they don’t do them with processing
she was coughing, she said that everyone in the mill had a good intentions. These men expect payment for
cough and that no one could afford to see a doctor. Both their “philanthropy.” Whatever happened to our Even children are forced to work in these terrible
of these children, and more, don’t know the simple joys American morals? We will not allow our conditions, leading to horrible diseases and
of being a kid. The factories are unacceptable, and they government to ignore our pleas for help. Both men sometimes death. These disgusting issues shouldn’t
display how low America will stoop to take advantage of and women must take action against these appalling go on for a single minute more. If there is no
those in bad situations. I propose that we should put labor injustices and restore our government to its proper boundary to what horrors we are putting our own
laws in place to help these children, whose voice has been structure. people through, are we honestly able to call
taken from them. ourselves constitutional Americans? Raise
awareness, and end these injustices once and for

The Industrial Workers’ Musical Strike Through my visit and interviews with the common laborers, I have discovered a whole new form
by: Chris Edwards of rebellion and revolution, which being songs. I will use this information to inform all of you
readers to help them make a change. The factories spreading rapidly around America are
constantly popping up and supplying us with new products. But you might not know all of the
A political cartoon demonstrating the
hardships of children in the workforce grueling labor that goes into making them. I did not know either until I heard “The Shadow
Child” by Mindy Gledhill. It expresses how the work seems never ending and how they don’t get
to play like the used to.This is just one of the many songs calling out this problem. Such as “The
Land of Noonday Night” by Hull House Songs. In this example they say how tired working all
day has made them. The children were forced to quit school, they can provide for their families.
And in the coal factories the workers may ingest coal fumes which will poison their lungs. The
protests will jus keep rising up until we do something about it. We need to help these poor,
underprivileged people get better hours and conditions because they are practically holding up
america’s economy and they deserve equal treatment as us. We need to hire better bosses for
factories so that they will not become corrupt and dock their employees pay. If the children do not
receive an education, America will not be able to step into a better and brighter future. So today,
we must acknowledge the art they’re making to point out these horrific problems!

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