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Community Problem Report:

UTEP Art Department’s Fight Against Hunger on Campus

Anthony Tillman

University of Texas at El Paso



This annotated bibliography is about hunger and its effects on the UTEP’s campus and its

students. Also the many different ways that the UTEP art department helps to fight against

student hunger on campus. This bibliography also elaborates on the many problems students face

on the subject of hunger and how it affects them during school. Natural disasters ensues that can

contribute to the hunger of students of UTEP’s campus. These are all covered in this annotated


Community Problem Report:

UTEP Art Department’s Fight Against Hunger on Campus


Hunger is a big epidemic that goes on in the world today. Many people face the

troubles of hunger and starvation due to many unfortunate circumstances. For instance, the

students who attend college at UTEP. Many students face hunger issues at UTEP’s campus

because of location and lack of resources. However, UTEP has set up solutions to these

problems. The UTEP Art Department and its students, because of many severe complications and

student’s lack of resources fights against hunger by donating to food drives on campus and

offering immediate to help students that resides off-campus.

Students and resources

Some students on UTEP’s campus suffer hunger because of a lack of resources. A lot of

UTEP’s population are or live in Mexico were in some places people are poor and food is scarce.

According to Cadelaria, (2016) students that use the UTEP pantry usually go there because of a

lack of food and resources to acquire food (pg. 1). Students at UTEP all have different living

situations and different amount of resources. Because of some students’ unfortunate lack of

resources, they are driven to hunger. Being that the food pantry is an accessible resource on

campus, UTEP students tend to use the food pantry to alleviate the problem of hunger. According

to Mears (2011), hunger is described lack of food supplied to an individual over a long period of

time (pg. 35). Some students truly suffer from hunger based on Mears’ definition. Even though

student’s at UTEP face this ordeal, the UTEP art department and students donate at least twice a

week to support UTEP’s students against hunger. All UTEP students have access to the Food

Pantry if any students are facing hunger.


Time Management.

Because of Students busy schedules study may be forced to skip meals causing hunger.

According to Fisher-Wirth, (1995) Hunger can be caused by unfortunate circumstances (pg. 7).

Students at UTEP are facing unfortunate circumstances in life which causes them to lose time for

eating. Hunger can be caused by a simple schedule change in school or their job. This change can

cause limited time for eating food causing hunger. Student who tend to overwork themselves

because of time management tend to be the hungriest because they don’t consume enough food

for all the work that they do daily. According to Norton, (1949) Time can play a big part of a

human beings hunger (pg.4). Again if students don’t time to eat they won’t because of a sense of

school obligations. When students are low on time they will choose to work over eating. Time

causes students to put their priorities over there necessities. This is a great cause of hunger on

UTEP’s campus.

Distance and Location.

Depending on the student’s location and how far away they live from UTEP’s campus

students may take public transportation forces them to miss meals. According to Lewitt, (1997)

because of poor communities’ lack of resources causes the people who live in them hunger. A lot

of UTEP’s students live in Juarez, Mexico. Some places in Juarez are poor and have low

resources and the students who live in them often face hunger before coming to campus. Also

because of this, students tend to not tell their problems with hunger because they feel ashamed

by it. Also living far away from the school might leave some students to not eating some meals.

According to Kmietowicz, (2011) hunger can be caused by many changes in irregular eating

patterns (pg. 114). Students who live far away from the campus may be forced to consume food

at inopportune times of the day. When the student’s body has a strange eating pattern it can cause

the student’s to feel hunger during school hours. These eating patterns are cause by time and the

far away location of the students from campus.

Hunger effecting student’s performance.

Hunger can impact the students’ performance in class in multiple ways. According to

Eccher, (1990) Hunger can greatly effect a person’s effectiveness in all matters of life (pg. 33).

This statement is especially true when it comes to the performance of a student in school

hindering their school work. When students are hunger they begin to work poorly because they

do have the energy to perform to their maximum potential, in fact students who don’t eat can

only perform the minimal extent of work. Hunger greatly effects the students work ethic.

According to Mears, (2011) hunger can be self-inflicted because of depression (pg. 34). Hunger

caused by depression can also alter the effectiveness of UTEP students’ mood in the classrooms.

If a student is depressed more chances than not the student won’t be willing to do work. Hunger

and depression can become the outcome of whether or not the student will work well in class.

Art Department’s Food Drive donations

The UTEP art department fights against student hunger by donating food to the campus

food drive to help with student’s hunger. According to Cadeleria, (2016) Ten percent of all

donations made by to the UTEP food pantry are donated by the UTEP art department and it’s

students (pg. 1). This percentage is impressive amongst UTEP’s campus and its students. This

statement shows the art departments dedication to the fight against hunger on the campus. Also,

many students who donate to the food pantry from the art department were students of hunger

themselves. UTEP’s art department makes artwork to raise the awareness of campus hunger.

According to Ranjan, (2011) Hunger has been explained artwork for many eras (pg137). UTEP

students Have made artwork to stress the importance hunger and it’s effect on people through out

the eras. The UTEP art department use these art pieces to give student’s a visual representative of

hunger to help the students fight against it on UTEP’s campus.

In conclusion

The UTEP Art Department and its students, because of many severe complications and

student’s lack of resources fights against hunger by donating to food drives on campus and

offering immediate to help students that resides off-campus. Many different complications factor

into a UTEP students fight with hunger. But there are also solutions to hunger on UTEP’s

campus. UTEP has a food drive donated to students facing hunger by other utep’s students.

Hunger plays a part on UTEP’s campus, but in time with donations hunger will be down sized on



Candelaria, E (2016) Miners collect Nonperishable Items for UTEP Food Pantry. The University

of Texas at El Paso, The UTEP Prospector Newspaper.

Eccher, J. (1990). Creating Solutions to Hunger. The Black Scholar, 21 (1), 32-34. Retrieved


Fisher-Wirth, A. (1995). Hunger Art: The Novels of Anita Brookner. Twentieth Century

Literature, 41 (1), 1-15. doi:10.2307/441712

Kmietowicz, Z. (2011). Capturing the art of hunger. BMJ: British Medical Journal, 343 (7815),


Lewit, E., & Kerrebrock, N. (1997). Childhood Hunger. The Future of Children, 7 (1), 128-137.


Mears, A. (2011). Hunger. The North American Review, 296 (1), 34-36.

Norton, J, (1949). A Long-Term Agricultural Policy for The United States. College of

Agriculture, University of Illinois. 3-11

Other. Symplokē, 19 (1-2), 143-157. doi:10.5250/symploke.19.1-2.0143

Ranjan Ghosh. (2011). Aesthetics of Hunger: (In)fusion Approach, Literature, and the

Image 1 : UTEP Food Pantry

The UTEP Food Pantry where students that face hunger on UTEP’s campus can acquire

canned goods and other resources to eat. It is located at room 106 in the union west building of

UTEP’s campus form the hours of 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Candelaria, E (2016) Miners

collect Nonperishable Items for UTEP Food Pantry. The University of Texas at El Paso, The

UTEP Prospector Newspaper.


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