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Simple Strain

9/8/2017 ENGR. JOHN CEEDEE M. ALVAREZ-DPWH Quezon 2nd District Engineering Office 1
Simple Strain
■ Also known as unit deformation, strain is the ratio of the change in length caused by
the applied force, to the original length.

δ Where:
ε= ε-Simple Strain

𝐿 δ-Elongation
L-Original Length
9/8/2017 ENGR. JOHN CEEDEE M. ALVAREZ-DPWH Quezon 2nd District Engineering Office 2
Proportional Limit (Hooke's Law)

Stress-Strain Diagram -From the origin O to the point called

proportional limit, the stress-strain curve is a
straight line.
-the stress is directly proportional to strain
Ultimate Strength
σ∝ε or σ=kε Or σ=Eε
P-Proportional Where:
x 𝑘-proportional constant
x x
x 𝐸-Young’s Modulus or
Stress, σ

Modulus of Elasticity
Y-Yield Limit R-Rupture Strength Elastic Limit
The elastic limit is the limit beyond which
E-Elastic Limit
the material will no longer go back to its
Ultimate Strength Rapture Strength original shape when the load is removed, or
The maximum ordinate Rapture strength is the it is the maximum stress that maybe
in the stress-strain strength of the material developed such that there is no permanent
diagram is the ultimate at rupture. This is also or residual deformation when the load is
strength or tensile known as the breaking entirely removed.
strength. strength. Yield Limit
Yield point is the point at which the
O Strain, ε material will have an appreciable
elongation or yielding without any
increase in load.
9/8/2017 Engr. John Ceedee M. Alvarez-DPWH Quezon II DEO 3
Axial Deformation
In the linear portion of the stress-strain diagram, the stress is
proportional to strain

■δ = Where:
𝐴𝐸 δ-Elongation
P-Axial/Normal Force
L-Original Length
A-Cross-Sectional Area
E-Young’s Modulus or Modulus of

9/8/2017 Engr. John Ceedee M. Alvarez-DPWH Quezon II DEO 4

1. A steel rod having a cross-sectional area of 300
mm^2 and a length of 150 m is suspended vertically
from one end. It supports a tensile load of 20 kN at the
lower end. If the unit mass of steel is 7850 kg/m3 and
E = 200 × 103 Mpa, find the total elongation of the

9/8/2017 Engr. John Ceedee M. Alvarez-DPWH Quezon II DEO 5

2. A steel wire 30 ft long, hanging
vertically, supports a load of 500 lb.
Neglecting the weight of the wire,
determine the required diameter if the
stress is not to exceed 20 ksi and the
total elongation is not to exceed 0.20 in.
Assume E = 29 × 106 psi.

9/8/2017 Engr. John Ceedee M. Alvarez-DPWH Quezon II DEO 6

3. An aluminum bar having a cross-sectional area of 0.5 in2 carries
the axial loads applied at the positions shown in Fig. P-209.
Compute the total change in length of the bar if E = 10 × 106 psi.
Assume the bar is suitably braced to prevent lateral buckling.

9/8/2017 Engr. John Ceedee M. Alvarez-DPWH Quezon II DEO 7

4. A rigid block weighing 176.4
kN is attached as shown on the
figure. If the block is to remain
a. What is the ratio of the load
carried by each material.
b. What is the stress in bronze
and steel (MPa)
c. What is the elongation in the
rods (mm)

9/8/2017 Engr. John Ceedee M. Alvarez-DPWH Quezon II DEO 8


9/8/2017 Engr. John Ceedee M. Alvarez-DPWH Quezon II DEO 9

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