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Calm before the storm: page 3

Pre-exam relaxation techniques Grahamstown’s soldiers

page 7 In the trenches and the township

The Oppidan Press Edition

Edition 2523
5, 9April
May 2007

Murky waters
Vague regulations take the By Delia de Villiers and Mzoxolo Budaza

fun out of “funnelling”

By Leon Schnell and Lionel Faull aware that the misuse of alcohol is in
contravention of both the University’s

and the Sports Council’s codes of According to Registrar Dr Stephen
acceptable behaviour”. Fourie: “Rhodes recently acquired a
According to Madatt, what happened new version of the software that allows
at the sports club’s Cheese and Wine for the timetable to be set up here.
was not funnelling. Funnelling, Madatt Unfortunately, the programme does
believes, is determined by three factors: not function automatically and still
the aim of the event at which the relies on manual input. This means
alleged funnelling occurred, the type of that people first need to be trained to
alcohol consumed and the amount of enable them to work the programme.”
alcohol consumed. As a result of time constraints
Seeing as the club’s Cheese and Wine Rhodes Administration could not
was a celebration of club members’ get their own staff to do the manual
The incident highlights the need for graduating, and only one beer per input. The setting up of the timetable
greater clarity in the alcohol misuse member was “funnelled”, according to was outsourced to a private company
policy at Rhodes. At present, there is Madatt the event cannot be equated in Pretoria. The company, however,
one set of guidelines for sports clubs to his definition of funnelling where failed to realise that 16 June is a public
in addition to the university’s Student the idea is “getting drunk as quickly as holiday. In response to this mistake,
Disciplinary Code. A new Alcohol possible”. Fourie said: “We had one of three
Misuse Policy has recently been drafted Bernatzeder pointed out the irony of choices: they could start the whole
by the Dean of Students and will be being investigated by the newspaper for setting up process again, they could
finalised at the end of the third term. a once-off incident because, according change the timetable or [students]
On Thursday 10 May, the Underwater to her, “We’re a chilled club. It’s not like could deal with it.”
Club held a graduation ceremony we’re a crazy club.” The SRC, class reps and other
combined with a Cheese and Wine at She explained that it was the first time relevant parties were consulted after
their clubhouse on the Great Field. A that something like this had happened at the release of the first draft. However,
photographer for The Oppidan Press the Underwater Club, that funnelling is the South African Students Con-
attended the event to take photos of what not a club initiation ceremony and that gress (Sasco) was the most vocal in
Pic: Leon Schnell

was expected to be a straightforward there was no mixing of drinks involved. complaining about students having to
certificate hand-over. Events took an Montoya-Maya explained his role write on the public holiday. A letter
unexpected turn when Phanor Montoya- in initiating the drinking incident: “In was sent to the Registrar expressing
Maya, the warden of Botha residence Columbia where I come from that’s dissatisfaction with the schedule.
who was attending the event in his what we do when divers graduate. We After a few negotiations, it was agreed
capacity as a diving instructor, asked did it here for the first time and I wasn’t that all exams on 16 June would be
graduates to drink a can of beer which completely aware of the repercussions members were trained in regulations incident at the sports club function rescheduled for another day.
he poured through their snorkels before for the Underwater Club.” regarding their specific portfolios. did not constitute funnelling, and that While this issue may have been
handing them their certificates. After Bernatzeder was unable to definitively consequently “there is nothing to be unduly resolved, students remain dissatisfied
photographing four graduates, our answer The Oppidan Press’s initial concerned about at this moment in time”. with the process of scheduling exams.
photographer was approached by the questions about the possibility that Dean of Students Professor Vivian de BJourn student, Jessica Cash, ques-
Underwater Club chairperson Andrea her club broke Sports Admin rules at Klerk said: “Staff at the university must tioned: “If a university like Stellen-
Bernatzeder, and was asked not to the Cheese and Wine. “I can’t tell you remember that they are role models.” De bosch can release the exam timetable
publish the photographs because Sports whether I’ve specifically read anything Klerk indicated, however, that she had at the beginning of the year then why
Admin would not approve. She also said regarding funnelling. That’s not necessarily spoken with Montoya-Maya and had can’t Rhodes do the same?”
that it was not the image she wanted the Sports Admin’s fault. They do give us reassured him that the incident would Jesse Burton, a History Honours
Underwater Club to portray. the documents,” she said. She later “blow over”. student, also criticised the timetable
In response to an initial inquiry confirmed that the Sports Council alcohol Once Sports Admin’s position became process: “Rhodes administration
from The Oppidan Press, Head of Sport guidelines were included in her sports club clear, Montoya-Maya contacted The knows that exams must be written so
Aziez Madatt told us that “funnelling is “Diving does not go with alcohol,” committee manual, but that she had not Oppidan Press to retract his earlier apology why is there no permanent timetable?”
outlawed on campus”. Madatt’s response Montoya-Maya said. “I do not allow the read the guidelines before. for the incident: “We did not have our she asked.
prompted a fuller investigation into the divers to consume alcohol for at least 24 When questioned whether the facts together before we met you and that In response to this concern, Fourie
university’s policies by The Oppidan hours before they go underwater. But regulations as they stood were too vague, made us apologise for something that said: “This would greatly limit the
Press. the graduation was a special night to Madatt said: “It’s a difficult thing, in now we understand was not wrong at all. subject choices that students have.
The Sports Council guidelines do not celebrate. I apologise.” that do you then specify everything in I do recognise that alcohol is a problem at Rhodes allows for inter-faculty subject
explicitly outlaw or define funnelling. Madatt said that new club committees life?” When it comes to club committees Rhodes but what we did that night was not selections and this would not be pos-
However, two clauses, which may be are given a guide containing all Sports having to make decisions on-the-fly ‘funnelling’ as it is: we did not consume a sible if there was a fixed timetable. If
applicable to funnelling, state: “Clubs Council regulations, and are familiarised during an event and being hampered large amount of alcohol in a short space of there was a permanent exam timeta-
should discourage the excessive use of with the contents of the guide by their by the vague regulations, Madatt said: time. So please let us stop using that word.” ble, students would have to check both
alcohol amongst their members from a Sports Officer. This year, committees “Those who are responsible for the To see highlights of the new Rhodes the lecture timetable and the exam
personal health and performance point were also given an orientation workshop function must monitor it.” University Alcohol Policy draft, visit our timetable at the beginning of the year
of view”, and “Club members should be at the start of the year, where committee Madatt later concluded that the website and select their subjects around this.”

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luck for exams!
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Trade unions page 9
 National strike explained

Ed’s view point

The Underwater Club were under-

standably mortified when word of our
investigation leaked out, in case their
beloved club should be shut down by
Sports Admin. We have been accused
of ambush journalism and bad faith,
but nothing could be further from the
truth. Our photographer was not sent
to the event with an exposé in mind.
When the club chairperson asked him
not to publish the “snorkel” photos, our
photographer’s initial and inadvertent
response was to consent. We would still

Illustration: Alex Dubb

be within our legal rights to publish
them now, but that would be going
against our word. We have also been
accused of “ratting on” the Underwater
Club by explicitly naming Montoya-
Maya, Bernatzeder and the Underwater
Club to Sports Admin when we first
enquired about the legality of events at
the function. We enquired, yes, but we
were fastidious in not naming anybody
Letters to the Editor
to the university authorities until it be-
came clear that both Montoya-Maya and Ludicrous to defend “murderous” Zim gov’t Wouldn’t you rather be safe than green?
Bernatzeder had been to see the Head of
Sports and the Dean of Students of their Editor, who is to blame; everybody knows Dear Editor, students would agree that the issue con-
own accord. who it is. As the future of the country, cerning security should be the number
I strongly believe that we are justified I am writing in response to a letter we should seek a better future for Is the environment more important one priority.
in publishing the outcome of our inves- submitted by Comrade Young Musango. Zimbabwe. We should seek to make it a than student safety and security? This I certainly do believe that prevention
tigation, for three reasons. Firstly, in the First of all, I would like to be the first place where people actually want to live. is the question that one would be posed is better than cure. We cannot wait until
context of Rape Awareness Week last to congratulate you, Musango, on As far as intimidation on campus with attending the recent student a tragic incident occurs (be it on or
week, it is important for the university finally coming forward and speaking goes, there has been some. Perhaps forum meetings. I must point out from off-campus) until we decide. The ques-
community to recognise the connec- for the ruling party. Apart from within coming from Zimbabwe, where the outset that I certainly do support tion is not about what the University is
tion between alcohol consumption and Zimbabwe, there are few supporters of intimidation is much more dangerous initiatives driven towards protecting going to do for us to ensure that we are
incidents of rape. It wasn’t too long ago Zanu PF with the courage to defend and overt, has made you numb towards our environment, however as you will safe and secure. It is about what we as
that Activate reported an alleged rape the ruling party anywhere else! There it and you wonder what the big deal discover upon reading this letter, I am students are willing to do to ensure that
that occurred on a sports field outside a is a good reason for this. It is utterly is. It’s just a few threats and grimaces not convinced that the creation of an our safety is guaranteed (at least to a
club Cheese and Wine. ludicrous to defend the murderous greed after all. It’s just the ripping down of environmental representative is justifi- certain extent).
Secondly, it is important to clear up of the Zimbabwean government, which posters advertising events focused able based on reasons which shall now I would like to repeat that I am not
exactly where sports clubs stand in rela- has shattered the hopes and dreams on the problems at home. We are in a be discussed. against protecting our environment. I
tion to the complex web of often vague of all those they initially purported to liberal space here and it’s a real novelty The idea concerning the creation am merely of the opinion that, although
rules to which they are held accountable. represent. for Zimbos, and I wish that they would of the environmental representative both of these issues are pressing mat-
By the same token, the university ad- I know, and you know, that things in use it! Having said this, I promise you portfolio was recently put before the ters which demand attention, one can
ministration must understand the rules Zimbabwe are not fine, and the problems that the undercurrent of animosity has SRC by various interest parties who ex- deduce that the security issue is more
by which it governs. The draft Alcohol at home are not a result of sanctions scared Zimbabweans here. People are pressed their concern about the lack of important (especially from a student
Misuse Policy will be released for public or any other political or economic afraid that the police or the CIO or the an environmental representative. This perspective). As for which of these is-
comment this week. Whatever your pressures exerted from abroad. You must army forces ironically meant to protect the is important, certainly, but surely not as sues is the more important one to you
opinion may be about our front page sto- avoid sliding into the absurd rhetoric citizens, will carry out retribution on their important as a representative which ad- — make that choice on your own. In
ry, YOU need to make sure you read the that defenders of the regime have leant families at home. I certainly fear inducing dresses the issue of safety and security. conclusion I would like to wish all Op-
draft policy and comment on it before it on for so long – blaming the West, suffering on my family. Nevertheless, a It is my humble opinion that both pidans the best of luck in the upcoming
is finalised at the end of third term. blaming the whites, blaming drought careful and unified voice must speak out viewpoints be put to public debate. If examinations and to thank those of you
Thirdly, our front page story is an and the MDC. The fact remains that from Zimbabweans at Rhodes. We must students feel that they would rather who have taken your time to read my
opportunity for us all to debate the role nearly ONE THIRD of the population not forget the suffering at home, and the have an environmental representa- letter.
of student newspapers at our university. has fled the chaos. The lucky ones run to difficulties our parents endure in sending tive, then I have nothing further to say.
If we call ourselves a student newspaper, the very people whom the government us here. However, in light of the recent wave of Kindest regards,
should we only hold admin and the SRC blames for the collapse! The problems in Although you would gain VERY little crime which has plagued the student Samuel Simango,
to account? Should we hold back on Zimbabwe lie within the power-hungry support, you should hold a march if you feel body, in particular the Oppidan com- Oppidan Union Senior Student
reporting on incidents that might not dictatorship. The leaders are too terrified oppressed. Alternatively, please attend one munity, I am of the opinion that most Oppidan Committee Chairperson
portray our friends and lovers in the best and greedy to let go of the single party of the functions advertised by the informal
light? How can student newspapers be state that they built through the 80s and group trying to end the silence. There is
The Oppidan Press publishes letters that are bona fide expressions of opinion as long as
held accountable by their readers? Watch 90s, on the reliance that the people they always room to air your views without the
they are not clearly libellous, defamatory, racist or sexist. We reserve the right to shorten
this space. had liberated were too caught up in their threat of violence or intimidation. I want to
letters due to space constraints and to edit them for grammatical inaccuracies. Any letters
newfound liberty to immediately start know more about your experiences of being
that do not make it into our print edition will be published on our website.
challenging their iconic leaders. Absurd a ZANU PF supporter.
Do you have something to say? Write a letter to the Editor and email it to
is how I feel right now, spelling out these
Lionel Faull facts. We need to move past debating Harry

The Oppidan Press

Editor: Lionel Faull Assistant Pictures Editor: Leon Schnell Chief Sub-Editor: Simon Allison Political Editor: Boitumelo Mpete
Deputy Editor: Ines Schumacher Art Director: Alex Dubb Entertainment Editor: Kele Scheppers SciTech Editor: Andrew Slaughter
Features Editor: Michael Kaeflein

Managing Editor: Mike Winn Arts Editor: Sarah Laird SciTech Editor: Seranne Howis
Advertising Manager: Tasmin Vosloo Business Editor: Shingirirai Chaza News Editor: Claire Carr Sports Editor: Saint-Francis Tohlang
Marketing Manager: Julia Housdon Chief Designer: Jacky Smith Opinion Editor: Lara Faris Website Advisor: Mike Winn
Web Manager: Bonele Lusithi Chief Sub-Editor: Jade Fernley Pictures Editor: Gaynor Barnard Website:

Allison Wonderland The Oppidan Comm ent

Why I’ve lost faith in our honourable judiciary
By Simon Allison purely theoretical grounds, this is about Osama bin Laden? He hardly doesn’t mean that the courts have to bow
rubbish – the reaction of the victim is registers on the scale – a few thousand down to these social pressures.”
completely irrelevant to the crime. If in New York is nothing in the grand Courts don’t have to bow down to
my car gets stolen, is the robber going scheme of things. We’ll give him a slap social pressures, and they shouldn’t. But
to get a lighter sentence because I didn’t on the wrist and a warning. we’re not talking about social pressures.
cry enough? But on factual grounds this You see how absurd that is. By apply- We’re talking about right and wrong.
“mitigating factor” is also rubbish – the ing this logic in his courtroom, the hon- The rapist’s daughter is going to suffer
trial had to be halted a number of times ourable Judge Somyalo has undermined the psychological effects of being raped
because the girl broke down in court. his authority and that of the entire by her father for the rest of her life, and
The judgment: the honourable Judge Not the reaction of somebody who is legal system of this country. I submit, the man responsible will walk away after
President Somyalo passes sentence on the coping. respectfully, that he has ignored the basic 20 years.

Pic: Mike Dexter

father. He is guilty. But not that guilty. Be- And on these grounds, our honour- principles of justice and decency which After the Jacob Zuma trial, many
cause, according to our honourable Judge, able Judge did not impose a life sentence, are meant to be the basis of the law, and people began to question the legal
the rape was not that bad. giving the convicted rapist only 20 years: delivered a judgment so ill-thought out system of this country – that the courts
There were mitigating factors. The girl “My conclusion is that this particular and careless that the fight against rape were not as impartial as they should

Sport passions
had no physical injuries, for a start. No rape was not the worst one.” has been significantly set back. be, that women were not protected or
physical injuries? Her father repeatedly Let’s analyse this logic for a second. However, the judge, understanding listened to, that rape was not taken seri-
stuck his penis into her – she was eight, We’ll use mass murderers. We’ll give that his verdict would be controversial, ously. In that instance, I don’t think the
remember – and there were no physical Hitler life – he killed six million Jews, defended himself: “Communities around criticism was fair. However, the honour-
injuries? That is absolutely ridiculous. that’s quite a lot. Pol Pot only managed South Africa are up in arms against able Judge Somyalo has just proved their By Hazvineyi Mushambadope
Another mitigating factor cited was a million Cambodians, clearly not in rape, in particular when it is committed point, and given the rest of us something
that the girl seemed to be coping. On the same league. 20 years for him. What against young children. This, however, to be very worried about.

In the army: where the ‘real’ men are two men in a trench, for a week, alone,
By Lara Faris
magazines, Playboy. I oh-so-cleverly
say: “Your Playboy magazines?” “No
man!” he protests. Then I click: he means
ammunition magazines. So I tease: “Oh
sorry, Hustler?” “No man!” He turns to
a tall army comrade, hits him on the Being in digs surely means one
shoulder and says: “Jis man! Wat is ʼn thing for most people: “to mind my
magazine in Engels?” own business.” This translates as: “I
These men have dedicated their youth do not want to be disturbed what-
to discipline, intense physical train- soever, so bugger off.” But surely it
I happen to be on speaking terms ing, military instruction, and adrenal should not be like this – you’re still
with some of these army folk after a stimulation skills. All jokes aside, regret- part of a broader community. Every
chance introduction at the semi-dodgy tably not all encounters with the army now and again we do feel lonely in
Champs Action Bar, where champions lads are a laughing matter. My army our digs, always facing the same old
meet other champions. I must be honest: acquaintances often inform me that for walls: the TV is boring, the same
there isn’t much to say to these lads. some consecutive weeks they sit around CD has played over and over again
Conversation ranges from jumping out wasting time, often going out at night to and you’ve been drunk more than
of airplanes, to tackling obstacle courses, compensate for the monotony of lengthy enough. Why not then de-tox all
to firearm handling and, of course, days. Many people in the township are the alcohol and boredom by taking
Metallica. In one such conversation, in not so accepting of the military location your racquet, basketball, swimming
a very strong Afrikaans accent, I was for this particular reason. A number of costume and, most importantly, your
animatedly told of a recent field mission army boys (not taking into account the digsmates out to play. Life is fun if
where “we go into the bush and two of ones I know), are known for fraternis- you add some spice to it and I think
us dig a trench. Do you know a trench?” ing with young township girls on their any kind of sport will do the trick.
Not personally, no, it sounds very 1914 nights out. The military as a whole are My plea is to all the Oppi girls
to me. blamed for causing kak in the township. out there: stop thinking about books,
“Two of us guys is living in this This includes contributing to a propor- EQ, the Rat and Parrot or Friars for a
trench for a week, securing the trench tion of the increasing pregnancy rates, change and spend those girl-outings
using strategies and tactics.” These tactics drunken violence and other related on the sports field playing soccer on
are of high military standard; any op- incidents. either Saturday mornings or Sunday
ponent is accurately aimed at and shot. This takes me back to my point of the afternoons. You don’t need to be a
Nice twist to paintball don’t you think? I ‘real’ men of the military. In the movie sporty person to be on the fields, all
did learn something new though: water 300 an outnumbered Spartan army fights that is required is passion and your
is the most important provision they for their survival, only to be defeated by time. Hope to see you out there!
take with them because “when you are their weakest link: one of their own who
thirsty, you drink”. fraternises with the enemy. In Graham- Hazvineyi Mushambadope is Sports
On further investigation of these stown the army lives to defend citizens, Rep on the Oppidan Committee.
important survival provisions, pointing but it is ironically these same citizens
at different areas of his belt, this army that are subject to some soldiers’ bad
boytjie explained: “Over here you have behaviour. Their actions damage the
your water bottle, and over here you army’s otherwise good intentions. This
Pic: Gaynor Barnard

have your first aid kit, over here you principle holds outside of the army: we
have your eating utensils, and over here are all ‘real’ men and women, trying to
[hands now crossing his proud chest] be honest, but more often than not the
you have your magazines.” My imme- majority is forced to take the fall for the
diate thought process was as follows: cowardly few.

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Dealing with depression
With exams just around the corner, the heat is on for Oppies in par-
ticular as we juggle end-of-term essays, revision and the daily admin
of digs life. If you are taking strain, read on...
By Laura Durham CBT has developed notably in the last
decade and takes a practical approach,
looking at how a client interprets events.
A depressed person will interpret any-
thing negatively, and this therapy aims
to rectify these thoughts. Depression is
an illness with episodes that come and
go but through CBT, future episodes are
Not all depressed people think about
suicide on a serious level, but rather have
Charles Young, head of the Rhodes “suicidal idealation”, according to Young,
Counselling Centre, said that of all and this needs to be dealt with before it
clients seen, 17 percent suffer from becomes dangerous. Intervention can
depression, which is a worryingly large occur, by contacting the parents and in
number. The number increases through- some cases hospitalisation, but this is
out the year – not because of any ‘suicide usually done with the consent of the de-
season’, but because after some time pressed person, as negotiation provides a
students are more comfortable and con- basis for therapy.
fident to go to the Counselling Centre According to Inspector Coetzer of the
and seek assistance. South African Police Services, suicide
statistics cannot be released out of

Pic: Leon Schnell

respect for the families, but the number
of unnatural deaths (most as a result of
suicide) was eight in April, and already
five this month. It is very emotionally
draining for all involved in a suicide
case, and caseworkers find the images

Riding with the donkey cart men

difficult to deal with long after the case
There are three main ways in which has been closed.
help is offered to people suffering from For any assistance in dealing with
depression: psychological therapy, Cog- depression, please contact the Counsel-
nitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and ling Centre (top floor of Union Build-
psychiatric therapy – where a psychia- ing); email:;
trist comes to the Counselling Centre Lifeline: 0861 322 322; SMS Suicide line: By Cara-Ann Carstens and Michael Kaeflein problems from the police or traffic of- decade. Annerie describes cases where
and is able to prescribe anti-depressants. 31393; CPU: 046 603 8146/7 ficials, nor motorists, who have learned animals are stabbed and sometimes even
to tolerate the donkey carts in the streets killed. This is mainly because rivalry
of Grahamstown. between donkey cart owners is fierce.
Patric is one of the 56 cart owners Donkeys have had their ears or tails cut
registered with the Makana Donkey off and one even had an iron rod pushed
Open Deliveries Association. The association fights to
protect the rights of donkeys and to
up its rectum. Annerie explains that
when a donkey owner makes a mere R60
9am - Late 6pm - 12pm ensure that they are treated in a humane a day, “the donkey always comes last”.
manner. The association was founded Ever since the Makana Donkey As-
Tel Deliveries Fee 5 years ago by Annerie Wolmarans, sociation was established, the commu-
(046) 622-3042 R2-50 a former SPCA employee, who was nity and the donkey owners have been
Patric Doyi owns two donkeys. He concerned about the abuse that the encouraged to cooperate in report-
was given his first by his father and then donkeys were suffering because their ing any ill treatment of the donkeys.
bought another one for R250. With this owners overwork them so they can earn Concerned motorists often call in to

The bigger, better burger

pairing, called Blackie and Whitie, he more money. For Annerie to regulate the report when a donkey cart is overloaded.
can often be seen making his way along way donkeys were treated around town, Legally, the association’s cause is gaining
Beaufort Street with his cart on the way she asked the donkey owners to become ground – there have been three success-

“You Ring We Bring”

back to the township. He makes his liv- members of the association. At present, ful prosecutions of animal abuse against
ing carrying loads of firewood from the members of the association total about donkeys in Grahamstown.
forests outside Grahamstown and selling 90% of Grahamstown’s donkey owners.
Telephone them in the township. They meet every other month in the
It takes Patric and his friend an hour townships.
(046) 622-3042 and a half to make their way through Annerie has a passion for donkeys
town to fetch wood and return to the
28 New Street township. There they sell the wood for
that has been with her since childhood.
“I have a photo of me as a three year old,
R40 a load and their day’s work is done. perched on top of a donkey; maybe that’s
Patric insists that he takes good care of where the love came from,” she says.
the donkeys; they sleep outside at night On its mission to educate, the
and are allowed to roam free. He feeds Makana Donkey Association sent eight
them carrots and cabbage and they are donkey owners to Cape Town on a
NEW & IMPROVED watered in the breaks between carrying course to teach them how to look after

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loads. Every now and again he gives peo- their donkeys. These eight owners now
ple rides – he remembers giving a ride to take the liberty of sharing their know- With Annerie and the Makana
a foreign family during Festival, because how with the rest of the donkey owners Donkey Association keeping an eye
they wanted to experience Grahamstown in the Grahamstown community. Since on the donkeys that work tirelessly to
from the back of a donkey cart. He says then, things have “improved a hell of a provide many families with a livelihood
Exam stress = greasy hair. Buy new Aqua Shampoo he would even give students a ride, at R5 lot” for the Grahamstown donkeys, says and firewood, it is reassuring to know
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By Melissa Nefdt and Lionel Faull

By Muzoxolo Baduza, Tinyiko Mushwana point of discussion in voter behaviour,” he says,

and Simon Allison adding that skin colour is not the determin-
ing factor in getting votes. He argues that the
DA’s problems stem from their policies, which
are not all that different from the ANC’s. “In a
substantive manner the DA is offering exactly
what the ANC is already offering. It is fishing
in the same pond as the ANC,” he says.
However, it might take more than poli-
In a country where the ruling party has cies to change popular perceptions. Hoeane
more than a two-thirds majority, this is a vital floats the possibility of an ANC-DA alliance
question. Democracy works on the principle of sometime in the future. “This would be the
At the second student forum sitting checks and balances, and a strong opposition best thing that would ever happen in South
last Saturday evening, the assembly wait- party is central to maintaining this. The ANC Africa. It will also go a long way in eradicating
ed for 20 minutes until one latecomer needs to be held accountable, and as the official the race issues that South Africa has faced and
arrived to fulfil the two-thirds quorum. opposition, the DA should be responsible for continues to deal with,” he says. This would
Quorum was insufficient for Constitu- this. also help South Africans realise that they have
tional changes to be ratified, however, But the appeal of the DA and Zille is very common interests.
as student delegates started drifting out centred in mainly white, urban areas. The DA Do the ANC and the DA really have that
of the meeting almost as soon as it had is often perceived as a white party that does much in common? Rhodes SASCO president
begun. As a result, delegates had to be not represent the needs and interests of the Awethu Zumana doesn’t think so. “We believe
content with discussing the “inconsisten- country’s majority black population. Critics say that even if the DA had a black leader it would
cies and muddles” which Bryony Green they will never be able to attract black voters still not get black votes because of its neo-liber-
had identified in the draft constitution. because of this, and will never really be able to al agenda,” which, according to Zumana, does
A five-person working group has make significant inroads into the ANC’s sup- not cater for poor blacks in South Africa. He
now been set up to incorporate the latest port base – something that needs to happen if said that the DA needs to change its policies if
amendments. It is unclear what the fate the DA is to become stronger and more effec- it wants to realise more popular appeal.

Illustration: Alex Dubb

of the amended Constitution will be if tive as an opposition. Either way, the DA needs more support if
a third student forum does not meet However, politics lecturer and expert on it is to properly fulfil its role as South Africa’s
quorum this week. South African politics Dr Thabisi Hoeane ar- official opposition and keep the ANC in check.
The lack of student interest shown at gues that this is a simplistic analysis. “We need How Zille will do this is not yet known; that
the two student forums so far is surpris- to be careful of highlighting race issues as a she has to is clear.
ing considering the furore two months
ago when Paul Hjul led a crusade against

The World View

the SRC. More than three hundred
students attended that meeting, where
it was agreed that the SRC Constitu-
tion is seriously flawed. However, once
the Constitutional review process was
underway, less than ten students in Compiled by Simon Allison
total attended the three working group
At the first student forum two weeks
ago, many participants were not inter-
ested in being involved, and some were
seen to be voting with the majority just
so that the process would be over sooner. Le Monde Diplomatique
PARIS – Though he claims that the state will protect
France and the French people, his economic and social
Does anybody care? programme draws on old Thatcherite remedies and
favours those whom fortune has already favoured. His
By Melissa Nefdt republican sallies cannot obscure his security-based vi-
sion of society in which repression is the only answer to
the claims of the lower classes and the young.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

WASHINGTON DC – With some 85% of the
population voting, France took an irrevocable step to
the right. President Sarkozy promised tough policing
and anti-immigration measures, fewer taxes and state
handouts, a smaller bureaucracy and a renewed work
ethic…Sarkozy has already begun to undermine the
sensual, rhythmically slower France much loved by
expatriates – long meals, fine foods and wines, extended
“I don’t care and I don’t have time vacations and always a backdoor approach to getting
to worry about it,” says Clare Hoggan, things done.
a third year BAcc Oppidan. “Marches
are fun and exciting but meetings are The Mail & Guardian
boring.” DAKAR – The weekend election of right-winger
Lucie Pinson, a third year BA Nicolas Sarkozy as the new president of France has
Oppidan, agrees. She says that students raised fears in Africa because of his tough line on im-
see marches as revolutionary activities, migration. But some on the continent also hope for a
an opportunity to shout and make paradigm shift in ties with France’s former colonies,
noise and to show that you’re active and removed from the so-called Francafrique network of
care for things other than themselves. past French leaders who maintained relations with
Meetings, on the other hand, are tedious, some dubious African leaders. Sarkozy was the architect
and there is no one to acknowledge your of France’s tough immigration policy and as interior
involvement and praise you for being minister stepped up the expulsion of illegal immigrants,
there. “So in brief, students see meetings prompting sharp criticism from rights groups.
as a waste of time, which is the sad truth
about human nature,” she says. Financial Times
The lack of student participation in BRUSSELS – Nicolas Sarkozy’s declaration that
the review process means that the new France was now “back in Europe” was greeted with a
SRC Constitution is an entirely SRC-run mixture of relief and foreboding in European Union
procedure. This shows a huge amount capitals, where the new French president has as many
of trust on the part of the student body enemies as admirers…Yet, for all Mr Sarkozy’s bruising
that the SRC can examine and correct Gaullist style, his election was greeted with relief in the
itself. If things go wrong later down the EU’s biggest power centres – Berlin, London and Brus-
line, students will have only themselves sels – where he was seen as the best candidate to drag
to blame. France into the 21st century.


To be an artist is to
 believe in life.
– Joan Miro ”

Pics: Gaynor Barnard and Mike Dexter

By Amanda Strydom “It should evoke thoughts and feel- portraying relationships between the dif- piece is very physical so it takes up a lot
ings; it must have affected you in some ferent characters,” Barnard says; “a well of energy. Barnard says she is constantly
way,” says Barnard, an honours Drama choreographed piece makes it so much thinking of elements surrounding the
student. more successful.” character. Spiritually, you’re trying to ex-
With Venus, they began by getting Barnard admits that it’s tricky to learn tend yourself: your beliefs and thoughts
scripts, allocating roles and then doing a lines because the words are secondary: are challenged, leaving a vast space for
read-through. The next step is ‘blocking’, “It’s never about what you’re saying but self-reflection.
which involves working out the ‘skeleton’ how and why and to whom you’re saying Barnard says that drama “is such an
of the play. This determines how each it.” Learning the lines is easy, but execut- intimate process, you learn to work with
movement is made on stage and why. It ing them is what takes time. She explains different people you don’t necessarily
also provides an opportunity to see what that it’s a process that develops as the like”.
actions will work. Both the director and character does. She stresses that you need to know
Before starting rehearsals for the the actors work together in formulating The amount of time put into a every motion: “People on stage are very
play, the production team has to decide the final product. production makes it very demanding transparent. The audience will know if
what it is they want to say to people. “The movement is essential in on everyone involved. This particular you don’t know what you’re doing”.

Van de Ruit: the madness continues…

By Bridget O’Keeffe old station wagon. Van de Ruit attended ing out loud. Van de Ruit writes with has taken over in terms of re-defining
Michaelhouse School in the Natal Mid- a unique sense of humour that readers the image of South African boarding
lands, and his novel is loosely based on may recognise from his collaborations schools. Van de Ruit’s witty humour and
his adventures as a thirteen year old in with Ben Voss, which included the satiri- vivid imagery make all the scenes easy to
his first year at the school. cal play Green Mamba. imagine, whether you went to boarding
Anyone who has gone to school, Spud has, however, been criticised schools or not.
particularly boarding school, will be able because it is written from the point of The sequel to this outstanding
to relate to the quirky characters and view of the adult author rather than the book has recently been released, and
stereotypical teachers portrayed in the teenage boy. This argument is weak, con- production on the film version of Spud
book. Everyone likes to reminisce about sidering that the novel is targeted at an is set to commence in early 2008. Novels
their childhood and Spud successfully adult audience re-living school memo- are rarely adored in the way Spud has
draws on people’s memories. ries. Furthermore, critics have written off been by thousands of readers, and the
Spud has become South Africa’s I started reading Spud on a jam- its wide appeal to a lack of stimulation: it film is eagerly anticipated. Now we can
equivalent to Harry Potter, in which packed flight home. It took a couple of is unchallenging and therefore accessible only wait and see if the South African
tales of Quidditch and broomsticks are dirty looks from fellow passengers before to a wider audience. film industry will do justice to this
replaced by rugby and an embarrassing I realised that I’d been caught laugh- Regardless, the Spud phenomenon magnum opus.

The Big Screen

Roxbury Cine gets its hooks into illegal download pirates
By Hayley Mueller severely impacts struggling local artists. amount of CDs sold, or how much the
It seems elitist to think that only box-office brings in. It lies instead in
those who can afford to buy art should the amount of sponsorship deals, prod-
be afforded the privilege of consuming it. uct endorsements, guest appearances,
It’s a catch-22 situation: students down- interviews and talk shows done.
load music and movies because they The choice remains in the individu-
can’t afford them any other way and thus al’s hands. Art is a fickle field and artists
movie prices increase as no one spends usually understand this when they
money on the big screen. choose to enter this volatile industry.
We live in a culture where it’s normal However, entertainment comes at a
. for artists to market not only their prod- price and artists need to be supported
Art is made for consumption: it is uct, but themselves. Popular rock band as much as possible.
an artist’s dream for their works to be Fall Out Boy released their first album
on the Internet for this very reason. This feature will be appearing weekly as a joint
distributed to as many people as possible
effort between The Roxbury Cine and The Oppidan
and DC seems to provide the perfect They preferred the exposure and fame of
Press. Its purpose is to keep you updated with
platform for this. However, Roxbury’s music-making to the actual record sales, what’s going on at The Roxbury. Due to deadline
campaign bluntly states that piracy is as this is what defines solid success. The clashes a detailed listing of shows is not feasible. It
no different from stealing: a crime that real money is no longer made from the is all available on our website:


Hitting the G-spot

By Malebo Mogorosi, Nelisa Mniki, neck and shoulder massage for only
R100. Tranquillity is a health and beauty
yourself. Tranquillity is open Monday to
Thursday from 08:00 to 19:00, Fridays
our true selves and release the tension
in the body. The workshop will be held
Sweet Revenge
Solomzi Khoza and Zinziswa Mani
clinic on the corner of High Street and from 08:00 to 17:00 and Saturdays from twice a week on Sunday afternoons By Takondwa Nyasulu
Somerset Street, owned by Lizelle Jacobs. 08:00 to 16:00. (14:00-17:00) in the Bot Gardens dur-
The garden is laced with beautiful purple ing the exam period.
flowers and green trees for a relaxing ASHTANGA YOGA
environment – an ideal setting to enjoy If you’d like something slightly more ac- CAPOEIRA
peace of mind. Other options on offer tive, follow Madonna’s example and give Last but not least, Capoeira is always
include Indian head massages for R75, Ashtanga yoga a try. Alan Parker, a local a welcome alternative for de-stress-
MASSAGE stress reducing back massage for R150 or yoga instructor, says that Ashtanga yoga ing. Capoeira is normally defined as
For those nights when you’ve been the de-stress aromatherapy for R200. Ja- is a form of meditation and a method of a Brazilian martial art with rhythm
studying till your neck can’t turn and cobs says: “There is no place in the world deep breathing and movement that can and music, but this doesn’t seem to
your back feels like it’s been dismantled, you would rather be than laying on the improve strength, flexibility and stamina, do it justice. It can be a way of life
you can pop into Tranquillity and massage table being taken to new as well as relieving stress. As a bonus, when exercised properly. Gone are the Well, on Christmas, which also hap-
get yourself a back, heights.” It’s the perfect throughout a yoga session you are also stuffy formalities and coloured belts of pens to be my birthday, I got an email
excuse to neglect your removing toxins from your body and traditional martial arts. Instead, they and a phone call from his soon-to-be
studies for half an getting rid of mental distractions. are replaced with musical instruments Mrs. I was distraught, but, after some
hour and lower the Yoga classes are run by the Drama and dancing. It’s like working out, but sweet talking from Ex, I was convinced
stress levels for the department and take place three times without the work. that I was dealing with a group of haters
next round of cram- a week. Mondays (18:00-19:30) are for Typical Capoeira games consist of who were jealous of what we had. I was
ming. beginners, while Tuesdays and Thurs- two people in a roda (circle) while the naïve enough to believe him. But the
Set up an appoint- days (13:05-14:05) are for the more bateria play the instruments. The bat- story doesn’t end just yet. Ex twisted the
ment by phoning experienced. The first class is a free trial, eria will have three berimbaus (gourd knife that was already stuck in my back
046 622 6077 after which you can attend at a rate of bows), two pandeiros (tambourines), even further by sleeping with a herpes-
or going R12 per session. a reco-reco (rasp), an agogo (gong bell) infected streetwalker (at least that’s how
there and, optionally, an atabque (drum). I think of her). To top it all off, she hap-
MOTHER EARTH WORKSHOPS The people forming the roda will sing pened to be in one of my classes. After
Another relaxing option is the Moth- about what is happening inside it. a year of devotion to a verbally abusive
er Earth Workshop. This is a Often, call and response songs about ogre, I decided I’d had enough…and
workshop that deals with many everyday life and love are used. The what’s more, I would stop at nothing to
types of relaxation. This is an two players facing each other do not get revenge.
opportunity for free spirited make any physical contact but show I thought of attacking his most prized
people to get together and their ability to attack and defend as possession. Yes, chopping off his penis
be one with nature, taking a well as some gymnastic moves. No was an option but I was put off by the
break from all the stress of two games are ever the same though, idea of having to wear an orange prison
varsity. The purpose of the as there is much room to freestyle and jumpsuit for the rest of my life. His Japa-

workshop is to allow you to you can progress at your own pace. nese car was like a precious baby to him,
rediscover your Inner Child. So, for a great way to express yourself so I thought of scratching the old hunk of
Pic: Gayno

The Mother Earth Workshop and relax while getting fit, join Lara junk with my keys from bonnet to boot.
comprises of a variety of play activities Beryis and Ricardo Rorich for Capoeira One of my darling friends even advised
such as drawing, letter writing, finger at the Princess Alice Hall on African me to pour sugar into his petrol tank and
painting and trust exercises. These ac- Street on Tuesdays and assured me that this would wreck the
tivities are said to help reconnect us with Thursdays, 19:00-21:00. Lessons cost R5. crusty thing for life. Others advised that
I get with his brother or send him hate

Sudoku mail. In the end, I did nothing. Planning

revenge is time-consuming and draining,
and I’m not that kind of person.
Each puzzle has a unique solution which can
be found by logic alone. When someone betrays you, you go
through a wave of emotions. You’re an-
gry: at the other person for treating you
so badly, and yourself for being foolish
enough to let it happen. You mourn for
what could have been, feeling completely
defeated. And finally, you pick yourself
up and begin the healing process. In my
experience, this is the most painful part
of it all.
It’s been a year since my Prince
Charming went riding off into the sunset
with another woman, and I’d be lying if
Puzzler Media Ltd. 2007

I said that the experience hasn’t left me

bitter and skeptical about relationships.
Even though I’ve moved on and dated
other people, my heart still hurts when I
see them together because I’m reminded

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The sex and relationship column of The Oppidan
Press, Hitting The G-Spot, is intended to explore
sex and sexual relations in a responsible and
informative way. Sex – whether you’re getting it
Pic: Leon Schnell

TEL/FAX 046 6361525 or not – is a big part of being a young adult and
EMAIL Hitting The G-Spot is here to promote personal
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SciTech shorts

By Seranne Howis By Jessica Cockburn

By Seranne Howis and Silvana Barbali damaging effect on the species. Tra-
Last week astronomers had the Researchers have recently applied ditional harvesting methods leave a
chance to watch the brightest nanotechnology to a new fashion portion of the Pelargonium plant in the
exploding star ever recorded. This line, aptly named ‘Glitterati’. ground, having little impact on actual
explosion was a hundred times more Textiles are coated with silver numbers of plants and allowing tubers to
energetic than a typical supernova. nanoparticles that give the fabrics regrow (this is called sustainable harvest-
The star that exploded (named the ability to combat many harmful ing). Commercial harvesters frequently
“SN 2006gy”) was estimated to have bacteria and viruses. This means remove the whole plant, leading to the
been 150 times the size of our sun. that the wearer of the garment has wiping out of entire populations.
This is as large as the laws of physics a much lower risk of catching com- Andrew White’s research found that
allow a star to get. Many of the first mon ailments, such as flu, which are (after using the traditional harvest-
generation stars in the universe are transmitted by these microbes. The ing method) greenhouse grown plants
believed to have been this massive, silver nanoparticles are electro- Pelargonium reniforme and Pelar- showed regrowth rates six times that of
and this rare supernova allowed as- statically charged, which creates a gonium sidoides are two species in the plants left to regrow in the wild, sug-
tronomers a glimpse of how the very charged shield around the cotton plant family that are commonly known gesting that the best possible method of
first stars would have died. Superno- fibres in the garment. On the na- as Geraniums. P. reniforme is limited meeting export demands could be the
vas usually happen when extremely noscale, the antibacterial properties to a small area between Grahamstown commercial greenhouse cultivation of
large stars exhaust their fuel and col- of silver are enhanced to the extent and Port Elizabeth and is ranked as the Pelargonium.
lapse, but SN 2006gy did something that they neutralise any viruses and 28th most traded plant in the Eastern The majority of commercial harvest-
different. There is evidence that the bacteria that come into contact with Cape. P. sidoides has a wider distribution ers who destructively collect Pelargo-
very distant SN 2006gy expelled a them. throughout the Eastern and Western nium plants from the wild are impov-
large amount of matter just before At a mere $10,000 per square Cape. The root tubers of both species erished and unemployed, and they are
it exploded. A much closer massive yard, this new fashion breakthrough are used by traditional healers to treat paid a paltry R3 to R15 per kilogram of

Pics: Simon Capstick-Dale (bottom) and supplied (top)

star in our own galaxy (named Eta fused with nanotechnology is a must stomach complaints and respiratory tract harvested root. The middlemen who sell
Carinae) appears to be following the for beating the winter colds and flu infections (including tuberculosis). these roots on to French syndicate buy-
same course of action. that will soon be upon us. Extracts made from plants may ers in Cape Town can easily make up to
have up to 50 or more phytochemicals R1000 per kilogram.
(plant-produced compounds) dis- The majority of Pelargonium roots
solved in them. Many of these bioactive that are commercially harvested are ex-
compounds can have an antibacterial ported by large corporations in Germany
effect. The antibacterial properties of at and France. P. sidoides has been used
least one of these compounds has been in Germany to develop a treatment for
studied by Rhodes student Andrew bronchitis, creating a multimillion-dollar
White, who undertook his MSc on the industry in Europe based on this South
harvesting and extraction of bioactive African plant.
compounds in P. sidoides. The South African government’s
The last 20 years have seen a growing White Paper on the Conservation and Pelargonium sidoides and Pelargonium
interest in and utilisation of plant prod- Sustainable Use of South Africa’s Bio- reniforme, also known as Geraniums.
ucts in the international pharmaceutical logical Diversity aims to control access
industry. Four years ago, the interna- to indigenous resources through the vital for their people’s well being.
tional market began to take an active introduction of legislature. Harvest per- Initial attempts at stamping out
research interest in the two Pelargonium mits are required to harvest Pelargonium the pillaging of South Africa’s natural
species, with an esti- in the Eastern Cape. Despite this, illegal resources for European corporations

DROSTDY RENTALS mated five tonnes of

plants exported from
the Grahamstown area
harvesting and abuse of issued permits
continues. The Department of Conserva-
tion, deciding that the permit issuing
appear to have been less than successful.
Further impending legislature aimed
at hardening control over the collec-
on a weekly basis. Extracts policy is inadequate, have declared a tion and export of South African plant
DIGS 2008! as
from Pelargonium (marketed
medicinal products) are
moratorium on all harvesting of indig-
enous plants. This is highly problematic
material could have dire consequences
for general botanical research. A strict
COME VIEW OUR HOUSES AND GET THE available for purchase in the given that most people in the Eastern reading of the proposed legislature
overseas market, with Cape rely on medicinal plants for their could require that a researcher must
BEST DIGS EARLY up to US$6 million health care, in an area that is known as have a permit merely to go into a public
generated annually the poorest region in South Africa. This herbarium to inspect a sample of a plant
Pic: Supplied

in central Europe. moratorium also means that traditional that has been stored there for the last
This international harvesters may be arrested for collecting hundred years. This could have a nega-
LOVELY 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE/FLAT, VERY demand is having a what they see as communal property tive impact on research in this country.
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Notable strikes in the clothing

Inflation leaves Business shorts

workers behind
and textile sector. Municipalities
were affected by recurring work
By Shingirirai Chaza By Shingirirai Chaza
If you’ve walked into Pick ‘n Pay re- Over the next two years, a monorail
Latest large public sector strike. cently to pick up milk, you may have will be built between Soweto and
Unions demand better wages and noticed the sign telling you there is a Johannesburg. This will mean that
working conditions. national milk shortage. Current milk commuters will be able to get from
supply is not meeting the required the one destination to the other in
2005 demand and an international milk less than 15 minutes. Construction
By Shingirirai Chaza initial increase of 5.3%, which was later
shortage, due to the drought in Aus- is said to begin in September this
revised to 6% – this has been rejected by
Unions aligned with the Congress tralia, has also impacted on South year.
the unions.
of South African Trade Unions Africa’s milk problems. The monorail will run on both
This initiative for an increase in
(Cosatu) demand better wages The small and medium-sized electricity and solar-powered batter-
wages is said to be long overdue and
for teachers, nurses and security dairy farmers in the country are put ies. It will consist of rubber wheeled
necessary. The burden of the increase in
guards. at the most risk by this, as they can carbon fibre carriages, each of which
inflation has been most felt by the poor,
no longer afford the rocketing input will be able to carry 107 people.
the majority of whom are public sector
costs such as fertiliser and labour. Rails will run between carriages and
2006 servants and are earning minimum
Their selling prices can no longer dock at aerial stations which will be
wage, as they are unable to afford rising
meet those of the ‘big boys’; large accessed by escalators.
National Education Health and product costs. Additionally, as the higher
manufacturers such as Clover and The reasoning behind this project
Allied Workers Union (Nehawu) and more elite employees receive higher
Parmalat. If the shortage is main- is to ease congestion on the roads
members from provincial wages and bigger bonuses, the only
tained for much longer, other milk and enable people to commute easily
Departments of Roads and Statistics South Africa says that the change felt by those at the bottom is the
products, such as cheese, will also be and affordably. It is hoped that the
Transportation on a protected strike recent increase in inflation is the highest widening of the wage gap.
affected. monorail will transport 1.5 million
due to conditions of employment. in three and a half years. It is said that about 80% of pub-
The shortage is forecasted to end commuters a day between the two
Trade unions are enraged and have lic workers would benefit from this
only by late November 2007. areas.
entered into negotiations concerning a increase, and that the increase would
2007 also better the public sector as a whole
public wage demand increase, which is
said to be almost half the rate of infla- by making jobs such as nursing, teaching
Public Sector Unions, affiliated and police work more attractive.
with Cosatu, demand a 12% wage
tion. The unions are united, demanding
It is suggested though that the threat
economic indicators
a 12% increase, and have reportedly
increase. of a strike is not so much linked to the
placed a deadline for their demands Exchange Rate (16 May 2007)
to be met by the end of May 2007. If needs of public workers, but more as an
their demands are not complied with illustration of the unions’ political influ- Weighted average of the banks’ daily rates at approximately 10:30am.
by government, the threat of a national ence. Despite this, it is widely believed
The role of inflation public sector strike could turn into a
reality. Recently, government offered an
that the most likely agreement will be
reached at about 6.8%.
Rand/Dollar R6.9301

The mainstream definition of Rand/Pound R13.7580

inflation refers to a general rise in
prices measured against a standard Rand/Euro R9.4249
level of purchasing power. It is
measured by comparing two sets Interest Rates (May 2007)
of goods at two points in time, and
then calculating the increase in cost Repo 9.00%
which has not been affected by an Repurchase rate: Rate at which the private (sector) banks borrow rands from
increase in quality. the SA Reserve Bank.
Although an increase in inflation
is often viewed as having negative Prime 12.50%
effects on the economy, its upside Benchmark rate at which private banks lend out money to the public.
is that in the short term it is often
difficult to renegotiate prices Inflation Rate (March 2007)
downwards, so often prices are
readjusted in the same direction. CPI 6.1%
Pics: Supplied

This has been a problem for the CONSUMER PRICES Total (metropolitan areas) 12-Term % change.
unions because the expectation
with an increase in inflation is an CPIX 5.5%
increase in wages to meet the higher CONSUMER PRICES CPIX - CPI excluding interest rates on mortgage bonds
prices; however, this has not been (metropolitan and other urban areas) 12-Term % change.

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Ad vertorial
Cricknis: serving
sixes out the court
By Saint-Francis Tohlang sport. Take paper jet throwing or
chucking or whatever it is. The idea

Fulfilling all your sporting needs

of cricket and tennis, amalgamated
to satisfy my desire to sweetly strike
the ball clearly over the rope or fence
excites me. Emma Herbert says this
By Samantha Dormehl “We carry the widest range of sports I tentatively ask, wanting to avoid is an exciting concept, as it is “fantasy
equipment in Grahamstown,” says sounding like a student mining for fulfilling”. Those who aspired to
Wescott. “We are able to source products discounts, if there are any specials for the emulate their childhood heroes, or to
from other sources through email and low-budget student.“We rotate footwear smash the ball as Matty Hayden does,
Internet and have accessed unusual specials all the time!” answers Wescott. What inspires such a great concept can let this aspiration come alive in
things like jukskei and adventure equip- There is currently a special on all leisure of combining two sporting codes, this form.
ment.” Wescott is more than willing styles in the new Reebok range. Albany entirely different in their form, yet
to fulfil your every sporting need and Sports offers a 10% discount for all equally enjoyable? “Fusing the two
emphasises this fact (and no ladies, he students and caters for Rhodes specific sports is easier than expecting people
simply means your sporting equipment equipment such as hockey and rugby to play tennis,” Philippa Francis,
needs, nothing more). socks. chairperson of the Tennis Club says.
Wescott has always been a sports fan, “We wanted many people to come
having played tennis, rugby and cricket, and enjoy themselves.” The small
but he is now most passionate about crowd seemed to enjoy the theatrics of
golf. Albany Sports originally began as drunken players smashing sixes with
a fishing shop in the 1970s, but because tennis racquets.
of legislation that prevented people There were some mixed reactions
from driving on the beaches, fishing from the spectators, who were in
equipment was increasingly replaced by cheerful and high spirits induced by a Francis speaks of how there have
footwear. little action punch. Zakhele Xulu said: been attempts on their part to estab-
Wescott’s passion for golf is evident in “I liked the casual-meets-formal vibe,” lish more regular games of this kind
the computerised driving range set up at instigated by the merger of cricket and possibly a social league. She said:
the back of the shop. The driving range is and tennis. While others like Kenneth “We originally asked the Cricket Club
intended to help people who have swing Goldswain felt that “it didn’t work very to host the event with us, to make it
problems: “It’s a fun way of specifically well”. more exciting. It is something we will
focusing on certain aspects of the swing,” This gets me thinking about the look into.”
Pics: Leon Schnell

says Wescott. So if you’re an avid golfer, fusion of cricket and tennis. Could this If that’s the case, I am in. Keep
or involved in any other sport, get down be a winning formula? I mean nowa- tabs as I will soon smash my way to
to Albany Sports for some tips, great days, with the right kind of support, the fastest Cheese and Wine Cricknis
sporting equipment and clothing. anything can become a fully-fledged century – guaranteed.


Grahamstown Aviation Day

Pictures by Gaynor Barnard

Razza’s Ramblings
All eyes on the Springboks after Super 14 thriller
By Shiraz Jogee up-staged Daniel Carter in the Bulls him and Jake White being described as
match against the Crusaders. Carter, a ‘problem relationship’ for SA rugby.
who is rated the best player in interna- When asked if there would be further
tional rugby and is the highest earning intervention by the selection leaders to
rugby player in the world, looked aver- include Watson in the final 30 man draft,
age to an in-form Hougaard. That just Hoskins said that he hopes it would not
showed that in a game needing compo- be necessary.
sure and strong nerves under pressure, With the display of good scrum-
we have the talent to match the best. ming and running rugby seen from the
White may invite the Bulls flyhalf and South African teams over this Super 14
one more player to the original squad tournament, I look forward to seeing
of 46 to join the elite group. But, he will the Boks in action. With the likes of JP
have to get the approval from Hoskins. Pietersen, who has claimed the prize for
The selection of the squad has the most tries scored in the tournament,
The fact there were two South African brought about much debate, as one can young Francois Steyn and veteran Schalk
teams in the Super 14 final is testament imagine. Questions have to be asked Burger, we can only expect the best from
in itself to the change in the standard about choices such as Ashwin Willemse, the Springboks against the English. We
of South African rugby. The Sharks and who played only one match against the have both speed in the back line players

Pic: Supplied
Pic: Supplied

Bulls have dominated and really come Cheetahs, and Zimbabwean born Tonde- and strength in the scrum. Watch out
into their own, giving us a nail-biting fi- rai Chavanga, who has not played in the for a fresh looking Springbok team next
nal on Saturday, with the Bulls lifting the Super 14 all season yet finds himself in weekend at the Vodacom Stadium in
trophy courtesy of a last-gasp overtime the Springbok squad. The Luke Watson Bloemfontein.
try from Bryan Habana. issue has been discussed on a number of Shiraz is a sports journalist with Sun-
In the semi-final, Derick Hougaard occasions with the relationship between day Media in Cape Town.

Skydiving: it’s not as stupid as it looks

By Saint-Francis Tohlang Parachuting Commission) Technical and circumspect derision of skydiving will
Safety Subcommittee Congress revealed be surprised to know that more people
that skydiving accidents are caused have died of highway accidents than
by human error 92% of the time. EP skydiving.
Skydivers ensure the best possible safety
measures, which leave it up to the indi-
vidual to practice safe skydiving. This
research was based on 245,162 jumpers
who made 4,848,025 jumps. EP Skydiv-
ers were unavailable for their comment
But this frantic media coverage regarding the incident and this may be
should not prevent you from satisfy- attributed to the rather unkind publicity
ing that crazy quest to jump out of an this has generated for their business.
aeroplane 10,000 feet above the ground. What makes this incident interest-
Skydiving instructors follow very strin- ing is the fact that Houghton is an
gent safety procedures and skydiving is experienced jumper who has 80 jumps
safer than most people think. under his belt, but his 3500 feet jump
EP Skydivers has been clouded in did not go according to plan. What lead
controversy, as there are question marks to Houghton’s rather hard landing was
Pic: Simon Capstick-Dale

regarding their safety procedures. due to him not following the correct
However, can the blame be levelled at procedure of cutting his parachute into
EP Skydivers? Lisa Briggs, a professional his main canopy.
skydiver, says: “Skydiving is essentially Regardless of the fatalities that occur,
a risk management sport.” Research some people will always be dedicated
presented at the IPC (International to the course. Those who have that Packing properly is vital for safety.

Sport inside: page 10

Jake’s Springbok selection headache News
Silence is not always golden
By Katie Wilter “Rape just isn’t an issue for people. and sensed a deep self-consciousness.
There is more discussion on Britney’s I kept thinking: ‘Everybody must
hairstyle than there is on rape,” com- be thinking something – do they even
mented Klazinga. notice me?’ Sitting in my psychology
Another event scheduled for the week seminar this morning, I began to feel
As part of Rhodes University’s Rape was the ‘Men as Partners NOT Perpetra- increasingly isolated. I kept wanting to
Awareness Week, 80 women volunteers tors’ march that took place last Friday speak, and was repeatedly reminded
spent last Tuesday with their mouths afternoon. This opportunity for men to that I couldn’t. I couldn’t express myself
covered with black duct tape, wearing take action against sexual violence was properly or communicate with anybody.
T-shirts that read ‘Sexual violence = supported by only 130 male students Often people misunderstood my gestures
silence’. and staff, who marched from the Union and in frustration I would give up. It was
However, with negative reactions building towards the front steps of the just too hard to ‘say’ anything.

Pic: Leon Schnell

such as that of the male student men- main administrative building. The world took on a new perspective
tioned above, the Rhodes community’s Since September last year, 55 rape today, as I lived with my own silence. I had
apathy and lack of involvement in and indecent assault cases involving constant thoughts trapped inside my head,
the Rape Awareness Week is a major women between the ages of 17 and 24 unable to be voiced. I felt an inexplicable
concern. years old have been reported to the sense of solidarity with the other volun-
The silent protest project, co-ordinat- Grahamstown Police station. However, teers that I saw on campus. It gave me
ed by Larissa Klazinga, concluded with as many victims do not report the crime, strength to know that there were ‘others’
a ‘Silence Take Back the Night’ candle this is not a true reflection of the actual out there, who knew and understood how
light march where students and staff met amount of sexual assaults that occur I felt, and that I wasn’t completely alone.
at the clock tower, led by the silenced daily. South African statistics indicate Throughout the day, I had a mixture
women who moved down High Street to that only 1 in 9 rape survivors go on to of responses to my presence. Sometimes
the Cathedral. This was followed by a ‘1 report the rape and of these, only seven people felt awkward by my silence,
in 9 Break the Silence Vigil’ that began percent are successfully prosecuted. averted their eyes, or ignored me com-
with the volunteers unsealing their These statistics translate to approximate- pletely. Some were really encouraging,
mouths and breaking into song. ly 500,000 rapes annually. saying, “Thumbs up!” or “You go girl!”.
The volunteers and supporting Others walked past, saying, “Oh, there are
audience were addressed by various those protestors”, as if we couldn’t hear
speakers including the Dean of Students, them. Only about 100 people out of 6000
Professor Vivian de Klerk; National 1 students came to the vigil this evening,
in 9 Campaign Co-ordinator, Dawn which made me realise just how great the
Cavanagh; SRC president Fatema Morbi; Today I was silent, standing in solidar- silence on campus still is. This was con-
and volunteer and rape survivor, Bianca ity with all those women who cannot firmed by one person, who commented
Sampson. However, there were few male speak about their rape. As the tape was that while it’s “not exactly bad to com-
supporters and only a handful of Rhodes strapped across my mouth this morning, memorate rape for the week, does it really
staff present. I felt an overwhelming sense of panic make a difference?” It just reminded me
Klazinga felt that the week went rea- rise up, almost choking me. With an what would happen if everyone was as

Pic: Leon Schnell

sonably well but was disappointed that effort, I had to fight this strangling emo- apathetic. We would remain in silence,
there were not more Rhodes students tion and try to keep calm. As I walked to and no one would ever speak out against
and staff involved in the week’s events. lectures, I was faced with inquisitive eyes the horrific violation of women’s rights.

Oppidan sub-warden spot check

With Oppidan crime on the rise and Oppi sub-wardens being the supposed first ports of call, The Oppidan Press phoned
each sub-warden three times to test their availability. We phoned the cell numbers published on the Oppidan website.

Name Answered the phone?

Oppidan sub-wardens Morning Afternoon Evening
Farayi Chikuni Unavailable for health Unavailable for health Unavailable for health
076 915 2972 reasons reasons reasons
Aameena Daya Yes No No
082 932 4057
Grant Howarth This number does not This number does not This number does not
084 577 8669 exist exist exist
Tanya Milward Yes Yes Yes
082 300 2948
Samantha Mundeta Yes Yes Yes
Table compiled by Caroline East

083 673 8509

Garyn Rapson No Yes Yes
072 048 8499
Jen Thorpe Subscriber unavailable Subscriber unavailable Subscriber unavailable
074 379 1460
Xoliswa Dzakwa Yes Yes Yes
072 382 8624

Rhodes leads nationwide Zim march

By Joe Hanly and Paul Harris The proposed route for the Rhodes march is
from Drostdy Arch to the cathedral; however this
is yet to be confirmed. After a number of reports of
intimidation, it has also been decided that masks
will be supplied, so that all those “scared to show
their face have a chance to voice their opinion,” said
This Rhodes University SRC initiative was Felicity Sibindi. Sibindi organised the ‘My Brother’s
organised by the SRC treasurer, Xolani Nyali. Keeper’ march and vigil held in March.
He said: “This is the first time that the SRC had At the march at UCT, Rhodes SRC president
endorsed a project on such a large scale.” He Fatema Morbi will make a statement along with
insisted that politics was not on the agenda but other dignitaries, including a speaker from
that promoting “the respect of human rights and parliament and the President of the Pan African
restoration of the rule of law in Zimbabwe” was the Parliament Dr Gertrude Mongella. The marches will
principal purpose for the Africa Day protest. commence at 1pm.

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