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Parasitology International 56 (2007) 179 – 183

Investigation of Paradiplozoon homoion (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) life

cycle under experimental conditions
Martina Pečínková a,⁎, Iveta Matějusová b , Božena Koubková a , Milan Gelnar a
Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
FRS Marine Laboratory, P. O. Box 101, Victoria Road, Aberdeen AB11 9DB, United Kingdom
Received 17 May 2006; received in revised form 16 January 2007; accepted 30 January 2007
Available online 6 February 2007


Diplozoids (Diplozoidae, Monogenea) are fish ectoparasites with a direct life cycle without intermediate hosts. Their free swimming larva, the
oncomiracidium, hatches from eggs, invades a fish host and metamorphoses into a post-oncomiracidial larval stage, the diporpa. Later, two
diporpae fuse and live as a pair in cross-copulation during their adult life. An experimental study was designed to investigate the life cycle of
Paradiplozoon homoion (Monogenea, Diplozoidae) parasitizing their common fish hosts, gudgeon (Gobio gobio). A total of 35 gudgeon
parasitized by diplozoids were collected from their natural environment of the Vlára River, Czech Republic, and kept together in tanks with 41
non-parasitized gudgeons reared in a laboratory environment. In total, 100 adult specimens of P. homoion were collected from the Vlára River
gudgeon and a new parasite generation was expected to be observed on fish reared in the laboratory environment. Eight days after the first
diplozoid eggs appeared on fish gills, the presence of diporpae with one or two pairs of clamps was noted. The appearance of the first juveniles
was recorded at the same time as diporpae. Development of P. homoion from egg to sexually mature adult stage took 33 days at a constant
temperature of 20 °C. The development of eggs in adults of the second generation was observed 2 days after the first observation of these adults.
The behavior of oncomiracidia was also studied and this free swimming stage of diplozoids survived for 22 h in the absence of a host. When
host fish were experimentally infected by oncomiracidia, diporpae were found attached to the fish gill apparatus within 2 h of infection.
© 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Paradiplozoon homoion; Ectoparasite; Gudgeon; Infection; Experiment; Life cycle

1. Introduction juvenile stage undergo development of attachment apparatus

and reproductive organs.
The Diplozoidae, Palombi, 1949, are oviparous monoge- The fully formed attachment apparatus of adult diplozoids
neans and live on the gills of mainly cyprinid fish. Their eggs consists of four pairs of clamps and one pair of central hooks on
have a long polar filament, which helps them to attach to a each specimen of a pair. First pair of clamps and a pair of central
substrate in the water or less commonly to the gills of host fish hooks are presented already in the oncomiracidium to establish
[1]. Free swimming oncomiracidia hatch from eggs and within a their attachment on host gills. After invading a host, the central
short time have to find a host fish for further development. After hooks lose their function and in addition to the first pair of
attachment to fish gills, the oncomiracidium changes morphol- clamps, additional pairs of clamps are developed towards the
ogy, loses the eyespot and surface cilia and develops a branched anterior part of diplozoid body [2]. Two diporpae with two or
intestine. This post-oncomiracidium stage is called the diporpa. three pairs of attachment clamps usually fuse together. If a
Diporpae, like all other following developmental stages of diporpa does not find another specimen to pair with,
diplozoids, are blood-feeders. Later, two diporpae fuse and as a development of a full attachment apparatus is possible;
however, these unpaired specimens fail to mature.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +420 549497363; fax: +420 541211214. Diplozoids stay as a pair for all their adult life. Each
E-mail address: (M. Pečínková). specimen of a pair is hermaphroditic and nervous, muscle,
1383-5769/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
180 M. Pečínková et al. / Parasitology International 56 (2007) 179–183

Table 1
Overview of studies on life cycle of the diplozoids
Parasite species Host fish Study type Temperature of Observed stage Reference
Paradiplozoon homoion Barbus meridionalis Experiment 8, 24 °C and fluctuating Egg (production and [18] a
room temperature hatching)
Eudiplozoon nipponicum Cyprinus carpio Field Whole life cycle [10]
P. homoion Rutilus rutilus Field Whole life cycle [7]
E. nipponicum C. carpio Experiment 25 °C Diporpa (development and [15]
Diplozoon paradoxum, Abramis bjoerkna, Abramis brama, Experiment 15 to 20 °C Egg and development of [16]
E. nipponicum, P. bliccae, P. homoion, C. carpio, R. rutilus, Vimba vimba embryo in the egg,
P. rutili oncomiracidium
Field Whole life cycle
D. paradoxum A. brama Experiment 24 °C Egg, oncomiracidium [1]
D. paradoxum, Diplozoon sp. A. brama, R. rutilus Experiment 20 °C (4 °C) All stages [14]
Field Whole life cycle
Studied relationship between egg hatching and host behaviour.

alimentary and also genital systems are fused reciprocally [3]. Standard length and weight of fish from the natural population
Gelnar et al. [4] also described a sub-adult stage, which were larger than in fish reared in the laboratory (ANOVA,
represents specimens with fully formed attachment apparatus P b 0.001) (Table 2).
but not sexually mature.
The life cycle of monogenean (especially diplozoid) para- 2.2. Design of the experiment
sites has been studied several times in the past from different
aspects and available information are summarized in Table 1. Gudgeon from the Vlára River, collected by electrofishing,
The present study investigated the development of Paradiplo- were transported alive to the laboratory in the aerated tanks of
zoon homoion (Bychowsky et Nagibina, 1959) on gudgeon river water. At the time of fish collection, the water temperature
Gobio gobio (Linnaeus, 1758). P. homoion is a common in the Vlára River was 5 °C so fish were acclimatized to the
parasite of gudgeon and has been considered as generalist as its experimental conditions by increasing water temperature by
presence is recorded from eighteen species of cyprinids in the 1 °C/day. Acclimatized fish from the Vlára River were then
Czech and Slovak Republics [5,6]. Together with other transferred into tanks and cohabited with gudgeon reared under
diplozoids, P. homoion exhibits a low pathogenicity to its the laboratory condition. In total, 35 separate tanks with a pair
hosts [7]. The development of P. homoion was studied under of fish from both populations were positioned in a large tank
experimental conditions in order to obtain precise time scales with stood tap water to ensure consistent environmental
for development of each parasite stage, from egg to sexually conditions for all the experimental tanks (the water temperature
matured diplozoid. Data on longevity of diplozoid stages is stabilized at 20 °C and natural light dawn to dusk). Laboratory
important when planning experimental studies, e. g. the effect of reared fish were never exposed to any parasite infection prior to
parasites on host immuno-competence or parasite developmen- experiment. To distinguish gudgeon specimens of a pair in the
tal instability. separate tanks, a caudal fin was clipped on the laboratory reared
gudgeon (see Guy et al. [9]). Temperature 20 °C is suggested as
2. Materials and methods the optimum temperature for fast development of diplozoids
[10] and corresponds to the highest temperature measured
2.1. Collection of fish hosts during study at the Vlára River. It is easily maintained in
experimental conditions. As no suitable substrate for attachment
Two different populations of gudgeon (G. gobio) were used of parasite eggs was provided in the experimental tanks, the
in the experiment (Table 2). Thirty-five fish were collected from diplozoid eggs were observed attached on the gudgeon gills.
their natural environment, Bohuslavice nad Vláří at Vlára River
basin, Czech Republic (49°5′ N, 17°55′ E) in November 2003. Table 2
From long-term research at this locality, it is known that the Number, length and weight of gudgeon (Gobio gobio) used in the present
occurrence of P. homoion on gudgeon is common here, the experiment
parasite population is well established. In the autumn period of Gudgeon from Vlára River Laboratory reared
2001 and 2002 respectively, adult parasites were found on the gudgeon
gill apparatus with prevalence 73.33% and 90.00% respectively Number of fish 35 41
and mean intensity of infection 3.64 and 4.83 respectively [8]. Standard length (cm) 7.72 ± 0.51 5.55 ± 0.55
The second population of gudgeon was reared in laboratory Mean ± SD
Weight (g) Mean ± SD 6.23 ± 1.32 2.98 ± 0.94
conditions and has never been parasitized by P. homoion.
M. Pečínková et al. / Parasitology International 56 (2007) 179–183 181

Table 3 number of attached diporpae recorded on a fish were performed

Comparison of width and length of P. homoion eggs (mean ± SD, range) 1, 1.5, 2, 6, 12 and 24 h after the transfer of oncomiracidia into
Our results (n = 17) Khotenovsky (1985) (range) the tank.
Egg length (μm) 250.17 ± 17.85, 233–257 Five collected eggs were used to study survival time of
207.48–281.59 oncomiracidium and were kept in a Petri dish in the absence of a
Egg width (μm) 88.32 ± 6.42, 90–103 suitable host. The time of hatching was recorded and oncomir-
acidia were observed every half an hour by a stereomicroscope.

3. Results
Eggs that sank to the bottom of tanks were not considered.
Presence of eggs on randomly chosen, dissected gudgeon from 3.1. Life cycle of P. homoion
the population reared in the laboratory environment was
recorded after 20 days from the capture of gudgeon in the A total of 100 adult P. homoion were recovered from the gills
Vlára River; this day was noted as day 1 of experiment. After of gudgeon from the Vlára River during our experiment with
that, every 24 to 48 h one gudgeon from the population reared prevalence of 82.86% and mean intensity of infection of 3.45.
under the laboratory conditions (always from another separate More than six hundreds eggs were found attached to the gills of
tank) was dissected and examined for presence of P. homoion fish from both populations. The length and width of 17 eggs
parasitic stages using a stereomicroscope. All diplozoid speci- were determined (Table 3). Production of eggs was highest on
mens found were mounted on a microscope slide and fixed with the 6th day of the experiment. After the 16th day, eggs were
a mixture of glycerine-ammonium picrate [11,12]. Diplozoid very rarely recorded in the experiment.
developmental stages, such as diporpae, juvenile diplozoids and The first diporpae appeared 8 days after the presence of eggs
adult diplozoids were identified using a light microscope and mainly diporpae with one or two pairs of clamps were
equipped with differential interference contrast (Nomarski recorded. During our experiment, only one diporpa with three
DIC). In the present experiment, the sub-adult stage was not pairs of clamps and none with four pairs of clamps were found.
determined and all specimens with fully developed attachment The first juveniles were recorded at the same time as diporpae,
apparatus were classified as adults. The experiment was confirming that diplozoids attempt to fuse quickly to continue
finished when adult matured diplozoids, able to produce eggs, their development. Diporpae and juveniles were found
appeared on the laboratory reared gudgeon. Prevalence, mean abundant for the remaining period of the experiment. In total,
and range of intensity of infection were calculated according to 771 diporpae with maximum intensity of infection 248 diporpae
Bush et al. [13]. on the gills of one laboratory reared fish were found during the
Heavy infection of P. homoion was established on both duration of experiment. 228 juveniles were collected from gills
populations of gudgeon under experimental conditions. Due to of the laboratory reared fish with maximum 62 juveniles on fish
heavy infection by both P. homoion and protozoans, six gills. On day 15 of the experiment, juveniles with a developed
individual laboratory reared gudgeon died during the experiment third pair of clamps were recorded, the fourth pair of clamps
and were replaced by individuals from the same population. started to develop on day 18. However, another 15 days were
The Spearman rank correlation test was applied to analyze a necessary for juveniles to reach maturity. Juveniles with
relationship between number of adult P. homoion and weight or different numbers of pairs of clamps on each haptor were
standard length of the laboratory reared gudgeon. Only fish, identified (juveniles with one and two, two and three and three
dissected after first mature P. homoion adults were observed, and four pairs of clamps on each haptor, respectively).
were included in this analysis. The first mature adult of P. homoion was found on gills of
the fish reared in the laboratory environment 33 days after
2.3. Study of oncomiracidium transmission and survival detection of eggs; 2 days later, newly formed eggs were found.
Adult P. homoion of the second generation recovered from gills
A large quantity of P. homoion eggs was obtained from gills
of dissected gudgeon during the experiment. Eggs were
collected and incubated in a Petri dishes and standing tap
water under conditions of natural daylight and room temper-
ature. The condition of eggs was monitored using a stereomi-
croscope. Hatching occurred after 1–2 days.
Most of hatched oncomiracidia were used for the transmis-
sion study to estimate a percentage of oncomiracidia success-
fully attached to its host. Ten to fifteen oncomiracidia specimens
were transferred into the aerated and stood tap water in a 1.5 l
aquarium with one non-infected laboratory reared gudgeon.
Single fish were examined for the presence of diporpae attached Fig. 1. Occurrence of Paradiplozoon homoion developmental stages during
to the gills 30 min after the transfer of oncomiracidia into the experiment (in days). +Note: The experiment was finished 36 days after
tank, using a stereomicroscope. Identical experiments with a detection of eggs on gudgeon gills.
182 M. Pečínková et al. / Parasitology International 56 (2007) 179–183

Table 4 The results of Bovet [14], and also the findings of present
The percentage of successful oncomiracidia in the invasion of host fish experimental study, confirm results of Gelnar and Koubková
(experiment of oncomiracidium transmission and survival)
[10] who stated that diplozoids are able to reach maturity during
Time of observation after the No. of Percentage of the same vegetative period in the natural environmental with
transfer oncomiracidia into the tank oncomiracidia used successful
with host for experiment oncomiracidia (%)
average water temperature higher than 20 °C.
Diplozoid larvae and their longevity have been studied in
0.5 15 0.0
several experiments [14,15] and the life cycle of diplozoids was
1h 10 0.0
1.5 h 10 0.0 also observed in the natural environment [10,14,16] (Table 1).
2h 13 23.1 In our study, the unparasitized gudgeon were infected by
6h 15 20.0 P. homoion and the second generation of parasites was
12 h 15 26.7 successfully bred under experimental conditions. During the
24 h 15 40.0
experiment, many eggs were found attached by a filament on
the gills of host fish. Seventeen eggs collected from the
of the laboratory reared gudgeon (dissected after first mature experiment were measured and the data obtained were
P. homoion adults were observed) were found with a prevalence compared to results of Khotenovsky [2] (see Table 3).
of 47.83% and mean intensity of infection of 3.91. Fig. 1 shows Measurements of eggs obtained during our experiment exhibit
that the occurrence of certain developmental stages overlaps. a larger range for both width and length of eggs than previously
There was no relationship between weight of the laboratory published by Khotenovsky [2], however there was no
reared gudgeon and the number of adult matured P. homoion information on how many eggs have been measured.
(Spearman rank correlation, r = 0.243, P = 0.264). Also no During the experiment, only diporpae with one or two pairs
correlation between standard length of the laboratory reared of clamps were recorded and already at this stage, they were
gudgeon and the number of adult P. homoion was found able to pair and form juvenile diplozoids. In contrast, Hirose
(Spearman rank correlation, r = 0.356, P = 0.095). et al. [15] only recorded juvenile specimens formed from
diporpae with the third or (less often) fourth clamps developed
3.2. Study of oncomiracidium transmission and survival and referred that the diporpa with three pairs of clamps are ready
for pairing. Bovet [14] reported that the diporpae are ready to
No diporpae were observed on fish dissected in the time pair and develop into a juvenile specimen stage 4 days after
period from 0.5 to 1.5 h after infection. After 2, 6 and 12 h, more attachment to the host gills, when the second pair of clamps is
than 20% of oncomiracidia were found attached and developed developed. In agreement with the previous study of Bovet [14],
to diporpae. After 24 h from the transfer oncomiracidia into the we found juveniles with different numbers of clamp pairs on
tank with parasite-free gudgeon, six diporpae were recorded each haptor. However, juveniles with one pair of clamps were
attached on the gills of the host fish (Table 4). not usually found in the natural environment [14]. Juveniles
When no suitable host was present, survival time of five with third and later with fourth pairs of clamps were observed 7
oncomiracidia was observed using a stereomicroscopy. The first and 10 days after presence of the first juveniles was observed. In
oncomiracidium was found dead after 9 h of observation. Two addition, Bovet [14] studied the development of diplozoid pairs
of them died after 20 h and the maximum longevity of two of clamps and recorded that Diplozoon had the fully formed
oncomiracidia was 22 h. attachment apparatus 30 to 35 days after pairing of diporpae.
In the present experiment, oncomiracidium survival was
4. Discussion observed in conditions of presence and absence of potential fish
hosts. Longevity of the oncomiracidium stage is the shortest in
In the natural environment, the life cycle of diplozoids the life cycle of diplozoids. Within few hours, the oncomir-
usually takes less than 1 year, with sub-adult specimens acidium requires to find a suitable host to ensure successful
wintering on fish gills and rapidly sexually maturing in the development into juvenile diplozoid. It was confirmed that
spring months [2]. In the present study, the duration of monogenean larvae respond to chemical hatching factors of host
P. homoion transformation from egg into mature, adult speci- origin (e.g. substances in their skin and gill secretions) (for
mens was observed under laboratory conditions with water review see Kearn [17]). In the present study, more than 20% of
temperature stabilized at 20 °C. Although positive correlations oncomiracidia were successful in the search for the host fish and
between host size and size of some attachment clamp sclerites were found attached to the fish gills and transformed into
of P. homoion or the intensity of infection have been reported in diporpae after 2 to 12 h. After 24 h, 40% of oncomiracidia were
literature [6,7], no effect of host size on the intensity of infection successfully attached on a gudgeon and transformed into
of P. homoion was observed in the present study. The whole diporpae. Success of oncomiracidia in finding a host was higher
process of development of P. homoion took 33 days from egg to in the present experiment compared to Bovet [14], who found
adult stage. Mature diplozoids of the new generation, able to only 10% of oncomiracidia able to successfully attach to the
produce eggs, where found on the 35th day after detection of host and transform to diporpae.
eggs on gills of fish. Whereas, Bovet [14] recorded that in room In the study by Hirose et al. [15], diporpae of E. nipponicum
temperature oncomiracidia developed into sexually matured were confirmed on carp gills as soon as one hour after post-
specimens in 54 to 60 days after infection of bream and roach. infection at temperature of 25 °C, however, in our experiment no
M. Pečínková et al. / Parasitology International 56 (2007) 179–183 183

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