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Jerah O. Agudilla
Elvira Razon Aranilla Elementary School
Table of Content

- Summary
. Name of Tutee
. Grade / Section
. Number of Tutorial Session
. Tutee’s Weaknesses in Reading
. Tutee’s Strengths in Reading
. Reading Strategies Used by the Tutor
. Conclusion
. Recomendation
- Diagnostic Report
. Tutee’s Personal Background
. School Discription
. Narrative Report
. Tutee’s Strength and Weaknesses
- Reading Remediation Report
. Actual Reading Remediation Report
. Tutee’s Progress Report
- Evaluation
. Tutee’s Overall Performance
. Overall Conduct of the Remediation Program
- Conclusion
- Recommendation
- Appendices
. Reading Materials
. Tutee’s Output
. Other photo of the tutorial with caption
. Daily time record

Darla L. Herrera 7years old

Grade & Section Grade 1
Number of turail sesion 3days
Tutee’s Weaknesses in Reading Her weaknesses in reading is when the
materials or book that she read was always
the same she didn’t focus on reading because
she memorize the book and when she saw her
classmates are playing she can’t focus on
Tutee’s Strenghts in Reading She have the interest in reading and she
want’s to learn more. Shes a pass learner
Reading Strategirs Used by the Tutor The straategy that i used is Answering
Questio, I help the student to review content
that relate what they have learned to what
they already know. Teacher Alodia provide
the materials but i also providde a story
telling book and ABAKADA
Conclusion I strongly agree that the learner who assigned
to me will pass her grade 1 and she will be a
grade 2 students this coming school year
because I know that she learn from me and
she also want’s to learn, she’s a pass learner.
Recommendation As a future educator I recommend to her and I
always tell her that she needs to study in their
house after school, give time sometime for
reading and I also told her ask her mother to
help her in reading.I gave her a book that she
can use in her reading.
Family Background

Darla is the oldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Herrera she have a younger brother 3years old.
She’s from Ibabang Dupay Lucena City near the School. As what I’ved observed to her she’s a
loving sister and daughter to her parents, she’s 7 years old she lives near the school her parents
are working but i cant understand what kind of work that they have because Darla didnt know it
Elvira Razon Aranilla Elementary School
Brgy. Ibabang Dupay Lucena City

At present, Elvira Razon Aranilla School (ERAES) located at Ibabang Dupay Lucena
City. This is not the first time that i visit these School, the last time I visit was 2years ago and it
is under renovation but now look at the school it almost perfect for the students to study there
because they have the facilities that they need. When we got there in our first day as i entered the
school gate from there i could see the rooms and the principals office the rooms are all in good
condition and they have CR every room. The place are clean.
Narrative Report

I was arrived 11:00 in the morning together with my groupmates and friends. The first day we
introduced our self to our resfective student that assigned to us. My studen was a girl and her
name is Darla Herera she’s 7 years old a grade 1 student. Teacher Alodia assigned me to teach
Darla to read because she is one of her candidate for repeater and it is sad if she didnt make it to
pass this reading to be a grade 2 student Teacher Alodia told me that Darla is always absent thats
why she can’t read her other classmates and as a tutor I will do my best to teach her how to read,
and I thank God because shes a pass learner and she focus in our reading session. Teacher Alodia
provide the materials that we ca use and the next day i also provide the book ABAKADA and a
story telling book “ANG Kusinerang Langgam”. The strategy that I used during the reading
ation we start at letters and sounds of the letters and then words, I also use the dictation, i dictate
the word then she will write it down. As what Ived observed she’s a pass learner she can read
carefuly although sometimes she forgot how to read that word (ex.principe and the word MGA,
words with NG, and also letter Y And H.) Her weaknesses and she can’t focus because of her
classmates that are playing she wants to join but i handle it and i gave her a reward..
Strength and Weaknesses in Reading

Darla is a pass learner she can read carefuly although sometimes she forgot how to read those
words she’s “Utal sa letter R” and i thinks it is her weakness she can’t say it proper and also she
is “mainipin”sometimes she read it so pass and she didn’t read it right because she wants to
finish already and she wants to play with her classmates. But i handle those situation and make in
interesting for she to focus in reading. As what Ived observed she’s interest in reading and i
know that she wants to learn more beacuse when see saw me she’s excited and she get her
materials, pencil and paper and the book that she read.
Reading Remediation Report

In our reading session i observed that she read carefuly and she’s a pass learner although sometimes she
didn’t know how to read those words and she read it on her own and I know that she’s wrong, in that
situation we back to those words that she can’t read and every letter in that word shes going to repeat and
what’s the sounds of that letter and after that she can get it and she read it carefuly. And she repeat that
word (5x) and then we continue our reading.
Evaluation report of tutee’s of overall performance

Darla is a pass learner she improved her reading when I am teaching her, and I am happy
that she’s learning from me as her tutor, she’s also participating in what we are doing. Overall, the
positive outcomes and impact of the program that we have conduct was great and I am looking forward
for her to the next school year.

The program that we have conduct I think that it will help a lot the the students

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