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Together we are one


By Alonzo Zetina
Dear Reader,

I’m Alonzo Zetina and I’m a Sophomore in high school. I’m writing this piece

because there are people that are undocumented in this country and they are in

the DACA program. The President of the United States of America wants to get rid

of the program that benefit 800,000 undocumented people in the United States of

America. The people that are in the program have be good people in the US, they

don’t desired to be kick out of the country. There are a lot of brilliant people that

are in the DACA program that just want to be a US citizen. They have been doing

their job to be a good person in the US. The president will end the program in

March 5, 2018. The president gave the responsibility to congress to make a bill

and pass it of the people that are in the DACA program. I’m writing this because it

the same race as me. There are a lot of benefits that the DREAMS that get from

this program. They have lived in this country their entire lives and doesn’t know

anything about the country that they were brun in. They should have the right to

stay here and not go back to the country that they were born in. Every DREAM

that is in the DACA program are the same as everyone else that is a US citizen or

a US residence. I hope you like my read. Thank you.

Sincerely, ____________________
The Twenty Country News
Today September 5, 2017, Jeff Sessions announced that DACA(Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) will be ending in 6
months. DACA is a executive order that Barack Obama made in 2012. DACA is american immigration policy that protect
immigrants that were brought to america when they were a minor. The people that want to get enroll needs to go in a hard
process. They will need to be in the country before 16 years old, have lived in the US, have a high school degree or a
GED, and not have be convicted of a serious crime. If they pass all of these, they will become a DREAMER.
They will not be deported back to their country, they will have access to a driver lenses, have a Social Security Number,
have a working permit, and a higher education. All of these benefit the undocumented people. The DREAMERS will
need to renew every 2 years. They give them a 30 days before their old one expires. Donald Trump wants to end DACA
but will leave it to congress so they can do something for the DREAMS. Now the DREAMS will need to wait for congress
to pass a bill so that donald Trump can sign it. But it might be hard to pass a bill for the DREAMS since there are 248
Republicans and 192 Democrats in congress, and 52 Republicans, 46 Democrats and 2 independent in the senate.
If congress doesn't do anything, there will be at least 800,000 DREAMS that will be affected. The DREAMS will need to
go back to their country when there DACA card expires. There have been a lot of protest ever since Jeff Sessions
announced that DACA will end. Most DREAMS are worded that congress will not make something. They are scared to
be deported back to there country where they have not seen for many years. To a place where they don’t know anyone.

By Alonzo Zetina
When the sun came out on that one day, I was happy,
When I went there, I was scrappy,
I was worried that I wasn’t going to be accepted,
I was about to walkway so I can preempted,
But I changed my mind before I got there,
Before I walked in there, I did my prayer,
They handed a lot of paper so I can fill out,
My mouth felt like there was a drought,
When I went in for the interview,
I just wanted to know their point of view,
When they said yes,
I felt that I didn’t want to regress,
When I got everything,
I made a little ding,
When I heard him talking on the tv about ending it,
I hated that witt,
I just sat there and started crying,
And thought that he was lying,
I feel hopeless,
I’m without condolence,
Now there is a timer,
He is no mimir,
It up to Congress to help us,
I feel that I’m going to a schuss,
I am a dreamer,
I should be flying like a lemur,
This is my country,
I want to stay with my current tree,
My life is here,
I shouldn’t disappear,
This shouldn’t be the end for me,
Will I ever get my master's degree,
I just want to be US citizen,
I just want to bloom like a cyclamen,
The darkness comes,
And I’m going to be one of the bums

By Alonzo Zetina

Hi there.
I’m glad for you to join us.
Me to.
Now, how does DACA benefit you?
Will, DACA helps me and others by, not getting deported, getting a society security number,
have a work permit,paying for a college education, and a driver's licences.
What do you think about DACA?
I think it’s a good program for immigrants that came to america when they were little. It’s helps
us in a lot of ways and it gets us close to being a US citizen. It not the best program, but it’s
better than nothing.
When did you hear about DACA?
I heard it when Barack Obama announced it on Television. I was happy that he was going to
make something for us. I told my mom and she was happy for me. She went with me to register
me as a DREAM.
How did it feel going in there and applying?
I was nervous at first but I just relaxed and told the true.
How did it feel when they said that you are approved?
I was very very happy when I heard that. I told my mother and hugged her very tight. She was
the one who told me to be a great student and do not get in trouble in anyway.
Do you have any memories back where you were born? Do you know anything?
I do have memories, but they're not clearly. I don’t really know anything about it. I just know that
I have family members there and that is pretty much it.
How does it feel to be a DREAM?
It feel great. I don’t have any fear of deportation and I get to learn about me favourite things in
college.and I give less stress to my parents.
How do you feel that the new president will get rid of DACA?
I feel really mad. And not just because of me, but for all of the other dreams. Its will be hard to
live without DACA. My live, and other DREAMS will suffer because of the lost of DACA.
Do you think that if the president takes out DACA, will the economy of the US will get afraid?
Of course it will. We are the future. Most of us dreams have studied in subjects that are need
out there. There are a lot of DREAMS that are smart, that they can change the world. If the
president erases DACA, the economy might lost millions or even billions.
If the president takes out the DACA program, what are you going to go?
What do you mean? This is my home, this is the only place that I know. This is my place, where
I grow up my entire life, where I graduated high school.
If you had the chance to talk to the president, what would you say to him?
I would say to do not take out DACA, that 800,000 DREAMS will be afraid. We are the future
and if you take DACA away from us, you will change the future.
Good talking to you.
Same to you.
It is very hard to see that the president wants to get rid of DACA. DACA is a good
program and I don’t want it to end. It will afrid a lot of at least 800,000. There are a
lot of people that deserve to be here, the country that they grow up in there live time. It’s
very hard for families that are getting afraid or are going to get afried. They used to
live in fear. If they are going to get deported, to a country that they don’t know anything
about it. But when Barack Obama created the DACA, it gave hope to undocumented
teenages. But not just any undocmented teenages, teenages that have be good here
in the US. They have worked hard in school, not getting in trouble with the law. These
teenages that had be a good person in their lifetime deserved to have good things.
They should be appal to work, to get a college education, to not get deported, have a
driver license and much more. Their dream is to be a US citizen. That’s why they are
called DREAMS. There are thousand of DREAMS out there and they are not out
there to bring harmed people or to be a bad person, they are here to make a difference,
to change their future in a good way. They are trying their best to live there life without
any problems.But of the president wants to get rid of DACA, there will be problems.
The economy will get afied losing about 1 trillion dollars, the US is losing a lot of smart
people, and the people will be going to a country that they don’t know. There are a
lot of people that are living in fear that congress isn’t going to make something for the
DREAMS. They really want to stay because this is their country and they should stay
because they didn’t do something against the law and they have worked hard to stay
here where they growed up. There are a lot of protest that are pressuring congress
to make something. For me personally, congress should make something the same
or even better for the DREAMS, because if they don’t it will afrid me, it will afied
family, friends, and even the country. This is the country for the DREAMS because
they have lived here most of their lives, and have great uperturnates here. I really hope
that congress makes some for the DREAMS. By Alonzo Zetina
The Twenty
Country News:
This piece it a
news araco that I
had made up but
the information is
true. It talk about
the benefits about
DACA and then

When the sun:

This is a poem that
I made acting like
a DREAM and how
it would feel about
DACA at the time.

Hi there: This is
an interview
between a news
person and a
and talk about him
in the DACA

Essay: This is a
small essay about
how I feel about
DACA and the
DREAMS in this
country and how I
feel sad that they
have fear.
Picture #1: It’s picture is word that describe DACA and stuff that is related to it. The
words are place to make a D and a A. The english words are in the D and the spanish
are in the latter A

Picture #2: This are the three sentence that modvat a lot of DREAMS to stay positive in
their hard times.

Picture #3: This is a 3-D picture of a person that has the letters C and A in it. It is
shaped a warrior because we are going to try ower better to keep DACA for the
DREAMS to still dream

Picture #4: These are the flags that speak spanish and were most of the DREAMS are
form. The flag are together because they are together in these hard time for that latin

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