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In Class Exercises on Visual Communication

Problem 1:

Design a visual of your choice to support your THEME and follow the visual design


The table below shows the number of sneakers sold by brand for this month. Construct
a graph which best demonstrates the sales of each brand.

Sneakers Sold This Month

Brand Number Sold
Adidas 25
New Balance 18
Nike 32
Reebok 15
Other 10

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Problem 3:

The table below shows the humidity level, recorded in Small Town, NY for seven days.
Construct a graph which best demonstrates the humidity level for each day.

Humidity Levels in Small Town, NY

Day Humidity Level (%)
1 51
2 59
3 65
4 68
5 70
6 67
7 72

Problem 4:

The table below shows the composition of Earth's atmosphere. Construct a graph which
best represents the composition of the Earth's Atmosphere.

Composition of Earth's Atmosphere

Gas Percent

Nitrogen 77

Oxygen 21

Other 2

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Problem 5:

Time taken to complete a task (in minutes)

46 55 44 48 49 57 43 52 56 40 25
45 60 44 40 52 58 45 40 51 48 80
44 46 46 47 52 57 49 60 54 48 74

(Less than 45 min. is fast; 45 to 50 min. is normal and more than 50 min. is slow)

Conduct the appropriate analysis and present your findings in detail.

Problem 6:

Make a pie chart in Excel that represents what percentage of people in a certain town
own certain types of pets: dogs (1110 people), cats (987 people), cows (312 people),
reptiles (97 people), fish (398 people).

Problem 7:

Select and design appropriate visuals in the following communication situation

1. Informing the location details of your business or organization

2. Customer Service delivery in a bank

3. A hypothetical problem-solving situation

4. CEO is the Boss of an organization and there are separate managers for Finance,
Marketing, HR, R&D, and Legal reporting to the CEO. The Secretary of the organization
is reporting to the CEO. The organization has Assistant Managers for each functional
divisions of the organization.

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