1 General: The Name of The Society Shall Be "Monopsoc" or "The University of Edinburgh Monopoly Society"

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1 General

The name of the Society shall be ”MonopSoc” or ”The University

of Edinburgh Monopoly Society”.
1. The aims of the Society shall be as follows -
• To provide a forum for members to play the game of Monopoly with
likeminded enthusiasts;
• To facilitate social interaction amongst people with a common inter-
est in the game of Monopoly;
• To provide members with a forum in which to discuss basic or ad-
vanced tactics involved in the game of Monopoly;
• To introduce members to potentially new forms of monopoly includ-
ing, but not limited to, championship monopoly;
• To arrange occasional University-wide Monopoly championships;
2. The society shall abide by any applicable laws, bylaws and guidelines of
the Edinburgh University Students’ Association in relation to recognised
3. Membership shall be open to all matriculated students of Edinburgh Uni-
4. Non-students may be members of MonopSoc, vote in general meetings
and stand for committee-positions other than President, Secretary and
5. Membership shall be at least 75% matriculated students of Edinburgh
6. All members who are not matriculated students of Edinburgh University
shall pay at least twice the annual subscription.
7. The society’s cheques must require two signatories; one must be the Trea-
surer and the other President or Secretary.
8. The society has taken and will continue to take all necessary steps to ensure
that our meetings, events and socials are accessible to all, irrespective of
any disability.

9. The society has ensured and will continue to ensure that it complies with
any relevant data protection legislation.
10. The society believes that discrimination or harassment, direct or indi-
rect, based on a person’s gender, age (except where it relates to licensing
laws), race, skin colour, nationality, religious belief, socioeconomic back-
ground, disability, HIV status, sexual orientation, gender reassignment,
family situation, domestic responsibilities or any other irrelevant distinc-
tion, is detrimental to the society, the University and wider society, and
will not be tolerated.

2 Monopoly Rules
1. Monopoly is a game with a wide variation of different house-rules. The
game may be played with any rules agreed upon by all players before
the game begins. It is a responsibility of the player to ensure that he or
she has understood the rules.

2. The banker should be agreed upon by mutual consent before a game be-
gins. If a game has five or more players the banker cannot also be a player
in the game. If a dispute arises, the banker also acts as an arbiter. The
arbiters decision on any matter is final.

3. All games of monopoly shall end by 11:30 pm except for when an agree-
ment to void this was made before the game began. If all players consent,
the game may be extended past 11:30 pm.
• If a game ends due to time running out, the winner will be determined
by the value of all owned properties, houses and remaining cash, as
counted using an official scorecard.
4. When a chance or treasure-chest card is picked up, the card must be read
out in full to all other players before any action is taken or the card is
5. In games with 4 or more players it is encouraged to use a token held by
the person who is taking their turn. When a person has finished his or
her turn entirely, this token is passed on to the next player. The transfer
of a turn from one player to the next should be announced clearly enough
for any other player to interrupt if they want to perform any in between

6. While the game should be fun for everyone, it is expected that all players
take the game seriously.
7. If a player has to leave before the game ends all the players cash shall be
returned to the bank, and properties shall be auctioned off in the order
that they appear on the board. It is strictly forbidden for a player to give

another player an unfair advantage by making unfair deals before he or
she has to leave (e.g. selling all properties to another player for a very low
amount of money)

3 The Committee
1. All office-bearers shall be subject to election annually.
2. The President, Secretary and Treasurer of the society shall be matriculated
students of Edinburgh University
• The President shall be ultimately responsible for the conduct of the
• The Secretary shall be responsible to the President for the adminis-
tration of the society
• The Treasurer shall be responsible to the President for the finances
of the society

1. All members shall be entitled to stand and to vote in elections.
2. All members must receive at least 14 days written notification of the an-
nual general meeting and of elections not held at the AGM.
3. The society shall also inform the Societies’ Centre of the date, time and
place of the society’s AGM.
4. The AGM of the society must take place between week 7 and week 11 of
semester 2.
5. The quorum of a general meeting shall be 25% of the current membership
6. Votes shall be cast by the raising of hands, unless any member requests
otherwise, in which case votes shall be cast by secret ballot.
7. The following shall be the procedure for amending the constitution:
• The committee must make the amended constitution available to
society members no later than 14 days prior to a general meeting.
• Suggested changes to an amended constitution must be submitted to
the committee no later than two days prior to the general meeting.
• Changes to an amended constitution will be presented at the general
meeting and will be voted upon. Changes to an amended constitution
must be passed by a two third majority. After all changes have been
voted on, the amended constitution with the passed changes will be
voted on.

• The amended constitution must be passed with a two third majority
at the general meeting.
8. It shall be up to the committees discretion to decide in advance of each
AGM how the candidates shall present themselves at the AGM.

Amy Louise Lesley Middleton - President

Christian Leonard Quale - Secretary

Sophie Ellen Broad - Treasurer

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