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YA i Different attitudes A. Look at these expressions. Which ones express a positive attitude, a negative vocabulary & auitade, or a ncutral attitude? Write +, or ~. speaking 1. aware of 5. familiar with 9. crazy about 2% curions about _ 6. suspicions of 10. reliant on __ 3. sick of ___ 7. intimidated by 11. grateful for 4. fedupwith _ 8. knowledgeable about _ 12. leery of B Look at the list of inventions and technologies. Can you think of more? What are your feelings about them? Discuss with the class. 1. video snrveillance 5. laser snrgery 2. handheld computers/PDAs 6. MP3 players 3. voice recognition software 7. cell phones 4, digital photography 8. robots Be) Tech savvy? i 2 discussion ® Af youa technophile or a technophobe? Complete the survey to find out, TECHNOPHILE GQ TECHNOPHOBE? “sx" ez, ar 2. Nuclear energy is clean, safe, and reliable. 4. Genetic technologies shouldbe used to gradually improve the human body over the course of generations. 6B. | trust scientists and the government to make sure powerful new technologies are used wisely. 8. it's important for everyone to be connected tothe Internet. 24 Science and technology (a The Amish A reading What do you know about the Amish? What is their attitude toward technology? Discuss with a partner. Then read the article. STRICT REGULATIONS ‘Some 200,000 Amish people live in more than 20 US. states and in the Canadian province of Ontario, The oldest group of Old (Order Amish, about 16,000-18,000 people, live im Lancaster County, a rural, farming area ‘where Amish fist setled in the 1720s - many fleeing persecution in Europe, The Amish are divided into dozens of i istricts SA#Ce“Whoarthe Aeish”BOCNewe separate fellowships, boken down into districts eam ir hair, but the head. Men Bieler hey conor. fs not rejected out af i farms have telephones, and local groups can allow electricity to be used in certain circumstances. ‘Most Amish are trilingual. They speak a. dialect of German called Pennsylvania Durch at home, use High German at special events, and they learn English a echoo!. Th some ways, the Amish are feeling the pressures of the modern world, Commentators say child labor laws, for example, are threatening long-established ways of ite oy ~~ SS BB. What is the Amish approach to each of these areas of life? c 1. transportation 2. education 3. government 4, community problems Discuss these questions. 5. electricity 6. appearance 7. telephones 8, languages 1. Why do you think the Amish continue their alternative lifestyle? 2. What do you think the Amish do for fun? 3. Could you live among the Amish? Why or why not? Technology and you 25 Communication review TONLE lee“ Class reunion listening * @ listentoa conversation between two friends. ‘What is Karla trying to do? Check (7) the correct answer. 1 a, She's planning to set up a fashion website, LU b. She's using a website to organize a class reunion. Oc, She's calling her ex-classmates, B_ @ Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Check (/) the correct answer. Tue False oho ao oa Co o ua GG Karla is intimidated by the website technology. .. Lucy isn’t sure that a reunion would be completely harmonious. |. Neither woman hked Andrew very much. . Renee's fashion taste has changed since she was in high school. 5. Javier’s style has changed since he was in high school. 3, 4, Fashion statements al it 2 speaking ® Which ofthese statements about clothing do you agree with most ¢ What you wear is who you are. People often discriminate against others because of the way they dress. Buying new clothes all the time is unethical Clothes are like art that you wear. People who are interested in fashion arc shallow and superficial 26 © EEESEES) communication review Technological advances eww A Which of these advances in technology hes had the most positive or negative discussion impact on our lives? B4 Is technology good or bad? i A. Read these opinions about technology. What are the m ISCUSSION Way's your own point of view on these issues? isoues they raise? jow we think about technology is flawed. We are over-eager to have the newest ‘gadget. We are too impressed by speed, noise, compactness, and general ashiness. ‘We need a more mature and cautious way of thinking about technology. New is not always better. — Inés Candia, Asuncion, Paraguay Communication review 27

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