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Physical Project Self-Evaluation

Name: Kaylin Boettcher Date: 4/17/2018

1. Date project started: June 19, 2017

2. Date project ended: July 30, 2017

3. Estimated total hours spent on project: 100 hours

4. Look back at your task analysis. Look at your planned steps.

Time Involved in each task:

Step 1: Register for the Class (.5 hours)

Step 2: Take Class (84 hours)
Step 3: Clinicals (22 hours)
Step 4: Take CNA Test (3 hours)
Step 5: Become Certified (.5 hours)

5. Materials (if any) used:

● Scrubs
● Text book
● Tennis Shoes

6. List the people who helped you. Please put a star ( * ) by all those who could
potentially help future seniors.
● April Zago

7. Please give a number response of “1” to “10” with 10 meaning “a great deal” and “1”
meaning “not at all” or put NA (not applicable)

A. How much did your mentor help? 10

B. Have others helped you as well? 10
C. Did the task analysis help you plan your project? 8
D. Would you recommend your project area for future seniors? 8

E. Please explain your answer in letter “D.”

If you plan to go in the nursing field or medical field, this is a great project to do because it will
help you figure out if you really want to be in the medical field.

8. Would you feel threatened to show your project to an expert for evaluation?

If no, why not?

I worked hard on my project and I became certified.

9. List three things you now know after completing this project.

1. I will enjoy helping others.

2. I want to go into the nursing field.

3. It takes a lot of patience and compassion to help others.

10. List any personal satisfaction or knowledge you gained from this experience.

1. I learned the many skills it takes to be a Certified Nursing Assistant.

2. This project helped me gain experience in my field of interest.

3. I became certified.

11. What comments about your project have you heard from students, parents, teachers, or
community members? For example: “I never knew you knew so much about motors.”

1. My mom told me that I have worked very hard studying for my tests.

2. My instructor told me that I will be a good nursing assistant because of the compassion
I showed at clinicals.

3. My classmate told me I have worked very hard on practicing my skills and studying
for my tests.

12. Describe what risk(s) you took in completing this project. Consider not only a physical
risk, but an emotional or intellectual challenge.
A physical challengs in my project was helping transfer residents at clinicals because I did not
know what to expect. An emotional challenge in my project was the stress that I had before I
took the certification test.

13. List or describe any problems you encountered.

A problem that I encountered was the nervousness and stress I had before taking the certification

How did you handle these problems?

I took deep breaths and calmed myself down because I knew I could do it.

14. Is your project original or creative in any way? If yes, explain how.
Many people have gotten their CNA license, but in my experience I learned alot about myself
and it broadened my perspective on the nursing career.

15. How do you feel about having your paper, project, and evaluation form on file as a
model for next year’s students? Explain why or why not.
I am glad to have my paper, project, and evaluation form on file because I worked really hard on
it and it will be a good reference for next year’s students.

16. If given the opportunity, what would you do differently now that you speak from
I would not do anything differently because I did the best I could and I accomplished what I
wanted to accomplish.

17. Beyond the project itself, what did you learn about yourself?
I can get things I need to get done if I put my mind to it. I also learned that I am a very patient
and compassionate person.

18. What grade would you give yourself for your project? Justify your grade in about 25

My grade: A

Justification for my grade: I would give myself an A because I worked very hard on studying
and practicing my skills. I showed up on time for all my classes and clinicals. I also
accomplished becoming certified.

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