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17.2 + B10 Temperatures in Biomedicine. (a) Normal body temperature. The average normal body temperature measured in the mouth is 310 K. What would Celsius and Fahrenheit ther- ‘mometers read for this temperature? (b) Elevated body tempera- ture. During very vigorous exercise, the body's temperature can ‘g0 as high as 40°C. What would Kelvin and Fahrenheit thermome- ters read for this temperature? (c) Temperature difference in the body. The surface temperature of the body is normally about 7 C° lower than the internal temperature. Express this temperature dif- ference in kelvins and in Fahrenheit degrees. (d) Blood storage. Blood stored at 4.0°C lasts safely for about 3 weeks, whereas blood stored at ~160°C lasts for 5 years. Express both tempera- tures on the Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales. (e) Heat stroke. If the body's temperature is above 105°F for a prolonged period, heat stroke can result. Express this temperature on the Celsius and Kelvin scales. Ioevny and Serr: Tocenetstenpentue beeen ‘Cand Kase Te =T,-27315. Tocomer (TC=TKICATCWFISC (amet 47+ r=, )=4008 [EvaLoaTe: Cebit convo do ct ile simple propos athe ie const of 32, ut Co Keli conversions gue ol sep ndionbtacton of 273.18 17.8 *» A gas thermometer registers an absolute pressure corre- sponding to 325 mm of mercury when in contact with water at the triple point. What pressure does it read when in contact with water at the normal boiling point? nest: Aply Bg (1) and sone frp. SETUP pg 9325 mm of ery EVALUATE: mm of mer is nt of rena ice By (17) voles to of prema t 1743 » AUS. penny has a diameter of 1.9000 cm at 20.0°C. The coin is made of a metal alloy (mostly zinc) for which the coeffi- cient of linear expansion is 2.6 x 10~ K~!, What would its diam- eter be on a hot day in Death Valley (48.0°C)? On a cold night in the mountains of Greenland (~53°C)? Imex: Aly L=1e(t+- aA othe dante Doe ey. Se1Ur IK =10, womecantetenpeiein °C xecures Death Vay: BAT =(2.6x10° (CXL caX280.C)=1.4%x107 om, othe dames 9014 ca, Great: aD) 87 =-N6x10" cm, ste dmc LA om EVALUATE: When Tlncree te ante acres ad whe eee dtr ere 47.14 + Ensuring a Tight Fit, Aluminum rivets used in airplane construction are made slightly larger than the rivet holes and cooled by “dry ice” (solid CO.) before being driven. If the diameter of a hole is 4.500 mm, what should be the diameter of a rivet at 23.0°C ts diameter is to equal that of the hole when the rivet is cooled to ~78.0°C, the temperature of dry ice? Assume that the expansion coefficient remains constant atthe value given in Table 17.1. ocr Arly = Zo(1+@8T) the incer da erie. Ser Urs Foraumimn a=24x10% (Lt dy be te danet a 780°C and deh dae anc. Enscine: dado +d dl +a8) (04500 mx +24K1 CY NARMC-L-70°CD. d=04stten~4Sti, Evastares We cn beet dy be the dametr at 200°C an deh ameter at TROT. Then 11.5 ** You put a bottle of soft drink in a refrigerator and leave it until ts temperature has dropped 10.0 K. What is its temperature change in (a) F° and (b) C°? fe=}o1oc)=-180F ©) are=ah 100° moe of them xp agen AP vane 11.6 * Convert the following Kelvin temperatures to the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales: (a) the midday temperature at the surface of the moon (400 K); (b) the temperature at the tops of the clouds in the atmosphere of Satur (95 K); (c) the temperature at the center of the sun (1.55 X 10” K). mex: Comer Fito Tean ten cone Te Ty awceTts (a) Te=400-27.1S=IEPC, T= 15012689 632=260F (0) Fe098-275188-178C, T= 9/1719 2320 -20°F (© e=1s9e10) 27.1521 55410, 7, (094.5507) 432 = vatcare: Alteran onthe Kein ae ose, Zone te epee sb he hein pi of ater 47.8 «A Constant-Volume Gas Thermometer. An experi- ‘menter using a gas thermometer found the pressure at the triple point of water (0.01°C) to be 4.80 X 10* Pa and the pressure at the normal boiling point (100°C) to be 6.50 X 10* Pa. (a) Assum- ing that the pressure varies linearly with temperature, use these two data points to find the Celsius temperature at which the gas pressure would be zero (that is, find the Celsius temperature of absolute zero). (b) Does the gas in this thermometer obey Eq. (17.4) precisely? If that equation were precisely obeyed and the pressure ‘at 100°C were 6.50 X 10*Pa, what pressure would the experi- ‘menter have measured at 0.01°C? (As we will learn in Section 18.1, Eq, (17.4) is accurate only for gases at very low density.) Ioexrran Ser Ur: Fe ans sgt icf (7) a i po GF hen p=0 EMCUTE: (Ifthe pesos ves ny wih emer en 7s = + TT 0x0" a=." Pa tnd p=0 ee 7, mead Bg (174 it pry bye EVALUATE: The ser tps) iin emerbl agrecmen wih the acpied va of 27°C 4TAB +> The outer diameter of a glass jar and the inner diameter of its iron lid are both 725 mm at room temperature (20.0°C). ‘What will be the size of the difference in these diameters if the lid is briefly held under hot water until its temperature rises to 50.0°C, without changing the temperature of the glass? InceTuy: Fine change Aine mero hei. The dete of ei xpd acarding 12 78). SEFUP: Assume ion ht be same asta 29 a1 210" (CY BRCUTE AL atyAF (24107 (CIS mm300C)=026 wm [EvaLuaris Ing (176), AL bate same nis as TAT ++ Acopper cylinder is initially at 20.0°C. At what tempera- ‘ture will its volume be 0.150% larger than itis at 20.0°C? Ioextiry: Apply AV =¥, AT. SerUr: For copper, B=5.1x10 (C', AVM) =0.150x10, exccure: ar=S!¥o -_ 0150x107 B sixio% cy" EVALUATE: The volume inereases when the temperature increases. 17.18 ++ A steel tank is completely filled with 2.80 m* of ethanol when both the tank and the ethanol are at a temperature of 32.0°C. ‘When the tank and its contents have cooled to 18.0°C, what addi- tional volume of ethanol can be put into the tank? twesry: Apply Y= 757 tthe akan tbe ethane Serre Forehnc, f= 75x10" (C7. Forse, 8, =3.6x10 (7 ‘bucure: The value chang forthe tank is 8, =F.B AT =Q80 wO6KITCY! “The volume changer te eto is AY, =V_PAT= 280 mVIH10" (CP ‘The enpy volume inthe ki AF, AK, dle vaitarn Both voles decease Bat A>, he agit he volume cas for he cecal is eter than i re nk. 2943107 m #294 41)=-280 LoL ofetasolomte 294. 17.23 (a) A wire that is 1.50 m long at 20.0°C is found to increase in length by 1.90 cm when warmed to 420.0°C. Compute its average coefficient of linear expansion for this temperature range. (b) The wire is stretched just taut (zero tension) at 420.0°C. Find the stress in the wire if it is cooled to 20.0°C without being allowed to contract. Young's modulus for the wire is 2.0 x 10! Pa, {rar and Ser Ur Forpr apy B17 oe er exes of he wi. or), oh Ea UD nln Pe Bact: @) aLeatya? aL. 193107 a Tear” O30 mNaavC- 200) 6 (71 see PaaS [AT =27C-4U0°C=-400C* (AF shy seal temper nl epee) FiAm20110" PayS2e1 CY 4-400) = 426200 Pa [EVALAmEE 4 i pone esl ree eh sxe The aver ope 6 mae wih he aso fore inTab 171 The ee ow oh oda epee ‘cre ge. sa0(ey! 17.26 » In an effort to stay awake for an all-night study session, a student makes a cup of coffee by first placing a 200-W electric immersion heater in 0.320 kg of water. (a) How much heat must be added to the water to raise its temperature from 20.0°C to 80.0°C? (b) How much time is required? Assume that all of the heater’s power goes into heating the water. oem Thebes Q=mcAl. Pe Serr: Forms, ¢=419%10" the K. Exact: (4) Q~ mc? ~ (032044419410 Hg X600C) A108) ov ts [EvaveaTe: 0220 4g of wer oie 03201, Tene we ale npr usin wih cur eveydy xperons = 200, whic ieee ie ye, 567 min 17.27 +> An aluminum tea kettle with mass 1.50 kg and containing 1.80 kg of water is placed on a stove. If no heat is lost to the sur- roundings, how much heat must be added to raise the temperature from 20.0°C to 85.0°C? pesriry and Ser UP: Apply Ea (17.13) the kt and water. Execute: ete (O=mcAT, c=910Seg-K (fiom Table 173) (0=0.505g)910 1hg-KYBSOAC-200°C) =B573x10 J Q=mcAT, ¢=4190 Yig:K (rom Table 173) (2 (0.80 kg) $190 Jcg- (85 0°C~200°C) = 4902310" 5 S73x10" J+4.902x108 1=579x108 5 rising the tempera of the water 17.28 + You are given a sample of metal and asked to determine its specific heat. You weigh the sample and find that its weight is 28.4 N. ‘You carefully add 1.25 10* J of heat energy to the sample and find that its temperature rises 18.0 C°. What is the sample’s spe- cific heat? Imes: Apply Q=mcaT. maw. SErUr! Thetenpentur change & AT =180K. “Sri REE Dra [EVALUATA: Th vile fr init tht for siver in Table 173, st ina resonable resu. 11.35 + CPA nail driven into a board increases in temperature. If wwe assume that 60% of the kinetic energy delivered by a 1.80-kg hammer with a speed of 7.80 m/s is transformed into heat that flows into the nail and does not flow out, what is the temperature increase of an 8.00-g aluminum nail after itis struck ten times? Touran Set X= eqlio Q =m facta aa ave fe A Sere Fersminan = 091810 aK. {R= Jao = [GAD kgx740 m8) = S48), ah to be mer en S48) 229, lish 003091. Oem wl 8 = Be avai: Ths apo with our expec tanner al et oat ae 4820. 17.37 * CP A 15.0-g bullet traveling horizontally at 865 m/s passes through a tank containing 13.5 kg of water and emerges with a speed of 534 m/s. What is the maximum temperature increase that the water could have as a result of this event? Inewruy: Soneof te hs ena ofthe bli asorme troup ton tobe, which aes thetarpeatac fhe water ine nk (Q=mcAT. From Table 173, especie het of waters 19x10" Souvis Tae ine era ty tbls nov) = (1 010g 8S mi) (534 mh) = 34710 rte water 17.44 » In a container of negligible mass, 0.200 kg of ice at an initial temperature of —40.0°C is mixed with a mass m of water that has an initial temperature of 80.0°C. No heat is lost to the sur- roundings. If the final temperature of the system is 20.0°C, what is the mass m of the water that was initially at 80.0°C? tocxrin: By cary smerny he wari ie by hee. This et mat Ince he tempat of hese fom 400°C the melting pou of 007. hen meee, and {lyin tempat 200°6. The gl eee of he wa SEIUR Qo = Men STn Rae vA 198 Quy = xuceTes ing Qe mel mal + Maas ithe agen in th wea shee wee (000200 eg C7400) (0.00.07 Sad 102004499 1g-C7)12007=1 010". ae =m AT, =m{90Ms-C)NQD0C=80.0C7=~(2510 IDO Cane =O sre 100s 12254400 th) 20399 Evutge: Tai hn ahr ste sete Waters auch ger specific heat apt than aluminum, so most ofthe heat gos ito 11.38 «+ Asa physicist, you put heat into a 500.0-g solid sample at the rate of 10.0 kJ/min, while recording its temperature as a function of time. You plot your data and obtain the graph shown in Fig. E17.38. (a) What is the latent heat of fusion for this solid?” (b) What are the specific heats of the liquid and solid states of the material? Figure £17.38 TO 0 40 30 2 10 o 1 (min) ines) cys The et ht of soe Li eine by Qa fe toi iid pate rao, For Yonge hangs, O= mc ‘SerUr: At inthe sample iat is oeing poland at = 2 nial he sample as meted xacere: (a) aks 1 inal be spl melt ones eng pots reo ale Ba ing ing iti interes (1.5 inX00%10 sn) =1 S010". =m 20,1500) aoe en Go SAI nat I. (Tei steps 30C* 1S min.Q= mea. 2, 1soxi0t e000) =Looxt0! mg K. seni 56 ta an Bes ek Ivar Teeth ts tion vom aac one afar TAB * A.6.00-kg piece of solid copper metal at an initial temper- ature T is placed with 2.00 kg of ice that is initially at -20.0°C. ‘The ice is in an insulated container of negligible mass and no heat is exchanged with the surroundings. After thermal equilibrium is reached, there is 1.20 kg of ice and 0.80 kg of liquid water. What ‘was the initial temperature of the piece of copper? toexrre: By ey conservation th eat et yeep snl yee. This eat ma it incen e enpertrof en om 200°C tw beeing po of DNC hen me wae te ‘ite a hea exilim thecal wat, he petra beO. OFC. The wt {era seal ener othe corp SrrUn Fortnpsangy gs Q= mc and fa pls hag foes iad Q= ml acer Fortes, a= (210 2100 ag C7209 + (54ND Sg) = S120. Forte core, tang te pes at fom be DE ne ge gy = (50090 Heg-COC=T)=—(2 34x10 HEY, Seige wa of eo he el tence gh 2512x105 J=@34K10? CF, which ges P=150C, Evatcares_ Siete oper as sat sci th at oie, hve at ‘aly pov be mit ofbarsoned 11.84 +» One end of an insulated metal rod is maintained at 100.0°C, and the other end is maintained at 0.00°C by an ice-water mixture. The rod is 60.0 cm long and has a cross-sectional area of, 1.25 cm?, The heat conducted by the rod melts 8.50 g of ice in 10.0 min. Find the thermal conductivity k of the metal. town Fora meting pe taste, Q= my, Tet of bat conduction is @ = MT, Serr, Forwate, £y=3.40" Sh {oucert: The rt contacted byte on 100 in Qe mt =(80%10" bX 30" Sg) =2 8103 (or __arwyo«tom) TE)" 25x10" wKI00C) “Te rt cance ho thea tha ers te i nd rds te pe gs. 286810 aryw. =m Wink, 11.82 +» Two rods, one made of brass and the other made of cop- per, are joined end to end. The length of the brass section is 0.200 m and the length of the copper section is 0.800 m. Each segment has ‘cross-sectional area 0.00500 m?. The free end of the brass seg- ment is in boiling water and the free end of the copper segment is in an ice and water mixture, in both cases under normal atmos- pheric pressure. The sides of the rods are insulated so there is no heat loss to the surroundings. (a) What is the temperature of the point where the brass and copper segments are joined? (b) What ‘mass of ice is melted in 5.00 min by the heat conducted by the composite rod? Iowan At sys het fe ow eh te egos bth a wl aoe (ilng a uaa evo nae ashen owe ni ce pay ‘ekg re be ome ai 00 Serr Foret teow, 2 27, Tete Om ear, nvr: (9 227 se ame rh thas Un he pa pei thant cape thei eet weve {50 Wim KUMOE=7) [ASO Whe-AT-00° 4860000-1) SOF Saing gh PSB. (Thebes nming iene ni 9- Mr _0 Wis KOI w92000YAIOTE=5 93 geet Tee 20004) ga 3410 Ig a Brats The tnpente fe nis vet ohare eo eens (FC Toc bm iy ees em Oem, 10 m 11.68 * Along rod, insulated to prevent heat loss along its sides, is in perfect thermal contact with boiling water (at atmospheric pres- sure) at one end and with an ice-water mixture at the other (Fig. E17.68). The rod consists of a 1.00-m section of copper (one end in boiling water) joined end to end to a length L of steel (one end in the ice-water mixture). Both sections of the rod have cross- sectional areas of 4.00 cm?, The temperature of the copper-steel junction is 65.0°C after a steady state has been set up. (a) How ‘much heat per second flows from the boiling water to the ice-water mixture? (b) What is the length L of the steel section? sworn: 2uHAl, Sere ri sims er Ser Urs Fe coper, k= 388 Win K, Forse = $02 Wi K, 88 Wim KX4.00%10" wWOC~ ESOC) 5g (Fert eect = MAT curt (Fert cope scion, [BvaLuaTt: The thermal ony fo lis ch es than ht fr oper, forte sane AT nd 417.10» You are asked to design a cylindrical steel rod 50.0 cm long, with a circular cross section, that will conduct 150.0 J/s from a furnace at 400.0°C to a container of boiling water under 1 atmosphere. What must the rod’s diameter be? oes. Aply (1721) and se fd. Sev Ur Toacaof exh inland of yin iret wth dancer Dby A= xR! = (02. Forse, A= $02 Wn. Te ling mers T 10°, 30 = 300K sacure: Qe t48P ant 5016-02 Wine iain: Kies = 490x109 >: [qasexid mye ~40x107 mK + The emissivity of tungsten is 0.350. A tungsten sphere with radius 1.50 cm is suspended within a large evacuated enclo- sure whose walls are at 290.0 K. What power input is required to ‘maintain the sphere at a temperature of 3000.0 K if heat conduc~ tion along the supports is neglected? Imex: ‘The set beac f= Aa"), powering mia cons enyrnie o e ph SHUR: Theuriceaea ofan i er? aucere: = 400150) (039456710 Win! K' X(N KI'-[20 KI} =A" W [EVALATE: Sine 3000K>250K and His pportonal oT, the te of iin at rays sch roe thn the aor of i nergy oth oun ‘11.16 + Suppose that a steel hoop could be constructed to fit just around the earth's equator at a temperature of 20.0°C. What would be the thickness of space between the hoop and the earth if the temperature of the hoop were increased by 0.500 C°? Toes: Aply A= loa ® te ain oe op. The ike of ie pce as te nese rato of xp Ther hnridis Ry = 68x10 mad his ste il a of he ep. Fo sl, enl2x10 KIKI. ExucoTis The nse tradi oft app woul be [AR= Real =(638x10" m1 2107 KVOSK) 36m i Eventboueh Aas heaton charg ini, ARR ery sl 17.19 ++» You are making pesto for your pasta and have a cylin- drical measuring cup 10.0 cm high made of ordinary glass [B = 2.7 x 10° (C*)""] that is filled with olive oil [B = 6.8 x 10~ (C°)~") to a height of 2.00 mm below the top of the cup. Ini- tially, the cup and oil are at room temperature (22.0°C). You get a phone call and forget about the olive oil, which you inadvertently leave on the hot stove. The cup and oil heat up slowly and have a ‘common temperature. At what temperature will the olive oil start to spill out of the cup? Iasi an Ser UF Use (17) fhe ae expansion ft i and oft exp Boh he ‘lune ep end te whe oe ine licen ben expe nena bt Beg forbs empande moc. When ist oro, y= Fu (2.00410 m4, whee A tate cosrsectioa aa of he ep. ERMC Ag PahT =ORCOAAAAT. A “Fogg (100 20 ABST. (@8em)4pieAT ~(00 c0)4PpAT +20 eA. The des ou Soin fr AT ge aP=313C. Ke=ToaT S36 vaxcare: Ite ego oft ap snl, holo wil ave expanded fe cop whe {@200 cm) 48 ca)dAgl, wo AP-300C° nd T, ~ 320°C. Onn igh hghr Ean this. The ep a expands but not ey much ine B&Bs 11.82 +» You pour 108 cm? of ethanol, at a temperature of ~10.0°C, into a graduated cylinder initially at 20.0°C, filling it to the very top. The cylinder is made of glass with a specific heat of 840 J/kg-K and a coefficient of volume expansion of 1.2 X 105 K7; its mass is 0.110 kg. The mass of the ethanol is 0.0873 kg. (a) What will be the final temperature of the ethanol, conce thermal equilibrium is reached? (b) How much ethanol will overflow the cylinder before thermal equilibrium is reached? Ioexni: Coseton of emmy sys +0, 0 wh Qand at et hangs rth thn! ein To ind ee fal at vets ae AY fart har an the Sine SEFUR.Forctuol c= 2428 Jg-Kand f= 75#109 xtcure: 0.400 ger me(e—[-IDOCD me F,-200°0)=0 220m, 00 EOE _ 2007070100 Bg K) 00) OET gE Hg) {57g KE) (110g dg) he (0) AF, = ANAT = (15x10? KYO c ¥-0892°C-[-100°C) = 20738? AV ANAT (12x10 K"008 enX-0892°C-200°C) 0071 ea. The Youve hat ertows is 0.738 cn ~(-0.0271 em!) 0.65 cn [EvaLUATE: The cyindr cols ss volume dees. The thao warms, os lume cress. The ‘rm ft apne ftw vaane changs pest volume hat vero 17.90 ++ Bulk Stress Due to a Temperature Increase. (a) Prove that, if an object under pressure has its temperature raised but is not allowed to expand, the increase in pressure is Ap = BBAT where the bulk modulus B and the average coefficient of volume expansion B are both assumed positive and constant. (b) What pressure is necessary to prevent a steel block from expanding ‘when its temperature is increased from 20.0°C to 35.0°C?, esr: Foto be deration oF (17.12. Ser Ure Forte he blk medi is3=16x10" Pa and te vole expo ct is 8=364109 [BXecuTe: (4) The change in volume dot tempera increases BAT, adhe hangin se pang coo (0) Fem the above, Ap =(.6x10" PayQ6x0 K"}1S0K)=86x10" Pa EVALUATE: appari tout 850 tm. A sal temperate nese comeponde try e 17.46 + BID Before going in for his annual physical, a 70.0-kg ‘man whose body temperature is 37.0°C consumes an entire 0.355-L ccan of a soft drink (mostly water) at 12.0°C. (a) What will his body temperature be after equilibrium is attained? Ignore any heating by the man’s metabolism. The specific heat of the man’s body is 3480 J/kg+K. (b) Is the change in his body temperature great ‘enough to be measured by a medical thermometer? Ioexriy: Aly Q=mcAT tech ct Th eB Opn te sen om ee 0. Ser Ur; The mas of 00 Lof mari 00k. Lethe abe dst te baci aad te byw. Tithe alot emp =#190 Jie KAT =A RBELTE! 1) Open =0 Be MySgATy me AT, =O. mye T~Ta) mE CT™ ey Sng fon Sing, 7 = aaa =. 70K Ig KITE) #0355416 ING CHO ga (70 gx Ig) (035545419 Ig) (0) Replenish sy ana °C: iba ‘ert ine cola rer w nly eaureg abalone deo ag! eth Bvatuars Heatcons fb nye omen He gsi el ‘open ee Dem

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