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Shelta English
a- his, her, of, in (possesive)
abistha parish
aburt at all
aga your
agetul afraid
agratis afraid
agraisya back
aga posess
agraisya backwards
agraisya returned
graysh back
graysh backwards
graysh returned
agraith back
agraith backwards
agraith returned
agratis afraid
airt direction
airt way
akh oh! alas! Oh dear! Yeah? Oh no! Etc.
akhair last night
akharam tomorrow
akhim out
akhim outside
akhiver before
akhiver ever
akonshk tonight
akonshk today
akhonsyuk tonight
akhonsyuk today
ala another
alamak milk
alermuk milk
alemnokh milk
an- of
an- the
analt clean
analken clean
anawsha here
An Dhaleen God
aneishif embarrassed
angan onion
ar- on
arark same
arash back
arirt again
areerthy again
ayirt again

Page 1

yeerth again
aspra sixpence
asturt in
astwurt on
atomi also
athomi also
ashurth down
atop alive
avali town
avok my love
awart one
awast away
awree away
ayd butter
ayen nine
ayn one
aynokh thing
ayrpa another
bag exchange
bagail catch
bag chaim to go out
bag stiort go in
balast hair
bam mad
bani meal
bari good
bari makam hare
baurer drill
baurers and jumpers tinkers' tools
baween lane
beeg steal
been great
bin great
beenman kovi farmer
been yerum blood
beeri boat
beor wife
beor woman
by-ewer wife
by-ewer woman
bewer wife
bewer woman
bor wife
bor woman
bewr wife
bewr woman
bistha parish
bit little
bladunk prison

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bladhunk prison
blaiky pot
blaki pot
blainiog cow
blacki coal
blatchi coal
blanag cow
blawnog cow
bloanoag cow
blaenteag cow
blantakt shirt
bly-antakht shirt
blau meal
bleater sheep
bleather sheep
blinkie window
blinklum candle
blinklum window
blinkum candle
blinkum window
blinki candle
blinki window
blinks eyes
blinks glasses
bloke man
bloo depress
blorna protestant
bluakhail boy
blurt bitch
blyantakht shirt
blautakht shirt
bluhunka horse
boag exchange
bog exchange
bug exchange
boagh exchange
boglets o manushi ugly woman
bog missel escape
bonar good
boodyakh man
boola letter
boonyuckers Irish people
bootchlai curse
bord table
boren side road
bori beautiful
buri beautiful
bovi bull
braas food

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braas oatmeal drink

bras food
bras oatmeal drink
broas food
broas oatmeal drink
bilsag mouth
bilsag lips
bilyagm bilith mouth
bilyagm bilith lips
bin chit brooch
bini small
bying small
by-inyan small
byinyi small
bini soobli boy
bin lyti daylight
bin loor loose change
brassi to feed
brassi dine
brauen grain
brauen corn
browen grain
browen corn
brinkler bowl
brinkler cup
briskler bowl
briskler cup
brioglan lecherous boy
briudeen worthless sheep
brod house
brogies trousers
brogies shorts
brovan straw
bual brother
buffer outsider
buffer Non-Traveller
bul crown (money)
bula letter
bula note
bulsker wire
bunce profit
bori beautiful
buri beautiful
buriakt goodness
burik table
busel pick pocket
bwikad to hold
bwikad contain
bwikad wear

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bwikads pincers
byanaig hairdo
byaig take
byegin stealing
byewer woman
byewer wife
byinyi small
byinyan small
chaim outside
chairpa cook
cherpa cook
chaldrokt knife
chant beer, a drink
charp true, real, excellent
chat thing
chaet thing
chatcowie vagina
charshorn crown
chershum crown
chaulra knife
chaydi cap
chaldi cap
chayman rat
cheeman pipe
cheergs clothes
chelp cook
chera fire
chera fuel
cheralkin fire
cheralkin fuel
chinim fire
chinim fuel
tyera fire
tyera fuel
cherp book
cherp finger
cherp toe
cherpin book
cherpin finger
cherpin toe
chigger door
dab fake
daet stupid
daet idiot
dakhag tired
danadair hammer
janadair hammer
dansers stairs
darelian eye

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dyarelallen eye
darp true, real, excellent
darlyan God
dhalooin God
dalyon God
an dhalean God
dartair alcohol, drink
dasag person
dasag two
datcher father in law
deerk look
deerkean eye
deev brother
denokh lose
deri bread
diger door
dil you
dilsha you
dil self
dili girl
dima stick
jima stick
dy-immer stick
dima thira matchstick
dinesay cat
dingel faiker bell hanger
diper bottle
div bother
do two
do your
dolsk protestant
donadu to go
dyanodu to go
donahoam evening
dookh clothes
doolsha your
doora bread
durier bread
dora bread
dura bread
jeri bread
dora bread
dora father
dorahog evening
chimel stick
chimel wood
chimer wood
chimer stick
chlerhin hear

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choka coat
choka clothes
chol gyeta gyeta thousand
chonawdu to go
chookh clothes
chookh coat
chumik swear
chupya liar
chupya con man
churiers shoes
dorker tin
do yedh twelve
dreepa bottle
drokan song
duka beggar
dumik swear
dumkr-ik sunday
dunik cow
dunovans potatoes
dura egg
dy ten
dyay ten
djy ten
dya father
dyarelallen eye
dyarp true, real, excellent
dyiger door
dyook clothes
dyutas Non-Traveller
eenakh road
eenakh taur trousers
eenakh tom sgaoi pearl
eerpa another
ekt trouble
ela another
elima milk
elimlokh milk
elum town
enakh cap
enakh bonnet
enokh thing
fakir sweep
fauni ring
fay meat
fe meat
fayk to make
fek to make
fayker sweep
fakir sweep

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feecher sweep
fayki policeman
faytyerp pan
fayzim hay
fizum hay
fezum hay
faz face
faz body hair
fe meat
fee meal
feeder gull
fogus tobacco
fungari tobacco
forgari tobacco
forus fair
frak happen
frak “go down”
furrus fair
forus fair
gader alcohol, drink
gaffa lame
gaig ask
gyaig ask
geug ask
gaklin child
gothni child
gaji skrauer homosexual
galium person
galium people
galoon God
galopas ferns
galun God
galoon God
gammon pavee dialect
gamy bad
gyami bad
gani hen
ganzi frock
garbidj junk food
gariel money
garo bull
goro bull
garon strong horse
garter alcohol, drink
gater alcohol, drink
gather alcohol, drink
dartair father
gatrum father
gathera father

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gatron father
datair father
Gary-ed bridge
grayed bridge
gasal donkey
gasgarn priest
gathera frock
gartum alcohol, drink
gartron alcohol, drink
gathera alcohol, drink
gatrin young person
feen man
feen farmer
feen boy
fin man
fin farmer
fin boy
feen meat
femel finger
fidileas rags
flees hair
flog blind side
fluf smoke
gaulya child
golya child
gaup kiss
gaut young
gauta color
gwatsha color
gauterin child
gokhlin child
gothlin child
goikhern child
goikhera child
gauthrin child
grawkin child
gawtner child
gaverog goat
gayneed money
geaidlean cat
geerakh woman
gen bog
genitan half breed cuddy
get stop
geth stop
geta forgive
getka forgive
getcha forgive

Page 9

getal forgiveness
getchal forgiveness
getool tremble
getya hot
get hot
geth hot
geug ask
ghesti judge
ghesteriman judge
gial yellow
gial red
gian dog
giarcan tin
gifan horse
gitan horse
giofan horse
gofan horse
gilderokh monster
gilifon waistcoat
giligopa teapot
gilikhon book
gyilikhon book
gin brooch
giocan penis
gionasayan glotair medicine
gita fear
gladher cheat
glader cheat
glanther cheat
glatter cheat
glag bug
glyaug bug
glas fat
glather cheat
glaukot police
glaurog ear
glauther cheat
glib mountain
glit maintain
gloark look
glodakh dirt
gloori listen
glori listen
glooroag ear
glorog ear
glorhokh ear
glowrog ear

Page 10

glootag wool
glootug wool
glorag ear
gloorag ear
gloral listen
glowral listen
gloramas speaking
glorhokh gloorag
glork look
gloark look
gloor ear
gloy smile
glyeet mountain
gnobag pig
goapa pocket
goapan umbrella
goati give
godhed coin
gofag sow
gofan horse
goi put
goiked lay down
goikhern child
goikhera child
goikhil all
goithean dog
gokhyi lay down
gokh lay down
goikead lay down
golamak shoe
golya child
gook old man
Gy-uk old man
Gy-aigera old man
gookra beggar
gooksta monkey
Goo-ope cold
goosh sit
gooshrok container
goot black
gooth black
guthi black
gut black
gootena blacksmith
Goot-glokh policeman
gotherna policeman

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gutema policeman
glogay stocking
gloikead lay down
glokh man
Glokh-kroo blacksmith
Glokh-skrauer homosexual
glokot police
glowkot police
glom man
glomhakh man
glomhakh kaul farmer
glonsk man
glookli teacher
gop poor
gop kiss
gopa pocket
gopa pot
gored coin
gorhed coin
gorheid coin
gor penis
gori give
goro bull
goshta plenty
got young
gota color
gothaich work
goti give
govli cow
goveli cow
goya children
goyin laugh
graak field
grarch field
gradna nail
grardni Saturday
grad tom gold

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