The Examiner September 13 2017

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You are on page 1of 36 Wednesday September 13, 2017 |


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First in Tasmania



After more than four decades, Tasmania
Police First-Class Constable Leigh Bailey
has hung up his handcuffs. Working
on the beat in the Northern Midlands
for much of his career, Mr Bailey says
he was “one of the lucky ones” who
managed to stay in a role that he loved
for 43 years.
MELISSA MOBBS reports, Page 3

Launceston jury hears woman allegedly raped 'after drinking'

A WOMAN has told a jury
she was raped in her moth-
er’s bed by her stepfather
when she was 18.
The witness told the
Launceston Supreme Court
on Tuesday, that she was
raped after a night out at a
venue where her stepfather
worked as a bouncer in 2013.

She told the court she was
“in shock” when she alleged-
ly woke up to find him on top
of her.
The man has denied the
reports, Page 4.
2 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017


Changes to
petrol price
BY MATT MALONEY to display daily fuel prices on State director Leanne
a fuel-watch website and es- Minshull said Tasmania’s
TASMANIAN petrol retail- tablish a Fuel Price Oversight compact geography made it
ers will soon be prevented Officer to work in a moni- an ideal place to establish the
from displaying discount toring role within the State stations in an effort to boost
petrol prices on boards out- Growth Department. the electric vehicle fleet.
side outlets. Franklin Greens MHA Ro- The report presents
The move received tripar- salie Woodruff said the party two options: one for three
tisan support in Parliament welcomed the government’s charging stations along the
on Tuesday. small regulatory amendment Midland Highway, costing
Government minister Guy which would make pricing $921,000, or seven dispersed
Barnett said the objective clearer to motorists. evenly throughout the sta-
behind the motion was to “What is needed is long- tion, costing $2.1 million.
ease cost of living pressures term planning for the inevi- Ms Mishull said transport
and make the state one of the table increases to the cost of accounted for 24 per cent
most affordable places to live petrol,” she said. of Tasmania’s total car-
in the country. According to the bon emissions.
“The cost of fuel can be a Australian Institute of Pe- “The state’s unique power
significant part of the house- troleum, Tasmania’s average grid, reputation for pristine
hold budget … and petrol petrol price was 135.7 cents environments and geogra- LEGENDARY CELEBRATION: Steven Bradbury will appear at the Country Club on Friday
pricing can be fickle,” he said. per litre last week. phy all help make electric car as part of Evandale Football Club's 125-year celebration.
Braddon Labor MHA This was 8.9 cents above infrastructure more cost-ef-
Shane Broad said the Oppo-
sition was pleased that the
government had adopted a
the national average.
Launceston motorists
were paying 136 cents per
fective and rewarding,” Ms
Minshull said.
“Tasmania’s size, pop-
Legends come to Launceston
Labor policy from last year. litre while Sorell motorists ulation density and clean SPORTING history will be pic gold medallist Steven be sharing the stage with the
He accused the govern- were paying the most at energy credentials make the made in Launceston this Fri- Bradbury, radio personality other high-profile guests.
ment of only acting on cost of 138.7 cents. state perfect for widespread day, as the Evandale Football Rex Hunt, comedian Chris “There are some great
living issues in the 12 months Meanwhile, the Australia electric vehicle adoption.” Club celebrates its 125-year Franklin, cricket legend Jeff people on the bill, so I’m not
leading up to a scheduled Institute’s Tasmanian A Nissan Leaf, with a range anniversary with an Aussie Thompson and former jock- sure how long they’ll want to
election – and not going branch has released a report of 175 kilometres, costs Legends Sporting Luncheon ey Malcolm Johnston also listen to me for,” he said.
far enough. which urges government $39,990, while at the higher at Country Club Tasmania. scheduled to attend. Tickets “I’ve done a few gigs with
Dr Broad said Labor in investment in supercharger end, a Tesla Model S, with a Football won’t be the on- have already sold out for the Malcolm Johnston in the
government would to intro- stations for electric cars in range of 502 kilometres, costs ly sport represented at the event, with former speed past, and he is very funny to
duce laws to force retailers the state. $100,800. function, with Winter Olym- skater Bradbury excited to listen to.”

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Four decades in the force

'Country cop' retires
after 43-year career
BY MELISSA MOBBS showed a little bit of respect
in those days.”
LEIGH Bailey may not have Retiring last month, Mr
grown up wanting to be a Bailey said he had seen many
police officer but that didn’t changes throughout his time
stop him from spending 43 – from the types of criminals
years of his life in the force. police had to deal with to the
Joining in 1976 as a cadet, culture within the force.
Mr Bailey said he had “never Early on his career, he
thought about it” before but said it was all about crack-
it seemed like a good career ing down on marijuana. But
choice and a “chance to by the end of it, he and his
help people”. fellow officers were dealing
He graduated from the with the devastating impact
academy and went on to of ice.
spend more than four dec- “The druggies then, in the
ades on the beat. ‘70s, were the hippies … they
He spent the majority of could have their joints and
his career working in the be happy as Larry. Crooks
Northern Midlands as a got hold of [cannabis] in the
“country cop” – a role he said early ‘80s and realised they
he was happy to stay in. could start making money
“Being in the country, you out of it ...that was about the
did your own CIB work, you extent of the drugs,” he said.
did your own drug squad “But then ice has come in-
work, you are first on scene to it and I feel sorry for police
for fatal accidents, you are officers and the public now
first on scene for murders – having to deal with it. You
you really are dealing with a could still talk to people af-
lot,” he said. fected by marijuana, I don’t
“You lived in the town think you could talk to peo- FLASHBACK: Retired Tasmania Police Constable Leigh Bailey joined the force as a cadet in 1976. Picture: Supplied
too and you knew people ple or rationalise with people
and people knew you. They on ice.”
would come directly to you Dealing with criminals, gest challenge – especially “It doesn't matter what career may be over, Mr Bailey people how you want to be
when they wanted a po- even those affected by ice, when it involved children. rank you are, or if you are a said he still had advice for treated,” he said.
lice officer. was not the hardest part of “You are trained for it, male or female, some people anyone looking to follow in A keen hunter and fisher,
“You also got to know his job though. He said hav- but the training is never the can just cope with it better his footsteps. Mr Bailey plans to spend
your crooks, which was a ing to tell people their loved same as actually having to go than others.” “You can never, ever af- much of his retirement out
good thing because they ones had died was the big- and do it,” he said. While his Tasmania Police ford to back down and treat bush.

Council decides not to fly rainbow flag

A MOTION for a Northern the issue was not a local gov- that this has played out na- that had to begin some- our community thinks about council open to other issues.
council to show its sup- ernment one. Cr Connor said tionally and I don’t think we where. this,” she said. “Next there will be a
port for marriage equality that excuse was a “cop out”. should by in to it.” “For those councillors Councillor Rodney Syn- Collingwood [football club]
has failed. Mayor Craig Perkins Councillor Bob Richard- that say we should stick to field agreed with Cr White. flag, and then before we
The Meander Valley Coun- agreed it wasn’t a govern- son said he seconded Cr roads, rates and rubbish – He said it was appropriate to know it there will be a street
cil will not fly a rainbow flag ment issue. Connor’s motion to “allow we already do a lot more let Australians have their say full of flags,” he said.
outside its council chambers “Politicians have handled for debate”. than that.” without the council trying to Hobart City Council and
after Councillor Andrew this situation poorly … it has Cr Connor acknowledged Councillor Deb White force it upon them. other councils around the
Connor soley voted for the turned into a political game,” the same-sex marriage de- agreed it was not a council Councillor Michael Kelly nation have voted to fly the
motion. he said. bate was not a council issue, issue. “We do not know in did not support the motion flag.
Many councillors believed “I feel very sad in the way but was a human rights one any way, shape or form what because he said it left the – TARLIA JORDAN

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4 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017


Stepdad faces rape charge

AN ALLEGED rape victim She was 18 at the time. er was overseas at the time. her on the waist and thrust Hughes suggested that when “He rapes you, but you’re
says she woke up in her “I realised that he was Her stepfather is facing two himself into her. On another the woman and her family asking him to bring you Mc-
mother’s bed after a night of having intercourse with me,” charges – rape and indecent occasion, she said she had confronted the accused, he Donald's,” Mr Hughes said.
drinking to find her stepfa- she said. assault. The Crown Prose- been drinking with him and said “why are you making Mr Hughes questioned the
ther having sex with her. “I couldn’t move … I put cutor told the jury the rela- woke up the following morn- this shit up, it’s serious shit” woman about her actions
The 22-year-old cried as my hand over my mouth … tionship between the wom- ing with no clothes on. and told the woman to go to when she allegedly woke up
she gave evidence during I remember tears coming an and her stepfather had The young woman told the the police. Mr Hughes also to find her stepfather rap-
a trial in the Launceston down my face.” changed as she got older and court before the alleged rape, suggested she continued to ing her.
Supreme Court on Tues- She said she was in and she claims he began making there was an incident where live with her stepfather after “You did not shout out at
day, more than four years out of consciousness but comments about how she he touched her vagina while he allegedly raped her and him … push or punch … you
after the alleged assault in eventually asked him “what looked, started slapping her giving her a massage – which continued to go to the club used the simple words ‘what
March, 2013. are you doing?”. on the butt and began to led to the indecent assault where he worked for free are you doing?’,” he said.
She told the court she It was then, she alleges, he drink regularly with her. charge. The defence case drinks. He also suggested “I was in shock,”
thought she was “paralysed” told her she was “having a She said on one occasion, claims that at no point did she texted him to bring her she replied.
when her stepfather is al- nightmare” and to “go back she was bending over to put the man rape or indecently food after he finished a shift The trial before Justice
leged to have been on top of to sleep”. dishes away when he came assault his stepdaughter. in April 2013, a month after Michael Brett will continue
her, thrusting. The court heard her moth- up behind her, grabbed Defence lawyer Evan the alleged incident. on Wednesday.

Dairy spreads
message of care
DAIRY has come with a mes- family environments and a
sage of care this week, with sense of safety that is miss-
Ashgrove Cheese partnering ing for most young people at
with Life Without Barriers for risk,” Ms Ferrier said.
a new campaign. “Sadly, the growing de-
Formed to coincide with mand from those seeking
National Foster Carer’s week, the support means it has be-
Ashgrove Cheese’s milk bot- come important to find the
tles will wear a neck tie to next generation of dedicated
raise public awareness of the volunteers.”
need for new foster carers Ashgrove Cheese market-
as part of a statewide drive, ing and communications
which started on September manager Anne Bennett
10. Life Without Barriers’ said the collaboration
Tasmanian regional manag- made sense.
er Melinda Ferrier hoped it “Kids are naturally the
would inspire those consid- biggest consumers of milk,
ering foster care to take the so it’s a great way to spread a
next step. message about love and fam-
NEW CAMPAIGN: Ashgrove's Anne Bennett and Life Without Barriers regional manager Mel Ferrier talk up the new “Carers are very special ily,” she said.
partnership between the organisation and the dairy company. Picture: Scott Gelston people, who offer nurturing – SEAN SLATTER

Young people call for care sector change

TASMANIA’S Children’s called for action to be taken in OOHC are listened to and day, pointed to Mr Morris- their views to be taken into to respond to the effect of
Commissioner has used his in the care sector. that processes to encourage sey’s other priority areas of account,” he said. family violence on children,
final annual report to share Mr Morrissey said he had and facilitate this participa- the last financial year, which “The voices of many young further action was needed.
calls for change in the state’s heard concerns “consistently tion are implemented.” included family violence, people in the out-of-home “For some children, the
out-of-home care sector. expressed” to him by young Earlier this year, the state child protection redesign, care system were loud and effects can be profound, thus
Mark Morrissey, who will people. government accepted a se- and education reform. clear. They called for change. the need to respond better to
leave his position this month, “Child Safety Services ries of recommendations “One of the most impor- “They asked that they be the needs of all children and
used the 2016-17 annual alone cannot address the is- made by Mr Morrissey in a tant rights that children and listened to and for action to young people,” he said.
report to further promote sues faced,” he said. report on the care sector. young people have is the be taken.” “There remains much
the voices of young people, “There is also a pressing The annual report, tabled right to have a say on deci- Mr Morrissey also said that work to be done.”
who themselves, he said, had need to ensure that children in State Parliament on Tues- sions that affect them and for while much had been done – MICHELLE WISBEY


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Grant Musgrave, Calvary

St Vincent’s chief executive
with the new equipment.

opens at
CALVARY St Vincent’s Hos-
pital has opened its new
cardiac catheterisation lab-
oratory and endoscopy unit,
offering more choice for
Northern Tasmanians with TERRIBLE LOSS: Christina Rowlands and her late partner Ben (Bob) Aherne who was awarded a Star of Courage Award by the Governor General.
private health insurance.
The new laboratory and
unit were opened on Tuesday
by Calvary chair John Wat-
kins and blessed by the Arch-
bishop of Hobart the Most
Reverend Julian Porteous.
Man’s bravery to stop
Analysis on health ser-
vices in 2014 reported that
Northern Tasmanians had
the lowest rate of coronary
angiograms and cardiac
gunman recognised
intervention services nation- BY LIBBY BINGHAM two men dead and a young arrived. to immediately leave. help and he was unsuspect-
ally. woman seriously wounded Mr Aherne drove to Ms The armed Clements ing of the extremely volatile
However, Australian Bu- THE bravery of Devonport unfolded on the morning Hale’s house after she rang approached and fired two situation he walked into,” the
reau of Statistics data report- man, Benjamin Aherne, has of October 8, 2011, after Mr him for assistance, and his shots at the vehicle, seriously statement said.
ed Tasmanians in the North, been recognised six years af- Aherne went to the assis- partner, Christina Rowlands wounding Ms Rowlands. As “… it is evident that Ben
North-East and North-West ter he was shot and killed as tance of Devonport woman arrived in her own car and Mr Aherne ran towards his demonstrated a high level of
have the highest prevalence he took action to save others. Kylie Hales. Ms Hales called remained outside. Shortly own car, Clements fired his moral integrity and courage
of cardiovascular disease Mr Aherne, 31, was killed Mr Aherne to ask him to after Mr Aherne got there gun at Mr Aherne and he in his actions that day.
nationally. by a gunman who later shot visit her house in Watkinson Clements returned and en- fell to the ground. Clements “Our family has faced dif-
The cardiology team will himself in a murder-suicide Street after her ex-partner, tered the premises carrying approached Mr Aherne and ficult times since Ben's death
provide angiography and which rocked the Coast. John Clements, assaulted her a rifle. opened fire again, fatally and we have had to learn to
pace-making services while On Wednesday, Mr Aherne and she believed he would Mr Aherne confronted wounding him. Clements live with the tremendous
the new endoscopy unit was posthumously given return. Clements, 46, had ex- Clements in the hallway and then turned the gun on him- loss of one of our sons and
provides greater privacy and the Star of Courage Award pected to take part in a tryst attempted to diffuse the situ- self. A statement from the brother and the gap we now
space for patients. Calvary by Governor General, Sir with Ms Hales and another ation. After a short struggle, Aherne family said: “The cir- have in our lives, but we are
hospital chief executive Peter Cosgrove. The cita- woman. Before he got there both men left the house. cumstances and events that so pleased and so very proud
Grant Musgrave thanked tion said “by his actions, Mr Clements learned he was no Once outdoors, Mr Aherne unfolded that day were not that his extreme bravery has
specialists, architects, and Aherne displayed conspicu- longer wanted after the other ran towards his partner's ve- of (Ben’s) making… Ben had been recognised and has
patients for their input. ous courage”. woman’s ex-husband was at hicle. He banged on the win- little knowledge of the events now resulted in him being
The tragedy which left the house and left before he dows, to warn Ms Rowlands leading up to the request for awarded the Star of Courage.”

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6 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017


More drug and alcohol

training opportunities have
been announced.

gets a
THE Drug Education Net-
work and Tasmanian Aborig-
inal Corporation have been
recruited to boost the drug
and alcohol sector’s ability
to treat the state’s indigenous
Primary Health Tasmania
has commissioned two or-
ganisations to deliver three
training programs that will
increase the number of
qualified Aboriginal drug
and alcohol workers and
MOVING ON: Junction Arts Festival general manager Steve Henty farewells Junction after six years. Picture: Paul Scambler improve culturally sensitive
Primary Health Tasmania

‘Biggest Junction yet’ spokesperson Mark Broxton

said new funding was availa-
ble to deliver a Certificate IV
in Alcohol and Other Drugs,
which was expected to at-
BY TESS BRUNTON nity have spoken with their He couldn’t pinpoint last Junction. it would the board’s deci- tract 24 people.
feet and turned up, support- a show highlight after his “I am absolutely looking sion,” Henty said. “The senior He said 60 workers would
AS JUNCTION Arts Festival ed it and enjoyed it”. six years. forward to coming to Junc- managers are putting their be provided with cultural
wraps up with record crowds, “Junction just highlights Instead Henty said his tion as a punter,” Henty said. heads together and thinking safety training and 15 people
general manager Steve Hen- the sense of community we thoughts returned to the He didn’t want to suggest about what the next chapter would undertake training to
ty farewells the festival after already have.” team of people bringing directions the festival could of Junction is.” run group therapy sessions.
six years. It was Henty’s last festival energy and expertise to go in, saying “if it’s similar or As for Henty’s advice to Mr Broxton said enrol-
Close to 9000 people as he will take over the exec- the festival. something completely differ- the new general manager: ment priority would be given
passed through the gates utive officer role full time at “That’s the feeling I get to ent, I’ll be over the moon”. “My advice is to put all your to Aboriginal people working
at Prince’s Square dur- CityProm this month. walk away with and say ‘what Evolving was part of the energy into it. This is not a in the alcohol and drug sec-
ing the five-day Junction It was immensely satis- an amazing group of people, festival and someone else job, this is almost a way of tor and people providing ser-
Arts Festival. fying to walk around on the what an amazing amount could take it in whatever life, don’t be afraid to put all vices to Aboriginal people.
Henty said “it’s our biggest last day of the festival, all of passion’.” direction they felt Junction your emotion into it. It’s that Funding for the training
Junction yet … We are put- the shows had sold out and While he may be moving should go in, he said. heart, drive and energy that programs comes through the
ting on something in for this heaps of people were out out of the general manag- As for who would take on keeps you going and it gets National Ice Strategy.
community and the commu- enjoying the music, he said. er role, it would not be his the role of general manager, returned to you in spades.” – MATT MALONEY

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Museum ‘not given away’

BY HAYDEN JOHNSON AND tions might exist,” he said.
HOLLY MONERY Mr Williscroft said the
relocation of the museum
AS FINANCIAL details of would allow it to expand and
the National Automobile provide disability access.
Museum of Tasmania’s relo- “To be able to open up the
cation are decided, the City entire display to everyone in
of Launceston is insisting it our community is something
is not ‘giving away’ the land. we are particularly pleased
The museum will relocate about – we looked at a range
from its location on the cor- of possibilities but the site at
ner of Willis and Cimitiere North Bank is by far the right
streets to make way for the option for us for a number of
University of Tasmania’s reasons,” he said.
$260-million campus relo- Relocation is expected
cation. to begin within months to
Museum board member ensure the museum is oper-
Harry Williscroft and his col- ational by late 2018.
leagues jumped at the offer Mr Williscroft said it was
of a parcel of land near the almost certain that the mu-
Silo Hotel at North Bank. seum would lose money in
UTAS’ Northern Expan- the two years after the move.
sion project director James He said the university
McKee said the university had also agreed to help with
had been working with the moving costs.
museum for about two years. Mr McKee said until UTAS
He said the financial de- had finalised the masterplan,
tails of the move were now FUTURE: National Automobile Museum Of Tasmania chairman Harry Williscroft and manager Phil Costello look at the it could not be clear on what
being discussed between the Lindsay Street site the museum will move into. Picture: Scott Gelston. its needs for the site were.
university, City of Launces- “The real key was to get the
ton and the museum. ferent needs and aspirations “The discussions do not would allow them to further northern campus.” right outcome for all parties
“It's been a process of try- that takes a bit of time.” involve the council giving build upon their important Six options were tabled as – importantly that we didn't
ing to find the right outcome City of Launceston acting away the land in question,” tourism offering in a dedi- potential future locations for lose the value of the museum
and it has been a true, three- general manager Michael he said. cated, purpose-built facility, the museum. to the community and to the
way conversation,” he said. Tidey expected the council to “The representatives of the and allow the university to “We looked everywhere, tourism sector,” he said.
“When you've got three formally consider the matter NAMT are clearly very excit- potentially expand the foot- right out to even Meander Mr McKee hoped the plan
parties involved, all with dif- in the coming weeks. ed by the proposal, which print of its proposed new Valley about what other op- would be finalised soon.

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8 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017


Winner captures the

‘essence’ of Pollock

ORIGINALITY and research

REVIEW: Strathdevon aged
care home at Latrobe.
has secured a win for Ruth
William’s work Study After
There were some
Namuth in the Pollock at the great artworks in
Princess competition. the mix.
Nursing Artists were invited by
Theatre North and Hotel
Grand Chancellor Launces-
I wish I’d been
able to choose a
homes ton to create a Jackson Pol-
lock-inspired artwork. top 15.
report 21
The competition celebrat-
Tasmanian artist and
ed the 65th birthday of the
curator Patrick Sutczak
American artist’s most fa-

deaths mous work Blue Poles (Num-

ber 11, 1952), which was
acquired by The National
ly researched and took an
original idea depicting the
THERE have been 21 deaths Gallery of Australia in 1973. “essence” of Pollock.
reported during 12 influen- The announcement was Glover Prize 2011 winner
za outbreaks at Tasmanian made at the official exhi- James Foley and Univer-
nursing homes, the state’s bition opening by Gallery sity of Tasmania Masters
public health director Dr Pejean director Margot Baird of Fine Arts student Cath-
Mark Veitch has said. on Tuesday evening, coin- erine Phillips were both
Dr Veitch said the nursing ciding with the evening’s highly commended for
home residents did not nec- performance of Bakersfield their Pollock-style abstract
essarily die of influenza but Mist, which centered around expressionist work and use
it was likely for many of them a potential Pollock discovery. of colour.
influenza would have con- Williams said her work Foley created Project Pol-
tributed to the deaths. Dr was inspired by the first lock, while Phillips created an
Veitch said 34 nursing homes photograph sessions Hans artwork called Poles Apart.
had reported flu outbreaks Namuth took of Pollock in For her win, Williams
this year, of which 17 were his studio with his wife. received two nights accom-
affected at the moment. She tried to capture “the modation at a Hotel Grand
It comes after a three-day physicality, both in his ac- Chancellor, a double 2018
review began on Monday tive dance-like movement Theatre North Subscription
into six deaths after a flu around the canvas laid out Season Membership, dinner
outbreak at the Strathdevon on the floor, their clothes at Avenue Restaurant and
aged-care facility at Latrobe. and Lee Krasner’s pose [his Lobby Bar and complimen-
Strathdevon was no longer wife] on the bar stool where tary wine in the Bakersfield
in lockdown after the fatal she seems to be absorbed Mist interval.
flu outbreak. in not obstructing his crea- The finalists received a
Dr Veitch said as of Sep- tive activity”. double pass to the perfor-
tember 11, Public Health Tasmanian artist and cu- mance and an invitation to
Services had received noti- rator Patrick Sutczak faced the after-show support to
fications of 2265 laboratory tough decisions as he se- meet the stars.
confirmed cases of influen- lected 10 finalists from the The Pollock at the Princess
za. He said flu cases peaked 28 entries. exhibition will be on display
in late August, and appear to “There were some great in the Princess Theatre Stair-
be declining. artworks in the mix,” Sutczak well Gallery and Upstairs
Dr Veitch said while a high said. Foyer. The exhibition will be
coverage of flu vaccination “I wish I’d been able to open between 9am and 5pm
among aged care residents choose a top 15.” on weekdays, 10am to 1pm
and staff was helpful, it When it came down to on Saturdays and during
was only one part of reduc- THE PRIZE: Theatre North artistic director Greg Leong with the winning entry by Ruth picking the winner, Sutczak performances.
ing outbreaks. Williams called Study After Namuth. Picture: Paul Scambler. said Williams had evident-

Federal crackdown on child sex offences

THE Sexual Assault Support SASS chief executive Jill stances of aggravation.
Service has welcomed pro- Maxwell said she supported Tasmanian Labor Senator
posed new federal reforms changes within the justice Helen Polley said the party
targeting child sex offenders. system for child victims. would examine the proposed
On Tuesday, federal “Whilst we supported laws closely.
Justice Minister Michael mandatory sentencing earli- “Labor believes that vile
Keenan announced the gov- er this year when proposed criminals convicted of child
ernment would propose the by our state government, sexual abuse should face the
new laws, which he labeled this was debated within the full force of the law,” she said.
the “greatest crackdown on Legislative Council unsuc- The news came days after
paedophiles in a generation”. cessfully and we accept that the Lyons Liberal MHA Mark
The proposed laws, which decision,” Ms Maxwell said. Shelton released a petition to
are set to be introduced into The service also recom- “get proper jail sentences for
federal Parliament this week, mended a new offence be paedophiles” following the
include child sex offenders created for aggravated sexual voting down of the govern-
spending longer in jail, being intercourse with a young ment’s bill for mandatory jail
less likely to be granted bail, person and maintaining a time for serious child sexual
and facing mandatory mini- sexual relationship with a offences in June this year. PROPOSED REFORM: Federal Justice Minister Michael Keenan announces a proposed
mum sentences. young person in circum- – MICHELLE WISBEY crackdown on child sexual offenders. Wednesday September 13, 2017 THE EXAMINER 9


Water takeover step closer

BY MICHELLE WISBEY the legislation. rect. Opposition local govern- transitions. being taken against the gov-
The bill will now head to Ms Dawkins questioned ment spokesperson Made- Mr Gutwein confirmed ernment over the proposed
THE government is one step the Legislative Council to be what assurances the govern- leine Ogilvie said she had that no employee would takeover.
closer to bringing into reality debated at a later date. ment could give the Tasma- heard from TasWater work- lose their job as a result of Mr Gutwein said he was
its controversial TasWater In the Parliamentary de- nian public that the takeover ers that they felt they had not the transfer. “very comfortable” that the
takeover as the proposed bate, Greens water spokes- would not further delay the been given a “fair go”. “This is an opportunity to bill was lawful and would
reform passed through the person Andrea Dawkins upgrading of the state’s water She questioned what get the job done, this is an withstand any challenges.
lower house on Tuesday. questioned whether the leg- and sewerage infrastructure. change the legislation would opportunity for Tasmanians A Legislative Council in-
Questions of amalgama- islation was “amalgamation “It would be our intention have on the TasWater work- to pay less,” he said. quiry into the ownership of
tions, employee support, by stealth”. that it would be a seamless force and whether there Ms Ogilvie questioned TasWater will hold further
and legality were all brought But Treasurer and Local transfer … there would be no would be programs to en- whether one clause written public hearings in Launces-
up in the debate which ulti- Government Minister Peter interruption at all,” Mr Gut- sure staff were appropriately in the bill was there to spe- ton on Wednesday and
mately led to the passing of Gutwein said this was incor- wein told Parliament. cared for throughout any cifically stop legal action Thursday this week.

Trivia night for youth support

PUT on your thinking caps the organisation was “very but any activities the pro-
and prepare for a night of inclusive” and supported gram participants want to
trivia supporting young mi- women through their chosen take on require additional,
grant women. career or professional path- community-based funding.
The Migrant Resource ways, which made it an ideal On Friday night Zonta
Centre has joined with pro- fit for supporting with MRC welcomes anyone seeking
fessional and career women with the work done helping an enjoyable night out for a
organisation Zonta to host a migrants establish their good cause to the Launces-
night of trivial fun on Friday own lives. ton Golf Club, with silent
at the Launceston Golf Club. MRC chief executive Ella auctions, raffle prizes and
All proceeds from the Dixon said the centre fre- trivia all hosted by Alderman
night go directly to the Mi- quently doorknocked local Danny Gibson.
grant Resource Centre’s clubs and organisations to Limited tickets are still
Youth Pathways program, find support for the Youth available at $20 a person,
helping young women and Pathways program. which includes a light sup-
girls develop their lives with She said funding from the per, starting at 6:30pm. No
the support of the centre and Tas Community Fund sup- door sales will be available.
the community. ports the employment of a To book, message Sue Dy-
TRIVIA TIME: Zonta president Sue Dyson and the Migrant Centre's Ella Dixon do some Zonta Club of Launceston pathways officer to work with son on 0422 803 644.
research before the trivia fundraising night. Picture: Paul Scambler president Sue Dyson said the youth settling in Launceston, – LUCY STONE

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Joyce: Buyers lining up MOST PLAN


for Liddell power plant

SUPPORT for same-sex
marriage remains at 70 per
cent, unchanged from a poll
a year earlier.
A new Fairfax/Ipsos
poll suggests some 65 per
ENERGY giant AGL won’t day, AGL chief Andrew Ve- The Nationals leader how to implement a clean able energy target – which cent of those surveyed are
have any problem finding a sey has also promised to said he knew of two poten- energy target, as recom- he wants scrapped – would “certain” to complete the
buyer for the ageing Liddell report back to the govern- tial buyers. mended in a landmark re- “be a difficult position to postal survey, and of those
coal-fired power station, ment in 90 days on how to “I’ve had people in my port by Chief Scientist Alan sustain”. seven out of 10 will tick
says Deputy Prime Minister source 1000MW of reliable office who have said, ‘I Finkel. Mr Joyce said investors “yes” in favour of marriage
Barnaby Joyce. power beyond 2022. want to buy it’,” Mr Joyce Nationals members cared about a clean energy equality.
AGL is considering But Mr Vesey insists the told Sky News. meeting in Canberra over target, but it must be set at Survey forms asking
whether to keep the Hunter company can find the best Asked about a reported the weekend passed a reso- a level “that keeps our base- Australians whether they
Valley station open for an- solution for the energy figure of between $500 mil- lution to oppose such a tar- load power in play”. support same-sex marriage
other five years beyond its market while still closing lion and $1 billion to up- get. “They (investors) know were being posted from
shutdown date of 2022 or Liddell in 2022 as planned. grade the plant and keep it Former prime minister we will do the responsible Tuesday.
sell it to another company. Mr Joyce said the best going, he said: “You are in a Tony Abbott told the coali- thing … to keep the ca-

Having met with Mr option was to keep the NSW good range there.” tion party room on Tuesday pacity for coal-fired power
Joyce and Malcolm Turn- station running for another The comments came as a clean energy target graft- in this nation,” he said on

bull in Canberra on Mon- five years. the government weighs up ed onto the existing renew- Tuesday.

Police admit to frustration in Tyrrell case

A MAN has pleaded guilty
to murdering an elderly
World War II veteran in
his rural Victorian home
THE lead investigator in the and making off with war
search for William Tyrrell medals.
admits he’s frustrated the On the eve of his 90th
case remains unsolved and birthday in September 2015,
has urged the public to re- Kenneth Handford was
main vigilant for suspicious tied up and stabbed at his
behaviour from friends or Springbank home.
relatives. Adam Lucas Williamson,
As the missing Sydney 40, faced the Victorian
boy’s family and foster fam- Supreme Court onTuesday
when he pleaded guilty to
ily on Tuesday marked the
murdering the elderly man,
third anniversary of his and stealing his cash and
disappearance, Detective nearly a dozen war medals,
Chief Inspector Gary Jube- including a Pacific Star.
lin said despite the elimi-
nation of hundreds of sus-
pects, detectives were still
committed to the case.
“We’re not giving up on
this investigation,” he told PLASTIC BAGS
reporters in Sydney. SINGLE-USE plastic
“It doesn’t sit well with shopping bags will be
me personally that three banned in Western Australia
years down the track we from July, bringing the
haven’t solved (it).” state into line with other
The seasoned detective jurisdictions.
Premier Mark McGowan
pleaded with potential wit-
said on Tuesday plastic was
nesses not to bog police “the curse of the earth”
NOT GIVING UP: Detective Chief Inspector Gary Jubelin speaks to the media onTuesday regarding the status of
down with theories from missing boy WilliamTyrrell. Picture: AAP that killed wildlife.
clairvoyants or mediums “We want to make sure
but instead share “genu- An unprecedented $1 vestigation “weighed heav- taken, and police cited re- more than 4000 pieces of marine life, our wildlife, our
ine information”, including million reward remains on ily” on all those involved. search suggesting a three- information, as “extreme”, very special environment is
about the behaviour of a offer for information lead- With the list of persons year-old child may not fit but one theory is that a sin- protected,” he said.
friend or relative. “The way ing to William’s return. of interest still in the hun- the ideal victim of a pedo- gle person abducted Wil- The ban will bring
they react when William’s Det Chief Insp Jubelin dreds, police are keeping phile. liam. WA into line with South
name is mentioned might said it was a once-in-a-gen- an open mind about why He described the body of “I want that person to Australia,Tasmania, the
cause suspicion,” he said. eration crime and the in- William might have been evidence, which includes feel the pressure,” he said. Northern Territory and ACT.


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12 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017

Joyce: Ask
me about
water theft
Costello warns on NO SEX VIDEO

gambling industry
A SYDNEY restaurateur
accused of murdering her
husband has told a jury
WITH accusations of water she did not believe he
theft in the Murray-Darling would send a video of them
Basin still swirling, Barnaby having sex to her personal
Joyce has dared the opposi- ANTI-GAMBLING cam- trainer.
tion to ask him about it in paigner Tim Costello says The husband of Qian Liu,
parliament. Australia’s gambling indus- 35, sent a phone message
Both Labor and the try is as powerful as the US to her in which he wrote
Greens have stepped up gun lobby, as a landmark about sending the video of
their call for a judicial in- trial examines a claim of them making love “so he
quiry into allegations of pokie-machine rigging. will give up”.
mismanagement and wa- Former gambling addict Liu, who has denied
ter theft first unveiled by a Shonica Guy has launched murdering her husband
in January 2016, said
Four Corners investigation legal action against Crown
she found the message
in August. Casino and poker machine laughable and childish.
But Labor has been re- maker Aristocrat, with a
fusing to ask Mr Joyce ques- trial starting in the Federal
tions in parliament until
the High Court resolves his
Court in Melbourne on
status after he was found to
be a dual citizen.
The lawsuit alleges the
design of the Dolphin
Mr Joyce, the minister Treasure poker machine NICK Xenophon will share
responsible for water re- means players are likely responsibility with Pauline
sources, dismissed Labor’s to be misled or deceived Hanson for “damaging” the
motives. about their chances of win- ABC and SBS if he votes
“It’s all theatrics … there’s ning. for the government’s media
TAKING LEGAL ACTION: Former gambling addict Shonica Guy speaks to the media
no seriousness about it. Law firm Maurice Black- laws by the end of the week,
outside the Federal Court in Melbourne onTuesday. Picture: AAP
I’ll get no question. They’ll burn is representing Ms Labor says.
AAP understands the
prefer to do some kind of Guy, and the lawsuit is also “I believe the gam- of the National Rifle Asso- from operating Dolphin
South Australian senator
gimmick for the camera supported by the Alliance bling industry in Australia ciation in Australia. Treasure or any machine
has been promised funding
rather than ask the hard for Gambling Reform. is equivalent to guns in “That’s why we have the with a similar configura- for cadet journalists and
questions,” he said. Mr Costello says the America,” he told reporters greatest number of prob- tion. She also wants Aristo- independent media in order
“If they’re serious about gambling industry in Aus- outside court on Tuesday, lem gamblers bar no coun- crat Technologies banned to strengthen diversity and
it, they’ll ask me a question tralia is the most powerful noting that 20 per cent of try in the world, because of from supplying the ma- boost employment in the
about it today in question in the nation and state gov- the world’s pokie machines the power of this industry.” chine or anything similar to media sector. One source
time rather than playing ernments are too reliant on are Down Under. Ms Guy is seeking an in- Crown “or any other gam- estimated the deal at
parlour games.” its donations and revenue. “They are the equivalent junction banning Crown ing venue within Australia”. $30 million.

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9/11 tribute beams in New York OVER SELFIE
New York
A US lawsuit over who
TWO giant towers of light owns the copyright to selfie
have lit up the lower Man- photographs snapped by a
hattan skyline as a visual monkey has been settled
memorial to those who lost before a federal court could
their lives on 9/11. answer the legal question.
The September 11 Under the deal, the
Memorial and Museum’s photographer whose
Tribute in Light art installa- camera was used to
tion switched on just after take the photo agreed to
sundown on Monday. donate 25 per cent of any
The light beams reach future revenue to charities
up to 6.5km into the sky dedicated to protecting
and comprise 88 search- crested macaques.
lights positioned into two The People for the Ethical
squares that represent the Treatment of Animals sued
twin towers. on behalf of the macaque
The Memorial Plaza was monkey in 2015.
open to the public until
midnight on Monday to
view the lights, which were
first installed six months af-
ter the attack and are now a
yearly tradition. They were
to stay lit until dawn. PRINCE Harry is to carry
The beams were lit after out a host of engagements
Americans spent the day inToronto later this month
reflecting 16 years after – when he is expected
nearly 3000 people were to make his first public
killed when four hijacked appearance with girlfriend
planes hit the World Trade Meghan Markle at an
Center, the Pentagon and a PAYING RESPECTS: A couple stops on the Brooklyn Promenade as the Tribute in Light, a visual memorial to those who official event.
Pennsylvania field. lost their lives when the twin towers collapsed on 9/11, rises above the lower Manhattan skyline. Picture: AP Harry is heading to the
Canadian city – home to
Suits star Markle – for

Fresh UN sanctions to
the 2017 Invictus Games,
where he will give speeches
at both the opening and
closing ceremonies.

hit North Korea hard

New York revenues – an estimated gen bomb on September 3. anywhere in the world,” she tamount to attempts to
$US800 million and $US500 The original US proposal said of North Korea. “We suffocate the economy” Margot Robbie is
“WE are not looking for million respectively, Ms for the sanctions would must do that by cutting off and hit innocent civilians generating Oscar buzz
war” with North Korea, Haley said. have placed North Korean the fuel and the funding rather than cutting off after the premiere of
US Ambassador to the UN The measures agreed to leader Kim Jong Un on an that supports it. funding to Pyongyang’s I,Tonya at the Toronto
Nikki Haley said after the by the 15-member Secu- international blacklist and “We are not looking for ballistic missile and nuclear International Film Festival.
UN Security Council unan- rity Council also cap crude implemented a full ban on war. The North Korean re- program. Robbie finds comedy and
imously passed new sanc- oil exports at current levels selling oil to his regime. gime has not yet passed the Beijing and Moscow humanity in Tonya Harding
tions she said would “starve and limit refined petroleum Ms Haley struck a softer point of no return. have called for a freeze- – the notorious Olympic
the regime” into stopping sales to two million barrels tone on Monday than she “If it proves it can live in for-freeze agreement with US skater whose famous
its nuclear program. annually. had last week, when she peace, the world will live in North Korea, which would rivalry with Nancy Kerrigan
New bans on textile ex- “We are done trying to said Kim Jong Un was “beg- peace with it.” see the US and South Ko- ended with the latter being
ports and overseas work- prod the regime to do the ging for war” and US pa- Russia voted in favour rea halt military drills on attacked with a hammer.
ers sending hard currency right thing,” Ms Haley said tience was “not unlimited”. of the sanctions, but am- the Korean Peninsula in The film is the biggest
back to Pyongyang would after the vote, which fol- “We must stop its march bassador Vassily Neben- exchange for Pyongyang acquisition of the film
starve the regime of at least lowed Pyongyang’s claim towards a nuclear arsenal zia warned that “further stopping its nuclear and festival, selling for
$US1.3 billion in annual that it had tested a hydro- with the ability to deliver it restrictions could be tan- ballistic missile program. $6.2 million.

Reprieve for British PM May on Brexit

London MPs voted 326 to 290 in in a June election, now to do, this decision means
favour of moving the EU faces a battle against poli- we can move on with nego-
BRITAIN’S parliament has withdrawal bill, or repeal ticians who want to force tiations with solid founda-
backed a second reading bill, to the next stage of amendments to the bill, tions and we continue to
of legislation to sever ties a lengthy lawmaking first in the lower house of encourage MPs (lawmak-
with the European Union, process. parliament and then in ers) from all parts of the UK
a reprieve for Prime Minis- Many fell in step with Britain’s unelected upper to work together in support
ter Theresa May who now the government which said chamber. of this vital piece of legisla-
faces demands by MPs for a vote against the legisla- “Earlier this morning tion.”
concessions before it be- tion would force Britain parliament took a historic The bill seeks largely
comes law. into a chaotic exit from the decision to back the will to “copy and paste” EU law
After more than 13 hours EU, rather than a smooth of the British people and into British legislation to
of speeches for and against departure, as the country vote for a bill which gives ensure Britain has func-
the legislation, which would lack laws and a regu- certainty and clarity ahead tioning laws and the same
Ms May says is essential latory framework to steer of our withdrawal from the regulatory framework as
for Brexit but critics de- the process. European Union,” Ms May the bloc at the moment of
DIVIDED: A pro-EU protester demonstrates outside the scribe as a Conservative Ms May, weakened by said. Brexit, to offer some reas-
Houses of Parliament in London. Picture: EPA government power grab, the loss of her majority “Although there is more surance for companies.
14 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017



magpie a
reminder of
natural world


T'S magpie swooping season – the time
of year when male birds seek to protect
eggs and chicks from potential preda- Let’s get back to being
a fun Aussie larrikin
tors. At this time of year, my morning
commute sometimes feels a bit like extreme
sport as I've been forced to take refuge be-
side lamp posts and under canopies to avoid
getting clawed. The fear of being attacked
by magpies is not new. For me, it might hark
back to the horror of seeing Alfred Hitch-

cock's The Birds as a child. As a teenager, I USTRALIA does tourism well but friendly’ struts past. – friendly, helpful, interactive, fun and
recall swinging a bike chain above my head Australia could do tourism so Globally, Australia is recognised for being sharing endless “G’day mates”.
as I rode past parklands where a tidings of much better. a nation of larrikins that are laid-back, More than 45,000 people volunteered at
magpies gathered. When you arrive at the Nadi beach-going and friendly fellas. Our coast- the 2000 Sydney Olympics to authenticate
But maybe I was going about it all wrong. Airport in Fiji, you are greeted by smiling line, rainforests, deserts, farm land, cities the event with local characters and true
Several experts, including Gisela Kaplan, locals in grass skirts playing traditional tunes and natural attractions are the envy of the Aussie warmth. Imagine if all 24.64 million
an emeritus professor in animal behaviour on a brightly-colored ukulele. The cheery world. So why have we forgotten our basic Australians joined the “G’day mate” band-
at the University of New England, suggest chant of “bula” (meaning hello) reverberates manners in how to meet, greet and show wagon to love and laugh with tourists, but
we are better off to try to make friends with from every corner of the airport and from appreciation to our visitors? also locals.
our potential attackers than to try to fight every Fijian you encounter on your stay. Let’s look at the signs posted on the During a recent outback journey across
them. Kaplan told ABC radio last week that You ride in a ‘bula bus’, the locals hug your walls of our airports, train stations and bus the Oodnadatta Track in South Australia,
magpies have long memories and once they children and during your hotel check-in, terminals. Are they lists of rules, regulations a creative Aussie had added a word to all
know you don't pose a threat, they will make no fewer than six Fijians in traditional dress and threatening fines? Or are they cheeky the “DIP” road signs – placed to indicate an
you a friend for life. But if you are nasty to greet you, serenade you with song, collect Australianisms that convey serious messag- upcoming drop in the dusty track. There’s
them they will hold a permanent grudge your luggage, hand you bottles of chilled es in a more colloquial style? “Cheese and Dip”; “Diploma”; “Dipstick”
against you. While Kaplan didn't go into spe- Fijian water and introduce your children to Why can’t we all adopt the Fijian ap- and “Skinny Dip” to name a few. We laughed
cifics of how to make friends with magpies their own special hotel hero. proach and have all Australians saying and laughed as a family, eagerly awaiting
(feeding them is discouraged) during Let’s compare this experience to a recent “G’day mate” when they greet every visitor? the next road sign to appreciate the Aussie
breeding season, the best way is to show arrival at the Melbourne International Why can’t we have a proud Indigenous humour. When did we start taking ourselves
them some respect by leaving them alone Airport. The first greeting is from a stern uni- Australian playing the didgeridoo in our too seriously? Why do we worry more about
and avoiding going too close to their nests. form-clad official that threatens to fine you international terminals to greet travellers? litigious action than lauded laughter? Let’s
If nothing else, magpie swooping season for talking on your phone. You then proceed Why can’t we rely on the infamous Aussie all focus on getting back to basics, engaging
reminds us we we share our cities with a to a customs queue that for non-Australian sense of humor to bring back the fun for all? all Australians and ensuring we create an
multitude of wildlife. And while none of us passport holders extends far up the termi- Tourism consultants are being paid authentic experience purely by sharing our
would ever wish to be swooped by magpies, nal. Visitors, who have chosen Australia hundreds of thousands of dollars to conjure culture and quirkiness with all who choose
they can provide an enlightening connec- over endless other international destinations crafty campaigns costing millions of dollars to visit our lucky country.
tion to the natural world that is increasingly to holiday or do business, are kept waiting to promote Australia to the world. This “Be ■ Sarah Hirst is the owner of Leaning Church
elusive. And if we lose this connection to for up to an hour while a grumpy “guard” Australian” campaign costs $0. It’s all about Vineyard, investor in Lilydale Larder and
nature, we may cease to be prepared to with honours in a ‘bachelor of failing to be harnessing every Australian to be Australian communications specialist
stand up to protect it in the long run.
Perhaps instead of trying to go into battle
with the magpies this swooping season, by
finding a harmonious relationship with our
urban wildlife we will be better equipped to ONLINE EMAIL PHONE VISIT/POST
tackle the bigger environmental problems Find us on the web Send your letter to: Call us: 113 Cimitiere Street, Launceston
facing us. (03) 6336 7111 PO Box 99, Launceston, 7249
James Norman is a Fairfax Media contributor. Wednesday September 13, 2017 THE EXAMINER 15


Brave act deserves recognition bestowed
MERICAN news reporter Elmer been involved in domestic violence incident his partner's vehicle. He banged on the
Davis once said: “This nation will back in October, 2011. windows, warning her to immediately leave
remain the land of the free only The citation reads: the scene. The armed offender approached
so long as it is the home of the “Mr Aherne received a phone call from and fired two shots at the vehicle, seriously
brave.” a friend asking him to visit her house after wounding Mr Aherne's partner.
Bravery is defined as the quality or state of her ex-partner had assaulted her and she “As Mr Aherne ran towards his own car,
having or showing mental or moral strength believed that he would return. Mr Aherne the offender fired his weapon at Mr Aherne,
to face danger, fear, or difficulty. It’s often a drove to the woman's house, and his partner causing him to fall to the ground. The of-
word that is overused and rarely truly acted arrived in her own car and remained fender approached Mr Aherne and opened
upon. The term is often associated with outside. fire once again, fatally wounding him.
those serving in the military. “Shortly after Mr Aherne's arrival at the “By his actions, Mr Aherne displayed
Today some Australians will be acknowl- house, the woman's ex-partner returned conspicuous courage.”
edged for acts of bravery. One of the awards and entered the premises carrying a rifle. Mr Aherne’s family said “the circum-
is the Star of Courage. This is the second The offender continued to make violent stances and events that unfolded that day
highest Australian Bravery Decoration. The threats and, despite the danger to himself, were not of [Ben’s] making”. He saved lives
Cross of Valour is the highest honour. Mr Aherne confronted the offender in the through the loss of his own. The actions
It is fitting for this honour to be given hallway of the house and attempted to of Mr Aherne are a true demonstration of
posthumously to Benjamin Aherne. The diffuse the situation. After a short struggle, bravery and the selflessness displayed is a
Devonport man was shot and killed when he both men exited the house. trait others should aspire to demonstrate on
went to the assistance of a woman who had “Once outdoors, Mr Aherne ran towards a daily basis.


I WOULD like to commend the state Lib- THANKYOU for the excellent coverage
eral Party on its re-commitment to opening (The Examiner, September 7).Your reporter
the section of four-wheel-drive tracks south was able to see the strong support by
of Sandy Cape in the Arthur-Pieman conser- passing motorists and truck drivers. Dorset
vation area that were closed by the previous Council has not received $1.47 million from
Labor-Greens government. the federal government. Launceston North-
I implore the Labor party to echo the East Railway member Wendy McLennan,
Liberal’s position on this issue. Locking on her recent visit to Canberra, met with
up parts of our state is never the answer. officers of Federal Infrastructure Minister
Sure, there will always be people who do Darren Chester’s department and was
the wrong thing but if we applied the same advised funds had not been paid as they
tar-everyone-with-the-same-brush decision were awaiting the outcome of the study
that’s been made regarding this issue to undertaken by the state government.The
other potentially problematic things, no one purpose of the fund is to generate em-
would be allowed to have a beer, drive a car, ployment in rural areas, since Premier Will
or go out after dark. Trying to stop idiots by Hodgman stated on television that the gov-
punishing everyone else is simply wrong. ernment was open to diversification and
As someone who loves visiting the remote the subsequent $50,000 study undertaken
places on the West Coast – one of the last at the behest ofTreasurer Peter Gutwein
truly wild places in Tassie - I say let us see Cody Handley, of Hadspen, says locking up parts of our state because of the actions of a Brian P. Khan, Launceston North-East Railway
more of our great state. minority group is never the answer. group member, Bridport.
Cody Handley, Hadspen.
with politicians leading the charge. Imagine politician you aspire to be. With the disasters FRONTLINE WORKERS
RENEWABLE ENERGY seeking opinions on the selection of systems in the world at the moment we do not need I DOUBT applicants for frontline positions
WE HAVE truly thrown the baby out with to land safely aircraft or how to conduct a man pontificating in the chamber about will be deterred by the action as you
the bathwater in the renewable energy brain surgery. Fortunately the relevant matters that the majority of the public do claim - the occasionally dangerous nature
debate. Completely forgotten is the urging professions have assumed the dominant role not give two hoots about. of the job and the high staff turnover/
in the Paris agreement to focus on reducing for these even though there may be strong Glennis Sleurink, Launceston. burnout rate is already well known. Rather,
emissions rather than setting goals for political overtones. Where are the engineer- I imagine a positive response to the action
renewable energy. ing professions when we most need them? TASMANIAN TIGER will reassure applicants that workloads are
Also forgotten are gas-fired heating and Gordon Thurlow, Launceston. IT CAME as no surprise to me that rea- manageable, and encourage them to take
cooking have emissions about equal to sonably credible evidence of the existence of on this vital work at the forefront of some
those from electricity generation. Wind and SHORT WITH SHORTEN the Tasmanian Tiger has come to light. Three of our most complex social problems.
solar contribute about 1.6 per cent to the FOR HEAVEN’S sake Labor Leader Bill years ago the Queensland night parrot, that I was very encouraged by your recent
world's electricity production and less than Shorten. We've had Hurricane Harvey had not been seen for 75 years, was found announcement of extra funding for child
10 per cent of the total from all renewables barrelling into Houston with disastrous to be alive and well. More recently, the safety, so I was surprised to hear about
with biomass, geothermal and hydroelec- results, Irma is even more destructive and Western swamp tortoise that had not been the planned action. I attended the rally
tric the main contributors; and the gross has already wreaked havoc before hitting seen for more than 100 years was found and as a member of the public and chatted
unfairness in using emissions per capita as Florida or maybe poor Houston again, and is now on a breeding program in Adelaide with some frontline workers afterwards. I
the yardstick, which makes no allowance we have chaos and the threat of war on the Zoo. Tasmania is a linear frontier settlement was touched to hear the concern in their
for a country such as Australia, with its Korean Peninsula. with vast unknown areas, we could not even voices as they spoke of agonising over the
small population occupying a very large All you can do is nitpick in parliament track down a fox even though there was decision to withdraw their services even
country, that consequently lead to very high so that nothing is done while sniping at evidence of its presence. Thylacines live on for such a short time. I was impressed by
network costs as well as many others such as Barnaby Joyce and others, the former having other marsupials, small rodents and birds, the sincerity of the workers as they spoke
transport. the misfortune to have had a father come so could live and survive independently of about their fears for children and families
What is truly remarkable is nearly here, 70 years ago, from New Zealand. Get civilisation. I am a true believer. who are not getting the attention they need
everyone has become an expert on this issue real Mr Shorten and start behaving like the Malcolm Scott, Newstead. as quickly as they need it.
Clearly, the additional funding you an-
nounced in May is appreciated, but more
needs to be done, especially in the creation
of additional frontline positions. I urge you
FACEBOOK TWITTER INSTAGRAM GUIDELINES: Preference is given to emailed letters of 150 words or
less. Submissions must include the name and address of the author
to listen to those who are doing the job on
Find us at Follow us at Search for and a daytime phone number for clarifications (only the author’s name behalf of all of us and give them what they and suburb of residence are published). Letters may be edited for need. Give our children a safer start.
theexaminerlaunceston examineronline examineronline space, clarity or legal reasons and may be published on our website. Karen Annand, Kingston.
16 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017


Tamra, Will, 5, and Robyn Fawdry, all from

Lilly-Mae Heazlwood, 5, front, Ella-Grace
Brazendale, 8, Jen Mason, back, Adelle Mason, 2,,
Neil and Linda Heathcote and Lincoln Mason, all
from Launceston.

Families watched The Wiggles, who performed
at the Princess Theatre on September 10.
Pictures: Tess Brunton

Olive, 3, Misha, Simon and Hugo Petrusma, 2, all

from Riverside.

Lillian Freeman, 8, Rupert Freeman, 4, Izzy Scott, 9, Isabelle, 1, and Madison Hughes, 3, both from Launceston. Vinnie, Josh, Emma, and Marley Leighton, 1, all
and Evie Scott, 2, all from Launceston. from Launceston.

Ashley, Matilda, 2, Henry, 4, and Alice Holloway, all of Launceston.

Berin, Oscar, 2, Harriet McLennan, and Katrina Colla,

all of Perth. Wednesday September 13, 2017 THE EXAMINER 17


New laws to target MARKET


illegal ‘phoenixing’
USD 0.835 0.767

GBP 0.634 0.581

EUR 0.701 0.638

THE federal government The government was “It seems the Turnbull significantly out of pocket Other initiatives include JPY 92.42 83.78
is cracking down on dodgy committed to ensuring in- government has only grown when their invoices go un- making directors person- NZD 1.14 1.068
executives who strip down dividuals who engage in interested now that they paid because of this illegal ally liable for GST liabilities,
their businesses and trans- such activity were held to need a distraction from its behaviour,” chief execu- providing stronger power COMMODITIES
fer assets to another com- account, she said. crisis of the day,” shadow tive James Pearson said in a to the Australian Taxa-
pany to avoid paying out- Regulators would be assistant treasurer Andrew tion Office and extending CURRENT MOVE
standing liabilities. equipped to take stronger Leigh said. The government is intro- penalties that already ap- Gold $US/o 1326.92 -19.39
So-called phoenixing ac- action to both deter and The Australian Chamber ducing a suite of measures, ply to entities promoting Oil 48.01 +0.62
tivity costs the economy up penalise. of Commerce and Indus- including a director identi- tax avoidance schemes to
to $3.2 billion per year and Labor can’t understand try says business stands to fication number which will those assisting phoenixing TOP 10 BY VALUE
hurts employees, creditors, why it has taken the gov- benefit from the govern- allow agencies and regula- activity $TRADED CLOSE
competing businesses and ernment so long to act ment’s action. tors to map the relation- It will also be launching
364,371,075 75.92
taxpayers, Revenue and Fi- when the tax commissioner “Small and medium- ships between individuals a hotline to allow the public CBA
nancial Services Minister warned about such activity sized businesses, in par- and entities and individuals to report suspected phoe- Westpac Bank 178,015,121 31.65
Kelly O’Dwyer said. in May. ticular, can find themselves and other people. nixing activity.
BHP Billiton 154,445,734 27.12

ANZ Banking 153,385,008 29.90

Gordon tries to derail takeover

Macquarie Grp

Nat Aust Bank

Woodside Pet




shareholders Bruce Gordon
QBE Insurance 84,882,084 10.50
and Lachlan Murdoch are
concocting a fresh takeover CSL 82,429,687 132.61
bid to put to the broadcast-
Amcor 81,934,362 15.66
er’s creditors, lawyers for
Ten’s administrators have
told the Supreme Court. KEY STOCKS
Mr Gordon’s investment LAST MOVE
vehicle Birketu and his re- AMP 4.95 +.05
gional Ten affiliate WIN ANZ 29.90 +.42
Corporation are challeng- BHP Billiton 27.12 +.32
ing KordaMentha’s selec-
CBA 75.92 +1.66
tion of a CBS takeover pro-
posal over a joint bid from NAB 30.76 +.24

Birketu and Mr Murdoch’s News Corp 16.75 +.06

Illyria. Rio Tinto 68.80 +1.27
Richard McHugh SC, Telstra 3.69 -.03
representing KordaMen- Westpac 31.65 +.32
tha, said the true objec-
Woolworths 25.21 -.15
tive of the Supreme Court
Woodside Pet 28.60 -.25
hearing was not to have the
Gordon-Murdoch proposal
put before creditors, but to WORLD MARKETS
pave the way for the billion- LAST MOVE
RATINGS HIT:Ten is the home of flagship shows such as MasterChef, featuring judges Gary Mehigan, Matt Preston
aire shareholders to make a and George Calombaris. Picture: AAP S&P/ASX200 5746.4 +33.30
fresh bid for the stricken All Ords 5806.4 +31.30
network. Lawyers on behalf of of “turning the law on its senting Birketu and WIN, delivered creditors 10 per ASX200SPI 5705 +37.00
“It’s clear they are con- Bruce Gordon’s interests – head” when they recom- said KordaMentha “unilat- cent more than the CBS bid, Dow Jones 22,057.37 +259.58
templating negotiating joined in court by lawyers mended the CBS takeo- erally decided” on the CBS and allowed the renego- NASDAQ 6432.264 +72.072
some new arrangements – for creditor 21st Century ver bid and excluded the bid, bypassing the merits tiation of a “crippling” CBS
S&P500 2488.11 +26.68
in that case the whole mat- Fox, where Mr Murdoch Gordon-Murdoch offer in of a joint Gordon-Murdoch content agreement “from a
NIKKEI225 19,776.62 +230.85
ter is futile,” Mr McHugh is executive co-chairman its report to creditors. offer. He said the Gordon- position of strength”.
NZSE 50 7840.41 -11.34
said. – accused KordaMentha Andrew Bell SC, repre- Murdoch bid would have The hearing continues.

HOROSCOPES with Alison Moroney

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) (March 21-April 19) (April 20-May 20) (May 21-June 20) (June 21-July 22)
September 13-15 are likely Whilst you are certainly It’s difficult to make September 13-15 highlight Your partner seems to Your energy levels are
to be disappointing days well-positioned to achieve progress during financial commitments, be a little remote during particularly low during
when obstacles present your career goals, setbacks September 13-15. demanding careful September 13-15, making September 13-15, making
themselves, restricting may emerge occur during Your mind is dulled by management of a communication difficult. it difficult to get through
your route to success or September 13-15; this weariness and conformity, situation. As budgets A trip away may be the your usual tasks; attend
dulling your enjoyment of could take the form of when you really need to are tight, a late payment cause, or they simply to personal needs and
a social occasion. a disagreement with an approach a situation from may complicate matters have a lot on their plate maintain a steady pace.
influential person. a fresh perspective. for you. at the moment.


(July 23-Aug. 22) (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
September 13-15 are not The home can be a lonely September 13-15 are Double check your pay A cloudy mood seems Your health may not be
the brightest of days as place during September frustrating days as packet during September to dampen September the best during September
issues arise with work 13-15, even though it is obstacles seem to deter 13-15 as you may be a 13-15 for Sagittarian 13-15 so take time to
or a loved one. It seems not normally so.You may you no matter which little short.This can be natives. Weariness doesn’t nurture yourself and avoid
impossible to manage two simply have problems way you turn.You need frustrating as money help; nor do too many unhealthy environments;
situations simultaneously coping because of patience to work your way is tight at the moment, responsibilities. Work your don’t push yourself
and you’ll need to weariness or distractions. around your environment and may take a short way around obstacles. beyond your limits of
prioritise. at this time. time to resolve. endurance.
18 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017

ACROSS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 Choke
9 Disinclined 9 10
10 Eggshaped
11 Starts
12 Detachment 12 13 14 15
16 Remember
17 Marine chelonian 16 17 18 19
20 Mood
21 Comforts 20 21
26 Samples 22
29 Gets up
31 Proof corrector 23 24 25 26 27 28
33 Treat rubber with
sulphur 29 30 31 32
34 Collect
36 Irish republic 33
37 Newspaper executive
34 35
38 Given up
36 37
1 Lowest point 38
GARFIELD 2 With great rapidity mus
3 Colonist
4 Mechanical man 15 High mountain 28 Decrees
5 Handsome 18 Climbing palm 30 More certain
thoroughfare 19 Letting contracts 32 Brings up
6 Find fault constantly 22 Made hot and very dry 35 Concealed
7 Gleams 23 Hazard
8 Results from 24 Seized with the teeth
13 Type of dog 25 Venerate
14 Feast of 1st Fruits 27 Briny


1 Where keeping one’s
hair on isn’t completely 7 8
expected? (7,4)
9 What the political 9 10
extremist sees in
anger? (3)
10 In which the striker is not
at home (4,5) 11 12 13
11 Avoid shrewd plan (5)
13 Fast is about 50 edible
seeds (7)
14 Shine in poor result (6) 14 15 16
16 Native bribed to give up
bed and not to return (6) 17
ZITS 18 Nice gal - could be very
good indeed (7)
18 19
19 Somehow traps fish (5)
20 Twisted elastic on the
sea’s edge (9)
21 Devoted lady in an
unusual position (3) 20 21
22 Alien lodger gets star
part (7,4)

2 A theologian will put
more in (3)
3 Strengthen a couple (5) 8 Hints at tins 19 Use bad language in
4 Truly reform mutual getting blown up class, we are told (5)
THE PHANTOM support (6) immediately (4,7) 21 There’s nothing in
5 A miner’s mixed class (7) 12 Specify erratic side unilateral action (3)
6 Leaving the tailor’s in agent (9)
better health (9) 15 Told amongst kin (7)
7 Music for the month for 17 Current type gets into bad
getting married? (6,5) deed (6)

CROSSWORD AND CRYPTIC SOLUTIONS 25 Revere, 27 Sea, 28 Edicts, 30 Surer, 32 Rears, 35 Hid.
15 Alp, 18 Rattan, 19 Leases, 22 Parched, 23 Danger, 24 Bitten,
19 Swear; 21 Nil. 5 Avenue, 6 Nag, 7 Glints, 8 Ensues, 13 Setter, 14 Lammas,
march; 8This instant; 12 Designate; 15 Related; 17 Action; DOWN: 1 Nadir, 2 Veloce, 3 Settler, 4 Robot,
DOWN 2 Add; 3 Brace; 4 Really; 5 Seminar; 6 Outfitter; 7 Bridal 38 Rendered.
20 Coastline; 21 Nun; 22 Leading role. 29 Arises, 31 Reader, 33 Vulcanise, 34 Gather, 36 Eire, 37 Editor,
13 Lentils; 14 Lustre; 16 Briton; 18 Angelic; 19 Sprat; 16 Recall, 17Turtle, 20Temper, 21 Eases, 23 Debar, 26Tastes,

ACROSS 1 Barber’s shop; 9 Red; 10 Away match; 11 Dodge; ACROSS: 3 Strangle, 9 Averse, 10 Oval, 11 Begins, 12 Isolation,


TODAY’STARGET Simple rules, challenging puzzle

1 Who became Australia’s All the numbers from 1 to 9 must be
GOOD: 16
first indigenous used once only in each 3x3 square,
VERY GOOD: 20 in each row (horizontal) and each
Commonwealth Games column (vertical).
gold medallist, at the age of
16, in 1990?

SOLUTION 2 What colour is the most-
prized variety of jade? SOLUTION
3 Which 2006 Australian
of theYear is credited
with developing the

Gardasil vaccine for
limb minable namable
IMBALANCE labia lamb
cambial ceiba climb iamb cervical cancer?
cable cabman cabmen 4 What is an auctioneer’s
blain blame cabal cabin hammer called?
bema bice bile binal bine 5 Which Queensland
Using the nine letters in the grid, how many words of beam bean becalm university celebrated its
four letters or more can you list? The centre letter must balm banal banc bane 25th anniversary in 2014?
be included and each letter may only be used once. bael bail balance bale
No colloquial or foreign words. No capitalised nouns,
apostrophes or plural words ending in “s”. Reference
amble amiable amicable Frazer; 4. Gavel; 5. Bond University.
source: Macquarie Dictionary. abaci abeam able alembic 1. Cathy Freeman; 2. Green; 3. Ian Wednesday September 13, 2017 THE EXAMINER 19

ABC (CH 2, 20) SBS (CH 3, 30) SCTV (CH 6) NINE (CH 5) WIN (CH 8)
6.00 News Breakfast. (CC) 9.00 ABC 6.00 Soccer. UEFA Champions League. 6.00 Sunrise. (CC) 6.00 Today. (CC) 6.00 Entertainment Tonight. (PG, CC)
News. (CC) 10.00 Q&A. (R, CC) 11.05 Matchday 1. Continued. (CC) 7.00 BBC 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG, CC) 9.00 Today Extra. (PG, CC) 6.30 Family Feud. (R, CC) 7.00 WIN’s All
Grand Designs. (R, CC) 12.00 ABC News News. (CC) 7.30 Italian News. 8.10 11.30 Seven Morning News. (CC) 11.30 Morning News. (CC) Australian News. (R, CC) 8.00 The Bold
At Noon. (CC) 12.30 National Press Filipino News. 8.40 French News. 9.30 12.00 MOVIE Seduced. Elisabeth 12.00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show. And The Beautiful. (PG, R, CC) 8.30
Club Address. (CC) Greek News. 10.30 German News. Röhm, Jon Prescott. A woman Variety show. (PG, CC) Studio 10. (PG, CC)
1.30 The House With Annabel 11.00 Spanish News. 12.00 Arabic is tricked by a conman. 1.00 Extra. Entertainment news 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGal, R, CC)
Crabb. Final. (R, CC) News. 12.30 Turkish News. (2016, Masv, CC) program. (CC) 1.00 The Bachelor Australia.
2.00 Parliament Question Time. 1.00 PBS NewsHour. (CC) 2.00 The Daily Edition. The hottest 1.30 Hot In Cleveland. Elka is a (PGl, R, CC)
(CC) 1.55 Who Do You Think You Are? issues from the day’s news. (CC) guest on a political talk show. 2.30 Ben’s Menu. (R, CC)
3.00 Home Fires. (PG, R, CC) (R, CC) 3.00 The Chase. Hosted by Bradley (PG, R, CC) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, CC) 3.30 Alive
3.45 Eggheads. (R, CC) 3.00 Dateline. (R, CC) Walsh. (R, CC) 2.00 The Block. (PG, R, CC) And Cooking. (CC) 4.00 Everyday
4.15 Pointless. (R, CC) 3.30 Insight. (R, CC) 4.00 Seven News At 4. (CC) 3.00 News Now. (CC) Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (R, CC)
5.00 ABC News: Early Edition. (CC) 4.30 Wild Venice. (R, CC) 5.00 The Chase Australia. Hosted by 4.00 Afternoon News. (CC) 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG,
5.30 The Drum. (CC) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R, CC) Andrew O’Keefe. (CC) 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. (CC) CC) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. (CC)

6.00 Short Cuts To Glory: Recipes. 6.00 River Cottage Australia. Paul 6.00 Southern Cross News. (CC) 6.00 Nine News. (CC) 6.00 WIN News. (CC)
(CC) West heads to the city. (CC) 7.00 Home And Away. Hunter 7.00 A Current Affair. (CC) 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s
6.10 Grand Designs. (R, CC) 6.30 SBS World News. (CC) and Olivia’s business venture 7.30 The Block. Two contestants are news. (CC)
7.00 ABC News. Coverage of news, 7.30 Extreme Railway Journeys: threatens to put undue pressure working around the clock to 7.30 The Bachelor Australia. After
sport and weather. (CC) Congo’s Jungle Railway. Part 2 on their relationship. (PGa, CC) avoid being eliminated from the hometown visits last week,
7.30 7.30. Presented by Leigh Sales. of 3. Chris Tarrant explores 7.30 Border Security: Australia’s competition. (PG, CC) Matty’s feelings escalate for the
(CC) some of the world’s most Front Line. Border Force 8.40 Doctor Doctor. Penny’s sister remaining three women. (CC)
8.00 Hard Quiz. Presenter Tom “extreme” railway lines. (PG, CC) officers patrolling the Kimberley causes havoc when she visits 8.40 MOVIE The Heat. Sandra
Gleeson grills four self-declared 8.30 Look Me In The Eye. Host Ray coast encounter several Whyhope to defend Meryl Bullock, Melissa McCarthy,
experts in a comedic quiz show. Martin explores what happens vessels that may pose a threat. against corruption charges. (CC) Marlon Wayans. An uptight
(PG, CC) when two estranged people (PGd, CC) 9.40 Embarrassing Bodies Revisits. FBI special agent and a foul-
8.30 Gruen. Series return. come face-to-face. (PGa, CC) 8.00 The Force: Behind The Line. The doctors focus on people mouthed cop join forces to
Wil Anderson, Russel Howcroft 9.30 The Good Fight. A local pastor Police are on the lookout for seeking help in the wake of bring down a ruthless drug lord.
and Todd Sampson analyse needs help with a legal matter a target who has skipped bail surgical procedures gone However, their already fiery
the advertising industry and that threatens to ruin his legacy. and avoided the authorities the wrong. (Mmn, CC) partnership is further tested by
consumerism. (CC) (Mals, CC) night before. (PG, CC) 10.40 Chicago Med. April pushes the revelation that the police
9.05 Get Krack!n. An A-List pop 10.25 The Handmaid’s Tale. Offred 8.30 Criminal Minds. The team Halstead to use unproven officer’s brother is involved
superstar joins the Kates. remembers the unconventional investigates when several medications to help a patient in the criminal underworld.
(MA15+ls, CC) beginnings of her relationship young men and women are with no other options. (2013, MA15+dlv, R, CC)
9.35 The Edge Of The Bush. Part 1 with her husband. victims of disfiguring acid (Mam, CC) 11.00 Hawaii Five-0. McGarrett and
of 5. Follows four estranged (MA15+alsv, CC) attacks. (Mav, CC) 12.35 The Closer. An Iranian Danno celebrate Valentine’s
members of a family. Rebecca’s 11.30 SBS World News Late Edition. 10.30 Chicago Fire. Casey seeks help businessman is murdered. Day with their girlfriends.
viral audition sends Craig into a (CC) with a personal matter from (M, R, CC) (Mav, R, CC)
spin. (Ml, CC) 12.00 MOVIE Theeb. Jacir Eid. Susan Weller. A rich party guy 1.30 Postcards. (PG, R, CC) 12.00 WIN’s All Australian News. (CC)
9.50 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. UK- A Bedouin boy helps guide a wants Severide to travel with 2.00 Extra. Entertainment news 1.00 The Project. Join the hosts for
based panel show. (Mals, R, CC) British officer. (2014) him. (Mad, CC) program from The Grove in Los a look at the day’s news, events
10.30 Lateline. (R, CC) 1.50 MOVIE Things We Do For Love. 11.30 Motive. Angie is worried about Angeles. Hosted by Mario Lopez and hot topics. (R, CC)
11.00 The Business. (R, CC) (2013, Malns, R) Paula. (Mv, CC) and Charissa Thompson. (R, CC) 2.00 The Late Show With Stephen
11.15 Four Corners. (R, CC) 3.35 Trawlermen: The Catch. 12.30 Winners & Losers. 2.30 Global Shop. Home shopping. Colbert. Comedian Stephen
12.05 Media Watch. (PG, R, CC) 12.20 (Ml, R, CC) The pressure builds on Frances. 3.00 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. Colbert interviews a variety of
Parliament Question Time. (CC) 1.20 4.30 Food Lovers’ Guide To (PGa, R, CC) Sonny is tricked into helping a guests from the worlds of film,
National Press Club Address. (R, CC) Australia. (R, CC) 1.30 Harry’s Practice. (R, CC) group of sheep rustlers. (R) politics, business and music.
2.20 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (Mals, R, 5.00 CGTN English News. (CC) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 3.30 Good Morning America. News (PG, CC)
CC) 3.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.20 5.15 NHK World English News. (CC) 4.00 NBC Today. (CC) and talk show. (CC) 3.00 Home Shopping. (R)
Murder, She Wrote. (PG, R, CC) 5.05 5.30 Deutsche Welle English News. 5.00 Seven Early News. (CC) 5.00 News Early Edition. (CC) 4.30 CBS This Morning. Morning
The Bill. (PG, R, CC) (CC) 5.30 Sunrise. (CC) 5.30 Today. (CC) news and talk show. (CC)

ABC2 (CH 22) SBS VICELAND (CH 32) 7TWO (CH 62) 9GEM (CH 52) ONE (CH 81)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 12.00 Play 6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Miniseries: 6.00 Home Shopping. 6.30 RSPCA 6.00 Friends. (PG) 6.30 This Is Your 6.00 Home Shopping. 8.00 Snap
School. 12.30 Sesame Street. 1.10 The Vargas: Neptune’s Thunder. (M) 1.35 Animal Rescue. 7.00 Flushed. (C) Day! (PG) 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Happy. 8.30 Merv Hughes Fishing.
Pajanimals. 1.45 The Adventures Of Black Market: Dispatches. (M) 2.05 7.30 The Wild Adventures Of Blinky Shop. 8.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 9.00 Fishing Edge. 9.30 Jake And The
Bottle Top Bill And His Best Friend Baz’s Extreme Worlds. (M) 2.35 Rivals. Bill. (C) 8.00 Jay’s Jungle. (P) 8.30 9.00 TV Shop. 10.30 Harry. (PG) 11.30 Fatman. (PG) 10.30 Hogan’s Heroes.
Corky. 2.00 Lah-Lah’s Adventures. (M) 3.05 Mysterious Cities Of Gold. Harry’s Practice. 9.00 Million Dollar As Time Goes By. 12.00 MOVIE Devil 11.00 M*A*S*H. (PG) 12.00 WIN’s All
2.15 Tree Fu Tom. 2.40 Olivia. 3.05 (PG) 3.40 The Feed. 4.10 Cyberwar. Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 The Girl From Mars. (1954, PGv, CC) 1.35 Australian News. 1.00 Nash Bridges. (M)
Wallykazam! 3.30 Play School. 4.25 (PG) 4.35 Brain Games. 5.00 VICE Great Outdoors. 2.00 Deal Or No The Hairy Bikers: Mums Know Best. 2.00 Matlock. (M) 3.00 Jake And The
Charlie And Lola. 4.40 Peg + Cat. 4.55 News Tonight. 5.30 If You Are The One. Deal. 2.30 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 (PG) 2.55 This Farming Life. (PG) 4.15 Fatman. (PG) 4.00 Scorpion. (PG) 6.00
Little Roy. 5.10 Ready, Jet, Go! 6.35 6.35 MythBusters. (PG) 7.35 The Feed. RSPCA Animal Rescue. 3.30 60 Minute Heartbeat. (PG) 5.20 Are You Being Hogan’s Heroes. 6.30 M*A*S*H. (PG)
Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom. 7.00 8.05 VICE News Tonight. 8.30 MOVIE Makeover. (PG) 4.30 Escape To The Served? (PG) 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 7.30 David Attenborough’s Planet
Spicks And Specks. 7.30 Dirty Jobs Attack On Titan: Part 1. Haruma Miura. Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 As Time Goes By. 7.30 Call The Midwife. Earth. (PG)
Down Under. (PG) 8.20 Life At 9. (PG) (2015) 10.20 MOVIE The Ruins. (2008, The Vicar Of Dibley. (PG) 8.30 The (M) 8.45 Agatha Christie’s Poirot. (PG) 8.30 Undercover Boss. Final. Meet
9.20 The Lie Detective. (M) 10.00 Head MA15+hv) 12.00 VICE News Tonight. Inspector Lynley Mysteries. (M) 10.30 9.55 Silent Witness. (MA15+) 11.00 CEO John Carona. (PG)
First. (M) 10.50 Catfish: The TV Show. 12.30 Desus And Mero. (M) 1.00 VICE The Border. (PG) 11.30 Bargain Hunt. Trauma Investigators. (PG) 12.00 Are 9.30 Shark Tank.
(PG) 11.30 Tattoo Tales. (M) 12.00 Wild Guide To Film. (M) 1.25 The Feed. 2.00 12.30 Escape To The Country. 2.00 You Being Served? (PG) 12.35 Getaway. 10.30 Ripper Street. (M) 11.35 Numb3rs.
Things With Dom Monaghan. (PG) France 24 News In English From Paris. Shopping. 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (PG) 1.00 TV Shop. 1.30 Friends. (PG) (M) 12.30 Shopping. 2.00 Jake And The
12.55 Dirty Jobs Down Under. (PG) 1.45 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.30 Escape To The Country. 5.30 2.00 Global Shop. 2.30 Poirot. (PG) Fatman. (PG) 3.00 Matlock. (M) 4.00
Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 WorldWatch. Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Late Programs. Nash Bridges. (M) 5.00 The Doctors. (M)

ABC ME (CH 23) NITV (CH 34) 7MATE (CH 63) 9GO! (CH 53) ELEVEN (CH 82)
6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 6.00 Morning Programs. 9.00 My 6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Hook, Line And 6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Matt Hatter
Being Spanish. 11.35 Children’s Animal Friends. 9.15 Aussie Bush Tales. Sinker. (PG) 7.00 Fishing Addiction. Friends. (PG) 12.00 Dawson’s Creek. Chronicles. 6.30 Transformers: Robots
Programs. 1.05 Adventure Time. 1.25 9.30 Mugu Kids. 10.00 The Point. (PG) 8.00 Ultimate Fishing. (PG) (PG) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 In Disguise. 7.05 Pokémon. 7.35 Blazing
Detentionaire. 1.50 Life With Boys. 2.10 10.30 Protecting Manuwangku. 11.00 9.00 American Pickers. (PG) 10.00 Rabbids Invasion. (PG) 2.30 Be Cool, Team. 8.00 Totally Wild. (C) 8.35
WAC: World Animal Championships. UnderExposed. 12.00 AFL: Dreamtime A Football Life. (PG) 11.00 Starsky & Scooby-Doo! (PG) 3.00 Pokémon. 3.30 Pound Puppies. 9.00 Super Wings.
2.35 Annedroids. 3.05 Backyard Footy. 1.30 Rose Against The Odds. Hutch. (PG) 12.00 Charlie’s Angels. (PG) LEGO Friends. 4.05 We Bare Bears. (PG) 9.30 Crocamole. (P) 10.00 Touched By
Science. 3.30 The Penguins Of (PG) 2.30 Campfire. (PG) 3.00 Aussie 1.30 ScreenPLAY. (M) 2.00 Cement 4.30 The Looney Tunes Show. 5.00 An Angel. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 11.30
Madagascar. 4.00 Matilda And The Bush Tales. 3.15 Tales Of Tatonka. 3.30 Heads. (PG) 2.30 American Pickers. Ben 10: Omniverse. (PG) 5.30 Teen New Girl. (PG) 12.00 Good Wife. (M)
Ramsay Bunch. 4.15 Little Lunch. Inuk. 4.00 Cities Of Gold. (PG) 4.30 (PG) 3.30 Pawn Stars. (PG) 4.00 Grilled. Titans. (PG) 6.00 Regular Show. (PG) 1.00 WIN News. 2.00 Rush. (M) 3.00
4.35 Nippers. 5.05 Hank Zipzer. 5.35 Kagagi. (PG) 5.00 Tangaroa. (PG) 5.30 (PG) 5.00 MythBusters. (PG) 6.00 6.30 Adventure Time. (PG) 7.00 The King Of Queens. (PG) 4.00 Malcolm.
Grojband. 6.10 Slugterra. 6.35 Make Cafe Niugini. 6.00 Our Footprint. (PG) American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Middle. (PG) 7.30 RBT. (PG) 8.00 Police (PG) 4.30 Becker. (PG) 5.00 Raymond.
It Pop! 7.00 Horrible Histories. (PG) 6.30 Antonio Carluccio’s 6 Seasons. Stars. (PG) 7.30 Cajun Pawn Stars. Ten 7. (M) 8.30 MOVIE Survivor. (2015, (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.00 Family
7.30 Deadly 60. 8.05 Backstage. 8.30 7.00 Our Stories. 7.20 A Time For (PG) 8.30 American Restoration. (PG) Mlv, CC) 10.30 Fugitive: Black Ops. Feud. 6.30 Neighbours. 7.00 Malcolm.
Dance Academy. 8.55 The Haunting Reflection. (PG) 7.25 NITV News. 7.30 9.30 American Pickers. (PG) 10.30 Ax (MA15+) 11.30 Two And A Half Men. (PG) 7.30 Fresh Off The Boat. (PG)
Hour. (PG) 9.15 The High Fructose Designing Africa. 9.00 The Point. 9.30 Men. (M) 11.30 Hardcore Pawn. (M) (PG) 12.00 Container Wars. (PG) 12.30 8.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 8.30
Adventures Of Annoying Orange. 9.30 Over The Black Dot. 10.00 We Shall 12.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 12.30 American Adventure Time. (PG) 1.00 Regular Futurama. (PG) 10.00 Bob’s Burgers.
Rage. (PG) 10.30 Close. 5.00 Children’s Remain. (PG) 11.30 Over The Black Dot. Restoration. (PG) 1.30 Dream Car Show. (PG) 1.30 Ben 10: Omniverse. (M) 11.00 Duckman. (M) 11.30 James
Programs. 12.00 Volumz. (PG) Garage. (PG) 2.00 Late Programs. (PG) 2.00 Children’s Programs. Corden. (M) 12.30 Late Programs.

ABC NEWS (CH 24) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News. 12.30 National Press Club Address. 1.30 ABC News. 2.00 Parliament Question Time. 3.15 ABC News. 6.00 ABC News National.
6.30 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News With The Business. 9.00 ABC News National. 9.30 Lateline. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC News. 11.30 7.30. 12.00 ABC News. 12.30 The
Drum. 1.00 Al Jazeera Newsgrid. 2.00 BBC Global. 2.30 7.30. 3.00 BBC Global. 3.30 The Drum. 4.00 Al Jazeera Newshour. 5.00 Outside Source. 5.30 Lateline.

RATING ADVICE: (PG) Parental Guidance (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence. Please note: Listings are correct at the time of print and are subject to change by networks.
CONSUMER ADVICE: a: adult themes; d: drug references; h: horror; l: language; n: nudity; s: sexual references; v: violence. CC: Closed Captions; b&w: Black & White; R: Repeat. LAUN | 1309


20 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017

TODAY Showers clearing. TODAY Showers easing. TODAY Showers easing.

2/15ºC 4/15ºC 2/12ºC 0/14ºC 2/15ºC 3/13ºC 4/14ºC 6/14ºC 4/12ºC 3/13ºC 7/14ºC 5/13ºC 3/14ºC 5/14ºC 3/12ºC 1/13ºC 4/14ºC 3/13ºC


WARNINGS were current at 5pm yesterday. Today Today Location Max** Min Rain* 1300 659 216 **MaxTemp to 3pm *Rainfall 24 hours to 9am
13ºC 14ºC Burnie Airport 11 5 1
TASMANIA Showers, contracting to the
west, far south and Bass Strait islands in the Tomorrow Tomorrow Cressy 12 3 0.6
º º
evening. Snowfalls above 500 metres during 6 / 13 C 5 / 13 C Devonport 11 8 0.8
the evening. Northwest to northeasterly Flinders Island 13 11 0
winds becoming fresh and gusty west to
northwesterly from the afternoon.
BURNIE Hobart 11 8 0
LAUNCESTON Cloudy. Very high (90%) Today DEVONPORT King Island
chance of showers in the morning and after- 13ºC Today
noon. Chance of a storm in the morning. Tomorrow 13ºC
Scottsdale 12 8 1
Light winds becoming northwesterly 20 to 30 SMITHTON 4 / 14 C º
Tomorrow SCOTTSDALE Sheffield 10 5 0.8
km/h in the morning then light late evening. Today Smithton 12 6 5
BURNIE Cloudy. Very high (90%) chance of º
3 / 14ºC Today St Helens 14 10 0
13 C 12ºC
showers, most likely in the morning.The Strahan 10 8 3
chance of a thunderstorm in the morning. Tomorrow Tomorrow
Light winds becoming northwest to south- 3 / 13ºC 2 / 12ºC THE TIDES
westerly 20 to 30 km/h in the morning.
High 6:07am 4.4m 6:27pm 4.4m
chance of showers, most likely in the morn- Today Low 12:07am 0.5m 12:31pm 0.6m
ing.The chance of a thunderstorm in the 11ºC
morning. Light winds becoming NW 20 to 25 Tomorrow ST HELENS TOMORROW
High 6:57am 4.3m 7:14pm 4.3m
km/h in the morning then tending westerly 2 / 11ºC Today
15 to 25 km/h in the middle of the day. LAUNCESTON 15ºC
Low 12:55am 0.4m 1:19pm 0.8m


Tomorrow High 4:45am 3.4m 4:53pm 3.4m
Winds: North to northwesterly 15 to 20 knots 14ºC 3 / 15 C º
Low 11:00am 0.7m 11:24pm 0.4m
turning west to southwesterly 20 to 25 knots Tomorrow
during the morning. Winds reaching up to 30 TOMORROW
2 / 15ºC
knots during the day. Seas: 1 to 1.5 metres, CAMPBELL TOWN High 5:36am 3.4m 5:41pm 3.4m
Low 11:49am 0.8m
increasing to 1.5 to 2.5 metres during the Today
morning. Swell: Southwesterly 1.5 to 2.5 me- 13ºC DEVONPORT
tres, increasing to 2.5 to 4 metres south of High 4:39am 3.4m 4:46pm 3.5m
King Island. Weather: Partly cloudy. 90% STRAHAN Tomorrow Low 10:54am 0.8m 11:19pm 0.4m
chance of showers.The chance of a storm. Today 0 / 12ºC TOMORROW
CENTRAL NORTH COASTAL WATERS 13ºC High 5:30am 3.4m 5:34pm 3.5m
Winds: North to northeasterly 10 to 15 knots Low 11:43am 0.8m
shifting westerly 20 to 25 knots during the
Tomorrow HOBART
4 / 13ºC
morning. Winds reaching up to 30 knots dur- Today
ing the afternoon and evening. Seas: Around 15ºC
1 metre, increasing to 1.5 to 2.5 metres dur- Tomorrow LAUNCESTON
ing the morning. Swell: Westerly below 1 w w w. b o m . g o v. a u Sun protection recommended
metre inshore, increasing to 1 to 2 metres © Commonwealth of Australia 2017 4 / 13ºC 10:30am-2:00pm
offshore during the morning. Weather: Partly September 13, 2017
cloudy. 90% chance of showers.The chance BURNIE
Sun protection recommended
of a storm in the morning. 10:40am-2:10pm

Sunny Mostly Partly Cloudy Chance Shower Showers Showers Storms rain Light rain Rain Rain, Windy Dusty Fog Haze, Frost Snow
Sunny Cloudy shower or two storm (drizzle) storm smoke



1016 1014
1014 1016

8 1016
1015 1027
1021 1029
1028 1031
1016 1024
1016 1023 1024
1024 1016
1001 1008 1016
1016 1008 1008
1016 1016
1008 1017
1000 1023
1008 1008
1000 992 1000


Location Weather High Low
Amsterdam rain 16 12
Athens fine 30 25
Auckland rain 14 8 400 DARWIN
Bangkok rain 33 27 300 33
Barcelona fine 26 18 200
Beijing fine 28 16 150
Christchurch windy 13 3 100 BROOME
Frankfurt rain 19 11 50 36 29 CAIRNS
Helsinki rain 17 11 25
Hong Kong fine 32 28 15
Johannesburg haze 30 16 10
Kuala Lumpur haze 32 24 5 ALICE SPRINGS 26
London fine 19 11 1
Los Angeles
Moscow rain 22 14 Week ending
Noumea sunny 24 18
September 12, 2017 22 PERTH
Paris rain 18 11 SUN & MOON ADELAIDE 14 32
Seoul fine 23 17 Rise 5:57am Rise 6:24am Rise 6:06am Rise 6:16am 20 SYDNEY
Set 5:45pm Set 6:09pm Set 5:53pm Set 5:57pm CANBERRA
Singapore rain 29 24
Rise Rise 12:31am Rise 12:08am Rise 12:33am
Suva fine 30 23 MELBOURNE
Tel Aviv fine 33 23 Set 10:42am Set 10:59am Set 10:47am Set 10:37am
Tokyo rain 28 22
Last New First Full 15 HOBART
Washington fine 24 11
Sep 13 Sep 20 Sep 28 Oct 6
Wellington windy 14 6 Wednesday, September 13, 2017 THE EXAMINER 21

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Phone: 1300 306 222
Death Notices Death Notices Death Notices Death Notices Death Notices Death Notices
Adult Services..........................................24 STONE SYDES SYDES
Beauty Health and Fitness.......................22 BRASCH LEE SLATER
Marie Lelia Robert John Don William Don
Caravans and Motor Homes....................22 Verity Jane Sharyn Louise You drove your truck
26.4.32 - 7.8.17 23.11.1943 -
Death Notices..........................................21 4.4.1961 – 11.9.2017 Passed away in with dignity and
Launceston on the 15/9/74 - 7/9/17 11.9.2017
Development Applications.......................22 Died peacefully at the Passed away at pride, as I remember
LGH. Loved wife of 10th September, Passed away
Engagements...........................................21 2017. Loving daughter
Born early, you were Deloraine Hospital. peacefully at the LGH when we worked side
Events & Functions..................................22 Tony. Loved mother of a fighter from the day by side. It saddens
Jebb and Kaitlyn, and of Zola and Albert Cox Loved and loving on Monday.
For Sale....................................................22 (both dec.), beloved you were born. Even me to know you
Maddison and Paige. husband of Jean for Dearly loved and
Funeral Notices........................................22 wife of Rex (dec.). though you had passed last night, but
Adored mama of 56 1/2 years. loving husband of
Loved sister and health issues most of as I look up another
Garage Sales ........................................... 22 Makkenzee and Helen for 48 years.
sister-in-law of Joyce, your adult life, you Beloved Father of star shines bright.
In Memoriam............................................22 Paaytynn. Loved stayed strong. Your Loved and loving
daughter of Len (dec.) Berkley and June, John, Leigh and Always remembered.
Livestock..................................................22 fight is over now, fly father of Trent, Rest in Peace
and Mavis (dec.) and Barbara (Mrs Delianis), Jason and their
Local Government..............................22-23 free my angel. Matthew and Stuart,
Jill. Loved sister of Sue and Ken (dec.) partners. my old friend.
loved father-in-law of
Motor Vehicles.........................................22 Jules and Michael. (Sellick). Loving aunt You will be forever Proud Pop of his four Linda and Rachel. Phil Clarke.
Positions Vacant......................................23 Loving aunty of of Felicia, Jennifer, Grandchildren.
Linda, Stuart, Sarah, missed. Cherished Pop to
Public Notices..........................................23 Kieffer, Dietter and Eboni and Hannah;
Malachi. Louise, Andrew and Your loving mum We would like to TAYLOR
Work Wanted...........................................24 Claire. sincerely thank Blake, Michaela, Ila
Flying with the fairies. Alice (Sally) xxx and Roberta. Matthew Lowe
Private cremation at Maxine, Helen and
her request her boys, Marilyn and Beloved youngest 26.12.1943 - 9.9.2017
HOSIE John and June and son of the late Bill
SLATER Mary. Also the and Annie Sydes. Passed away
Brian Ronald peacefully after a
Sharyn Louise community nurses for ''Thanks for the
14.4.1940 - special memories.'' short illness.
your love, care and

Connect with
10.09.2017 Passed away Beloved son of
compassion for Bob Family and friends
Roger and Anita will suddenly. Loving Bernard and Flora
RATTRAY over the past two are warmly invited (both dec). Loving
sadly miss their much grand daughter of: years.
loved Dad; a kind Eric Pat and Don to share memories brother of David, John

Place a Classifieds ad
hearted, generous
and caring father.
Proud Pop of Mathew
The St Helen's
Athletics Club extend
its condolences to
(deceased) Brown.
Daughter of Ross,
sister and sister-in-law
His love and smile will
be sadly missed and
will be remembered
and refreshments at
the Legana Tavern
on Friday 15th
(both dec.)

Rest in peace.

and Rachel, treasured of Leon and Sam, with love and September, 2017 at
1300 306 222 the family of our
friend to many. Harvey, Helena, affection. 3pm.
patron Eric Rattray. Contact Lethborg's
Thank you for all the Renee and Deryk A True Gentleman. Private funeral as per
Save time, submit online 24/7 Eric was a wonderful for funeral details.
love you have given Brown. Niece of: his request. us, for all the laughs man and his Derrick and Christine Bob was privately
and all the treasured contributions to the Brown, Adrian cremated at his
Print and online packages available club, particularly the
throughout Australia memories. (deceased) and Gayle request.
chopping fraternity Brown and Roseanne
Ongoing business advertising self service We will carry you in will be sadly missed.
enquiries: our hearts always. and Garry Summers.
RIP my sweet
Emoji now available Privately cremated at granddaughter. VAN PERNIS
his request. RODEN (formerly Warmsley)
Iris (Little Nan) Ella Florence
Engagements Death Notices Passed away at 106 years. Love Nan. 26.2.1922 - 6.9.2017
Loved grandmother
He saw the road was (Marnie) of Gary and
COX-LOWE BECKETT getting rough and the SLATER Lynette, Michael, Paul
Hayden Cox hills were hard to and Mellissa.
and Jessica Lowe Terry
climb, so He closed Sharyn Louise In times Great-grandmother of
Are excited to 25.12.1954-4.9.2017 your weary eyelids Sadly passed away Aiden, Jake,
on Dearly loved and
and whispered peace
be thine, then he took
September 7, 2017. of crisis, Samantha, Jessica,
Ethan, Mia and Wyatt.
September 8, 2017. loving brother and Those special
brother-in-law of
you up to heaven with
hands so gentle and
memories of you
always make me
you can give Great-great
grandmother of Kye
Death Notices Anthony and Helen kind.
and loved uncle of smile. You always and Alexis.
Rachel and Lyndal You left us with meant so much to me
and families. Sis, and always will.
BECKETT beautiful memories.
Of all the many
Terry Rest in peace dear blessings however
brother, reunited too
25.12.1954 - 4.9.2017 soon with Mum and
Jo, Wayne, Aleta,
great or small to have
had you for a sister
where it’s
Passed away Dad. Forever in our was the greatest one
Indonesia, "his
in hearts, your legacy
lives on in those you
Simone, Deyarna.
of all. needed most
paradise", surrounded have left behind. From you loving little
by his loving family. SALTMARSH brother Michael,
Sadly missed and Jean Marie sister-in-law Rachel
and niece Shanina
Please donate now
dearly loved by his My mum, my guardian and nephew Jacoby.
sisters Merilyn and angel, my heart, my
Rosemary and their best friend. Thank you Always in our heart, 1 3 S A LV O S
families. for everything. Forever gone but never
loved, Linda xxx forgotten. S A LV O S . O R G . A U
Reunited with dad


22 THE EXAMINER Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Connect with Classifieds Phone: 1300 306 222

Funeral Notices Funeral Notices In Memoriam Beauty Health and Development Applications

Clint MASSAGE Sports/Re-
Verity Jane Michael John medial. Relaxation deep Development Applications Received
Family and friends of Love and Miss you

Relatives and friends tissue. L'ton. Ph. In accordance with Section 57(3) of the Land Use Planning and
are respectfully invited Michael are warmly every day. 0409 230 495.
invited to attend a Approvals Act 1993, public notice is given for the following applications:
to attend the funeral Mum, Michael,
service of the late Mrs service to celebrate Beckie, Kaysee and PIM'S Thai Massage Site: 3–5 Wellington Street and 111–119 Cameron Street, Launceston
Verity Jane Brasch, his life to be held Kade and their Deep tissue therapy oil Applicant: Stanton Management Group Pty
which will be held at today, Wednesday, families. massage. Non sexual.
Ph. 0452 289 120. Proposal: DA0314/2017 Business and Professional
the Parklands Chapel, 13th September,
Services – office; installation of signage
113 Bass Highway, 2017 at the
Punchbowl Christian Events & Functions Motor Vehicles Site: 19 Newstead Crescent, Newstead

Burnie at 11 am on
MONDAY, September Centre, 100 Applicant: Prime Design
18, 2017, after which Punchbowl Rd., Proposal: DA0393/2017 Residential – single dwelling; construction
a private cremation Launceston, STAMPS & COINS
of extensions to dwelling and construction of a deck
will take place at the commencing at
Site: 2 Parkdale Court, Kings Meadows
North West Regional 10:30am, to be MARKET DAY
Crematorium. In followed by interment Applicant: Prime Design
Verity’s memory, in the Carr Villa Lawn L'ton Philatelic Society Proposal: DA0420/2017 Residential – single dwelling;
donations may be Cemetery. Saturday 16 Sept. construction of a single dwelling
made at the service to Max Fry Hall, Trevallyn Caravans and Motor Site: 108–112 High Street, Newstead
the Cancer Council.
Garage Sales Homes Applicant: EDJ Crick
Proposal: DA0431/2017 Food services – cafe: change of use
WANTED a cheap Site: 4 Estramina Court, Youngtown
Spring is the caravan. Consider
anything. Please phone
Applicant: TL Hatton

perfect time 0409 432 257. Proposal: DA0440/2017 Residential – single dwelling: demolition
of two outbuildings; construction of an outbuilding

In Memoriam to de-clutter Livestock Plans and documents can be inspected at our Customer Service
with a Garage Sale Centre, Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5pm or on our website at
ROWLINGS 10 Jersey Heifer calves, until Wednesday September 27, 2017.
Kenneth Ronald sound, $50. Phone:
Make cash f o r 03 6373 6170 Written representations to the General Manager may be made during
Relatives and friends this time to PO Box 396, Launceston TAS 7250 or by email to contactus@
are respectfully invited unwanted goods. Only
to attend the funeral $30 for a bold heading The full content of your submission may be included

service for Mr and 5 lines of text in the report (available for public access) if the application is presented at a
Kenneth Ronald Garage Sale ad in print Council meeting for consideration. It is therefore the responsibility of the
Rowlings to be held at
the C.T Finney Centre, JACOBSON
and online.
Call us today on CLAS AR author of the submission to ensure that what is written is factual, fair and

reasonable and not defamatory against any person.

34 Nunamina Avenue, Darren Raymond 1300 306 222
Kings Meadows on email classifieds Please provide date, time, phone and contact details with representations.
25.5.1967 -13.9.2012 For further information please call 03 6323 3000.
Monday, September
Our memories of

18, 2017 commencing

0349 201709
Darren will never

at 12.30pm. Followed Michael Tidey
by the burial in the grow old, they are

locked in our hearts ACTING GENERAL MANAGER
Carr Villa Lawn

Cemetery at 2pm. in letters of gold.
Others have lost a
child we know, but he By placing your classified ad through our self-service portal,
was ours and we
loved him so.
He has left a space  
03 6323 3000
that that no one can    
We all loved Darren three easy steps
and always will. Local Government Local Government
His loving family. Connect with Classifieds


Notice is hereby given under Section 57(3) of the Land
Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 that DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION
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Proposal: Visitor Accommodation unit – - Vary Side and Rear Boundary Setbacks
LOCATION: 7A Legana Park Drive, Legana
Location: RA1784 Coles Bay Road, Coles Bay The application and associated plans and documents may be
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Local Government Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices


AGM, Launceston Golf Administration and Probate Act 1935
Club on Wednesday
Notice is hereby given that an application has
been made for planning approval for the Notice is hereby given that, after the expiration
following development: of 14 days from the publication hereof,
Site: CT 162949/3 Clarke Street Dirrawan Gardens, Reid in the Australian
BRIDPORT Capital Territory (Public Servant) (Single) and
Proposal Garage with Relaxation of WILLIAM JOHN RUSSELL of 76 Preston Drive, THE ADMINISTRATION AND PROBATE ACT 1935
Building Envelope Standards Notice For Claims Macksville in New South Wales (Store Manager)
(Divorced), the executors of the will of WILLIAM NOTICE TO APPLY
Applicant: D J & P G Creese RUSSELL, late of 7 Gayline Drive, Narellan Vale
The application and associated plans and claims against the in New South Wales (Technician) ( Divorced),
documents will be available for inspection at undermentioned deceased, to whom probate of the said will was NOTICE IS HEREBYB GIVEN that after the expiration of fourteen (14)
the Council Offices, 3 Ellenor Street, Scottsdale, deceased estates granted by the Supreme Court of New South days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme
during normal office hours for a period of are required to Wales on the 11th of August 2016, will apply to Court of Tasmania in its Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that Letters of
fourteen (14) days from the date of publication lodge the same the Supreme Court of Tasmania in its Administration of the Estate of CATHERINE ESME KAYlate of 5
of this notice, during which time any person Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction that the seal of the Connaught Crescent, West Launceston in Tasmania, single/carer,
with the Public
may make representations in relation to the Said Supreme Court of Tasmania may be deceased who died between the 18th day of March 2017 and the 19th
Trustee, Hobart on
proposal by letter addressed to the General affixed to the said probate pursuant to Part VI day of March, 2017, intestate, maybe granted to LINDA FRANCES
or before the 6th of the Administration and Probate Act 1935.
Manager, Dorset Council. day of October next. MILLS, divorced/ team manager of 270 Penquite Road, Launceston in
Tim Watson Particulars of assets Tasmania and SANDRA MARIA KAY single/disability pensioner of 4/75
GENERAL MANAGER Dated this 12th day of September 2017 High Street, Launceston in Tasmania the lawful sisters of the deceased.
held by any person
are also requested. STEVEN CHOPPING LL.B Dated this 13th day of September 2017
Public Notices Per: BISHOPS
Solicitor for the Applicants Solicitors for the Applicants
Gail Lesley Fitton
late of Glengarry in
George Douglas Groombridge (also known
Public Notices Positions Vacant
as George Groombridge), late of Bishop Davies
David Benbow
Court, 27 Redwood Road, Kingston in Chief Executive Officer ENVIRONMENT
Tasmania, retired butcher/single/never married,
who died on the 31st day of May 2017
Public Trustee
33 George Street, Launceston LAND TITLES OFFICE
Notice of Application
Notaries Public Act 1990 (Tasmania)
1800 068 784 Require Contract
Creditors, next of kin and others having claims NEW CERTIFICATE OF TITLE Take Notice that I, Kate Alice Moss of 4 Owner Driver
in respect of the property or estate of the Joynton Street, New Town in Tasmania, have with white 2 ton van
abovenamed deceased are required by the NOTICE is given that the Recorder of Titles applied to be appointed as a Notary Public. I Phone Phil.
Executors Maureen Pamela Bellhouse and intends, after the expiration of fourteen days, to intend to practice as a Notary Public ordinarily 6343 5033 BH
Christopher Hugh Bellhouse c/- Dobson PEARNS STEAM issue a new Certificate of Title pursuant to Section in the district of Hobart, Tasmania, and when in
Mitchell Allport of 59 Harrington Street, Hobart WORLD Annual Gener-
in Tasmania to send particulars of their claim to al Meeting to be held on
Wednesday, September
35 of the Land Titles Act 1980 to replace Certificate
of Title Volume l34169 Folio 29 in the name of
other districts in Tasmania, in those districts.
My application for appointment is to be heard
Wanted Casual
the Registrar of the Supreme Court of
Tasmania in writing on or before the 14th day 27, 2017 at 7pm at 65
Meander Valley Road,
RICHARD FRANCIS LLOYD GRAHAM to by the Supreme Court of Tasmania at
Salamanca Place, Hobart in Tasmania at
Truck Driver
of October 2017 after which date the Executors the land situate in the Parish of LIAMENA, Land M/R Licence, fit and
may distribute the assets, having regard only to Westbury. 10:00am on Monday, 16 October 2017.
District of WESTMORLAND which is declared healthy, heavy lifting
the claims of which the Executors then have to have been lost, mislaid or destroyed. Any person who wishes to object to my involve. Send resume to
notice. appointment may file with the Registrar of the PO BOX 2
Application No. El03739

DATED this 13th day of September 2017 Court a notice of objection in accordance with Newstead 7250
Form 3 in Appendix W of the Rules of the
ALICE KAWA Supreme Court 1965 (Tasmania).

Practitioners for the estate Recorder of Titles
A copy of the notice of objection, together with
Inserted by: RAE & PARTNERS any affidavit which is to be relied on in
(Solicitors for the Applicant) opposition to my application, is to be served on
me at the address given below. The documents
are to be filed and served not later than 5:00pm
on Friday, 6 October 2017.
ParaQuad Association of The actions listed above will entitle you to
Tasmania Inc. appear before the Court and be heard in

Notice of Annual General Meeting opposition to my application for appointment.
Wednesday 27 September 2017, 11am My address for service is care of Worrall
Glenorchy RSL, 320 Main Rd Glenorchy Lawyers, 133 Macquarie Street, Hobart in

Nature of business:
Dated 13 September 2017
Confirm the minutes of the 2016 Annual

General Meeting Kate Alice Moss
l Tabling of 2016/2017 Committee and Auditors Applicant

l Election of Office Bearers
l Appointment of Auditor for 2017/2018 Positions Vacant

The Association is a not for profit registered
charity supporting Tasmanians with physical

disability and is seeking nominations for its Large Demolition Civil Construction
voluntary Committee of Management. Company Positions available for:
People with skills and experience in finance, • Civil Foreman
legal matters, governance, community • Machine Operators

engagement, social media and or marketing or • General Labourers (with Trade experience;
persons with a passion to improve the quality of Carpenters, Concreters & Boilermakers)
life of our members are encouraged to nominate

• Steel Fixers
Please contact the Association Coordinator for Email resume to:
further information at 03 6251 1986


Iain Maxwell Harris
has applied for a Licensed Premises Gaming
Licence to operate TasKeno at
Designlink offers a complete
designlink suite of professional design George Town Motor Inn
100 Agnes Street, GEORGE TOWN, 7253
Creative design and print solutions for any In accordance with section 37 of the Act, any
business without the expensive person may object to the granting of the
and print solutions commercial design agency application within 14 days of this notice.
Objections must be in writing and may only
for any platform costs. relate to the applicant, or an assocoate of the
app;licant not being fit and proper having
regard to characted, honestly and integrity.
Written objections should be marked STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL" and forwarded to:
Tasmanian Liquor and Gaming Commission
GPO Box 1374 HOBART TAS 7001
Or email:
Signed: Iain Maxwell harris
24 THE EXAMINER Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Connect with Classifieds Phone: 1300 306 222

Work Wanted Adult Services Adult Services Adult Services

apprentice available for Amanda Rose
houses and units (NW). Mature, english, affec-
Richardson Bricklaying tionate lady, here til fri.
0406 501 755. Ph. 0459 029 181.

When words
MALE to male. Sports
NORM OWENS BEST Asian New ar- /Relaxation. Very exp. 7
Driveways, garage slabs rived 19yo sexy slim days. Deloraine. Josh
etc. Over 30 yrs. exp., P r e t t y H o t . 0427 140 151. No SMS
all areas. For free ad- 0474 739 365.
vice and quote phone § NATALIE §
0400 779 038.
bathrooms, wardrobes, City, real 19 y.o., Bur-
internal building renova- mese, sz6, tall hot
29 y.o., Aussie blonde.
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available, small jobs wel-
come. Free quotes, will
travel, available now.
Cute Aussie blonde.
TAS Hia kitchen of the
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more. Insured, pens. 0450 257 684. FETISH! 1300 700 904
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$2.45 mobx. Molly 28, size 8-10. Till TRANS Kiki, new in
late. Ph. 0477 562 796. town, 100% genuine,
A 100% Aussie. New fem, act/vers CBD
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26 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017


St Pats Gold's Anneka Gough receives a St Pats Gold's Chelsea Leggett looks for Riverside wing defence Mackenzie St Pats Gold's Aleigha Gumley gets the
pass from Chelsea Leggett in the NHSSA her next pass as Riverside supporters look O'Byrne and St Pats Gold wing attack jump on Riverside goal attack Montana
senior firsts grand final at Hoblers Bridge. on. Pictures: Paul Scambler Jorjah Deane both fly for the ball. Viney.

Rowers on top of the world


A GOLDEN generation of North Esk Row-

ing Club youngsters is working wonders for
Launceston College’s rowing program.
Under-19 rowers Connor Ryan, Jack Bar-
rett, Danny Barratt, Matthew Dikkenberg,
Phillip Dikkenberg, Lars Gillingham, Ethan
McCullagh, Brad Riley, Braidyn Dawe-
Wright, Samuel Williams, Owen Elmer
have enjoyed a dominant year in the water,
sweeping competition aside in both state
and school championships.
The eleven-strong team also performed
admirably in Sydney’s national champion-
ships, combining for gold in the 500m coxed
quad and bronze in the single, quad and four.
Team manager Peter Ryan said the group
had achieved a special feat by winning the
double, quad, four and eight at the school
“From a Launceston College point of view
it’s really the first time for a long time that a
public school has been able to take it up to
the independent schools,” Ryan said.
“We’ve been lucky enough that we’ve
had all the boys coming through North
Esk through the different high schools like
Riverside and so forth end up at Launces-
ton College.
“The last time something was won by
Launceston College I think it was in the ‘60s,
and one of the last championships we could
see they actually won was in 1918 or some-
thing like that, so there’s a fair bit of histo-
ry there.”
Ryan said while he hoped to see more
young talent taking up the sport in the future,
there was no doubt North Esk was experienc-
ing a rare swell of rowing talent.
“It’s like once in a generation that you’d
have that amount of rowers coming through
who have all peaked at one time - you don’t
get it very often.
“You might get some years where you’ve
got four or five good boys coming through
but then you’ve got some lesser (years) where
you haven’t been able to get the success.”

Go to and follow OCEAN'S ELEVEN: Nine members of the North Esk Rowing Club under-19 team, pictured with coach Barry Townsend. Picture: Supplied
the link at the top of the home page.

Riverside shooter Georgina Howe looks to Riverside's Caitlin Hatton delivers the ball Riverside centre Paige Crooks shields the St Pats Gold's Chelsea Leggett applies
get a shot past St Pats Gold keeper Grace out of defence. ball from her opposition. pressure as Riverside's Caitlin Hatton
McKillop. looks for a pass. Wednesday September 13, 2017 THE EXAMINER 27


Tamar Valley's Joshua Corkery gets some air. Tamar Valley coaches talk to their players at half-time. Tamar's Logan Jones bombs it long out of the square.

WHAT: Tamar Valley under-12s defeated
Ulverstone 96 to 0 in a representative match on

WHERE: Windsor Park, Riverside.

Tamar's Tiernan McCormack gets a kick away.

CONGESTED: Tamar's Boyd Savage, Liam Kalos and Tallis Trudgeon surround Ulverstone's Callum Hodge at Windsor Park. Pictures: Phillip Biggs

Ulverstone's Dylan Guard grabs possession. Tamar Valley's Austin Barron brushes off a would-be tackler. Ulverstone's Will Jones takes an uncontested mark.

• Service to Sport
• Individual Female Sportsperson
• Individual Male Sportsperson
• Rising Star Male
• Rising Star Female
• Junior Sports Team 2016 Individual Male
Nominations are now open for The Examiner IGA Junior Sports Awards for 2017. Sportsperson of the
Each week The Examiner will feature a nominated Junior Sports star with the winners showcased at year Jarrod Freeman
and Individual Female
the annual Junior Sports Awards ceremony in November. Sportsperson of the
*Terms and conditions apply. See website for details. year Charrae Myers

To nominate visit:

28 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017

8— 3282 Street Spun cmh (5) . . .. . . D Dunn 57.0 4.20
1 Members Raceday Mdn 1000m 12.25 TAB INFORMATION 9— 2123 Blazers mb (4) . . .. . .. . . R Bayliss 56.0 3.60 8 Edgell Bad Boys (Bm84) 1000m 4.30
DAILY DOUBLE: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 8 and 9 10— 3401 Citrus Wish m (3) . . .. . .. . .D Oliver 56.0 8.50 (Apprentices can claim)
(Apprentices cannot claim) 3yo Fillies EXTRA DOUBLE: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 4 and 5 11— 9608 Miss Hissy mn (7) . . .. . . C Hall (a3) 54.5 81.00
Prize money: $27,000 TREBLE: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 7, 8 and 9 Prize money: $40,000
TIPS: Blazers, Birds Of Tokyo, Street Spun, Citrus Wish 1— 3148 Orujo dn (8) . . .. . .. . . E Brown (a3) 60.0 10.00
1— Atomic Charge (10) . . .. . . D Lane 57.0 13.00 QUADRELLA: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 6, 7, 8 and 9
FIRST FOUR: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .All races 6 Dandino Bombora (Bm78) 1200m 3.20 2— 130X Rock ’n’ Gold dmn (1) . . . D Lane 60.0 13.00
2— Bequeathed (9) . . .. . .. . . R Bayliss 57.0 8.00 3— 0X5X Lord Barrington m (4) P Moloney 58.0 19.00
3— 0X Divine Messenger b (6) B Melham 57.0 2.00 (Apprentices can claim) 3yo+ Fillies & Mares 4— 90X2 Hear The Chant dm (5) R Bayliss 57.5 4.00
4— X057 Just Foxing h (11) B Stockdale (a) 57.0 101.00 5— 4X13 Labuan Star dmn (7) . . . D Yendall 56.5 4.60
5— 3X Latino Babe (1) . . .. . .. . .. . . L Nolen 57.0 3.90 3— 5026 Like The Clappers m (3). . .. . .. . .. . . 57.0 13.00 Prize money: $40,000
. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . B Thompson (a1.5) 6— 0804 Runsati d (2). . .. . .. . .. . .. . . L Currie 56.0 17.00
6— 8 Mylex h (3) . . .. . .. . .. . . N Callow 57.0 51.00 1— 43X5 Chiavari dmn (10) . . .. . .. . .M Zahra 59.5 8.50 7— 334X Jalan Jalan cm (3). . .. . .. . . L Nolen 55.0 7.00
7— Rebel Rose (2) . . .. . .. . . D Yendall 57.0 12.00 4— 2611 Eureka Street dm (1) . . .. . . L Nolen 56.5 2.30
5— 4205 The Thug m (6). . .. . .. . .. . . D Lane 55.5 12.00 2— 74X5 Brugal Reward dmn (3) . . .. . .. . .. . . 59.0 14.00 8— 62X1 Motown Lil cdm (6) . . .. . . D Dunn 55.0 2.80
8— 36X Sally Sells Shells h (7) R McLeod 57.0 26.00 . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . L Riordan (a3)
9— 6X Shadea Lady h (8). . .. . . N Beriman 57.0 41.00 6— 3X82 Kilmacurragh mn (5) . . .. . . D Dunn 55.0 3.60 TIPS: Lord Barrington, Rock ’n’ Gold, Labuan Star, Hear The
7— X890 Baykool dhn (4) . . .. . . P Moloney 54.0 21.00 3— 0X66 Fursa d (8) . . .. . .. . . B Allen (a1.5) 58.5 6.00 Chant
10— The Queen’s Reward (5). . .. . .. . .. . . 57.0 19.00 4— 120X Balancing Act n (1) . . .. . . L Currie 58.0 15.00
. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .D Stackhouse TIPS: Kilmacurragh, Eureka Street, Andrea Mantegna, The
11— Woodman’s Doll h (4) . . . D Dunn 57.0 11.00 Thug
5— 8X42 Modern Wonder (11) . . . S Baster 57.5 4.60 9 bigscreencompany-Bm78 1200m 5.05
6— 728X Quilate mn (7) . . .. . . B Mertens (a) 56.5 11.00
TIPS: Latino Babe, Atomic Charge, Sally Sells Shells, 7— 19X9 Wasabi dmn (5) . . .. . . C Newitt 56.5 23.00 (Apprentices can claim)
Bequeathed 4 Tom Burke (Bm70) 1500m 2.10 8— 1197 Smokin’ Bella dmn (6) . . . L Nolen 56.0 14.00 Prize money: $40,000
(Apprentices can claim) 9— X271 Cullemmy’s Diamond cdmh (2) . . . 55.5 14.00 1— 00X7 Countryman m (14)S Thornton (a3) 60.5 41.00
2 Annie Ammitzboll Mdn Plate 1000m 1.00 Prize money: $40,000 . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . B Thompson (a1.5) 2— X097 Suspense dm (7) . . .. . .. . . D Dunn 60.5 10.00
(Apprentices cannot claim) 3yo Fillies 1— 3832 I Am The Dark m (9) J Eaton (a3) 58.5 3.80 10— 80X2 Its Time For Magic dm (4) D Oliver 55.0 3.90 3— 2085 Got The Goss dm (5)L Riordan (a3) 60.0 10.00
2— 2413 Koolama Bay (8) . . .. . . M Walker 58.5 8.00 11— X23X Love Days dbn (9) . . .. . . M JWalker 55.0 8.00 4— 1685 Kalashani Lad cmhn (1) . . .. . .. . .. . . 60.0 26.00
Prize money: $27,000
3— X2X8 Falika mn (5) . . .. . .. . .. . .D Oliver 58.0 4.40 TIPS: Love Days, Modern Wonder, Chiavari, Cullemmy’s . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . B Thompson (a1.5)
1— Blonde Biddy h (9) . . .. . . J Mott 57.0 31.00 4— 4975 Sir Mask tmh (1) S Thornton (a3) 58.0 21.00 Diamond 5— 00X9 Taddei Tondo tdm (4)D Stackhouse 60.0 34.00
2— Dental (2) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . S Baster 57.0 9.00 5— 1X55 Blazing Socks m (6) . . .. . .. . . J Hill 57.5 11.00 6— 434X Diamond Baroness dn (3) . . .. . .. . . 59.0 15.00
3— 6 Extreme Bliss bh (1) . . .. . M Zahra 57.0 7.00 6— 4026 Duke Of Nottingham (2) M Payne 56.5 7.00 7 Fastrac Foodservice (Bm64) 1200m 3.55 . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . B Allen (a1.5)
4— Lady Cartier (10) . . .. . .. . .D Oliver 57.0 4.80 7— 9198 Cuban Belle tcmh (7) J Martin (a3) 56.0 17.00 7— 7674 Comacina dmh (15) J Martin (a3) 58.5 51.00
5— 30X3 Margot (7) . . .. . .. . .. . . B Melham 57.0 7.50 (Apprentices can claim) 3yo 8— 1820 Tango Rock dm (8) E Brown (a3) 58.5 10.00
8— 2113 Red Gateau m (3)B Thompson (a1.5) 56.0 4.40
6— 5X Platinum Angel (11) . . .. . . D Lane 57.0 3.00 9— 50X4 Zilbiyr mh (4) . . .. . .. . .. . . D Dunn 55.0 10.00 Prize money: $40,000 9— 144X Castelo dm (9) . . .. . .. . . M Walker 58.0 21.00
7— 20X Riverina Romance (8) N Callow 57.0 12.00 10— X3X1 Demolition dn (16) . . .. . . D Lane 57.5 4.20
8— 4324 Sancy’s Diamond bh (5) M Walker 57.0 15.00 TIPS: Koolama Bay, Red Gateau, I Am The Dark, Duke Of 1— 1066 Fully Maxed dmh (11) J Martin (a3) 60.5 8.50 11— 0X34 Barthelona m (11) . . .. . . P Moloney 57.0 13.00
9— 5X Tan Tat Flame (4) . . .. . .. . . L Currie 57.0 12.00 Nottingham 2— 3X21 Bowerman m (5) . . .. . . R Bayliss 59.5 7.50 12— 1272 Wind Force dmn (17) . . .. . .C Parish 57.0 7.00
10— 7X Uncovered h (6) . . .. . . J Noonan 57.0 71.00 3— 1 King Mombassa d (2) E Brown (a3) 59.5 34.00 13— 3731 Hunting Hill dm (13) . . . B Melham 14.00
11— 6X50 Zarpoya (3) . . .. . . B Thompson (a) 57.0 12.00 5 Carol Campbell (Bm70) 2000m 2.45 4— 1X Levendi dm (7) . . .. . .. . . B Melham 59.5 3.40
14— 128X Think Babe mb (6) . . . D Yendall 56.0 6.00
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo+ Fillies & Mares 5— 1X Mactier (1) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . M Dee 59.5 12.00 15— 6246 Fire Agate dmn (2) . . . N Beriman 55.5 14.00
TIPS: Sancy’s Diamond, Margot, Extreme Bliss, Dental 6— 3X14 Bel Sonic h (3) . . .. . .. . .. . . J Mott 59.0 5.50
Prize money: $40,000 EMERGENCIES
3 Norm Cove (Bm78) 2000m 1.35 1— 4519 Maraudamiss dm (6) E Brown (a3) 62.0 4.80 7— 631 Born To Fight dm (6) . . . P Moloney 59.0 7.00 16— 0X35 Bon’s Ghost mn (12) . . . C Newitt 54.0 23.00
2— 3721 Birds Of Tokyo m (9) J Martin (a3) 61.0 4.20 8— 1505 Snitzepeg dm (9) . . . B Allen (a1.5) 59.0 5.50 17— 110X Night Sight hn (10) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 54.0 101.00
(Apprentices can claim) 9— 41 Southern Bolt d (8) B Mertens (a) 59.0 15.00
3— 2614 Crafty Devil d (8) . . . B Allen (a1.5) 59.0 11.00 TIPS: Hunting Hill, Barthelona, Wind Force, Tango Rock
Prize money: $40,000 4— 8281 Fiona Crystal dm (10) Scratched 59.0 10— 8X13 Southern Turf m (10) . . .. . . J Childs 59.0 15.00
5— 5X61 Henpecker mn (1) S Thornton (a3) 57.0 14.00 11— X321 Bed Talk dh (4) . . .. . .D Stackhouse 58.5 17.00 LEGEND: T - Won at track. C - Won at this distance on this
1— 1189 Cheryl’s Horse mn (2) E Brown (a3) 62.0 23.00 course. D - Won at this distance on another course. M - Won in
2— X191 Andrea Mantegna m (7). . .. . .. . .. . . 59.0 3.80 6— X909 O’Couney m (2). . .. . .. . . J McNeil 57.0 41.00 TIPS: Levendi, Bowerman, King Mombassa, heavy going. B - Beaten favourite at last start. H - Home track.
. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . B Allen (a1.5) 7— 1516 Reigning In Paris dm (11) D Lane 57.0 26.00 Mactier X - Spell of three months. N - Won at night. F - Fell.


3— 638X Old Man Sam m (1) . . . W Costin 58.0 9.00 5— 98X7 Wine Bush (2) . . .. . .. . . K McEvoy 58.5 9.00
1 Pluck Vinery (Bm73) 1100m 12.50 TAB INFORMATION 4— 212X In Times Of War dmb (7) K McEvoy 57.5 2.50 6— 1357 Sambro (1) . . .. . .. . .. . . J Bowman 57.5 4.80
DAILY DOUBLE: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 7 and 8 5— 370X Voilier dm (6) . . .. . .. . .. . . B Shinn 57.5 9.50 7— 1206 Little Miss Brown m (4) . . . J Ford 57.5 19.00
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo EXTRA DOUBLE: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 3 and 4 6— 1911 Epic Dan dm (3) A Adkins (a1.5) 56.0 31.00 8— XF90 Eastern Legend t (10) T Angland 56.0 19.00
Prize money: $40,000 TREBLE: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 6, 7 and 8 7— 00X5 Lady Jivago cdm (2) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 56.0 9.00 9— 66X1 Think Like A Bird m (6) J R Collett 54.5 10.00
1— 3701 Charlie Chap d (3) . . .. . . T Angland 59.0 9.50 QUADRELLA: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 5, 6, 7 and 8 . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . B McDougall (a3) 10— 5064 Nahema m (12). . . A Adkins (a1.5) 54.0 51.00
2— 12 Beacon db (1) . . .. . .. . . J Bowman 57.0 1.70 FIRST FOUR: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .All races 8— 2123 Bright Future m (5) J Innes (a2) 55.5 10.00 EMERGENCIES
3— 1 Marishka c (2) . . .. . .. . .. . . B Shinn 56.0 3.60 TIPS: In Times Of War, Nictock, Bright Future, Lady Jivago 11— 14 Mahalangur m (7) . . .. . . B Avdulla 53.5 2.40
4— 1X Yulong Xingsheng cmn (5). . .. . .. . . 56.0 7.50 12— 39X8 Le Cavalier cmn (8) R Hunt (a3) 55.5 23.00
. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . K McEvoy 6— 7X Union Dues (2) . . .. . .. . . B Avdulla 56.5 9.50 6 theraces (Bm77) 1250m 3.45 13— X213 Humility m (3) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 53.0 26.00
5— 1 Workdrinks (4) . . .. . .. . . C Brown 53.5 16.00 7— 5 Waitemata Harbour (3) . . . J Parr 56.5 31.00 TIPS: Mahalangur, Sambro, Eastern Legend, Le Cavalier
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo+
TIPS: Beacon, Workdrinks, Marishka, Yulong Xingsheng 8— 6 Whitney’s Star (7) . . .. . .. . . J Ford 56.5 61.00
Prize money: $40,000
TIPS: Woman, Wild About Her, Laussel, Fifth Affair 8 Australian Turf Club (Bm75) 1900m 4.55
2 McGrath Agents (Bm70) 1100m 1.25 1— 158X Milwaukee mn (10)B McDougall (a3) 59.0 7.00
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo+
4 Schweppes Mdn Hcp 1250m 2.35 2— 338X Smart Amelia m (3) G Schofield 58.5 3.60
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo+ Fillies & Mares 3— 2123 Bright Future m (11) J Innes (a2) 56.5 10.00 Prize money: $40,000
Prize money: $40,000 (Apprentices can claim) 3yo+ Colts & Geldings 4— 2113 Centro Superior m (7) J Bowman 56.0 8.00 1— 5536 Multifacets tmn (7)L Magorrian (a3) 61.0 9.50
1— 110X Absolute Ripper m (5) . . .. . .. . .. . . 61.0 4.20 Prize money: $40,000 5— 119X Mercurial Lad m (5) . . .. . . B Loy 55.5 19.00 2— 6841 Estikhraaj cm (6) . . .. . . J Bowman 60.0 5.00
. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . B McDougall (a3) 1— 26X2 Hong Qigong (5) . . .. . . B Avdulla 59.0 3.40 6— X211 Piracy m (8) . . .. . .. . .. . . K McEvoy 55.5 4.20 3— X111 Almost Court d (5) . . . K McEvoy 58.5 4.00
2— 815X Cocoexcel dm (3) . . .. . .. . . B Shinn 60.0 5.00 2— 30X3 Reflectivity (6) . . .. . .. . . C Brown 59.0 7.50 7— X6X2 All From Scrap (2) . . .. . . B Avdulla 55.0 5.50 4— X386 Mandalong Kiss tmn (4) A Banks 58.5 13.00
3— 210X Istria m (2) . . .. . .. . .. . . K McEvoy 59.5 4.40 3— 223 Absolute b (4) . . .. . .. . . T Angland 58.5 4.20 8— 7X62 Oakfield Rickie m (9) R King (a1.5) 55.0 26.00 5— 1062 Manhattan Son (9) . . .. . . C Reith 58.0 21.00
4— 034X O’Reilly Cyrus (1) . . .. . . C Brown 59.5 5.00 4— 7X73 Lightz (2) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . B Shinn 58.0 6.50 9— 2531 Vienna Romance tm (4) . . . J Ford 55.0 6.00 6— 1X07 Eerised (8) . . .. . .. . .. . . T Angland 57.0 16.00
5— 14 Sexy Eyes d (4). . .. . .. . . J Bowman 58.0 3.40 5— 2 Star Of The Seas (3) . . . J Bowman 58.0 5.50 10— 3183 Young Huit m (6) . . .. . . B Spriggs 55.0 41.00 7— 7144 Another Larga m (3) . . .. . . B Shinn 56.0 19.00
6— 313X Neyla’s Girl m (6) . . . R Prest (a3) 53.0 31.00 6— 425X Icon Of Dubai (7) . . .. . . K McEvoy 57.5 4.00 11— 4071 Explosive Scene dm (1) . . .. . .. . .. . . 53.0 41.00 8— 6125 Ready For Success m (1) J Collett 55.5 13.00
TIPS: Istria, O’Reilly Cyrus, Sexy Eyes, Absolute Ripper 7— Paret (8) . . .. . .. . .. . . G Schofield 57.5 9.50 . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . A Adkins (a1.5) 9— 9275 Sovereignaire m (11) G Schofield 55.5 23.00
8— 57X2 Spencer (9) . . .. . .. . .. . . Scratched 56.5 TIPS: Smart Amelia, Milwaukee, Piracy, Vienna Romance 10— 6893 Yeah Bravo m (12) . . .. . . R Kozaki 55.5 21.00
3 TAB Rewards Mdn Hcp 1250m 2.00 9— 8X5 End Of The Road (1) R King (a1.5) 55.5 26.00 11— 4122 Token Of Love tm (2) R Hunt (a3) 55.0 5.00
7 TAB (Bm73) 1550m 4.20 12— 9429 Arigold tmn (14) . . .. . . C Brown 54.5 12.00
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo Fillies TIPS: Star Of The Seas, Icon Of Dubai, Hong Qigong, Paret
13— 2523 Captain Manering m (10)J Innes (a2) 54.5 34.00
Prize money: $40,000 (Apprentices can claim) 3yo+ 14— X736 Happy Partner m (13)A Adkins (a1.5) 61.00
5 TAB.Com.Au (Bm79) 1100m 3.10 Prize money: $40,000
1— 22X4 Fifth Affair (1) . . .. . .. . . C Brown 59.0 5.50 TIPS: Almost Court, Token Of Love, Mandalong Kiss, Eerised
2— 6X53 Mystic Empire (5) . . .. . .. . . T Clark 59.0 5.00 (Apprentices can claim) 3yo+ 1— 2232 Fortensky m (9) L Magorrian (a3) 60.5 8.50
Prize money: $40,000 LEGEND: T - Won at track. C - Won at this distance on this
3— Laussel (6) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . B Shinn 57.5 6.00 2— 2160 Calypso Bay cm (13) . . . C Brown 58.5 12.00 course. D - Won at this distance on another course. M - Won in
4— 43 Wild About Her (4) . . . Scratched 57.5 1— 3111 Nictock cd (8) . . .. . .. . . J Bowman 59.0 2.50 3— 35X1 Shock Alert (5) . . .. . .. . .. . . T Clark 58.5 6.50 heavy going. B - Beaten favourite at last start. H - Home track.
5— Woman (8) . . .. . .. . .. . . K McEvoy 57.5 1.90 2— 260X Classic Records (4) . . .. . . T Clark 58.0 41.00 4— X552 Static Lift tm (11) . . .. . . Scratched 58.5 X - Spell of three months. N - Won at night. F - Fell.


1 CFMEU Qld/NT (Bm70) 1650m 12.33 TAB INFORMATION 5 Cbus Super Hcp (C2) 2220m 2.53 7 Qld Unions Council Hcp (70) 1110m 4.03
DAILY DOUBLE: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 7 and 8 (Apprentices can claim) (Apprentices can claim) C, H & Gs
(Apprentices can claim) 3yo EXTRA DOUBLE: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 3 and 4
Prize money: $20,000 Prize money: $20,000
TREBLE: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 6, 7 and 8 Prize money: $20,000
1— 9221 Lady Lark D (3) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 59.0 1.90 QUADRELLA: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 5, 6, 7 and 8 1— 7228 Brigadoon Legend dm (7) . . .. . .. . . 59.0 8.50
. . .. . . J Guthmann-Chester (A3) FIRST FOUR: . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .All races 1— 3311 Kuttamurra Al (1) . . .. . . M Pegus 58.0 3.00 . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . A Sewell (a3)
2— 521 Was It Worth It (5) . . . D Browne 57.5 2.50 2— 2314 Street Comic d (6). . .. . . J Orman 57.0 9.00 2— 9112 Captain Leo db (8) . . . M Pegus 59.0 41.00
3— 452 Surprise Bullet (4) . . .. . . L Cassidy 55.5 51.00 3— 3024 Equistar (8) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 56.5 7.00 3— 107X Relampago d (3) . . .. . .. . .J Morris 58.5 11.00
4— 5645 Pinch Passion (1) . . .. . . R Stewart 55.0 4.40 . . .. . . J Guthmann-Chester (a3) 4— 2755 Fire Within tdn (5) T Brooker (a1.5) 58.0 15.00
5— 410 Queen Consort d (2) . . .R Ride (a3) 54.5 13.00 4— 8461 Irish Vice (9) M McGillivray (a1.5) 56.0 6.00 5— 863X Rich Affair mb (1) . . .. . . B Stewart 58.0 4.20
5— 4221 Star Echo dm (5) . . .. . .. . . J Lloyd 55.5 7.00 6— 2153 Stellarcraft tdm (4) . . .. . . R Fradd 58.0 11.00
TIPS: Lady Lark, Surprise Bullet, Pinch Passion, 3— 5X3 Silverwin (12) . . .. . .. . . D Browne 57.5 3.60 6— 071 The Pinkerton (11) . . .. . . L Dittman 55.0 9.00 7— 1824 Lord Marmaduke dm (11)Scratched 57.5
Was It Worth It 4— 6X35 Yallaroi b (13) . . .. . .. . . Scratched 57.5 6.50 7— 8241 Venetian Beauty tm (2) . . .. . .. . .. . . 54.5 4.00 8— 5358 Nakanai tcdm (10). . .. . .. . . L Rolls 57.0 13.00
5— X022 Classay b (3). . .. . .. . .. . .. . . J Byrne 55.5 3.00 . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . H English (a3) 9— 107X Punishing cmn (2) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 56.0 7.00
2 Bert/Cip Mdn Hcp 1650m 1.08 6— 2545 Krupskaya (6) . . .. . .. . . B Stewart 55.5 13.00 8— 6759 Constant Return n (3)P Hammersley 54.0 21.00 10— 2133 All Pluck cb (6) . . .. . .. . .. . . J Byrne 55.5 7.00
(Apprentices can claim) 7— 75X2 She’s A Youeffoh (4) . . . R Plumb 55.5 11.00 9— X808 No Magic Needed (10) M Hellyer 54.0 51.00 11— X124 El Shaday (9) . . .. . .. . .. . .M Cahill 54.0 21.00
Prize money: $20,000 8— X793 Wilma (2) . . .. . .. . . T Brooker (a1.5) 55.5 31.00 10— 6365 Show A Flick dm (7) . . . N Thomas 54.0 51.00
9— 4X62 Cabeirian (7) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . L Rolls 55.0 7.00 TIPS: Brigadoon Legend, Captain Leo, All Pluck, Stellarcraft
1— 22 Solarcraft b (13) . . .. . . R Plumb 59.0 3.80 11— 9654 St James Square m (4) R Ride (a3) 54.0 51.00
10— 9 Captain Americain (8) . . . R Fradd 55.0 41.00
2— 4222 Daring Deeds b (9) . . .. . . J Byrne 58.5 2.90
11— 2523 Golden Command (5) L Dittman 55.0 11.00 TIPS: Kuttamurra Al, Street Comic, Irish Vice, Venetian 8 CFMEU M & E Div Qld (C3) 1650m 4.38
3— X422 Making Shadows (7) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 58.5 3.40 Beauty
. . .. . .. . .. . . M McGillivray (a1.5) 12— 7 Shanghai Bullet (1) . . .. . .M Cahill 55.0 41.00 (Apprentices can claim)
4— 6X35 Yallaroi b (1) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . J Lloyd 58.0 6.50 13— 9X62 Washington Street (10) R Stewart 55.0 13.00 Prize money: $20,000
5— 73 Caldera Girl (8) . . .. . .. . . L Dittman 56.5 21.00 TIPS: Golden Command, Classay, Washington Street, 6 Electrical Trades Hcp-70 1110m 3.28 1— 4122 Great Moghul m (2) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 59.0 4.00
6— 63 Complicit (4). . .. . .. . .. . .. . . R Fradd 56.0 8.00 Cabeirian (Apprentices can claim) Fillies & Mares . . .. . .. . .. . . M McGillivray (a1.5)
7— 75 Granville Island (3) . . . L Cassidy 55.5 21.00 2— 9521 Hanover Square (6) . . .. . . J Lloyd 58.5 8.00
8— 5645 Pinch Passion (12) . . .. . . Scratched 55.5 4.40 4 Turner Freeman Hcp-C5 1350m 2.18 Prize money: $20,000 3— 1672 Barraaj dmb (12) . . .. . . R Plumb 58.0 15.00
9— 6659 Murtasteel (11) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 55.0 31.00 4— 1134 Mehmeto (5). . .. . .. . .. . .. . . T Patel 57.5 4.00
(Apprentices can claim) 1— 1172 Navua Mist dm (3) . . .. . .M Cahill 59.0 3.40 5— 12X5 Bronzed Venom (3) . . .. . . J Byrne 57.0 11.00
10— 8X09 D’Amore D’Merrier (6) J Orman 54.5 41.00
Prize money: $20,000 2— 9188 Light Shows mn (7) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 58.5 15.00 6— X714 Skyscraper t (11) . . .. . . B Stewart 57.0 15.00
11— 8305 Skyreigns (2) . . .. . .. . . T Harrison 54.0 31.00
3— X012 Magic Love tmb (6) . . .. . . J Lloyd 58.0 3.40 7— 10X7 Sharp Speedo m (10)P Hammersley 56.5 9.00
12— 6056 Tergrande (5) . . .. . .. . .R Ride (a3) 54.0 41.00
1— 7X51 Rhyme Nor Rhythm (4) B Stewart 59.0 2.50 4— 52X2 You Say No Way dm (8)N Tomizawa 57.5 13.00 8— 0X52 Dia De Reyes (8) . . .. . .. . . R Fradd 56.0 8.00
EMERGENCY 2— 9120 Sagamama m (1) . . .. . . D Browne 58.0 6.00 5— 4802 Temujin’s Queen (5) . . .R Ride (a3) 57.0 15.00
13— 5959 Dragon Racer (10) . . .. . .. . . T Patel 54.0 41.00 9— 6227 Gypsy Miss n (7) . . .. . . D Browne 55.5 8.00
3— 8890 Secret Blend (5) . . .. . . R Plumb 57.0 21.00 6— 529X Nilette tm (9) . . .. . .. . . J Orman 56.0 11.00 10— 4249 Catenaccio tm (4) . . .. . . R Stewart 55.0 15.00
TIPS: Daring Deeds, Solarcraft, Yallaroi, 4— 10X1 The Amateur t (6) . . .. . .. . . J Lloyd 57.0 5.00 7— 4X19 Peking Road d (2) . . .. . . D Browne 56.0 8.00 11— 0721 Ramatuelle (9) . . .. . .. . .. . . A Allen 55.0 17.00
Making Shadows 5— 7718 Queenofthepixies tm (8) T Harrison 55.5 9.00 8— X446 Royal Hootenanny m (1) . . .. . .. . . 56.0 26.00 12— 8X76 Antigone m (1) . . .. . .. . . M Hellyer 54.5 21.00
6— 6X53 Ocean City dn (7) . . .. . . J Orman 55.0 7.50 . . .. . .. . .. . . M McGillivray (a1.5)
3 United Voice Qld Mdn 1350m 1.43 7— 4500 Really Reilly cm (2) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 55.0 15.00 9— 0700 Hi Sexy dm (10) . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 55.5 34.00 TIPS: Mehmeto, Dia De Reyes, Great Moghul,
(Apprentices can claim) . . .. . . J Guthmann-Chester (a3) . . .. . . J Guthmann-Chester (a3) Hanover Square
Prize money: $20,000 8— 1X35 Gregory m (3) . . .. . .. . . L Cassidy 54.0 6.00 10— 0X11 Now You See dm (4) . . .. . . R Fradd 54.5 3.70 LEGEND: T - Won at track. C - Won at this distance on this
course. D - Won at this distance on another course. M - Won in
1— 52 Dirty Rascal (11)M McGillivray (a1.5) 57.5 4.80 TIPS: The Amateur, Rhyme Nor Rhythm, Ocean City, TIPS: Navua Mist, Now You See, Magic Love, heavy going. B - Beaten favourite at last start. H - Home track.
2— 9087 Dragons Esprit (9) . . .. . .. . . T Patel 57.5 41.00 Sagamama Peking Road X - Spell of three months. N - Won at night. F - Fell. Wednesday September 13, 2017 THE EXAMINER 29


Stone remains on Cup path

RACING RSPCA had found 15 horses
BY GREG MANSFIELD and a pony “starving” on a
Birralee property in 2016.
LONGFORD trainer Troy Four of the horses had to
Blacker is hoping Settler’s be destroyed.
Stone gets a run at Fleming- Toulmin was sentenced to
ton on Saturday so the horse two months in prison wholly
can continue his push for a suspended for 12 months,
start in the Melbourne Cup. fined $5000 and ordered to
Settler’s Stone is only pay $5900 compensation to
32nd in order of entry for a the RSPCA.
1700-metre race but Blacker As a result of the con-
is optimistic the gelding can victions, harness stewards
squeeze into the 16-horse opened their own inquiry
final field. which heard submissions
“There are quite a few from Toulmin before hand-
horses entered for the race ing down three separate
that are double nominated disqualifications totaling
so we’re hoping for the best,” seven years.
the trainer said. Stewards said that when
Settler’s Stone was having determining penalty they
his second run after a spell were “mindful of the seri-
when 10th to Stampede at ousness of the charges which
Moonee Valley last Saturday. had a significant adverse
He was to have raced a impact upon the reputation
week earlier but was ballot- of harness racing.”
ed out. MAKING PROGRESS: Tasmanian stayer Settler's Stone, pictured winning at Mowbray in February, will continue his They were also mindful
“He was three weeks be- spring campaign at Flemington on Saturday if he gets a start. Picture: Greg Mansfield that any penalty “act as a
tween runs going into Sat- significant deterrent for
urday’s race which wasn’t in Moonee Valley on Septem- runs away,” Blacker said. Mornington Cup. tions for animal cruelty. breaches of animal welfare
the plan but he wasn’t beat- ber 29. He won the same race Settler’s Stone earned a Toulmin, 68, pleaded standards.”
en that far,” Blacker said. in 2011 with Dream Pedlar. spring campaign with three SEVEN-YEAR BAN guilty to charges of animal Orders were also made to
“His sectional times were “His main aim is the Bart top runs at the end of his FOR TROT TRAINER cruelty and aggravated cru- Toulmin and the registered
good and he pulled up well.” Cummings at Flemington last preparation – a fourth Carrick harness trainer elty when he appeared in owners of horses still in his
After this week’s race, which carries automatic in the Launceston Cup, third Keith Toulmin has been dis- the Launceston Magistrates care that those horses must
Blacker hopes to run Set- entry to the Melbourne Cup in the Roy Higgins Quality at qualified for seven years as a Court last month. be removed within sev-
tler’s Stone in the JRA Cup at but that’s still a couple of Flemington and third in the result of his criminal convic- The court heard that the en days.

Asquith. Longest putt 9th/18th Garry Asquith. 19/9/17 1st round DOUBLE: 6 Whoop Bang 3 Wynburn Alpha $13.20, 8 Satin
BOWLS Foursome Championships. 26/9/17 AGM, after golf.
Style 3 Wynburn Alpha $21.10. SUB: 2 Devil’s Gullet 3
JACKPOT PAIRS 08/09/2017 TREBLE: 3 Offen Charles 6 Whoop Bang 3 Wynburn Alpha
LADIES ANNUAL TOURNAMENT 08/09/2017 A – 1 Carmelo Maletta 17 39 $33.70, 3 Offen Charles 8 Satin Style 3 Wynburn Alpha: Not
Winners: Trevor C & Dave
Gross Champion Lynne Crockatt (91) Freycinet, Nett Champion A – 2 Terry Ranson 15 37
Runners Up: Trevor R & Keith won pool jackpots. SUB: 4 Hello Nugget 2 Devil’s Gullet 3
Jackpots of $300 and $140 available on September 22 Alison Smith (70) Swansea, A – 3 Geoff Heazlewood 16 36
Grade B Winners Wynburn Alpha.
Note: No Jackpot Pairs Competition September 15 Div 1 Gross R/up Amanda Smith, Nett Winner Jo Williams,
Nett Winner Margaret Ashdown B – 1 David Sadler 21 40 QUADDIE: 8 Reggie Hards 3 Offen Charles 6 Whoop Bang 3
MIDWEEK BOWLS Div 2 Gross R/up Beth Hass, Winner Sally Cross, Nett R/up B – 2 John Hayes 18 36 Wynburn Alpha $1, 305.10, 8 Reggie Hards 3 Offen Charles 8
MIDWEEK BOWLS 13/09/2017 Helen Krawczyk B – 3 Tony LeFevre 22 34 Satin Style 3 Wynburn Alpha $1, 305.10. SUB: 3 Bobby Bound 4
Div 3 Gross R/up Kathy Dance, Gross Winner Sue Dransfield, Grade C Winners Hello Nugget 2 Devil’s Gullet 3 Wynburn Alpha.
Kings Meadows Indoor Complex Wednesday 13th
Nett R/up Albie Jacobson, Nett WinnerRobyn Alexander C – 1 Ray Abraham 29 40
September2017. 1pm start. Cost- Registered PlayersKMBC
$6-00/player. Includes afternoon tea. $10 Green Fees apply to
C – 2 Alan Norman 31 37 PAKENHAM GALLOPS
MEN’S ANNUAL TOURNAMENT 09/09/2017 C – 3 Barry Turner 30 33 C/B
members of other clubs. Mixed Triples. Casual Dress. Prizes
Gross Champion David House (76) Riverside, Nett Champion Nearest to Pin
awarded by draw. Last game Winners =B Jansen, P Blyth Race 1: 13 Valente $18.00 $4.20 3 Premio Momento $1.10
& D Collings. All Bowlers and Learners Welcome. Phone Geoff Gaby (67) Freycinet, Bingley, Graeme Nearest to Pin (Hole 4)
0419143181 or 0438446535. Div 1 Gross R/up Brian McRedmond, Nett Winner Mike Smith LeFevre, Tony Nearest to Pin (Hole 13) 12 Totally Kaptivated $1.40. Q: $17.80. E: $60.00. T: $230.50.
Nett R/up Simon Crimeen A2: 3-13: $8.50, 12-13: $5.20, 3-12: $2.20. FIRST 4: (13 3 12 6)
PERTH INDOOR BOWLS CLUB INC Div 2 Gross R/up Nick Genaris, Winner Greg Colwell, Nett R/up RACING $687.80. Scr: 1, 4, 8, 11, 15.
MONDAY RANDOM DRAW 11/09/2017 Leon Dransfield, Winner Keith McWilliams DEVONPORT GREYHOUNDS Race 2: 10 Reserve Street $4.40 $1.70 11 Woulda Thought So
Winners of the Day: Norma Jones, Colleen Shephard, Doreen Div 3 Gross R/up Steve Ray, Winner Peter Rossetto, Nett R/up $2.20 8 Milord $8.40. Q: $6.90. E: $11.30. T: $362.10. A2: 10-11:
Graeme Whitchurch TAB DIVS FOR $1.00
Ball, Trici Freeman. Biggest Loser of the Day: Barry Geard 13-0. Race 1: 6 Zizou De Kahn $3.80 $1.20 4 Cawbourne Aldos $2.30 $5.00, 8-10: $27.80, 8-11: $34.20. FIRST 4: (10 11 8 13) $3,
Next Random Draw: Monday 18/09/2017 All Welome. Teams Winners Freycinet, G Gaby, Leon Dransfield Paul
Rogers Nett 210 2 Eketahuna NTD. Q: $6.50. E: $14.40. T: $56.90. FIRST 4: (6 4 2 514.80. Scr: 2, 3, 4, 16.
8) $231.80. Scr: 3. Race 3: 11 Princess Titanic $3.80 $1.60 8 Alloye $2.00 9
Race 2: 3 Manila Miss $3.80 $1.90 7 Tah Bob $5.30 4 Bemboka $2.20. Q: $9.70. E: $18.00. T: $76.30. A2: 8-11: $5.10,
BADGER HEIGHTS (SHEFFIELD GOLF TOURNAMENT 10/09/2017 Cawbourne Dill NTD. Q: $26.20. E: $56.50. T: $200.10. FIRST 4: 9-11: $5.40, 8-9: $4.10. FIRST 4: (11 8 9 5) $903.60. Scr: 2,
CLUB) – VETERANS Nett Winners Jye Lucas-Whittle/Steve Hibbs (62.5), R/up Steve (3 7 4 8) $860.40. Scr: 2.
7, 13, 15.
STROKE 12/09/2017 Ray/Nigel Carins Race 3: 6 Kinloch’s Fox $7.30 $1.60 1 Majestic Girl $1.10 5
Diamond Lass $4.90. Q: $16.40. E: $33.50. T: $155.30. A2: Race 4: 8 Holy Snow $2.10 $1.10 10 Yue Fei $1.40 4 Emandems
Nett 18: B Tuson (25) 65 T Wootton (15) 65 R Sherriff (18) 67 I Gross Winners Rod McKenzie/Brian McRedmond, (c/b 78) R/up
David House/Geoff Campbell (78) 1-6: $2.60, 5-6: $19.70, 1-5: $12.30. FIRST 4: (6 1 5 2) $1, $8.50. Q: $2.90. E: $4.60. T: $85.80. A2: 8-10: $2.00, 4-8: $14.70,
Smith (15) 67
Best 9: T Wootton (15) 29.5 R Sherriff (18) 30 J Mitchell (14) 31 Mixed Freycinet Ashes 080.00. Scr: 8. 4-10: $16.70. FIRST 4: (8 10 4 15) $225.40. Scr: 1, 9, 14, 16, 11.
Putting: G Hopkins (17) 29 cb I Smith (15) 29 R Sherriff (18) 30 Gross Winners Freycinet Ashes, Amanda Smith/Simon Crimeen Race 4: 8 Hogwash $1.30 $1.10 5 Kamikaze Turtle $2.00 6 Chloe Race 5: 1 Hula Star $2.20 $1.20 6 Run To Paradise $1.90 3 Miss
NTP: (84), R/up Sarah Fielding/Roger Kennewell Mac $3.00. Q: $6.00. E: $10.70. T: $63.80. A2: 5-8: $3.40, 6-8: Two Pairs $1.90. Q: $6.10. E: $10.10. T: $49.70. A2: 1-6: $2.50,
2/11 J Newman (29) Nett Winners Albie Jacobson/John Mossop (70), R/up Pauline $4.40, 5-6: $11.90. FIRST 4: (8 5 6 1) $351.40. Scr: 3, 9. 1-3: $3.80, 3-6: $5.70. FIRST 4: (1 6 3 7) $130.40. All Started.
4/13 I Smith (15) Coleman/Keith Grayson Race 5: 8 Reggie Hards $32.40 $10.60 3 Bobby Bound $1.50 1 Race 6: 1 The Ultimatum $3.90 $1.80 10 Evolvement $11.70 6
6/15 T Wootton (15) Oh So Nice NTD. Q: $32.70. E: $152.90. T: $266.50. FIRST 4: (8 3
GEORGE TOWN LADIES 1 4) $3, 448.00. Scr: 2, 5. Broadway Danza $5.00. Q: $98.80. E: $180.80. T: $4, 032.90. A2:
Coming Up:
Sat – Sheffield RSL Club Invitation Ambrose 4 Race 6: 3 Offen Charles $4.60 $2.50 4 Hello Nugget $1.00 7 1-10: $56.20, 1-6: $13.70, 6-10: $61.10. FIRST 4: (1 10 6 7) $9,
MEDAL STROKE 12/09/2017
Tue – Pinehurst (draw) Hello Diamond NTD. Q: $3.60. E: $14.40. T: $42.70. FIRST 4: (3 4 456.20. All Started.
Monthly Medal
7 8) $126.80. Scr: 5, 6. Race 7: 4 Time For Dancing $4.10 $2.00 6 Dash For Dee $1.80
BREAK O DAY (ST HELENS) 18 holes: E. Kullenberg 122-82 A. Bryan 104-83 L. Gordon 121-
Race 7: 6 Whoop Bang $3.40 $1.10 and 8 Satin Style $4.30 12 Casino Blitz $3.00. Q: $14.50. E: $27.50. T: $184.20. A2: 4-6:
85 K. Davis 124-86
VETERANS GROUP 12/09/2017 9 holes: E. Kullenberg 40
$2.00 dh 1, 4 Zakizbo Gun $1.90. Q: (6 8): $16.00. E: (6 8): $6.90, 4-12: $7.40, 6-12: $26.40. FIRST 4: (4 6 12 9) $1, 694.20.
2nd Round Vets Championship $21.80, (8 6): $22.20. T: (6 8 4): $93.20, (8 6 4): $144.10. A2: 6-8: Scr: 1, 3, 13.
Putting: A. Bryan 27 E. Kullenberg 32 L. Gordon 37 K. Davis 39 $13.60, 4-8: $6.20, 4-6: $1.70. FIRST 4: (6 8 4 2) $178.40, (8 6 4
D Foggo 83/63 T Somers 73/65 I Hawker 90/66 Nearest pins: Race 8: 2 Ella Violet $3.30 $1.60 4 Gershom $2.80 7 Unshackled
F Willes 86/66 G Colwell 81/69 P Cecil 87/71 2) $206.00. Scr: 9, 10.
2nd shot 3rd L. Gordon Race 8: 3 Wynburn Alpha $3.70 $1.90 2 Silver Drone $1.50 7 $2.10. Q: $12.80. E: $23.10. T: $119.70. A2: 2-4: $7.10, 2-7:
G Thompson 90/74 D C/Williams 89/75
NTP: G Colwell 5th E. Kullenberg Halo Henry $1.70. Q: $6.30. E: $16.10. T: $78.50. A2: 2-3: $3.00, $6.30, 4-7: $7.10. FIRST 4: (2 4 7 6) $999.00. Scr: 1, 14.
2017 Vets Champion Gobbler: 1st hole A. Bryan 3-7: $1.60, 2-7: $3.20. FIRST 4: (3 2 7 8) $555.40. Scr: 4L. EXTRA DOUBLE: 11 Princess Titanic 8 Holy Snow $10.70. SUB:
D Foggo 178/136 G Colwell 161/137 GREENS BEACH GOLF CLUB Race 9: 1 Miss Morvill $2.70 $1.70 3 Stefan’s Choice $1.80 8 11 Princess Titanic 8 Holy Snow.
T Somers 154/138 F Willes 179/139 Irinka Bay $1.70. Q: $6.00. E: $18.20. T: $85.30. A2: 1-3: $3.30, DOUBLE: 4 Time For Dancing 2 Ella Violet $17.10. SUB: 2
I Hawker 190/142 P Cecil 174/142 LADIES STROKE & MONTHLY MEDAL 12/09/2017 1-8: $7.20, 3-8: $9.60. FIRST 4: (1 3 8 7) $1, 242.20. Scr: 9, 10. Petracca 2 Ella Violet.
Winners: W Edwards 70, T Oliver c/b P Green 76, J Bender 79, Race 10: 8 Cooper’s Shadow $13.70 $2.90 1 Mega Daario $1.90
DELORAINE GOLF CLUB A Blyth 80. 6 Yakan De Kahn $1.60. Q: $17.90. E: $112.00. T: $402.00. A2:
TREBLE: 1 The Ultimatum 4 Time For Dancing 2 Ella Violet
VETS STABLEFORD 12/09/2017 NTPS: 3rd T Oliver, 8th L Jordan 1-8: $6.20, 6-8: $12.60, 1-6: $3.90. FIRST 4: (8 1 6 7) $1, 452.20. $66.10. SUB: 1 The Ultimatum 2 Petracca 2 Ella Violet.
Winner- Vets Phil Summers 38 pts, RU Peter Cooper 34, Syd Master Putter: A Tidey 31 Putts. Scr: 9, 10. QUADDIE: 1 Hula Star 1 The Ultimatum 4 Time For Dancing
West 33CB, Peter Stoward 33CB, Grant Lee 33, Col Jarman 32. Monthly Medal winner: W Edwards. EXTRA DOUBLE: 6 Kinloch’s Fox 8 Hogwash $18.80. SUB: 3 Dan 2 Ella Violet $134.60. SUB: 1 Hula Star 1 The Ultimatum 2
Guests Shane Swain 34. NP 4th/13th Bill Youd, 5th/14th Garry Next Week: Stableford 10am start. Road 8 Hogwash. Petracca 2 Ella Violet.
30 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017

Buddy fit, Swans mull Giant
change for semi-final looms
SWANS in no doubt for the MCG ing the influence of St Kilda Longmire suggested last Saturday, has overcome the GIANTS
SYDNEY achieved near clash. icon Nick Riewoldt. Saturday that Franklin, who ankle injury that contrib- WEST Coast know better
perfection in their elimi- Out-of-favour big man Key defenders Dane spent quarter-time on an ex- uted to his axing last week. than any side why Greater
nation final but coach Kurt Tippett is expected to Rampe and Heath Grundy ercise bike, could have easily But the ruck-forward ap- Western Sydney’s Josh Kelly
John Longmire may yet be overlooked again but will be tasked with stop- played the last term against pears no closer to a call-up. is one of the AFL’s most in-
change his side for Friday Lewis Melican, if passed ping Tom Hawkins and Essendon if required. “He was OK without set- demand players.
night’s knockout bout with fit, may convince Longmire Harry Taylor, but Longmire The superstar’s recovery ting the world on fire,” Long- Kelly is expected to re-
Geelong. to tinker with a winning was wary of Geelong’s other has since gone exactly to mire said of Tippett’s perfor- sign with GWS but until that
The Swans cruised to a formula. potent forwards. plan. mance in the seconds. happens his future will be a
65-point win over Essen- Melican, the latest in a “He’s an important play- “He’ll train, and play on Longmire noted there topic of great speculation.
don at the SCG on Saturday long line of rookie-list suc- er for us. He’s able to play Friday night,” Swans foot- was no secret behind his The 22-year-old’s value
after booting 10 consecu- cess stories at Sydney, was on talls and smalls,” Long- ball manager Tom Harley club’s recent impressive has skyrocketed this sea-
tive goals in the first half. a last-minute scratching mire said of Melican. said of Franklin. “Lance has record against Geelong, son, with suitors lining up
Lance Franklin, who was from the elimination final “He’s certainly a chance. recovered really well … he’s which includes last year’s to make Godfather offers
put on ice at three-quarter because of a tight quad. “He gives us a lot of flexi- an absolute pro in what he lopsided preliminary final, amid an impressive cam-
time because of a corked He has played 17 games bility. He’s proven a number does post-game.” and it was a case of “mak- paign that was reward-
thigh, is set to train on this year, earning a Rising of weeks that he’s an impor- Tippett, who played in ing sure you bring your best ed with his maiden All-
Wednesday and considered Star nomination for curb- tant player in our back six.” the NEAFL grand final last against the best”. Australian selection.
Eagles coach Adam
Simpson will put a lot of

Longmire plotting to restrict superstar Cats work into quelling the mid-
fielder’s influence in Satur-
day’s semi-final at Spotless
SWANS have some ideas. It doesn’t Stadium.
SYDNEY are confident necessarily mean they’ll Kelly finished with a
that gun on-ballers Josh be implemented, or they’ll club-record 43 disposals
Kennedy and Luke Parker necessarily work. during the Giants’ win over
can go blow for blow with “But we’ve got a few West Coast in round 22 at
‘Dangerwood’ in Friday’s blokes who are OK in the the same venue.
semi-final. contest and go OK in the It is one of many per-
While admitting that 50-50 stuff. formances that left Jacob
Geelong champions Pat- “It’s about making sure Hopper, a teammate and
rick Dangerfield and Joel all of our midfield group close friend, in awe.
Selwood were capable of play really strongly against “He’s had a super year.
creating all manner of head- their midfield group, that’s Hats off to him, to play that
aches in the knock-out MCG where a lot of games are de- well with all of the pres-
clash, Swans coach John cided.” sure he’s been under,” GWS
Longmire was contemplat- Longmire was full young gun Jacob Hopper
ing fighting fire with fire. of praise for Danger- said.
That means instead of field, calling him all but “He’s obviously got a de-
deploying George Hewett untaggable. cision to make but he’s a
as a tagger on Dangerfield “He’s that sort of player. smart fella. He’ll make it in
or Selwood, Longmire may You can have one on him time, when he feels like it’s
look for his big-bodied or two on him at different the right time.”
midfielders Kennedy and times and he’s still capable Kelly’s teammates have
Parker to beat them at their of winning the 50-50 ball,” been taking the mickey out
own game. he said. of the situation, regularly
The pair have been at “I was reading today paying for coffees, carrying
the forefront of the Swans’ he has the record amount his bag and quipping that
turnaround from 0-6 bat- of contested possessions “every little bit helps”.
tlers to premiership con- (in a regular season), over “It’s good we’ve been
tenders, priding themselves DANGER MAN: Geelong’s star midfielder Patrick Dangerfield. Picture: AAP and above Josh Kennedy’s able to joke about it,” Hop-
on winning contested footy, record. per said. “When you don’t
much like reigning Brown- “He (Dangerfield) is a Selwood together, two huge nation,” Longmire said on “Those blokes, as we joke about it, it’s probably
low medallist Dangerfield massive competitor and competitors with talent, Tuesday. know with Josh, are really more of a worry as to what
and Selwood. when you get him and it’s a pretty lethal combi- “We talk about it, we hard to quell.” is he doing.”

Demons axe former skipper Trengove

DEMONS played 86 games in eight the move did not go ahead. delistings at Brisbane.
JACK Trengove’s tumultu- seasons with the Demons. He is a highly respected The Lions also cut Jarrad
ous AFL career looks over In 2012, new coach Mark figure at Melbourne and Jansen, Jonathan Freeman,
after Melbourne delisted Neeld made the contro- there was plenty of good- Josh Clayton and rookie-
him. versial decision to make will for his AFL comeback listed player Blake Grewar.
The former Demons Trengove and Jack Grimes last season. But the manager of No.2
captain only managed two co-captains. “He leaves having cap- draft pick Josh Schache has
senior games this year and At 20, Trengove was tained the club through said the key forward will
seven over the past four the youngest captain in some tough times and hav- not request a trade.
seasons, thanks to a serious the game’s history and he ing provided genuine lead- There was more specula-
foot injury that needed two stayed in the post for two ership to all his teammates, tion about Schache’s future
operations. seasons. particularly the younger when he did not play for the
Melbourne also cut ruck- He suffered a navicular players coming through in club in the NEAFL grand
man Jake Spencer on Tues- bone fracture in 2014 and recent times,” said Demons final and instead returned
day, along with Liam Hulett missed all the 2015 season. football manager Josh to Victoria, his home state.
and rookie Mitch White. Trengove nearly joined Mahoney. But manager Dave Trot-
Trengove was the No.2 Richmond at the end of Meanwhile, utility ter told Fairfax that Schache
CUT: Former Melbourne captain JackTrengove. Picture: AAP pick in the 2009 draft and 2014, but the injury meant Ryan Harwood leads five was very happy at the Lions. Wednesday September 13, 2017 THE EXAMINER 31


Tigers Giants
wary of
urged to red-hot
embrace GIANTS
WEST Coast were expected
to miss the finals after their
most recent visit to Spotless

the hype
Stadium, now they are the
AFL’s form team, according
to Greater Western Sydney

young Jacob Hopper.
The Eagles suffered a
TIGERS 21-point loss to GWS in
THE Tiger Army is on the round 22 of the regular
march after Richmond’s season, plunging their pre-
stunning qualifying final win Finals are great; miership hopes into abso-
and coach Damien Hard-
wick has urged his players to
we want to be lute uncertainty.
Melbourne’s upset loss
embrace the hype. a part of them, to Collingwood in the final
The yellow-and-black we’re glad to round gave West Coast a
faithful were in full voice window into the top eight
at a packed MCG on Fri- be back and we and they leapt through, de-
day night when Richmond want to enjoy it. feating ladder-leading Ad-
scored their first finals win elaide at home.
Damien Hardwick
since 2001 – the first of Adam Simpson’s side
Hardwick’s coaching career. backed it up with an elim-
With fans daring to we’re glad to be back and ination-final victory over
dream of a drought-break- we want to enjoy it.” Port Adelaide that was de-
ing flag – they last saluted in Friday’s night’s final was cided by an after-the-siren
1980 – the Tigers are the talk a Geelong home game, goal from Luke Shuey at the
of the town in Melbourne but Richmond fans made end of extra time.
In the past, Hardwick up the majority of the West Coast remain the
would have been at pains 95,028-strong crowd as rankest of outsiders in
to play down the external they turned out en masse to bookmakers’ premiership
noise, but he’s chosen a loudly support their team. markets but GWS are wary
different approach in his Hardwick said it was hard NEW GIG: Matthew Boyd will take up a coaching job at Collingwood. Picture: AAP of the euphoric wave their
fourth finals campaign. not to get swept up in the opposition will ride into
“We’ve spoken to our
players ... just embrace it –
it’s going to be there regard-
emotion of the occasion.
“It was amazing how
loud it was, especially as
Dogs champ joins Magpies Saturday’s semi-final at
“They’re a super side.
less,” Hardwick told the the game started to go our MAGPIES made the surprise decision tition’s elite players through They’re probably the form
Seven Network’s Talking way in the last quarter,” WESTERN Bulldogs pre- to sack high performance hard work, resilience and side of the comp at the
Footy on Monday night. Hardwick said. miership defender Matthew manager Bill Davoren. great leadership,” said minute,” Hopper said.
“You walk down the “The murmur got a bit Boyd is now a development Boyd will work in Collingwood football direc- “They had a super win
street, you get a cup of cof- louder and then the cre- coach at Collingwood. Collingwood’s academy tor Geoff Walsh. “These are in bizarre circumstances,
fee, you’re going to have scendo – it was a fantastic Boyd has made a quick program with fellow coach- all qualities we want to im- they’ll be riding a real high.”
conversations, but when experience. transition to coaching af- es Tarkyn Lockyer and Brad part on our younger players One factor that could
we’re in our (club’s) four “I’ve been privileged to ter retiring at the end of the Gotch. coming through. hamper the Eagles’ hopes
walls get to work. be a part of some big games home-and-away season. He will also be a line “To have fought his way of progressing to the penul-
“We’ve been pretty easy- but when the Richmond He was seen late last coach for their VFL team onto a rookie list and end timate week of the season is
going with it all … there crowd gets up and going I month having a coffee with under coach Jared Rivers. up with close to 300 AFL the travel factor, especially
are going to be interviews, don’t think there’s anything Magpies coach Nathan The Magpies said in a games and a premiership when compounded by the
there are going to be things louder.” Buckley. statement that Boyd was shows a huge appetite for fact they were pushed to
the players have to do. It’s The Tigers will play the The 35-year-old is the the first of many upcoming continued personal growth extra time by Port.
just part and parcel of the winner of the Greater West- first new appointment for new appointments to their and development and we The Giants have enjoyed
environment that we’re in. ern Sydney-West Coast Collingwood’s football staff football department staff. think those attributes will an extra two days to recover
“Finals are great; we semi-final at the MCG on since Buckley was reap- “Matthew built his repu- really strengthen our Acad- from their finals opener, a
want to be a part of them, Saturday week. pointed. The Magpies also tation as one of the compe- emy program.” crushing loss to Adelaide.

Naitanui in uphill battle for selection

EAGLES hopes were given a massive If it wasn’t for an early back trail,” Simpson told
WEST Coast coach Adam double boost on Monday setback in his rehabilita- Perth radio station 6PR.
Simpson faces the toughest when star Giants duo Jer- tion, Naitanui would have “If he plays, he’s not go-
selection call of his career emy Cameron (hamstring) probably returned to play- ing to be able to play a
when he weighs up wheth- and Shane Mumford (frac- ing duties by now. match beforehand.
er to hand Nic Naitanui a tured foot) were ruled out The 2012 All-Australian “So we’ve got to make
dream finals recall. for the rest of the finals. has looked the goods at sure he’s fully ready for
The Eagles are just one Mumford’s absence will training in recent times, 70-minutes plus of com-
win away from reaching the leave a massive void in and the Eagles have left the bative finals football.”
preliminary final after Luke the ruck, with former Cat door slightly ajar for Naita- Former Docker Paul
Shuey’s after-the-siren goal Dawson Simpson set to be nui to be picked this week. Hasleby said West Coast
sunk Port Adelaide last week. handed the task of filling Eagles coach Adam Simp- should stick with the ruck
West Coast will start the void. son was giving little away combination of Nathan
as underdogs in Saturday Naitanui hasn’t played when asked about Naita- Vardy and Drew Petrie.
night’s semi-final show- since tearing the anterior nui’s chances on Monday, “I don’t think there’s a
down with GWS at Spotless cruciate ligament in his left saying the topic would be need at this point of time to
Stadium. knee during their round 22 discussed later in the week. bring him (Naitunui) into
RUCKMAN: Eagle Nic Naitanui at training. Picture: AAP But the Eagles’ victory win over Hawthorn in 2016. “He’s still on the come- the squad,” Hasleby said.
32 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017


Fired-up Pearson,
Horn in
Kyrgios line for
the Don
eyes Cup
SALLY Pearson will become
the first three-time win-
ner of the Don award if the
world champion hurdler

takes it out again.
Pearson’s successful
comeback means she is
among seven nominees
for the prestigious honour,
TENNIS ing personality says there’s awarded for the year’s most
NICK Kyrgios has revealed no one he loves playing for inspiring performance by
his plans to “run through more than Hewitt. an Australian athlete.
a brick wall” for Lleyton “‘Rusty’ has helped me a She is among the favour-
Hewitt to ensure Australia lot. I think he’s the best cap- ites for the annual Sport
reaches its first Davis Cup tain we’ve ever had. I know Australia Hall of Fame gong
final in 14 years. that everyone on our team after overcoming two years
Kyrgios has been un- would run through a brick of injuries to win the 100m
der a fitness cloud since wall for him. hurdles world title in Lon-
hurting his shoulder in a “He’s been an unbeliev- don in August.
first-round US Open loss able support for me. I know She previously won the
to countryman John Mill- there have been times this award in 2013 and 2015,
man, with Hewitt giving his year where I wasn’t doing while pole vaulter and fel-
spearhead time off serving too well mentally and he’s low Olympic champion
in the lead-up to Australia’s obviously always been there. Steve Hooker took it out in
semi-final against Belgium “Davis Cup has done 2008-09. They have been
this week. wonders for me this year. It’s the only multiple winners
But in ranking Davis Cup really made me find that love since the Don was first
as his top priority in 2017, again for just being with the awarded in 1998.
Kyrgios said he owed it to his guys and having some fun, Boxer Jeff Horn has been
captain and former baseline knowing that tennis isn’t all nominated after upsetting
warrior to put his battered bad, knowing that you can the legendary Manny Pac-
body through hell to help have some fun with it.” quiao in July, along with NRL
Australia prevail in Brussels. Overlooked for the 2015 star Johnathan Thurston for
“Davis Cup for me is one semi-final against Great his match-winning conver-
of the most important events Britain, Kyrgios believes sion to hand Queensland
that I can play. I would love Australia has its best chance victory in State of Origin II.
to win one,” Kyrgios said in years to win the tro- BACK IN THE MIX: Australian all-rounder James Faulkner. Picture: AAP World surfing champion
ahead of Thursday’s draw phy for the first time since Tyler Wright, AFLW best
for the indoor claycourt tie
starting on Friday.
“I’m just a massive fan
Hewitt teamed with Mark
Philippoussis, Todd Wood-
bridge and Wayne Arthurs
Faulkner opens up on axing and fairest Erin Phillips and
world swimming champi-
on Emily Seebohm are also
of team sports and that’s to topple Spain in 2003. CRICKET cus Stoinis in the absence of at home to “get strong and on the shortlist.
probably the closest thing “Our team’s feeling JAMES Faulkner received injured all-rounder Mitch fit again”. On a nomination list
we’ve got in tennis. good,” the world No. 20 said. limited feedback from se- Marsh. “It was pretty tough … dominated by women, the
“I love getting out there “We played a great tie lectors after being dumped The fall from grace stung any time you get left out it Matildas are also in conten-
with a team and getting be- in Brisbane against the from the national one-day Faulkner, who had been is not great fun,” Faulkner tion after beating Brazil 6-1
hind everyone that I’m close United States a couple of side but the all-rounder considered among the na- said in Chennai, where he to win the Tournament of
with and trying to get the win months ago and we’ve al- knew a dodgy knee was tion’s best white-ball crick- is set to feature in Austral- Nations last month.
for the country obviously. ways been looking forward something he could easily eters after being crowned ia’s ODI series against India The Don award, named
“But just that whole to this. We’ve always stayed try to improve. player of the 2015 World starts on Sunday. after Sir Donald Bradman,
week, building that chem- in contact, we haven’t for- Faulkner was left out Cup final. “You have to rely on your was claimed by Melbourne
istry with a team. I literally gotten about it.” of Australia’s Champions The 27-year-old, who has friends and family (for sup- Cup-winning jockey Mi-
love playing for someone “Just thinking about Trophy squad, with Trevor been managing a chronic port), your teammates as chelle Payne last year.
other than myself for once.” it brings me so much Hohns’ panel preferring knee injury in recent years, well. But it is up to you to The 2017 winner will be
But tennis’ most polaris- excitement.” Moises Henriques and Mar- used the unexpected time get back.” announced on October 12.

Wallabies not feeling Pumas pressure

RUGBY berra this Saturday would wouldn’t be any different come back into the game
THE Wallabies say they’ll culminate in their most to any other Test match de- through mistakes creeping
treat this weekend’s Test dismal start to the four- spite the high stakes. in as opposed to sticking to
against Argentina like any nations competition. “Every Test match is big what we do well,” he said.
other despite facing the In 2013 they opened for us and we’re treating it “We’re growing as a team
prospect of their worst- with three losses but at as a final and that’s what so when we get into those
ever start to the Rugby least cracked a win in their the Pumas deserve,” Hoop- moments we’re comforta-
Championship. fourth match, against the er said. ble with it; we are starting to
The pressure is mount- Pumas in Perth that year. The draw with the Boks’ see the fruits of our labour.”
ing on the Australians af- It would also continue was the second successive Hooper said the Walla-
ter they blew a 10-point Australian rugby’s year of match they’d given up a bies would need to improve
lead against South Africa woe, with no Super Rugby lead, and while Hooper felt their discipline and their
in Perth on Saturday night team able to defeat a New the team was still getting set-piece and maul against
and were forced to settle for Zealand outfit and the Test comfortable in “building the physical Pumas, whose
a 23-23 draw. ranking sliding to world a game”, there are positive backline showed plenty of
That followed two losses No.5. signs. flair in their spirited loss to
to New Zealand, meaning a Skipper Michael Hooper “We were in control and the All Blacks in New Plym-
WALLABY: Michael Hooper at training. Picture: AAP defeat to Argentina in Can- said theWallabies’ approach allowed South Africa to outh last weekend. Wednesday September 13, 2017 THE EXAMINER 33

AFL Tasmania has named its
Northern under-13 and un-
der-14 development squads
with 11 clubs from around
Launceston and as far reach-
ing as Scottsdale boasting

Lachlan Pearn, Jack Ross, Ty
Kennewell, Cobey Evens, Jett
Maloney (Longford), Sam Free-
man, Sam Sheriff (Tamar), James
Webster (Deloraine), Thomas
Boucher, Matthew Saunders,
Blade Sulzberger, Tony Aganas,
Cody Jones, Aiden Williams,
Angus James-Robertson
(Prospect), Denzel McLean, Sam
Foley, Cooper Anthes, Ben Smith,
Tom Gibson, Jeremiah Griffiths
BROTHERHOOD: North-West's Eddie Maguire won the Tasmanian rally championship series from his brother Steve. Pictures: Supplied (Launceston), Healy Mather
(Scottsdale), Declan Chugg, Ryan
Whitney, Oscar Mansell, Possi-

Maguire brothers too bly La'Akulu, Liam Hayes, Jayden

McHenry, Travis Praciak, James
Wallace (North Launceston),
Zac Morris, Liam Canny (East
Launceston), Jake Kerr, Braydon

good for state rivals Singline (East Coast), Mathew

Lee (South Launceston).

Hayden Pitt, Tyree Marshal, Cod-
MOTORSPORT However, they responded shi Lancer Evo 5. to elevate him into sec- Southern Safari, with fastest ey Plummer, Jayden Blackwell,
NORTH-WEST brothers emphatically to win the next The second heat’s two ond in the championship class times in stages five Lachlan French, Hayden Clayton,
Eddie and Steve Maguire stage and finish the first heat stages were significantly behind his brother, while and nine. Duncan Withers (North Launces-
scored a historic one-two in fifth outright to claim the longer than previous stages fourth-placed former Targa Fellow Southern crew ton), Ryan Fraser (Tamar), Bailey
finish in the Tasmanian rally championship. to the delight of Devonport Tasmania champion Jamie Aiden Peterson and Gavin Simmons (Launceston), Nason
championship series fol- With the title in the bag, crew Tim Auty and Josh Sut- Vandenberg and Adrian Johnson were leading the Gee, Zane Cooke (George Town),
lowing the fourth and final Eddie promptly withdrew cliffe in their Mazda 332 GTR. Hodgetts in a Mitsubishi championship heading into Jack Nichols, Jack Briggs,
round at Southport. from the event to make the They had the third fastest Lancer Evo 5 claimed third the final round, but encoun- Oscar Harper, Cody Ketchell,
Eddie entered the week- long trip back home for the time on stage nine and won outright for the champion- tered mechanical dramas Sam Simpson, Tom Gatenby (East
end leading the series but impending birth of his first the 10th to clinch the second ship to complete a podium with their Daihatsu Charade, Launceston), Conlan Lamont
needed to complete the first child, and was eventually heat and finish third overall, clean-sweep for North-West which ultimately cost them (Scottsdale), Jessie Price, Mitch
heat of eight stages in his classified as finishing the just six seconds behind Steve Car Club members. the 2WD championship. Nicholas, Isaac Hyatt, Hamish
Mitsubishi Lancer 9 to wrap event 19th overall. and Benson. Adrian Hodgetts took out S o m e r s e t- D e v o n p o r t McKenzie, Cooper Warren,
up his first state champion- The first heat was won First heat winners Reading back-to-back navigator’s combination Nic Grave and Jai Davies, Oliver Waldron,
ship. by Huon Valley pair Bodie and Malcolm finished fourth championships with consist- Craig Sheahan finishing sec- (Launceston), Ethan Hubbard
Eddie and navigator Mi- Reading and Alex Malcolm in heat nine and were second ent results during the season, ond on the day to Launces- (Longford), Braydon Fellows,
chael Potter were on the pace in a Subaru Impreza WRX fastest on the final stage to while Hobart duo Matt How ton’s Ben Newman and Steve Will Fox, Conall McCormack
early before a puncture on STi, finishing 45 seconds finish third for the heat and and Nathan Walker, driving Glenney to snag the non-tur- (Prospect), Jayden Blunt, An-
the fifth stage put a dent in ahead of Steve and Hobart’s claim the round victory. a BMW 325i, won the two- bo Subaru Impreza RS carsto drew Latham, Zavier Langalout,
their overall standings. Stuart Benson in a Mitsubi- Steve’s result was enough wheel-drive section of the class series. Louis Langalout (East Coast).

Canes, Tigers, Roar on tour Hanson’s solid season noticed

CRICKET receive a visit from Ulver- et clubs. FOOTBALL
THE domestic season may stone all-rounder Corey The community blitz pro- TWO-TIME reigning Werri-
be just a fortnight away but Murfet and Hobart opener gram ties in with Play Cricket bee best and fairest winner
Tasmanian cricketers are Caleb Jewell, while Aaron Week and aims to promote Matt Hanson finished equal
still finding time to help Summers, Sam Rainbird and existing cricket programs third in the VFL best and
youngsters make their way in Roar skipper Veronica Pyke such as The Captain’s Chal- fairest count behind Rich-
the game. will visit a handful of schools lenge, MILO in2CRICKET, mond’s Jacob Townsend.
Ten groups of Tasmanian on the state’s East Coast. MILO T20 Blast, as well as The ex-South Launceston
Tigers, Hobart Hurricanes Beau Webster and Nick junior and senior club crick- and Western Storm star, 23,
and Tasmanian Roar play- Buchanan will shoul- et. and Williamstown’s Adam
ers will tour the state on der most of the Northern The program comes just Marcon were four points
Wednesday and Thursday as schools, visiting Longford, days after the Tasmanian behind Townsend in a tight
part of a community blitz, Evandale, Cressy, Our Lady Tigers played their last race for the J.J. Liston Tro- BIG YEAR: Launceston and Werribee midfielder Matt
visiting schools and cricket of Mercy, Deloraine, Mole pre-season practice match phy. Fellow Tasmanian and Hanson in action. Picture:
clubs with the aim of pro- Creek, Hagley Farm, Exeter, against South Australia in former St Kilda player Eli
moting the sport. Beaconsfield Scotch Oak- Maroochydore. Templeton (Port Melbourne)
Over the course of the burn and Summerdale. The Tigers play their first polled 11 votes to rank equal TOP FIVE Adam Macron (Williamstown)
two-day program Inver- The duo will also visit the domestic ODI against New seventh. Hanson and Tem- 1 – Jacob Townsend (Richmond) and Matt Hanson (Werribee)
may, Riverside and Sacred Launceston, South Launces- South Wales on October 2. pleton also represented Vic- 18 votes, 2 – Michael Gibbons 14 votes, 5 – Anthony Miles
Heart primary schools will ton, and Mowbray crick- – HAMISH GEALE toria this season. (Williamstown) 16 votes, 3 – (Richmond) 13 votes.
34 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017


Van Asch
taking care
of business

INVERMAY bowler and

three-time world champi-
on Rebecca Van Asch has
been selected as one of 10
sportswomen to take part in
this year’s Change the Game
The Australian Institute
of Sport program pairs 10 DOWN TO BUSINESS: Invermay's Rebecca Van Asch has
elite female athletes with 10 been selected as one of 10 elite Australian female athletes
business professionals for a for AIS' Change the Game program.
period of 12 months in the
name of mutual learning can learn from one another people - in my roles as an
and personal development and share experiences.” athlete and as CEO of Bowls
opportunities. One of the program’s main Tasmania I could really do
Van Asch, who recently aims is to help athletes tran- with learning those skills and
became the first Tasmanian sition into a new career once I think it’s a great personal
to take out the Australian their sporting career comes development opportunity
Indoor Championships, will to an end. for me in both my sport and
be paired up with a profes- Van Asch said she was work life.”
sional from steel company hoping to use the course as Van Asch was the only
Blue Scope. professional development Tasmanian selected in the
Speaking from the for her chief executive role at program.
Australian Institute of Sport Bowls Tasmania. MAPPING IT OUT: Launceston orienteer Brodie Nankervis on his way to a comfortable
on Tuesday, the 29-year-old “We’ll meet face to face on CHANGE THE GAME win in the Tasmanian Orienteering Championships. Picture: Supplied
said she was thrilled to be three different occasions and ATHLETES
taking part in the program.
“I’m really honoured to be
one of those 10 athletes in
once we’re paired up with an
athlete and a mentor then
we’ll be able to have other
Fiona Albert (rowing), Alyce
Burnett (canoeing), Melissa
Duncan (athletics), Jessica
Nankervis banks another title
the program,” Van Asch said. times with that mentor to Gallagher (cycling), Belinda ORIENTEERING While most races finished new map and venue, which
“It gives us the opportu- keep in touch. Hocking (swimming), BRODIE Nankervis was the with a clear winner, there challenged competitors with
nity to learn a little bit more “For me I’m hoping to Rachael Lynch (hockey), standout performer at the were some close finishes, a wide variety of terrain and
about the corporate world learn more leadership skills Lakeisha Patterson (swim- Tasmanian Orienteering with just 34 seconds splitting natural obstacles.
and also see the links be- out of the program. ming), Ellyse Perry (cricket), Championships in the state’s Esk Valley’s Matt Patten (35- About 90 athletes com-
tween the corporate world “Many of the executives Rebecca Van Asch (bowls), North last weekend. 50 class) and Hobart’s Sebas- peted in the two-day event,
and our sport and how we here manage big groups of Jo Weston (netball) The Launceston orienteer tian Burgess (55 class) on the which featured competitors
recorded a time of 1.20:55 6km course 4. aged between 10 and 75.
on the Deddington course Diana Cossar-Burgess (55 Next up on the orienteer-


to clinch the men’s open title
and finish nearly 13 minutes
ahead of Jarrah Day, who
class) and Barbara Tassell
(65 class) also gave each
other a run for their money
ing calendar is the Australian
Orienteering Carnival, which
will be held in New South
Power Now completed the course in a
time of 1.33:53.
in the women’s 4.8km course
5, with Cossar-Burgess fin-
Wales towards the end of
the month.
Pro 18” Esk Valley’s Alison Stubbs ishing one minute ahead in a More than 60 Tasmanians
• Briggs & Stratton motor Take the hassle out of finding your next car. was among the best per- time of 1.08:23. are expected to compete in
• 18” steel body Go to to find your formers in the women’s Just as the unseasonably the week-long champion-
• Mulch & catch dream car today. With constantly changing competition, finishing the warm weather made for good ships.
Was $475 • 3 year warranty stock and open 24/7, why would you go 4.8km course 5 in 56.11. competition, so too did the – HAMISH GEALE
Now any where else?

FS38 Line Trimmer Sims inline for national gong

• 27.2cc, 0.65/0.9 kW/hp
BOWLS (VIC); Female BOTY winner: Car-
• Standard Cutter Blades:
AutoCut 5-2 TREVALLYN lawn bowler la Krizanic (VIC); Under-18 male

BOTY: Jono Davis (NSW) and
• Weight: 4.1kg Was $249
$ Lachlan Sims is in the run-
ning for national recognition. Lachlan Sims (TAS); Under-18
The emerging Jackaroos female BOTY: Kate Matthews
Power squad member has been (NSW) and Jessica Srisamru-
Pro 19” named a finalist for the aybai (QLD); Disability bowler

Alloy Bowls Australia under-18

male bowler of the year
OTY: Lynne Seymour (QLD) and
Josh Thornton (VIC); Club OTY:
• Briggs & Stratton motor award along side New South Rockhampton (QLD) and Torquay
or Kohler Motor
• 19” alloy body Welshman Jono Davis. (VIC); Coach OTY: Chris Green

Was $799
699 • Mulch and catch
• 3 year warranty
Sims took part in this
year’s successful Trans-Tas-
(NSW) and Les Carter (SA);
Volunteer OTY: John Luchetti
TASCHAINSAWS & MOWERS man titles on the Gold Coast
and was among the finalists Lachlan Sims
(NSW) and Barry O'Brien (QLD);
Official OTY: Diane Milner
LAUNCESTON unveiled for 11 awards to be (SA) and Laureen Smith (VIC);
OPEN: presented at this year’s Hall AWARD FINALISTS Manager OTY: Andrew Howie
Mon.-Fri 8.00 am-5.00 pm
Saturday 8.30 am-12 noon of Fame and Awards Night at International BOTY: Brett Wilkie (QLD), John Emerson (VIC) and
From online to on road
Crowne Plaza, Surfers Para- (QLD), Aaron Wilson (NSW); David Inglis (NSW).
PH. 6343 0077 dise on October 26. Male BOTY winner: Barrie Lester – COREY MARTIN Wednesday September 13, 2017 THE EXAMINER 35


Dennis bowls them over

GOLF am and cocktail party. In the at 6-under. Certificates for for the 2017 men’s C-grade Breen leads A-grade, Darrell Juniors are reminded of
BY ROD EISZELE A-grade Silver Division Liz winners and runners-up amateur championship of Parker B-grade and Kevin the opportunity that exists
Williams of Riverside won will posted to member Tasmania to be played at Clarke C-grade. to represent Tasmania in this
ELIZABETH Dennis of with 7-under and Wilma Van clubs shortly. Scottsdale on November 18 In the ladies’ division Kylie year’s Jack Newton National
Longford Golf Club has been Dam of Royal Hobart was Scottsdale father-son and 19. Flack has a one-stroke lead 15 years and under schools
declared the overall interna- runner-up at 5-under. combination Shaun and Former Tasmanian rep- over Vicki Mathews. golf championship in Sydney
tional bowl winner for Tas- In B-grade bronze division Riley Krushka retained their resentative Matthew Rose Mark Schulze and Tim in November.
mania, winning a countback 1 it was Riverside’s Pauline club foursome title with 127 leads the Devonport Club Smith of Tasmania Golf Club The team of four boys and
from Catherine Elliott of Pearson winning with 6-un- gross for the 27 holes. Championship after two represented the state in the four girls will be selected
Launceston. der ahead of Kathryn How- B-grade Champions were rounds following scores of Mandurah Classic in West- from performances in two
Proceeds from this state- ells of Ulverstone at 4-under. Jock Ferguson and Darren 74 and 79, giving him a two- ern Australia which finished events. The first is the South-
wide event support the ISPS In the C-grade Bronze Nichol on 135 and, in a tie for stroke lead over Joel Lunson on Monday. ern country boys and girls
Handa women’s Australian Division 2 Elizabeth Den- the runner-up trophy, were 78,78. A further stroke back Schulze made the cut with championship at Colebrook
Open and as the winner, Eliz- nis was 10-under and won David Clough and David are Stuart Matthewson 77, rounds of 76 and 74 and fin- on October 3 and the second
abeth will be provided with the countback from Cath- Knight and pair Tas Mundy 79, Peter Neilsen 76,80, ished off well with 70 and 71 the Northern golf student
season passes to this year’s erine Elliott while Jenny and Jim Seelig. Stephen Lunson 77, 79 and for 22nd place overall. Tim championship at Launces-
event and associated pro- Roozendaal of Bridport was Entries are now open Gavin Muir 82, 74. Andrew Smith missed the cut 84, 80. ton on October 6.

Banned Bomber to
miss crucial match
FOOTBALL Havea’s bad record lifted
LAUDERDALE’S week has the base sanction to two
gone from bad to worse. matches, but he accepted an
If losing its second-semi early guilty plea deal of one
final to North Launceston week to ensure he is availa-
by 94 points on the week- ble for the grand final in two
end wasn’t bad enough, weeks time should Lauderd-
Southern Bombers ruckman ale account for the Blues.
Toutai Havea has been ruled Launceston will need to
out of Saturday’s preliminary overcome Lauderdale and
final against Launceston at three-straight Southern trips
Bellerive Oval. to lock in an all Northern
Havea was reported on Tasmanian decider.
the spot for rough conduct
on North youngster Rhyan FINALS FIXTURE
Mansell, who was forced to Bellerive Oval – Saturday
leave UTAS Stadium’s play- ■ DL – Clarence vTigers,
ing surface as a result. The 11.30am.
match review panel graded ■ TSL – Lauderdale v
BANNED BOMBER: Lauderdale's Toutai Havea in a marking contest with North Launceston's Bart McCulloch at UTAS the the incident careless, low Launceston, 2pm.
Stadium on Saturday. He will miss this weekend's preliminary final through suspension. Picture: Scott Gelston impact and high contact. – COREY MARTIN

Wurf conquers challenging Wales course

ATHLETICS seven minutes and three sec- the run leg. race in Kona next month SCHOOLS FORCE petition with the 3000m at
TASMANIAN triathlete Cam- onds – two and a half min- The 2004 Athens Games after finishing second at a The Northern Sports As- 9.45am and finish with the
eron Wurf was crowned the utes clear of Great Britain’s lightweight double scull race in Kalmar, Sweden, in sociation of Tasmanian In- 4x100m relays about 4.15pm.
king of Wales over the week- Philip Graves. rower finished the 3.86-kilo- late August. dependent Schools athletics St Patrick’s College took
end after winning the coun- In windy and wet condi- metre swim in 48.22, the carnival will be held at the out all seven shields at last
try’s challenging Ironman. tions, Wurf, 34, put his prow- 180.25km ride in 4:57:50 and TOP 5 PRO MEN resurfaced St Leonards Ath- year’s event in Penguin –
The Hobart-born Olympic ess on the bike to good use marathon run in 3:11:00. 1 Wurf, Cameron (AUS) 9:07:03 letics Centre on Thursday. outclassing Launceston
rower and former profes- before holding off challenges “That felt real good,” Wurf 2 Graves, Philip (GBR) 9:09:33 About 600 of Tasmania’s Grammar, Launceston
sional cyclist won the Iron- from Graves and eventual Tweeted post-race. 3 Kramer, Christian (DEU) 9:14:26 top school-aged athletes Christian School, Scotch
man Wales crown in Tenby third-placed finished Chris- He qualified for Hawaii’s 4 Vistica, Andrej (CRO) 9:17:41 from six North and North- Oakburn, St Brendan-Shaw
by clocking nine hours, tian Kramer (9:14:26) during famous world championship 5 Leeman, Matthew (GBR) 9:30:14 West schools will start com- and Marist College.

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36 THE EXAMINER Wednesday September 13, 2017


Van Asch
makes future
her business

TOUR Faulkner chases redemption in
India following national recall
CRICKET cap said. is up to you to bounce back
BY COREY MARTIN “They said the pace has and I am excited to be back
dropped down a little bit, in the group.
L AU N C E S TO N- B O R N maybe. But I bowl a lot of var- “I want to do as well as I
James Faulkner has opened iations, so it’s a tough one.” can and play my part in these
up about his roller-coaster Faulkner’s on-field heroics conditions, which are obvi-
12 months leading into this during his peak earned him ously different from back in
month’s ODI redemption the nickname “The Finisher”, Australia.”
tour of India. particularly the 2013 tour of The 2011-12 Ricky Pont-
The Tasmanian all-round- India when he hit 230 runs ing Medallist averages 34.06
er lost his Cricket Australia and took seven wickets. with the bat and 32.8 with
contract and was axed from However, he said a debili- the ball in ODIs since debut-
Australia’s Champions Tro- tating knee injury has made ing against the West Indies
phy squad earlier this year going tough in recent times. in 2013.
but has been given a chance “I have been battling, to be He will be a key compo-
to prove his worth in the five- honest, for probably the last nent for Australia, who will
match subcontinent series. 18 months, so it’s been nice take on third-ranked India
Faulkner, 27, said he re- to be home in Tassie with my without the services of in-
ceived little counsel from teammates there and hit the jured pacemen Mitchell
selectors following his sharp gym hard,” he said. Starc, Josh Hazlewood and
demise after winning the “My training definitely James Pattinson.
2015 World Cup final man of changed. I’ve spent a lot of Faulkner finished eight
the match award. time on the bike. I haven’t not out and claimed one
“I didn’t get too much spent any time running oth- scalp in Australia’s warm up
feedback (from selectors), to er than fielding and net ses- victory over Indian Board
FIRED UP: Launceston's James Faulkner bats at a practice session in Chennai ahead of be honest,” the IPL veteran, sions when I’m bowling. President’s XI on Tuesday.
Australia's one-day international series against India, starting on Sunday. Picture: AP 67-ODI and one-time Test “At the end of the day it ■ MORE: Page 32

Spring Collection Points

• Meadow Mews
• Kings Meadows Woolworths

• Prospect Marketplace
• Mowbray Marketplace
• Launceston Kmart Plaza
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14-15 September • Exeter IGA
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Help us help those in need in your local community • Upper Burnie Woolworths
by purchasing an extra item or two when you shop. • Shearwater IGA
• Shearwater Community Bank
• Wynyard Woolworths
• Wynyard IGA

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