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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

“Grecian Military Technology at the Battle of Marathon.” Legio I Lynx Fulminata, 20 Feb.
This article gave me facts on what day they fought on and how many army
members fought against each other. “The Battle of Marathon was fought on the
plain of Marathon around the 10th of September or 12th of August 490 according
to the full moon. The Persians sailed to the bay of Marathon (25 miles from
Athens). The Athenian general Miltiades quickly formed a small army of hoplites
or infantrymen. There were about 10,000 heavily armed Athenians and 1,000
Plataeans (Livius) that went to fight against the numerous army of Persia at the
Battle of Marathon.” This article gave me information on how The Greek military
used their technology to try to successfully win the battle using their greatest
innovation and primary piece of equipment, the aspis, or shield, had both
defensive and offensive capabilities.

“Herodotus.” ​Then Again​, 30 Nov. 2017,
Information about the son of Pisistratus, Hippias was shared on this source. They
gave us a detailed description of his strange dream that he had in his sleep the
night before the barbarians were conducted to Marathon. He was the one to
conduct them. He made the conclusion that his dream meant “ he would be
restored to Athens, recover the power which he had lost, and afterwards live to a
good old age in his native country.” After he interpreted his vision, he became
guide to the Persians and continued to make decisions which then made him
believe that his dream was fulfilled.

“Miltiades' Account of The Battle of Marathon - Ancient Generals.” ​Google Sites​, 30

Nov. 2017,
In this source Miltiades states, “It was a normal, beautiful day in the land of
Greece. It would have been an almost perfect day had the Persians not landed at
the bay of Marathon. See, it all started when we helped the Ionian Revolt against
the Persians a couple of years ago. King Darius of the Persians was extremely
angry at what we had done. He apparently promised to have his revenge.” He is
basically describing how the battle of marathon started. Then later on he starts
talking about how he set up the troops to get ready for the battle. How he lined
them up with the best on the flanks, fortifying them and leaving the middle
thinned out. So, he had a plan and he set all the troops up ready and prepared
for the Persians. This article helped me get and understand a person’s point of
view during this day in time. It was interesting to see how his strategy was for the

“On This Day: Athens Defeats Persian Army at the Battle of Marathon.”, 30 Nov. 2017
The information that was given on this source explained who had wanted to
expand their empire, which was Persian King Darius I. He wanted to do this to
punish the Athenians for their actions. “ He ​sent an army to Greece in 492​; it
conquered Thrace in northern Greece, but a storm wrecked its ships as it was
moving south.” After his first attempt, he sent someone through Greece to
demand submission. Most city-states submitted, but Athens and Sparta refused
and are the ones who led war. This was important and will help us when we are
asked how the war first started or who started it.

Secondary Sources

“14 Things You Should Know About The Battle Of Marathon.” Realm of History, 17 Aug.
This website shared information about how many Greeks and Persians were
actually present at the Battle of Marathon. To start with Greek, they figured about
9,000, assuming the Greeks brought its ten tribal regiments to the field. But “the
numbers might have been affected by the ratio of the citizens who were too old
for service and the younger hoplites who were pressed into service.” For
Persians it says “many of the ancient Greco-Roman sources tend to wildly
exaggerate the number of Persian troops present on the field”. But in the end, the
total number of men couldn’t have exceeded 120,000. I thought this website was
useful because it was able to tell us how fair the war really was, which side had
more bodies to fight.

“Battle of Marathon: Summary, Facts & Map.”,, 2 Nov. 2017
This video gives information about “The Battle of Marathon”. It starts off by
talking about the beginning of the battle when the tension was rising. It says that
it all started when the Ionian rebellion began. The Persian Empire with its
massive army soon put down the Ionian Rebellion. Also shows a map showing
where the battle of marathon took place, gives a good representation. It was very
helpful because it showed images, and that’s what made it easier to understand.
This website helped me understand the whole Ionian rebellion, that was what
started the whole battle.

“Cartwright, Mark. “Marathon”.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, 19 May 2013, 29

September 2017
This article gives information about “The Battle of Marathon”, it tells about when
and where this battle took place. It also explains about the Persian Empire, and
the two armies, Persian and Greek. How the battle started between the Greeks
and the Persians. The author goes into deep detail about the different types of
tactics that each of the armies had. Then it tells about the aftermath of the whole
battle, they cremated and buried all of the bodies. The author of this article gives
good detail and makes sure it’s understandable. This article helped me
understand how the Battle of Marathon started between the Greeks and the

Drachmann, Aage Gerhardt. ​The Classical Civilizations​. 1967.

In the chapter named “The Empires of Persia” it talks all about the Persians. The
Persians were the reason for the Battles of Marathon because they were the
main motive for the Battle of Marathon. In the book it has the topics of History,
War, and Society. These are important topics because it shows how dominate
Persia was in war. I used this book to get the information because it talks about
how the persians were apart of The Battle Of Marathon. I used the War section in
the book and how it talks about the Persians during the Battle. Staff. “Battle of Marathon.”, A&E Television Networks, 2009,​.
This article talks about the victory of “the marathon men” capturing the collective
imagination of the Greeks and how the battle waged on the Marathon plain of
northeastern Attica in 490 B.C. I used the information that the tale of the messenger
running 25 miles to Athens to deliver the news fueling the creation of the modern
marathon. The Athenian commander Miltiades weakened his center and reinforced his
wings, hoping that his hoplites could hold the middle while his flanks broke through the
lighter-clad Persian infantry. Athenian center broke, but it held long enough for the
Athenians to rout the Persian wings and meet in the rear, causing a general panic
among the invaders.

“Marathon (490 BCE).” Marathon (490 BCE) - Livius,

This website helped because it has two different sections. One section talking
about the reason of battle, Persia’s history before the war, and how the war was
fought. The other section talks about the significance of the war. The section
“Presenting Marathon – Then and Now” explains the way life was before and
after the war. This is helpful because it gives a better understanding of why the
war was fought.

Sommerville, Donald. “Battle of Marathon.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia

Britannica, Inc., 21 Mar. 2017 ​
This article gave me facts on why the Battle Of Marathon started. They fought
the battle on the Marathon plain of northeastern attica. An athenian messenger
was sent from Marathon to Athens, a distance of about 25 miles and there he
announced the Persian defeat before dying of exhaustion. Command of the
hastily assembled ​Athenian​ army was vested in 10 generals, each of whom was
to hold operational command for one day. The generals were evenly divided on
whether to await the ​Persians​ or to attack them, and the tie was broken by a civil
official, ​Callimachus​, who decided in favour of an attack. This article helped me
understand why the Battle Of Marathon was started, and it gave me information
to use on my project.
“The Significance of Marathon.” ​The Significance of Marathon - Livius​, 2011, 30 Nov.

This article talks about the results of the war and why the war was fought. The
outcome of the war stopped Persia from becoming bigger and more powerful.
Persia was also stopped from taking land from Greece. The article doesn’t go
deep into detail about the Persians, but it gave the reader an idea on what there
plan was and how powerful they are.This article is useful because it explains the
basics of the war of why it was fought, who led it, outcome, and the significance
of that outcome.

O'Brien, Cormac. The Fall of Empires: From Glory to Ruin, an Epic Account of History's
Ancient Civilizations. Fall River Press, 2009.

This book states that the Persians found fighting the hoplites frustrating, but they
knew that it would be necessary. Therefore, they created their empire by
expanding their military with people from the Iranian hill who “dominated some of
the Mediterranean's most legendary mariners.” From that, the Persians relied
heavily on their navy. This book helped in my research by telling me who fought
for the Persians and how they became to be who they were.

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