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Do these to each number:

a. Change the sentence into English!
b. Make an English sentence which is similar to that sentence! Make it creatively, and use the
underlined words!

1. Kamu seperti anak kecil.
a. You are like a little child.
b. That beautiful woman is like my neighbour.

2. Tahukah kamu apa yang ia lakukan setiap hari?

a. Do you know what he does every day?
b. Does your girlfriend know whom you meet every Thursday night?


1. Saya sangat menyukai anak kecil.

a. I like little child so much
b. I like fried rice so much

2. Saya sangat merindukan dia.

a. I miss him so much
b. I miss my mother so much

3. Katakan kepadanya apa yang kau rasakan.

a. Tell him, what do you feel
b. Tell him, what do you mean

4. Jangan takut membuat kesalahan kalau kau ingin sukses.

a. Do not be afraid to made mistake if you want to be success
b. Do not be afraid to try something

5. Hari ini kampus sangat sepi karena para mahasiswa sedang pergi ke Semarang.
a. Today the campus very quiet because the student are going to Semarang
b. Today My house very quiet because My family are going to Jakarta

6. Kamu sebaiknya tidur sekarang supaya kamu tidak bangun kesiangan.

a. You should go to sleep now so that you do not oversleep
b. You should finish your test now so that you get good score

7. Ia tidak pernah membalas sms yang aku kirim.

a. He never reply sms that I sent
b. He never answered my calling

8. Jatuh cinta hanya bisa dijelaskan oleh seseorang yang pernah mengalaminya.
a. Fall in love can be explained by someone that doing
b. Experience can be explained by someone that ever tried

9. Ini adalah tempat favoritku yang biasa untuk bertemu dengannya.

a. This is My favorite place usually to meet him
b. This is My favorite place usually to play game with my friend

10. Saya tidak bisa berbicara bahasa Inggris tetapi saya mempraktikkannya hampir tiap hari.
a. I can’t speak English but I practice almost everyday
b. I can’t dace but I practice almost everyday

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