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Todd Nuss Date

Started 3:50 PM July 13th 2017

Ended 9:15 PM May 2nd 2018

Roughly 30+ hours

4. Look back at your task analysis. Look at your planned steps.

Time Involved in each task:

Step 1 Research helmet styles

Step 2 make measurements and design helmet around those measurements
Step 3 Craft major structure of the helm
Step 4 craft supporting structure
Step 5 Put in minute details

$20 in metal
Various welding and metal work supply

6. Anyone who helped you on your project

Jeff Cowell

7. Please give a number response of “1” to “10” with 10 meaning “a great deal” and “1” meaning
“not at all” or put NA (not applicable)

A. How much did your mentor help? 6

B. Have others helped you as well? 1
C. Did the task analysis help you plan your project? 2
D. Would you recommend your project area for future seniors? 7
E. Please explain your answer in letter “D.” This project is a bit of a difficult project but can be
done given enough time. It also has major flexibility on how it could be done, with a variety of a
designs that could be made, and no challenges to go with each design. This project can be very
beneficial to students who seek to increase their skills in the fields of industrial arts.

8. Would you feel threatened to show your project to an expert for evaluation?

If yes, why?

If no, why not? No I do not feel threatened to show my project to a expert for evaluation.
My metal work on the project is really rough, but the scale of ambition and the general standards
for a student with my experience put me in a very confident position when presenting my

9. List three things you now know after completing this project.

1. Wire feed Welding anything that is more than 15 gage steel is difficult and
requires a lot of skill, and a lot of improvisation
2. I know how to use multiple other tools to manipulate metal to my liking

3. I now have a better general technique with welding and other metal work

10. List any personal satisfaction or knowledge you gained from this experience.

1. I now have a lot more experience with metal working and can have a lot more
confidence as welder

2. I now know if needed, I can do a good job at improvising after things dont go
according to plan

3. I now have my own personal knight’s helmet

11. What comments about your project have you heard from students, parents, teachers, or
community members? For example: “I never knew you knew so much about motors.”

1. “Are you going to make a full suit of roman armor”

2.”Are you making it out of cardboard or actual metal”

3.”How much does it weigh”

12. Describe what risk(s) you took in completing this project. Consider not only a physical
risk, but an emotional or intellectual challenge.
The biggest risk I took was mostly the amount of time I was took on it. When I started it
neither me nor my mentor knew if we could actually make the helmet. If we figured out that
neither of us were able to do it after hours of work set into it, that would mean that I would have
just wasted 10 hours on nothing.

13. List or describe any problems you encountered.

1. The sheet metal I used was too thin for the welder I used, causing me to occasionally
create holes in the helmet. Esspassly in areas that were already ground over. To counter
this I made sher to weld with greater speed to prevent holes from appering.
2. Many areas of the helmet had awkward angles that made grinding excess metal off
difficult. I dealt with this by trying to find just the right angles to do so as well as ud=sing
more specialized tools.
3. Even after the helmet is all put together, it looks really rough, so I spent more time
finiking with the helmets details than i did putting it together.

14. Is your project original or creative in any way? If yes, explain how.
I have a very unique project. Many students look for a variation of something that has been
done before. My project came out of idea to see if i could replicate something archaic with
modern technology.

15. How do you feel about having your paper, project, and evaluation form on file as a model
for next year’s students? Explain why or why not.
It's good that my paper and project are on file as model for next year's seniors. It could give
them some kind of idea what their senior project could look like, as well as the possible
inspiration for their own project.

16. If given the opportunity, what would you do differently now that you speak from
experience? I would want to keep my self in some kind of monthly quota for time spent in the
shop so I would always have my mind on the project and be able to better fine tune it after I was
done. Instead I took it easy and figured I could relax on work on it later. I ended up not putting
the finishing touches on it until a few days before it was do.
17. Beyond the project itself, what did you learn about yourself?
I learned I had a better ability to adapt to things than i thought I had before.

18. What grade would you give yourself for your project? Justify your grade in about 25 words.

My grade: A-

Justification for my grade: I put a great amount of time and effort into this project and I was able
to enhance my skills, but it wasn't perfect work and there were things i could have done better.

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