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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín

Doctorado en Ciencias Mención Gerencia


Ejercicios de la Unidad II

Carlos Ramón Vidal Tovar


Profesora: Adriana Curiel

Octubre de 2010
Página 9 Ejercicio 6
Página 11 Ejercicio 8
Página 15 Ejercicio 2

"What is ethics?"
Simply put, ethics involves learning what is right or wrong, and then doing the right
thing -- but "the right thing" is not nearly as straightforward as conveyed in a great deal
of business ethics literature. Most ethical dilemmas in the workplace are not simply a
matter of "Should Bob steal from Jack?" or "Should Jack lie to his boss?"
(Many ethicists assert there's always a right thing to do based on moral principle, and
others believe the right thing to do depends on the situation -- ultimately it's up to the
individual.) Many philosophers consider ethics to be the "science of conduct." Twin
Cities consultants Doug Wallace and John Pekel (of the Twin Cities-based Fulcrum
Group) explain that ethics includes the fundamental ground rules by which we live our
lives. Philosophers have been discussing ethics for at least 2500 years, since the time of
Socrates and Plato. Many ethicists consider emerging ethical beliefs to be "state of the
art" legal matters, i.e., what becomes an ethical guideline today is often translated to a
law, regulation or rule tomorrow. Values which guide how we ought to behave are
considered moral values, e.g., values such as respect, honesty, fairness, responsibility,
etc. Statements around how these values are applied are sometimes called moral or
ethical principles.

Pagina 9; Ejercicio 6. ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?

El texto trata sobre el concepto de ética basado en hacer lo correcto, su importancia

histórica y la transcendencia de algunos conceptos éticos a una ley, reglamento o norma
aceptados por un entorno social.

EJERCICIO 8. Extraiga 4 oraciones del siguiente texto, identifique la frase verbal (FV),
su núcleo(N) y los tiempos verbales (TV).

Key dimensions of high performance teams

Involvement - Everyone has a role on the team. Despite differences in roles,
perspectives and experience, team members feel a sense of partnership with each other.
Contributions are respected and expected. True consensus is reached when appropriate.
Process Orientation – High performing teams have a large number of process tools they
can use when needed. Process tools would include: problem solving tools, planning
techniques, regular meetings, agendas, and successful ways of dealing with problems,
behavioral agreements, and ways to improve those processes within the team.
Continuous Improvement - The team understands the importance of continuous
improvement, has the tools, knowledge and time at their disposal to make Continuous
Improvement really happen. All improvement efforts are done in support of the
organization’s goals and objectives.

1. High performing teams have a large number of process tools : TV= PRESENTE

2. True consensus is reached when appropriate : TV= PRESENTE PERFECTO

3. The team understands the importance of continuous improvement: TV= PRESENTE

4. All improvement efforts are done in support of the organization’s goals and

Identificación: SUJETO Núcleo(N)frase verbal (FV): Tiempo Verbal

Using Educational Technology

1.The Office of Technology for Education (OTE) aims to provide instructors with 2.the
information and support necessary to create the most effective 3.implementation of
learning technologies possible. This section of the site 4. provides information about
best practices in using educational technology. It 5.also summarizes research findings
from several evaluations, points you to 6.resources for common teaching tools, and
highlights projects that have 7.demonstrated success in enhancing education.
8. In addition to keeping up-to-date with current topics and changes in the 9.educational
technology landscape, the ote carries out primary research 10.studies to evaluate the
impacts of various learning technologies. We also 11.conduct in-depth secondary
research to identify and synthesize the results of 12.external studies in technology-
enhanced learning.
• Laptop Study
• Teaching With Technology White Papers:
o Classroom Response Systems
o Podcasting
o Lecture Webcasting
13.A variety of tools are available at Carnegie Mellon to help you provide 14.access to
course material and content, demonstrate concepts and 15.processes, facilitate
discussions and engage students. Here are several 16.resources for some of the more
commonly used teaching technologies:
• Blackboard at Carnegie Mellon
• Classroom Response Systems (Clickers)
• PowerPoint
• Current classroom equipment
17.We are involved in a number of development projects that carry the potential 18.for a
wide impact, and deepen our understanding of how technology can be used to
support teaching and learning.
• Open Learning Initiative
• Course Management Systems
• Biology Animations
• Writing Tutor
• Computing Cluster Design

EJERCICIO 2. Indique a cuales sustantivos se refieren las palabras en negrilla del texto

1.-THIS in line (3) refers to La Oficina de Tecnología para la Educación (OTE)

2. - IT in line (4) refers to Una Información adicional encontrada en lugar referido
3.-THAT in line (6) refers to La conexión entre los proyectos y su cualidad: demostrado
4.-WE in line (10) refers to Conector para adicionar una función mas
5.-YOU in line (13) refers to los estudiantes: Para ayudarles a proporcionar acceso a
material del curso y el contenido, demostrar los conceptos y procesos, facilitar el debate
y comprometer…
6.-WE in line (17) refers to The Office of Technology for Education (OTE)
7.-THAT in line (17) refers to una caracteristica de los proyectos de desarrollo

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