September October

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Winchester News

The Winchester School


A View from the Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Staff,
Welcome to the new Academic Year. I am delighted to welcome new families and their children
and of course equally delighted to see the returning families, teachers and children. We have
worked hard to ensure that the school year gets underway in a purposeful way from day one.
Unfortunately, this was not the case. I take full responsibility on the unpleasant experiences
with buses, uniforms and books. We are still experiencing some problems with all these three
areas as mentioned above but hopefully we will be able to sort these out shortly. I look forward Raminder Singh Vig
to another stimulating year at The Winchester and hope to meet you all soon.
The world is at times a confusing and alarming place. The potential effects of climate change
and of the continuing tensions and armed conflicts around the world are there for all to see. We
will hand over to the children a world with many problems to solve. What drives us at The
Winchester is the hope that through education, our young people will be able to turn the tide for
the benefit of their children.
Mrs. Ranju Anand
Can I remind all parents and children that you concerns should be initially be addressed to the Vice Principal
relevant Heads of Sections.

Raminder Singh Vig

Mrs. H. Turner
Messages Head of Secondary

Mrs. Ranju Anand - Vice Principal

A lot of you are probably very surprised to see me back at The Winchester School. Just before
the end of the term, I felt that the children, parents and all the staff wanted and expressed
openly how happy they would feel if I stayed back. It was becoming very hard for me to leave
such a wonderful institution and all of you. Mrs. Louise Paris
Mr. Vig persuaded me to stay and I decided to support him and the whole school community Head of Primary

I hope to get your support in my whole hearted effort to promote quality of education in the
school so that your children flourish in this ever changing world.
I am counting on your support and in turn assure that I shall continue to work towards
delivering the BEST to your child at The Winchester .
Thank you.
Mr. Georgie Alexander
G.M.- Administration

Mrs. H. Turner, Head of Secondary
I am delighted to be joining the staff at The Winchester School. Having been in Dubai for just over one year I am still
learning about some of the ways of the U.A.E, and have really enjoyed my time here so far.
I have taught in England for more years than I care to remember. My subject is Physical Education and I have managed
large departments and school sections for many years.
My philosophy is very simple; I believe that all children should be given the chance to learn and that as teachers we
should be enhancing and enriching the time that they spend with us in school.
I look forward to meeting many of you in the near future and working closely in partnership with you.

Mrs. Louise Paris - Head of Primary

Dear Parents,
It’s good to be back after the summer holidays. A warm welcome to all our new parents and a big HELLO to the parents of
our old pupils.
The primary school has recently grown and I’m happy that you have entrusted your children to our care. The staff at The
Winchester School are dedicated to see that your young ones get the best education. All has not been smooth sailing so
far but we are getting there. Any concern/s or suggestions you have will be gladly taken into consideration and worked out
to the best of our ability. Please feel free to come and meet me regarding any issue that you may have

Ramadan Timings
nd rd th
Ramadan is expected to begin on 22 /23 September. With effect from 24 September the school timings with be
from 8.00 a.m. to 12.00 noon. Since all the students from FS-1 to Year 10 will be leaving at the same time, there will
be a delay in the drop-off time by about 15 to 20 mts.

We know many of our children have braved the inconvenience on school transport. Nine new
buses are in place now and the routes for them are more or less fixed. We have asked for 4 more
new buses. Please contact Mr. Georgie Alexander on school number if you still have any

We are awaiting for the P.E. Uniforms. Students will be informed as soon as they arrived. School uniforms are on sale
on 2nd floor (Opposite Secondary Library) between 8:15 a.m. and 10.00 a.m.

Text Books
Winchester is proud to welcome many more children and parents than expected. This has led
to shortage of few text books which we have reordered. We will inform you as soon as we
receive the next order. We would like to assure you that your child’s education will not be
compromised due to this. Photocopied materials will be given to children whenever required.
Teachers are also using “class sets” of the books returned by you at the end of last year. We
thank all the parents who have send us the used books from last year. If you still have the text books from last year,
please send them to Mrs. Paris or Mrs. Turner .

Mobile Phone/MP3 Players etc.

It is recommend that children do not bring any of these items to school. If they must, they are not allowed to use these
items between 8.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. If any student is found using /causing disruption to class, the item will be
confiscated for a term.

School Website : We are hoping to go live on our updated school web site by the end of October.
Curriculum Maps will be sent to all parents by the end of the month.
All visitors need to register at the reception and take a visitor’s pass to enter class room area. For early dismissal parents
needs to fill a form at reception.

Parent Involvement
It is nearly becoming impossible to beat Dubai-Sharjah traffic. Despite best efforts, our staff bus from Sharjah is getting
delayed. We are asking parents to volunteer to cover for few teachers. If you can come to school at 7.30 a.m. sharp and be
prepared to stay up to 9.00 a.m.,please give your name and contact number to Principal’s Secretary Mrs. Supriya.

Important upcoming events

Drama Classes : From 17th September onwards
Puppet show : 20th September
Ballet classes : After Ramadan (Start date will be notified later)
for FS1 and Fs2
Parent Consultation : Year 1 to 6 12th October ( No regular classes for Year 1 to Year 6)
Year 7 - to 10 : 19th October ( No regular classes for Year 7 to Year 10)

Head Boy & Head Girl

Head Boy : Arvind Harinath
Head Girl : Alisha Ansari
Deputy Head Boy : Justine Razo
Deputy Head Girl : Nashmia Rao

House Captains/Vice Captains for each house.

House Captains Vice Captains
Earth Girls Laaiba Shaikh Shiva Nassouri
Boys Jay Bhimani Charles Soud
Fire Girls Tanya Salih Benedickte Gammelgaard
Boys Malcome Joel Gray Adiwithya Kotwal
Water Girls Annie Jo Hopewell Hareem Idris Siddique
Boys Bardia Tabatabei Vladik Potter
Wind Girls Hanan Adel Karem Alyssa Claire
Boys Muhammed Hassan Yusuf Ali

Student Representatives - 2006-07

Form Group Student Representative

10 B1 Isa Naseer
10 B2 Hasan Sheikh
10 G1 Jovy San some
10 G2 Mariam Harraz
9 B1 Raghav Khanna
9 B2 Ammar Mheir Al Saadi
9 G1 Nikita Sallih, Anina Georgieva
8 B1 Pouya Taghizadeh
8 B2 Payam Hemmat Dehnovi
8 G1 Nor Nadia Perena, Priyanka Prakesh
7 B1 Sam Sootodehfar
7 B2 Anwar Habib Ahmed
7 G1 Darzleena Ann Nigli
7 G2 Nicole Buenaventure

Subject & Year Co-ordinators 2006 - 2007

We would like to introduce you to the staff members on positions of responsibility such as year
coordinators and subject coordinators.

Name of Staff Subjects/Year

Nesreen Salem Literacy Co-ordinator
Tina Doshi Head of Maths
Ekta Choudhary IGCSE Co-ordinator - Year 10
Nipa Mehta ICT Co-ordinator
Yasser Fayez Arabic Co-ordinator - Years 1-10
Gulnaaz Akbar Year Co-ordinator - FS1
Rashida Sahiwala Year Co-ordinator - FS2
Helen Ambrose Year Co-ordinator - Year 1
Vini Kwatra Year Co-ordinator - Year 2
Purnima Srivastava Year Co-ordinator - Year 3
Anne Prasad Year Co-ordinator - Year 4
Rhea Sajnani Year Co-ordinator - Year 5
Anitha Liju Year Co-ordinator - Year 6
Sheena Unmesh Year Co-ordinator - Year 7
Chriselda Goveas Year Co-ordinator - Year 8
Manoj Kumar Year Co-ordinator - Year 9

website :
P.O. Box 38058, Dubai, U.A.E Tel:- +971 4 8820444, Fax:- +971 4 8820440

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