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Implication to Nursing Management:

After penicillin was found to be an effective treatment for syphilis, the study
continued for another 25 years without treating those suffering from the disease.
After the study and its consequences became front-page news, it was ended in a
day. The African American people must be informed and be alerted that they have
syphilis. A person has the right to know that he/she is having a disease. They were
never told they had syphilis, nor were they ever treated for it. According to the
Centers for Disease Control, the men were told they were being treated for "bad
blood," a local term used to describe several illnesses, including syphilis, anemia
and fatigue. For me, it is all unfair for those persons who are infected with Syphilis.
They are not practicing the act of Non Maleficence because they tend to do harm
with those people who are infected. They also violated the act of Justice and
Fairness to those African American people because those people don’t have any
single idea that they are having a certain kind of disease. The study’s subjects were
never given treatment for their disease, or
even given penicillin, when it became the drug of choice for syphilis in the late
1940s. The panel found nothing that shows the subjects had a chance to quit the
study after the new highly effective drug became widely available (Center of
Disease Control, 2005. The advisory panel concluded that the Tuskegee Study was
ethically unjustified. It was noted that the knowledge gained was meager compared
to the risks the study.

Several universal ethical principles have been violated in the Tuskegee Syphilis
Experiment, these are:

First, is the informed consent, all the procedures that the researchers will do to the
participants must be explained.

Second, is the principle of beneficence, participants participating in the research

must be given maximum benefits in the research and minimize risks.

Third, is Justice the researchers didn’t ensure the safety of the participants as well
as the unreasonable, exploitive and not well considered procedures done to the

Fourth, is the principle of fidelity they didn’t provide fairness and equality in giving
care to the participants

Fifth, is the principle of Non-maleficence because they did harm to the participants

Sixth, is the principle of full disclosure, all information that will be done during the
research must be revealed to the participants and there must not be withholding of
information or deception.

Seventh, the principle of autonomy, the participant must have the right to withdraw
from the research and refuse treatment.

Eight is the principle of veracity, the researchers didn’t maximize the efficiency of
health care.

Lastly, the principle of respect has also been violated because they didn’t respect
their human dignity instead they used them as guinea pigs.
Because of the study, this gave birth to the Belmont report that protects human
experimentation and protect their basic human rights.

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