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Running head: RECEPTIVE 1


Joshua A Zamora

University of Texas at El Paso


This paper will explore 5 articles that discuss the concept of an open-minded state of

mind. It first ponders the meaning of what defines open-mindedness then delves into the benefits

and drawbacks of thinking this way. Finally, this paper will determine the best way to stay open

minded while reaping its benefits.

Keywords: Open Mindedness


Ignorance can very well be attributed to most if not all of humankind’s blunders. From

the beginning of recorded history up until now; wars, debates, arguments, out lashes, about every

human caused dispute has been a direct result of not knowing what is true by either party. Not

willing to understand that humans are not at the stage of our technological peak to be considered

all-knowing and thus people continuously make such superior claims as if they are. When we’re

born we grow up under a certain household, under a certain language, under a certain belief

system that we do not get to choose. Growing up we absorb this information that we gather from

the specific environment around us. We process it, trust it and utilize it to further our desires and

goals. Desires and goals that come about strictly from what we are exposed to. Our thoughts,

actions, ideas all sprout from our unique experiences. Thus, to grasp complete knowledge of

what is in fact true, so unnecessary violence, suffering, and blunders will end, every individual

must become open-minded as to acknowledge ignorance and unique experiences. To try to be as

receptive as possible to further human prosperity.

Literature Review
“Being open-minded is about being receptive” (Sturm, 2017). Receptive meaning that

you are willing to consider and maybe even accept ideas that are new to you. Even though, those

ideas and concepts may seem odd or out of the ordinary. Being receptive allows you to invoke a

sense of curiosity in that new idea and really consider whether it is necessary to entertain. Also,

according to Kettering (2004), “Open-mindedness is the willingness to search actively for

evidence against one’s favored beliefs, plans, or goals, and to weigh such evidence fairly when it

is available”.

Kettering’s (2004) research suggests the following benefits of open-mindedness:

 Open-minded, cognitively complex individuals are less swayed by singular events and are more

resistant to suggestion and manipulation.

 Open-minded individuals are better able to predict how others will behave and are less prone to


 Open-minded individuals tend to score better on tests of general cognitive ability like the SAT or

an IQ test. (Of course, we don’t know whether being open-minded makes one smarter or vice


According to DiPirro (2010), there are a wide range of benefits to being open-minded.

Firstly, when you become open minded you begin letting go of control. It may seem as if letting

go of control cannot possibly be a positive but it in fact is. When you open your mind you free

yourself from having to be in complete control of your thoughts. This allows you to experience

new things from a unique perspective. A perspective where you are in a liberated state of mind.

Secondly, opening your mind to different ideas gives you the opportunity to alter the way

you think and the way you view the world. You begin to take away the positives and negatives

from things then may even change your own beliefs in the process.

Thirdly, you make yourself vulnerable. Vulnerable in the sense that you admit to yourself

that you don’t know everything. You would also admit that there are possibilities that you may

have taken for granted and did not consider prior. Becoming vulnerable makes you emotionally

attached to the things you didn’t as you start to understand other world views.

Fourthly, making mistakes is more acceptable. Yes, by understanding different

perspectives you realize potential mistakes and future mistakes which can help ease the stress of

making mistakes overall.

Fifthly, being open minded can strengthen you overall as a person. Open-mindedness

provides a platform in which you can build upon by stacking ideas upon ideas. By doing this you

begin building a repertoire of information that you can later refer to whenever the situation is

right to do so.

Sixthly, you gain confidence. When you become open-minded you gain a keen sense of

self. You are not confined by your own beliefs or the beliefs of others. Instead you are free to

learn so much more which allows you to gain confidence in the process, strengthening your

belief in yourself.

Lastly, you’re being honest. Becoming open-minded means that you’re being honest

because you’re admitting that you aren’t all-knowing. This means that whatever that may seem

to be true may in fact be false or have more to it than you realize.

As much as there are benefits to being open-minded, there are also negatives according to

Novella (2004). He explains in a blog that being too open-minded can be dangerous. He starts off

by stating that “I listened patiently as the UFO enthusiast explained how humans were

transplanted to the earth from another world by our alien forebears”. Then he said, “Then how do

you explain the fact that humans share 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees, and a genetic code

with all life on earth?” he asked. Then the UFO enthusiast said “Well, I think you have to keep

an open mind”. At this point he made the case that just because you may be an open-minded

being does not mean that you can go around believing anything you hear if there’s evidence

supporting the opposite. This is a negative of being open-minded because it may cause you to

allow negative virtues and ideas to manifest your thoughts.

Therefore, how should you go about being open-minded? To not only receive such

benefits but also negate the negatives? According to Hedges (2015), “To maintain an open mind,

we have to strategically work at it”. She explains that our brains are wired against us. In a sense

they are because humans have bias and unique preferences. So, whenever we encounter

situations that require us to decide or make a choice it is often easier for us to be ignorant to the

easiest answer which is what first pops into our minds. Instead to build open mindedness we

must make a conscious effort to eliminates such predetermined behaviors.

Conclusions and Further Studies

To conclude, to be open minded is to simply be open with your mindset as if you are a

new born but knowingly looking out for your wellbeing. There are many benefits to being open

minded including many mental health advantages. Although being open-minded may lead to

being open to many of the wrong things in life. To reap the rewards without the disadvantages

you must practice this mindset through experience. Further studies that pertain to exactly if being

open-minded is in fact an overall benefit would help determine whether this mindset should be

implemented and taught in schools.



D. D. (2010, January 1). 7 benefits of being open-minded. Retrieved April 02, 2018, from

Hedges, K. (2015, December 17). How To Keep An Open Mind. Retrieved April 02, 2018, from


Kettering, C. (2004, January 1). Authentic Happiness. Retrieved April 02, 2018, from


Novella, S. (2004, November). The Problem with being too Open Minded. Retrieved April 02,

2018, from

Sturm, M. (2017, July 08). The Art and Science of Open-Mindedness – Personal Growth –

Medium. Retrieved April 02, 2018, from


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