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Ilya Kolmanovsky and N.

Harris McClamroch

n this article, we provide a summary of recent developments progress can be made.

I in control of nonholonomic systems. The published literature
has grown enormously during the last six years, and it is now
There are numerous examples of nonholonomic systems,
many of substantial engineering interest. The literature that deals
possible to give a tutorial presentation of many of these devel- with the formulation of the equations of motion and the dynamics
opments. The objective of this article is to provide a unified and of nonholonomic systems is vast; an excellent reference is the
accessible presentation, placing the various models, problem book by Neimark and Fufaev [ 112l.The book by Murray, Li, and
formulations, approaches, and results into a proper context. It i s Sastry [ 1021 provides a general introduction to nonholonomic
hoped that this overview will provide a good introduction to the control systems. Examples of nonholonomic control systems
subject for nonspecialists in the field, while perhaps providing have been studied in the context of robot manipulation, mobile
specialists with a better perspective of the field as a whole. robots, wheeled vehicles, and space robotics. We now describe
some of these applications. Specific examples of nonholonomic
Introduction control systems include sledges or knife edge systems that slide
Although nonholonomic systems have been studied in clas- on a plane [12, 141, simple wheels rolling without slipping on a
sical mechanics for more than 150 years, it is only recently that plane [12,14,15], and spheres rolling without slipping on aplane
the study of control problems for such systems has been initiated. [13,19,82] (Fig. 1). There is now an extensive literature on
The published literature on control of nonholonomic systems has control of mobile robots and wheeled vehicles, including tractors
grown enormously during the last six years. The objective of this with trailers (Fig. 2), that are described as nonholonomic control
article is to provide a unified and accessible presentation, placing systems [8,9,20,23,25,45,74,75,76,77, 102, 131, 132, 133,
the various models, problem formulations, approaches, and re- 134, 135, 145, 148, 158, 159, 1601. Related examples of non-
sults into a proper context. No attempt is made to make the holonomic control systems that arise in robot manipulation are
presentation self-contained nor rigorous; rather, we emphasize described in [29,82,84,85, 102, 107, 1361.
concepts and ideas, and we do provide numerous references to In addition to the classical formulation, nonholonomic con-
the published literature. The presentation is organized as follows: trol systems can arise in other ways. If the motion of a mechanical
introduction to nonholonomic control systems and where they system exhibits certain symmetry properties, it is well known
arise in applications, classification of models of nonholonomic
that there exist conserved quantities. If these conserved quanti-
control systems, control problem formulations, motion planning
results, stabilization results, and current and future research
Nonholonomic systems most commonly arise in finite dimen-
sional mechanical systems where constraints are imposed on the
motion that are not integrable, i.e. the constraints cannot be
written as time derivatives of some function of the generalized
coordinates. Such constraints can usually be expressed in terms Fig. I . Examples of classical nonholonomic sysfems: ( a ) knge edge,
of nonintegrable linear velocity relationships. Nonholonomic (b)rolling disk, ( c ) rolling sphere.
control systems result from formulations of nonholonomic sys-
tems that include control inputs. This class of nonlinear control

systems has been studied by many researchers, and the published
literature is now extensive. The interest in such nonlinear control
problems is motivated by the fact that such problems are not
amenable to methods of linear control theory, and they are not
transformable into linear control problems in any meaningful
way. Hence, these are nonlinear control problems that require
fundamentally nonlinear approaches. On the other hand, these
nonlinear control problems are sufficiently special that good

The authors are with the Department ofAerospace Engineering, The

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2118.Kolmanovsky’s
work was supported by a Francois-Xavier Bagnoud doctoralfellow-
ship; McClamroch’s by NSF Grant No. MSS-9114630. Fig. 2. A tractor with a single trailer.

20 0272-1708/95/$04.00019951EEE IEEE Control System

ties are not integrable, then a class of nonholonomic systems is terminology of classical mechanics, we classify the models into
thereby obtained. Perhaps the most obvious case occurs when kinematic models and dynamic models.
there is an angular momentum integral; that is, some function of
the angular momentum is conserved. In such case, if this function Kinematic Models
of the angular momentum is not integrable, then a nonholonomic
A general form of a nonholonomic control system, expressed
control system is obtained. Examples of such nonholonomic in kinematic form, is given by the drift-free nonlinear control
control systems include actuated multibody spacecraft [28, 47, system
68,95,122,150, 1691and underactuated symmetric rigid space-
craft [65,66,67,149,163,167]. Related work on space robotics
appears in [ l , 10,35,44,111,164, 1721; otherrelatedmultibody
applications include [53, 83, 1101.
Nonholonomic control systems also arise in mechanical sys- where 2 5 m < n, x = (xi, ..., xn) is the state vector, defined in an
tems that involve both symmetries and nonholonomic con- open subset of R”, Ui, i = 1, ..., m, are control variables, and g l , i
= 1, ...,m, are specified vector fields. The vector fields gl, ..., g m
straints. A formalism for such systems has recently been
developed [ 16,1091.Some control-theoreticresults are available can be thought of as a basis, at eachx, for the null space of linear
in [109, 551. The papers [80, 1171 deal with a wheeled Snake- velocity constraints of the form JT(x)X = 0 , where J(x) is a
board, a simplified model of a commercially available skate- full-rank n X (n - m) matrix. Atechnical but essential assumption
board, for which nonholonomic constraints arise as a result of (see [lo21 for details) is that the rank of the controllability Lie
no-slip condition for the wheels coupled with the conservation algebra generated by iterated Lie brackets of gl, ...,g m is rz, where
of the angular momentum. the Lie bracket of two vector fields gl and g2 is a new vector field
Nonholonomic control systems can also arise as the result of
the imposition of control design constraints; that is, it is desired
to choose a controller so that certain motion constraints are
[gi,gzl, defined by [gl, g2](n) = -gl
(2 --g2
ax 1 (x). This as-
sumption about the Lie algebra guarantees that there are no
imposed. If the imposed constraints are not integrable, then a nontrivial functions which integrate the constraints represented
nonholonomic system is obtained. This case has been identified by Equation (1). In this case, (1) is said to be completely
for kinematically redundant underactuated robots in [6,7]. There nonholonomic, which is equivalent to complete controllability
has been very little research on this source of nonholonomic of (1). This model is referred to as a kinematic model since in
control systems. applications from classical mechanics the controls are typically
Nonholonomic systems are examples of underactuated me- velocity variables and equation (1) is an expression of kinematic
chanical systems; the general connection between non- constraints on the motion.
holonomic control systems and underactuated systems is not The spanning properties of iterated Lie brackets are essential
completely understood, but some preliminary results have been not only in identifying the class of nonholonomic control sys-
presented in [ 116, 15I]. Interesting connections between non- tems, but also in classifying nonholonomic control systems
holonomic control systems and robotic locomotion have been according to their degree of nonholonomy and their growth
presented in [55]. vector [165]. We do not digress to consider these notions here
Nonholonomic control systems arise as models in these, and but refer the reader to [ 1021 for details.
perhaps other, situations. In the literature, a variety of mathemati- In many applications, nonholonomic control systems have a
cal models has been studied. Although we do not know how to special form, or can be transformed into a special form, that
identify the most general class of nonholonomic control systems, should be recognized and exploited. A special class of non-
we are able to identify several fundamental classes. However, holonomic control systems is given by
the mathematical models for nonholonomic control systems that
we subsequentlypresent do not always arise directly from physi-
cal based models; it is often the case that state and control
transformations are required to obtain these mathematical mod-
els. The models for nonholonomic control systems that we
subsequently introduce include equations that represent non-
holonomic constraints in a standard form, and they assume a where m 2 2, and y = o i l , ...,Ym) is referred to as the base vector,
sufficiently rich class of control inputs that the system is com- z = (z1,..., zn-m) is referred to as the fiber vector, ui, i = 1, ..., m,
pletely controllable. It is most convenient to make these assump- are the controls, and gt(z, y), i = 1, ..., m, are specified vector
tions in our presentation. However, there are also “nonholonomic fields. We assume that Equations (2) are completely non-
control systems” of a more general form; brief comments are holonomic in the sense of Equation (1).
made in the last section about this class of systems. Several special classes of systems described by Equation (2),
where the vector fields have a special form, have been widely
Background studied in the literature. Equations (2) are said to be in Chaplygin
In this section we present models of nonholonomic control zl
(kinematic) form if the vector fields , ..., Zm depend only on
systems that have been widely studied in the literature, and we the base vector y but not on the fiber vector z. For the case of two
identify connections between these models. We refer to all of controls, m = 2, several special classes of nonholonomic control
these as nonholonomic control systems, and we subsequently systems have been studied; for example, systems in chainedform
show the common features that they share. Motivated by the are given by

December 1995 21
il = Ylji2 > namic effects (generalized forces) are required for other pur-
i, = Z l Y 2 , poses. Dynamic models of nonholonomic systems can be ob-
tained by a natural extension of the kinematic models as
23 = Z2Y2,

-i-=gl(X)vl +...+gm( X)Vm, (54

vlT=uL, i = ,...,
~ m, (5b)
and systems in power form, a special class of Chaplygin form, where 2 Im < n, x = (xi,...,xn)is an n-vector, and v = (vi, ...,v,)
are given by is an m-vector. The superscripts r1, ..., Tm on v 2 denote the order
of time differentiation. As previously, we assume that Equation
21 = Y l Y 2 , (5a) is completely nonholonomic [12, 211. Note that v is the
. 1 2 . output of a linear system consisting of chains of integrators. This
.2=y(Y1) Y2.
model is referred to as a dynamic model since in applications
from classical mechanics, where = 1, i = 1, ...,m, the controls
= ----(n)n-mY2*
1 are typically generalized force variables and the governing equa-
tions include both the constraints on the motion (5a) and the
(n - m)!
dynamic equations of motion (5b).
To make this connection clearer, consider a generalized me-
(4) chanical system with nonholonomic constraints, expressed in the
d’Alembert-Lagrange form,
Both the chained form and the power form satisfy the com-
pletely nonholonomic assumption mentioned previously. Exten- M ( x ) i + f(x, i)= J(x)?L+ B ( x ) z , (64
sions of the chained form and the power form are also available
for the case of more than two control inputs [20, 1681. The
chained form and the power form are equivalent via a state
transformation [103, 1681. Sufficient conditions on the vector
fields in (1) that guarantee that (1) can be transformed into the
where x = (xi,...,xn) is an n-vector of generalized coordinates,
chained form via state and control transformations have been
M ( x ) is an n X n positive definite symmetric inertia matrix, J(x)
developed by Murray and Sastry in [I051 for m = 2, and by
is a full rank n x (n-m)matrix, 2 5 m < n, h is an (n-m)-vector
Bushnell et al. in [20]for m > 2. If these sufficient conditions
hold, the desired state and control transformations can be deter- of Lagrange multipliers, B(x)z is a vector of generalized forces
mined by solving a system of partial differential equations [20, applied to the system, B(x) is an n X p matrix, t is a p-vector
1051. Under weaker conditions, Tilbury et al. [158] developed a control, and the superscript T denotes the transpose. We assume
transformation of (1) into a perturbed chained form, where the that the constraints (6b) are completely nonholonomic in the
perturbation terms are higher order. Using the development in sense described previously. Equation (6b) constrains the velocity
[20],Walsh and Bushnell [ 1681obtained sufficient conditions for X , at each x,to the null space of JT (x).Let the vector fields gl,
conversion to power form in the case m 2 2. References [108, ..., g m form the basis for the null space of JT(x)at each x,and let
160, 161, 1621 use exterior differential system techniques to g(x) = (gi(x),..., g&)). Then, JT(x)g(x)= 0 for each x and,
develop necessary and sufficient conditions and procedures for
conversion into the chained or power form. x = g(x)v = g1 (X)Vl + ...+ gm ( x ) v , 1
A more complete presentation of kinematic models of non-
holonomic control systems can be found in the recent book by for an appropriately defied m-vector v = ( V I , ..., vm). Depending
Murray, Li, and Sastry [102]. It can be shown that chained or on the choice of the basis for the nullspace of JT(x),the vi,i = 1,
power forms can be used to model a variety of kinematic con- ...,m, may or may not have aphysical interpretation as velocities.
straints in mechanical systems, including knife edge systems By differentiating Equation (7),
[12], rolling wheels [12], front-wheel drive automobiles [lOS],
tractors with multiple trailers [148], underactuated symmetric
rigid spacecraft [67], and space multibody spacecraft [61]. The
transformations required to obtain the chained or power form in
these specific problems are not trivial, and we refer to the cited
Substituting this expression into Equation (6a) and multiply-
literature for the details. The fact that these models arise in such
ing by gT(x),we obtain
applications has provided substantial motivation for the exten-
sive study of these classes of nonholonomic systems.
i)= g T ( x ) B ( x ) q
Dynamic Models
Although models that include kinematic relationships may be for an appropriately defined vector function F ( x , i). Assume
suitable for certain control objectives, models that include dy- now that gT(x) B(x) is onto. This assumption requires that the

22 IEEE Control Systems

independent degrees of freedom of the nonholonomic system are a number of different ways. For example, in Equation ( 5 ) the
completely actuated [ 12,211. Then (8) can be feedback-linear- vector fields gl, ..., gm might also depend on v. Equation (5a)
ized to the form might include an additional, perhaps state-dependent and time-
dependent, drift term. In addition, Equation (5b), assumed to be
v=u, (9) defined in terms of chains of integrators, can be generalized to a
more general linear, or even nonlinear, system. These types of
where u = (ui, ..., u,) is an m-vector control. Equations (7), (9) generalizations can be easily made, but only a few concrete
have the form of Equation ( 5 ) with r1 = r2 = ... = rm = 1. control theoretic results are yet available [60, 116, 1251. Conse-
Consequently, under a reasonable set of assumptions, d’Alem- quently, our subsequent development is restricted to non-
bert’s formulation of classical mechanics with control inputs and holonomic control systems introduced above.
nonholonomic constraints can be transformed into the form of
Equation (5), which is precisely the dynamic extension of the Example
kinematic model (1). This reduction procedure to the form of A simple example of a nonholonomic control system is
Equation (5) was proposed by Campion et al. in [21]. provided by a wheeled mobile robot of unicycle type [25], shown
Several special classes of dynamic nonholonomic systems, in Fig. 3. The two rear wheels of the robot are controlled
where the vector fields have a special form, have been studied in independently by motors, and a front castor wheel prevents the
the literature. For example, in the above reduction procedure it robot from tipping over as it moves on a plane. By commanding
is often possible to select the basis vector fields for the nullspace the same velocity to both wheels the robot moves along the
of f ( x ) so that straight line. By commanding velocities with the same magni-
tude but opposite direction the robot can turn. It is assumed that
‘4x1 = ,
the masses and inertias of the wheels are negligible and that the
center of mass of the robot is located in the middle of the axis
connecting the rear wheels. Let xc,yc denote the coordinates of
where g(x) is an (n-m) x m matrix and I, is an m x m identity the center of mass on the plane, 0 denote the heading angle
matrix. Partition the vector x as x = (z,y), where z = (ZI, ..., znFm) measured from the x-axis, v denote the magnitude of the trans-
is an (n-m)-vector and y = (yi, ...,ym) is an m-vector. Then, lational velocity of the center of mass, and w denote the angular
velocity of the robot. We assume that the wheels do not slide,
i.e., that the velocity of the center of mass of the robot is
orthogonal to the axis connecting the rear wheels. This assump-
tion imposes a nonholonomic constraint on the motion of the
robot of the form X, sin 0 - y, cos 0 = 0. The kinematics of the
robot are modeled by the following equations:
which is the dynamic extension of the kinematic model (2).The
reduction procedure to the form of Equation (10) was proposed i, = vcos0,
by Bloch et al. in [ 121. As in the kinematics case, the vector y = y, = w i n e ,
011, ...,ym) is referred to as the base vector and the vector z = (21,
...,z ~ . is
~ )referred to as the fiber vector.
Equations (10) are said to be in Chaplygin (dynamic) form if
&, ..., ,& depend only on the base vector y but not on the fiber This model of the robot is the same as that of Reeds-Shepp’s
vector x. Nonholonomic control systems in extended power car [ 1211. The control inputs are the forward velocity v and the
form, which is the dynamic extension of the kinematic power
form, have been studied by Kolmanovsky et al. in [57, 581 and
by M’Closkey and Murray [93]. Similarly, it is possible to
introduce nonholonomic control systems in extended chained
form. Following the developments for the kinematic models,
extended chained or power forms can be used to model a variety y:
of mechanical systems, where both dynamic relationships and
kinematic constraints are included.
Equation ( 5 ) with rl > 1 can be used to model nonholonomic
control systems with augmented actuator dynamics [57, 1251.
For example, the control inputs in Equation ( 5 )can be viewed as
force/torque variables if r, = 1. If these forcehorque variables are
generated as the outputs of servo motors, with inputs which are
motor voltages, then the complete system, including servo motor
dynamics, can be written in the form of Equation ( 5 ) with rL> 1.
The definitions of Chaplygin systems and nonholonomic sys-
tems in power or chained form can be generalized to this case. X
Generalizations of both kinematic nonholonomic control sys-
tems and dynamic nonholonomic control systems are possible in Fig. 3. A wheeled mobile robot.

December 1995 23
steering velocity w.It is possible to transform the equations of kinematic nonholonomic system (1) all points in the configura-
motion of the robot to the power form. Consider a state and tion space are equilibria, and linearization about any of them is
control transformation defined by uncontrollable, of the form x = 0 .
X I =x, cos 8 + y , sin 8 , It is easy to show that nonholonomic control systems of the
x2=0, form considered are invariant with respect to diffeomorphic state
x3 =xc sin 0 - yc cos 0 , transformations and with respect to time-invariant smooth (con-
u1= v - wx3 , tinuously differentiable) static state feedback. Specifically, if a
u2=w. diffeomorphic state transformation is made and smooth static
It is not hard to verify that the transformed equations are in state feedback which vanishes at the origin is applied, the result-
the (kinematic) power form ing closed loop system remains completely nonholonomic. In
particular, the closed loop system has a manifold of equilibria.
This closure property of nonholonomic control systems, under
state and (smooth) feedback transformations, is an important
characteristic of this class of control systems.

Control Problems for Nonholonomic Systems

In Equation (12) the variable x3 is the fiber variable, and (xi,
A variety of theoretical and applied control problems have
x2) is the base variable vector. It tums out [I051 that any kine-
been studied for various classes of nonholonomic control sys-
matic completely nonholonomic system with three states and
tems. The relative difficulty of the control problem depends not
two control inputs can be converted to the power form (12).
only on the nonholonomic nature of the system but also on the
It is also possible to obtain a dynamic model, where the
control objective. For some control objectives, classical non-
control inputs are the pushing force T I in the direction of the linear control approaches (e.g., feedback linearization and dy-
heading angle, and the steering torque 72 about the vertical axis namic inversion, as developed in [48]) are effective. Examples
through the center of mass: of such control objectives include stabilization to a suitably
defined manifold that contains the equilibria manifold [ 12, 21,
h . z 54, 88, 1161, stabilization to certain trajectories [ 1661, dynamic
i, =-slne+'cose,
m m path following [138], and output tracking [40, 1291. Conse-
li. quently, there are classes of control problems for nonholonomic
j , = --COS 0 + -sin
71 '
e. systems for which standard nonlinear control methods can be
m m
e = z2 .

IC ' However, many of the most common control objectives, e.g.,

X, sin 0 - y, cos 8 = 0, motion planning and stabilization to an equilibrium state, cannot
be solved using the standard nonlinear control methods, and new
approaches have been developed. Substantial research has been
where in is the mass of the robot, IC is the moment of inertia of devoted to motion planning, i.e., the study of (open loop) controls
the robot, and h i s the scalar constraint multiplier. By transform- that transfer the system from a specified initial state to a specified
ing these equations as described in the previous subsection, the fmal state. Conditions have been developed that guarantee when
extended power form representation of the robot dynamics can motion planning problems have solutions, and a variety of con-
be obtained as struction procedures for determining such controls have been
proposed. In addition, feedback control of nonholonomic sys-
tems has been studied where the objective has been to accom-
plish specified closed-loop performance objectives, including
the classical control objectives of stabilization, asymptotic track-
ing, disturbance rejection, robustness improvement, etc.
The details of this transformation for the case of the knife- In the following two sections of this article, we summarize a
edge, whose model is the same as the mobile robot, can be found few fundamental control theoretic results and we describe recent
in [12]. developments in motion planning and in stabilization. These
issues have received the most attention in the literature, and it is
Equilibrium Properties of Nonholonomic Control Systems now possible to provide a general outline of the major themes of
We mention several fundamental properties of all non- this research.
holonomic control systems, whether kinematic or dynamic. Our
assumptions imply that nonholonomic control systems, as intro- Motion Planning for Nonholonomic Control Systems
duced here, are necessarily completely controllable. Assuming Motion planning problems are concemed with obtaining open
there is no control (u = 0), there is a manifold of equilibria loop controls which steer a nonholonomic control system from
containing the origin, and each equilbrium is non-hyperbolic, an initial state to a f i a l state over a given finite time interval. To
Le., linearization of the dynamics at an equilibrium always has understand why nonholonomic motion planning may be diffi-
zero eigenvalues. In other words, no nonholonomic control cult, it is convenient to compare it with motion planning for
system has an isolated equilibrium and hence no equilibrium can holonomic mechanical systems. For a holonomic system, a set
be locally asymptotically stable. For example, for the unforced of independent generalized coordinates can be found, and thus

24 IEEE Control Systems I

an arbitrary motion in the space of independent generalized interval. For the special case ri = r2 = ... = r m = 1 this result is
coordinates is feasible. known from the paper by Sussmann [155].
In contrast, for a nonholonomic system, a set of independent To make the ideas more concrete, consider the mobile robot
generalized coordinates does not exist. Consequently, not every example whose kinematic model is given by Equation (11). In
motion is feasible, but only those motions which satisfy the this example, gl = (cos 8, sin 8, O)T, g2 = (0, 0, l)T. The motion
instantaneous nonholonomic constraints. Nevertheless, the com- along gi corresponds to forward translation of the robot, and the
pletely nonholonomic assumption guarantees that feasible mo- motion along g2 corresponds to counterclockwise rotation of the
tions do exist which steer an arbitrary initial state to an arbitrary robot about its mass center. Consider the motion of the robot,
final state. which includes first moving along gl for At seconds (forward
Although motion planning for nonholonomic control systems translation), then along 92 for At seconds (counterclockwise
must be performed without constraint violation, efficient tech- rotation), then along -gl (backward translation), and along -g2
niques for motion planing have been developed. Optimal control for At seconds (clockwise rotation). It is not hard to verify that
problems and problems of motion planning with collision-avoid-
for small At the net motion of the robot is essentially translation
ance have also been addressed. These developments are re-
sideways with respect to its original configuration. And, in fact,
viewed below.
- 4
the Lie bracket, [RI, - = (-sin 0, cos 0, O)T, predicts precisely
this motion. Although the instantaneous sideways motion is
Methodologiesfor Nonholonomic Motion Planning
impossible because of the imposed no-slip condition, it can be
Avariety Of motion planning techniques are described in the generated by switching between the motions which satisfy the
book [81], which is a collection of research articles on non- instantaneous nonholonomic constraint.
holonomic motion planning. Besides [811, an excellent introduc- The idea of employing piecewise constant inputs to generate
tion to motion planning for nonholonomic robots is contained in motions in the directions of iterated Lie brackets has been
the book by Murray' Li' and 'astry [1021' The book by Latombe exploited by Lafferriere [72] and Lafferriere and Sussmann [73].
[74] also contains a nice chapter on nonholonomic motion plan- They proposed a general motion planning algorithm for kine-
ning. The motion planning methodologies can be loosely classi-
matic models of nonholonomic systems. The algorithm is based
fied into differential-geometric and differential-algebraic
on expressing the flow resulting from piecewise constant inputs
techniques, geometric phase (holonomy) methods, and control
as a formal exponential product expansion involving iterated Lie
parameterization approaches. These approaches may, at first
brackets. If the initial and final states are sufficiently close, the
glance, appear different, but, in fact, there are many connections,
algorithm produces a path which moves the system closer to the
and they all lead to essentially equivalent developments.
desired state by at least a half. By repeated application of the
Differential-Geometric and Differential-Algebraic Tech- algorithm it is possible to the system into an arbitrary
niques' Many motion are based On neighborhood of the desired state. For nilpotent systems, Le.,
Lie-algebraic techniques whose in-depth treatment falls beyond
systems for which all iterated Lie brackets of sufficiently high
the scope of the present article. A simple kinematic example with
order are zero, the algorithm provides exact steering. Examples
m = 2 can be used to motivate the importance of Lie brackets for
of nilpotent systems include systems in chained and in power
motion planning. Suppose gi and g2 are two smooth vector fields
form. Actually, the algorithm can be based on other types of
associated with the nonholonomic control system defined by (1).
switching inputs, not necessarily piecewise constant inputs; see
The motion of the system along the vector field g1 can be
[73] for details. In a related paper, Jacob [49] proposed an
generated by setting u1 = 1, uz = 0, and along g2 by setting ui =
algorithm for exact steering of nilpotent systems using piecewise
0, u2 = 1. Consider the motion of the system, starting at the origin,
constant or polynomial inputs. His algorithm is similar to Laf-
first along the vector field gi for At seconds, then along the vector ferriere and Sussmann,s but with modifications in the
g2 for "seconds$then the vector -gl for construction procedure, resulting in simpler paths. Reyhanoglu
seconds, and, finally, along the vector field -g2 for At seconds. [ 1231developed a similar motion planning algorithm for Chaply-
For small At, the final state resulting from this motion can be gin systems. As opposed to Lafferriere and Sussmann'q work,
well approximated by [gi, g21(0) (At)', where [gi, gzl(0) = Reyhanoglu uses more elementary tools, Stokes theorem and
[%gl - $g2
1(0) is the Lie bracket of gl and g2 evaluated at
the origin [102]. Thus motions in the potentially new direction
Taylor series expansion, and his version of the algorithm results
in simpler computations.
Another set of tools, based on averaging theory, has been
of [gl, g2](0) can be generated by switching between the motions developed by Gurvits and Li [431, Leonard and KrishnaPrasad
along gi and g2, Le., between the motions which satisfy the 1781,Liu [86], and Sussmann and Liu [154] for kinematic models
instantaneous nonholonomic constraints. By using more corn- of nonholonomic control systems. The basic idea is to use
plex switchings it is possible to generate net motions in the high-frequency, high-amplitude periodic control inputs to gen-
directions provided by the iterated Lie brackets ofgl and g2. The erate motions in the directions of iterated Lie brackets. The
assumption that the system is completely nonholonomic, Le., averaged system, obtained in the limit of these high-frequency
that gI, ...,gm and their iterated Lie brackets span R", is the basis inputs, is steered exactly, while the original system is steered
for the guarantee that any initial state can be steered to any final approximately, within a specified tolerance. Tilbury et al. [ 1581
state. Reyhanoglu et al. [125] extended this result to dynamic examine a variety of implementation issues pertinent to the
models of nonholonomic control systems: if the iterated Lie asymptotic sinusoidal steering algorithm of Sussmann and Liu
brackets of gi, ..., gm span R", then system ( 5 ) can be steered [154] in the context of steering kinematic car-like systems with
from any initial state to any final state over a specified time trailers. Specifically, it is shown that preliminary state and con-

December 1995 25
trol transformations may facilitate convergence to the averaged this value is referred to as the geometric phase. Thus for Chaply-
trajectory. Although high-frequency control inputs may be uncle- gin systems the motion planning problem reduces to finding an
sirable from an implementation point of view, the high frequency appropriate base space path which produces the desired geomet-
can be avoided by selecting the time interval, over which the ric phase. By considering a parameterized finite dimensional
system is steered approximately, to be large. family of base space paths, the problem can be reduced to a
A dual approach to motion planning, which relies on exterior root-finding problem €or the value of the parameters.
differential forms instead of Lie brackets, has been developed by To solve this root-finding problem, it is essential to be able to
Murray 11061,Sluis et al. 11391, andTilbury et al. [159,160,162]. evaluate the geometric phase produced by a given base space
The basic idea is to represent nonholonomic constraints as a path. Using Stokes theorem and Taylor series expansion, it is
Pfaffian system of exterior differential forms. The differential possible to expand the line integral (13) into a series which
form formulation is dual to the vector field formulation but it involves iterated Lie brackets of gi, ..., gm [123]. For a nilpotent
provides certain advantages in terms of computations, construct- system this series terminates after a finite number of terms,
ing state and control transformations and understanding the thereby providing an explicit expression for the geometric phase.
geometry of the problems. If the system is not nilpotent, numerical evaluation of (13) may
The concept of a flat nonlinear system [38,39, 1131 is useful be feasible. The use of Stokes theorem to reduce the line integral
in solving certain nonholonomic motion planning problems. in (13) to a surface integral has been effective in a number of
Consider the nonholonomic control system (1). If there exists an motion planning problems, e.g., [68, 83, 101, 1221.
output, with dimension equal to the dimension of the control Gurvits and Li [43] showed that for a completely non-
input, which is a function of the state, of the control input, and holonomic Chaplygin system any value of the geometric phase
of the derivatives of the control input, such that the state and the can be obtained by tracing paths in the base space which consist
control input can be expressed as functions of the output and the of appropriately constructed rectangular subpaths or other types
derivatives of the output, then (1) is called differentially flat and of “elementary” subpaths. Rectangular subpaths are particularly
the output is called the flat output. For a differentially flat system convenient and have been used in a number of other studies 112,
motion planning reduces to prescribing a smooth output function 82, 122, 124, 1261.
satisfying boundary conditions imposed by the initial and final Motion Planning Using Parameterization of the Input. A
state specification. The desired control input and the trajectory more elementary method for motion planning is also available.
can be obtained by differentiating the prescribed output function This method is based on parameterization of the input within a
and no integration is required. Rouchon et al. [127, 1281 showed given f i t e dimensional family of functions. Consider the kine-
that many mobile robot systems, e.g., an automobile with mul- matic model of a nonholonomic control system of the form (1).
tiple trailers, are flat. They exploited this notion of flatness in The objective is to steer the system from a given initial state x‘
solving motion planning problems for the front-wheel drive E R” to a specified final stategg R” over a time interval [O, r ] .
automobile with multiple trailers. The flat output is provided by
Let { U ( a ; .) : a E Rq) be a parameter-dependent family of
the Cartesian coordinates of the last trailer. For system (12) the
flat output is given by y = (x2,x3); then xi = y, y, ,x2 = y l , x3 = control inputs U(a;.) : [0,1] 4 Rm,where a E Rq IS aparameter.
Let ;(a;t), 0 5 t 5 1 denote the solution to (1) with ;(a; 0) = 0
yz, u1 = (y2y1 - yzyl) / (yl)’, uz = y l , and the motion planning
and u(t) = U(a;t), 0 5 t 5 1. Let G : Rq -+ Rn be defined by
problem reduces to prescribing output functions yl(t), y2(t) sat- G(a)=;(a;1). If the control family { U ( a ; .) : a E R q ] is
isfying boundary conditions imposed by the initial and final state
sufficiently rich, G is onto R”. In this case the control input
specification and j l ( t ) f 0. In [87] it is shown that any kinematic
G(x; t ) , 0 5 t I 1 , which steers the system from the origin to x E
nonholonomic system of the form (1) with n = 5 and m = 2 is
flat. An example of a system which is not flat is provided by the R“, can be defied by setting G(x; t ) = U ( a ;t), 0 2 t 5 1 , where
ball rolling on the plane without slipping [13, 19, 821. CL is a solution to G(a) = x. Since system (1) is drift-free, by
Motion Planning Using Geometric Phases. For the class of time-rescaling it can be verified that the control
nonholonomic Chaplygin systems, a variety of techniques based
on the yse of the geometric phase, or holonomy [89], is available,
see the papers by Bloch et al. [12], Gurvits and Li [43], Knsh- u(t)=
naprasad et al. [68,69], Li and Montgomery [83], Mukherjee and
Anderson [loll, andReyhanoglueta1. [122,124,126]. Referring
to nonholonomic control systems of kinematic Chaplygin type
(2), suppose the base vector y undergoes a cyclic motion y(t), 0 steers the system (1) from x’to fover the time-interval [O, q.
5 t I 1, satisfying y ( 0 ) = y( 1). The resulting change in the fiber This simple idea appears in the work of many researchers. For
vector, z(1) - z(0), can be written as a line integral along the path example, Bushel1 et al. [20], Murray 11031, Murray and Sastry
of the base vector: [105], show how to steer systems in power or chained form using
a family of sinusoids at integrally related frequencies. Lewis et
al. [80] showed that sinusoids at integrally related frequencies
(13) can be used to steer the Snakeboard. The use of other control
families, e.g., piecewise constant inputs or polynomial inputs,
where y = { y ( t ) : 0 I t I1 ] is the base vector path. The value of has also been investigated by Jacob [49], Tilbury [159], and
this line integral is independent of any specific parameterization Tilbury et al. [160]. The multirate digital control approaches
of the path and depends only on the geometry of the path; hence, developed by Chelouah et al. [27], Monaco and Norman-Cyrot

26 IEEE Control Systems

[971, Sordalen and Egeland 11441, Tilbury and Chelouah [157], paths that can be explicitly computed. Each of the extremal paths
can be also viewed as a way of steering a system via parameteri- has no more than five segments and requires no more than two
zation of the input within a family of piecewise constant inputs. direction reversals. Montgomery [99] studied the so called iso-
The basic idea of the multirate digital control approach is to holonomic optimal control problem. For Chaplygin systems,this
generate the input by a zero order hold and steer the resulting isoholonomic problem is to determine a closed base space path
discrete time system; typically,different sampling rates are used which produces the desired geometric phase and has the minimal
for different input channels. Depending on the nature of control “length.” The “length” of the path is essentially the energy
strategies and their interpretation, the multirate digital control required to trace the path. Montgomery showed that solving this
approaches may be viewed as feedback strategies [ l a ] . Divel- isoholonomic problem is equivalent to solving certain Hamil-
biss and Wen [33] propose to use gradient descent algorithms for tonian differential equations with appropriate boundary condi-
determining a solution to G(a)= x. The approach can be used to tions. As an application he considered the optimal control of
steer both kinematic and dynamic models of nonholonomic deformable bodies with zero angular momentum. Further use of
systems. optimal control for free-floating deformable bodies has been
To illustrate this simple approach with an example, consider investigated by Krishnaprasad and Yang [68] and by Li and
steering the mobile robot whose kinematics is modeled by Equa- Montgomery in [83].
tion (12). Let a E R3 and consider the family of control inputs Conditions for optimality in various nonholonomic optimal
U(a;t ) = ( U l ( a ;t), Uz(a;t)) defined as control problems are discussed by Bloch and Crouch [131, Sastry
and Montgomery [137], and Montgomery [loo]. In particular,
ai, O I t 5 . 5 , Sastry and Montgomery [137] and Montgomery [loo] study the
U,(a;t)= optimal control problem of minimizing the Lz-norm of the con-
a3sin4nt, .5 < t 5 1 , trol subject to given initial and final states and subject to Equa-
tion (1). Using the maximum principle, they show that the
U z ( a ;t ) = “ 2
optimal control is such that the quantity cIui(t)l remains
constant. For the same problem, Montgomery [ 1001considers in
By integrating the equations of motion with xi(0) = xz(0) =
detail the case of abnormal (singular) extremals. He demon-
~$0=) 0 over [0, 11, we obtain
strates that abnormal extremals may provide an optimal solution
and thus cannot be neglected in analysis. He also considers a

1 time-optimal control problem for nonholonomic control system

(1). Walsh et al. [171] study related minimal norm control
G(a)= 2
:I problems for kinematic systems evolving on Lie groups. Nu-
merical strategies for constructing optimal trajectoriesin various
nonholonomic control problems have been proposed by Agrawal
and Xu [11, Femandes et al. [36,37], Hussein and Kane [47], and
Murthy and Keerthi [ 1101.
Clearly, G is onto R3 and the system can be steered to any
configuration as described above. Motion Planning with Obstacle-Avoidance
The input parameterization approach provides a convenient Another area of active research is nonholonomic motion
basis for introducing neural networks or other learning schemes. planning with obstacle-avoidance. This problem has been ad-
They can be employed to identify the map G on-line, and, after dressed by Barraquandand Latombe [8], Divelbiss and Wen [34],
the training phase is completed, they can be used to approximate Gurvits and Li [43], Jacobs et al. [50], Laumond [75], Laumond
the solution to G(a) = x. A neural network approach to non- et al. [77], Mirtich and Canny [96], and Sahai et al. [131]. The
holonomic motion planning has been studied in the context of problem of planning a collision-free path for a nonholonomic
free-flyingmultibody systems in space by Gorinevsky et al. [44], control system is more difficult than for a holonomic control
Sadegh [1301,and in the context of mobile robots by Gorinevsky system. This is because an arbitrary collision-free path in the
et al. [45]. configuration space does not necessarily correspondto a feasible
trajectory for the nonholonomic system (Fig. 4).
Optimal Motion Planning One general approach is to first construct a path connecting
Although the methodologies of the previous section provide initial and final states which avoids obstacles but is not neces-
a solution to the motion planning problem, there often exist many sarily feasible, i.e., it does not necessarily satisfy the instantane-
solutions.A specific solution can be selected using optimization. ous nonholonomic constraints. Then, high-frequency high
Brockett [18] and Brockett and Dai [19] demonstrated the amplitude periodic inputs can be used to generate an approxi-
optimality of, respectively, sinusoidal and elliptic control func- mating feasible path [43,154]. Although this method produces a
tions for certain minimum norm nonholonomic optimal control collision-free path, this path may not be particularly nice.
problems. The optimality of elliptic functions has been also For simple nonholonomic systems of mobile robot type it is
addressed by Krishnaprasad and Yang in [68].Reeds and Shepp possible to plan better paths using skeletons [96]. The skeleton
[ 1211 obtained a complete characterization of the shortest paths is a collection of fixed (typically nonfeasible) paths which stay
connecting any two given configurations for the mobile robot maximally clear from the obstacles. The system is forced to
(11). They showed that the shortest path is one of 48 extremal loosely follow the skeleton from an initial state to a final state

December 1995 27
continuous time-invariant feedback controller which renders the
closed loop locally asymptotically stable [119]. Consequently, a
nonholonomic control system cannot be asymptotically stabi-
lized to an equilibrium using feedback linearization or any other
control design approach that uses smooth time-invariant feed-
back. These conclusions are applicable to both kinematic and
dynamic models of nonholonomic control systems. Although
m I
I there exists no closed loop stabilizing smooth time-invariant
dynamic feedback controller, there still may exist a smooth
time-invariant dynamic controller which stabilizes the plant
I states only [46]. Further information on necessary conditions for
feedback stabilization and their implications can be found in the
books by Sontag [1401 and Nikitin [ 1141.
Despite the limitations imposed by Brockett’s necessary con-
dition, the completely nonholonomic assumption guarantees that
there do exist feedback strategies which do (locally) asymptoti-
cally stabilize an equilibrium. Anumber of approaches have been
proposed for stabilization of nonholonomic control systems to
an equilibrium. The approaches can be classified as discontinu-
Fig. 4 . Parallel parking of a front-wheel drive automobile: ous time-invariant stabilization, time-varying stabilization, and
non-feasible motion (dashed) and feasible motion (solid). hybrid stabilization. These developments are reviewed below.
Several feedback laws will be illustrated numerically for the
while avoiding obstacles. Since the skeleton stays maximally mobile robot whose kinematics is modeled by Equation (12).
clear from the obstacles, the resulting path tends to be of low
complexity. Discontinuous Time-Invariant Stabilization
A different approach, also based on approximating a nonfea- Discontinuous time-invariant feedback controllers for stabi-
sible path by feasible path segments, is developed in [50] for a lization of nonholonomic systems to the origin can be classified
car-like mobile robot. This method has been extended in [77] to into two types: piecewise continuous controllers and sliding
a car-like mobile robot towing a trailer. Barraquand and Latombe mode controllers. These two types of discontinuous controllers
[SI use the potential field method to produce collision-free paths are now described in more detail.
for mobile robots, while attempting to minimize the number of In [1531Sussmann proved existence of stabilizing piecewise
maneuvers required. continuous static state-feedback control for a class of nonlinear
controllable systems. This class includes kinematic and dynamic
Feedback Stabilization of Nonholonomic Systems models of nonholonomic control systems satisfying real analy-
Stabilization problems are concerned with obtaining feed- ticity assumptions. Lafferien-e and Sontag [71] presented a for-
back laws which guarantee that an equilibrium of the closed-loop mula for a piecewise continuous feedback law, obtained from a
system is asymptotically stable. For a linear time-invariant sys- piecewise smooth control Lyapunov function. The resulting
tem, if all unstable eigenvalues are controllable, then the origin feedback is globally stabilizing; it has discontinuities on a sepa-
can be asymptotically stabilized by a linear time-invariant static rating surface of codimension one. While there are no general
state feedback. For nonholonomic systems the situation is more methods for constructing control Lyapunov functions satisfying
complex. The linearization of a nonholonomic system about any assumptions of [7 11, specific examples of piecewise continuous
equilibrium is not asymptotically stabilizable. Consequently, stabilization have been reported by Lafferriere and Sontag in
linear stabilization tools cannot be used even locally. Moreover, [71], by Canudas de Wit and Sordalen in [22] and by Khennouf
there is a fundamental obstruction to existence of smooth (or and Canudas de Wit [56, 261. In these examples exponential
even continuous) time-invariant feedback laws. convergence of the states to the equilibrium has been demon-
To gain insight to why this is the case, consider the problem strated. In [149] Sordalen et al. proposed a piecewise continuous
of stabilizing system (12) to the origin. Suppose a time-invariant feedback law for local stabilization of the attitude of an under-
static state feedback is provided by smooth functions UI(XI,xz, actuated rigid spacecraft with only two angular velocity controls.
x3), u2(xi,x2,x3) with ui(O,O, 0) = 0, u2(0,0,0)= 0. The equilibria The feedback law results in exponential convergence rates of the
of the closed-loop system are solutions of UI(XI,.awz, ~ 3 =) 0 and states to the equilibrium.
uz(x1, xz,x3) = 0. Consequently, there exists (locally) a one-di- A different approach to constructing piecewise continuous
mensional manifold of equilibria which passes through the ori- controllers has been developed by Aicardi et al. [2],Astolfi [3,
gin. Thus the origin cannot be locally asymptotically stabilized 41, and Badreddin and Mansour [SI. There a nonsmooth state
by any smooth static time-invariant state-feedback. A generali- transformation is used to overcome the obstruction to stabi-
zation of this informal observation is Brockett’s necessary con- lizability due to Brockett’s theorem. A smooth time-invariant
dition for feedback stabilization [ 171. Its implication for feedback is used to stabilize the transformed system. In the
nonholonomic control systems is that there exists no smooth (or original coordinates the resulting feedback law is discontinuous.
even continuous) time-invariant static state-feedback which In [2, 31 this approach has been used for stabilization of kine-
makes a specified equilibrium of the closed loop locally asymp- matic and dynamic models of simple mobile robots. In these
totically stable [ 12, 211. Moreover, there exists no dynamic examples the nonsmooth state transformation is provided by

28 IEEE Control Systems

changing Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates. The poten- backs originated in the mobile robot work by Samson [132, 133,
tial of this approach for more complicated nonholonomic control 1341. Coron [301 showed that kinematic nonholonomic control
problems remains to be investigated. systems can be asymptotically stabilized to an equilibrium point
Time-invariant feedback laws can be developed using the by smooth time-periodic static state feedback. The existence
sliding mode approach proposed by Bloch and Drakunov [ 11] proof in [30], however, does not provide feedback laws. Explicit
and by Guldner and Utkin [41]. These discontinuous feedback feedback construction procedures are available. Murray et al.
laws force the trajectory to eventually slide along a manifold of [103], Tee1 et al. [156], and Walsh and Bushnell [168] used the
codimension one towards the equilibrium. Consider, for exam- method of averaging and saturation type functions to construct
ple, the problem of stabilizing system (12) to the origin. Define smooth time-periodic feedback laws for systems in power and
the feedback law according to [ 111 chained form. These feedback laws achieve global asymptotic
stabilization. In [1681numerical simulations illustrate the result-
u1 = -xl + 2x2 sign( x3 - y) ,
ing feedback laws for a fire truck example, a nonholonomic
system with three inputs and five states. Samson and Ait-Abder-
rahim [ 1341,and Walsh et al. [1661provide a different asymptotic
stabilization scheme based on construction of a nominal motion
u2 = -x2 + 2x1sign( x3 - 7) ,
which asymptotically approaches the equilibrium. A linear con-
troller is constructed which stabilizes the variational system
about the nominal motion. This approach can be used to construct
where sign(.) denotes the signum function. Let time-varying stabilizing controllers for nonholonomic systems

Tx2 I
V(xl, x 2 ) = - -!-+ x; . Then the derivative of V along the
2 4
trajectories of (12) satisfies
but it does require a priori selection of a nominal motion. Another
general constructive approach has been proposed by Pomet [1191
and Coron and Pomet [32]. This approach, widely known as
Pomet’s method, is based on Lyapunov’s direct method and is,
. 1 to some extent, similar to the well-known technique of Jurdjevic
V = -xIuI + x2u2 = -2V. Thus V(t)= V(0)e-2‘-+ 0 as t -+ and OQ
4 and Quinn [ 5 2 ] .Pomet’s method generates smooth time-periodic
x1 -+ 0, x2 -+ 0 as t -+ 00. Let e = x , - = .
Then, feedback laws and also provides closed loop Lyapunov func-
€I = -2Vsign(O). Clearly, le(t)l is nonincreasing and, in fact, can As an illustration, consider the following smooth feedback
reach zero in finite time provided that law for system (12) provided by Pomet’s method:

u1(x, t ) = -xi + xs(sin t - cos t ) , (164

Once e(t)reaches the origin, it must stay at the origin; hence,

the trajectory will slide along the surface x3 = toward the
origin. If the initial conditions do not satisfy Inequality (15), a This feedback law is obtained from the closed-loop Lyapunov
preliminary control can be used to force the trajectory into the function given by
region where Inequality (15) holds and then the feedback law
(14) should be switched on. The sliding mode construction is also 1 2 1 1
V(x,t)=-(x, +X3COSt) +-x,z+-x,’
available for certain classes of higher-dimensional kinematic 2 2 2
nonholonomic control systems and dynamic models of non-
holonomic control systems; see [ 11,411 for details. For a general By applying the Krasovskii-LaSalle invariance principle for
class of nonholonomic systems, construction of sliding mode periodic systems it can be verified that the origin is the globally
controllers is not available and remains a subject of future asymptotically stable equilibrium of the closed loop. Fig. 5
research. shows a typical planar path of the center of mass of the mobile
The disadvantage of the sliding mode controllers is that they robot (11) under this feedback law.
may cause chattering. Guldner et al. [42] have proposed to use Unfortunately, the rates of convergence provided by smooth
smoothing between gradients on either side of the sliding surface time-periodic feedback laws are necessarily nonexponential
to prevent chattering. Piecewise continuous controllers usually [103]. For system (12) smooth time-periodic controllers can
avoid chattering as the trajectory does not “get stuck” at the provide time rates of convergence of at most 1 / & [132].
discontinuities. It should be also pointed out that controlling Furthermore, in experimental work [91], M’Closkey and Murray
kinematic nonholonomic systems with discontinuous (velocity) have demonstrated that smooth time-periodic feedback laws do
controls may be difficult to implement. Formulations involving not steer mobile robots to a small neighborhood of the desired
dynamic nonholonomic control systems seem preferable if dis- configuration in a reasonable amount of time. Thus feedback
continuous controllers are used. laws which provide faster convergence rates are desirable. These
feedback laws must necessarily be nonsmooth (i.e., nondifferen-
Time-Varying Stabilization tiable). Further information on connections between the rates of
Various methods for designing time-varying controllers have convergence and smoothness of feedback laws can be found in
been proposed in the literature. The use of time-varying feed- references [43,94].

December 1995 29


0.6 t


0.2 t


L __i
-0 21
-0 6 -0 4 -0 2 0 02 04 06 -04 -0 2 02 04 06 08
X, X,

Fig. 5. Trajectory of the center of mass under smooth time-periodic F i g . 6. Trajectory of the center of m a s s under nonsmooth
feedback. time-periodicfeedback.

The issue of existence of time-periodic feedback laws that rates of convergence. Fig. 6 shows a typical planar path of the
provide exponential convergence rates for kinematic models of center of mass of the mobile robot (11) under this feedback law.
nonholonomic systems has been resolved in a paper by Coron Time-periodic feedback laws for stabilization of dynamic
[3 11. There the existence of continuous time-periodic static state models of nonholonomic control systems can be derived from
feedback laws that are smooth everywhere except at the origin kinematic controllers using the integrator backstepping or “error
and result in exponential convergence rates is established. As in tracking” approaches. For details the reader is referred to refer-
the smooth case, the existence proof does not explicitly provide ences [57,93, 1681.
feedback laws. A construction procedure which provides Besides mobile robots 191, 132, 133, 134, 135, 1681, time-
nonsmooth feedback laws with exponential convergence rates varying stabilization has been used for knife-edge models with
augmented actuator dynamics [57], underactuated rigid space-
has been proposed by M’Closkey and Murray in [90]. The
craft controlled by only two rotors [98, 1671, and free-floating
resulting feedback laws are continuous, smooth everywhere
multibody spacecraft 1611.
except at the origin, and homogeneous with respect to a nonstan-
dard dilation [go, 921. The construction procedure can be viewed
Hybrid Feedback Laws
as an extension of Pomet’s algorithm to the case of nonsmooth
homogeneous feedback laws. For systems in power form, ex- The stabilization techniques described so far provide continu-
ous-time feedback laws. Other methods, which generate hybrid
plicit expressions for the feedback laws can be obtained. For
controllers, are also available. Typically, hybrid controllers com-
example, for system (12) a nonsmooth time-periodic feedback
bine continuous-time features with either discrete-event features
law which results in exponential convergence rates is of the form: or discrete-time features. The operation of hybrid controllers is
based on switchings at discrete-time instants between various
low-level continuous-time controllers. The time-instants at
which switches occur may be either specified a priori or be
determined in the process of controller operation.
Controllers which combine continuous time features with
discrete event features have been proposed by Bloch et al. [12]
and by Kolmanovsky et al. [58,59]for the class of nonholonomic
Chaplygin systems. These controllers consist of a discrete event
supervisor and low-level time-invariant feedback controllers.
The supervisor configures the low-level feedback controllers and
Ul(0, t) = u2(0, t) = 0 , (17c) accomplishes switchings between them in a way that provides
stabilization of the system. Each of the low-level feedback
where p(x) = (xp + x$ + :
x ) ( l i 4 )The
. closed-loop system is glob- controllers forces the base variables to trace a specific straight
line segment of the base space path, which is selected by the
ally exponentially stable with respect to the homogeneous norm
supervisor to produce the desired geometric phase change. The
p(x), i.e., there exist constants hi > 0 and h2 > 0 such that p(x(t)) feedback law provides finite time (dead-beat) responses. This
5 hlp(x(0))exp (44. This notion of exponential stability with approach has also been used by Krishnan et al. [65, 66, 671 for
respect to a homogeneous norm is different from the standard the attitude stabilization of rigid underactuated spacecraft with
notion of exponential stability, but it does imply exponential only two control torques.

30 IEEE Control Systems

1. Fork = 0: If xi(0) = xz(0)= .q(O) = 0, set a' = 0 ;

else select any a' # o .

I 2. For k > 0: If x3(2nk)ak-' 2 0, set ak= ak-'.

08 I- c

If x3(2nk)ak-' < 0, set ak= ykxk-'lsign(x3(2nk)).
Fig. 7 shows a typical planar path of the center of mass of the
mobile robot (11) under this feedback law.
06 ! ~

Current and Future Research Topics

As we have indicated, significant progress has been made in
< 0 4! -~~
the study of nonholonomic control systems. Research continues
on models of nonholonomic control systems, and on control
021 ~
design for motion planning and stabilization. There is now in
place a strong theoretical base for research applications, particu-
0 - lar those associated with wheeled vehicles and spacecraft (with
L- _1 __ a conserved angular momentum function); research in these, and
05 04 03 02 01 0 01 02 03 04 05
X. other, applications is proceeding. The knowledge base about
nonholonomic control systems is slowly maturing, as we have
demonstrated, but the research momentum is expected to con-
Fig. 7.Trajectory of the center of mass under hybrid feedback.
tinue for some time. However, in our opinion research progress
has been spotty, and there remain important topics that require
Hybrid controllers which combine continuous time and dis-
attention; in the subsequent paragraphs we provide a brief over-
crete time features have been developed by a number of authors.
view of some of these topics.
For example, Sordalen et al. [145, 1461 developed hybrid con-
trollers for stabilization of kinematic nonholonomic systems in The formulation of models of nonholonomic control systems
chained form. These controllers result in exponential conver- is a central feature of this research. The models that we have
gence rates of the states to the origin. Hybrid controllers of a introduced can be generalized in a number of ways. We now
different type for systems in chained form have been proposed identify certain of these generalizations and we indicate where
by Canudas de Wit et al. [24]. These controllers provide practical they arise in applications. Noncatastatic nonholonomic control
stabilization, Le., stabilization to a small neighborhood of the systems, expressed in dynamic form, are a generalization of
origin. The construction procedure in 1241 is also applicable to Equation(S) by the addition of a state-dependent and time-de-
dynamic extensions of the chained form. The approach proposed pendent drift term to (Sa). Such models can arise from multibody
by Sontag [141, 1431 is applicable to larger classes of kinematic systems where the angular momentum is conserved but is not
nonholonomic control systems, but is less explicit. Sontag makes zero [63, 1501. Another important generalization is the class of
use of a family of periodic inputs that are universal nonsingular underactuated nonholonomic control systems. Recall that to
controls [ 1411 and result in periodic trajectories. Linearization transform d' Alembert's formulation of equations of motion (6)
about each of these trajectories is controllable. Consequently, a into the form of Equation ( S ) , we assumed a sufficient set of
perturbation of a periodic input can be constructed to bring the inputs were available so that (8) could be feedback-linearized to
state closer to the origin at the end of each cycle. A good obtain (9); if this condition is not satisfied, a new class of
introduction to some of hybrid stabilization techniques in the underactuated nonholonomic systems is obtained [I 161. A re-
mobile robot context is contained in the article [25]. lated infinite-dimensional generalization, motivated by a free-
floating beam with distributed flexibility, has been studied in
A different approach, which makes use of a family of periodic
[61]. An important theoretical research topic, with practical
inputs, has been proposed by Kolmanovsky and McClamroch
implications, is establishing equivalence relations between dif-
[60]. This approach is applicable to a large class of kinematic
ferent models of nonholonomic control systems, under state and
and dynamic models of nonholonomic Chaplygin systems, in-
feedback transformations; the methods of exterior calculus and
cluding systems in power form. We illustrate this approach with
differential forms are important tools as indicated in [106, 139,
an example. Consider the problem of stabilizing system (12) to
1.591.There is a close connection between the coordinate depend-
the origin. A hybrid feedback law can be defined as [60]:
ent models of nonholonomic control systems that we have de-
scribed here and the abstract formulation of control problems for
u l ( t ) = -XI + aksin t ,2nk 5 t I2 z ( k + 1) (18a) rigid body motions defined on Lie groups; this latter approach
has been developed in [69,70,78,79, 170, 1711.
There are many important research problems for non-
u2(t) = -x2 laklCOS t ,2nk It 5 2z(k + 1) (18b) holonomic control systems that have been little studied. Here we
identify the problem of control of nonholonomic systems when
where { ak: k = 0, 1, 2, ...} is a sequence of scalar parameters. there are model uncertainties, as arise from parameter variations
The control family (18) can be viewed as a one-parameter family or from neglected dynamics. It is not necessary to motivate the
of low-level continuous-time controllers. The controllers are importance of this problem, but it is curious that there is little
indexed by the value of the parameter ak.To render the origin published literature that deals directly with these questions for
globally attractive, the sequence { ak}should be selected accord- nonholonomic control systems; a few preliminary results are
ing to the following feedback algorithm [60]: Let 0 < y < 1. available in [26]. The difficulties are primarily technical. General

December 1995 31
methods for study of robustness for this class of nonlinear [9] J. Barraquand and J. C. Latombe, “Nonholonomic multibody mobile
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robust controllers for nonholonomic systems are unknown. We Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automat-
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In contrast with the extensive theoretical developments, there ic Control, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 1746-1757, 1992.
have been relatively few experimental results reported that make
use of the developed theory. Experimental work on non- [ 131 A. Bloch and P. E. Crouch, “Nonholonomiccontrol systems on Riemm-
nian manifolds,” SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 33, no. 1,
holonomic control systems has been described in [91, 115, 117,
pp. 126-148,1995.
1691. It is important that more experimental based research be
undertaken to demonstrate the value and limitations of the theory [ 141 A. Bloch and N. H. McClamroch, “Control of mechanical systems with
of nonholonomic control systems that now exist. classical nonholonomic constraints,” Proceedings of the 28th IEEE Confer-
In summary, we believe that much progress has been made in ence on Decision and Control, pp. 201-205, 1989.
the development of a theoretical foundation for nonholonomic [ 151 A. Bloch, N. H. McClamroch, and M. Reyhanoglu,“Controllabilityand
control systems. However, there remain many unsolved, and stabilizability of a nonholonomic control system,” Proceedings of the 29th
even unexplored, problem areas that should provide a source of IEEE Conference on Recision and Control, pp. 1312-1314, 1990.
challenge for the future. We also believe that there is much to be [16] A. Bloch, P. S. Krishnaprasad, J. Marsden and R. M. Murray, “Non-
gamed by maintaining a close connection between the theory and holonomic mechanical systems with symmetries,” Archive for Rational
the applications in this future research. Mechanics and Analysis, to appear.
[17] R. W. Brockett, “Asymptotic stability and feedback stabilization,”in R.
Acknowledgments W. Brockett, R. S. Milman, and H. J. Sussmann, editors, Dzflerential Geo-
The authors would like to recognize Tony Bloch, Hariharan metric Control Theory, Birfiauser, Boston, pp. 181-191, 1983.
Krishnan, Mahmut Reyhanoglu, Pat McNally, and Chunlei Rui,
who have been past collaborators with us on some of the topics [I&]R. W. Brockett, “Control theory and singular riemannian geometry,”in
discussed herein. The comments of Dawn Tilbury and Jessy New Directions in Applied Mathematics, P. Hilton and G. Young, editors,
Springer, pp. 11-27, 1981.
Grizzle on an early version of the manuscript are greatly appre-
ciated. [19] R. W. Brockett and L. Dai, “Nonholonomickinematics and the role of
elliptic functions in constructive contrallability,” in Nonholonomic Motion
References Planning, Z. X . Li and J. Canny, editors, Kluwer, pp. 1-22, 1992.
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llya Kolmanovsky has received M S and Ph.D. de-
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gees m aerospace engmeering from the University of
the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 431-442, 1991
Miclngan, Ann Arbor, MI His research interests are in
[I551 H J Sussmann, “Local controllabilityand motion planning for some the area of dynamic systems and nonlinear control
classes of systems with drift,” Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on theory with applications to control of mechamcal sys-
Decision andcontrol, pp 1110-1114, 1991. tems

[156] A Ted, R M. Murray and G. C Walsh, “Nonholonomic control

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3Ist IEEE Control and Decison Conference, pp. 1603-1609, 1992.
[ 1571D. Tilbury, A. Chelouah, “Steeringa three input nonholonomic system N. Harris McClamroch received a Ph.D. degree in
using inultirate controls,”Proceedings of the European Control Conference, engineenng mechanics from The University of Texas at
Groningen,pp. 1518-1522, 1993. Austin. Since 1967 he has been at The University of
Michgan, Ann Arbor, MI, where he is currently a
[158] D. Tilbnry, J.-P. Laumond, R. Murray, S. Sastry and G. C. Walsh, professor and char of the Department of Aerospace
“Steering car-like systems with trailers using sinusoids,”Proceedings of the Engmeering. His mam research mterests are in the
IEEE Intevnational Conference on Robotics and Automation vol. 2, pp. stability and control of nonlinear feedback systems,
1993-1998,1992. includmg applications to a variety of mechanical sys-
[ 1591 D. Tilbury, Exterior Differential Systems and Nonholonomic Motion tems problems. He has also published m the areas of
Planning, Memorandum No. UCB/ERL M94/90, Electronics Research sensitwity and robustness, optimal control, digital feedback, estimation,and
Laboratory, University of Califomia, 1994. stochasticcontrol He has worked on applications problems arising in flexible
space structures, robotics and automated manufacturing, and space multi-
11601 D. Tilbury, R. Murray and S. Sastry, “Trajectory generation for the body systems. McClamroch IS the author of numerous technical papers and
N-trailer problem using Goursat normal form,’’ Proceedings of the 32nd one book. He IS a Fellow of the IEEE and a past editor of the IEEE
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,pp. 971-971, 1993. Transactions on Automatic Control

36 IEEE Control Systems

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