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Before anything else, a gesture of courtesy brings me to greet all of you a very good

morning. Indeed, it truly is a very good morning most especially to us the candidates of this
solemn ceremony. However, as much as we would like this event to only gravitate on us that
would be very much unfair on the poeple who are the reason why we are able to stand here
before all of you. The reason for the existance of our whole being. The very reason why we are
able to take another step closer to our dreams.

Dreams and ambitions they work so hard beyond their means. Wishes they strive and
suffer for just to be fulfilled for us. Grueling hourse, sleepless overtimes at work and for some,
remoteness from their motherland and love ones. Of course, our devious and juvenile events and
periods of couldn’t-care-less attitudes and tantrums are no stranger to them. Obviously we are
anything but perfect yet somehow through all these things they are the only ones who never
cease to see the real goodness and beauty in us beyond our imperfections.When no one wanted to
believe in us they did. When almost everyone didn’t want anything to do with us they embraced
us no matter what our faults. For all those times we succeeded and got excited for every
milestone and even for the most little achievements, they became even more excited. In fact, they
are probably even more excited than us to see ourselves in this immaculate white uniforms.
Although we constantly fail to meet most of their wonderful expectations they, on the otherhand,
never fail to accpet us back time and again. They taught us how to walk on our own feet and
somewhere between crawling and truing to walk they taught us our first life lesson. That it’s
okay to trip and fall down, that it’s okay to make mistakes in life in the process of learning from
it. These are all the things they’ve gone through in their endeavor to raise us.

There will be times when situations will still be overwhelming and confusing for us.
Times when we would get on top of each other’s throats and nerves. Nonetheless, we want them
to know how much we appreciate them no matter where they are at this very moment.

Words can’t describe how grateful we are. To say thank you is already an understatement.

They might think that there are times that we don’t even bother reciprocating their
profound love for us. But we would want to reassure them that we do. We don’t say it as often as
we should but we love them so much more than they realize.

So as we light up these candles we remind ourselves that certain acts or labels from
merely putting on our caps and pins won’t be enough, that’s why these canldes will serve as
symbolisms of things, values, morals, ideals and principles that hold true and close to our hearts
and that includes you, our parents.

You are the epitemy of what our vocation solely stands for and that’s no other than to
care. So in behalf of my classmates that are standing across/behind/beside me right now i would
like to say thank you and i love you very much, mom and dad.

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