Lesson 1 - Iaal

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Day 1: Introducing the Unit Teacher: Coleman, Kayla

Literacy Strategy: Anticipation Guide School: West Prep High School

Subject: English 10H Students will engage in:

Semester: 2 __Independent activities __ Pairing __ Centers __ Cooperative learning
Time: 55 minutes __ Hands-on __ Lecture __ Peer tutoring __ Whole group instruction
__ Visuals __ Technology integrations __ Simulations __ Project __ Other

Incorporates WICOR:
Writing to Learn Inquiry Collaboration Organization Reading to Learn

Standards Met (CCSS):

RL.9-10.1 – Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
W.9-10.10 –Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time
frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
SL.9-10.1 – Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and
teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades 9-10 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their
own clearly and persuasively.

Class Objective:
Students will produce a written response to the image of a homeless family.
Students will view and discuss the most recent homelessness statistics for America.
Students will participate in a guided reading discussion of the first chapter of The Glass Castle.

Time Procedures Followed: Materials/

Text References

Minutes Class Starter: Students will be shown a photo of a homeless family from Arizona, -PPT w/ warm-up
7/7 but will be given no context. Instead, they will simply view the image and respond to prompt
the questions on their warm-up sheet based on their assumptions about the photo.
(note: students will be graded solely on completion). -Warm-up handout
Warm-up Questions: What would you think if you saw this family on the street? What
kinds of assumptions and judgments would you make?
Have you seen families like this before? How do you think they feel?
**Teachers should complete housekeeping procedures while students respond**

Minutes After students have responded to the warm-up, we will have a brief class discussion
5/12 about their responses. Teacher will call on students randomly and allow them to share
and respond to each other’s answers. Once students have had the chance to share,
teacher will ask: “Is it fair to make judgments about people based on their
appearances? Explain.”

Minutes Students will view the YouTube Video “Homelessness in America”. As they watch, -Internet Access
8/20 they will be asked to write down the statistic they find to be more surprising. After the -“Homelessness”
brief video, we will discuss the statistics they find most surprising and connect them video
to the image from the warm-up. At this point, teacher will reveal to students that the -Journals
picture is of a homeless family from Arizona and the characters of our novel The
Glass Castle.

Minutes Now that students know one of the themes from the novel, they will take a brief set of -PowerPoint w/
7/27 Cornell Notes on memoirs as a genre and Jeannette Walls (the author). memoir notes
Minutes Students will complete a T/F anticipation guide which asks them to respond to 10 -Anticipation Guide
10/37 different questions (themes from The Glass Castle). Students will work individually
to respond to the questions and give a 1-2 sentence explanation of each.

5/42 Think-Pair-Share Anticipation Guide responses. Teacher will ask: “What areas did -Completed
you agree on? Where did you differ? Why do you think we have different opinions Anticipation Guides
about these topics?” Students will turn in their guides and receive a completion
grade. We will revisit the anticipation guide at the end of the unit to see if student
responses have changed or been reinforced based on the lessons.

Minutes The class will listen to the audio of pages 3-5; teacher will stop periodically to think- -Copies of The Glass
13/55 aloud and to cold-call students to ensure comprehension. Once we have completed the Castle
first chapter, teacher will introduce the unit’s journaling requirements (formative -Pass out journaling
assessment) and assign homework. requirement handout
Possible Discussion Questions:
Describe how Mom looks when Jeannette spots her on the street.
Why does Jeannette drive away in the taxi without acknowledging her mother?

Homework Given: Students will read pages 9-25 in The Glass Castle

Lesson Notes/Reflection: I felt the anticipation guide was a very effective tool/strategy for introducing the new novel
for our unit. It helped to create some buy-in for the students and also allowed them to form their own connections based
on personal experiences. I did find that many students struggled with the word “condemn.” While they could pronounce
it, they were unfamiliar with its meaning. I encouraged students to utilize their technology to look up the definition of the
word and then replace it with a synonym they are more familiar with. We then were able to discuss the definition after all
students had the chance to complete the guide. We also discussed student’s responses to each statement, and I
encouraged them to utilize academic language within the discussion. I would use this strategy again as my students now
seem excited to read the memoir of Jeannette Walls.

See anticipation guide below

The Glass Castle Anticipation Guide:

Name:__________________________________________ Class:________ Date:_______________

Directions: Read each statement and circle true or false. There is not a correct answer, but you do need to

explain your choice.

1. Digging through trash makes you a gross person. T F



2. If parents curse in front of their children, they are bad parents. T F



3. Good qualities in a person can overcome the bad qualities. T F



4. Homelessness is a choice. T F



5.People should be proud of their parents no matter what. T F


6. People should never condemn their parents. T F



7. Good parents give their children the best. T F



8. Children with rough childhoods grow up to be “rough” adults. T F



9. There is a lot to learn from reading/thinking about the hardships T F

of another human being.


10. Anyone, no matter where they come from, can achieve a goal. T F



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