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Books and other media

Livres et autres documents

BOOKS pressive symptoms may result when there is little or no supporting evi-
triggered by 1 or more of the modifi- dence to substantiate these claims.
able risk factors. Genetic, genera- Natural Prozac is easy to read, with
tional or conditional and situational simple, clear vocabulary. It may be
Natural Prozac: Learning factors are used to explain the under- recommended for patients who have
lying mechanisms. only mild symptoms of depression or
to Release Your Body’s
To explain the effect of neuro- are in remission. Symptoms may be
Own Anti-Depressants transmitters in an easy-to-understand attenuated in motivated readers who
Joel C. Robertson and Tom Monte. 215 pp.
way, the authors use lay terms such as can modify clearly identifiable
HarperCollins Publishers, Inc., New York; “gas and brake pedals.” Some con- lifestyle or personality factors. How-
HarperCollins Canada Ltd., Toronto. 1997. cepts may be misleading and even ever, care and caution must be exer-
$32.50. ISBN 0-06-251353-2 harmful to certain patients who re- cised in regard to those who need
quire continuing drug treatment. For continuing drug therapy. The book
example, references to “ending de- may create a false sense of security,
Overall rating: Good
Strengths: Clearly written and easy to pression — safely and permanently” leading those with serious or recur-
understand and to “start[ing] to taper off medica- rent symptoms to avoid seeking med-
Weaknesses: Downplays the role of med-
ication in the treatment of
tion gradually” may be taken out of ical help or to discontinue therapy
depression, which may lead context by some readers. Simple out- prematurely.
patients to delay seeking lines of the criteria from the Diagnos-
medical help or to discon-
tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Kiran Rabheru, BSc, MD
tinue treatment prematurely;
some of the program plans Disorders are given for self-assessment Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
are not substantiated University of Western Ontario
Audience: Patients with mild symptoms
of serious or suicidal depression. Situ-
of depression or in remission ations that may trigger symptoms are Geriatric Psychiatry Unit
who do not require drug well outlined with the use of case his-
treatment London Psychiatric Hospital
tories. London, Ont.
Part of the book describes “pro-

N atural Prozac is a useful layper-

son’s guide to understanding
and modifying the factors that may
grams for healing depression,” in-
cluding very specific diets and exer-
cises to “boost the levels” of each of
trigger or perpetuate mild depressive the neurotransmitters. Entertain- House Calls, Rounds, and
symptoms. These modifiable factors ment, play-acting, writing techniques Healings: A Poetry Casebook
include activity level, dietary habits, and spiritual and religious practices
lifestyle behaviour as well as thoughts are recommended in the context of David L. Schiedermayer. 190 pp. Illust. Galen
and emotional responses. These fac- structured daily and weekly plans for Press, Tucson, Ariz. 1996. US$12.95. ISBN
tors are causally linked to “chemical each personality type. 1-883620-17-1
imbalances” of 3 main neurotransmit- The book ends with a mail-in
ters in the brain: dopamine, norepi- “mood optimization survey.” For a Overall rating: Excellent
nephrine and serotonin. Each neuro- fee of US$59.95 (plus tax, shipping Strengths: Brief, true to experience,
readable and free from
transmitter is responsible for various and handling, minus a $20 discount clichés
states of mental functioning. Sero- for purchasing the book), a 35- to Weaknesses: None
tonin is linked to “peace, concentra- 40-page personalized report on the Audience: Medical students, residents
and practitioners as well as
tion and well-being”; dopamine is reader will be prepared. other health care workers
responsible for “alertness, energy The book makes indirect refer-
and aggression”; and norepinephrine ences to scientific studies, but there is
is involved in “speeding up your
thoughts.” Alteration in the levels of
each is postulated to cause malfunc-
no formal reference list or bibliogra-
phy. The cover, foreword and intro-
duction tend to exaggerate claims of
T his collection of poems is part of
an excellent series of books pub-
lished by Galen Press on such widely
tion of the brain and to produce an “scientific proof” and the “remark- divergent subjects as ethics, medical
overly passive “satiation” or an overly able effectiveness” of the methods for education, emergency medicine and
active “arousal.” Corresponding de- “every depression sufferer.” However, death and dying.

CAN MED ASSOC J • JULY 1, 1997; 157 (1) 65

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association

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