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REGION I mv YNtaG COC SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED ON Pls) TYNE eg PAPER CHARTS CHART 5011 (INT 1) Pali} Chart 5011 (INT 1 Format) Edition 4 - October 2008 SYMBOLS and ABBREVIATIONS used on Admiralty Charts CONTENTS ‘System for Updating inside front cover Introduction and Schematic Layout 2 GENERAL A Chart Numbor, Title, Marginal Notes 4 8 Positions, Distances, Directions, Compass 6 TOPOGRAPHY C Natural Features 9 D Cultural Features 12 © Landmarks 14 F Ports 16 G Topographic Terms (omitted: only useful in Non-English versions of this publication) HYDROGRAPHY H Tides, Currents 20 | Depths 23 J Nature of the Seabed 25 K Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions 28 Offshore Installations 31 M Tracks, Routes 33 N Areas, Limits 36 © Hydrographic Terms (omitted: only useful in Non-English versions of this publication) NAVIGATION AIDS AND SERVICES P Lights 39 Q Buoys, Beacons 45 Fog Signals 81 S Radar, Racio, Satellite Navigation Systems 52 T Services 54 U Small Cratt (Leisure) Facilities 56 ALPHABETICAL INDEXES. V__ Abbreviations of Principal Non-English Terms 58 V__Abbreviations of Principal English Terms 62 W International Abbreviations 65 X Index 67 Section Key inside back cover Published at Taunton, United Kingdom under the Superintendence of Rear Admiral J, A.L, Myras, FRICS, Hydrographer of the Navy, 1991 ‘8{Crown Copyright 2008 A rons eserves INTRODUCTION General (Chart 017 is primsnly a Key to symbols ane abareviations used on Admitally and Intemational paper charts complied by the UKHO (United Kingaom Hydrographic Dice). Variations may occur on charts adopted into the Admiralty Series that were ‘onginally produced oy ancther hydrographic sttice. Were tnese symbols and abbreviations are easily understood they wil rot De included 8s examples i nis publication, Symbols ana abbreviations shown on navigational cisnlay systems using ‘vector electronic cnarts may dite trom those descrined in his document Schematic Lavout of Chart SOL ‘This eaitian of Chart$011 is based on the “Chart Specifications of the 1HO" (Intemational Hydtogranhic Organization) adopted in 1982, with ister adattiane and corrections. The aout and numbering accords wih he oficial IMO version of Chart INT (English version producod by Germany). ‘ Tracks, Routes M- 4 q Tracks Marked by Lights —> P- Leading Beacons — Q Tracks | a |= seer cee ne ‘hope | 8 i — ee 5 g 8) oe 2) Section designation. (In some nautical publications, this reference ’s ore-fixed "I, for intemational } D ven 5 Cross-relerence lo tarms in other sections. Column 1: Numbering folowing the Intemational ‘Chart Speciicatins of he IHO™ A jetterin this colum eg , indicates a supplementary ‘rational symbl for which there Is no International equivalent ‘Column 2 (ntarnational (INT) symbols used on Aaknitay charis Whore both are shown, fae & Scale representations ae fo te let of symois Column 3. Term and explanation in English ‘Column 4 Other symbol ar abbreviation used an Admiralty charts, i iferent om Column 2 Column 5: Not navigationaly significant. Cross reforences to the "Chant Specifcatians of the HO", Mt (Part 8, unless a reference ietar ro.anather partis given) The mark + incicates that this representation or usage is cbsalescent, The mark # in Colurvss 2 3.and 4 indicates that this symbo wil only be found on charts adopted into the Admiralty chart series However, users shuld note that on such charts adoinona! er diferent symbols not isted ints publication may be used. Where not ‘easly undersicoa, such symbols val be explained on those charts. Merrie Charis & tic units are introduced en Admiralty charts as they are modernised (exeat for chants of the waters afound tha United Fathoms Charts Staiesof America, where fathoms oF feet continue fo be used), Fathom andlor feet ciaris ean be distinguished trom metre Charis By he use of grey for land areas, a nce in the tte block and ln some cases by & prominent legend inthe margin, Chart Datum On metric charts, the reference level for soundings is given under the chart title. On athars charts, the reference level tor Depths soundings may be gwen under the trie: rt, can be Seduced fron the tidal information panel The unts used are given uncer the Ha ofthe chart. Tha pestion of sounding isthe certo of the aoa covered by the figures. On metric charts, depths of less than 21m are genetaly expressed in metres-and decimstras. Where source information is sulfioiently pracise, depths between 21m and 3im may be given in hellsmetres, All other depths.are rounded downto whole metres Cn fathom charts. depths are generally expressed in fathoms and foot whore loss than 11 ns, and in fathoms elsewhere Where source information is sullicionty precise, depths between 11 and 15 fms mey be given in fathoms gnd fest Older chars may shaw fetions of fathome in depths o! 10 fathoms or loss, and a few large-ecale charts show all depths n eet. (Qn adopted or co-produced charta those ranges may vary. Drying heights Underlined figutes on racks and banks which uncover incicate heights above chart datum. Thay are-given in meltes and decimetres orn foot a appropriate, Hedets Heights ara given in metas or In feet above the charted haveht datum, details are given inthe Explanatory Notes under the chert ile The gosttion of heights normally that of ne dot alongside I, thus 78. Parentheses are vsed whan the figure ‘expressing height i set apart fom he abject (ag when showing the Neigh o! a sma islet). Clearance heights may he refered fo. higher daturh than omer wight. n such cates tv wil be stated inthe Explanatory Noise Bearings Bearings ao given fern seaward and retarto the tue compass, Sea Miles ‘Aeris the length of one minute of latitude locally and fs the principal means of expressing distance on Aditaty charts, und Cables ——Reabe ig onetonth ofa sea mie Names Nemes on Admiralty charts are spelt in accordance wit the principles and systems approved by tho Permanent Commitee on ‘Geographical Names for Bish Oficial Use, ‘A second name may be given, usuellyn parentheses nthe following circumstances: 8, If ha tetontion of a superseded rendering wil lactate crose-elerance to related publications ©. fn of name hat has changed radically, the ratention of the former one will ai recognition: ©. His decidad to retain an English conventional name adeion to tha present atic rendering Chart Catalogues Details of Acmialy charts sre glen in the "Catalogue ot Adwally Charts and Publications” (NP 191) and regional catalogues CGartbbean’(WP108), ‘Mesterranean’ (NPTGE), Scandinavian’ (NP107), ‘North West Europe (NPYOQ), all published annually, The Mariner's The Mariners Handbook (NP 100) iluces information an the folowing Hamibook and ‘The use of charts and the dagtee of reliance that may be placed on them: chart supply and correction; names: charted wether Publications pavigatenal aids: navigational hazards. rafic separation scharres offshore ol and gas operations. tides and currents: ‘general marne meteorology & gcesary o towns used an Admitaty chats i also given. Information abcut features represented on cterls car also bs found inthe folowing pubicatons or ther algal equivalents ‘Admiralty Saling Drectone: Admiralty Uist of Lights and Fog Signals: Adiitalty Tce Tables end Tidal Seam Atlases: ‘Admiraty List of Rago Signals, Annual Notices to Mariners: 1ALA Mime Bucyage System, Copsrigta ‘Admiralty charts anei publications (including this one) are protocted by Crown Gopyright. They ara derived trom Crown Copy information and from copyright information published by aiher organisations. They may not be reproduced i any ‘material rr inctucing photocopying oF storing by electronic means) without prior parmission al tha copyright owners, which may be sought by appiyng, inthe frst instance, 1o the Copyright Manager, The Unied Kingdom Hydrographic Office. Taunton, Somerset TAY 20, UK A Chart Number, Title, Marginal Notes Schematic Layout oan Admit INT hart ued in la) 8 Chant SERIES (QIAPPROACHES To Chart Number, Title, Marginal Notes A Magnetic Features — 8 Tidal Data — 4 Satelite Navigation Systems —> § Chart number nthe Aca series an Chast mumeer inthe reemavain) (IVT Chat sare ut ©) se of M684 gece rare eat 2, 2) Pibscatn bt mor sho Pe dee pian asa New Chan zi (5 Reproaucton ad Coy acrowedgeran nate. Ak Adm chars are ste! t Crown Canyon reson. ms ©) Baume mtermaton Keston Nutr Elton Date, (hats ove ir 1 My 2000 have New eon dea Ho it eat m2 D) Notices 10 Mariners: (a) ne year dates and numbors oF Nolces to Manners ara (b) tne ates (usialy bracketed) of minor 223 corTerions mcivded i reprint But not fray gremolgated abandoned as 8 method of corrscton n 1868) chats tvs! ct 4 May 2000 nave tho \egsre ‘Smal! caectons) 8) Dimensions the mer neat-ines ote chart border In the case of carts on Transverse Morestr and Ghomonie pejachons, za ‘ren sors may be quoted for al barre af the char which eer Same Fainarns chars show ih criansions MVaches © 9 (38.40 2) D) Comoe co-eetaes aie 0) Char me Tis shou be aucese accion io ne char rib won erring a char ans 11) ©xpianaton notes on chart contort to be read betore using the chart pe 2) Beate Where an Aaa chart asm te intsratoria! Cart See, the Gaal oF ne International Hyaragreph\e Crganiestion (HO) 5 aay ‘Shown i action 0 9 national seal Raproauctons of mervatons| chars of alberratiane lacs) have the seals of he orginal 2a ‘rode (let) publish (conte) and the INO (night. Reeredtsctons of other charts have the seals Of dhginalproguce eth and Dubisher (rant cha which ars co-preductons cary he eats the sions rwolted Whee reducion, 1) Scale ot chat on Mercator projection, ata stated thu. a, 9) Liar soaies on bge-seata pan a enear borer scales (mone), On smaler scale chars, the aie hor su be usec to measure Sa riée and Cables, an © Gaunonary vets (1497) on chance to be rad botore using the chart a (1) Source Dsgram any) tra Souree Diagrams rot shown dete of the souibus user the cameaton ofthe chart ara given the oma ‘expan rotes (see 10) The Souree Diagram or notes should be studled carefully Before using the chat in order to assess Ihe reliably of the sources ference to ger evate charter olan (wth erence eer pai Same chat) a Feterence to nm acjinng chan a iit seal, oe 1) Note IMPORTANT THE USE OF ADMURALTY CHARTS 2s aterence tothe unite used for dupe measurement. The tegen DEPTHS IN FATHOMSIFEET, is shiinron certain move recent aie fathoms chars where cariusion mupit horse arse bee Gonversionseates Tallow saeroxirate convoisions Betaoen metic ana othome and est units On oe cheats: conversion tables 0 re gen nsteaa © Conan Notice ions, Distances, Directions, Compass Geographical Positions 1 r Line 2 eS Lene 3 ‘enratene Moran (Genie) 4 5 ears) @ 5 Mnusetaotare @ 8 ‘Seon af re ” 7 % Eioroelecmenmmaniacy — |t + ne Es 8 2 mi |p ee +e Ble 9 x ets weit 10 © es sat 1 . Soa ww 12 “ vest wt 13 cd North-east 14 ee Soutreost 15 vw ont nest 16 sw Saumwest Control Points, Distance Marks Ll <= = 2 |S n| wes =| je 22 | S| >on 24 Boundary mark 306 25.4 | ore | rsance tong uteri 0 wa marr we 22 | a Sr wacrnay, wl soe macs ie a vent ais mee Symbolised Positions (Examples) | MB i anirswte a Positions, Distances, Directions, Compass B Units 40 it tomate) 41 * Mere) 42 om Decimaretsh wo 43 on cannes) 44 “ were) ® 7 i inerei Sao HD rae wo 46 alte 1 0 | a7 . roatoet 48 vos) ns 49 * Har ww 50 = Meus orev ‘so 51 _« erst ol time tHe 0 “52 1® ‘ts i 53 ' Tanne Tens tage (neigh) = 54 @ eee Magnetic Compass 60 vation ve 61 vagrere a 62 Bearing we (63 ie 64 eereang wen 65 verona veo [66 Armia age 67 Deviation ar aot rare vara 682 A iget inn Mn ato: #0W 307 CD) eulotpesiton B Positions, Distances, Directions, Compass 70 | Canines tases Thien Magnetic Magnetic Varin expres tothe nearest 8 ee {E00 1 2a (=) en meget revtn ecw means timates to omar otteyearatiog Armvat | ek gree toraton #30 Win 24 srs! chenpe oe Enange 2 Wie gun ttt ores! mre on (eS magatevoinion aeewes9 9 atUsh) ae "K I ao aca Magnan Nort Sate reo comer Socarte mars en ore enoung ners an niiayudte, Te galey, hy} Pons \ @ 2 S 5 + vein 700° (8978), 77 | sorte rat. naonts vanaon NT NRRATOU LINES ARE FORO, ae wer rere ince arenes Thetaghae vation shown n doguge alowed byte ter a W, as. ange at certain cgi iog i TOA in ee caee epcons roe Note COO ta spre (achat immed folowing he vtiaion af # y Oo ye er sv b ae ‘ante vation vats oe a ne tr avant te yon bid - {acai magnate Aneraly 24 W415° (ihm erect re magnate Led Semaeene | - Lat NR ae Where he area afecied cape be Lncal Magnatie Anomaly 82.2 oa ely cara a gona ays nog Soma heparin + Natural Features C Foreshore —> |, 5 Coastline = we it t Plane of Reference for Heights. —> H Relief sexta s; Apert cra ian in ns a doormen = C Natural Features Farm ons wn seer hegre Aporoxnete eight of 20 of raw (hove neigh! der) Water Features, Lava ‘ver Seam 2 Irteritont ever ana Raoioe Water as Lakes sas Sait gane ar Giacor aa Natural Features C Vegetation 30 Moon gener os a (oa nar) =e at esi olan 32 Evergraen (except conifer) 213 contr aia Par 315 Nipa asim 318 mais a7 Fico ata ica 32 Mangrove 33 Mars, Siar, Saran " D Cultural Features Settlements, Buildings Height of objects — E Lanamarks —*E ; Ss on ov “a : ake ase — “ . Be ee puieedaiiiai i Roads, Railways, Airfields 12 on pe it; Pah pdoce or nbutcnd) way * == —— aes) a ” Ea 2 Cultural Features D Plane of Reference for Heights —H Other Cultural Features on Vere clearance above Hlgnt Osun we} {npatonbocos ten genirea er cary sae 21 Henn lerace m0 22 ei sae ay 234 een age canara wy Bs = Grom Ceara 4 282 Swing eid wen vernal sears {ting eis tin verte cca ea (oeseaand.pen 234 ascule bsdge wit erica baat = a || 236 Draw cigs wn vera sine Tanepar big wth vt 24 ‘aco btwoan seg Boum aa Snort parol acre vere vari sta ‘ eur over tanamiesin ie wih pylons 26 ‘ni invert! clewance aes {eet fone 223) fo Hen, # erraas eae Teeonore ae ‘oooh te win vorten cenronce Sa si 28 reread pe wien vartcatosrarce e ol ae : "Rie: Tha safe verteal cance abavo reght Calum, as and by tra resparsibe wary [Savon Mh iapene where known (88e HBO) onernise the physical vero clearance show Siac ae.n O20. 13 E Landmarks that a feature 's consercuous: bred a ees sgt = a ae ea ste 05 | SEN | o-~- = 1c | | oo = " = aS a = 4 Landmarks E 20 a4 t eter tower Wotan ona ter owes aye 22 f ten cnimey wa 23 ft ‘ace sack (on ton) ai = = ieaeaicineyiecaios am a - i Sonics I ri 25.1 = wn ‘fis 252 an ec rt a) i rae * 26.1 Wind tureme ‘Wing trom wae : “ ocr in 26.2 Wing farm a6 27 P anit People aur 28 4 eco ma, aeons Mast nog c aes 29 t Fada ci hr am wae 30.1 eo Radar Mast ‘Radia mast 202 ena acer tT 30.3 © Resor Se Radar scarmer tT - 30.4 er ri at iipidoa cote wes $ + 2) +6 @ Ta Tarts F 8 i 33 Ose Sie ‘sio. 763 X Fonified sructre 3a em herent ” Cis Fon, Bookoute 342 u (Grrr seach) t # os va anon, Set 34s a ET ve, , ee BI) 354 D Tanks —> E en oe Tanat shee Warehouse i | a SSS rem ese as 2 | 7° ia Tiare fa BR RED) 52) | AS | even cere onranvey we 53.2 | asa | Coraner cere in tng pect) 53 | aan | 0869 (comics) 8 Ports F Public Buildings aS 9 H_ Tides, Currents ‘Terms Relating to Tidal Levels 1 co Bcom 0" Sour reduction ‘es 2 ur mat Atomica Tide 9 3 va Honest Asiana Tele 4 ws ‘Moan Low ior 5 wo Maan High ater 8 ns. Moan Sea Levit 7 Later a 8 sows Mean Loy Wat Serinos 9 wine Moan Hon wats Sano 10 sae Aeon Low Wat Nese ” ves ‘ian Hin Ware Neon 12 uw Moan wer Low Water 13 aww sean Higher High Water 14 sun Mean Hight Law ar 15 oon esr Lot toh War 16 & seca tee 590 7 % ap te a gh Water vw b Lew Wer w c Maan Te eve! wm. a ransnee Daim oo Tides, Currents H Vertical clearance — D Tide Gauge — T Tidal Levels and Charted Data wap | eStore att uetljeeshnnideod es piounli delied ieerynbeber de we adapt = | re. ‘Tide Tables 30 Tabular atstement af semi-ciumal ar okurnal ties — a = Te | ais ene eae oe = 2S See aie aa | 81 | resvenomaaie ms | ORE [TO [TO [6 [6 Je Ke 2 3 | aaa mlele als wiele Fla ae pz 3] & zg 2| (sl BE)E 8} (3 Bl: 3 a H_ Tides, Currents Tidal Streams and Currents Breakers —K Tide Gauge —>T oo ona tae sream je meen so Trerumbero! tack doen he sor ad icicle ad tal stra aon cats tho | 3? numero hours tar iar or ee Low Matera nich the steams | agp 4 at san, 0 ae sream (with mean sng ate) | ——* Senn Se It 42 a Cue rsicied waters a wae en Team are Dea arene 43 ‘eae ne) ‘srengih and seasonal variant aes tray be Sou a4 ae erie, Boe eases o aay = 45 ay» 0 aes Pain of ulser seam ‘ a8 ata win decir . ® E Canora pasion for rien 5 47 a fel eves ne rabies = e ave reorder ine ener ‘ Cent meter cieert mae 22 Depths I General 1 2 Svietence duet 2 a z Be Eigen &; 34 *e Reported ut nat entire a Bs ie Recored wih yoarof mrt a 3a in bua cone ines Repored but re contined sounding cn a ae ‘or danger (on smal. scafe charts ory) Si a Unetag iti, pis Pane of Reference for Depths» H Plane of Reference for Heights Soundings and Drying Heights 10 2 e “or Bounatng in rae position "1 le +02) Sanaing of goston qa | tee 2 12 Lanse dep nariow channel my | 13 ‘wpa tanec es r aes "4 eee sen : tle # mange sa onors so 16 ‘Natural watercourse (in iniertidal area) 58 Plane of Reference tor Depins > H Depths in Fairways and Areas a0 |= “Lint of crodiged anne! or area {mater arcmin) (edigea channel or area wth depth ot creaging is metas se decimete® Depths may be shonnss 48 of Bg on cme ‘iueted has rected chao! ov aa wth ah at srecgng and yea! oe atest ‘Sentai suey 23 ‘Bretged crarnel or aoa wih ove regulary mantainod essen specnasens « secrecy % Sec i (a8 Note or ‘) Neots Beoem F Seaweed Unnisye or cecum eum e as ean #, a a ts - Nor! ‘ 4, {om Source Diagram) , Depth Contours as |=, 30 ‘Low Water (LW) Line, Chant Oanion (2D) | On chane showing-cepirs m faometoot, | 4 ———— prmcspeteeseanieentos | ve ‘vo hin one or mere sraas a of a manera | — Romasemenes ee eaaaay se On sme chats. the stant sett i _comours fs augmented by accitonat t — ae oa ores Geceeees | +1 Hee’ | it ‘HHomever in some instances where the * — = See | + : feces |x = i es Or same charts, coctouys amd bets a moe Sas _ == ; = = = eee a — el ag 28 Nature of the Seabed J ‘Types of Seabed 1 s sara . = 4 g 2 oi sud ” . 3 Coy. . a 4 5 oa 5 * Shoes . a 6 ° rave © i 7 . Pabbion , wo 8 o cebies ot 8 oc, chy 92 te Boxkets) “ 40 a vas , at 1" » Shale , * ae GEG SiTA se 124 sm Tye Ey rr (Thickness of sriace layer in metres) "aha ie nant COMETS 122 ina Sonneries co me Sandi Wd and Shak 131 ve Wes inching Kein) , ww ve 13.2 <= Ko aa 14 POX Sancans say 15 = Soong n seated! ea a ream F oe wt b a0 4 o ° Mart a d Shine p & i e ene he A ie t Cuare I. @ owe Q Mecropore . Me md h Basa . be i Lave i i Ameo _ im = k Tia 5 1 I Soar . ® m cn E o a 2 J Nature of the Seabed vpatenas 3! sense a grat n Manganese te en ° Geuzonte ie a . tere . o os q assets A ie wwe r Spange is % s Agee A ” t Feeartra A te u Gioogerna ‘ o v Dae . o w adolare A fe mt x Parpoas i a y Payzos i w = Intertidal Areas ‘ies ct sansancimis in ~ « Reese 2 Pocky arez _ cai oes | os . Pam Qualifying Terms 30 ‘ Fre B a : rma | oer 32 ° Coase 33 Ben - a 34 * ‘Sieny . o* 35 * Bot iz * 36 * oH . wf 37 . veeane . wa 38 @ Catcareaus . al 39 " Hat a 26 Nature of the Seabed J aa nat . ” ab Lave , Hi ac ue! hs o as ad Spected re sk a ae vie . . at Blak . " va ag ave , * ah crsen Ri ® ai veto , aj re ; 4 ak Brown q we al rocote o tee am Ea e an Light , A 20 ak F a 7 K_ Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions General [Bangerine A danger Tne dws anion Jacanger wnicn woul not stend cut cowry Jercugh rropraceca cole’ ey fe yma eg, iotated 008) or doit ar are leaning mwrreroce Gargere rough whic te ursata to navigate [Beem cleared by wie ara waa or om The syne may co seo wih ibe sy ba, Jess wrecks obsbuctons, wale [Seo clowrance dept Costructon over pavon he aacr dents unirewn, ut rch considered 0 havea sate [etearance at te cepin shown. the Symbol maybe usa wih omer syrboie eg, wrecks, woo wbnes Dries to tor Covers ‘ter Ureavere of Reference for Heights — H1 Plane of Reference for Depttis — 10 ok (le hich eas not coven, heat above Peg" catum a) " Rock which covers ae neovers [neigh above Chart Datum where iron 12 Rock anast athe level ot hart Datur) 3 LUngenrate reek over wien he depths unkown, wee considered dangerous sacs vigation 14 14.4 142 Lnderweter ook ot owe cop: ‘nie te comespaneing cect aa outst me covesponcing pth area, angeraus io suraoe navigation +012) Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions K 18 ‘noi olangercurs to surlace navigation 7 16 oe Corl eo wr ie aay coveted as Cite x 7 Breakers aan d iccbaed ler Bio! + sco ae Hulk > Plane of Reference for Depths — H Historic Wreck —»N Wrecks and Fouls: 5 ec rcv or ate a eck ru covers an ancoves on Al ingest ora Gun I: + | ‘Submerged wreck, deoth known, on 22 . ocean “ Sutrerged neck; dept nknoun; en an 23 \argo-soaie chars Con Weck spewing any parte a 24 = superstuctute at the ‘evel af Chart Datum: a2) rack oF rich mt) ny are i 25 ie a Cart Dan Sone = Wheckover ich te dept hes been 26 dom Gee Setaioet by saunding usr ey ws Sheen oe 6 heck age dec cae aaa 27 & 2 oueep oraver ec, deg unkeoun itch 26 consiiered potentialy dangerous aes tence nangaion ‘Wack, hover Boney depnuniaoi, tions eonacared al dangerous 29 Saco caigaton Fo orator abd w6 Sots crn och ayer s08 PND, ihe riers Hance e Suamecped Weck, deci union rs 20 K_ Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions 30 Virack se whch fe Brae death lintnovm, Botnien orders fave ase clearance a re depth a sown Feu a er cnges ce fat FE . ‘avignton butte be avesed by vassets ie ae anchoring. traning ot (eg remains of ria toh clears pao) iret new) Nevigaion te on ean wee 1 father iat of sane = Obstructions Plane of Reference for Depths Kelp, Seaweed Underwater installations —> L a = Destrinen aargaria ravaston he 40 een oem | Sree of ult no ind or see oie oot been oremined ane nkoe i yn fayoran | Oost can bid iy eas Sutin bu re re swe bsrueton eat cap obainod ty is a2 re soup orever as tims of posts os holy 43.4 2 . ‘suomerged . Ssomerzea pie, state, snag or 432 z Simp ais a ponton) 444 a i iaing state (ft a 442 * Is voi ry ete Re are 45 rovcace Tumynes || Sn Wap are tiny net ans —- aoa a beeeet Sve 464 me ee on paver 462) = se) | Fat naven, wth minimis rane | Shin boa, wt na abeeuctan ta aya oF t evar 48.1 Marine ta (on geste chars} 482 = Fs] Mie am fon aa cate cha) Offshore Installations L Combined symbols — K (General) Areas, Limits, — N General Eee | West or gosto a3 1 ittiga are oot or gasket 5 2 hea Prato wit designationmame w # a8 Lt of saley ere wound ohne rn 3 ‘asialapon 23, 4 Limi of development aaa co y Wine turbine, Wind i ad ws 54 r vena neti wih vericas clearance ers om nd tam wit ean aren rey Platforms and Moorings , Proton wat Pate use 10 Sheesh wf i : ” om Flaw stack (a 580) ws ‘Rasa Sng Fon woaina, Rebaing a 2 foo Ehgie taro tag Moarng ALND ae ried Laadg Colan (ALC) ‘Gesonation esearch ptm 13 fit name) one 14 Disused platform fy (dss0o) | | 45 util land — Fosing Snofe Port Waaiha,rekana 16 ay Garentiy Anchor Lug Meorng (CALA, ae ‘Sng vey Moanng (S80) % Noord stage ager meting FSU ee aso 8 5 ‘Mooring around ace org eating a ‘sie st Plane of Reference for Depths — H Obstructions — K Underwater Installations 20 181 Pane YPmaer | Fodueton wet with opin wher krown hm uss ‘Sioa we (wothaae ar eiDeS and et ‘rogetng fam ti seabed) over which awa fede unxnawn 212 isi Senate wel veewnch en anes 218. a Sopmnce ne i nhc ean 22 2 Ste of ead olatorn ie 31 L Offshore Installations “nore wate waren (ana ori) 2| 2 ‘as Thecring heghtor noght above ra mowed rca z ee ee “8 eameae 6 ‘Sra fe tears Short a sss 1 Heteeai the testo a rar lata roa ; Su a Submarine Cables 30.1 ‘Sunmanne cabie: 485 902[ ovens _| Ste cat ae ze Big | omereereeemeceomonn, | aliergecle wee a2 : Srna non case ae = oi) sarees | meanaean wa ‘Submarine Pipelines: 404 oats rae ae as ‘Supa sivaine ates: urspecited, ci i tua mae ‘gas, chorical, water | aes Catena nin srg ie | — aia ‘emer outa ake a2] - Semsacesaatmae = Yt} Ment | a} Me | |S - L a L Bresgpaea/pes|wmronne “ a ‘soptt to which barca) 6 an a ws 4 causd cine “ 32 Tracks, Routes M Tracks Marked by Lights — P Leading Beacons —-O Tracks Seale +e ss} Leading ine moans in ie’ the * contnintho who treckta be towed) | A BE . Tans cher ha ean Fine). ony Chg tom oH ecommanaoa wack eased cn a.m | wt oftved mt — Fecommarc rack no based n= wu Seton 0 vent mer oth ha way ack ae WY ak ose on Sojoem of fas arts . Onanay wack are DW ack nt bse onan often Fecormarced rath wi asian aes Suton Seat aa Routeing Measures - Basic Symbols Fatwsianec mansion) recton ot cn ua trae tow eco RCT OF Tare ” tow ssi Separation no ast i (atge esl sa cat) fe 13 Siemens Lim ofrosneiodrureng measure 14 (oa, nator hathe Zoro Area Seeaoch 15 Link otraueig mosaune ss 16 Procastorary area soe ‘Aictpagi'Sen Lesa ors 7 iets te occa sat het ou nee Faviay aeagratnc by epi ato 18 catheter depth ity manu authored caught 1 The mir Tuconmanded m onnacton win racks ana exreina measures does ro! Fray tecornaraalon by Ihe Unie Kingdon Hicrographie Ofice Ins csuall bya regulatory auto, ul may be estenished by erecedan M Tracks, Routes Examples of Routeing Measures °y, ff SAFETY FAIRWAY (soe Noto) fi Tracks, Routes M Examples of Routeing Measures (see ciagram on page 34) ae Tae separation schema (TSS), wate separated by seoararan zone Tate separation scheme alte separated by nauralobstructons Tale soparaton soker. wih cuter separston zone. separating vame using scheme ham tae nt using es Tato separation Scherr, reundabout Trae Separation schernes erusshe, mehour abSaneted orecautonary are Prectuseray stee Inahore wae zave (123, win eed end ines Inshore vate zane who dine hrs econmendedt aooton of vate fou txlvaen wate saparaten schemes ‘iecomencied drecton of wae tow forsee not nasaine » deep water rate esp waterrout (DW. 98 rt ot oneway trac ane Teosy dap water cute wit miner dah tater! Dap water rote, cere ine santas recommended one-way or wesay back Recomended rus tn marked by centre re Ey) Teo cout wih cne-nay sectons ‘Area to be avoloea (ATBA\.srauna nawoatonal td Areata be avoided because of danger ol svandings ‘Son famuay + The torn veconmanded! connoction wih racka ard reutaivg measures dos no ira recorncndain by the Unied Kingdon Hysiopraphic Oc iysusaly by a egulatory avin bu! may be establish by Dreceden Radar Surveillance System 20 Fader suitnce sation g 3 Radar range 2874 aon] Fader erence tna Pacer efance ne eoncang wine 92.2 a. leading Wine et Radio Reporting HD | asercasnein port may port or D 40.1 reporting pornt (with designate, itany) ae a « Sores ta |, OS <@ nto eparing ine ain dexgnainn 402 tegitgs amie ateast | —Q— a move L. i Ferries 50 © Ferry i el) 51 Sie fn a wee N Areas, Limits General Dredged and Swept Areas —»| Submarine Gables, Submarine Pipelines —» | Tracks Routes —» M sa] ty nal 12 | | caacoccrenat ronperanen oeysca snuctone (or emnass) 24 | | ARARaRRMR | Unt aimcicnn (eremprass) Bo ptrmrnemsgin pissy || wa aasarneh peters |e 221 0 1 © 3 | ccnatea”“rem® i eves : ae lr + ‘Anchorages, Anchorage Areas 70 ¥ Reported anchorage f Ps (ro etted its) |; Wa & & @ Anotor os . we & Anchor Bevtis withisi fe nal | 8 124 Anonorage area n panera! 122 Numoereetarichordioe ara + @: 123 Nome erchorage cen ‘Dep water arcrorage aa, 124 + aE ‘anchorage area for Seep oFsight vesce : Tanker anchorage saa Tha sya TAy 125 1 be nanny er ater ys vase eg anaicar ee pa anor aoa oc ot8 127 - Exposes anchorage ses 12.8 eet Quaranta anchorage area 129 eserves ancnorage area 13 | f Seapine peraing ar | = - wos 4 a Acro tr satiares L was 6 Areas, Limits N Restricted Areas 5 ; = = 20 Ach it Jee te 1 |e Hk iL ! a Fine patie = Enparraty Sra aos TP eee en econ nae Bianca ma aay ae 2 sonatas Eaten Saino Sa itor yaaa Saas aaa te get 23.2 Explosives dumping ground (disused) SS “a za] t Dumaeg Gouna er tig renee eal eee me nipascenarings ne a connat 26 ir a 2 m6 ene [ae a Seabed operations dangerousypranibited [too eo . ng anid A * Military Practice Areas - re aieetane ‘Miliary restricted avaa inte which i "teas at ay waco eran aad — ' og Mine-taying (and countermeasure} ada 32 practice area. és a suena vane wrong tse wi "SUBMARINE EXERCISE AREA = aa] f me netos pr ome ssa a7 N_ Areas, Limits International Boundaries and National Limits 41 EE | rman sos 43 + + __ | Seatwave srniv of Territorial Si ~ assess +05, 45 a u National fstvery femits “or 46 ewes Sot Limit of Continental Shett 440.8 47 | | cnt of nctusive Economic Zona 0s 49 | ~S__ dxtaurtine aroour at SS ate ao Various Limits 60.1 enna, reer Limit of fast 109, ioe sront wir aie) 62.2 ‘Spoil ground (disused) 65 Incineration ares: — 38 Lights P Light Structures, Major Floating Lights 4] 2 Pyne | garam se » ane 2 f Lignan perm aaa a see 3 a Fie | tation bar a 7 |e . 4 fn | ‘miner vocognion anger te dayrarate i } = ne ek b ene | ob ak I = Sova f 5 1, fen LUprtod cuayane baacon, resin beacon + aa 6 Apt hon ange auras Navparal ae F Soituar owes | a eee q Ti Raa eg acl aki ALA Ube Bipage Spat carci Bearings of Light Off Chart Limits o “True Bearings of Sgat Mér Light 39 P Lights Light Characters on Light Buoys 9 (ota ra 10.7 pein ate 0 10 159- Leualy thor 100.0 espe | 10.9 = {10.10 t 10.11) doe Sonn 40 Lights P Colours of Lights and Marks ia w via for Res onion sacar ata Be ‘omarng tte ime 11.2 F ed in 11.3 ° Goon _ 4 a Bo , ® 115 u voor 116 ¥ eau WwW v Le Sarge [: es 118 Y ™ ‘arbor Colereat tts shom on ' onc oharts ieee wee en mulicolured chats Pe on moire cna at , soebr gree Period 2 ite Porodinsoconds and nis ota sooond | se oo Plane of Reference for Heights —» H Tidal Levels —> H Elevation = aE Ti aara stars Re neAOnOaTOR | on, 13 Ze bration of ht Inbventnveot og 40% oie: Chanea anges re nominates glen sea mies Range he Lane wit roi ange a9 14 sso Linh n ton atantronae i 1300 i aM “Lig ms or more anges i sssan Disposition oo econ esposet | ot) ane 16 wo vertical deposed i. oni ae Example of a full Light Description «7-9 16 | example ot sare aescrption on a matre ch usr heratoal Sborcuarans. # Lawes anna FA) Class or character of unt n ins exaote 2 reup-tashing fom. fegulay repeating # graus of tee nashes WE. — Colours of a Wht, red ana green, exis the ‘Stems caine n tne asetors 159 Pere cf ognr in sseanas, 19, me. te token fo sit ‘one il oquenes oF 3 fashes ard eeicaos: 15 eecancs sm Elevation BF ca! plana enove height dau 73 marae 7384 Lumingut range ¢04 mies to stance at when 2 light of a parteusrrrsiy can be see ‘lear ‘oiy tang no account ol enrth covatne thew counties (ey Lied Kira) user the fr cea ‘Sefined a 3 meteorite Vsibilyof 19 Soa mies, te fange may be termed "rorina? ths example the ‘anges of he course white 7 res, groan 5 mies tee betwen ? 38 5 re Example oF igh doscrbion on a fathom char using veriatona) net ae fabbyowaione. @ Lp We Soerrou22M (lass or charter of ght nie exampio editing Sole lashes of rong cours sieraiely (Colours cf ig shown: attemate}y unite and ret ale fe, nota sector ant) tid of fight in excora eho ime idkon io exit he soquones ofa laches and (wo ecloses. 30 second, Elovton of oral plane stove hei dtu: 110 foe, Range in ea nes Unt 197? te fess of geographical Tage (based on high ot eye of 15 fet) ar amos ‘ange was charts. Now, when Me chars ae coecto. fmm (or nara) ranges glen i ne exam T. luminous ranges ef he oBtous are whe 23 mise 60 22 Imes. The geograpivea!rango ean f foun Wor tea Ih the Adhiraty Let of Lights (arte evar of 170 fat wou 9 18 ree a P Lights Lights marking Fairways Note: Quoted bearings are always from seaward Leading Lights and Lights in line. Lessing tans win oxen ina Sy tie br ine = nace Oe lowe) 432 srvaceshusibany Se Lara mene i _—setoensaes | trmins sine hack tone lowed he 202 {Gu cesciptons i test heaps rane waco ore. Po sy at) 203 sesolog his on sma sea ena ee 83 Lagan iw aig reese a ola chanel 22 os eroruperts Faroe upp ant te a0? 23 Ponts toner Front rls bgt v a7 ft Direction Lights aay x | recton tte wit naw secter 80.1 | pepessess tit | re course be lolowed, arco ot Texoma = browns orinaeraiecton |, wes Fe Dron ia th cote 30.2 4 felon unnaves nctreRanked us as = paarineas rcnnersines tt me Feast it eA eB sg | eepeanerrincemtaraenersiier aoa | a2 Se aa (ard oy it scien 8 | Oise Segoe | Graces on src ohrs Be | erect ape wn ar tiny str = aa Navked by tart sectors of teront i | Srarsctors on mutece red chars ‘More tec fon cay nd ih 31 ‘abe ero mar Aro row asa ‘ahr coun starter resco 42 Lights P Sector Lights 404 te Seetoe ign a0 stance! chars = 475 ° 402) fees Stor ight on mostenbved chats 1 eo sent ea rrowniotacio ins munrg he Pan oe way Sch op mutes nar tuna acs ines nrg Saerotrtanvay Viner Ma igh ia a ean ith wa 4 Sarg ‘eden tse on arg we at a a iy aw _ t Avoid bt wih oeacites sats Ln we vay deo oss a! reswnctec 45 _Ligiat wah fae soetor asa a io 7 46 “Light with intenaiied sector ats Locnmw Peneoai ° Laren wintroted acer 43 P Lights Lights with limited Times of Exhibition ] fe Lt cy ora acociny 50 Presse hnoeae (a fornsniog wastes, tres) ts me Sate iacenes api gen 8 5t Prizosmans ‘chaser Grown by day ear om Prcweamena wa amin, Maem te Stat an9 honaa Fgh tid ony eva or iin ee 82 faeries ae Lowiosmoan s Bs, praca ere iat - 53 ! ” standby or emergency arrangements. one — fie a b Symohienized (synchronous ar sequential) eyne o gaye Special Lights Flare Stack (at Sea) > L Flare Stack (or Land) —+ E Signal Stations — T 60 Lasinrwasioa Aoi nyt e ors Lassie ecco rate sat 61.2 ey fries Air obsarcction lights of iow miensity Peds, a2 62 Fag Det Lt Fog detector ight arr «3 es iin | aeeamecasticane sa i ime Fstny Frat Raptor than one vom - es 65 Se lextubiled occasionally + eRu Te a Buoys, Beacons Q JALA Maritime Buoyage System, which includes Beacons Buoys and Beacons Genera 1 - anti boon B Lighted marks on maealonest Abbreviations for colours (tights) — P11 Colour of Buoys and Beacon Topmarks 2 aad i Single colour green (G) ana hack (8) . " eedn : ; Loy b | Soeenzcnu om vo rt - me # 3] 8 8 o 6 wb | eBtrnvionmonmo | FF a «| 4 4 4 |Steeeveer |e 2 os = ah ease i wears =| 5 4 s| a 4d d i rage exam 00h) tod) a @ & & een a ota nc 5 Serer eae ret imaciercinoonaaic |) ¢ _ <@ —*E a from ALA syatem mite grey (yh | ‘ 7 me eam gel foo gee god b rch buoy ot use te ALA Syston) | BE 4 3 f e = 4 8 ;s & & # Marks with Fog Signals. — R Lighted Marks ane qin “Lighted marks on stance chars f * 7| # i a es ea For Application of Topmarks within the (ALA System *s Topmarks and Radar Reflectors Nena Bier 5 FOR HF FY ace sytem bicy tere 3 z ce eg | Metcontoemens sown uerant err crt t tate | He i as ‘Beacon win toomark, cofour radar a grenn | St, 10 4 {elector ard designston (sare) de due | i = i os uy wastrel radar i 2 wa ‘ie ‘elec and ancien (xara) : ferns | $58 "1 a eee & fe | 7 |B | Graven fa Stour . Q_ Buoys, Beacons Buoys Features Common to Beacons and Buoys — Q 1-11 Shapes 20 4 a cncsmmrneenrepnioy | 5 a ae | mee 24 = ~ con bien synthe a me | te 22 © a Sonica boy i me mae | sen 23 4 4 ar 109 | a d aes 24 £ Soar 60 sins buey | 9 4 ft db [os 25 a - Barret buoy, tun buoy aT Bewainy Speman wy ee Saag stoner yea” sos 26 = fu of about Si Gaeter Dior gas es oa unsialiation Buys (LTE) and ODAS buoys: _ (56), of similar size, ara shown by _ ‘arakonsttne saotes roe it Minor Light Floats 30 gem LUpie Pont as part of Syste woe at See vwnrmimomamssom | LoL LLL | as | Mooring Buoys ‘Oli or Gas instailation Buoy — L Visitors’ (Smal Cratt) Mooring u 4) a 6 28 om | somngouy va om ote | ane “1 aries td aogier = v — = ~ « - ‘ 1 3 x monty wn ru xy || a + + | aehicanrbem ranbors a0 — ae | SY Z } " | és cig ya ean os aa | | =a || cto trees i 48 Buoys, Beacons Q The symbols shown balow afe examples: shapes of buays may differ: lateral or cardinal uays may be used in some sivations: the use ofthe crass toosmark i optienal Special Purpose Buoys 80 fg gnget ea (Csrger Zo} buoy aa 81 Sewer Target se Birdie — 53 deme we 54 goo Dezaussing Range buoy ase 55 owe cave wy ote a8 56 Spel eur buoy wa 57 4 suny marking otiah ay 58 sons Sansome Ser ch ons wos siperouoy ze Fi 9 4 are nee 60 Seaplane echerage boy 61 Soy mania rae caneraton 62 4 Buoy mening crea zone d ecng mart Seasonal Buoys 70 ions uny presto martained (expe) Seasonal by 1 Bimnoen | ale ae easy Sosa os Bonen Apri and Qetobe) a7 Q Buoys, Beacons Beacons Lighted Beacons —> P Features Common to Beacons and Buoys —> Q 1-11 General acon in rer, charactorsics 80 1 2 denon Of cer sea oso 1 wos Sow can ih eae na sie wae a 4 ‘wonark (exis) Ba i Bascom wit colo ara oprmark 3 82 id ene i i ft @ @e Beacon on submerged 10k ' 83 a (topmsk nd cotre2r eeto) ode ae "Baan wa eT an e ies mo TAL str t Minor Impermanent Marks usually in Drying Areas (Lateral Mark for Minor Channel)” BREE = 20 \ Stake pole 5 way TenTrane | SarRORROHANS 1 Puch ite : st Y 1 5 92 : t iy a 5 Minor Marks, usually on Land Landmarks: gE 100 a can scam eae ft te eka a its man no coir * 101 may be indicated) ~ 102.1 o Sno er helen Ste bese f le 03 Pinte sade wih nei 0 102.2) - teaching beasins - Beacon Towers: ‘Beacons towers without sid wh Bn AR etc mol gos 8 8 8 A | Sesmeczammamens, a ape | a a1 a sve 48 Buoys, Beacons Q Leading Lines, Clearing Lines — M ‘Special Purpose Beacons ‘Note: Toomarks and colours are shiown where scale permits 120 ow 2m Lesoing beacons fetes em Ya fio nt fhe tack tobe toes oy | Lerede Bice na cing io mm ue Rescons mang mansres 122 Snotuckassbwas a irmine “ sne10 be foloneal peers 123 j eeereer abla landing bescon {onarmpte) g 2 128 Bow hs atu vaacon ee 125 Firing practice area beacons: 128 Notes eae sa wa 49 Q Buoys, Beacons 130 IALA Maritime Buoyage System TALA interaional Associaton af Manne Aas fo Nevigauon and Lighthouse Autharites NP Tas revenge el. Sister apo. fad ard inating mais excel igi, was at tars sated Gms ane ening ie 2, coneal A. gprenee) , pit 4 ancispar A, but varaions may occur, tor enarove: mies igh Nts. Sa Ire santa tucy shapes cyerca fea) 130.1 Lateral marks aie goveraty tr wel deiner channels Thee ar tt svoraional Buovage Ragions -A and B- where Lateral ark ciler Porthand wens beedeih PEGION ; ] [Feetaceeyoman aGON gf Geecee * 8 dot, | eee, ee tae tedeeiowe | [Romain Pest Bese a ; = a grrr 7 a = ee ve ~ ‘3s 4 Lg 4 d 4d ES hy oedy Z NOK seers nenice pets sittin ARE rns ont i - 4 anconcal teams rary) 2 si coniea! tomar (any) 5 Ghemaatneey ||m 4 weemeecueray 4 sth oreo PHB # tym erosot Fes Nt | pete ohana! buoy may aos bea phar a Sear AN preted chacnal marks have wwe Reo bans fC 130.2 Sjoberg seston rine one ‘Stal showing deectan al uoyage utes ‘etabvous on marcus a at Dieen cree coon as acoorats) ej 130.3 Cardinal Marks ixicatng ravoatie wae ihe named acne iharaks Cusaalnats Fave Wo are ‘haar Aopane A a5 NUT MARKS LIGHTED MARKS et ae ites NW. sale Ai . eel Z ter fe, io =e ve Lo Patton oie {2 =e { fame y 7 “= ‘ a ae fat Fons veneverias liebe Blac i yetow ee Mand f wtentrige a N SN i om vapy05 vosrince anos aoe N, SE rsa used Ft on (259 Tad may nol ans Be rare —— ou ane boacerse 130.4 Isolated Danger Marks, satonsa over uehgers wth navigate wate arcund thm ‘29 ec in rec nr an : ' s Satine da Lo Lv Fe wim eon first a wt vercal sre Sate Wistr Mark, sath oa mi: ehannel ana anal maths sia Topmara any ed sonere i Se, OF Wie lone a dd oe 1306 Spec Ma ery om on Go WA eke Bay po option) yaw ny Yeon iat ia aerecoira) > @ ee Fog Signals R Fog Detector Light — P Fog Light > P General | ow epee eae sree 3; ‘Types of Fog Signals, Abbreviations 1 ~ ce tm st " oe Disphone was cE i a ws 8 Ma ee ee u “ o m 5 i vit ba 16 on iy se Examples of Fog Signal Descriptions ‘rep ata grouse ving a org bast = 20 «faze talowed by a snot are (tested ra aS bry 80 sosonde 3 sie. acsaoes bev bu . Tho powaon ofa egerd eating cos at Avo ‘af emasonsond sometimes be es ¥ fod tngushos aura Soto" Bh ‘toate Buoys or Rese Sous OY aioe see on buoy wen non gee aie etememomnay | i 22 Aen ‘lst vey Ta cecorah fcorwnetor omiccsmancertenscmencs | 24 es tere naveaciaiad wha SRA wa E | | Tre Fog Sipratoymoct (21) wi sual be omit vier associated with anotner smwganan ai (e.g. light er buoy) whor a Gescrian ofthe sionals veo 51 S Radar, Radio, Satellite Navigation Systems Radar Radar Structures Forming Landmarke—>E Radar Surveillance Systems —> M 1 O* Cosstracar tation anviding te ‘ana bearing hom ssn on request @Q- ‘Ramark adr bacon eansmating ‘cant o” a2 33 34 35 36 © ean on) dir vaneaaraer Boncon, wih rnorea aero, reseocgg linn the som (bac Or OQ ae ‘Rady wanspondr basoon win npree Wenttenion rsanang tn Pe 10am (8) ane or a ‘Rata varsoondor beacon winierae ‘Geicatonreaponding wise ine Sm (%) fd to in (ba fr taro rk | Ore (8209 ‘Radar warsporde beacon wth secte of obscured racopaon Fed wansperter beacon wits sector of ecepion Lesacingratr ransponcer bacon (ana mean nme’) Leng radi rarerender besccine coincident wi acing ihe ater vanspendr beaccns on toating mak exaries) ‘adr ratlocir (net aay charted on ALA Syste u0y8 tnd buoyant beacons) Rasa corsolevoue toaure acon Radar, Radio, Satellite Navigation Systems Radio Stactures Forming Landmarks — Fadia Reporting (Calingsin or Way) Points — NA Radio |, @re onc ain a ; Saas Qe Dveeisnarackabeacon wat bearing ne 4 ae = BB [Reger , o-e2 poe 12 |. © Retain patton rciobacon ast 13 Ow (Gorse beacon ws 14 © rT Fadi drectontinding station oO Robe He ‘ Coat rssvnse png 7" oe «| © Givens © 16 Q- Re Aeronautica rchoboacen wa 174 © ais ‘Auamatc laenetcauan Systm varsritar = : - ‘sina ioe eo co m| @®«= © CR com Satellite Navigation Systems. 50 | WGS WOSTe —_WOSE | vonaGenaee Sain 78 884 i A in a I TF nc gm 1 tn or i pn arcing on cae areca ase rooroamatnb asta Sued ponte neh oeiueres SUGEEI Cae tnaniomectet Seormrtoice. | 22 ‘amos a itn provi Drala! an s| © Seeyeowess s T Services Pilotage 4 ® plereuerg tse! ai 12 eitor carp eset ‘wath name. ane 13 Dr Droronaang vest ihre 1.4 | me Plots tansierod by helicopter m2 Coastguard, Rescue 54 Services T Stations 20 ase Sanat staion gener! age ts" 0s Fal ssn Sor aecgeietionicat ws 22 somate) Tie ean Peaeninee sr 23 2830 coors) Fort cna slate 1 24 86.0 Lock signal station ese 25.1 5868) Bree massage signal stan esa 252 Fines Bige hatte ncluing rate sigrats ea 26 oss Doses erat tation er 27 oes Telegram station a 28 88:6) Str sgra station tema ‘hie te a 29 sare We sora ston” da 30 ssc) loo apt tation soe 31 essmme Tne signal station sae 324 £ Teo se61 322 tie pe Automata corr ido gava0 33 sere Tre tt statin 34 ossssueam Teel steam gral ston | oes 35 ssi03nc0 aricor sia! tation 01 36 ossintea Fring east ial tation eo U_ small Craft (Leisure) Facilities Small Gratt (Leisure) Facilities Transport Features, Bridges D Public Buildings. Cranes —+F Pilots, Coastguard, Rescue, Signal Stations —T iy 6 Yoh be Mara 12 Yet bers without cities a / 2 ios bon ° 3 Vetos ming o 4 acto, Sg co r 5 Public sipway _ 6 Boat hoist 7 Plena, Sp Leader it 8 Saimaker ; 8 inter 10 Pera on » " ri “ 12 Chander 13 Provisions 14 Bar, Bra coe 15 Physician, Doctor 16 Prema, Crest 7 Voter tap b a Fl ston Bese) ‘ 19 Etvoncty z 6 Small Craft (Leisure) Facilities U 20 Batted gat 21 sewite 22 Launarente @ 23 Pabtic tiers o 24 os bor 8 25 ibe wane 4 26 otise in 4 27 Pil carpat ' 28 Parking for boals arnt waiiors: ~ 29 ee ~ 20 Comping ste a at Vit pohe 32 pie MARINA FACILITIES == : S SSNS Xa . XS eS WARE DH % KIS OS HARBOUR / MARINA aN SN ky, a FAGIUTIES a e a SN te, aN “os : te SSS Ea Sl Se eS rier (Sele lee mii (sia rete ae TELFORD rend oss OF Lie (orc sores) sa Pcttannybe as See cecoan ‘uae noms acrg rae 8 arectons (oformaton on era rat (sur) tc vibe urced 28 chars are reves by New Edin Ths late Kingom Hyaragrantie Oca wa 8 plodson a recelve reper cf ateratons or ackhas ama crt Ines a7 V Abbreviations of Principal Non-English Terms CGiossaries of fon-Engish terns wl be found in the volumes of Aditaly Sling Diectons. ‘On mete Admiralty chats, nn-Englsh terms are general gven in ful wherever space and information pers Where abbreviations are used Gh mie chans Ny acaoid wih te louie tet apat Ton tose rt charts pubiehed boore 1900 unre Mt slops ae omed. bolescet {orm of abbreviations may ais be ‘Ouna on these charts ana on reproduction o ther nations, chars. ‘uBrENT — opsotescent Fan PoRus) ALBANIAN K aRagic ‘0.0, oo = t ab, ‘he ‘st ‘es, a dee Seat tr * 5.8) w. CHINESE oma one Danis a Be F Fs & (Gra. Gr ot H Firs A, Hn, He Ha ny on w u Ey 2 oy ‘are, 0%, One, 076 fa Pp 5 84 @ es Si, Si Ss ¥ 5 8 & & & & & i Et 6 @.Gn.a, 0" B Pp z Ri et Se nf SP Fists k th Me P sa o tr vr FRENCH 8 e Bos, 8 Ea Be Been 8, Cat co, Chon or Chap, Cnaee hi, Grae! Gn rea or Kore eee! Geta “sal, sta Jato ‘asi dna Ssiton ebet Set era, Knee Si Was, Wat rang ut Banke Fra rina Fm, Hemene ove Ham Haun ute Nora, Nexo Ost care yane. Cyeno, Oyaro pre Sorat Sondre Sone Sunset Siao? Ske ster Vest, ose Gro, Groote Hook Bat Fier Re Stat, Suaion as, ato, Ki tet. tet ers ‘Saul, Saarot ao ane ap Creal Chapel craton exoust Ha Mount i ‘Mount Hi Mouniais) as) ‘sans) Peneula Mount Hil Island, Penns Ingen Crane! Ton Vales, River, ier ‘Harbour infos, Channel Sous Rock, Fes! eek) ‘Sooat ‘arcish Stas Bans aan Chernet uate cunmenT —oBsouESceNT TERM Foret Porat) FRENCH (command) 5 Ef et e s fee, HE Hh He i un Te, Hes, tot ib te in Moun ag tage te Mou Mociiage we we Mont No, Netre Dame P Pert Poel pie.e! Patt, Poite Fe Pr Pion pt Plage les Papa’ Patou Be Be Paine ou ‘ual a Fivro, Rulesoau Ravn Bt esi oo cha, Rocher 5 Sart, Saris Soret vive Vieux, Vel, Vie aeuc Bo Bach eI See Ean, Eteanon Bu ee rush 8. So. Se Seer ‘GERMAN 8 che Ba Ba Berg or Gractict Grune Hr, x aon k Keo Re at ne Sch Senves oREEK Aa, Ra. Ay. Ay Ages, Aga ta oo a hy, gi Ag ako eo Ke ra arto ‘al Kol eleos re mis Léa N Neat, Neo ct ® Nisica, Neties 3 8 Sera ca ‘Ommisuos & or ros, Oo) Poi Potamoe Prot Protea & Skeépeoe, Skip Vrach, ie Viaeronisi ‘acron's dos Yack, Weak rach see ye u Yises Vi IceLANo.e RB ree Flor &. Grune cus tevin Large river Fort Gur Grea ‘Ste ‘stan, oe tai a ‘Anchorage ‘Mount ountsin Ourtasy Pon ‘Sra Peak fea Tableland, Surken at Pant uny or Seam Rare fest ook Sane, Holy Sime Tomer ou Below water rock ‘eirats) ers) Pon ook ay ura Harbour oot Caste ae Hoy ‘Bg Open bay srororae Gar Atroour (staat) ‘aens) Cove Mouneains) Prophet roots) Rocky its oot) ote) Ford Shoat! Abbreviations of Principal Non-English Terms V cunment —onsouscenr em Eyousi Gumeeit opsouescevt Tes anus fon PBR sean fom" Pa oc) INEONESIAN ara MALAY JAPANESE conta “ Ausenayer San 4 ime ‘wane 8 Bu Be oan Fock & Ka, Kawa Pier fu Bg Ba Basra Per ite Kato ‘Stat abe Soria Sercar Pe m Sewer WES fooe be Seca eis Mee tis vice ox Bet ait i a ters fet 6 Gg. Ge Gosong, Gosung. ‘Shoal Feet, Islet & ae al ‘Save, Poor Gusorg, Gusung Ln 4 on ns Gun, Gg Go ‘Gunong, Gurwng ‘Mountain Se = sounain ¢ eas se & Se So Sra K ir ‘Ksoerg. Kiveng River ‘Sao. = a Kam. Kg. Ko Kampong, Kampung Vilage se » soe fer Rae Sono Soest est | ne sar Hour Kep. Kon, Ker Kepalauan ‘Arcnipetaga of oo fe ‘ eens Koen Kets Sina z Zan ‘Moura Toni Kin kus frermouey | URLAY (see NCONESIAN) Go Leas Et. Labnun tape atau me Mae tore ferme e Pu, Popo Pulau, Pulu, Pulo Island oy i es nen oe Farurga focranraige | & < aus, 8 > Bort Peat enh Potton inhuman Poadtead, & & Berg, Bera, Beta Murua Ht ‘compe | Fe fod fieden aa pm eP Palms goodies | Aa Faltre Fee, Maurin Pape rat Stearn Cun Fel: "meh A Fe Fre rule Fan, Bla eh 8 ss ungn Sivas) ver ion, Fe Sa Sk st Se Svat es ine. gr Guin Grmen Shia r a Tewemeasg: ‘ee pel ° “ang. Tana K Hin HrHne. re Hom: amen ‘eet! Tare “inane 7 Tete Talal Tokay tm we tesco 5 Het Ca cape i mu ne vi a er c tie tag Le Epson x Ait Noa TAD ° ° East, Eastern ae ancorgoe Anchorage 2 ta a oa Pan Sorcha farenne Bly D1 018,07 Ovens fo Be fence Eat s Sant byenn Grane, tears & coo aoe ‘Sere Sa ois ‘ihe > * ym Pyren an Sn Sone Sa g Sya'Sare Sone Sout, Saarn oe Selo Same Sst Sina Surge Sound . fine for Se Seis Shr Sr Suet Rock atove war foe Fone far S Sitar Sgmiane Fase mace é oro eu = Ser Sia Sire” Sat oe. 0% Since Gree te aT ‘eer Str mater cok \ ne fet oe ‘sero ¢ Sst veste fase t fe Vie oem el Va vaya Yao igen Bay cove E te tone eye ve tae tm ume te lees we tye Sica. ten Bie Mes Moot, Wadena Cas, wre Sain sn ime tied * ¥ Srre'yeerYoweOiee we ye None eur Noutan r Poms Ban for _— F faterow Broce Sra art a . di Pog, Pao, P92 Poggio ‘Mound Snail a 6. = ee me op Hore srt | oe Jeska Saech ‘ean Ponsa am Eon ee ew of itew fret Chanel P20, Pee Pizzo Peak * ae — s S082 59% San dano,Saitn Sam, Hoy 5 ses Sak Sint PousH Sic See Se Seopa. siogh xt eons) | ae Jes Lake seg Ben See Repecrca | Ste = ay Brains | tt fratara Sioa! Se Be Seis sooche —shoniay ® fasts Bor tre ome irmrttertaream | sine - pom vs wr m0 here aoe tar a vo a vave vie vie PoRTuaUEsE sree ne ost aesherage 3 » ana ee fecsings aeons 5 ae Brick saororage 8 oo oe 3 Sate eormnn | eo Be farce Bk 6 & oom feer Be. Exee-bimo Base Baba. bobia, Sa f Sane Sn Sipe. Pane ako Fa HR hatte ‘atmon om 6 cate caps 59 V Abbreviations of Principal Non-English Terms unmet —oasgiescent Font Fong) PORTUGUESE (contmued) can, Ene. Ene Ext Ese Ee Ee Eat Ext? Fe a Fle, Frere Fun e Ge, C ta wu aa ae Not Mo. Me Mor Mo, Me NS. Nasa, 58 B Pr, pe Pal Pals Par Pas al Pe Pass, Pas Pda pie Pog Pe Paps Pa pe ues, Roh aL Ro, FB Ree Fe 8 So, SS, S* Ba 5058.51 ROMANIAN aR 8 Br o Di, Fame L ie, a ° 8 St 8 RUSSIAN 8 Beka ks, BH. Bk a ak Bal so 6 onc Sev 6 Kam M a 2 om De Pew POI POH Ra Pe Prv oe R 2 Te carat Envoada tore Esireto Extuaro Fore Forniezs Furdoadoura Gate. Grane Thea thous, theta Tha ies Porta ‘Gvebrase, Cuebraso Flacho, oars, ere oct fe Fecha, Reeneso ‘a5, Sar, Serta Sera, Cordthova Ansa, Ana ie Bae ra Bra, Bray Cap, Capi Caps ‘Deni, Opti, Osa ‘Desurle Fuca mic Ins sul Ge, Laout, Lact Mure, Muri, Mori, Mor sro. Ostrow ‘Osvos ‘inet, Stnca Sirk, Sti, Sit Barks, Ban Boishoy. Btshaya, ‘Bolshoye cue Gorm Gavan’ ws Maly, Malaya. Malye Osta, Ostove Ozer Pousetey Prow oka Zale cuss ean onan Buy. Crk Greek, ie Seat Estuwy Fort orness ‘arcrereoe our Great ‘wore, ‘ancl? tae, Sat ke. Merah ‘Far-toposd rock lagoon Moe Header Hi Moun Murtan Ourtora Ourvasy Port sng vilage ‘Staal Root Passage, Pass Peak ook Sma Beach Pair Cut Ravine root, Soar, Par ‘oat Bor Pook Sait Hoy Mouai range Town, Voge ae ‘Gove Bay Beanon Aum (ete sea) caps Hae) Shoal ‘sine tai owen, ours tana ook Saint Hoy Pass, Svat Bay, rot anus) Groat, Lage ut, Bay et Mounta Hit Harbour Basin Fook Cape, Heat tae ‘atarate) aie. Pore hare Stat Freer Gun Bay CcuenewT —oBso.escent Fora Forms: SPANISH A 0 ae fon he a ine, Bat Be e Be, = eo. ae Be Bio, > &. Ga, oa Gan. 09,02 oy Soe Ee ex, Es Fores ie ae BS os Foe Aa Re Sa" 80.8%, ‘s,88 & sas Sia Saigo. Sug? t Te Yee ee Fi & Gn, =e g 3 3 gray < ine 165 ers Ditoveniel Globe Postining System 91 fe tongue ee De Diaphore Ri Lo tin Pools Gam 18% or Direction hab P30,31 i toe rt tie Decrees) B42 ny, ow Dots F20 Div Deep Water ute wanes | M iw et Deed egttfonrage # an ne Pegirdee: = m inte) ore B50 at 2 e M Ietrrtional Newt mo} € eas 210 (852 mor sea mils), Bas © Estos Daub a in auto} fre 850 Eras Exaeene B10 wc weak iat xing Enngushed Pas rm Pies) Bat Mo ore Coa P08, R20 ¢ Mon Morumore E24 , ip. is Ne Morne Reserve Nee F Fea Pio Fr Fed an! Fasting P1010 " A ashing Piod 1 oats Be Fa Fara tack un Ne on Bia Fog Get Lt Fog otwctor sgh pe Ne Numoer Nize 5 Faget, tree eet Nr ot Tonnage * Fooiet Bar nw Nertnes 815 Ww International Abbreviations Osea pen DAS o Pa Po Pssa Pa econ FRC RD FoF sit & se ss 5 sw ¥ scutes ‘esivecon ecu ‘Occasional ‘Geos Osta Acculstion Syn range Paobles Posten approximate aston soubt Prato ‘Submarged production sol Partoulary Sensitive Sea Ares Pion ‘Guick ‘Coast rato statlons O76 sonoo Fed Frock Feder dar versponser beacon (Cheular marnsrasbencen Beeston rasioasacen Retige Reperies, but not contre Faso cresiontnaing sano oiton. Ral-of Fry ‘Bo9 Tormina) Fur Fossting pereenrestabeaeon send Seconds) of me ‘South ‘Sale Anctor Lg Moaing ‘Sngle Buy Noorng ‘Sounding doubstl Sounvesst Secencis}.ottime sn ‘Sls (skeletal remans) Sn Sol ‘Soamoun) son cChwed) spe Single Point Mooring ‘Saralstaton Sores Sou wost ‘Stony Pas Kaos Las Pio2 Ps oss Piizo a Br BB Pes,a70 Lao Neza 226 Pi06 S16 Pizos aats b3t,32.87 sarge si0 oe TH iat Si F650 DBEa2. Fu 51 ay Bsn.p12 BN Le Le i pis Boi 36 an au 1252 om ss Eras te 125.98 a ane Js ws ure. um ‘ort wee va vis We Wal wes wns: Wie Ws Tonia, Tonnes or tomage Temporary Tower Lua Large Crude Calor track Unvetse Tine Co-mtnated \Unveren raneverss Merestor Yoesrie Yorivaty wepocea Malet Very Lage Cruse Carr Very Que eset Tale Svc west Winre Weed Wilkes World Geodetic System ‘nse Week's) Arisee ‘Grange Yolow 555. Fas Poe F102 40 ust Pig Pits oie Pio? ae Ptnsarsos 318 Lat Soa AS 20.90 Pneog 66 Index X SeualsoSectin Vor Abbrevaionscterineioalnglshancion-Englshtarrs, araScion Wet neratinal Aborewations, About aa Beveeal nt ow ‘eyes loin 6a Demat oe ea Dena sate bas Bono ite Pro Deronautic!radobencen Sia Dien aroot bie Biroee Leon at Pat Arto Best ie sitar? Nass i Alora dope nt ‘erating i Pion imcer eae rotor stm nie Secterae Nao, 024 drororage area Nib Brerenng promtes N20 Drerenig bya Lb Arsen ow Soncal change Bes omy looe maa Bae owroace om poset ba beige contr ce fesion Ba ree Os Renipoage Sea ano mat Bechtel ‘cs Resto ne aoe Mantes Broa restictas N20. bimalineses o8 Anteta stand Lis Devnet ide a3 420 Be Ge Automate tog signal awe Avjermnie\sen’eaton Sytem rmeiter syria Swat rock 2 Sank omue Begs icy as Barrage, feos Fa bare! buoy 025 Barer toxing sie Senet a card Sart oh Essie encore baie Baveine Termara Sea ie one f araa i919 O88 say Ewa ay ae Beacon 1-1 Gentes ‘hioyart resent Ps center 33 var 523. ‘0 sitie tw psa Boar ae PD Benchmare Ba cam zrcho! Na Sesraen Fay Yoo uz yee uid Bed sarcuary Ne Slack Jala? Blockrcase Eme Be Joo. P14 0a Boa, pained wee Boating lace, sot Tt Boa bacco uy ros ears fae ues soa iS sola Fagist Boor aia Bordon comtnertal oat Borger acs oar aia Bored bes 2 Bovcor oae2 Banca intanascea Napeat Bains ma as She sip EB cre Sas hi su Bary dime yarc bunes Euicd igs, poate Busnes cae ey ‘Eta nsscon Sena Sven cat an san Shenae coy Eire we thoy Soe Eien ape Ged ans ‘Savoia Ere maka Ceneiey eer chair oarenge0 aes Data {i ge ene gnarl aun ord mee Statemed ture cate Chale ener Sree ey taser wi depose ae Seana ine eyrne reese Bie Este staon er ss ebb Bie Soast radar station 31 Goss race ston, 1G service 5 tov: Je Sosaere os Suu ot bsoon. by 2-5, 0.69.0 6¢ osu st tere Pt oouea atk ain Some £24. 6@ Cormac rt oi Campass exe 370 Garnposto ight Pre Coven tues Canter Sorso Coacan oneptouaca,o ratat Conatustoe wores Caner etane Canvavoue Zone Eateneot Prater ‘continuous Pasting bane Pia ecth 130-39 erin 0 ine Cig gi conta parts 2-8 Conver i Conversion scales tables ‘a3 Conveyor btm Conig waler ako ai Capyr gmt iesnowiedgamen as ivaioe Ac oa 10d 2.16 [ames eernanes as Cove os Loew fo rane 35 Close 12 [tossing gates, rats separation ue Cosaing al separation no (Cura fetes 3 apola swe e104 Caner waa rater a cunt ofa Pet [ister ermanis| 3 cavtoma arba is stam int Na cn ce Chea oi Sed buey oa am Fu Carer Tweanascon aye Boast buoy 28, rng ates Non so matis e304 oe ing Sigel san ra Dangerous wreck oe Das cotachon buoy Oss Cato ‘Chast Hideo Fao sure 7 He Getpanes Doyrars bayimne ian Detetous e0 eon Dacsso.s wodans oe Dssimere Er Dowrtasrg 5H Upon eter 049) “rioharage nied orto Wie rose zr Degaussig ange Nb uot 056 Degree cre X Index ow iaore 128k iso Bossrater of Beucen or icy owt Geagjaten dl beth Fran Oa Beagrie ct potng port Bete oh Beviaion statin Beaten wagretec Bars sain Bragenal cour apes Biase Bier Dimers Brocten-traing stain Breeton igs Dyce an of aoyage Brestonal cctescor Bictoras poe Siscoburel tor Discontmasd Sisk eral Baoan are Biseres Datere Distees signa stanon Disveee abe Ls Bator a Dives pion Geo Nb ms Ge “ey ean Fa eine net Figg? Dost 6 Bovpn Faber Dame Favs ‘Seoth \2 eaten fa re broce on Bredaee area. crane teres Drea set Nes Dies ka Diep aoc ce Drying contour ia Drere hee us Barong goure Neage rE ce East 810 East corral ar 1303 En ios ean Was ates Has Esher aimber 43 locity ie Elsen vores Ca Eleven ht Hoots Eimeancne Dis Erratgorey Woes tana Suey 28 [notch ne aebeercts " Envance ox Eny pretvnces area nga.Nai FEnufiruaty Seneiive Sea sonas 58a)" Nao [ecaomatt 36 Estabiched deectow ot vac ow mo ary O17 ‘av cus feeegton Gare Excringe alice OM Excluave Ceonome Zane Naz Brerote wen subrane Na Erstence doubt nh Exsermeri om Etre bate ‘apchorage area Ni27 ‘umpng pose fea ns __ legen eo segue Pas Easton aca fain en Farway lights marking -aticen and terial, AOA buoy, Fen “ ei Floating Sh horns sao “pete Bipeine Gate Ssograpmeal a2enens Gia Ser Coe ‘Gru nartos| eae ary dick (Crsennouse SGreanwiah Monian Gud 68 ao Pea Pee Pa ois ct a Ka oe ais 23 uta ow rae atte 35 Rie 633 cst eas Fo Jon brna'd ‘aes Ba Jam’Qa in Gourd ice Que Group ih Pio ‘Groyee Fe iy, er n Rio Hattie channet : hg Arse ane ‘etalaors Froaairiar Masters Oree Fev. vane oie sat a8 ena Foxctand eu Heath ce teeter enc ote Hetoen at ao igre RavSnomieat Te woken uP ‘aa Fics ca Histone wreck Nee Host us Herons ion Har Ftegraanc ems LALA Maree suoenn Son 20 ete Ne isn gan S \iesiead 33 re wic.pan'! repels ne ret vo. oe Means ae Iota zo us Wttons hau 5 Mea amu Iai sce Se Maem oh Tears x ora sod erste Bows 8 hace tie be ae sant boson ah Iie carrie oft See 33 vay fu he g is J Sais 3 eal § ca 8 toa Cs ‘ Se iy Bods (Br Saar nee 3d oasa 48 Lanarg coma) tpeatan eatie) aie ‘ore aie pute br event poate Lanerarhs Cae Sta sutmarne rant Was Large Automate Nawgetional Suny "PI, 28 (Gilera mans (ALR System e701 aiee e! Latice beacon om [ance ‘ower Coa unorens ue (hai a ‘onan ea Lear cept maton shan Lode Lewure Facies Eee a: mci Ling res Leia sean mer fasting years pees times of exneion Light sat mer sah ficat_ mror Ugh vessel prea ‘macsing toy ahs aor gar hocare Sp LAS) “greta crn N fsteaged aes sola parte cet isa fesnerea sree Mid NO Nae eaters moseure as, linsurveyed tren 12 Ciquites Natural Gis (LNG ies Lijued Peleg es 23) 588 ‘pet! Magrase Bossy, ‘eee oer O68 Log enc Ne Long tashnglate Pies Conenuce Be Cease pl 12 Cookout eaten on tea ce (oon cred tower get Pa oaest Astonariea! Tee He a0 Secoe oase oo Mactepore f; Magnet ae seme, Ba oa Manveud Coloured es co oe waited Marl ef ah Manin speed Mean Sea ne! Moss file Level Mesased divorce Noaian vatey| Wen Were Meaetin Wer Monastery Moved eorsge tanker Moen hus ‘ichted leprae Norse Bode gst Nasu Morey Moun Mouresn Nau Aus Motisscry Butea Auesels Nemed anerorpe sea Natoma NatoralPatk san Bar ofr izeamgoen, Tia & ou be ua * SONS eoR 2a Index X aval ‘oanans Natta mand toalrae ature eseree Rajure ottse seamed Ravtoa re, Ite ation Rauteprens Raval port Revs Cotege Navgaon shoe Newp tees Net ery New Ech date Nea pam Ro anerera Awe fe ete ean Nonedangetous usc Nenndeos tna ranisbeaenn Nov-Engiah rie abbreviations ental Baer Non own cecal mask Novtn-east Nonnonest Notes Notes ood Notes Ms nae Nor arena tear Fannie gee Nines - te ex Seed is re Sooners Bn Sees ate oon ei Dean Bata Requiston System oes er om ase ‘tors Pat ira. masters Fe ah Feat pet va orion iaianone i Danse a ee Pa Oro ber tal ovo ae Bpval cy B20 of borer Fa Seek i Frrtou ous ppere Pat owes 1 iy nase, rcepnan facies as bee Bpering bridge orange Brace Daum Sue arte ota eoalrg overtate Crermows Overs Packoe, Ho Pacoytoe Panola Parte, bal ce Parreulany Senatve Sea fren PESAY Pan Pasange Patent aig hen Index x Feat 25.0% Probes it Feneste é Fon aa Fre otto Pe Pacer bis Peta css ess Pe a ‘romenie fs ‘rae Fe Pie png F288 ie ping (coma itu 0 acne “s orang 1 wlgfer wenden ue took 12 yalane Posen cvehood 3 Pesos em 0 Pat U2 LiaLe,ciginte pe Pot os ies Se ta reaatng om somtet Se os om fjnea A ras, a trtge oa ote ? 2s dina ra eae 1 posse aa seprexrae eT eocor uy 1 coabta Bs oem) Re Degen eine Seeders ved * fas cas 0g esti rg ste ; re 2 Sic Fes Smog ed Power ‘ace 2 farerassen ne ba Since ee frecauonay ar selon at Fete cram bany ago Brae or Gr rate tot pure Prosuetensiatorm tip Propwited saeherhg tne Puiscog Promnert 2 Pomaty ea Prowror 6 Procsons ung Premapocs > pure hinge F 00-63 hoe! wo Inara 1 telmchone v3 totes os Pucteatn ree ea i Pouce au Py 26 Riana Be TG service 315 Guattyng ters. eae ‘iotean Guatarne ancrorage Nie Suerantne autor eat Suary a Saat? a Bua igh Piae aces 7 Has acing mss cs co 53 Dbeawdr, vaneporce 823 eompreuais Ss Sore mast scanner, awe Fa acon un rercerce ine Nee ‘ess owes Sater &1 Surverance syste 30-02 Fa ‘Si chenetng sation Sie mast tower Eano8 perenne pare mao Siasen OTS wvice Raslotencen Foaiera Bal tiane Satna aay ster a Ge Frode cz Faure 62 Bear tort Pee Reception cies, oy wastes ais setae aes Fa Gas ‘ieecror rare tow Mn 26 roule M263 evreslon sare buoy oe Fes sa Pii2 0908 ecu waa Peet 123 «ie.0m8 Ferreiy ca Fete rata orolitsa Paeransiod So: toate Renuge beacon fesse fae Reeeced snchvege Fepores ba faseve on fem eo say Aesth webbe an Fest bacon fest a evr ting mater O6 Fisge e2.0% Fise 8a ow Rise 20-21 ose D012 Fload rac eneiis esse roasteas cay ck Bride Kw. achat sat on rie Ftecn Rel ot fe) ety semi Fst patel tadobeactn a2 Ranastect tame sepwston sear Poste Mgr 28 Fosteng messes Noa Pony sate 064 Sere closvanco Scott Ka Sse varia! claarsnce 629 90 Srtewaie mars Cias Seen fray ite Seely zone 3 Saling club Gh Salkrs Pore Sanpare Sarge, set marsh ‘Sandhills, Sand cones ‘Sany shore Siete sean, Score Sorea! Scone Seruboeg as Sen a Seach ‘sear peste gator aren Seats, tyoee 9) ai Ses B18 Soalsanchary Nz Score ows Beoriane srenerage Nis Sreneiage buoy be neg tos ee Sseeatna sea'ce it Neoz Seeaana bony an Seana) He Becend eee Henstiod Pac ‘ome Patt btutea Pa reenctne pas Contensron Pe Separator 20% Maen Seferrts pit G 50-54 Sensgn ans ow Sone tat Shares Bucy vane Shed cance 51 Sheer ac" Fsaa She 423 Selish bor aa Shale Snesie a Sing sore 7 Sane snore ea snp sat Shipyard 483 Sao ee Steed ol Sere sno ora Stoners zi Side aim 6a Sona 120-31, a si O02 Si Ea St Ja Snge funy Woaing (si Ligebs Shge Pon Mace g SPM) 2 ‘ange Well Oi Produsioe System (SPS) LC Sion Be Sietres eas So cin Stuay Fagus Sup Oia Surce Ore Sirallcta archorae Ne Serallota aeinee c Snag Ka Sor 38 Sound oe Seung vege Scurces dsyiam av Sous Bat Sout eaterat rare igs Seu-ocet ene Sourwest El Spat hate Bae Sey Gat space gree Sbecat purose beacons cero Sbeed Li Sohercel uy Soca oy Spo hegtts Boing noes Sour Statens coasiguace SErsorataaton Siar See ao Seton fipaine sures Steen oi Bibby Seine Suscanor Boe Stngbdae Sarprgsiee Simtoe npn Serer ale Syren “bisne Tae Tanker sronoage ae hosnra 30 Sorage Tap wate Taipat os Tsegrach fon Jetphine fre Tersemens puic fephonc mooring uuoy orate seme ‘ero a Jonrace Tartare Seale ao by kaa guess feetoal Sa, svagh basting Nae tairer or baer ea uly ow friteur Pas iow Pe ialon shore red tanle ha Test eroam hat ‘ce Hao ‘ion “0 ote sate i wae Tine agral sison Sh tonne, tonne ce flevistn a Tom 6a Tom Hal an Wah bye me 6 M2? ase oot ei athe road ri ob) anone Fate tow accor Tate ona! Tafle suvetonce sai Tang wat Tram Tangent facto Tans! iere 5 erat ania Byster Traraouna® bases Transport apf a itiche 0a Theraiaon port Sruh Js eompass Tung rete he ser USt ize Tura a eo shining baa Osa Juning arate ea Trower ode war bm2—2 tao Nay Wark us yon Rea sypee et sence Me Ure auc ig pre Unratstay @1000 Gari: wie) Gee Under constuction, retaraton Fone Linasrsate stains Undarwatr rose Uncerwate! turing Unarmed UUnersrasen sect Pe Une pa BAL 58 Unsere. unmatched Pas n Index XX Luneunveyod ana bes eatin eo ties Kote Lipper ago pee an as Bi valey 6a) 05-54 vate iron ira Pai Saraton Bab, s6e1,a6a2 eget Bapad nae ‘Searance 20,0 22-28 Saou spe ca fect Pas ery Lage Crude Cami’ Vue) Gi Sy cqee eit indus Bn Yewpart Bo ews a2 ‘hinge va ase vor Pins Vistore Sanh eaten uss Saicarie sat Yeteara as Wal aning| Fs arch Si oes ‘len tones an ater ‘scoured teanees os, ppelne fase Wave recorder Ty wave aetuned reg sent “ay oan esther si slain nee dr. bsh Wel Producten West West eaten! mar Wet sort het Wrist White mark Won sign stanon Woamnt Wesmater Wie crag macs Bae? 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Services D4 _ Bet Boren rke =e DA ‘Small Cratt (Leisure) Facilties Index of Abbreviations: Principal Non-English Terms, Principal English Terms International Abbreviations Index to Symbols and Abbreviations

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