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Citizen Newsletter #213 Mon, September 20, 2010 8:32:11 PM

From: Henry Citizen <hccitizen@hccitizen.n... Add to Contacts


The Citizen Newsletter

Issue # 213 September 20, 2010

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Contact The Citizen at Your comments and submissions are always welcome!

In This Issue
The Citizen Newsletter is available online at Read The
Citizen at
• News & Views
• Herman Talmadge Says ...
• Abuse of Elected Office
• Stockbridge at a Glance Beirut Memorial 5k
• Dirty Tricks by RC Christopher
• Early / Advance Voting October 23 — 5:00pm - 9:00pm
• Ballot: Constitutional Amendments
• Ballot: Statewide Referendum Heritage Park Hwy 81 and Lake Dow Road McDonough Ga.
• Your Voice
• SBN Agenda: Candidate Interviews Proceeds from this 5k will go toward Toys for Tots, Wounded Warrior
• Commentary on Televised Project and the endeavors of Marine Corps League Detachment 1339
• Upcoming Forum: The Chamber
• Henry's Proposed TADs
Thank you Lord for another day, and thank you for bread to sustain me and
water to drink. May we all give thanks for the little things in our lives which
are really big.

Ignorant left-wing extremist attacks Beck for portraying Christianity

as being about personal salvation, rather than "social justice."
Editorial / Publication
Policy 99t-understand-christianity-jesus-was-a-liberation-theologian/
Available in HTML
format on request Don't you just hate it when people redefine your faith and then beat you
with it like a rented mule?

The article says young Americans are "scandalously ignorant" of the

Constitution. This is why the TEA Party and 912 movements are so
Your Support is urgently necessary at this point...they are the only people working tirelessly
Appreciated to open the eyes of a relentlessly (and deliberately) misinformed youth.
The Conservative Voice
of Henry County has
opened a venue for news, Chinese Proverb :
comment and opinion that 'When someone shares something of value with you, and you
exists nowhere else. It is benefit from it, you have a moral obligation to share it with others.
because of you; a steady
list of nearly 4,000 people
who read and submit Tina Coria for District II Commissioner
articles sharing ideas and
principles. If elected as Henry County Commissioner, District II, Tina pledges to be
honest and transparent in all of her public service duties, and would be a
voice of representation for ALL of the citizens in her district. She enjoys a
reputation of being a bi-?partisan at the state and federal level and being a
non-?partisan at the local level. She is a soccer mom who also loves football
and hopes that she can earn your trust and your vote.

Thank you for your support and participation

Herman Talmadge is a small business owner, specializing in real estate and asset management. Talmadge is currently a
candidate for Henry County Commission- District 2, campaigning on a platform of creating a better local economic
climate for private sector job creation. He wants to create that climate through low taxes and quality management of
taxpayer-funded economic development, education, and transportation projects. Talmadge believes this approach will
attract new businesses and entrepreneurs, encourage hiring, and improve overall home and property values.

A Henry County native, Herman understands the values and priorities of our community. The Talmadge family has called the Henry
County home since the 1940's, and Herman is committed to seeing a more prosperous future for his neighbors. Like most folks in our
area, Talmadge knows the value of hard work. In the past, he has worked on the family farm picking peaches and on a framing crew
building houses. After graduating from the University of Georgia with a degree in finance, Talmadge put 50,000 miles on his car in his
first year of traveling the state building his business.

Talmadge comes from a distinguished legacy of public service, with his great grandfather, Gene, and grandfather, Herman, Sr. both
serving as Governor of Georgia. His father is a resident of Hampton and his mother is still teaching at Henry County Middle School.
Talmadge has been an active supporter of numerous civic and charitable organizations, including Special Olympics and military family
support groups. Herman, 44, is engaged to Ms. Brandi McGowan and lives in Hampton.

Abuse of Elected Office

Reading the Henry County Times article "Stockbridge residents voice support for Mayor" something really important was

Tammany Tiger

"It was during the regular meeting that Councilman Mark Alarcon opened the discussion addressing what he
called rumors and innuendos. Against the advice of city attorney, A. J. Welch, not to speak about matters
previously discussed in executive session, Alarcon addressed an email that circulated regarding the hiring of
a city manager and lessening the authority of the mayor's office."

The law allows Executive Session to be used for private discussion of personnel matters, pending litigation and making
county purchases such as property. In these cases some degree of secrecy is necessary to protect the privacy of the
employee(s) under discussion or the government's competitive position in legal or real estate transactions.

Talking about maybe, what if, would you rather, what if we want to change our city's form of government IS NOT legally
privileged discussion. And that "we" part is important here. Members of the Stockbridge city council apparently hid
under the illegal pretense of executive session to conspire against the rightfully elected mayor!

At the August 17th public session of the henry board of commissioners we saw Chairman Mathis, almost in tears, trying
to move a discussion into executive session. Fur was flying over allocations of SPLOST revenues and Mathis wanted to
hide in privacy, but Commissioner Bowman pressed the matter for open discussion. There was nothing about personnel
matters, pending litigation or land purchases involved!

Another example of abuse was the BoC discussion of loaning $40-Million to a Mathis supporter for a movie studio. Part
of the discussion included the county's possible purchase of land from Mathis's buddy so it could be leased back to him.
The real agenda for Executive Session was to keep corruption hidden from public view.

In Stockbridge the mayor filed a lawsuit against the city council to protect the office of Mayor and seek injunction against
policies and expenditures sought by the Council. Now city the attorney and several councilors are trying to change the
form of city government. The major issue is subversion of the city's Charter and hiding this corruption under a veil of
privileged discussion.

It may not have been obvious to the casual reader. The nuance of abuses could be missed.

It is a sad state of affairs when elected officials prove they cannot be trusted. Rumors abound. Political positions will
differ. But this claim of executive privilege is in-your-face dishonesty.

"You cannot take the low road and then claim the high horse." It is tar and feather time.

Stockbridge at a Glance

Stockbridge has had a city manager for years. The position and role of a city manager is not at issue now. The problem
today is the coup d'état launched by council members against the mayor.

There was for decades a tight cabal including the mayor, city attorney and city manager. The council was consistently re-
elected, all at-large seats, and there was always very low voter turnout. In many ways Stockbridge government existed
in spite of the citizens, not to serve them. They could and did throw around political weight to get personnel to do or say,
or simply follow like sheep.

Nobody should be concerned about an elected official "being in charge." That is how our government works. The
President & Congress are civilians, but have authority over military agencies. It is the elected official whose job it is to
represent the citizens, while specific agencies are employed to fulfill the objectives.

Mayor Stuart's military background simply provides sound experience and understanding that someone must lead and
make the hard choices.

Councilor Kathy Gilbert is generally the spokesperson for the Council in their resistance to Mayor Stuart. When first
elected she was a citizens' champion against wrongful use of eminent domain. That was the public battle cry of the day.
Although she privately opposed the cabal of elites running the city, Gilbert, Fred Evans nor Shirley Dabney took a public
position. But Ms. Gilbert did file an ethics complaint against Mr. Evans. There was in-fighting and bickering, but nothing
came of it.

When Mayor Stuart took action against wasteful spending and deals that benefited targeted individuals, took
responsibility for a cemetery inside the city and refused to abdicate his official role that is when the current
unpleasantness began. Whether the Council could legally override a mayoral veto turned into a lawsuit with the city
attorney representing the Council and Mayor Stuart seeking private legal counsel.

The latest misstep by the Council was to discuss a coup d'état against the mayor in Executive Session. Such discussion
is not legally protected, but rumors and innuendo flew when a council member divulged the information.

The City of Stockbridge is not a sandbox for these children, and the operation of government is not a game for personal
wins and losses.

Councilor Gilbert likened the City to "any corporation" saying the mayor is like a CEO and should not be involved in day-
to-day operations. She is wrong on both points. In the corporate environment a CEO can hire and fire his top
lieutenants, whereas a mayor cannot fire elected council members. Fortunately, a disgruntled group of councilors also
cannot fire the mayor!

Dirty Tricks by RC Christopher

Attached is a letter from Ryan S. Davis, candidate for District 5 Board of Education. Among the interesting aspects of
Mr. Christopher's campaign is the use of photographs taken while working for Central Georgia EMC on Henry
County School property. He showcases students, minor children, in campaign materials.

Photographs taken at a public event or gathering is typically legal and moral to use in campaign ads. But we must recall
that Christopher works for Central Georgia EMC and is at our schools because of that Partnership in Education.
Presenting misleading photos is one thing, but giving the false appearance of support or qualifications is just a lie.

Mr. Davis's letter:

George Weaver, President Central Georgia EMC

Michael Surma, Superintendent HCBOE
Dr. Ethan Hildreth, Superintendent (2011) HCBOE
A.J. "Buddy" Welch, HCBOE Attorney
Rodney "RC" Christopher, Candidate for School Board and Central Georgia EMC employee
Henry County Board of Elections
CC: All Henry County School Board Members

To all concerned parties,

This letter serves as a cease and desist notice to the campaign actions of Mr. Rodney "RC" Christopher inside the
Henry County School system during school hours and school sanctioned functions. I have received numerous
phone calls from concerned parents and friends regarding the campaign activities of Mr. Rodney "RC"
Christopher. I have already made verbal complaints to Henry County Superintendent Michael Surma and to
George Weaver the President of Central Georgia EMC.

Mr. Christopher's professional career entails him working inside our schools (which is a clear conflict of interest on
its face) and he has been using this opportunity to solicit votes and volunteers for his campaign. Central Georgia
EMC serves as a Partner in Education with Henry County Schools and Mr. Christopher's job with them is to discuss
electric education to students and teachers while building name recognition and sales for Central Georgia EMC.
Just recently Central Georgia EMC has installed equipment into a school Mr. Christopher has been working in.

Mr. Christopher is not only discussing his campaign with administrators, teachers and parents but announcing his
business meetings at schools as campaign events. It is being reported that Mr. Christopher is distributing his
campaign literature within the schools. Furthermore, he is taking and using unauthorized photographs of minor
children (students in Henry County Schools) on his campaign website.

It is clear that there is a conflict of interest for Central Georgia EMC and the Henry County Schools to be doing
business while employing and allowing a candidate for the political office in a decision making capacity to use the
same schools as campaign tool.

I demand that all parties take all actions necessary to cease and desist all professional and campaign
activities of Mr. Rodney "RC" Christopher in all Henry County Schools. I demand that all photographs
taken while working for Central Georgia EMC on Henry County School property be removed from all
campaign material, hard copy and electronic. Further I demand that every parent of a minor child
depicted in the unauthorized photos while at school that was posted and used for political purpose be
notified of the incident and updated on the corrections made.

Thank you in advance

Ryan S. Davis

Recall that The Citizen published photos of Mr. Christopher while attending the Obama Inaugural with his family.
Addressed to me personally as editor of the newsletter, Mr. Christopher threatened legal action for (1) publication of his
children's photo at a public event, and (2) "stalking minor children" as he quoted from a non-applicable Georgia law.

RC Christopher at Obama Inauguration

My personal opinion was that Mr. Christopher is just another liberal Obamaton practicing to be a professional victim.
Now that belief is born out by his own campaign tactics: typical liberal logic dictates that he does not have to follow the
same rules he conjures up for other people.


In Henry County, Early Voting will be available, weekdays from 8 a.m., until 5 p.m., at the Henry County Election and
Registration Office, located at 345 Phillips Drive, in McDonough, until the Advance Voting period begins next month.

Henry County plans to open an additional satellite precinct for Early Voting two weeks prior to the General Election, Oct.
18-22. The Stockbridge Community Center satellite precinct, located at 130 Berry St., in Stockbridge, will be open from
7 a.m., until 7 p.m.

Henry County's roughly 120,000 eligible voters to be prepared and informed about the long November ballot, particularly
the constitutional amendments included on this year's ballot. She said sample ballots are already available online.

Voters in Clayton County will also be able to cast their Early Voting ballots, on weekdays from 8 a.m., until 5 p.m., -- at
the Clayton County Elections and Registration Office, located at 121 S. McDonough St., in Jonesboro.


Georgia's Advance Voting will take place Oct. 25-29. Elections officials said there is no voting the Monday before the

Advance Voting will take place, from 8 a.m., until 7 p.m., in Clayton County - at the Clayton County Elections and
Registration Office, 121 S. McDonough St., in Jonesboro; at the Carl Rhodenizer Recreation Center, 3499 Rex Road, in
Rex; at the Headquarters Library, 865 Battle Creek Road, in Jonesboro; at the Lovejoy Branch Library, 1721 McDonough
Road, in Hampton; at the Morrow Municipal Complex (Community Room), 1500 Morrow Road, in Morrow; and at the
Frank Bailey Senior Center, 6213 Riverdale Road, in Riverdale.

In Henry County, Advance Voting will be available, from 7 a.m., until 7 p.m. - at the Henry County Elections and
Registration Office, 345 Phillips Drive, in McDonough; at the Stockbridge Community Center, 130 Berry St., in
Stockbridge; at the Fairview Library, 28 Austin Road, in Stockbridge; at the Locust Grove Recreation Center, 10
Cleveland St., in Locust Grove; and at the Hampton Train Depot, 17 East Main St., in Hampton.

Proposed Constitutional Amendments

1. Allows competitive contracts to be enforced in Georgia courts.

2. Adds $10 tag fee on private passenger vehicles to fund

statewide trauma care expansion.

3. Allows the State to execute multiyear contracts for

long-term transportation projects.

4. Allows the State to execute multiyear contracts for

projects to improve energy efficiency and conservation.

5. Allows owners of industrial-zoned property to choose to remove the industrial designation from their property.

Statewide Referendum


Provides for inventory of businesses to be exempt from state property tax.

Henry County Elections:

Sample Ballot:

Constitutional Amendments and Referendums:


93 Price Quarters Rd Ste 95 Any way you look at it,

McDonough, GA
(770) 898-1600
TADs are not good for Henry County
"Excellent little New York Style One of my main problems with the idea is it gives a break to people that don't
Pizzeria." deserve it. Think of it, it helps big developers that have done made Millions on
people. Why should we help them build themselves up more, if they can't do it
Group Parties, Catering on their own than they don't need it.

In the case with the Hudson Bridge project they will be destroying a lot of
wildlife habitat and that is not a good thing. We must look out for these types of
charlatans that tell us they are looking out for our best interest most of the
Biscuits & Brunch time they are looking out for themselves.

Remember we are not Atlanta; we are Henry County and we need to stay that
149 Burke Street way. Have you see Atlanta lately?
Stockbridge, GA 30281
(770) 507-6800 Vote NO to TADs and say YES to a Henry County your kids can be proud of.


Cemetery Research Group Rendezvous With Destiny Ronald Reagan

"The time has come! For surely the tide is crashing against the shores of this?
great nation, ever receding the sands of time. A history of greatness waiting to
Signature Broadcasting be replenished with the glistening sands of truth! "
Network - SBN TV
We're all about you! "A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one." Alexander Hamilton

Let's set the record straight. There is no argument over the choice between
peace and war, but there is only one guaranteed way you can have peace--and
you can have it in the next second--surrender.
A Political Christian Says.
Admittedly there is a risk in any course we follow other than this, but every
Publish America is proud to lesson in history tells us that the greater risk lies in appeasement, and this is
announce the specter our well-meaning liberal friends refuse to face--that their policy of
the recent release of Louie Stanley's accommodation is appeasement, and it gives no choice between peace and war,
new book: A Political Christian only between fight and surrender. If we continue to accommodate, continue to
Says. (Politically Proper): Short back and retreat, eventually we have to face the final demand--the ultimatum.
articles designed to help readers And what then? When Nikita Khrushchev has told his people he knows what our
think answer will be? He has told them that we are retreating under the pressure of
for themselves; an alternative to the Cold War, and someday when the time comes to deliver the ultimatum, our
surrender will be voluntary because by that time we will have weakened from
today's political reporting from one
within spiritually, morally, and economically. He believes this because from our
Christian perspective: It is okay for side he has heard voices pleading for "peace at any price" or "better Red than
Christians to be political! dead," or as one commentator put it, he would rather "live on his knees than
die on his feet." And therein lies the road to war, because those voices don't
To secure your copy of the book: speak for the rest of us. You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear
Click Here. and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery. If
nothing in life is worth dying for, when did this begin--just in the face of this
enemy? Or should Moses have told the children of Israel to live in slavery under
the pharaohs? Should Christ have refused the cross? Should the patriots at
Concord Bridge have thrown down their guns and refused to fire the shot heard
'round the world? The martyrs of history were not fools, and our honored dead
who gave their lives to stop the advance of the Nazis didn't die in vain. Where,
then, is the road to peace? Well, it's a simple answer after all.

You and I have the courage to say to our enemies, "There is a price we will not
pay." There is a point beyond which they must not advance. This is the
meaning in the phrase of Barry Goldwater's "peace through strength." Winston
Churchill said that "the destiny of man is not measured by material
computation. When great forces are on the move in the world, we learn we are
spirits--not animals." And he said, "There is something going on in time and
space, and beyond time and space, which, whether we like it or not, spells

You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children
this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the
last step into a thousand years of darkness.

Listen to Reagan's delivery of this speech at

SBN AGENDA presents District 2 candidates

SBN-TV's The Agenda hosted two candidate interviews this week with Fred Auletta and Tina Coria. All four interviews
were taped on one day, and all candidates were asked the same questions. Next week interviews with Tina Coria and
Fred Auletta will be aired.

Two candidates chose to decline the interviews. Robin Ernest wrote an email to host Ray McBerry with concern that no
candidate would be given the questions before the show, and questioned whether she would get fair and equal
treatment in the interview. Rather, she said she chooses to present herself publicly in a specific group's forums. Harold
"Willie" Walls also failed to appear on the day of taping the shows.

Interview Questions:

1. What specific proposal will be your first priority in office?

2. Is there every a time when you would support use of eminent domain for economic development? That is, take
private property and give it to a business concern.

3. Do you support the proposed tax allocation districts for Henry County?

4. Is it every appropriate for county government to make loans to private business, such as the proposed movie studio
near Tara Field?

5. Do you support the proposed commuter rail line?

Fred Auletta

Follow Fred on FaceBook:!/profile.php?id=100001476954906&ref=ts

1. There are several important issues facing the county like transportation and economics. I would like to propose that I
will be accessible to the citizens to meet their needs.

2. No. I don't see the county buying property to resell it. The Kelo decision made it legal, but I understand that
Connecticut property was not developed and became more blighted. That is not a purpose of eminent domain for a
developer or the county to profit from it. I believe in private property rights and they should be respected. Eminent
domain is to be used for real needs like roads near a school where the asking price becomes an issue.

3. Tax allocation districts have been around in other areas for a long time. It is a tool in the toolbox for economic
development in specific situations. Citizens must feel trust for the commissioners to use this tool in proper situations.
That does not mean we have areas where TADs can be put in place, blighted areas, as I understand the law intends. As
a tool in the toolbox the county can use it to the full extent the law allows for economic development purposes.

4. The Tara Field proposal has many legs and it grows depending on who you talk to. Specifically for the project at
Tara Field the key is whether the county is going to protect the citizens and be sure no tax money is going to be spent
on it. Regarding economic development and loans, everybody wants jobs. This is an educational thing, and there are a
lot of unanswered questions. It comes down to protection of the taxpayer's money.

5. This issue has been around for over ten years. It is a non-issue for Henry County. It is an issue for the state. The
state cannot find money to bailout MARTA; I don't know where they will find money for commuter rail. If the state
makes it happen, and that is a long shot probably not in my lifetime, that does not mean the train would stop in
Hampton. I will commit that I would not put any taxpayer money toward that project.

Tina Coria

1. My first proposal would be to follow the example set in Fayette County and only publicly amend the land use plan.
They cannot change or amend the land use plan without showing real need, and it is done to tell everyone exactly what
to expect for the next twenty years.

2. I absolutely would not support it. It is clear in our Constitution there is no use for eminent domain unless there is a
need for public safety or welfare.

3. Well, I have not made up my mind. I will defer to the citizens of District 2 to tell me how they feel about it. I see
TADs like SPLOST, if they stay specific to what it is they are supposed to do, but not as a supplemental to the county
budget. We need economic development in District 2. we are hurting out there. I am going at it with an open mind. I
would like to hear fro the citizens of District 2.

4. The movie studio is a unique situation. I will give you another one. The Council for Quality Growth started with
$60,000 of county money. Many people see it as a wonderful entity, and they do support quality growth. But the seed
money that started HCQG came from the Henry County budget. It depends on the mission and goal. The board of
commissioners is faced with a difficult situation to find balance; how do we get the best bang for the dollar? I wouldn't
be so critical if they (the business) is able to accomplish what they are trying to do, and if it does stimulate economic

5. I do support commuter rail. I support mass transit. I do not support the path being proposed. I see rail running along
federal highways. The Feds already own that. A lot more goes into that than just the location of the rail. The proposed
plan is not well thought out. A few years ago rail companies began abandoning lines because they saw no economic
Commentary on the televised interviews

Fred Auletta spoke intelligently and directly to each question, as did Tina Coria. As an addition to the current board
of commissioners, either of them would seem to fit well with the agendas and thinking of the other commissioners.

When asked about eminent domain they both stood firmly behind private property rights. They both agree that the only
legitimate uses are for public safety or public use like roads.

Regarding tax allocation districts neither candidate offered the answer The Citizen hoped for. Auletta sees the tax
scheme as a tool in a toolbox, to be used in certain situations. Coria is not committed. Both voiced approval for
purposes of economic development.

Asked whether local government should ever loan money to a private business, both candidates would seek to
accomplish some goal. Neither candidate said anything about right or wrong or the problems of increasing the size and
scope of government.

Neither Auletta nor Coria claimed to ascribe to conservative views or TEA Party type of agenda. Although both
candidates showed thought and concern for their respective positions.

You are encouraged to view The Agenda on Charter cable Channel 22 nightly at 6:30pm and 11:30pm. Draw your own

Upcoming Political Forum in October

By TheDoctor

The Henry County Chamber of Commerce has announced that it will hold a forum for the candidates for office on
October 14, 2010. The Chamber has sent a list of twenty questions for the candidates to ponder over and answer.

These questions of course are slanted toward a Chamber of Commerce agenda of what they want to see happen for
Henry County. Many of the questions are given so the answers will definitely come out in their favor.

Now why would they do something like this? Because they see an opportunity to forward any perspective that they
might wish to push. Money is behind this and a lot of it. Think about this: The Tax Allocation District which is on the
amendments section of the voting ballot on November 2nd. Now this is a vague law the way it is presented to the
public. That is how they wanted it. This law is to cover blighted areas to be remodeled into new areas. This was set up
to try and get the voters to vote for it. This is also for the Hudson Bridge Rd-Jonesboro Rd Initiative that is being
proposed. The area is not blighted; much of the area doesn't even have a house or barn on it.

This is a slick way to get the taxpayers to pay for someone else's agenda. Such as which has occurred at Tara Field. A
friend of the Chairman of the Board is getting the royal treatment. Henry County cannot continue to walk down these
paths which lead to deals created in the back room.

They have already pushed away a plan to hold the government of the county ethically sound. It is strange that they
would not want a group of volunteer citizens to make sure that what they do is in the best interest of the people.

My suggestion is that keep an eye on what is behind you with these questions sent to you all by the Chamber. They
may promise you anything to put who they want on the board so they can be used by the Chamber when the time

Editors Note: Each candidate received an invitation to participate in the forum that said: In order to participate, you
must complete the attached questionnaire and return it to the Chamber. It was learned today that three of the District
2 candidates will not respond to the Chamber's survey. The questionnaire includes personal information, and in-
depth queries about current or proposed programs the Chamber supports. The candidates contacted seemed to share
the belief that such queries may be appropriate for a public forum, but not as a prerequisite for participation in a

Henry's Proposed TADs

The Henry board of commissioners placed a question on the November ballot that asks:

"Shall the act be approved which authorizes Henry County to exercise redevelopment powers under the
'Redevelopment Powers Law,' as it may be amended from time to time?"

Pretty vague and tells voters nothing about what they may approve! The ballot should read: "Should County
Government be allowed to issue untold $Millions in bond debt to front cash to private businesses?"

Backers of Tax Allocation Districts (TADs) maintain, in short, that the districts generate a major increase in tax
revenues, above what already exists, offer a flexible alternative to pay for economic development, without direct use of
general budget funds.

Remember this: added tax revenues that the project eventually generates are used to pay off the bonds. For 20 years
the taxpayers are held liable for repayment of the bonds! Any glitch and taxes will increase to pay the debt.

Here is the problem:

A TAD produces a union among local governments, developers and businesses, to improve the value of certain
designated property, and provides for sharing the increased property taxes generated by the improvements.

Rep. Steve Davis said:

"By using government tax allocation bonds to front the developer a low-cost development loan that is repaid by
future property owners -- not the developer -- [it] allows them to pull out large profits on the front side, without
worries to long-term sustainability. I am not against profits, but I am against profits at the expense of the

People like BoC Chairman BJ Mathis and Quality Growth Council director Steve Cash see visions of sugar-plums dancing
in their heads. Jobs, development, infrastructure, with sewers, roads and sidewalks - all financed with liability on
taxpayers, and not on private industry that will ultimately profit.

The Henry school board is laying-off teachers and cutting programs. The county government budget is slashed due to
falling revenues - even SPLOST revenues are down 25% - and employees are facing furloughs.

TAD supporters have no problem with signing a mortgage backed by your credit rating AND the County's authority to
raise taxes. And there are plenty of people with their hands out for the 'free cash.' Obama and other socialists in
Congress have shown us this is a losing plan!

For too many people, Debt equals wealth. No matter how smart, no socialist can make socialism work. It is still wealth
transfer away from those who earned it.

Think about these positions:

(1) Should "every economic development tool" include a liability placed on taxpayers?

(2) Rep. Davis is correct. By definition a TAD pledges future tax revenues to repay the bonded debt. Since neither the
County, Water Authority, HMC hospital nor the school system will realize revenue from that property for 20 years, all
funding must come from Joe Citizen through property and other taxes.

(3) "The new development subsidizes itself." False. This is true only if you ignore the influx of up-front cash from the
County issued Bond debt.

Each voter is entitled to an informed opinion. Repeating the "Gimme Free Money" mantra without real analysis is not an
informed position. This citizen believes that acting like a Great County means protecting and preserving the economies
of every resident, homeowner and citizen without the burden of long-term bond debt.

The BoC should tell voters that taxpayers are ultimately liable for payment of the bonds through increased
taxes. They should be honest and say there are no major corporate entities waiting for this Obama-style handout. It is
just a draw card using your credit rating (and the County's authority to raise taxes) for government loans.

RINOs and Other Misfits

In general terms party affiliation tells voters a candidate is a liberal, moderate or conservative. This year we have seen
TEA Party candidates make great strides at the polls. We have seen both Democrats and Republicans lose seats to a
groundswell of Conservative Candidates.

Both major national parties have followed the path of government spending, costly programs and policies that increase
the size and scope of government.

What is in a name? Would not a rotten egg by any other name smell as foul? ~~ The Citizen

The Conservative Republican Women of Henry County has usurped that name. They have co-opted the Conservative
banner in very misleading ways. While claiming neutrality and fairness (sounds very Democratic) they present and
promote candidates clearly aligned with non-conservative agendas.

Sahar Hekmati wrote to The Citizen:

"Conservative Republican Women are not supporting Democrats directly or indirectly. You may request our Bylaws.
The organization supports Republican ideals alone and those who adhere and subscribe to them.

Let me be clear. I do not support Democrats as they are not capitalists. America was founded on Capitalism; the
individual keeps his reward for his work. They or some in their ideology are actively endeavoring to move this county
into a democracy and away from a representative republic, which I am unalterably opposed. Any claim to the contrary
constitutes libel or slander and is a lie."

The following correspondence was sent to inform the Georgia Federation of Republican Women and Georgia GOP

There is as picture posted on the Henry County Democrat Party Website and their FaceBook page. This is
Bruce Holmes (Democrat) running against Johnny Basler (Republican incumbent in Henry Dist 5). The photo
clearly shows Mr. Holmes speaking at the CRW podium. This is a partisan race.

Conservative Republican Women is also actively backing a known Democrat in a non-partisan race for the school
board. It's RC Christopher (Democrat) vs. Ryan Davis (Republican). At their last forum the group's president
invited the democrat Christopher and failed to invite the Republican Ryan Davis. She is actively putting out
negative information about Ryan Davis simply because he is State Representative Steve Davis' son and the
grandson of the VP of the RWHC. She also brought RC Christopher (Democrat) to the Henry 912 meeting and
introduced him around.

The president of Conservative Republican Women has also made statements this past week that she will be
attending the county convention with 80 women in tow so that she can take over the Henry GOP.

If you claim to be a Conservative or Republican honesty would dictate some level of loyalty to the principles.

There is no question why the president of Conservative Republican Women has been asked to leave Republican Women
of Henry County, The Henry GOP, and was denied charter and recognition by the Federation of Republican Women.

The Henry County Democrat Party FaceBook page includes a link to the Conservative Republican Women with caption
"Great to see such support for Bruce Holmes!"

The only question is why real conservatives would join a rogue social club built on lies and dishonesty. The group has
some very good people; all doing real work for conservatism, but such a mixed message is confusing.
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