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Quizhpi 1

Angel Quizhpi

Mrs. Debby Jizi

UWRT 1103

19 March 2018

My Future

I am an optimistic, happy and loving person. I never give up. I always found a way to

overcome the obstacles the world threw at me. I am a fair and modest person. I treat everyone

equally. I always believe in a better tomorrow. Many of my accomplishments are in the field

architecture. Not only did I become an architect, I have a reputation for being a great architect.

Many of my buildings have been described by critics as beautiful and well designed. I am always

engaged in my work. It is extremely fun to design and consider dozens and dozens of

possibilities of what might be built. It is also fun to create 3D models to get a sense of the space.

I love to use AutoCAD and Revit. The part of architecture that fascinates me is sustainable

design. Most of the buildings that I design are eco-friendly. I am proud of the buildings I have

designed. They are a positive impact on the environment and beautiful.

Through architecture, I was able to accomplish one of my other goals: drawing. I learn to

draw and now it is a hobby and essential tool for my design process. My job gives me meaning.

Designing is my call. The buildings I will design will have a huge impact on people and the

environment. I strive to make sure that the environment and the people are impacted in a positive

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One of my goals was in the field of teaching. Currently, I am a part-time professor at the

School of Architecture at UNCC. I try to be a positive impact on my students and to help them

be successful in their careers. I also find meaning as an educator, because I helped them to be

successful and to find their design process. I am glad that I have helped train the future

generation of architects that will make their impact on this world. I am also engaged as a

professor. The conversations with my students are very interesting. I love to discuss their views

on the aspects of the projects and their ideas to deal with these aspects.

In addition to my successful careers, I also have success in my personal life. I have a

loving family. My wife is very loving and respectful. When there are problems she always cheers

me up. I love her and respect her opinions. I am a respectful and loving husband and father. We

have kids. I try to raise them the best I can. I always tell them to dream because dreams give us

hope. Dreams let us believe. Hope and believing allow us to face our obstacles with the

confidence that we will succeed and that on the other side is a better tomorrow. They mean the

world to me. My family is the reason I never give up. They are my motivation and strength to

overcome the obstacles of this world. It is my responsibility to make sure that all their needs are

taken care of. I always work hard to make sure that my wife and children have everything they


I am deeply grateful for everything my parents did for me. I help them with anything they

need. I put aside what I am doing at the moment to help them. I visit them every week as often as

possible. I love them, and I know they love me back. I know that they are proud of what I am

doing with my life. My relationships with my siblings are very good. None of us hold any

grudges against each other. We enjoy each other’s company.

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I also have many friends. I think this is because I strive to treat all of my co-workers with

equality. I am also modest. I do not brag about my success in front of them. I believe that

humility and modesty are important for success. Many of the people I work with have become

my friends. My co-workers are trustworthy and responsible. We help each other meet project

deadlines. I also have a best friend that I trust with my life. I know that they will never betray


Another one of my hobbies includes wires. I make wire sculptures. I find it fascinating

the many ways that wire can be folded and the character they add to space. Some of my

sculptures happen to make their way into some museums. I also enjoy traveling. The reason I

love to travel because there is so much beauty in the world. I also use my travel to study

buildings from different countries. I love to be amazed by the works of different architects. I

study them, so I can get inspiration for my own designs.

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