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Grade 6 iPad Contract

Below are the policies that will be in place in our classroom.

A parent and a student must sign this contract to show their understanding of the rules,
responsibilities and consequences for iPad usage.

Responsible, Respectful and Safe use of iPads

 I will only use the apps and websites my teacher has instructed me to use.
 I will calmly get my iPad and return it to the appropriate place.
 I will only use the numbered iPad that my teacher assigns me.
 I will close all apps and return the iPad to its original condition when I'm finished.
 I will not eat or drink while using the iPad.
 I will only use the iPad at the appropriate time. When my teacher is talking or
giving directions, I will not be on the iPad.
 I will not use my iPad to record (photo or video) others without their consent.
 I will never use the Internet to search for inappropriate content.
 I will not change any settings and add or remove apps.
 I will never allow the iPad to leave the classroom.
 I will not take the iPad out of its case.
 There is a zero tolerance for cyber-bullying.

Students will be given three opportunities to follow the iPad rules. After three strikes, the
student will lose their iPad privileges for an amount of time determined by the teacher.
Cyber-bullying will be treated like bullying and students will be referred to administration
for consequences. Remember, what you put on the internet, stays on the internet!

Using the iPads during class time is a privilege. If students choose not to follow
the above expectations, they will lose the ability to use the technology.

I, ________________________, understand the iPad rules and agree to follow them

throughout the school year.

_____________________________ ________________
Student Signature Date

_____________________________ ________________
Parent Signature Date

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