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Experiment:-3 PAGE NO:

AIM:- Reduce the following boolean function using K map and implement it using NAND

gates. F(A,B,C,D) = Σ (1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15)

APPARATUS:- Digital trainer kit ,IC 7400 ,Connecting wires,etc.


The map is a diagram made up of squares.Each square represents one minterm.Since any
boolean function can be expressed as a sum of minterm, it follows that a boolean function is
recognized graphically in the map from the area enclosed by those squares whose minterms are
included in the function.


A Four variable (A,B,C,D) expression can have 24 =16 possible combinations of input variable
with minterms designated as m0,m1,..............,m15 respectively .A four variable K map has 24=16
squares or cells and each square on the map represents either a minterm or maxterm as shown in
fig 1.

The binary number designation of the rows and colunms are in gray code.Here is an example,
suppose you have a truth table like fig 1.Notice the order the vertical colunm is AB,AB,AB and
AB the horizontal row is CD,CD,CD and CD in table have output 1 appearing for ABCD
input of 0001,0011,0101,0110,0111,1000,1001,1010,1011,1101,1110,1111 after entering is on
the karnaugh have put a 0 all other place which is our required map.

Now, We can reduce any complex function to some less complexity function using K map by
making the group of cells.The cells must in even pair 8,4,2 likewise.

There are certain rules for karnaugh map ,

1) SOP(sum of product) form is required.

2) If there are two variables give it directly to NAND gate.

3) If there is one variable first invert the variable and give it to NAND gate input.

Decimal Inputs Output

0 0000 0

1 0001 1

2 0010 0

3 0011 1

4 0100 0

5 0101 1

6 0110 1

7 0111 1

8 1000 1

9 1001 1

10 1010 1

11 1011 1

12 1100 0

13 1101 1

14 1110 1

15 1111 1

 Convert the 0 to 15 in the group of four variable (ABCD)and assign the output 1 to those
. given decimal digits given in function and assign 0 to others

 Draw the K map and assign the value as above in K map with values 0 and 1 (binary).

 Make the groups or generate the group for output 1 in pair of 2,4,8 whichever possible.

 Grouping can be represented as a function F=AB+BC+D from the karnaugh map.

i. Sqaures m8,m9,m10,m11 represents of AB.

ii. Same way squares m1 ,m3 ,m5 ,m7 ,m9 ,m11 ,m13 ,m15 yieldain D.

iii. m7 ,m6 ,m4 ,m5 yield in BC

 For implementing the function take the NAND gate as per the circuit diagram for the

NAND gate shown in fig 2 for a given function

 Give the input as per table 1 for implementation by K map first give A and B’ variable

directly to the NAND gate similarly give the inputs B and C likewise all the circuits

as per diagram.

 Now give the differant combinations of input and observe the output for which function

circuits generates 1 using digital trainer kit or by ICs.


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