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(EPR) Year 4, Semester 2

Teaching Practice 4b – Internship 201720

Name of Student: Aaesha Abdulla – H00303393 Course: EPC 4909 Year: Four

Name of School: Ahmed Bin Majed

Mentoring College Teacher: Allan Mutambo

Date and Time: February 12, 2018

Competency A – Commitment to the Profession:

You exhibited very satisfactory professionalism. You seem to have established very good
rapport with the learners and your MST. It was very encouraging to see t the MST get
involved in providing scaffolding during the group activity. The learning environment was
positive and the learners seemed to enjoy the lesson.

Category B – Planning for Learning:

A satisfactory lesson plan was provided in time before the lesson. The material and
content of the lesson were appropriate and in line with the pacing guide. The quality of
the accompanying teaching aids demonstrated that careful planning had gone into the
preparation of this lesson.

Category C – Implementing and Managing Learning:

The learners were promptly engaged to tell the day and date. Then the class was asked to
read the lesson objectives – the learners did very well reading aloud off the board. Then
the learners were asked to guess the featured bug from clues – BUTTERFLY. You did well
getting the learners to work out that the lesson was about the LIFE CYCLE OF A
BUTTERFLY. Then learners the learners were engaged in describing the stages of the life
cycle of a butterfly through a class discussion. This was followed-up by a quick review of
the main aspects of the life cycle of a butterfly. You could have done more encourage
responses from the group sitting adjacent to me on the right – they did not get a chance
to contribute. The follow-up group activity worked great – getting leaners to write a
sentence describing a stage in the life cycle of a butterfly. Then, the learners were given a
chance to present their group answered. You did very well to squeeze in the individual
writing activity even though the bell rang .
MCT OBSERVATION REPORT – B.Ed. (EPR) Year 4, Semester 2

Teaching Practice 4b – Internship 201720

Category D – Monitoring and Assessment of Learning:

The learners were kept on task and you used Q & A very efficiently to elicit desired
responses from the learners. You also did very well calling on individual learners by name.
Overall, your class management was very satisfactory.

Category E – Reflection:

Your reflection about the main parts of the lesson was accurate. Indeed, you the writing
activity could have been more substantial.

Strengths of the Lesson:

The main strengths of this lesson were: Exemplary classroom control, very good rapport
with the learners, and use of Q & A .

Areas for Development:

Continue working on ensuring that you give a solid model to avoid fossilization of teacher
errors by the learners. For example, pay particular attention to: 1) Pronunciation:
Antenna - /antenaii/ for /antenea/; Cocoon – /kokuun/ for /kakun/; 2) Grammar:
“Change” for “Changes”; 3) Question Framing: “We are going to do, what?”

Focus for next lesson:

You should continue providing more opportunities for the learners to manipulate the
target language – could we get more individual writing activity as part of the practice

Signed: _______________________________ Date: February 12, 2018.

MCT: Allan Mutambo

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